
1 Introduction

In this paper we consider oblivious transfer (OT), a well known two-party cryptographic primitive. In oblivious transfer, a sender has two messages and a receiver chooses to learn one of them. The receiver gains no information about the other message, while the sender does not know which of the messages the receiver has learned. Oblivious transfer is an important primitive because it is sufficient for information-theoretic secure computation [Kil88].

However, information-theoretic secure computation and therefore oblivious transfer are well known to be impossible if sender and receiver communicate in the plain model, without additional resources. Therefore, several alternative models have been studied where information-theoretically secure oblivious transfer is possible because we assume additional resources.

One such assumption is the existence of a noisy channel between the sender and the receiver. It was shown in [CK88] that binary symmetric channels are in fact enough to realize oblivious transfer. A binary symmetric channel is one where each bit sent is flipped with a certain probability, known as the error rate of the channel. More efficient constructions, and different variants of noisy channels, were provided in subsequent papers, such as [BCS96, Cré97, DKS99, DFMS04, CMW05, CS06, PDMN11, IKO+11].

In particular, it was realized that it is problematic to assume that we are given a noisy channel with known and fixed parameters, such that the OT protocol we construct is allowed to depend on the parameter values. One reason for this is that it can be very hard to reliably estimate the parameters of a real channel. Another, more serious problem is that by fixing the parameters we are implicitly assuming that the adversary cannot change them. This is clearly unrealistic, and was the main motivation for introducing unfair noisy channels (UNC) in [DKS99]. In this model, the channel is a binary symmetric channel where, however, an adversary who corrupts one of the two parties can also choose the error rate to be within some range \([\gamma , \delta ]\). For \(\delta \ge 2\gamma (1-\gamma )\), the channel is easily seen to be trivial (it can be simulated from noiseless communication). It was shown in [DKS99] that information-theoretically secure oblivious transfer follows from UNC for a certain subset of the possible non-trivial parameter choices, while information-theoretically secure commitments follow from any non-trivial UNC.

Elastic channels (EC), a relaxation of unfair noisy channels, have been introduced in [KMS16]. For an EC, the noise can only be reduced by an adversary who corrupts the receiver. More precisely, given \(0\le \gamma <\delta \le 1/2\), a \((\gamma ,\delta )\)-elastic channel is one where the communication between the sender and an honest receiver has error rate \(\delta \), but a dishonest receiver may reduce this to be in the interval \([\gamma ,\delta ]\). Clearly, in this setting, \(\delta =1/2\) would correspond to a channel where all information is lost for the honest receiver, while \(\gamma =0\) would yield a channel where a dishonest receiver has full information about the messages sent by the sender. We cannot implement oblivious transfer in either case, and hence these channels are deemed trivial.

It was shown in [KMS16] that commitments where the sender commits follow from any non-trivial EC, and that oblivious transfer follow from EC for a certain subset of parameters, which is larger than in the case of an UNC. More specifically, they show that \(\delta \le \ell (\gamma )\) where \(\ell (\gamma ):=\left( 1+(4\gamma (1-\gamma ))^{-1/2}\right) ^{-1}\) is sufficient.

It is of course interesting that going from UNC to EC allows a larger range of parameters from which we can get OT. However, for both channels, we are still left with a “grey area” of parameter values where we do not know if OT is possible. One might say that we still do not know if an EC is fundamentally and qualitatively different from a UNC as far as OT is concerned. Moreover, for commitments, we know that we can have the sender commit, but since an EC is asymmetric w.r.t what corrupted senders and receivers can do, it is not clear that we can get commitments where the receiver commits for any non-trivial EC.

Our Contribution. In this paper, we make progress on the above questions. First, we close the gap left open in [KMS16] and show that information theoretically secure oblivious transfer follows from any non-trivial EC. Along the way, we also construct commitments where the receiver commits, from any non-trivial EC.

Our main technical contribution is a new way to exploit a certain type of key agreement protocol towards implementing OT. More specifically, we consider a key agreement protocol between two parties (Alice and Bob) in the following model: Alice can send messages to Bob through a binary symmetric channel C with error rate \(\delta \), and the adversary Eve will receive what Alice sends via an independent binary symmetric channel with error rate \(\gamma '\in [\gamma ,\delta ]\). On top of this, Alice and Bob may also communicate via a public error-free channel. Several key agreement protocols exist in this model [Mau93]. The main idea is to use the public channel to identify transmissions where Alice and Bob are more likely to agree on what was sent on the noisy channel. Because Eve’s channel is independent, this may create a situation where Eve has a disadvantage compared to Bob, even if her noise rate is initially smaller.

