
1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Since their formal introduction by Bellare and Rogaway [BR93], random oracles (ROs) have found many applications across a wide range of cryptographic protocols. However, due to an uninstantiability result of Canetti et al. [CGH98], which shows that certain (artificial) protocols become insecure as soon as the random oracle is replaced by any concrete hash function, reliance on ROs has also become somewhat debatable.

Two lines of research have been directed at dealing with such uninstantiability results. One is to construct standard-model counterparts of cryptographic primitives designed in the RO model (ROM). This approach comes with the drawback that the resulting cryptosystems often tend to be complex and achieve a lower level of security and/or efficiency. A second, more modular, approach aims to formulate abstractions of the proof-centric properties of random oracles such as extractability, programability, or non-malleability [Can97, CD09, Nie02, CD08, BCFW09]. Assuming that a hash function meets the introduced model, one proceeds to show that it can safely replace the random oracle in a protocol. These formalizations, however, have only been successful to a limited extent, and the question of finding a flexible and general framework that could be applied across a broad range of security goals and protocols remained open until recently.

1.2 UCE Security

Bellare, Hoang, and Keelveedhi (BHK) [BHK13a] revisit the above questions and present a powerful framework called Universal Computational Extractors (UCEs) that allow to securely instantiate random oracles in an interesting and diverse set of applications. These include, among other things, security under key-dependent-message (KDM) attacks, security under related-key attacks (RKAs), simultaneous hard-core bits, point function obfuscators, garbling schemes, proofs of storage, deterministic encryption, and message-locked encryption, thereby going far beyond what was previously possible.

Behind UCEs lies a new way to model the indistinguishability of a keyed hash function from a random oracle. Indeed, there are two direct ways to (incorrectly) model the security of a hash function:


Provide the adversary with the hash key and ask it to distinguish an oracle implementing the hash function from one implementing the random oracle. This approach immediately fails as this game can be trivially won with the knowledge of the hash key by computing a hash value and checking the answer against the oracle’s answer for the same query.


Adopt the above approach, but now hide the hash key. This leads to PRF security—for which feasibility results are known—but is not useful in the context of hashing as the hash key is typically publicly known.

BHK overcome the above shortcomings by splitting the attacker into two parts and constraining the communication between the two. The first UCE attacker does not get to see the hash key, but has oracle access to either the hash function under a random key or the random oracle according to a random bit. The second attacker, on the other hand, does get to see the hash key, but can no longer access the oracle, and it has to guess the bit; see Fig. 1 (left). The two stages of the adversary can communicate only in restricted ways since arbitrary communication would lead to an attack similar to that given above for formulation (1).

More formally, for a keyed hash function \(\mathsf {H}\), \(\mathrm {UCE}\) security is defined via a two-stage game consisting of algorithms \(S \) and \(D \), called the source and the distinguisher respectively, as follows. In the first stage, the source is given access to an oracle Hash that depending on a random bit b implements either the random oracle or the concrete hash function \(\mathsf {H}\) under a random hash key \({{hk}} \). The source terminates by outputting some leakage L, which is then communicated to the second-stage distinguisher \(D \). In addition to leakage L, the distinguisher also gets the hash key \({{hk}} \) as input. The distinguisher’s task is to guess b, i.e., guess whether the source was talking to the random oracle or the hash function. The \(\mathrm {UCE}\) advantage of the pair \((S, D)\) is defined as usual to be the probability of correctly guessing the bit b scaled away from one-half. We refer the reader to the original work [BHK13b] for an excellent overview of this approach to modeling hash-function security.

To see that without further restrictions \(\mathrm {UCE}\) security cannot be achieved, consider a source that leaks one of its oracle queries together with the corresponding oracle answer to the distinguisher. The distinguisher then simply recomputes the hash value on the queried point—the distinguisher knows the hash key—and compares it to the leaked value.

In their original work, BHK [BHK13a] define two restrictions on sources: computational unpredictability and computational reset security. In the computational unpredictability game, it is required that when the source is run with a random oracle its leakage does not computationally reveal any of its queries. This is formalized by requiring that the probability of any efficient predictor \(P\) in guessing a query of \(S \) when given L is negligible.

The class of computationally unpredictable sources is denoted by \(\mathcal {S} ^\mathrm {cup}\), and the resulting \(\mathrm {UCE}\) security \(\mathrm {UCE}[\mathcal {S} ^\mathrm {cup}]\) (aka. \(\mathrm{UCE}1\)) of a hash function is defined by requiring the advantage of any efficient pair \((S,D)\) with an unpredictable \(S \in \mathcal {S} ^\mathrm {cup}\) in the \(\mathrm {UCE}\) game to be negligible. Reset security imposes a weaker restriction on the source class and leads to the stronger UCE2 notion.

UCE security has been the subject of many recent studies. Brzuska, Farshim, and Mittelbach (BFM) [BFM14] show that, under new cryptographic assumptions, these restrictions are insufficient for a feasible definition. More precisely, assuming the existence of indistinguishability obfuscators [BGI+01, GGH+13], BFM show that the \(\mathrm {UCE}[\mathcal {S} ^\mathrm {cup}]\) security of any hash function can be broken in polynomial time. To overcome this attack, BFM [BFM14] (and subsequently BHK in an updated version of their paper [BHK13b]) propose a statistical notion of unpredictability whereby the predictor can even run in unbounded time. Following the attack, BHK also refine the \(\mathrm {UCE}\) notions based on computational unpredictability and introduce the classes of bounded parallel and split sources.Footnote 1 BFM show that security against bounded parallel source is also infeasible [BFM14], and recently attacks against split sources have also been shown [BST15].

On the positive side, Brzuska and Mittelbach [BM14b, BM15] show how to construct UCEs for the class of strongly unpredictable and statistically unpredictable sources for bounded number of queries. Bellare et al. [BHK14] develop domain extenders for UCEs, and Bellare and Hoang [BH15] construct deterministic PKEs from UCEs for statistically unpredictable sources and lossy trapdoor functions. BFM [BFM14] have shown that the existence of obfuscation-based attacks against statistically unpredictable sources violates well-known impossibility results. A number of recent works have shown how to use UCEs as RO replacements in other protocols [MH14, BK15, DGG+15].

