
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Finite automata are a ubiquitous formalism that is simple enough to model many real-life systems and phenomena, and they enjoy a large variety of theoretical properties: automata are closed under Boolean operations, have decidable emptiness and equivalence checking procedures, and can be learned [3]. This last problem on automata learning is the focus of this paper; learning has been studied extensively for several variations of finite automata [4, 9] and has found many applications in program verification [2] and program synthesis [15].

Unfortunately, finite automata have an inherent limitation: they can only operate over finite (and typically small) alphabets. Symbolic finite automata (s-FA) allow transitions to carry predicates over rich alphabet theories, such as linear arithmetic, and therefore extend classic automata to operate over infinite alphabets, such as the set of rational numbers. Existing automata algorithms rely on the alphabet being finite, and generalizing them to the symbolic setting is not a trivial task. However, algorithms have been proposed for s-FA equivalence, for minimization, and for performing Boolean operations. In this paper, we study the foundational problem of learning symbolic automata.

We start by extending Angluin’s L\(^*\) algorithm [3] for learning regular languages to symbolic automata. L\(^*\) iteratively updates a table of evidence, conjectures an automaton, and then if that conjecture is not correct, repeats with new evidence. However, at every step it must make a query to an oracle for each character in an alphabet; thus it does not scale in practice on alphabets that are large and cannot be run on those that are infinite. Our algorithm, \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\), operates in a largely similar manner, except that the queries are asked only for a small set of representatives, and then there is an additional stage after updating the table of evidence during which the evidence is generalized into symbolic predicates; these predicates form the transitions for the symbolic automaton.

We then define notions of learnability that are parametric in the alphabet theory of the symbolic automata and show that these notions compose. For example, if two alphabet theories are learnable, then the theory accepting the Cartesian product of their alphabets is also learnable. We use these properties to show how existing algorithms for learning automata over large alphabets nicely fall in our framework: e.g., Maler and Mens present an ad hoc method for learning automata over the alphabet \(\mathbb {Z} \times \mathbb {Z}\) [13], which we show is learnable because it is the Cartesian product of the alphabet \(\mathbb {Z}\)—which itself is learnable.

Finally, we implement our algorithm in an open-source symbolic automata library and evaluate it on existing automata learning benchmarks from [13]. The implementation is modular and only requires the programmer to provide learnable Boolean algebras as input to the learner; the disjoint union and product algebras are implemented as meta-algebras that can be instantiated arbitrarily. Our implementation, despite its generality, can learn the benchmarks appearing in [13] using a similar number of equivalence and membership queries.

In summary, our contributions are:

  • An algorithm for learning Symbolic Finite Automata (Sect. 3).

  • A notion of learnability parametric in the alphabet theory that composes over the Cartesian product and disjoint union of Boolean algebras (Sect. 4).

  • A modular implementation of our algorithm in an existing open-source library and an evaluation on existing benchmarks (Sect. 5).

2 Preliminaries

In symbolic automata, transitions carry predicates over a decidable Boolean algebra. An effective Boolean algebra \(\mathcal {A}\) is a tuple \((\mathfrak {D}, \varPsi , \llbracket {\_} \rrbracket , \bot , \top , \vee , \wedge , \lnot )\) where \(\mathfrak {D}\) is a set of domain elements; \(\varPsi \) is a set of predicates closed under the Boolean connectives, with \(\bot , \top \in \varPsi \); \(\llbracket {\_} \rrbracket : \varPsi \rightarrow 2^\mathfrak {D}\) is a denotation function such that (i\(\llbracket {\bot } \rrbracket = \emptyset \), (ii\(\llbracket {\top } \rrbracket = \mathfrak {D}\), and (iii) for all \(\varphi , \psi \in \varPsi \), \(\llbracket {\varphi \vee \psi } \rrbracket = \llbracket {\varphi } \rrbracket \cup \llbracket {\psi } \rrbracket \), \(\llbracket {\varphi \wedge \psi } \rrbracket = \llbracket {\varphi } \rrbracket \cap \llbracket {\psi } \rrbracket \), and \(\llbracket {\lnot \varphi } \rrbracket = \mathfrak {D} \setminus \llbracket {\varphi } \rrbracket \).

Example 1

(Equality Algebra). The equality algebra for an arbitrary set \(\mathfrak {D}\) has predicates formed from Boolean combinations of formulas of the form \(\lambda c.\, c = a\) where \(a \in \mathfrak {D}\). Formally, \(\varPsi \) is generated from the Boolean closure of \(\varPsi _0 = \{\varphi _a \mid a \in \mathfrak {D}\} \cup \{\bot , \top \}\) where for all \(a \in \mathfrak {D}\), \(\llbracket {\varphi _a} \rrbracket = \{a\}\). Example predicates in this algebra include the predicates \(\lambda c.\, c = 5 \vee c = 10\) and \(\lambda c.\, \lnot (c = 0)\).

Example 2

(Interval Algebra). The finite union of left-closed right-open intervals over non-negative integers (i.e. \(\mathbb {N}\)) also forms a Boolean algebra: take the Boolean closure of \(\varPsi _0 = \{\varphi _{ij} \mid i,j \in \mathbb {N} \wedge i < j\} \cup \{\bot , \top \}\) where \(\llbracket {\varphi _{ij}} \rrbracket = [i, j)\). Example predicates in this algebra include those (written as their denotation) of the form \([0,5) \cup [10,15)\) or \([50,\infty )\).

Definition 1

(Symbolic Finite Automata). A symbolic finite automaton (s-FA) M is a tuple \((\mathcal {A}, Q, q_\text {init}, F, \varDelta )\) where \(\mathcal {A}\) is an effective Boolean algebra, called the alphabet; Q is a finite set of states; \(q_\text {init} \in Q\) is the initial state; \(F \subseteq Q\) is the set of final states; and \(\varDelta \subseteq Q \times \varPsi _\mathcal {A} \times Q\) is the transition relation consisting of a finite set of moves or transitions.

Characters are elements of \(\mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A}\), and words are finite sequences of characters, or elements of \(\mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A}^*\). The empty word of length 0 is denoted by \(\epsilon \). A move \(\rho = (q_1, \varphi , q_2) \in \varDelta \), also denoted \(q_1 \xrightarrow {\varphi } q_2\), is a transition from the source state \(q_1\) to the target state \(q_2\), where \(\varphi \) is the guard or predicate of the move. A move is feasible if its guard is satisfiable. For a character \(a \in \mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A}\), an a-move of M, denoted \(q_1 \xrightarrow {a} q_2\) is a move \(q_1 \xrightarrow {\varphi } q_2\) such that \(a \in \llbracket {\varphi } \rrbracket \).