In this work, we consider key agreement protocols that are secure in the usual sense: Alice and Bob agree on the output, and Eve gets essentially no information on the key. But in addition, we require an extra property we call emulatability: We can replace Bob by a “fake” Bob’, who gets no information on what Alice sends on the noisy channel (but Eve gets information with error rate \(\gamma '\) as usual). Still, Bob’ can complete the conversation on the public channel such that neither Alice nor Eve can distinguish Bob’ from Bob. As we explain later, we can modify the key agreement protocol presented in [Mau93, Sect. 5] so that it is emulatable. We show that an oblivious transfer protocol secure against semi-honest adversaries can be constructed from any emulatable key agreement protocol. Furthermore, by using information-theoretic commitments where the committing party is the receiver (which can be constructed from any non-trivial EC, as we will show) we can upgrade our protocol to achieve security against a malicious receiver too. Finally, we show how to achieve security against a malicious sender in the case where our emulatable key agreement protocol is the one mentioned above.

Technical Overview. To give an intuition of how our protocol works, consider first the case of semi-honest security where a semi-honest receiver reduces the error rate to the minimal value \(\gamma \) (which is without loss of generality).

We turn an emulatable key agreement (KA) protocol as described above into an OT protocol as follows. The sender and the receiver engage in two independent instances (indexed respectively by 0 and 1) of the key agreement protocol above. In both cases, the sender from the OT protocol takes the role of Alice in the KA protocol, while the receiver does the following: in the instance of the KA protocol corresponding to his selection bit b, he acts as Bob would, while in the other instance, he acts as Bob’ (so in particular his actions are independent of what he receives from the sender on the EC). Finally Alice sends her messages \(m_0\), \(m_1\) one-time padded respectively with \(k_0\) and \(k_1\), each of these keys obtained in the corresponding key agreement protocol.

Now, an honest receiver will learn \(m_b\) as he should, which follows from correctness of the KA protocol. Second, a corrupt sender cannot learn the choice bit b. This follows from the emulatability property of the KA protocol: the sender cannot distinguish in which of the two instances she is interacting with the real Bob. Finally, a corrupt receiver cannot learn \(m_{1-b}\). This follows from the fact that, in the instance of the KA corresponding to \(1-b\), the view of the receiver is the same as the view of Eve, namely he sees everything Alice sends with error rate \(\gamma \), and he sees the public discussion (the fact that he generates that discussion himself by running Bob’ makes no difference). One can then show that emulatability implies that this view is distributed identically to the case where Eve watches Alice interact with Bob, and the usual definition of key agreement security guarantees that this is independent from the exchanged key \(k_{1-b}\).

Security in the malicious case is more involved. First, we need to ensure that the malicious receiver follows the protocol. It turns out to be sufficient that the receiver proves that for one of the KA instances, the messages he sends on the public channel are generated by Bob’, of course without revealing which one. To this end we can use the fact that commitments where the committing party is the receiver also follow from any EC (see below) and, via a known reduction, zero-knowledge proofs on committed values follow as well. Thus, we are doing something very similar to the GMW compiler. As a result we get a protocol that is secure against a semi-honest sender and a malicious receiver.

To further protect against a malicious sender, we execute many instances of the OT. The receiver checks the statistics of what he receives on the EC and discards instances that are too far from what he expects to see from an honest sender. This creates a protocol where the sender will (at least sometimes) have non-trivial uncertainty about the choice bit. We can now use standard techniques to clean this up to get a secure OT.

As for our construction on receiver commitments from any non-trivial EC, we observe that the commitment protocol from [DKS99] (that was designed for a UNC) can be modified to work for an EC. All we essentially have to do is to choose the parameters correctly. On the one hand, handling an EC is harder because \(\delta \) and \(\gamma \) are much further apart than for a UNC, however, on the other hand an EC is easier because one party has to live with the large noise rate even if he is corrupt. Intuitively, the observation is that these two issues balance each out so that (almost) the same protocol still works.

Outline. In Sect. 2 we define the basic functionalities we will deal with for the remainder of the paper, namely oblivious transfer and the elastic channel. In Sect. 3, we introduce the notion of emulatable key agreement, as well as a protocol that implements it. Emulatable key agreement is used in Sect. 4 to implement an OT protocol that is secure against semi-honest adversaries. This protocol is then used in Sect. 5 in the construction of a protocol secure against a malicious receiver. Finally, in Sect. 6 we present a construction that builds upon the one of Sect. 5 to obtain security against malicious adversaries.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Security Model

We prove our protocols secure in the Universal Composability framework introduced in [Can01]. This model is explained in Appendix A.

