Erratum to:

A. Taylor, Celebrity and the Feminist Blockbuster,

DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-37334-2

This book was inadvertently published without updating the following corrections:



p. = page




p.3 “well-knowness” has been changed to “well-knownness”

p.14 ‘different ways – ’ has been changed to ‘different ways–’

p.19 ‘intersections’ has been changed to ‘intersection’

Introduction to Part I

p.59 ‘second-wave’ has been changed to ‘second wave’

p.60 ‘their own, and thus feminism’s visibility’ has been changed to ‘their own, and thus feminism’s, visibility’

Chapter 3

p.63 ‘feminist, Lena Dunham’ has been changed to ‘feminist Lena Dunham’

p.64 ‘an homogenous’ has been changed to ‘a homogeneous’

p.70 ‘as wide as audience’ has been changed to ‘as wide an audience’

p.77 ‘indeed a goal’ has been changed to ‘indeed was a goal’

p.79 ‘toll,’ has been changed to ‘toll’

Chapter 4

p.95 ‘its author’s’ has been changed to ‘their author’s’

p.103 ‘Her she recruits’ has been changed to ‘Here she recruits’

p.104 ‘It is not just journalists making such claims but Friedan herself, who is’ has been changed to ‘It was not just journalists making such claims but Friedan herself, who was’

p.104 ‘describes Friedan’ has been changed to ‘described Friedan’

p.106 ‘thereby seeking’ has been changed to ‘thereby seeks’

p.115 ‘feminist’ pasts’ has been changed to ‘feminist pasts’

p.115 ‘kinds’ has been changed to ‘kind’

Chapter 5

p. 127 ‘USA texts and journalists’ has been changed to ‘American media’

p. 128 ‘more recent attempts to adapt’ has been changed to ‘attempts to adapt’

p. 130 ‘USA $25,000’ has been changed to ‘$25,000 (USD)’

p. 131 ‘as well to’ has been changed to ‘as well as to’

p. 141 ‘celebrity game, and quiz’ has been changed to ‘celebrity game and quiz’

p. 145 ‘situate in itself’ has been changed to ‘situate itself’

p. 148 ‘critique’ has been changed to ‘critique,’ and ‘The Whole Woman,’ has been changed to ‘The Whole Woman

p. 148 ‘thus the feminism’ has been changed to ‘thus to the feminism’

p. 150 ‘let alone analysis of,’ has been changed to ‘let alone analysis, of’

Introduction to Part II

p. 161 ‘selves has’ has been changed to ‘selves have’

p. 161 ‘predecessors is not’ has been changed to ‘predecessors not’

Chapter 6

p. 172 ‘imbrication’ has been changed to ‘implication’

p. 174 ‘, with the headline’ has been changed to ‘; with the headline’

p. 182 ‘as for other’ has been changed to ‘as other’

p. 185 ‘could up take up’ has been changed to ‘could take up’

Chapter 7

p. 198 ‘forms of celebrity,’ has been changed to ‘forms of celebrity’

p. 200 ‘rather advocating’ has been changed to ‘rather than advocating’

p. 204 ‘mother,’ has been changed to ‘mother’

p. 207 ‘branding to’ has been changed to ‘branding in’

p. 211 ‘Roxanne’ has been changed to ‘Roxane’

p. 213 ‘the grounds of privileging of’ has been changed to ‘the grounds of privileging’

p. 214 ‘she takes up in further’ has been changed to ‘she takes up further’

p. 220 ‘via such as platforms as Twitter’ has been changed to ‘via platforms such as Twitter’

p. 223 ‘Sandberg’ has been changed to ‘Sandberg’s’

Chapter 8

p. 238 ‘Poehler’ has been changed to ‘Poehler’s’

p. 248 ‘of maintaining’ has been changed to ‘as maintaining’

p. 250 ‘has been to seen’ has been changed to ‘has been seen’

p. 260 ‘attempt exercise’ has been changed to ‘attempt to exercise’

p. 254 ‘thus reaffirming’ has been changed to ‘reaffirming’

p. 260 ‘notoriety’ has been changed to ‘fame’

Chapter 9

p. 272 ‘school girl, Hermoine Grainger’ has been changed to ‘school girl, Hermione Granger,’

p. 272 ‘UN Women’s’ has been changed to ‘UN Women’

p. 279 ‘of different tenor’ has been changed to ‘of a different tenor’

p. 284 ‘attempts to the silence’ has been changed to ‘attempts to silence’

p. 287 ‘new environment’ has been changed to ‘new media environment’

p.290 ‘social function of celebrity feminists’ has been changed to ‘social function of celebrity feminism’

p. 291 ‘chose’ has been changed to ‘choose’

p. 292 ‘come terms’ has been changed to ‘come to terms’

p. 292 ‘is one of which’ has been changed to ‘is one to which’

p. 293 footnote 6: ‘reveal’ has been changed to ‘reveals’