
Practice Guidance for the Neurocritical Care Management of SAH

The recent NCS guidelines on SAH had a limited number of concrete recommendations due to the high quality of evidence demanded by the GRADE system. In order to provide additional practice guidance this series of comprehensive reviews of multiple aspects of aSAH management that provide additional recommendations for practice.


  • Alejandro Rabinstein

    Dr. Rabinstein graduated at the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba in Argentina and was trained in Internal Medicine, Neurology, & Neurocritical Care. He is a Professor of Neurology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester and serves as Medical Director of the Neuroscience ICU at Saint Marys Hospital. His scholarly production spans most areas of acute Neurology, with emphasis on critical care & stroke. He has authored several high-profile guidelines, multiple reviews and editorials, scores of book chapters, and 12 books. Over the last decade, he has directed multiple courses at the AAN, ANA, SCCM and International Stroke Congresses among others.

  • Miriam Treggiari

    Dr. Treggiari received her medical training in Italy and Switzerland. Following her anesthesiology residency, she completed a fellowship in Critical Care Medicine at the Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland. She earned an MPH in Epidemiology at the University of Washington, School of Public Health and Community Medicine. In 2007, she completed a PhD in Epidemiology at the University of Washington. Formally the Vice Chair of Clinical Research in the Department of Anesthesiology at the Yale School of Medicine, she now is the Paul G. Barash Distinguished Professor of Anesthesiology at Duke University.

Articles (7 in this collection)