An s-FA M is deterministic if, for all transitions \((q, \varphi _1, q_1), (q, \varphi _2, q_2) \in \varDelta \), \(q_1 \ne q_2 \rightarrow \llbracket {\varphi _1 \wedge \varphi _2} \rrbracket = \emptyset \); i.e., for each state q and character a there is at most one a-move out of q. An s-FA M is complete if, for all \(q \in Q\), \(\bigvee _{(q, \varphi _i, q_i) \in \varDelta } \varphi _i = \top \); i.e., for each state q and character a there exists an a-move out of q. Throughout the paper we assume all s-FAs are deterministic and complete, since determinization and completion are always possible [8]. An example s-FA is \(\mathbf {M_{11}}\) in Fig. 2. This s-FA has 4 states and it operates over the interval algebra from Example 2.

Given an s-FA \(M = (\mathcal {A}, Q, q_\text {init}, F, \varDelta )\) and a state \(q \in Q\), we say a word \(w = a_1 a_2 \ldots a_k\) is accepted at state q if, for \(1 \le i \le k\), there exist moves \(q_{i-1} \xrightarrow {a_i} q_i\) such that \(q_0 = q\) and \(q_k \in F\). We refer to the set of words accepted at q as the language accepted at q, denoted as \(\mathcal {L}_q(M)\); the language accepted by M is \(\mathcal {L}(M) = \mathcal {L}_{q_\text {init}}(M)\). The s-FA \(\mathbf {M_{11}}\) in Fig. 2 accepts, among others, words consisting only of numbers accepted by the predicate \([0,51)\cup [101,\infty )\) and rejects, among others, the word 51, 25.

3 Learning Algorithm

Here we present our algorithm, \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\), for learning symbolic automata. The premise is that the automaton to be learned, called the target, is hidden in a black box, so knowledge of it comes from some oracle that admits two kinds of queries: membership queries that ask whether a word is in the language of the target, and equivalence queries that ask whether a conjectured automaton is equivalent to the target—if not, a counterexample is provided. \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\), which builds upon L\(^*\) [3], maintains an observation table that comprises its knowledge about the target. The observation table is used to build the intermediary guesses of the target automaton and, eventually, the final automaton. It is assumed that the learner knows both the alphabet and the Boolean algebra in question.

3.1 Observation Table

The observation table consists of rows of prefixes and columns of suffixes. Each entry determines whether the target automaton accepts the word formed by concatenating the prefix and suffix. Intuitively, prefixes provide knowledge about words that lead to states, and suffixes help differentiate those states.

Definition 2

(Observation Table). An observation table T for an s-FA M is a tuple \((\varSigma , S, R, E, f)\) where \(\varSigma \) is a potentially infinite set called the alphabet; \(S,R,E \subset \varSigma ^*\) are finite subsets of words: S is called the set of prefixes, R is called the boundary, and E is called the set of suffixes; \(f : (S \cup R) \cdot E \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) is a classification function Footnote 1 such that for a word \(w \cdot e \in (S \cup R) \cdot E\), \(f(w \cdot e) = 1\) if \(w \cdot e \in \mathcal {L}(M)\), and \(f(w \cdot e) = 0\) if \(w \cdot e \not \in \mathcal {L}(M)\).Footnote 2 Additionally, (iS and R are disjoint, (ii\(S \cup R\) is prefix-closed and \(\epsilon \in S\), (iii) for all \(s \in S\), there exists a character \(a \in \varSigma \) such that \(s \cdot a \in R\), and (iv\(\epsilon \in E\).

Table \(\mathbf {T_1}\) in Fig. 2 is an example observation table: The rows begin with elements of \(S \cup R\), where the elements in S are shown above the horizontal divider and the elements in R below, and the columns begin with elements of E.

The observation table induces the construction of an automaton. For intuition, each \(s \in S\) corresponds to a state q such that s is a string of moves from \(q_\text {init}\) to q. The boundary R gives information about the transitions between states. The states are differentiated by the strings in E and the classification function f, as if there exist \(s_1, s_2 \in S\) and \(e \in E\) such that \(f(s_1 \cdot e) \ne f(s_2 \cdot e)\), then \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) behave differently and must lead to different states. We use the notation \(\textit{row}(w)\) for \(w \in S \cup R\) to denote the vector indexed by \(e \in E\) of \(f(w \cdot e)\).

\(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) manipulates the observation table and eventually conjectures an s-FA. For this to happen, the table must first satisfy certain properties—we call such a table cohesive—that are established through membership queries to the oracle. The cohesive observation table is used to construct an intermediary automaton that is ultimately used to produce a conjectured s-FA. An observation table is closed if for each \(r \in R\) there exists \(s \in S\) such that \(\textit{row}(s) = \textit{row}(r)\); in other words, each element in the boundary corresponds to a state. An observation table is reduced if for all \(s_1, s_2 \in S\), \(\textit{row}(s_1) \ne \textit{row}(s_2)\), meaning each state is uniquely characterized by f and E. An observation table is consistent if for all \(w_1, w_2 \in S \cup R\), if \(a \in \varSigma ^*\) and \(w_1 \cdot a, w_2 \cdot a \in S \cup R\) and \(\textit{row}(w_1) = \textit{row}(w_2)\), then \(\textit{row}(w_1 \cdot a) = \textit{row}(w_2 \cdot a)\). A table being consistent means that if the words \(w_1\) and \(w_2\) are equivalent according to f and E, then \(w_1 \cdot a\) and \(w_2 \cdot a\) ought to be equivalent as well, and thus there is no evidence to the contrary.Footnote 3 An observation table is evidence-closed if for all \(e \in E\) and \(s \in S\), \(s \cdot e \in S \cup R\). An observation table is cohesive if it is closed, reduced, consistent, and evidence-closed.

Consider, for example, the observation tables in Fig. 2. \(\mathbf {T_2}\) is not closed, since \(\textit{row}(51) = -\) and there is no \(s \in S\) with \(\textit{row}(s) = -\). Table \(\mathbf {T_5}\) is not consistent because \(\textit{row}(51) = - = \textit{row}(51,0)\), but \(\textit{row}(51\cdot 0) = - \ne + = \textit{row}(51,0\cdot 0)\). Table \(\mathbf {T_{11}}\) is closed, reduced, consistent, and evidence-closed.