Despite the above advances, and irrespective of the restrictions imposed on sources, the \(\mathrm {UCE}\) framework is intrinsically limited in a number of aspects: it only allows the source to place Hash queries which are independent of the hash key; after leakage is communicated from the source to the distinguisher no further Hash oracle queries can be made, and hence hash queries are inherently non-adaptive; UCEs cannot model unkeyed hash functions nor hash functions with weak keys where the key does not come from the uniform distribution. Motivated by these shortcomings, and the ultimate goal of basing the security of highly efficient and practical protocols on well-defined and feasible properties of random oracles, we set out to formalize an enhanced framework for the study ROM protocols.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The interactions in the \(\mathrm {UCE}\) game (left) and the \(\mathrm {ICE} \) game (right).

1.3 Interactive Computational Extractors

Given the development of UCEs, defining an extended model which meets the above-mentioned specifications is an intricate task. Indeed, well before the emergence of obfuscation-based attacks, BHK [BHK13b, p. 9] warned that extending UCEs to an interactive setting is “a dangerous path to tread.” As an example, assume that we introduce a bi-directional communication channel between the distinguisher and the source so that our adaptivity targets are met. This extension can be shown to fall prey to somewhat non-trivial attacks that utilize general-purpose multi-party computation (MPC) protocols. Suppose the source \(S \) holds a random input x whose hash is y, and \(D \) holds \({{hk}} \). The two parties then run an MPC protocol to compute the Boolean value \(y=\mathsf {H}({{hk}},x)\). The distinguisher finally returns this value as its guess. This attack would meet any reasonable notion of computational unpredictability since the security of the MPC protocol would ensure that the parties learn no more than what can be deduced from their individual private inputs.Footnote 2 Allowing hash queries to depend on the hash key \({{hk}} \) is also challenging since similarly to approach (1) above access to both \({{hk}} \) and the hash oracle would trivialize the notion. For similar reasons, formulating a UCE-like model for unkeyed hash functions is also non-trivial. As we shall see, other forms of attacks also arise that should be ruled out for a feasible model.

The ICE framework. Let us call an input \(({{hk}},x)\), consisting of the hash key \({{hk}} \) and a domain point x, to a hash function a full input. One way to view UCEs is that they adopt the indistinguishability-based approach (1) above, but restrict hash queries so that full inputs remain hidden from the attacker(s). It is clear that such hidden queries are not meaningful in the presence of a single adversary—any adversary knows its own queries—and hence UCEs come with two adversaries. Unpredictability together with denial of oracle access to \(D \) ensures that the x components of full inputs remain hidden from \(D \). On the other hand, the \({{hk}} \) components of full inputs remain hidden from \(S \) as the source is denied access to \({{hk}} \) (and no communication from \(D \) to \(S \) is allowed). As a result, full inputs \(({{hk}},x)\) remain hidden from both parties involved in a UCE attack.

This perspective allows us to build on UCEs and extend them as follows. In our new framework, which we call Interactive Computational Extractors (ICEs),Footnote 3 a general mechanism for the joint generation of full inputs is enabled and adversarial restrictions that formalize what it means for full hash inputs to have high entropy are imposed.

We let two distinguishers \((D_1,D_2)\) to take part in an attack, and allow them to communicate via a bi-directional channel. Both distinguishers get access to a challenge hash oracle, which depending on a challenge bit implements either the real hash function or a (keyed) random oracle. To enable the two parties to make hidden queries, we introduce a shared write-only tape that both \(D_1\) and \(D_2\) can write onto. When a distinguisher queries the hash oracle, the (real or ideal) hash of the full contents of the tape is returned. In contrast to UCEs, \(D_1\) or \(D_2\) can generate a hash key and perhaps modify it throughout the attack. This attack scenario is symmetric for \(D_1\) and \(D_2\) and, without loss of generality, the game terminates by \(D_2\) outputting with a bit. (Our formal definition, however, comes with a slightly more general return statement.) For a class \(\mathcal {C} \) of distinguishers, we define \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ]\) security by demanding that the probability of guessing the challenge bit for any \(D=(D_1,D_2)\in \mathcal {C} \) is negligibly close to 1 / 2. See Fig. 1 (right) for a summary of this interaction.

Entropic queries. Similarly to \(\mathrm {UCE}\)s, the \(\mathrm {ICE}\) notion cannot be achieved without constraining the way the two distinguishers communicate. The main restriction that we introduce is analogous to statistical unpredictability for \(\mathrm {UCE}\)s: we demand the statistical unpredictability of full inputs to the hash function, including the hash key \({{hk}} \), from each distinguisher’s point of view. We choose a statistical, rather than a computational, notion so that our definitions do not become subject to the interactive versions of the attacks highlighted in [BFM14].Footnote 4 More precisely, we require that when the hash oracle implements a keyed random oracle, no (possibly unbounded) predictor can guess a full input \(({{hk}},x)\) used to compute a hash value when it is provided with a distinguisher’s view consisting of its inputs, random coins, and all incoming messages and oracle responses.

Since our framework allows oracle access to both parties, unlike UCEs the two distinguishers can implicitly communicate via hash patterns as follows. Suppose \(D_2\) wants to leak a bit d to \(D_1\). Algorithm \(D_2\) starts by writing a random string onto the second half of the input and hands over the attack to \(D_1\). Algorithm \(D_1\) writes a random value to the first half of the input, calls \(\textsc {Hash} \) to receive a first hash value \(h_1\), and hands over the attack back to \(D_2\). Now algorithm \(D_2\), according to the value of d, either modifies the contents of the second half of the input tape or leaves them unchanged. \(D_1\) can recover d by obtaining a second hash value \(h_2\) and checking if \((h_1=h_2)\). The two distinguishers can also communicate via a bit-fixing attack: \(D_2\) samples many (unpredictable) random values x conditioned on its hash value beginning with bit d, which \(D_1\) can then recover via a hash query.

In our unpredictability definition the predictor gets to see all hash responses, and hence if there are any repetitions they will be seen by the predictor. Unpredictability will therefore ensure that such repetition patterns will not leak any of the queries. Sometimes, however, we need to explicitly disallow any repeat queries to enable a security proof to go through. In such a scenario, we can ensure that there is no leakage via hash patterns either. Repeat-freeness appears in other related settings such as related-key attacks or correlated-input hashing [BK03, GOR11].

