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I proposed the Satoumi concept, as an analogy of the Satoyama concept, as “Coastal sea with high biodiversity and productivity under the human interaction” in 1998 (Yanagi 1998a, b), and published a book in English on Satoumi (Yanagi 2007a). Since that time, this new concept for environmental conservation in the coastal sea has been widely accepted and was included in the Japanese national policy of “Strategy for Establishment of Environmental Nation” in 2007.

At the same time, many people asked me many questions on the new and not-yet-mature concept of Satoumi. For example: “Does biodiversity increase by human interaction in the coastal sea?” “You have to consider the economic aspect of fishing villages in detail.” “Some legal support is necessary for the creation of Satoumi.” “How about the relationship between God and Nature in Satoumi?” “How about the relationship between fishermen and city people?” and so on.

This book is written to reply to some of these questions. In Chap. 2, the relationship between biodiversity and human interaction, economic problems related to Satoumi, legal support for the creation of Satoumi, the landscape ecology point of view of Satoumi, and the relationship between society and science related to the Satoumi movement are discussed. In Chap. 3, some examples of the creation of Satoumi in Japan are introduced. In Chap. 4, the overseas appeal of the Satoumi concept are introduced, and the conclusion is presented in Chap. 5.