If an observation table is cohesive, then it admits the construction of an evidence automaton that classifies words \(w \in \varSigma ^*\) equivalently to the observation table’s classification function f.

Definition 3

(Evidence Automaton). An evidence automaton is a tuple \((\varSigma , Q, q_\text {init}, F, \varDelta )\) where \(\varSigma \) is a set; Q is a finite set of states; \(q_\text {init} \in Q\) is the initial state; \(F \subseteq Q\) is the set of final states; \(\varDelta \subseteq Q \times \varSigma \times Q\) is the transition relation.

A move \(\rho = (q_1, a, q_2)\), also denoted \(q_1 \xrightarrow {a} q_2\), is a transition from \(q_1\) to \(q_2\) using the character a. A word \(w = a_1 a_2 \ldots a_k\) is accepted at state q if for \(1 \le i \le k\) there exist moves \(q_{i-1} \xrightarrow {a_i} q_i\) such that \(q_0 = q\) and \(q_k \in F\). Conversely, if that \(q_k \not \in F\), then w is not accepted at q. If there is no path through the automaton for w, then the acceptance is undefined. An evidence automaton differs from an s-FA in that transitions carry characters in \(\varSigma \) instead of predicates in a Boolean algebra over the domain \(\varSigma \). Additionally, the evidence automaton can be deliberately sparse: it is not complete, and we avoid the notion that a state q does not accept a character a if there is no \(q'\) such that \((q, a, q') \in \varDelta \)—as stated above, such a case simply indicates the behavior of a at q is undefined.

Given a cohesive observation table \(T = (\varSigma , S, R, E, f)\), we build an evidence automaton \(A = (\varSigma , Q, q_\text {init}, F, \varDelta )\) as follows: for each \(s \in S\), we introduce a state \(q_s \in Q\). \(q_\text {init}\) is assigned to \(q_\epsilon \). The final state set F contains all \(q_s\) such that \(s \in S\) and \(f(s) = 1\). Since the observation table is closed and reduced, there exists a function \(g : S \cup R \rightarrow S\) such that \(g(w) = s\) if and only if \(row(w) = row(s)\). This function allows us to define the transition relation of A: if \(w \cdot a \in S \cup R\) for \(w \in \varSigma ^*\) and \(a \in \varSigma \), then \((q_{g(w)}, a, q_{g(w \cdot a)}) \in \varDelta \). In Fig. 2, the automaton \(\mathbf {M_{1}^e}\) (resp \(\mathbf {M_{11}^e}\)) is the evidence automaton corresponding to cohesive table \(\mathbf {T_{1}}\) (resp. \(\mathbf {T_{11}}\)).

Lemma 1

(Evidence compatibility). Given a cohesive observation table \(T = (\varSigma , S, R, E, f)\), if \(M_\text {evid} = (\varSigma , Q, q_\text {init}, F, \varDelta )\) is the evidence automaton construction of T, then for all \(w \cdot e \in (S \cup R) \cdot E\), if \(f(w \cdot e) = 1\) then \(M_\text {evid}\) accepts \(w \cdot e\), and if \(f(w \cdot e) = 0\) then \(M_\text {evid}\) does not accept \(w \cdot e\).

3.2 Separating Predicates

Given an evidence automaton with an alphabet \(\varSigma \), we require two pieces to build an s-FA: (i) a Boolean algebra \(\mathcal {A}\) with \(\mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A} = \varSigma \), and (ii) a partitioning function P for \(\mathcal {A}\), which we define below. This latter component, the partitioning function, is the key insight to \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) ’s generalization of L\(^*\).

Definition 4

(Partitioning function). A partitioning function for a Boolean algebra \(\mathcal {A} = (\mathfrak {D}, \varPsi , \llbracket {\_} \rrbracket , \bot , \top , \vee , \wedge , \lnot )\) is a function \(P : (2^\mathfrak {D})^* \rightarrow \varPsi ^*\) that takes as input a list \(L_\mathfrak {D} = \ell _1 \ldots \ell _k\) of disjoint sets of elements in \(\mathfrak {D}\), and returns a parallel list \(L_\varPsi = \varphi _1 \ldots \varphi _k\) of predicates in \(\varPsi \) such that

  • \(\bigvee _{\varphi _i \in L_\varPsi } \varphi _i = \top \)

  • \(\varphi _i \wedge \varphi _j = \bot \) for all \(\varphi _i, \varphi _j \in L_\varPsi \) with \(i \ne j\)

  • for each \(\ell _i \in L_\mathfrak {D}\) corresponding to \(\varphi _i \in L_\varPsi \), all \(a \in \ell _i\) are such that \(a \in \llbracket {\varphi _i} \rrbracket \).

Example 3

(Equality Algebra Separating Predicates). We can construct a partitioning function for the equality algebra: given a list \(L_\mathfrak {D} = \ell _1 \ldots \ell _k\) we construct a list \(L_\varPsi = \varphi _1 \ldots \varphi _k\) where each \(\varphi _i\) has \(\llbracket {\varphi _i} \rrbracket = \ell _i\). We choose a j with maximal \(|\ell _j|\) and update \(\varphi _j \leftarrow \varphi _j \vee \bigwedge _{1 \le i \le k} \lnot \varphi _i\). In the concrete case of \(\mathfrak {D} = \mathbb {Z}\) and \(L_\mathfrak {D} = [\{2\}, \{3\}, \emptyset , \{0, 5\}]\), the partitioning function would produce (after simplification) \(L_\varPsi = [\lambda a.\, a = 2, \lambda a.\, a = 3, \bot , \lambda a.\, a \ne 2 \wedge a \ne 3]\).

At a high level, as long as the s-FA is consistent with the evidence automaton, it will be consistent with the observation table. The words in the remainder of \(\varSigma ^*\)—for which the evidence automaton has unspecified classification—can be assigned to paths in a largely arbitrary manner. The partitioning function handles generalizing the concrete evidence by creating separating predicates, in effect specifying the behavior for the remaining words. Ideally, this generalization allows an automaton to be learned with a relatively small observation table, even if the alphabet is large—or even infinite.

