
Clinical & Translational Perspectives

Clinical & Translational Perspectives provide a concise and comprehensive overview of current aspects of clinical and translational metastasis research. These articles address unsolved problems and unmet needs that have a high importance for the care of patients with metastatic cancer, and which need to be targeted by clinical or translational research.

Articles should have a length of about 2,000-3,000 words with an unlimited number of tables and figures, and a limit of about 30 references. Manuscripts should include:

- A description of the clinical setting/patient group.

- A description of the unsolved clinical problem

- An overview of the current status of the bench-to-bedside or bedside-to-bench transition

- Hypotheses and questions that need to be answered by future experimental research


  • Dr. Jonathan Sleeman

    University of Heidelberg, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Germany

  • Dr. Jörg Haier

    Hannover Medical School, Comprehensive Cancer Center Hannover

Articles (9 in this collection)