

Periodontal diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis) are characterized by inflammatory processes that result from the interaction of a dysbiotic subgingival biofilm and the host immune response. The consequences of periodontal diseases include destruction of tooth-supporting components, negative effects on systemic health, and also a negative impact on quality of life. Thus, periodontal diseases have become a major global health burden. The successful treatment of periodontitis requires detailed mechanical instrumentation of root surfaces to disrupt the biofilm, appropriate supportive periodontal therapy and patient adherence. In addition, reconstructive surgical procedures can be used to treat periodontal intrabony defects, furcation defects, and soft tissue deficiencies. This collection of concise reviews includes among others following topics: clinical periodontal diagnosis, nonsurgical and surgical periodontal therapy, adjunctive local and systemic antimicrobials in periodontitis and peri-implantitis treatment, biomaterials in reconstructive periodontal surgery, periodontal plastic surgery, minimally invasive treatment concepts, implant therapy in periodontally compromised patients, management of peri-implant disease, and supportive periodontal therapy.


  • Adrian Kasaj, DDS, MSc, PhD

    Adrian Kasaj is Professor at the University Medical Center Mainz in Germany. His research interests are regenerative periodontal therapy, plastic periodontal surgery, adjunctive antimicrobials in periodontal therapy.

Articles (24 in this collection)