2.2 Oblivious Transfer

Oblivious transfer is a two-party primitive where one party (the sender) inputs two messages and the other party (the receiver) chooses to receive one—and only one—of them. Crucially, the sender does not learn the receiver’s choice, and the receiver does not learn the message it did not choose. This primitive is formalized in the figure below. Note that the description includes an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), which can corrupt parties.

figure a

2.3 Elastic Channel

A \((\gamma ,\delta )\)-elastic channel, as introduced in [KMS16], is a binary symmetric channel with crossover probability \(\delta \) where a receiver that has been corrupted by the adversary can choose to reduce the crossover probability to a level \(\nu \) with \(\gamma \le \nu \le \delta \). In the functionality below, we define a more general version where the channel is composed by \(\ell \) binary symmetric channels (all with crossover probability \(\nu \)).

figure b

3 Emulatable Key Agreement

Key agreement is the problem where two parties, Alice and Bob, want to establish a common key (a random element from \(\{0,1\}^\ell \)) so that an eavesdropper Eve has no information about this key. In other words, the goal is to implement the following functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {KA}}\).Footnote 1

figure c

In this section, we consider the scenario in which Alice can communicate to Bob via a wiretap channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}}\) where each bit is flipped (independently) with probability \(\delta \). Eve can obtain another noisy version of this communication, where each bit is flipped with probability \(\gamma \) and this noise is independent from Bob’s. Furthermore, there is a feedback public channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {Pub}}\) through which Alice and Bob can communicate.

figure d
figure e

In this setting, we are interested in key agreement protocols with an additional property that we call emulatability. A key agreement protocol \(\pi \) is emulatable if, in addition to implementing the key agreement functionality as it should, the role of Bob can be simulated by some entity \(\mathcal {E}\), the emulator, that learns no information about the messages transmitted through \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}}\), other than their lengths, and neither Alice nor Eve can distinguish whether Alice is interacting with Bob or with \(\mathcal {E}\).

We formalize this below. We first define a functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {DC}}\) that models a dummy channel whose task is to erase every information sent through the channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}}\) except for the length of the messages.

figure f

Definition 1

A key agreement protocol \(\pi \) between Alice and Bob using a wiretap channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}}\) and a public channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {Pub}}\) is emulatable if:

  1. 1.

    It realizes the functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {KA}}\). That is, there exists a simulator \(\mathcal {S}\) such that for all eavesdroppers \(\mathcal {A}\),

    $$\begin{aligned} \pi \diamond \mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}} \diamond \mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {Pub}} \equiv _{\mathcal {A}} \mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {KA}} \diamond \mathcal {S}. \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    There exists an emulator \(\mathcal {E}\) such that the following happens: suppose that we consider the protocol \(\pi '\) where we replace Bob by \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {DC}} \diamond \mathcal {E}\), i.e., \(\mathcal {E}\) is linked to \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}}\) via the dummy channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {DC}}\), and Alice acts as in protocol \(\pi \), while in both cases the eavesdropper \(\mathcal {A}\) receives information from \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}}\) and \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {Pub}}\). Then from the point of view of Alice and all eavesdroppers \(\mathcal {A}\), the protocol executions of \(\pi \) and \(\pi '\) are indistinguishable.

    That is, we have

    $$\begin{aligned} \pi \diamond \mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}} \diamond \mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {Pub}} \equiv _{\mathrm {Alice}, \mathcal {A}} \pi ' \diamond \mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}} \diamond \mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {Pub}}. \end{aligned}$$

We will need the following property later on.

Proposition 1

Suppose that a key agreement protocol \(\pi \) is emulatable. Then for any eavesdropper \(\mathcal {A}\), if Alice is executing the protocol \(\pi '\) with the emulator \(\mathcal {E}\) as in the definition, \(\mathcal {A}\) obtains no information about Alice’s output.

This is because, if \(\mathcal {A}\) could obtain any information about Alice’s output in the execution of \(\pi '\), then either she would be able to obtain information about Alice’s output in the execution of \(\pi \) (contradicting property 1 of emulatability) or she would be able to distinguish \(\pi \) and \(\pi '\) (contradicting property 2).

3.1 The Emulatable Key Agreement Protocol

We now describe an emulatable key agreement protocol for a wiretap channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}}\) with \(\gamma < \delta \), that is, for which the channel to the eavesdropper Eve is more reliable than the channel to Bob.

This is a small modification of a key agreement protocol from [Mau93, Sect. 5]. For each \(\gamma ,\delta \), the protocol specifies numbers \(s, \ell , n \in \mathbb {N}\), to be determined below. In addition, \(\ell =2m+1\) is an odd number. The protocol consists of three phases: advantage distillation, information reconciliation and privacy amplification.

