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Personalization and Adaptation in Human-Robot Interactive Communication

In order to make Human-Robot interactive communication socially acceptable, legible, and natural from the user’s point of view, it is of paramount importance to endow a robot with the ability to model the users’ preferences, needs, and motivations. Creating robotic systems capable of correctly recognizing, and consequently, modelling the human behavior and preferences is a very critical and challenging task, especially in the domain of assistive and social robotics and when working with vulnerable user populations. A robot should be able to cope with local uncertainties of the environment, variations of the human desires and motivations, and volatilities of the interaction itself. The embodiment condition of a robot requires the abilities to extract such relevant information from the interaction history but also from the indirect observation of the user. This Special Issue aims at examining and promoting recent developments in the Personalized and Adaptive interactive communication in robotics, so providing to the UMUAI journal with a different perspective related to the specific characteristics of the interaction with a physical robot.

Participating journal

User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction provides an interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of novel and significant original research results about interactive computer...


  • Silvia Rossi

    Silvia Rossi

    I am currently Associate Professor at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e Tecnologie dell'Informazione - DIETI, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy. My research interests include Multi-agent Systems, Human-Robot Interaction, Cognitive Architectures and Behavior-based Robotics and User Profiling and Recommender Systems.
  • Mariacarla Staffa

    Mariacarla Staffa

    Mariacarla Staffa is an Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Robotics and Computer Science at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. She is mainly interested in exploring computational neuroscience and cognitive robotics to generate innovative strategies and solutions for scientific problems and technological limitations.
  • Maartje De Graaf

    Maartje De Graaf

    Maartje De Graaf is an Assistant Professor at the department of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. She is a Communication Scientist working in the multidisciplinary field of human-robot interaction. At the core, her research approaches communication from the sociopsychological tradition.
  • Cristina Gena

    Cristina Gena

    Cristina Gena is currently an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Torino, and President of the Master Degree in Communication, ICT, and Media (CIME). She teaches at the School of ICT (social Innovation Communication and new Technologies), and at the Bachelor in Computer Science and she's part of the PhD Commitee in Computer science. Since 2018, she holds the national habilitation as Full Professor in Computer Science.


Showing 1-12 of 12 articles
