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This session was focused to overviews by Professor Paolo Cotta Ramusino of the Status of Nuclear Nonproliferation, by Dr. Remo Chiappini of the French National Perspective on Nuclear Non-Proliferation, and by H.E. Amb. Merav Zafary-Odiz of the Israeli National Perspective on Nuclear Non-Proliferation.

In the first part—chaired by Min. Plen. Gianfranco Incarnato—Professor Paolo Cotta-Ramusino provided an overall perspective of the various worldwide risks of nuclear-weapon proliferation and of the perspectives of complete elimination of nuclear weapons, also in the light of the recent introduction and progress in the United Nations context of the Treaty to Ban Nuclear weapons.

Then Dr. Remo Chiappini reported in some detail on the progress and motivations of the French nuclear nonproliferation policy and its control and verification aspects, with particular focus on French official views—including recent pronouncements by President Emmanuel Macron—on how to face current risks of proliferation, including those posed by North Korea.

Finally, H. E. Amb. Merav Zafary-Odiz provided a detailed report of the Israeli policy concerning the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, underlining the strong commitment of Israel to this goal and its respect for all norms—including, in particular, all international regimes of export controls—aimed at preventing any support to the development of nuclear weaponry by other States. She also devoted a sizable part of her analysis to the specific challenges associated with the Middle East region, focussing specifically on Iran and Syria; and concluded her presentation by emphasizing the related risk of terroristic uses of nuclear materials, underlining that “Israel has taken comprehensive measures to reduce the risk of theft or sabotage in its nuclear centers, as well as radiological materials used in medicine, industry and other sectors”.