The goal of the advantage distillation step is to create a conceptual channel between Alice and Bob which is more reliable than the one between Alice and Eve. In our protocol, this step proceeds as follows. Alice samples n random bits \(b_i\) and encodes each bit b as a bitstring v in \(\{0,1\}^\ell \) by selecting uniformly at random a set \(\mathcal {J}\subseteq \{1,\dots ,\ell \}\) of size m and setting the j-th coordinate of v to be \(1-b\) if \(j\in \mathcal {J}\) and b if \(j\not \in \mathcal {J}\). Note that this means \(m+1\) of the bits of the encoding equal b while the other m bits equal \(1-b\). Now, if for a given sent bit b, Bob receives a message of the form \((c,c,\dots ,c)\) for some c, we say Bob accepts the bit b and c is his guess about b. Now Alice creates the bitstring \(b_{i_1}b_{i_2}\dots b_{i_s}\) given by the first s bits accepted by Bob and Bob creates the bitstring \(c_{i_1}c_{i_2}\dots c_{i_s}\) of his guesses. They both disregard the remaining bits. Alternatively, one can see Alice’s encoding process as first encoding her bit with the repetition code and then introducing errors in exactly m positions. As we discuss in Sect. 3.2, the protocol is similar to that in [Mau93, Sect. 5], except that the global error introduced here is of fixed weight m, rather than flipping each bit with certain probability. In Sect. 3.2 below, we discuss why we need this to introduce this modification. Yet, from the point of view of advantage distillation, the intuition why this protocol works is the same as in [Mau93]: namely, even though Eve has more information over messages sent over the wiretap channel than Bob has, she has less information about the ones accepted by Bob; in other words, the probability that Bob decodes those bits correctly is higher than that of Eve’s. We formalize this later.

The information reconciliation step is carried out over the public channel. After this step, Alice and Bob will share a common bitstring with overwhelming probability, and Eve is still guaranteed to have some uncertainty about it. In the description below, we use the information reconciliation protocol in [BS94], where Alice sends the evaluation on her bitstring of a hash function chosen from a 2-universal family with an appropriate range size. Then Bob corrects his bitstring by finding the closest bitstring to it which is consistent with this evaluation.

Alice and Bob can then apply privacy amplification to obtain a random string about which Eve has no information. This can also be done by having only Alice send information over the public channel. The fact that both the information reconciliation and privacy amplification steps involve only Alice sending information over the public channel is important to guarantee the emulatability property.

We note that the information reconciliation step may in general not be computationally efficient for Bob; however, in fact any information reconciliation protocol can be used, as long as it is non-interactive. One efficient option is to employ a fuzzy extractor, as in [DORS08, Sect. 8.1], in order to execute both steps.

This description is formalized below. (For simplicity, we omit the description of the “establish” step introduced in the functionality of Sect. 3.)

figure g

In order to prove that our protocol is indeed an emulatable key agreement protocol, we introduce the following notation. Let X denote a variable with the uniform distribution over \(\{0,1\}\). Let Y and Z be the random variables that describe respectively the output bit c of Bob and the received bitstring of Eve (which is an element in \(\{0,1\}^\ell \)) when Alice samples a bit b according to X, encodes it as in our protocol, sends it through the wiretap channel and Bob accepts. An important point to make is that, since the noise of Bob and Eve are independent, the probability distribution of Z would be the same if we removed the conditioning on Bob accepting the bit. We have the following theorem.

Theorem 1

The protocol \(\pi _{\mathtt {KA}}\) is an emulatable key agreement protocol.

We use the following lemma which intuitively means that, as \(\ell \) grows, the probability that Eve receives a bitstring where most bits are 0 approaches 1/2 if Alice encoded a 0 (naturally an analogous statement holds if Alice encoded a 1). The proof of the lemma can be found in Appendix B.

Lemma 1

For \(i \in \{0,1\}\), let \(S_i\subseteq \{0,1\}^\ell \) be the set of all bitstrings where most bits are i. Then \(\Pr [Z\in S_i|X=i]\rightarrow 1/2\) as \(\ell \rightarrow \infty \).


(of Theorem 1). The detailed proof is in Appendix C. Here we give a sketch.

First we argue about the correctness of the protocol. It is not difficult to see that, for each index i, Bob accepts the corresponding bit with probability \(p_{\mathtt {accept}} = (\delta (1-\delta ))^m\). Furthermore, condition to Bob having accepted a bit, the probability that he decodes it correctly is again exactly \(1-\delta \), i.e., the advantage distillation step creates another conceptual noisy channel where the noise parameter is still \(\delta \), the same as in the original noisy channel.

Since we set n slightly larger than \(\lceil s/p_{\mathtt {accept}} \rceil \), for large enough parameters Bob will, with very high probability, accept at least s bits, of which roughly \(\delta \cdot s\) will be incorrect. By the results on information reconciliation in [BS94] our choice of \(\mathcal {H}_1\) guarantees that Bob corrects to the right string in the information reconciliation step, and hence that they output the same key at the end of the protocol.

Next, we consider privacy. Let X and Z be as above. We can use Lemma 1 in order to establish that \(H_{\infty }(X|Z)\rightarrow 1\) as \(\ell \rightarrow \infty \). We can then select \(\ell \) large enough so that \(H_\infty (X^s|Z^s, h_1, h_1(X^s))\ge t+2\sigma \) (see the full proof for details), and apply the leftover hash lemma to conclude that conditioned on everything seen by Eve during the protocol, the distribution of \(h_2(X^s)\) is \(2^{-\sigma }\)-close to the uniform distribution over \(\{0,1\}^t\).