1.4 Applications

BHK [BHK13a] use \(\mathrm {UCE}\)s to show that the encryption scheme of Black, Rogaway, and Shrimpton (BRS) [BRS03] is secure under related-key attacks (RKAs) and key-dependent-message (KDM) attacks as long as the related keys/key-dependent messages are derived non-adaptively at the onset and without access to the hash key or previous ciphertexts.Footnote 5

As we shall see, ICE encompasses UCE as a special case, and the BRS scheme can also be instantiated under the above models using ICEs. We can however also obtain feasibility results that are outside the reach of \(\mathrm {UCE}\)s. A practically relevant and desirable level of RKA security is that corresponding to key offsets (the so-called xor-RKA security [LRW02, BK09]). We show that \(\mathrm {ICE} \)s are sufficient to prove the full xor-RKA security of the BRS scheme. Our formal result is more general and applies to the larger class of split functions that take the form \(\phi (K_1\Vert K_2) = \phi _1(K_1) \Vert \phi _2(K_2)\). (Such functions have been used to build RKA-secure PRFs [BC10], and also appear in other related contexts [CG14, LL12].) In addition to achieving stronger security guarantees, ICEs allow instantiating the BRS scheme using unkeyed hash functions, which is arguably closer to the original formulation of BRS.Footnote 6

We also strengthen the attainable KDM security guarantees for BRS by showing that adversaries can choose key-dependent messages adaptively based on the hash key and also semi-adaptively depending on previous ciphertexts. We prove that \(\mathrm {ICE} \)s are adaptively correlated-input secure [GOR11] and that they relate well to other standard security properties of random oracles, such as pseudorandomness, randomness extraction, and one-way security (see full version). We leave it as open questions to see if full RKA beyond xor offsets or full KDM security can be established using extractor-like notaions.

1.5 Instantiations

BHK show that random oracles fulfill their strongest proposed \(\mathrm {UCE}\) notion, namely UCE security with respect to computationally unpredictable sources.Footnote 7 We prove that random oracles are also \(\mathrm {ICE}\) secure. The significance of these results are twofold [BHK13a]: (1) there are no generic attacks on \(\mathrm {ICE}\)s and the model is structurally sound; and (2) a layered approach to security analysis can be enabled, whereby one first proves the security of a scheme under an \(\mathrm {ICE}\) assumption and then applies the RO model feasibility result. The latter is akin to security analyses carried out in the generic group model.

Practical hash functions, however, are not monolithic objects and often follow an iterative procedure to convert a fixed-input-length random oracle (FIL-RO) into a variable-input-length random oracle (VIL-RO). This, in turn, raises the question whether or not the above result can be brought closer to practice by demonstrating positive feasibility results for VIL-ICEs in the FIL-RO model. A seemingly immediate way to establish this result would be to start with a hash function that is known to be indifferentiable from a VIL RO (e.g., the \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) or the \(\mathsf {NMAC}\) construction), and then apply the RO feasibility result above to conclude. This argument, however, fails as the \(\mathrm {ICE} \) game is multi-staged and indifferentiability does not necessarily guarantee composition in such settings [RSS11].

Motivated by the above observations, we show both positive and negative feasibility results for ICEs. On the negative side, we show that the indifferentiable \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) and \(\mathsf {NMAC}\) constructions are provably \(\mathrm {ICE}\) insecure in the FIL-RO model. On the positive side, and building on Mittelbach’s techniques [Mit14], we prove that a keyed version of Liskov’s Zipper Hash [Lis07] is ICE secure (as a VIL hash function) under the assumption that the underlying compression function is a FIL-RO. Zipper Hash can be seen as a variant of the classical Merkle–Damgård [Dam90, Mer90] construction where the message blocks are processed twice in the forward and backward directions. Hence our results strengthen the VIL-RO feasibility result above, and also provide formal evidence for the (intuitive) added security guarantees that multi-pass hash functions seem to offer over their single-pass counterparts. For instance, combined with our RKA and KDM results, we may conclude that Zipper Hash can be safely used within the BRS scheme with no adverse affects on its security.

The above analysis can be further strengthened in at least two directions. First, one can weaken the underlying assumption and assume that the compression function underlying Zipper Hash is only a FIL-ICE (rather than a FIL-RO). To this end, BHK [BHK14] give domain extenders for UCEs. Second, and motivated by the standard-model realizations of ICEs and UCEs, we ask if these primitives can be based on plausible hardness assumptions. Brzuska and Mittelbach [BM14a, BM15] have recently shown positive results for UCEs with respect to restricted classes of sources.

2 Notation

We denote the security parameter by \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), which is implicitly given to all algorithms (if not explicitly stated so) in the unary representation \({1^{\lambda }}\). By \({\{0,1\}}^\ell \) we denote the set of all bit strings of length \(\ell \) and \({\{0,1\}}^*\) is the set of all finite-length bit strings. For \(x,y\in {\{0,1\}}^*\) we denote their concatenation by \(x\Vert y\), the length of x by \(\left|x \right|\), the ith bit of x by x[i], and the substring of x formed using bits i to j by x[i..j]. We denote the empty string by \(\varepsilon \). For X a finite set, \(\left|X \right|\) denotes its cardinality, and denotes the action of sampling x uniformly at random from X. If \(\mathsf {Q}\) is a list and x a string then \(\mathsf {Q}: x\) denotes the list obtained by appending x to \(\mathsf {Q}\). Similarly, If \(\mathsf {Q}_1\) and \(\mathsf {Q}_2\) are lists, then \(\mathsf {Q}_1 : \mathsf {Q}_2\) denotes the concatenated list. Unless stated otherwise, algorithms are assumed to be randomized. We call an algorithm efficient or PPT if it runs in time polynomial in the security parameter. By \(y \leftarrow \mathcal {A}(x;r)\) we denote that y was output by algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) on input x and randomness r. If \(\mathcal {A}\) is randomized and no randomness is specified, then we assume that \(\mathcal {A}\) is run with freshly sampled uniform random coins, and write . We use \(\mathsf {Coins}[A]\) to denote the polynomially long string of random coins r used by a PPT machine \(A\). We say a function \(\mathrm {negl}{\left( \lambda \right) }\) is negligible if \(\mathrm {negl}{\left( \lambda \right) } \in \lambda ^{-\omega (1)}\).

Hash functions. In the line with [BHK13a], we consider the following (simplified) formalization of hash functions. A hash function consists of five PPT algorithms \(\mathsf {H}:=(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Kg} \), \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Ev} \), \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {kl}\), \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {il}\), \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {ol})\) as follows. The key-generation algorithm \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Kg} \) gets the security parameter \({1^{\lambda }}\) as input and outputs a key \({{hk}} \in {\{0,1\}}^{\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {kl}(\lambda )}\), where \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {kl}(\lambda )\) is the key-length function. Algorithm \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {il}(\lambda )\) outputs the length of admissible inputs, which could take the special value \(*\) denoting the variable-length input space \({\{0,1\}}^*\). Algorithm \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {ol}(\lambda )\) outputs the length of admissible outputs, which we assumed to be a fixed polynomial function of the security parameter. The deterministic evaluation algorithm \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Ev} \) takes as input the security parameter \({1^{\lambda }}\), a key \({{hk}} \), a point \(x\in {\{0,1\}}^{\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {il}(\lambda )}\), and generates a hash value \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Ev} ({1^{\lambda }},{{hk}},x)\in {\{0,1\}}^{\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {ol}(\lambda )}\). To ease notation, we often suppress the security parameter and simply write \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Ev} ({{hk}},x)\).

