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Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials Out of Equilibrium

Participating journal: MRS Advances
MRS Advances is accepting full-paper submissions on Electronic Devices and Materials topics related to the symposium topic Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials Out of Equilibrium from the 2020 MRS Spring Meeting. Submissions, the review process, and the final decision are not contingent on presentation at the meeting itself. MRS Advances publishes short papers that provide a “snapshot” of an advance within the field of materials research. Such work may include important early indications from a research project that has not yet reached a conclusion, or related results that are significant but not central to the goal of the project. The scientific methods and logic should be rigorous, technically sound, and of interest to other specialists in the area of research. Of particular interest are topics in Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials Out of Equilibrium: In-situ control and measurement of the magnetic, electronic, and optical properties of quantum materials by employing time and spatially resolved optical techniques, and high-energy particles including protons, neutrons and electrons. Control of physical properties of quantum materials by voltage/electric-field/electrostatic gating Electronic/optical/magnetic properties of quantum materials upon in-situ application of pressure and high magnetic fields Developments of new in-operando characterization techniques to discover materials with improved properties and functionalities Prediction of the fundamental properties of quantum materials upon external stimuli by employing state-of-the-art theoretical calculations. Optically and electrically controlled device concepts and demonstration

Participating journal


MRS Advances

MRS Advances is an archival, peer-reviewed journal reporting snapshots of work in progress on key materials topics identified by leading-edge MRS Meeting programming.