Finally, to show that the protocol is emulatable, we have to construct an emulator \(\mathcal {E}\) that satisfies Property 2 in Definition 1. Note the only information sent by Bob is the description of the set \(\mathcal {I}\) of indices for which Bob accepted Alice’s message. Hence, this can be emulated by sampling a random index set \(\mathcal {I} \subseteq \{0,1\}^n\), where each index belongs to \(\mathcal {I}\) with independent probability \(p_{\mathtt {accept}}.\)

3.2 On the Emulatability of Other Key Agreement Protocols

Protocol \(\pi _{\mathtt {KA}}\) described above is based on the protocol given in [Mau93, Sect. 5]. As a matter of fact, several key agreement protocols for noisy channels are described in [Mau93] and subsequent works. However, they are either not emulatable (or, at least, it seems difficult to show they are) or they do not work for all non-trivial sets of parameters \((\gamma ,\delta )\).

First, [Mau93, Sect. 5], considers a slightly different scenario, in which there is only a public channel available for communication but on the other hand at the beginning of the protocol Alice, Bob and Eve have noisy versions (respectively \(r_A\), \(r_B\) and \(r_E\)) of a common string r, where each bit is independently flipped with probabilities \(\epsilon _A\), \(\epsilon _B\) and \(\epsilon _E\) for Alice, Bob and Eve respectively. Then having Alice mask a message (by xoring it with \(r_A\)) and send it through the public channel, induces a conceptual noisy channel where the input of Alice is m, and the outputs of Bob and Eve are \(m\oplus r_A\oplus r_B\) and \(m\oplus r_A\oplus r_E\) respectively. In the protocol proposed in [Mau93, Sect. 5] Alice encodes random bits with a repetition code and sends the information over the conceptual channel. From this point, the protocol proceeds as ours (Bob accepts the bits corresponding to codewords and they execute information reconciliation and privacy amplification on the resulting string). It can be shown that any parameters \(0<\epsilon _A, \epsilon _B, \epsilon _E<1/2\) lead to a secure key agreement protocol.

In our scenario, the players do not start with noisy versions of a common string, but have a \((\gamma ,\delta )\)-wiretap channel. We can reproduce the situation above in our scenario as follows: in order to send the message m, Alice flips each bit independently with probability \(\epsilon _A>0\) and sends the result through the \((\gamma ,\delta )\)-wiretap channel. This would be an equivalent situation of the above where \(\epsilon _B=\gamma \) and \(\epsilon _E=\delta \), and therefore it would lead to a secure key agreement protocol. However, the protocol would not be emulatable: the reason is that the probability that Bob accepts a given instance depends on the exact number of bitflips introduced by Alice. However, because this artificial noise has been introduced by Alice and not by the channel, this information is known by Alice; on the other hand, the number of bitflips in a given instance cannot be determined precisely by the emulator, even though it knows \(\epsilon _A\). Hence, regardless of how we define the emulator, Alice will be able to distinguish when she is interacting with it or with Bob.

If Alice does not introduce this artificial noise (i.e., if \(\epsilon _A=0\)), then there is an emulator that can reproduce Bob’s answer in every case, but the range of \((\gamma ,\delta )\) for which this protocol is a secure key agreement protocol does not include all possible \(0<\gamma , \delta <1/2\) and, in fact, it can be seen is exactly the very same range of parameters \((\gamma ,\delta )\) for which [KMS16] shows the existence of an OT protocol for a \((\gamma ,\delta )\)-elastic noisy channel (i.e. those pairs satisfying \(\delta \le \left( 1+(4\gamma (1-\gamma ))^{-1/2}\right) ^{-1}\)).

In our protocol, we solve these problems by having Alice introduce artificial noise, but making this noise be of a fixed Hamming weight m. This solves the problem with the existence of the emulator, while still preserving the security of the protocol.

Finally, we also need to mention that a simpler protocol for key agreement in our wire-tap channel scenario is presented in [Mau93, Proposition 1]. The protocol first creates a conceptual channel from Bob to Alice in which Alice has more information about Bob’s message than Eve does. This protocol works for all non-trivial wire-tap channel noise parameters. However, the information reconciliation and privacy amplification steps cannot be performed in such a way that it is only Alice who sends information (because in this case these steps are going to correct Alice’s knowledge of Bob’s string). Then, it is unclear whether this protocol can be made emulatable, because we would also need the emulator to simulate the information sent by Bob in these steps, and this does not appear to be straightforward.