Given an evidence automaton \(A = (\varSigma , Q, q_\text {init}, F, \varDelta )\), a Boolean algebra \(\mathcal {A}\) with domain \(\varSigma \), and an appropriate partitioning function P, we build an s-FA \(M = (\mathcal {A}, Q, q_\text {init}, F, \varDelta _M)\) using that Boolean algebra and that exact configuration of states. All that remains is the construction of the transition relation \(\varDelta _M\).

For each \(q \in Q\), we perform the following. We gather all evidence transitions out of q into a set \(\varDelta _q = \{(q, a, q') \in \varDelta \}\) and construct a list \(L_\varSigma \) indexed over the states \(q_i \in Q\), where each set in \(L_\varSigma \) is \(\ell _i = \{a \mid (q, a, q_i) \in \varDelta _q\}\). We apply the partitioning function to get a list of separating predicates \(L_{\varPsi _\mathcal {A}} = P(L_\varSigma )\) which is also indexed over \(q_i \in Q\), and add \((q, \varphi _i, q_i)\) to \(\varDelta _M\) for each \(\varphi _i \in L_{\varPsi _\mathcal {A}}\).

Lemma 2

(s-FA evidence compatibility). Given a cohesive observation table \(T = (\varSigma , S, R, E, F)\), if \(M_\text {evid} = (\varSigma , Q, q_\text {init}, F, \varDelta )\) is the evidence automaton construction of T, and \(M = (\mathcal {A}, Q, q_\text {init}, F, \varDelta )\) is produced from \(M_\text {evid}\) using a partitioning function, then for all \(w \cdot e \in (S \cup R) \cdot E\), if \(f(w \cdot e) = 1\) then \(w \cdot e \in \mathcal {L}(M)\), and if \(f(w \cdot e) = 0\) then \(w \cdot e \not \in \mathcal {L}(M)\).

An example observation table, its corresponding evidence automaton, and a resultant s-FA are shown in the last row of Fig. 2.

3.3 Algorithm Description

We now present a description of \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) and an example execution. The algorithm begins by initializing an observation table with \(S = \{\epsilon \}\), \(R = \{a\}\) for an arbitrary \(a \in \varSigma \), and \(E = \{\epsilon \}\). f is initially undefined. The knowledge of the table is grown using the operations fill, close, evidence-close, and make-consistent.

The operation fill asks a membership query for all \(w \cdot e \in (S \cup R) \cdot E\) for which f is undefined and then adds those results to f; in this way, it ensures f is defined over the entire domain of the observation table.

The operation close checks for the existence of an \(r \in R\) such that for all \(s \in S\), \(\textit{row}(r) \ne \textit{row}(s)\). Such an r is moved from R to S, and \(r \cdot a\) is added to R for some arbitrary \(a \in \varSigma \).

The operation evidence-close ensures for all \(e \in E\) and \(s \in S\) that \(s \cdot e \in S \cup R\) by adding to R all \(s \cdot e\) that are not. It also adds to R any necessary prefixes so that \(S \cup R\) is prefix-closed.

The operation make-consistent operates as follows: if there exist \(w_1, w_2 \in S \cup R\) and \(w_1 \cdot a, w_2 \cdot a \in S \cup R\) for some \(a \in \varSigma \) such that \(\textit{row}(w_1) = \textit{row}(w_2)\) but \(\textit{row}(w_1 \cdot a) \ne \textit{row}(w_2 \cdot a)\), then \(w_1\) and \(w_2\) actually lead to different states; using the \(e \in E\) such that \(f(w_1 \cdot a \cdot e) \ne f(w_2 \cdot a \cdot e)\), it is clear \(a \cdot e\) thus differentiates those states. Accordingly, \(a \cdot e\) is added to E. Additionally, we then add \((\{u_2 \cdot b \mid u_1 \cdot b \in S \cup R\} \cup \{u_1 \cdot b \mid u_2 \cdot b \in S \cup R\}) \setminus S\) to R for all pairs \(u_1, u_2 \in S \cup R\) such that before adding e to E, \(\textit{row}(u_1) = \textit{row}(u_2)\), but \(f(u_1 \cdot e) \ne f(u_2 \cdot e)\) (this includes the pair \(w_1, w_2\)). This operation distributes the old evidence leading out of the amalgamated state between the newly differentiated states, simplifying the constructions in Sect. 4.

Upon receiving a counterexample \(c \in \varSigma ^*\) from an equivalence query sent to the oracle, all prefixes of c are added to R (except those already present in S). There are two cases for a counterexample: one of the predicates in the s-FA needs refinement, which is facilitated by adding those new words to the table, or a new state must exist in the automaton, which is handled by make-consistent.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview of the learning algorithm \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\).

Figure 1 shows an overview of the learning algorithm: after the table is initialized, the operations make-consistent, evidence-close, and close are applied until the table is cohesive.Footnote 4 (Fill is applied throughout whenever a change is made to the table.) An s-FA M is then conjectured from the table, and an equivalence query is performed: if M is equivalent to the target automaton, then the algorithm terminates. Otherwise, a counterexample is produced and processed, and the procedure repeats.

\(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) can be thought of as a lazily-evaluated version of L\(^*\) with the additional generalization step, and therefore it maintains the property of L\(^*\) that the learned automaton has a minimal number of states.

Theorem 1

( \({\mathrm {\Lambda }^{*}}\) minimality). When \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) terminates it returns a minimal s-FA.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An example run of the \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) algorithm.

3.4 Worked Example

Suppose we invoke \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) to learn the automaton over non-negative integers that accepts all words except those that contain a number between 51 and 100 that is not immediately followed by two numbers between 0 and 20.

The Boolean algebra we use is the union of left-closed right-open intervals. We fix a partitioning function P that assumes that if \(a \in \ell \), \(b \in \ell '\), and there are no c in the input sets such that \(a< c < b\), then the whole interval [ab) behaves equivalently to a. For example, \(P(\{0\},\{10\}) = [0,10), [10,\infty )\) and \(P(\{0,20\},\{10\}) = [0,10)\cup [20,\infty ), [10,\infty )\).

