
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

ALFALFA (Medicago)

  • Anthracnose. Colletotrichum trifolli, OH.

  • Leaf Spot. Phoma medicaginis, WA.

  • Rot, Brown Root. Phoma sclerotioides, CO, ME, NM, PA, Ontario, Canada.

  • Virus. Rhabdovirus, Argentina; Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder, CA.

ARUNDO (Giant Reed)

  • Leaf Spot; Cane “Anthracnose”; Dieback. Papularia sphaerosperma, general. P. odorae, KS; Phyllosticta tuberosa, OK.

  • Leaf Spot; Stem Speckle. Selenophoma donacis, CA.

  • Rot, Root. Armillaria mellae, MD.

  • Rust. Puccinia chloridis (P. bartholomaei) (0, I), KS, OK, TX; II, III on Bouteloua spp.; Uromyces asclepiadis (II, III), KS, NM, TX.

  • Rust, Crown. Puccinia coronata, CA.