4 Semi-honest Protocol

Now we present an OT protocol over the elastic channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {EC}}(\gamma ,\delta )\) for semi-honest adversaries. We show that such an oblivious transfer protocol can be constructed from any emulatable key agreement protocol that works in the setting of Sect. 3 (where Alice, Bob and Eve are connected by a wiretap channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}}\) with the noise parameters being \(\delta \) for Bob and \(\gamma \) for Eve).

The idea of the protocol is for sender and receiver to engage in two separate subprotocols. In one, they run the emulatable key agreement protocol with the sender acting as Alice and the receiver acting as Bob. In the other subprotocol, the sender follows again the key agreement protocol as Alice, whereas the receiver runs the emulator, according to Definition 1. The choice bit c determines whether the receiver will follow the protocol or act as the emulator. Here, the elastic channel is used as a conceptual wiretap channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {C}}\), where an honest receiver gets the output of the legitimate (noisier) channel, whereas an adversarial receiver gets the output of the less noisy channel.

To see why the protocol is secure, we note that since the key agreement protocol is emulatable, the sender does not know whether she is interacting with Bob (that is, whether she is engaging in the actual key agreement protocol) or with the emulator. Hence, she does not learn any information about the choice bit c. This guarantees the receiver’s privacy.

On the other hand, by definition the emulator can generate the transcript for the key agreement protocol without knowing anything about the exchanged key. Therefore in this case the receiver has no information about the key output by Alice at the end of the key agreement protocol.

This proof sketch is formalized in Theorem 2, below.

figure h

Theorem 2

The protocol \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTSH}}\) realizes \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {OT}}\). That is, there exists a simulator \(\mathcal {S}\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \pi _{\mathtt {OTSH}} \diamond \mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {EC}} \diamond \mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {Pub}} \equiv _{\mathcal {Z}} \mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {OT}} \diamond \mathcal {S} \end{aligned}$$

for all semi-honest environments \(\mathcal {Z}\).


For each activation, the environment \(\mathcal {Z}\) chooses \(m_0,m_1,c\). When interacting with the protocol, \(\mathcal {Z}\) receives \(m_c'\), and when interacting with \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {OT}}\), it receives \(m_c\). We note first that since \(\pi _c\) is an instance of \(\pi _{\mathtt {KA}}\), which implements \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {KA}}\), we have \(m_c' = m_c\). All that remains to be shown is that there exists a simulator for \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {OT}}\) that can reproduce the view of the environment.

First, assume \(P_1\) is corrupted, so that \(\mathcal {Z}\) gets access to \(P_1\)’s internal state. During the real execution, it gets access to \(k_0, k_1\) (through \(P_1\)), \(\bar{m}_0, \bar{m}_1\) plus the leakage from \(\pi _0\) and \(\pi _1\) (through the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), which interacts with \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {EC}}\) and \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {Pub}}\)). At the end of the execution, it gets \(P_2\)’s output, which is given by \(m_c\).

In the ideal process, the simulator \(\mathcal {S}\) corrupts \(P_1\), so that it gets access to \(m_0, m_1\). \(\mathcal {S}\) proceeds as follows. First, it executes two copies of \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {KA}} \diamond \mathcal {S}'\), where \(\mathcal {S}'\) is the simulator for the key agreement protocol. By assumption, this internal simulator replicates the leakage from \(\pi _0\) and \(\pi _1\), which is relayed to \(\mathcal {Z}\). Additionally, at the end of \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {KA}}\)’s execution, \(\mathcal {S}\) gets two random keys, which we denote by \(k_0'',k_1''\). It then computes \(\bar{m}_i = m_i \oplus k_i''\) for \(i=1,2\) and sends both to \(\mathcal {Z}\). Finally, it sends \(m_0, m_1\) to \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {OT}}\), which will then send \(m_c\) to \(P_2\). It is easy to see that \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {OT}} \diamond \mathcal {S}\) provides \(\mathcal {Z}\) with the same view as in the real protocol.

Now assume \(P_2\) is corrupted. Throughout the real execution, \(\mathcal {Z}\) gets access to \(k_c\) (through \(P_2\)), \(\bar{m}_0, \bar{m}_1, m_c\) plus the leakage from \(\pi _0\) and \(\pi _1\) (through the eavesdropper \(\mathcal {A}\)). In the ideal process, \(\mathcal {S}\) gets c by corrupting \(P_2\). It proceeds as follows. It runs one copy of \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {KA}} \diamond \mathcal {S}'\), obtaining a random key \(k_c''\), and relays c to \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {OT}}\). After \(P_2\) receives \(m_c\) from \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {OT}}\), \(\mathcal {S}\) computes \(\bar{m}_c = m_c \oplus k_c''\) and sends it to \(\mathcal {Z}\). Clearly, \(m_c\) and \(\bar{m}_c\) have the same distribution as in the real execution.