The trace of the algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 2. \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) begins by initializing an observation table so that \(S = \{\epsilon \}\), \(R = \{0\}\) (the 0 is an arbitrary character from \(\varSigma \) and is used purely so that the table contains \(\epsilon \cdot a\) for some a), and \(E = \{\epsilon \}\). The appropriate membership queries are made to the oracle, resulting in the table \(\mathbf {T_1}\). \(\mathbf {T_1}\) is cohesive, so it is used to construct the evidence automaton \(\mathbf {M_1^e}\), and by calling the partitioning function P on the outgoing transitions of each state in \(\mathbf {M_1^e}\)—in this case just \(P(\{0\}) = [0,\infty )\)—the s-FA \(\mathbf {M_1}\) is conjectured. The oracle is given \(\mathbf {M_1}\) as an equivalence query, and it returns the single-character word 51 as a counterexample. 51 is added to R in the observation table, as would all of its prefixes if it were a word of length greater than one, and a membership query is asked for \(51\cdot \epsilon \), resulting in table \(\mathbf {T_2}\).

\(\mathbf {T_2}\) is not closed, since \(\textit{row}(51) = -\) and there is no \(s \in S\) with \(\textit{row}(s) = -\). Accordingly, 51 represents a path to a new state, so it is moved from S to R, and a continuation 51, 0 is added to R. This produces table \(\mathbf {T_3}\), which is now cohesive and thus admits the construction of the evidence automaton \(\mathbf {M_3^e}\) and ultimately the s-FA \(\mathbf {M_3}\) through the use of the partitioning function: for example, for the outgoing transitions of the initial state, \(P(\{0\},\{51\}) = [0,51), [51,\infty )\). An equivalence query sent to the oracle returns the counterexample of 101.

Adding 101 to R results in the cohesive table \(\mathbf {T_4}\) and the s-FA \(\mathbf {M_4}\), and the oracle provides the counterexample 51, 0, 0. 51, 0, 0 is added to R (all of its prefixes are already present in \(S \cup R\)), resulting in the table \(\mathbf {T_5}\) which is not consistent: observe that \(\textit{row}(51) = - = \textit{row}(51,0)\), but \(\textit{row}(51\cdot 0) = - \ne + = \textit{row}(51,0\cdot 0)\). This means that 51 and 51, 0 actually lead to different states, which will be addressed in two stages. First, following the rule make-consistent, since \(f(51\cdot 0\cdot \epsilon ) \ne f(51,0\cdot 0\cdot \epsilon )\), we add \(0\cdot \epsilon \) to E to distinguish the states led to by 51 and 51, 0, which produces table \(\mathbf {T_6}\). Applying close to \(\mathbf {T_6}\) results in \(\mathbf {T_7}\), which is then cohesive (we added an element to E, which would normally require applying evidence-close, but it happens to be that \(\mathbf {T_7}\) is already evidence-closed) and produces an s-FA \(\mathbf {M_7}\). The counterexample 51, 21, 0 requires adding it as well as the prefix 51, 21 to R, producing table \(\mathbf {T_8}\).

\(\mathbf {T_8}\) is also inconsistent, since \(\textit{row}(51) = -,- = \textit{row}(51,21)\) but \(\textit{row}(51\cdot 0) = -,+ \ne -,- = \textit{row}(51,21\cdot 0)\). Since \(f(51\cdot 0\cdot 0) \ne f(51,21\cdot 0\cdot 0)\), we add \(0\cdot 0\) to E to distinguish 51 from 51, 21, and evidence-close the table to get \(\mathbf {T_9}\). Closing and evidence-closing this table results in \(\mathbf {T_{10}}\), the conjecture \(\mathbf {M_{10}}\), the counterexample 51, 0, 21, the table \(\mathbf {T_{11}}\), and finally the automaton \(\mathbf {M_{11}}\) which passes the equivalence query.

4 Learnability and Its Properties

Whether an s-FA can be learned and, if so, the complexity of learning that s-FA, depends on a more fundamental property concerning the learnability of the underlying Boolean algebra. In \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\), this notion of learnability determines the complexity of the algorithm. We first provide a definition for an algebra’s learnability with respect to the inputs given to a partitioning function and then connect these inputs to the queries given to the oracle during the learning algorithm.

4.1 Learnability of a Boolean Algebra

Fix a partitioning function P over a Boolean algebra \(\mathcal {A}\). Let C denote a concept class for which each concept \(c \in C\) is a finite partition of \(\mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A}\) using predicates in \(\varPsi _\mathcal {A}\), and let G denote the set of generators which, informally, provide a sequence of counterexamples—elements in \(\mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A}\)—to update the sets given to P. We analyze how many times a generator g must make an update before P learns a desired partition. A generator \(g \in G\) can be thought of as a function that takes as input a tuple \((L, c_\text {guess}, c_\text {target})\)—where L is the list of subsets of \(\mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A}\) given as input to P, \(c_\text {guess} \in C\) is a partition of \(\mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A}\) consistent with L, and \(c_\text {target} \in C\) is the target partition—and outputs a new list \(L'\) of \(\mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A}\)-subsets. We say g provides sets to P to refer to the iterative process in which \(L_0 = [\emptyset ]\) and \(L_{i+1} = g(L_i, P(L_i), c_\text {target})\). Intuitively, a generator iteratively updates a list of sets to be given to a partitioning function so that the output of that function approaches the target partition.

Additionally, the generators are subject to the following restrictions that ensure a sense of monotonicity: (i) the output \(L'\) is greater than the input L in the sense that \(\forall a \in \mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A} [(\exists \ell \in L .\, a \in \ell ) \rightarrow (\exists \ell ' \in L' .\, a \in \ell ')]\) (a character present in the input will always be present in future iterations); (ii) if \(a_1 \in \ell _i \in L\) and \(a_2 \in \ell _j \in L\) and \(i \ne j\), then it cannot be that there is some \(\ell ' \in L'\) and both \(a_1 \in \ell '\) and \(a_2 \in \ell '\) (if the generator says two elements belong to different sets in a partition, that must be true for all future iterations); and (iii) either the number of sets in \(L'\) is larger than the number of sets in L, or at least one \(a \in \mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A}\) that was not present in any \(\ell \in L\) is present in some \(\ell ' \in L'\) Also, the inputs to the generator are subject to a notion of consistency: if \(a_1 \in \ell _i \in L\) and \(a_2 \in \ell _j \in L\) such that \(i \ne j\), then there is no \(\varphi \in c_\text {target}\) such that \(\{a_1, a_2\} \subseteq \llbracket {\varphi } \rrbracket \).

This definition of a generator exactly captures the high-level process of updating the observation table in our algorithm via queries to the oracle and projecting those changes onto the individual lists of sets that are given to the partitioning function for the creation of the conjectured s-FA. For example, in Fig. 2, the evidence for the outgoing transitions of the \(\epsilon \)-state is provided by a generator such that \(L_1 = [\{0\}]\), \(L_2 = [\{0\}, \{51\}]\), and \(L_3 = [\{0,101\},\{51\}]\). Below we will formalize a notion of learnability with respect to these generators, and it will thus bear a close correspondence to the complexity of learning an s-FA.

