
Olfactory Cognition

Olfactory cognition involves perceptual, memorial, and decision processes based on odorants. Olfactory cognition research is lagging compared to other sensory modalities. As one example, there is no existing special issue on olfactory cognition in nonhumans. However, research spans a variety of species including insects, birds, dogs, and primates. Our goal for this Special Collection is to showcase the current diversity of research on olfactory cognition across species.

The Special Collection welcomes manuscripts on original research or a review of empirically-guided topics related to olfactory cognition. All submitted manuscripts will undergo full peer-review using the standards for a regular submission to Animal Cognition. To be considered for the Special Collection, please send a title, a 250-500 word abstract for the proposed manuscript, and a list of authors to Jeffrey S. Katz and Lucia Lazarowski by Feb 26, 2024. The deadline for manuscript submission, after successful proposal, is April 8, 2024.

Questions? Email the guest editors Jeffrey S. Katz and Lucia Lazarowski

For more details, please read our submission guidelines. Articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process and are subject to all the journal’s standard policies. Articles will be added to the Collection as they are published. The Editors have no competing interests with the submissions which they handle through the peer-review process. The peer-review of any submissions for which the Editors have competing interests is handled by another Editorial Board Member who has no competing interests.



Articles will be displayed here once they are published.