
Special Issue: Incorporating Ecosystem Services in Water Resource Management - Tools, Policies, and Promising Pathways

This Special Issue brings together a set of articles representing a range of spatial scales, geographies, and topics in the area of ecosystem services and water management. It has a strong emphasis on case studies, often co-produced with stakeholders and decision makers from the water resource management sector. The issue also highlights ecosystem services research from several regions that are underrepresented in the global literature, including sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia. Geographic diversity is important not only to expand our understanding of ecosystem services performance in different hydro climatic regimes, but also our understanding of the different socioeconomic and political contexts in which ecosystem services are being incorporated into water resource management. In the following sections, we highlight some of the themes that emerged from the articles in this special issue.


  • Derek Vollmer

    Moore Center for Science, Conservation International, Arlington, VA, USA

  • Kremena Burkhard

    Institute for Environmental Planning, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany

  • Blal Adem Esmail

    Institute of Geography, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany

  • Paulina Guerrero

    Institute of Geography, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany

  • Nidhi Nagabhatla

    United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU CRIS), Bruges, Belgium

Articles (13 in this collection)