
Curing Coma Campaign

In 2019 the Neurocritical Care Society launched Curing Coma® as a clinical, scientific, and public health effort. Curing Coma® is the first global public health initiative to tackle the unifying concept of coma as a treatable medical entity. The goal of Curing Coma® is to develop and implement coma treatment strategies that improve human lives. We are calling for original submissions covering all aspects of curing coma and improving the quality of life. Papers can be submitted via Editorial Manager by selecting the relevant Topical Collection title. Please note: all submissions will be evaluated for relevance to the “Curing coma campaign” theme and undergo a regular peer review process. Instructions to authors are available here.


  • Michael N. Diringer, Neurocritical Care, EiC

    Dr. Diringer has degrees in Psychology, Neuropsychopharmacology & Medicine; trained in Neurology at SUNY at Stony Brook & NeuroCritical Care at Johns Hopkins where he remained as a faculty member until 1992. In 1992 he moved to Washington University where he established a neurocritical care program which has trained scores of fellows and visiting scholars. He has published extensively on the physiological responses to therapeutic interventions in critically ill neuro patients using PET. Dr. Diringer has had leadership roles in multiple RCTs, chaired international workshops and consensus conferences and was the 2nd President of NCS.

Articles (19 in this collection)