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Adaptation in Haloalkaliphiles and Natronophilic Bacteria

The title for this chapter should read “Adaptation Mechanisms in Haloalkaliphilic and Natronophilic Bacteria” instead of “Adaptation in Haloalkaliphiles and Natronophilic Bacteria”.

Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins as Model Systems for Environmental Selection of Microbial Plankton

No permission has been received for the use of the Bathymetric maps of two Mediterranean DHABs (Figure 1) and the image of the seafloor, as taken during a mapping dive of the ROV Jason (Figure 3) and therefore Chapter 22 Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 have been greyed out.

Figure 1. Bathymetric maps of two Mediterranean DHABs. Brines occur in a depth of around 3,550 and 3,500 m for (a) Discovery Basin and (b) Urania Basin, respectively.

Figure 3. Image of the sea?oor (left) showing the transition (interphase) from seawater into the brine layer (right, dark area) (The picture was taken during a mapping dive of the ROV Jason (WHOI)).