3 The \(\mathrm {ICE}\) Framework

In this section we precisely define the \(\mathrm {ICE}\) framework. We refer the reader to the introduction for a high-level overview of the model.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The \(\mathrm {ICE} \) game with respect to hash function \(\mathsf {H} \) and distinguishers \(D=(D_1,D_2)\). We have omitted the initialization of various variables for readability.

The ICE game. Let \(\mathsf {H} =(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Kg},\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Ev},\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {kl},\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {il},\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {ol})\) be a hash function and let \(D=(D_1,D_2)\) be a pair of algorithms. We define the \(\mathrm {ICE} \) advantage of \(D\) against \(\mathsf {H} \) as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {Adv}^{\mathrm {ice}}_{\mathsf {H},D}(\lambda ) := 2 \cdot {\text {Pr}}{\left[ \mathrm {ICE} _{\mathsf {H}}^{D}(\lambda )\right] } -1, \end{aligned}$$

where game \(\mathrm {ICE} _{\mathsf {H}}^{D}(\lambda )\) is shown in Fig. 2. As mentioned in the introduction, we may assume, without loss of generality, that the game termites by \(D_2\) outputting a bit. However, in order to preserve the symmetry of the definition (which will simplify our adversarial restrictions later on) and for added generality, we let the distinguishers jointly guess the challenge bit by computing \(b_1 \oplus b_2\), where \(b_i\) is \(D_i\)’s guess. The interaction terminates when both distinguishers return non-\(\bot \) values for \(b_1\) and \(b_2\). For a class \(\mathcal {C} \) of distinguishers, we define \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ]\) security by requiring the advantage of any adversary \(D\in \mathcal {C} \) to be negligible in the \(\mathrm {ICE} \) game.

We require \((D_1,D_2)\) not to leave any superfluous blank spaces on the joint tape. That is, a \(\textsc {Write} \) call must ensure that before the \(\textsc {Hash} \) oracle is called there do not exist indices \(i<j\) such that \(x[i]=\varepsilon \ne x[j]\) or \({{hk}} [i]=\varepsilon \ne {{hk}} [j]\). We also demand that the full inputs \(({{hk}},x)\) are valid in the sense that prior to a \(\textsc {Hash} \) call \({{hk}} \in {\{0,1\}}^{\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {kl}(\lambda )}\) and \(x \in {\{0,1\}}^{\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {il}(\lambda )}\). Although the distinguishers \(D_1\) and \(D_2\) are in general stateful algorithms, we omit the explicit handling of state values from the inputs and outputs of \(D _i\).

Restrictions. As discussed in the introduction, the \(\mathrm {ICE}\) model is not feasible unless additional restrictions on the distinguishers are imposed. We formulate our restrictions as joint properties of \((D_1,D_2)\). Before presenting our main restrictions corresponding to high-entropy queries, we give a set of basic classes that will be useful in studying ICEs. As an example, for polynomials w, q, and r we define \(\mathcal {C} _i^{w,q,r}\) to be the set of all \((D_1,D_2)\) such that when \((D_1,D_2)\) is run in the \(\mathrm {ICE}\) game conditioned on \(b=0\) (i.e., with respect to the random oracle), the distinguisher \(D_i\) places at most \(w(\lambda )\) queries to \(\textsc {Write} \), at most \(q(\lambda )\) queries to \(\textsc {Hash} \), and terminates after at most \(r(\lambda )\) invocations. We formalize a number of other notions below and omit the preamble “The set of all \((D_1,D_2)\) such that when \((D_1,D_2)\) is run in \(\mathrm {ICE}\) with \(b=0\), we have with overwhelming probability that” from their definitions. Note that the classes below depend on \(i\in \{1,2\}\). For classes \(\mathcal {C} ^{\mathrm {label}}_i\) we define \(\mathcal {C} ^{\mathrm {label}} := \mathcal {C} ^{\mathrm {label}}_1 \cap \mathcal {C} ^{\mathrm {label}}_2\). In the following table we present several restrictions that we will be using throughout this paper.



\(\mathcal {C} _i^{w,q,r}\)

\(D_i\) places at most \(w(\lambda )\) queries to \(\textsc {Write} \), at most \(q(\lambda )\) queries to \(\textsc {Hash} \), and terminates after at most \(r(\lambda )\) invocations

\(\mathcal {C} _i^\mathrm {poly}\)

\(D_i\) makes polynomially many oracle queries

\(\mathcal {C} _i^\mathrm {ppt} \)

\(D_i\) runs in polynomial time on each invocation and terminates after a polynomial number of rounds

\(\mathcal {C} _i^{0}\)

\(D_i\) sets \(b_i :=0\) in all invocations

\(\mathcal {C} _i^\varepsilon \)

\(D_i\) sets \(L_{3-i} :=\varepsilon \) in all invocations

\(\mathcal {C} _i^{\mathrm {0}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \)

\(D_i\) never writes onto the \({{hk}} \) part of the tape

\(\mathcal {C} _i^{\mathrm {1}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \)

On its first invocation, \(D_i\) writes a random \({{hk}} \) onto the \({{hk}} \)-part of the tape. In subsequent invocations, \(D_i\) never writes onto the \({{hk}} \)-part of the tape

\(\mathcal {C} _i^\mathrm {dist}\)

\(D_i\) makes distinct queries to \(\textsc {Hash} \). That is, for lists \(\mathsf {Q}_1\) and \(\mathsf {Q}_2\) defined in Fig. 3, the combined list \(\mathsf {Q}_1 : \mathsf {Q}_2\) is repetition-free. Note that \(\mathcal {C} _i^\mathrm {dist}= \mathcal {C} _{3-i}^\mathrm {dist}= \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {dist}\)

\(\mathcal {C} _i^\mathrm {sup}\)

The probability that any (possibly unbounded) predictor \(P\) can guess a full query of \(D_i\) is negligible. We call this the class of statistically unpredictable \(D_i\). See Fig. 3 for the formal definition. Class \(\mathcal {C} _i^\mathrm {cup}\) is the computational analogue, where \(P\) is restricted to be ppt

