
Crystallization via Nonclassical Pathways in Synthetic, Biogenic and Geologic Environments

MRS Advances is accepting full-paper submissions on Electronic Devices and Materials topics related to the symposium topic Crystallization via Nonclassical Pathways in Synthetic, Biogenic and Geologic Environments from the 2020 MRS Spring Meeting. Submissions, the review process, and the final decision are not contingent on presentation at the meeting itself. MRS Advances publishes short papers that provide a “snapshot” of an advance within the field of materials research. Such work may include important early indications from a research project that has not yet reached a conclusion, or related results that are significant but not central to the goal of the project. The scientific methods and logic should be rigorous, technically sound, and of interest to other specialists in the area of research. Of particular interest are topics in Crystallization via Nonclassical Pathways in Synthetic, Biogenic and Geologic Environments: Interplay of solution structure Interaction between particles Interfacial structure between particle surfaces Interface-driven processes Non-classical thermodynamic and dynamic mechanisms Interface dynamics in gases and liquids Self-assembly of nanoparticle superlattices Self-assembly in polymeric and biomolecular systems Hierarchical structural through nanoparticle mediated growth and oriented attachment


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.