Finally, we look at the leakage from the execution of \(\pi _{1-c}\) (executing the instance of \(\pi _{\mathtt {KA}}'\) with the emulator \(\mathcal {E}\)). Due to Proposition 1, \(\pi _{1-c}\) gives no information on \(k_{1-c}\) to the eavesdropper \(\mathcal {A}\). Therefore \(\bar{m}_{1-c}\) gives no additional information to \(\mathcal {Z}\). Moreover, since the execution of \(\mathcal {E}\) only depends on the outputs of the dummy channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {DC}}\), its view provides \(\mathcal {Z}\) with no additional information, even given the rest of \(\mathcal {Z}\)’s view. The view of \(\mathcal {Z}\) is therefore the same in both scenarios.

5 OT Protocol Secure Against a Malicious Receiver

In this section, we make our protocol secure against a malicious receiver. Note that in our semi-honest protocol, we rely on the fact that the players will engage in two instances of an emulatable key agreement protocol, where the receiver will play the role of Bob in one of them and the emulator in the other. Of course, if the receiver is malicious, he will not necessarily adopt this behaviour. We will use standard techniques to solve this problem. Namely, we want to use the paradigm introduced in [GMW86]: we will make the receiver prove in zero knowledge that he is acting as in the semi-honest protocol.

To do this, we will need that the receiver can commit to bits. Recall that in [KMS16] it was shown that commitments where the sender commits follow from any non-trivial EC, but since an EC is asymmetric, it is not clear that this allows the receiver to commit. Therefore, we solve this problem first.

5.1 Receiver Commitment from Any Non-trivial EC

The solution in a nutshell is to observe that the commitment protocol from [DKS99] will work for receiver commitments on any non-trivial EC, if we slightly tune some of the parameters.

First, note that we can reverse the direction of the EC, by simply having the sender send a random bit x on the EC, the receiver chooses a bit b to send and sends \(x\oplus b\) back on the public channel. This is clearly a noisy channel in the opposite direction. In this subsection we will rename the sender and call him the verifier V, while the receiver will be called the committer C. What we just constructed is a “reversed EC” where the C sends and V receives. V always receives with noise rate \(\delta \), but C can reduce his noise rate to \(\gamma \) if he is corrupted (and hence get a better idea of what V received). The goal is now to build an unconditionally secure commitment scheme based on such a channel.

In fact, we show that, under a careful choice of parameters, the commitment protocol from [DKS99] already works with no change. A complete description of the protocol, as well as an intuition for why it is secure, is provided in Appendix D.

5.2 From Commitment to Security Against a Malicious Receiver

Recall that the GMW compiler [GMW86] transforms a semi-honestly secure protocol into a maliciously secure one by using the following three steps: in the first step, each party commits to his input; in the second step, each party is forced to commit to a random tape, where it is important that the tape is hidden from the other party and is chosen at random. This is done by having the party that is committing to a random tape commit to a random value. The other party then sends a random string. The tape is then defined to be the xor of both strings. This technique is known as coin-tossing in the well. Finally, in the third step, each player follows the protocol with the committed inputs and their committed tape and whenever they send a message, they also prove in zero-knowledge that this is the correct message given their committed input, their committed random tape and the transcript of the protocol.

In this section, we are only interested in achieving security against a malicious receiver, so we apply the compiler to the receiver only. This results in the following approach: In the first step, the receiver will commit to his choice of input c; this also indicates the instance of the key agreement protocol where he will play the role of Bob. In the second step, the receiver will be forced to commit to a random tape t for the emulator using coin-tossing in the well. Then the sender and receiver will run an augmented version of the semi-honest protocol. Each instance of the key agreement protocol will be associated to an index b. Each time a receiver sends a message, the receiver also proves in zero-knowledge: “Either the given instance of key agreement has index \(b=c\) or the message was produced by following the description of the emulator with random tape t”.

There is, however, one difficulty: In [GMW86], the commitments were computational. It was therefore possible to prove statements about committed values directly. For a black-box information-theoretically secure commitment, it is not directly possible to prove statements that involve the committed values. To fix this problem, we use a commitment scheme which can indeed be used for any number of zero-knowledge proofs. This is the commitment scheme from [CvdGT95] which was later proven UC-secure in [Est04]. As shown in [CvdGT95], this commitment scheme can be constructed in a black-box manner from any commitment schemes. Although this commitment scheme only allows proofs of xor relationships directly, one can use techniques such as [BCC88] to prove arbitrary statements involving the committed values.

figure i
figure j

Theorem 3

\(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) securely realizes \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {OT}}\) in the \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {EC}}\)-hybrid model against an environment that can only semi-honestly corrupt the sender.

This theorem follows directly from the construction of XOR commitments from [CvdGT95, Est04], the security of the GMW compiler [GMW86] and the security of the zero-knowledge protocol from [BCC88, Kil92].