Definition 5

( \(s_g\) -learnability). Given a Boolean algebra \(\mathcal {A}\), a partitioning function P, and a generator \(g \in G\), we say the pair \((\mathcal {A}, P)\) is \(s_g\) -learnable if there exists an implicit function \(s_g : C \rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) such that P needs as input a list of sets, provided by g, with total size at most \(s_g(c)\) to discover a target partition \(c \in C\). Furthermore, we say \(\mathcal {A}\) itself is \(s_g\)-learnable if there exists a partitioning function P such that \((\mathcal {A}, P)\) is \(s_g\)-learnable.

We also classify \(\mathcal {A}\) as belonging to a learning class that depends on these \(s_g\) functions—but first we need an auxiliary notion of the size of a partition.

Definition 6

(DNF-Size of a partition). Let C be the set of partitions of \(\mathcal {A}\). Each \(c \in C\) is a list \(\varphi _1, \ldots , \varphi _n\): we can expand each \(\varphi _i\) to a minimal disjunctive-normal-form formula \(\bigvee _j \psi _{i,j}\) such that \(c' = \psi _{1,1}, \ldots , \psi _{1,m_1}, \ldots , \psi _{n,1}, \ldots , \psi _{n,m_n}\) is a partition of \(\mathcal {A}\) that is at least as fine as c. We say the DNF-size of c is the length of the list of such a minimal \(c'\).

Example 4

The partition \(\{x < 5 \vee x > 10, 5 \le x \wedge x \le 10\}\) has DNF-size 3.

Definition 7

(Learning Class). For a fixed Boolean algebra \(\mathcal {A}\) if there exists a \(g \in G\) such that \(\mathcal {A}\) is \(s_g\)-learnable, then

  • if \(s_g\) is a constant function, i.e. \(\exists k \forall c.\, s_g(c) = k\), we say \(\mathcal {A} \in \mathcal {C}_\textit{const}^\exists \)

  • if \(s_g\) is a function only of the DNF-size of c, we say \(\mathcal {A} \in \mathcal {C}_\textit{size}^\exists \)

  • if \(s_g\) is otherwise unconstrained, we say \(\mathcal {A} \in \mathcal {C}_\textit{finite}^\exists \)

Additionally, for some fixed partitioning function P, if for all \(g \in G\), \((\mathcal {A}, P)\) is \(s_g\)-learnable, then

  • if each \(s_g\) is a constant function, we say \(\mathcal {A} \in \mathcal {C}_\textit{const}^\forall \)

  • if each \(s_g\) is a function only of the DNF-size of c, we say \(\mathcal {A} \in \mathcal {C}_\textit{size}^\forall \)

  • if each \(s_g\) is otherwise unconstrained, we say \(\mathcal {A} \in \mathcal {C}_\textit{finite}^\forall \)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Learning classes.

Observe that learning classes are partially-ordered by the subset relation shown in Fig. 3. This categorization is convenient for reasoning about different instantiations of domains and oracles. For example: (i) When \(\mathcal {A} \in \mathcal {C}_\textit{const}^\forall \), learning a partition over \(\mathfrak {D}_\mathcal {A}\) is equivalent to the machine-learning notion of a mistake-bound [12]. (ii) The equality algebra for any finite alphabet is in \(\mathcal {C}_\textit{const}^\forall \). (iii) The interval algebra over the integers or rationals is in \(\mathcal {C}_\textit{size}^\exists \); if the oracle provides lexicographically minimal counterexamples, the number of times the partitions must be updated through the generator is determined by the number of connected regions in the partition, as illustrated in [13] and as applicable for Fig. 2. The integer case is also in \(\mathcal {C}_\textit{finite}^\forall \), since after arbitrary counterexamples are found beyond the least and greatest finite bounds in the partition, m and M respectively, at most \(M - m\) more counterexamples are required. (iv) Using enumeration, linear rational arithmetic is in \(\mathcal {C}_\textit{finite}^\forall \).

Since for each state in an s-FA, the set of outgoing transitions forms a partition of the alphabet, i.e. a concept in C, the number of counterexamples needed to learn the entire automaton is related to the sum of \(s_g(c)\) for each state’s outgoing transitions. Hence, the complexity of learning depends on (i) the choice of the partitioning function and, potentially, (ii) the quality of counterexamples provided by the oracle.

Theorem 2

(SFA Learnability). If M is an s-FA over a learnable Boolean algebra \(\mathcal {A}\) with n states, then the number of equivalence queries needed to learn M is bounded above by \(n^2 \sum _{q_i \in Q} s_{g_i}(c_i)\), where \(s_{g_i}\) is the projection of the oracle onto learning the partition \(c_i\) for the outgoing transitions of state \(q_i\).

The notion of an algebra’s learning class can have powerful ramifications in conjuction with the result of Theorem 2. For example, if an s-FA uses a Boolean algebra contained in \(\mathcal {C}_\textit{finite}^\forall \), then the use of the appropriate partitioning function guarantees termination of the learning algorithm, independent of the quality of counterexamples produced from equivalence queries. Investigating which of the subset relations in Fig. 3 are strict subsets, as well as what (if any) algebras fall outside of \(\mathcal {C}_\textit{finite}^\exists \) are interesting future problems.

4.2 Composing Learnable Algebras

The definition of learnability described prior has the remarkable property that it is preserved by some constructions that combine Boolean algebras, such as the disjoint union and the cartesian product. In these cases, a partitioning function for the resultant algebra can be constructed by using partitioning functions for the original algebras as black boxes; This allows us to phrase the learnability of the constructed algebra in terms of the learnability of the individual algebras.

