
Exploring the impact of plant domestication on chemically mediated trophic interactions

This special issue seeks to address the various consequences of plant domestication for trophic interactions, exploring how changes in plant chemistry, resulting from human selection, influence plant herbivore interactions, predator-prey relationships, and overall ecosystem dynamics. The articles featured in this special collection will cover the diverse facets of plant domestication, with a particular emphasis on the crucial role played by plant defense metabolites and chemical signals in ecological interactions. We invite submissions by authors that delve into various aspects of how the process of plant domestication has impacted the chemicals that are involved in mediating plant-insect, plant-microbe, and plant-vertebrate interactions. We welcome submissions from both fundamental and applied perspectives. Manuscripts are requested for submission by September 30, 2024. Articles will be published online as accepted.


  • Betty Benrey

    University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

  • Cesar Rodriquez-Saona

    Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, United States of America


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