An example: UCE within ICE. We describe how UCEs can be captured within the \(\mathrm {ICE}\) framework. Since \(\mathrm {ICE} \) is more expressive a framework, we need to (drastically) restrict the distinguishers. In modeling UCEs, we identify the UCE distinguisher with \(D_1\) and the UCE source with \(D_2\). All parties typically run in polynomial time and hence we restrict to \(\mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt}:=\mathcal {C} _1^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} _2^\mathrm {ppt} \). In UCEs, the source queries \(\textsc {Hash} \) on an unknown hash key. The distinguisher, on the other hand, gets to see the hash key. Thus, we let \(D_1\) (which represents the distinguisher) write a random \({{hk}} \) to the joint input and then hand the attack to \(D_2\) on the first invocation, i.e., \(D\in \mathcal {C} _1^{\mathrm {1}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \). We further restrict to \(\mathcal {C} _1^\varepsilon \), as a UCE distinguisher does not leak. Since the UCE game only has a single round, we also restrict to \(\mathcal {C} _1^{1,0,2}\) (one round is used to write the \({{hk}} \)). Finally, the source does not take part in decision making and cannot modify the hash key: UCEs are modeled by \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ^{\mathrm {uce}}]\) where

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {C} ^{\mathrm {uce}} := \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} _1^{\mathrm {1}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \cap \mathcal {C} _1^\varepsilon \cap \mathcal {C} _1^{1,0,2} \cap \mathcal {C} _2^0 \cap \mathcal {C} _2^{\mathrm {0}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that the above models UCEs without any additional restrictions on the source classes. Such requirements can be added on top by appropriately restricting \(\mathcal {C} ^{\mathrm {uce}}\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The unpredictability game.

Unpredictability. We now formally define what we mean by a \(D\) that has unpredictable (aka. high-entropy) queries. We focus on a statistical notion of unpredictability [BFM14, BST15].Footnote 8 We say \(D=(D_1,D_2)\) is statistically unpredictable for the distinguisher i, and write \(D\in \mathcal {C} _i^\mathrm {sup}\), if the advantage of any unbounded predictor \(P\) defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {Adv}^{\mathrm {pred}}_{i,D,P}(\lambda ) := {\text {Pr}}{\left[ \mathrm {Pred} _{i,D}^{P}(\lambda )\right] }, \end{aligned}$$

is negligible, where game \(\mathrm {Pred} _{i,D}^{P}(\lambda )\) is shown in Fig. 3.

Note that the predicator only gets to see the hash responses for distinguisher \(D_i\)—these are within \(D_i\)’s view—and has to guess a query made by either distinguisher in the concatenated list \(\mathsf {Q}_1 : \mathsf {Q}_2\). It is easy to check that UCE security with respect to statistically unpredictable sources is equivalent to \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ^{\mathrm {uce}} \cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}]\) security.

Remark. Since predictor \(P\) receives the full view of a distinguisher \(D_i\), it can perfectly simulate a run of \(D_i\) in the \(\mathrm {ICE} \) game with respect to a random implementation of the hash oracle, without any need to see the view of the partner distinguisher \(D_{3-i}\). We will rely on this observation in our proofs.

4 Example Applications

In this section we demonstrate two example use cases of \(\mathrm {ICE} \)s. Further applications are given in the full version and summarized in Table 1 below. These applications serve to demonstrate that many properties of random oracles that are useful in analyses of ROM cryptosystems can be modeled in a unified way within the ICE framework.

Table 1. Distinguisher classes used (above) and shown feasibility for (below). Here \(\mathcal {C} ^* := \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {dist}\cap \mathcal {C} _1^{\mathrm {1}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \cap \mathcal {C} _2^{\mathrm {0}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \cap \mathcal {C} _2^\varepsilon \).

4.1 Split RKA Security

We show that the symmetric encryption scheme proposed by Black, Rogaway, and Shrimpton (BRS) [BRS03] is secure against related-key attacks (RKAs) when instantiated with an ICE-secure hash function. The encryption algorithm of the BRS scheme is implemented via \(\mathsf {Enc}^\mathsf {H}(K,M;R) := \left( R, M \oplus \mathsf {H}(K \Vert R) \right) \), for a hash function \(\mathsf {H}\), randomness R and key K. Recall that in an RKA, an adversary can obtain encryptions of messages of its choice under correlated keys (e.g., under K and \(K \oplus 1\)).

Split related-key derivation (RKD) functions \(\phi \) decompose into two sub-RKD functions \(\phi _1\) and \(\phi _2\) that are applied in parallel to two (fixed) sub-strings of the key: \(\phi (K_1\Vert K_2) = \phi _1(K_1) \Vert \phi _2(K_2)\).Footnote 9 Split functions capture many RKA cases of interest including the case of xoring constants into keys. Without the minimal assumption that \(\phi \)’s have unpredictable outputs (i.e., the guessing probability of the outputs of \(\phi (K)\) over randomly chosen K is negligible) RKA security is not achievable [BK03]. In our proof, we will require a slightly stronger condition that the sub-RKD functions \(\phi _1(K_1)\) and \(\phi _2(K_2)\) are individually unpredictable. Note that offsetting keys via xor enjoys this property as xor induces a permutation over the two halves of the key.

BHK [BHK13a], by interpreting encryption randomness as hash keys, show that BRS is selectively RKA secure using a multi-key extension of \(\mathrm {UCE}[\mathcal {S} ^\mathrm {cup}]\). In contrast, the adversary in our model retains its capability to adaptively query RKD functions of its choice depending both on the hash key and the ciphertexts that it has previously seen. For this result, although \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}]\) is sufficient, the assumption can be fine-tuned to \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ]\) where

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {C}:=\mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}\cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {dist}\cap \mathcal {C} _1^{\mathrm {1}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \cap \mathcal {C} _2^{\mathrm {0}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \cap \mathcal {C} _2^0 \cap \mathcal {C} _2^\varepsilon . \end{aligned}$$

We defer the formal proof to the full version and give a detailed outline here.

The ICE adversary. Given an RKA adversary \(A\), we construct an \(\mathrm {ICE} \) adversary \((D_1,D_2)\), where \(D_1\) handles the left components of \(A\)’s RKA queries and \(D_2\) handles the right components as follows.