6 Secure Protocol

In this section we consider our oblivious transfer protocol \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) from Sect. 5, which is secure against a semi-honest sender and a malicious receiver and we show that, if \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) is implemented with the key agreement protocol from Sect. 3.1, we can transform \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) into a protocol \(\pi _{\mathtt {OT}}\) secure against an malicious sender too.

Note that in the aforementioned key agreement protocol, the sender is supposed to send through the channel several bitstrings of length \(\ell \) and Hamming weight either m or \(m+1\), where \(\ell =2m+1\). From now on, we refer to bitstrings of weights m and \(m+1\) as codewords, while the rest will be non-codewords. A problem that arises when using this key agreement protocol as a basis for our oblivious transfer protocol, is that an active sender could use non-codewords to bias the distribution of indices and learn the receiver’s choice. For example, if she sends the all-one bitstring, this index will be accepted by the receiver with higher probability if he is playing the role of Bob, than it will if he is playing the role of the emulator.

We will prevent an active sender from using non-codewords in her advantage by combining cut-and-choose techniques, a typicality test and an OT-combiner. The protocol works essentially as follows: the sender and receiver will start to run N instances of \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) in parallel. Right after the sender has sent the intended codewords through the channel \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {EC}}\) in all these instances, the receiver will then choose half of those instances and request the sender to open her view (i.e., to reveal the information that she sent through the channel). The receiver now runs a typicality test on those instances: he counts the number of differences between what the sender claims to have sent and what he received for those instances. If this distance is higher than what would be typically expected from the noisy channel then the receiver aborts. If the test passes then it is guaranteed that, except with negligible probability, there is at least one unopened instance where no bad codeword was sent.

The sender and receiver now apply a (1, N / 2) OT-combiner on the half of the instances of \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) that have not been opened; in general, a (tn) OT-combiner [HKN+05] is a primitive which given (black-box) access to n OT candidates, implements a secure OT as long as t of them are secure; in our case, our candidates are the unopened instances of \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) and we use a simple XOR-based OT-combiner which only needs to be secure against a malicious sender (all the candidates are already guaranteed to be secure against a malicious receiver). Since the sender has behaved well in at least one of these instances, we achieve a secure oblivious transfer protocol by applying this combiner.

The sender could also try to cheat in the public channel part of the key agreement protocol by sending some inconsistent information (for example in the information reconciliation step) to see the aborting behaviour of the receiver; however, we have the receiver abort in the global protocol if he sees at least one inconsistency in some instance of the protocol. Given the properties of the combiner the only way to obtain information about the receiver’s input bit is that the sender cheats in one of the key agreement protocols of every unopened instance and the receiver never aborts, which happens if the sender guesses each of the \(b_i\)’s for the unopened instances and in turn this happens with probability \(2^{-N/2}\) (in fact, we could make her cheating probability even lower by having the receiver abort if he detects inconsistent information in the opened instances).

6.1 Protocol

The protocol \(\pi _{\mathtt {OT}}\) is described below.

figure k

In protocol \(\pi _{\mathtt {OT}}\), the parameters N (the number of instances of \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) that will be run), \(\sigma \) (the security parameter of \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\)) and \(\tau \) (a threshold parameter for the test, which is \(W(\sigma )\) plus a small offset) are defined so that we have the following guarantees:

  1. 1.

    The probability that at least one instance of \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) is broken by a dishonest receiver is smaller than \(2^{-\kappa }\): Indeed, each individual instance can be broken with probability at most \(2^{-\sigma }\), and it is easy to see that with our choice of parameters, it holds that \(N\cdot 2^{-\sigma }\le 2^{-\kappa }\).

  2. 2.

    The probability that an honest sender passes the typicality test is at least \(1-2^{-\kappa }\): see proof in Appendix E.1.

  3. 3.

    If a malicious sender sends at least one non-valid codeword in at least \(N/2-\kappa \) instances of \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) from the testing set, then she passes the typicality test with probability at most \(2^{- \kappa }\): see proof in Appendix E.1.

Note that the third property prevents a malicious sender to cheat except with probability \(2^{-\kappa }\). Indeed, in order for a malicious sender to cheat successfully, she would need to break each of the N / 2 instances of \(\pi _{\mathtt {OTMR}}\) from the evaluation set, and for that she would need to send at least one bad codeword in each of those instances. By 3., in order to pass the test she needs to send all the correct codewords in at least \(\kappa \) instances of the testing set. But since she does not know which instances will be selected for the evaluation set and which for the testing set, then the probability that none of these (at least) \(\kappa \) correct instances end up in the evaluation set is at most \(2^{-\kappa }\).

With all these remarks in mind, we can show (Appendix E) that

Theorem 4

\(\pi _{\mathtt {OT}}\) securely realizes \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {OT}}\) in \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathtt {EC}}\)-hybrid model.