
50th Anniversary Commemorative Issue

Last January, Chromatographia celebrated its 50th Birthday, and in this 50th Anniversary Commemorative Issue, we celebrate the work that has been reported in the journal and the impact that it has had on individual researchers, review important recent trends, and look to the future of separation science. 50 years ago, the Editors noted the renaissance of classical liquid chromatography and TLC which has developed into the numerous papers on HPLC and UHPLC in the current issues. GLC was starting to be important then and this has expanded in the recent years particularly with multi-dimension separations. The Editors of Chromatographia: D. Mangelings, G. Massolini, G. K. E. Scriba, R. M. Smith, A. M. Striegel, B. Paull

Articles (30 in this collection)

  1. Meet the Contributors


    • Petra Russkamp
    • Content type: Editorial
    • Published: 18 December 2018
    • Pages: 9 - 15