
SI - System Software and Network Evolution, Applications, and Visualization

Modern software systems and apps significantly affect all aspects of our society, as they are essential for a wide range of economic, social, and educational events. Indeed, a large portion of modern software operates on web browsers and smartphones, and Internet of Things (IoT) systems are becoming more common. The development and upkeep of software systems involve many complex processes that span long periods of time and may involve many software engineers from various locations and countries. These complex processes are cyclical and follow the principles of software evolution: Software changes depend on the current state of the software project, which is the accumulation of previous changes made by many software engineers. Several tools, such as logs, communication systems, and defect-tracking systems, maintain records with dates, comments, changes made to software elements, and information about the accompanying programmers in this regard.

Software development and upkeep typically take several years, resulting in thousands, if not millions, of lines of source code, hundreds of software components, and thousands of commits, variables, constants, programming structures, methods, and intricate relationships between software items. As a result, ensuring the correctness and integrity of such systems/applications is critical. Combined with ever-shorter production cycles, their complexity and characteristics necessitate novel testing methods. A variety of exciting research directions are emerging, ranging from the automated generation of test suites using, for example, search-based strategies to the use of artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning (DL), and machine learning (ML) to improve the effectiveness of testing frameworks and tools. Furthermore, while many cutting-edge contemporary applications include AI-, DL-, and ML-based features, quality assurance of these complex, intelligent components is still in its early stages.

This special issue aims to highlight advanced findings and new trends both in academia and industry regarding the reliability and security of software systems. These results will investigate how emerging applications and techniques can be used to model and assess software systems and network performance.

This special issue aims to highlight advanced findings and new trends both in academia and industry regarding the reliability and security of software systems. These results will investigate how emerging applications and techniques can be used to model and assess software systems and network performance.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

• Software defined network (SDN) applications

• Techniques to monitor the evolution of the quality of software (QoS) elements

• Internet of things (IoT) architectures, protocols, security, and privacy

• AI-based computational methods

• Machine learning for traffic engineering and network optimization

• Security threats and countermeasures for software

• Blockchain-based solutions for enhancing security and privacy

• Internet of Things systems

• Security threats and countermeasures for software

• Artificial Intelligence, deep learning, and machine learning applied to software testing

• Self-healing, self-protecting, and self-adaptive systems

• SDN-based solutions for managing and securing IoT networks

• Repairing and re-engineering for software systems

• Mining software repositories, software analytics and software visualization

• Software analysis, parsing and fact extraction

• Software tools for software analysis, evolution and maintenance

• Software evolution analysis, software fault localization

• Continuous software development and integration of software

• Federated Learning (FL), FL with non-IID data, federated transfer learning approaches, multi task FL, and distributed learning approaches

• Robotics and software system, robot localization and network management

• Computing technologies i.e., cloud, edge, fog, etc., high performance computing, parallel computing technologies

• Wireless communication and computing, data mining for IoT in mobile computing, MANETs

• Advances in big data and deep learning, network science for big data computing, big data analytics

• Healthcare customer relationship management (CRM) software, E-prescriptions software, medical diagnosis software


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Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original work that has neither appeared in, nor is under consideration by other journals. All papers must be prepared in accordance with the Journal Guidelines: Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work, relevant to one of the topics of this special issue. All manuscripts will be subject to the Journal’s rigorous peer review policy, by at least two independent reviewers. This evaluation will cover the following aspects, but will not be limited to: relevance, significance of contribution to the field, technical quality, scholarship, and quality of presentation. It is the policy of the journal that no submission, or substantially overlapping submission, be published or be under review at another journal or conference at any time during the peer review process.


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All papers will undergo the standard, rigorous journal review process and be accepted only if well-suited to the topic of this special issue and meeting the scientific level of the journal. Final decisions on all papers are made by the Editor in Chief.


  • Juw Won Park

    University of Louisville, USA

  • Chang Choi

    Gachon University, Republic of Korea

Articles (18 in this collection)