  • \(D_1(L_1)\): On initial invocation, generate a hash key \({{hk}} \), a random \(K_1\), and a random bit b. Store these values and write \({{hk}} \) onto the \({{hk}} \)-part of the tape. Run \(A({{hk}})\) to get an RKA query \(((\phi _1,\phi _2),M_0,M_1)\). Output \((b_1,L_2) := (\bot ,\phi _2)\). Proceed as follows in subsequent invocations. Generate and store a random R and write \(\phi _1(K_1)\) onto the 1st segment (out of three segments) of the x-part of the tape and R onto its 3rd segment. Query \(\textsc {Hash} \) to get H. Recover R and resume \(A\) on \((R, H \oplus M_b)\) to get a new RKA query \(((\phi _1,\phi _2),M_0,M_1)\), or a bit \(b'\). If \(A\) outputs a bit \(b'\), return \((b_1,L_2) := (b=b',\varepsilon )\) and terminate. Else output \((b_1,L_2) := (\bot ,\phi _2)\).

  • \(D_2(L_2)\): When initially invoked, generate a random \(K_2\) and store it. In all invocations (including the first), recover \(\phi _2\) from \(L_2\). If \(\phi _2=\varepsilon \), return \((b_2,L_1) := (0,\varepsilon )\) and terminate. Else write \(\phi _2(K_2)\) onto the 2nd segment of the x-part of the tape. Output \((b_2,L_1) := (0,\varepsilon )\).

Unpredictability. We show that \(D\in \mathcal {C} \) for class \(\mathcal {C} \) as defined above. To this end, we only prove membership in \(\mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}\cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {dist}\) as other cases follow via syntactic checks. This follows from the following two observations: (1) The \(\textsc {Hash} \) queries are distinct with overwhelming probability since before each query a fresh random value R is written onto the joint tape. (2) The functions \(\phi _1\) and \(\phi _2\) are run on independently chosen substrings of the key. Since they are assumed to be individually statistically unpredictable, \(D_1\) observing independently generated random strings corresponding to hash values never gets to know the contents of the tape written by \(D_2\), and vice versa, \(D_2\) never gets to know what is written on to the tape by \(D_1\).

4.2 KDM Security

When the random oracle in the BRS scheme is instantiated with an \(\mathrm {ICE} \)-secure hash function, we are able to show that the BRS scheme resists a partially adaptive form of KDM security for split key-dependent-message derivation (KDMD) functions \(\phi \). As for RKD functions, such KDMD functions consist of sub-KDMD functions \(\phi _1\) and \(\phi _2\) of the form \(\phi (K_1\Vert K_2) := \phi _1(K_1) \Vert \phi _2(K_2)\). The adaptivity level that we can tolerate is as follows. In an initial phase of the attack, the adversary can fully adaptively query split KDMD functions that do not depend on \(K_2\). That is, for these functions \(\phi _2(K_2)\) is constant and independent of \(K_2\) and its value can be predicted. In a second phase of the attack, the adversary can query split KDMD functions of its choice as long as either \(\phi _1(K_1)\) is constant or \(\phi _1(K_1)\) was used in the first phase. (We emphasize that these functions are not required to be unpredictable.) This model is strong enough to imply IND-CPA security (without any restrictions), a case that could not be treated using UCEs.

The ICE adversary. Let \(A\) be a KDM adversary against the BRS scheme in the model above. Our \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}\cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {dist}]\) adversary corresponding to \(A\) is as follows, where for simplicity we have assumed the lengths of keys, randomness and messages are all \(\ell \). (The ICE class can be further restricted as is shown in Table 1.) In this reduction, \(D_1\) faithfully runs the first stage of the attack, while \(D_2\) runs its second stage. To answer KDM queries, \(D_2\) relies on the “homomorphic” property that \(H \oplus (x_1\Vert x_2) = H \oplus (x_1\Vert 0^{|x_2|}) \oplus (0^{|x_1|}\Vert x_2)\).

  • \(D_1(L_1)\): When initially invoked, generate a random \({{hk}} \), \(K_1\) and b and store them. Write \({{hk}} \) to the \({{hk}} \)-part and \(K_1\) to the 1st (out of three) segments of the x-part of the tape. (The segments are of lengths \(\ell /2\), \(\ell /2\) and \(\ell \) corresponding to \(K_1\), \(K_2\) and R respectively.) Output \((\bot ,\varepsilon )\). On the second invocation, run \(A({{hk}})\) and answer its KDM queries \(((\phi ^0_1,\phi ^0_2),(\phi ^1_1,\phi ^1_2))\) as follows. Write a fresh random value R onto the 3rd segment of the x-part of the tape. Call \(\textsc {Hash} \) to get H, and resume \(A\) on \((R, H \oplus (\phi _1(K_1)\Vert M_2^*))\), where \(M_2^*:=\phi _2(0^{\ell /2})\) is the right \(K_2\)-independent part of the message. Continue this process until \(A\) decides to proceed to its second stage. Let \({st}_{A}\) denote \({A}\)’s state. Generate sufficiently many copies \((R_1,C'_1),\ldots ,(R_q,C'_q)\) of each of the KDM queries made in the first phase. Let \(\mathsf {List}_1\) denote the corresponding list of queried \(\phi ^b_1\). Return \((0,(b,{st}_A, (R_1,C'_1),\ldots ,(R_q,C'_q),\mathsf {List}_1))\) and terminate.

  • \(D_2(L_2)\): When initially invoked, generate a random \(K_2\), store it, and write it to the 2nd segment of the x-part of the tape. Hand the attack back to \(D_1\), by outputting \((\bot ,\varepsilon )\). On the second invocation, parse \(L_2\) appropriately as above. Resume \(A\) on \({st}_A\) and answer its KDM queries \(((\phi ^0_1,\phi ^0_2),(\phi ^1_1,\phi ^1_2))\) as follows. If \(\phi ^b_1 \in \mathsf {List}_1\) pick a fresh ciphertext \((R,C')\) corresponding to \(\phi ^b_1\) and complete the ciphertext preparation by setting \(C \leftarrow C \oplus (0^{\ell /2} \Vert \phi ^b_2(K_2))\). Otherwise generate a random R, write it onto the 3rd segment of the x-part of the tape, query \(\textsc {Hash} \) to get H, and set \(C \leftarrow H \oplus (\phi ^b_1(0^{\ell /2})\Vert \phi ^b_2(K_2))\). Resume \(A\) on \((R,C;{st}_A)\) and continue in this manner until \(A\) outputs a bit \(b'\). Return \((b=b',\varepsilon )\) and terminate.

Unpredictability. \(D\)’s queries are distinct with overwhelming probability as fresh randomness R is written on the tape before each query. Throughout the attack, and when the hash oracle implements a random function, \(K_2\) remains hidden from \(D_1\) as \(D_1\) only sees distinct random values as hash responses. Key \(K_1\) also remains hidden from \(D_2\) as the (incomplete) ciphertext components received from \(D_1\) are random strings. Hence \(D\in \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}\cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {dist}\).