Definition 8

(Disjoint Union Algebra). Let \(\mathcal {A}_1, \mathcal {A}_2\) be boolean algebras. Their disjoint union algebra \(\mathcal {A}_\uplus = (\mathfrak {D}, \varPsi , \llbracket {\_} \rrbracket , \bot , \top , \vee , \wedge , \lnot )\), which we denote \(\mathcal {A}_\uplus = \mathcal {A}_1 \uplus \mathcal {A}_2\), is constructed as follows:Footnote 5

If \(\mathcal {A}_1\) has partitioning function \(P_1\) and \(\mathcal {A}_2\) has partitioning function \(P_2\), then we can construct a partitioning function \(P_\uplus \) for \(\mathcal {A}_\uplus = \mathcal {A}_1 \uplus \mathcal {A}_2\): \(P_\uplus \) takes as input a list \(L_\uplus \) of sets where each set \(\ell _{\uplus _i} \subset \mathfrak {D}_{\mathcal {A}_1} \uplus \mathfrak {D}_{\mathcal {A}_2}\). We decompose \(L_\uplus \) into \(L_{\mathfrak {D}_1}\) and \(L_{\mathfrak {D}_2}\), two lists of sets of \(\ell _{1_i} \subset \mathfrak {D}_{\mathcal {A}_1}\) and \(\ell _{2_i} \subset \mathfrak {D}_{\mathcal {A}_2}\), respectively: for each \(a \in \ell _{\uplus _i}\), if \(a \in \mathfrak {D}_{\mathcal {A}_1}\), then we add a to \(\ell _{1_i}\), and otherwise if \(a \in \mathfrak {D}_{\mathcal {A}_2}\), then we add a to \(\ell _{2_i}\). We obtain \(L_{\varPsi _1} = P_1(L_{\mathfrak {D}_1})\) and \(L_{\varPsi _2} = P_2(L_{\mathfrak {D}_2})\). We construct \(L_{\varPsi _\uplus }\) by taking \(\varphi _{\uplus _i} = (\varphi _{1_i}, \varphi _{2_i})\) for all i, return \(L_{\varPsi _\uplus }\), and terminate.

The disjoint union is useful since, for example, we can represent arbitrary intervals over the integers as the disjoint union of (i) intervals over non-negative integers and (ii) intervals over negative integers. In other words, a partitioning function suited for a single notion of \(\infty \) can be extended to capture two.

Theorem 3

(Disjoint Union Algebra Learnability). Given Boolean algebras \(\mathcal {A}_1, \mathcal {A}_2\) with partitioning functions \(P_1, P_2\), \((\mathcal {A}_1, P_1)\) is \(s_{g_1}\)-learnable and \((\mathcal {A}_2, P_2)\) is \(s_{g_2}\)-learnable if and only if there exists \(g_\uplus \) such that their disjoint union algebra \((\mathcal {A}_\uplus , P_\uplus )\) is \(s_{g_\uplus }\)-learnable, where \(s_{g_\uplus }(c) = s_{g_1}(c_1) + s_{g_2}(c_2)\) and \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) are the restrictions of c to \(\mathfrak {D}_{\mathcal {A}_1}\) and \(\mathfrak {D}_{\mathcal {A}_2}\), respectively.

Corollary 1

If \(\mathcal {A}_1\) and \(\mathcal {A}_2\) are in learning class \(\mathcal {C}\), then their disjoint union \(\mathcal {A}_\uplus \) is also in learning class \(\mathcal {C}\).

We present a similar construction for the product of two Boolean algebras.

Definition 9

(Product Algebra). Let \(\mathcal {A}_1, \mathcal {A}_2\) be boolean algebras. Their product algebra \(\mathcal {A}_\times = (\mathfrak {D}, \varPsi , \llbracket {\_} \rrbracket , \bot , \top , \vee , \wedge , \lnot )\), which we denote \(\mathcal {A}_\times = \mathcal {A}_1 \times \mathcal {A}_2\), is constructed as follows:

If \(\mathcal {A}_1\) has partitioning function \(P_1\) and \(\mathcal {A}_2\) has partitioning function \(P_2\), then we can construct a partitioning function \(P_\times \) for \(\mathcal {A}_\times = \mathcal {A}_1 \times \mathcal {A}_2\): \(P_\times \) takes as input a list \(L_\times \) of sets where each set \(\ell _{\times _i} \subset \mathfrak {D}_{\mathcal {A}_1} \times \mathfrak {D}_{\mathcal {A}_2}\). We first take the set \(D_1 = \{d_1 \mid (d_1, d_2) \in \ell _{\times _i} \text { for some } \ell _{\times _i} \in L_\times \}\), turn it into a list \(D_1' = \{d_{1,1}\},\ldots ,\{d_{1,n}\}\), and compute a partition \(L_1 = P_1(D_1')\). Then for each \(d_i \in D_1\), we construct a list \(D_{2,d_i}\) where the j-th element is the set \(\{d_2 \mid (d_i, d_2) \in \ell _{\times _j}\}\) and compute a partition \(L_{2,d_i} = P_2(D_{2,d_i})\). Finally, we initialize the list of predicates to be returned \(L_{\varPsi _\times } = \varphi _{\times _1}, \ldots , \varphi _{\times _k}\) so that initially each \(\varphi _{\times _i} = \bot \). Then for all i and each \((d_1, d_2) \in \ell _{\times _i}\), let \(\varphi _{d_1}\) be the predicate in \(L_1\) corresponding to \(\{d_1\}\) in \(D_1'\) and let \(\varphi _{d_2}\) be the predicate in \(L_{2,d_1}\) corresponding to the set of \(D_{2,d_1}\) that contains \(d_2\); update \(\varphi _{\times _i} \leftarrow \varphi _{\times _i} \vee (\varphi _{d_1}, \varphi _{d_2})\). Return \(L_{\varPsi _\times }\) and terminate.

Example 5

Suppose we want to find a partition over \((x,y) \in \mathbb {Z} \times \mathbb {Z}\) where each component uses the interval algebra, and suppose the input sets are \(L_\times = [\{(0, 0), (1, 0), (1,2)\}, \{(0,2)\}]\). Then \(D_1' = [\{0\}, \{1\}]\) and perhaps \(L_1 = P_1(D_1') = [x \le 0, x > 0]\). Then we have \(D_{2,0} = [\{0\}, \{2\}]\) and \(D_{2,1} = [\{0,2\}, \emptyset ]\). Perhaps \(L_{2,0} = P_2(D_{2,0}) = [y \le 1, y > 1]\) and \(L_{2,1} = P_2(D_{2,1}) = [\top , \bot ]\). Then (without simplification) \(L_{\varPsi _\times } = [(x \le 0, y \le 1) \vee (x> 0, \top ) \vee (x> 0, \top ), (x \le 0, y > 1)]\).

