
Challenges of obesity in obstetrics and gynecology

The increasing number of obese patients in gynecology and obstetrics create new challenges. Various problems occur much more frequently in obese patients, so that complications should be anticipated in advance and the management should be adapted according to the risk profile of these women.

This series of papers aims to reflect the current state of obesity in women’s health and should offer practical solutions.

Submit your paper via Editorial Manager by selecting the collection title during your regular submission process.

Note: The peer review process for articles included in this topical collection is the same as the peer review process of the journal in general. Additionally, if the Guest Editor authors an article in the topical collection, he will not handle the peer review process.​


  • Karl Oliver Kagan

    Editor in Chief of Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

    Full professor for fetal medicine and head of the prenatal medicine unit of the University Hospital Tübingen, Germany. Head of the Gynecology and Obstetrics section within the German Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, Member of the German genetic diagnostic committee.

    Author of about 200 research papers and editor of 2 books. His research interests are focused on the management of complications in prenatal medicine, chromosomal abnormalities, cytomegalovirus infection.

Articles (26 in this collection)