
Interstitial and Cave Diversity in Atlantic Oceanic Islands

The goal of this topical collection is to mainly promote research on marine biodiversity in cave and interstitial ecosystems in Atlantic oceanic at three levels: (1) description of new species; (2) ecological studies that might help to infer local and regional distribution patterns and its correlates; (3) inference of processes producing the observed patterns, using phylogenetic tools. The overall goal is to fill our gap on knowledge in these habitats, but also to improve our understanding of colonization processes of partially isolated habitats, including the role of Atlantic Oceanic islands in trans-Atlantic dispersal of marine species. Contributions focusing on Atlantic Oceanic islands along with other archipelagos or continental zones, are also accepted within this topical collection.


  • Alejandro Martínez

    Alejandro likes to address eco-evolutionary questions using model ecosystems, such as flooded caves and interstitial environments, applying different phylogenetic and statistical methods. He is interested in microscopic animals insofar as they seem to challenge some of the general ecological principles that we have inferred from larger organisms. Alejandro is also interested in Systematics, particularly regarding annelids, but also crustaceans (excluding insects), scalidophorans, and gastropods.

Articles (9 in this collection)