5 Feasibility

In this section we start by showing that random oracles are \(\mathrm {ICE}\) secure with respect to interesting distinguisher classes (in particular, with respect to the restrictions needed for the presented applications). We then consider the ICE security of practical hash constructions built from fix-input-length (FIL) ROs. In particular, we look at a keyed variant of Liskov’s Zipper Hash [Lis07] and show that it achieves \(\mathrm {ICE} \) security in the FIL-RO model. Interestingly, we show that both \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) and \(\mathsf {NMAC}\) constructions [BCK96], which were recently shown to be \(\mathrm {UCE}\) secure in FIL-ROM [Mit14], fail to be \(\mathrm {ICE}\) secure. This result yields a natural counterexample to the composability of \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) in multi-stage settings, similarly to that given by Ristenpart, Shacham, and Shrimpton in [RSS11]. Furthermore, it provides a separation between ICE and UCE. Our results also demonstrate that Zipper Hash can provide a higher level of security compared to \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) when used in multi-stage settings.

5.1 ICEs from Random Oracles

BHK [BHK13b] show that UCE-secure hash functions can be provably constructed in the RO model. The philosophical justifications of this result are that there are no structural weaknesses in the definitional framework, and more importantly, a layered approach to protocol design in the RO model can be enabled [BHK13b]. We show that \(\mathrm {ICE} \)s also enjoy RO feasibility.

Let \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {kl}(\cdot )\) and \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {ol}(\cdot )\) be two arbitrary functions as in the syntax of a hash function. Let \(\mathcal {R} \) be a family of variable-input-length (VIL) ROs (i.e., with domain \({\{0,1\}}^*\)) and range \({\{0,1\}}^{\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {ol}(\lambda )}\). We construct the required hash function \(\mathsf {H} ^\mathcal {R} \) by defining the key-generation algorithm \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Kg} ({1^{\lambda }})\) to return a random and the evaluation algorithm \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Ev} ^\mathcal {R} ({{hk}},x)\) to return \(\mathcal {R} ({{hk}} \Vert x)\). Our first feasibility result is as follows.

Theorem 1

( \(\mathrm {ICE} \) feasibility in ROM). The VIL hash function \(\mathsf {H} ^\mathcal {R} \) constructed above is \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ]\) secure in the VIL-RO model for \(\mathcal {R} \) for the following (incomparable) classes of adversaries:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {C}:= \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {poly}\cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}\quad \text{ and } \quad \mathcal {C}:= \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {cup}. \end{aligned}$$

The proof of this theorem is similar to the proof of [BHK13b, Theorem 6.1] for \(\mathrm {UCE}\)s, and we give the details in the full version. Intuitively, we rely on unpredictability of queries to simulate the random oracles used in the construction and implicit in the \(\mathrm {ICE} \) game independently. Interestingly, distinctness of queries will not be needed in this proof and we do not restrict the classes to \(\mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {dist}\). We note that the above classes include all those needed for the applications, as listed in Table 1. We also note that this theorem generalizes the feasibility of UCEs for unpredictable sources in ROM [BHK13b] as it can be easily verified that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {C} ^{\mathrm {uce}} \cap \mathcal {C} _2^\mathrm {cup}\subseteq \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {cup}\quad \text{ and } \quad \mathcal {C} ^{\mathrm {uce}} \cap \mathcal {C} _2^\mathrm {sup}\subseteq \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}. \end{aligned}$$

5.2 VIL-ICEs from Ideal Compression

Practical variable-input-length (VIL) hash functions are not monolithic objects. They often follow iterative modes of chaining that convert a fix-input-length (FIL) compression function to one that accepts variable-length inputs. This design principle has been successfully validated via the indifferentiability framework of Maurer et al. [MRH04, CDMP05], whereby an indifferentiable hash-function construction is shown to securely compose when used in place of a random oracle. As pointed out in [RSS11], the indifferentiability framework only guarantees composition in single-stage environments. The ICE and UCE games, however, are inherently multi-staged and lie outside the reach of (plain) indifferentiability. Mittelbach [Mit14] develops new techniques to extend the reach of (plain) indifferentiability to certain classes of multi-stage games. In particular, he shows that the \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) and \(\mathsf {NMAC}\) constructions are UCE secure. Interestingly, we show that these results do not carry over to the \(\mathrm {ICE} \) model: \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) and \(\mathsf {NMAC}\) provably fail to be ICE secure. On the other hand, we build on Mittelbach’s techniques to prove that a variant of Zipper Hash [Lis07] is provably ICE secure.

Attacks on \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) and \(\mathsf {NMAC}\). The \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) and \(\mathsf {NMAC}\) constructions are shown in Fig. 4. If we denote the iterated compression function used in \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) by \(\mathsf {h}\), then it is easily seen that key \({{hk}} \) is only used on the “outer” \(\mathsf {h}\)-evaluations. Consider an ICE distinguisher \(D_1\) which holds \({{hk}} \), computes the values

$$\begin{aligned} y_1 := \mathsf {h}({{hk}} \oplus \mathsf {ipad}, \mathsf {IV}) \qquad \text{ and } \qquad y_2 := \mathsf {h}({{hk}} \oplus \mathsf {opad}, \mathsf {IV}) \end{aligned}$$

and sends them to distinguisher \(D_2\). Given \((y_1,y_2)\), distinguisher \(D_2\) can compute the \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) values for any \(x\in {\{0,1\}}^*\) under \({{hk}} \). Thus, in order to win the \(\mathrm {ICE} \) game, \(D_2\) simply chooses a random x and writes it on the input tape, and calls \(\textsc {Hash} \) to receive a value y. It then locally recomputes \(\mathsf {H}.\mathsf {Ev} ^\mathsf {h}({{hk}}, x)\) using the compression function \(\mathsf {h}\) and values \((y_1,y_2)\). If the results match, it outputs 1, and else it outputs 0. It is easily seen that this adversary wins \(\mathrm {ICE} \) with overwhelming probability. Furthermore, given \((y_1,y_2)\), the hash key \({{hk}} \) remains statistically hidden from \(D_2\) (as the number of \(\mathsf {h}\) queries is bounded by a polynomial). Value x, being random, also remains statistically hidden from \(D_1\). Formally, this attack breaks \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ]\) for

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {C}:= \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {ppt} \cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}\cap \mathcal {C} ^{1,1,1} \cap \mathcal {C} _1^{\mathrm {1}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \cap \mathcal {C} _1^0 \cap \mathcal {C} _2^{\mathrm {0}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \cap \mathcal {C} _2^\varepsilon . \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 4.
figure 4

The \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) construction. If the dashed boxes are exchanged for independent keys \(k_1\) and \(k_2\), we obtain \(\mathsf {NMAC}\). Here we are ignoring padding.

