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Scope and limitation of single electron transfer in biology

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Part of the book series: Structure and Bonding ((STRUCTURE,volume 48))


This article is thought to be a supplement to an earlier one “Mechanism of Hydrogen Transfer in Redox Enzymes”33). Most of the basic concepts and hypotheses put forward then, are still valid. Substantial new evidence supporting our views has been advanced since then. The new data presented here concern modified or as we call them “mutilated flavins”, namely 5-deaza- and 5-thiaflavin, which upon incorporation into apoflavoprotein retain some, but not all of the activities encountered with the native flavoproteins.

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Hemmerich, P., Massey, V., Michel, H., Schug, C. (1982). Scope and limitation of single electron transfer in biology. In: Biochemistry. Structure and Bonding, vol 48. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-540-10986-0

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