
Molecular Imaging in Cardiovascular Diseases

This Virtual Collection of publications in Molecular Imaging and Biology focuses on the research field of molecular imaging in cardiovascular diseases in both clinical and preclinical domains. These highlighted publications will be interesting for healthcare professionals, researchers, and experts in the field who collaborate, share knowledge, and discuss advancements in cardiovascular imaging technologies, radioactive probes, techniques, and research. This Virtual Collection fosters communication and collaboration to enhance the understanding, application, and impact of cardiovascular imaging in clinical practice and preclinical research. These publications span echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography imaging, computed tomography imaging, and other related imaging techniques/technologies.

This Virtual Collection was developed by Imran Iqbal and Poul Høilund-Carlsen, co-leaders of the Molecular Imaging of Cardiovascular Diseases Interest Group of the World Molecular Imaging Society. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.

Articles (60 in this collection)