
In a Word Meetings bring people together to discuss a predetermined topic. However, too many are poorly planned and managed, and therefore fail to satisfy objectives when they do not simply waste time. The operating expenses of time wasted include related meeting expenditures, salaries, and opportunity costs.


When did you last join a work-related meetingFootnote 1 that was productive and fun from beginning to end? That is, a meeting that had lucid objectivesFootnote 2 and a well-designed agenda; engaged all participants all the time; made them laugh; reached decisions ; clarified follow-up actions; and secured commitment to achieve expected, positive, and constructive outcomes? Can you remember?

Managing Meetings

Meetings are essential in any form of human enterprise. These days, they are so common that turning the resources they tie up into sustained results is a priority in high-performance organizations. This is because they are potential wasters: the other persons present may not respect their own time as much as you have come to respect yours, and it is therefore unlikely that they will mind wasting your time.Footnote 3 Generic actions before, during, and after can make meetings more effective.

Table. Generic tips for meeting management




Make sure you need a meeting by asking what would happen if it were not held

Arrange skilled facilitation to smooth the process of the meeting and deal with conflict, start on schedule, and manage time to keep the meeting focused and moving

Publish within 24 hours, but preferably within the same working day, concise and definite minutes that record the items discussed, the decisions of the meeting, the actions agreed, and the owners of these. In some cases, the minutes may include the main arguments or steps leading to the decisions

Develop (and pre-publish) a strategic agenda (and related papers) with easily understood objectives listed in order of importance, articulate the process to reach these, and plan the meeting and its ground rules

Introduce the topics for discussion, use the prework delivered for the meeting, and keep debates relevant to the stated objectives

Arrange effective meeting follow-up, i.e., who will do what by when

Ensure appropriate participation at the meeting, with attention to good decision-makers and problem-solvers, for a maximum of 12 persons but if possible fewer

Ensure everyone’s thoughts and ideas are heard to keep them interested and empowered, use humor to alleviate tension, gain consensus, and involve each participant in actions toward explicit outcomes

Agree on accountability for preparations toward the next meeting if one is necessary

Plan, assign, and distribute prework before the meeting

Recognize degrees of feelings and changes of opinion, check for quorum, summarize key points of agreement and disagreement, explain rulings, check understanding and acceptance, create an effective follow-up plan, state responsibilities, gain commitment, and close the meeting on time (or even before time) on a positive note and with a sense of gathering

Evaluate the meeting process for continuous improvement, for example regarding ground rules, timing and scheduling, agendas, and the drafting of minutes

  1. Note Before calling a meeting, one should consider whether the matter might not be dealt better by telephone, electronic mail, or talks with individuals. Often, 10 min spent with six persons individually are more productive than gathering them in a room for 1 hour. If a meeting is to be held, the objectives should be clear, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Preferably, they should also be agreed, challenging, consistent, worthwhile, and participative. Time-honored rules are to raise hands (stay in order) except for points of clarification or process; refrain from interrupting the speaker; keep to the subject; be concise (and avoid repeating others); and be respectful and polite. These days, electronics are to be put on silent mode and no telephone calls are allowed unless one steps out. “Parking lots,” i.e., posts on a wall, can be used for issues not on the agenda
  2. Source Author

When I give a lecture, I accept that people look at their watches, but what I do not tolerate is when they look at it and raise it to their ear to find out if it stopped.

—Marcel Achard

He who knows most grieves most for wasted time.


Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.


When the outcome of a meeting is to have another meeting, it has been a lousy meeting.

—Herbert Hoover

Time is the scarcest resource; and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed.

—Peter Drucker

The Chairperson’s Role

A good chairperson is essential to the conduct of effective meetings. In any order, expectations are that the chairperson will stimulate and inspire (not dictate), have the right answers, make decisions , and get things done. But what exactly are those skills and qualities that make someone a good chairperson? He or she must be authoritative yet flexible; impartial and impersonal; a quick thinker and an attentive listener; capable of succinct expression; ready to clarify views that have not been well expressed; mature and tolerant; equipped to handle disruption and inappropriate behavior; and courteous, but brisk and business-like. Humor can be a useful tool, if only to calm rising tempers. To manage difficult meetings, an essential characteristic of a good chairperson must surely be “helicopter vision”.Footnote 4

Different Kinds of Meetings

To practice with effect the generic tips for meeting management given above, a chairperson must also act on the knowledge that different kinds of meetings take place in working life. Each has its own nature and challenges (even though any one may have attributes of two or three of these). The kinds of meetings are

  • Briefings A briefing is called to direct or instruct. Such meetings are used to give information and instruction to subordinates, clear up misunderstandings, and integrate ideas and views where appropriate.

  • Advisory meetings An advisory meeting is called to share information. Such meetings are used to seek advice about a problem, inform participants about ideas, and listen to their views.

  • Committee meetings A committee meeting gathers interest groups to decide on matters of common concern. Such meetings are characterized by a sense of authority, compromise, and the resolution of differences by voting.

  • Council meetings A council meeting is held by persons of equal status to contribute to a matter at hand. Such meetings are typified by group accountability, the resolution of differences through discussion, and consensual decisions.

  • Negotiations A negotiation also sees interest groups gather, but decisions are through bargaining, not voting. Such meetings are differentiated by quid pro quo decisions from sides having different but overlapping aims, with each seeking to achieve the best possible terms for itself.