
Chinese and Japanese Postphenomenology

China and Japan share many aspects in terms of technological development and philosophical background. However, there are no works in English connecting these traditions and highlighting the convergence of their work. This special issue aims to provide a picture of the actual research performed in China and Japan to show the links connecting them and ground the basis for new projects and collaborations.


  • Nicola Liberati

    Nicola Liberati is an Associate Professor in Philosophy at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He studies the effects of emerging digital technologies in society through a multicultural and transdisciplinary work with artists, engineers, and designers. email:

  • Haiqing Ji

    Haiqing Ji is a Research Professor at philosophy institute of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. He studied computer science in his early years, then turned to philosophy. Currently, his main research fields are philosophy of technology, especially in post-phenomenology, ethics of technology, especially in ethics of AI, and bioethics, such as ethics of human enhancement. Email: and

  • Hidekazu Kanemitsu

    Hidekazu Kanemitsu is a Professor at Hosei University. He is one of the leading figures in the philosophy of technology in Japan and the author of numerous books and articles on the philosophy and ethics of technology. He is also active in committees related to engineering ethics, including serving on the Committee on Engineering Ethics of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). Email:

Articles (5 in this collection)