MRS Advances is accepting full-paper submissions on Energy and Environment topics related to the symposium topic Overcoming the Challenges with Metal Anodes for High-Energy Batteries from the 2020 MRS Spring/Fall Meeting. Submissions, the review process, and the final decision are not contingent on presentation at the meeting itself.
MRS Advances publishes short papers that provide a “snapshot” of an advance within the field of materials research. Such work may include important early indications from a research project that has not yet reached a conclusion, or related results that are significant but not central to the goal of the project. The scientific methods and logic should be rigorous, technically sound, and of interest to other specialists in the area of research.
Of particular interest are topics in Overcoming the Challenges with Metal Anodes for High-Energy Batteries:
• Metal anodes for Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Al, Fe, and, Zn ion batteries
• In-situ/operando techniques to evaluate morphological evolution of metal anodes
• Modeling of dendritic growth and electrode evolution on cycling
• Theoretical and experimental studies on interfacial stability between metal anodes and electrolytes
• Mechanical properties of alkali metals across length scales relevant for batteries
• Processing of Li thin films and other metals for batteries