
Physics (general)

The Physics section of SN Applied Sciences targets original research articles that use fundamental concepts of the Physical sciences and analysis of physical properties for the development of new functionalities and technologies. We encourage experimental and theoretical works that aim to tackle global issues such as the development of alternative energies and others. We are interested in studies of new materials and phenomena, and topics including but not limited to: Optics and Lasers, Optical materials, Photonics, Spectroscopy, Microscopy and Imaging, Optoelectronics, Superconductivity, Magnetism, Spintronics, Photovoltaics, Biophysics, Bioelectronics, Applied Photophysics, Metamaterials, Thermoelectric materials, Energy transfer, storage and conversion, Acoustics, Nuclear Physics, Plasma Physics, Medical Physics, Chemical Physics, Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Non-linear dynamics, Networks and complex systems, Astrophysics and Cosmology.

Articles (86 in this collection)