Theorem 4

(Product Algebra Learnability). Given Boolean algebras \(\mathcal {A}_1, \mathcal {A}_2\) with partitioning functions \(P_1, P_2\) and their product algebra \(\mathcal {A}_\times \) with the composite partitioning function \(P_\times \), let \(c \in C_\times \) be the target partition over the product algebra, let \(c_1 \in C_1\) be the minterms of the \(\mathcal {A}_1\)-components of c, and let \(c_2 \in C_2\) be the minterms of the \(\mathcal {A}_2\)-components of c. (i) If \((\mathcal {A}_1, P_1)\) is \(s_{g_1}\)-learnable and \((\mathcal {A}_2, P_2)\) is \(s_{g_2}\)-learnable, then there exists \(g_\times \) such that \((\mathcal {A}_\times , P_\times )\) is \(s_{g_\times }\)-learnable where \(s_{g_\times }(c) = s_{g_1}(c_1) s_{g_2}(c_2)\). (ii) If \((\mathcal {A}_\times , P_\times )\) is \(s_{g_\times }\)-learnable, then there exist \(g_1, g_2\) such that \((\mathcal {A}_1, P_1)\) is \(s_{g_1}\)-learnable and \((\mathcal {A}_2, P_2)\) is \(s_{g_2}\)-learnable where \(s_{g_\times }(c) = s_{g_1}(c_1) = s_{g_2}(c_2)\).

Corollary 2

If \(\mathcal {A}_1\) and \(\mathcal {A}_2\) are in learning class \(\mathcal {C}\), then their product \(\mathcal {A}_\times \) is also in learning class \(\mathcal {C}\).

Since learnability is closed under disjoint union and product, symbolic automata over non-recursive data types can be learned using partitioning functions for the component types, as opposed to necessitating specialized partitioning functions.

5 Implementation

We implemented \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) in the open-source Java library Symbolic Automata. Our modular implementation only requires the programmer to provide learnable Boolean algebras as input to the learner; we have already implemented the equality and interval algebras as well as the disjoint union and product algebras—which are implemented as meta-algebras and can be instantiated arbitrarily.

We evaluated our algorithm on the examples presented by Maler and Mens [13], who proposed two extensions of L\(^*\) for learning s-FAs where 1) predicates are union of intervals in \(\mathbb {N}\), or 2) predicates are union of intervals over \(\mathbb {N}\times \mathbb {N}\). Their algorithms assume that the oracle always provides lexicographically minimal counterexamples, so that every counterexample identifies a boundary in a partition. They evaluate their techniques on two automata: one over the alphabet \(\mathbb {N}\) (Ex. 4.1 [13]) and one over the alphabet \(\mathbb {N} \times \mathbb {N}\) (Ex. 5.1 [13]).

We implemented a partitioning function equivalent to their characterization of the interval algebra over \(\mathbb {N}\). While, to learn automata over \(\mathbb {N} \times \mathbb {N}\), [13] introduces an ad-hoc separate technique that requires the oracle to always give locally minimal counterexamples, in our setting, the algebra for pairs can be trivially implemented as the Cartesian product of the interval algebra over \(\mathbb {N}\) with itself.

We learn the first automaton using 8 equivalence and 23 membership queries, while their algorithm only requires 7 and 17, respectively. The former difference is due to their algorithm adding a different suffix to E than ours, which happens to discover two new states instead of one and ultimately saves them an equivalence query. The latter is due to a more refined handling of counterexamples (more in our related work). Similarly, we learn the second automaton using 28 equivalence and 43 membership queries, while their algorithm only requires 18 and 20, respectively. In this case, the discrepancy is amplified because the algorithm in [13] uses a specialized implicit partitioning function that avoids the quadratic blowup caused by the Cartesian product construction in Theorem 4. We implemented an analogous specialized partitioning function directly on the product algebra and were able to learn the same example using 19 equivalence and 30 membership queries.

6 Related Work

\(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) builds on L\(^*\) [3], for which many extensions have been proposed, the most advanced one being TTT [1, 11]. While these extensions could be applied to \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) to potentially improve the size of the observation table, the number of membership queries is dictated by the amount of evidence needed for the partitioning function to generalize. Our algorithm opens new questions: Can we efficiently store intermediate predicates computed by the partitioning functions? Can separating predicates be computed incrementally?

Our paper is the first one to provide: (i) an algorithm for learning symbolic automata over arbitrary alphabet theories, with a notion of learnability that is parametric in both the alphabet theory and the oracle (through its projection onto generators), and (ii) compositionality properties that permit combining learnable algebras. We detail our comparison against the most relevant works.

Isberner et al. augment L\(^*\) with abstractions to learn automata over potentially infinite alphabets [10]. The algorithm creates abstract symbols to generalize sets of characters, and the final automaton operates over these abstract symbols. Abstractions can cause non-determinism that is resolved using refinement operators. This approach differs from ours in two aspects. First, while the final output of \(\mathrm {\Lambda }^*\) is a symbolic automaton over the target Boolean algebra, the output in [10] is an automaton operating over a separate abstract alphabet that is discovered during the learning process and might not necessarily form a Boolean algebra. Second, our algorithm enjoys well-defined learnability and compositionality properties over the input Boolean algebras, while the one in [10] does not provide any such properties. Maler and Mens [13] instantiate the algorithm proposed in [10] and learn automata over the interval algebra for integers and pair of integers. As we discussed throughout the paper, their results are special cases of our formulation. In fact, their specialized algorithm for learning automata over pairs of integers is a special case of our Cartesian product of two algebras. Using our technique, we can also drop the assumption that the oracle provides lexicographically minimal counterexamples, which simply causes a change to the \(s_g\) functions and learnability.

Argyros et al. [5] present an algorithm for learning symbolic automata where the learnability is parametric with respect to a guardgen method, which is an equivalent formulation of our partitioning function. Their definition of learnability only captures our learning class \(\mathcal {C}_\textit{const}^\forall \) and can therefore only describe Boolean algebras operating over finite alphabets or with finitely many predicates. Our work introduces generators, proposes a deeper analysis of the learnability of a Boolean algebra, and shows how learnable algebras can be composed.

The Sigma\(^*\) algorithm [6] is a practical algorithm for learning symbolic transducers, but it does not have learnability guarantees. Other algorithms can learn nominal [14] and register automata [7]. In these models, the alphabet is infinite but not structured (i.e., it does not form a Boolean algebra) and characters at different positions can be compared using binary relations (typically equality or simple arithmetic relations). These models are orthogonal to symbolic automata.