Zipper Hash. The above attack raises the question if any iterative hash function can be \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ]\) secure for a meaningful class of distinguishers \(\mathcal {C} \). We show that a hybrid construction of a keyed version of Liskov’s Zipper Hash construction [Lis07] and chopped Merkle–Damgård (chop-MD) of Coron et al. [CDMP05] is ICE secure. Zipper Hash can be regarded as a basic Merkle–Damgård scheme where the message is processed twice, the second time in reversed block order. chop-MD refers to the construction where a hash value consists only of the first half of the output bits of the final compression function. Our hybrid construction results from adding the chop step to Zipper Hash. Furthermore, we consider a keyed variant of Zipper Hash by prepending the hash key to the message. We assume that key length matches block length, which means that the first and last evaluations of the compression function operate on the hash key. We denote this keyed variant of Zipper Hash by \(\mathsf {chop{{\text {-}}}KZIP}\). Figure 5 shows a schematic diagram of the construction.

Theorem 2

(Zipper Hash’s \(\mathrm {ICE} \) security). The VIL hash function \(\mathsf {chop{{\text {-}}}KZIP}^\mathsf {h}\) constructed above is \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ]\) secure in the FIL-RO model for \(\mathsf {h}:{\{0,1\}}^\mu \times {\{0,1\}}^n \longrightarrow {\{0,1\}}^n\) for the class

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {C}:= \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {poly}\cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}\cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {dist}\cap \mathcal {C} _1^{\mathrm {1}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \cap \mathcal {C} _1^0 \cap \mathcal {C} _2^{\mathrm {0}{\text {-}}\mathrm {hk}} \cap \mathcal {C} _2^\varepsilon . \end{aligned}$$

An analogous result holds for polynomial-time distinguishers that are only computationally unpredictable.

In the full version, we give the proof, where we also present a self-contained introduction to the unsplittability technique [Mit14].

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The Zipper Hash construction merged with chop-MD [CDMP05] and keyed with \({{hk}} \). The final node g corresponds to the projection to the first half of the output of \(\mathsf {h}\).

Note that class \(\mathcal {C} \) above contains that class used to attack \(\mathsf {HMAC}\) and hence \(\mathsf {chop{{\text {-}}}KZIP}^\mathsf {h}\) provably achieves a higher level of security in multi-stage games. We note that the reach of the above feasibility result includes all applications scenarios listed in Table 1. In particular, \(\mathsf {chop{{\text {-}}}KZIP}^\mathsf {h}\) can security replace the random oracle in these applications. For this also note that we can easily drop \(\mathcal {C} _1^0\) by requesting that in the last round \(D _1\) outputs a guess for b which \(D _2\) echoes. With the other restrictions present this change is without loss of generality.

This result cannot be strengthened for the (large) adversarial classes that were used in Theorem 1. To see this, consider two distinguishers that engage in a distributed computation of \(\mathsf {chop{{\text {-}}}KZIP}^\mathsf {h}\) hash values as follows. Distinguisher \(D_1\) knows \({{hk}} \) and \(m_1\) and \(D_2\) knows \(m_2\), where message \(m := m_1\Vert m_2\) is being hashed. Distinguisher \(D_1\) computes an intermediate hash digest using \(({{hk}},m_1)\) and forwards it to \(D_2\). Distinguisher \(D_2\) now computes another iteration of the hash using \(m_2\) and forwards the result to \(D_1\). Distinguisher \(D_1\) can now complete the hash computation using its knowledge of \(({{hk}},m_1)\) and the intermediate hash digest that it receives.

A straightforward generalization of this attack also rules out multi-pass variants of \(\mathsf {chop{{\text {-}}}KZIP}^\mathsf {h}\) (where messages are processed multiple times in the forward and backward directions), including those whose number of passes is not fixed a priori and can depend on the number of message blocks. This is due to the fact that the number of rounds in an \(\mathrm {ICE} \) attack is not fixed. This, in turn, raises the question if \(\mathrm {ICE} [\mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {poly}\cap \mathcal {C} ^\mathrm {sup}]\) is feasible in the FIL-RO model. We conclude the paper with a candidate construction that we conjecture to reach this level of security.

Mix Hash. Let \(\mathsf {h}:{\{0,1\}}^n\times {\{0,1\}}^n \longrightarrow {\{0,1\}}^n\) be a compression function. Let \(m:=m_1 \Vert \cdots \Vert m_\ell \in ({\{0,1\}}^n)^\ell \) be a message with \(\ell \) blocks of length n each. Let \(\mathsf {Mix}^\mathsf {h}(m)\) denote the transformation that maps m to \(M:=\Vert _i\Vert _j M_{i,j}\) where \(M_{i,j} : = \mathsf {h}(m_i, m_j)\) for \(1 \le i < j \le \ell \). (Therefore M has \(\ell (\ell -1)/2\) blocks.) Now let \({{hk}} \in {\{0,1\}}^n\) be a hash key and define

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {MixHash}^\mathsf {h}({{hk}},m) := \mathsf {HMAC}^\mathsf {h}(0^n,\mathsf {Mix}^\mathsf {h}({{hk}} \Vert m)). \end{aligned}$$

Note that \(\mathsf {MixHash}^\mathsf {h}\) places \(\mathrm {\Theta }(\ell ^2)\) calls to its compression function \(\mathsf {h}\).Footnote 10 The design rationale behind \(\mathsf {MixHash}^\mathsf {h}\) is as follows. All intermediate digests values \(M_{i,j}\) are needed in order to successfully compute a hash value. These values, however, consist of all pairs \((m_i,m_j)\) compressed through \(\mathsf {h}\). Since \(\mathsf {h}\) is a monolithic object, \(M_{i,j}\) cannot be computed in a distributed way, a strategy that was used in all previous attacks. In other words, one of the distinguishers has to know \(({{hk}},m)\) in full and hence will violate unpredictability. To see this, suppose \(D_1\) does not know \(m_j\) in full and \(D_2\) does not know \(m_i\) in full for some \(i<j\). Then there is no way for these parties to learn \(M_{i,j}:=\mathsf {h}(m_i,m_j)\) without one of them explicitly quarrying \(\mathsf {h}\) on \((m_i,m_j)\). This however means that both \(m_i\) and \(m_j\) are known to the quarrying party, which leads to a contradiction. We leave a formal analysis of \(\mathsf {MixHash}^\mathsf {h}\) in the FIL-RO model for \(\mathsf {h}\) as future work.