
1 Introduction

Grain v1, designed by Hell et al. [13], is a stream cipher for restricted hardware environments. It uses 80-bit key and 64-bit IV and consists of two combined registers, one NFSR and one LFSR, filtered together by a non-linear function. During the eSTREAM competition, Grain v1 has successfully withstood huge cryptanalytic efforts and in April 2008, it was selected into the final portfolio by the eSTREAM project, as it has pushed the state of the art of stream ciphers in terms of compact implementation [10].

Grain v1 has a compact structure with carefully chosen tap positions, feedback functions and output function. The feedback function of NFSR and the filter function are chosen in such a way that the correlation [3] and distinguishing attacks [16] on the former version, Grain v0, have been made impossible in time faster than exhaustive search. The companion cipher, Grain-128 [14], is designed in a similar way except that the feedback function is of low algebraic degree (a property not in Grain v1), which results in distinguishing attacks [2, 18], an algebraic attack of a modified version [4] and a dynamic cube attack of full initialization rounds [8, 9] and a new version, Grain-128a [15], with optional authentication. In [7], a slide property in the initialization phase was discovered, which can be used to reduce by half the cost of exhaustive key search for a fixed IV and to mount related-key chosen IV attacks [7, 17] against Grain v1 and Grain-128.

In this paper, we propose a new key recovery attack, called near collision attack, on Grain v1. The attack utilizes the compact NFSR-LFSR combined structure of Grain v1 and works even if all of the previous identified weaknesses have been sewed and if a perfect key/IV initialization algorithm is adopted, e.g., the slide property does not exist any more and there are a sufficiently large number of initialization rounds. It is observed that the NFSR and LFSR are of length exactly \(80\)-bit (the same as the key length, with no redundance) and the LFSR updates independently in the keystream generation phase. Further, if the \(160\)-bit internal states at two different time instants differ in only a small number of positions, the output keystreams they generate will be similar to each other. In fact, the keystream segment differences in this case can not take all the possible values, i.e., there are lots of impossible keystream segment differences and even for the possible differences, the distribution is heavily non-uniform. Some differences occur with very high probability, while others do not. This is due to the fact that for some keystream segment differences, there are many low weight internal state differences that can cause them. Based on the near match generalization of the birthday paradox, such near collisions of the internal states do exist given enough keystream and the problem is how to explicitly and efficiently identify them.

We develop an approach to detect such near collision internal states and the basic attack is called NCA-1.0Footnote 1. Combined with BSW sampling, an enhanced attack, NCA-2.0, is proposed and it can reduce the attack complexity compared to NCA-1.0. We further improve it to NCA-3.0 by utilizing the heavily non-uniform distribution of the internal state differences for a fixed keystream difference. Then our attack has been launched and verified on a reduced version of Grain v1 with \(32\)-bit LFSR and \(32\)-bit NFSR. An extrapolation of the results under some reasonable assumption indicates an attack on Grain v1 for any fixed IV in \(2^{71.4}\) cipher ticks after the pre-computation of \(2^{73.1}\) ticks, given \(2^{62.8}\)-bit memory and \(2^{67.8}\) keystream bits. This is the best key recovery attack against Grain v1 so farFootnote 2. The results of all the NCA attacks are summarized in the following table. Our attack is just a starting point for further analysis of Grain-like stream ciphers and hopefully it provides some new insights on the design of such compact stream ciphers.

Table 1. The attack complexity

This paper is structured as follows. Some notations and preliminaries are given in Sect. 2. Then, some key observations used in our attack and the description of Grain v1 are presented in Sect. 3. The general attack model and its complexity analysis are formalized in Sect. 4. The NCA-2.0 based on BSW sampling resistance is given in Sect. 5 and the NCA-3.0 based on the non-uniform distribution of keystream segment differences is presented in Sect. 6, respectively. The basis simulation results on the reduced version of Grain is provided in Sect. 7. Finally, we conclude in Sect. 8.

2 Notations and Preliminaries

In this section, we give a brief description of GrainFootnote 3 and propose some lemmas that we will use. The following notations are used throughout the paper.

  • \(w_H(\cdot )\): the Hamming weight function, output the number of 1s in the binary representation of the input argument.

  • \(d\): the maximum Hamming weight of the internal state difference.

  • \(l\): the length of the keystream segment, measured in bit.

  • \(n\): the length of the internal state, measured in bit.

  • \(\varDelta s\): the internal state difference.

  • \(V(n,d)\): the total number of the internal state differences with \(w_H(\varDelta s)\le {d}\).

  • \(Q(n,d,l)\): the total number of all the possible keystream segment differences, while traversing all the \(V(n,d)\) internal state differences.

  • \(R(n,d,l)\): the average number of the internal state differences, corresponding to a fixed keystream segment difference.

  • \(B_d\): the set of the internal state differences with \(\varDelta s \in B_d\) and \(w_H(\varDelta s)\le {d}\).

  • \(I_{\varDelta s}\): the set of the difference position indexes of \(\varDelta s\). The difference position indexes range from \(0\) to \(159\), corresponding to \(n_0,n_1,\ldots ,n_{79},l_0,l_1,\ldots ,l_{79}\).

  • \(P\): the pre-computation time complexity.

  • \(T\): the on-line time complexity.

  • \(M\): the memory requirement.

  • \(D\): the data complexity.

  • \(\varOmega \): the number of CPU clock cycles to generate one bit keystream in software.

It is easy to see thatFootnote 4 \(B_d=\{\varDelta s \in \mathbb {F}_2^n| w_H(\varDelta s)\le {d}\}=\{\varDelta s_1,\varDelta s_2,\ldots ,\varDelta s_{V(n,d)}\}\) and \(|B_d|=V(n,d)=\sum _{i=0}^{d}{n \atopwithdelims ()i}\). The definition of \(d\)-near-collision for two binary strings is as follows.

Definition 1

Two \(n\)-bit strings \(s\), \(s'\) are \(d\)-near-collision, if \(w_H(s\oplus s')\le {d}\).

Similar to the birthday paradox, which states that two random subsets of a space with \(2^n\) elements are expected to intersect when the product of their sizes exceeds \(2^n\), we present the following lemma of \(d\)-near-collision.

Lemma 1

Given two random subsets \(A\), \(B\) of a space with \(2^n\) elements, then there exists a pair \((a,b)\) with \(a \in A\) and \(b \in B\) that is an \(d\)-near-collision if

$$\begin{aligned} |A|\cdot |B| \ge {\frac{2^n}{V(n,d)}} \end{aligned}$$

holds, where \(|A|\) and \(|B|\) are the size of \(A\) and \(B\) respectively.


Let \(A=\{a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_{|A|}\}\) and \(B=\{b_1,b_2,\ldots ,b_{|B|}\}\). Each \(a_i \in A\), \(b_j \in B\) are uniformly random variables with values in \(\mathbb {F}_2^n\). Consider the random variables \(w_H(a_i \oplus b_j)\) and let \(\phi \) be the characteristic function of the event \(w_H(a_i \oplus b_j)\le {d}\), that is,

$$ \phi (w_H(a_i \oplus b_j)\le {d})=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 &{} \ \mathrm{if }\ w_H(a_i \oplus b_j)\le {d} \\ 0 &{} \ \mathrm{otherwise. } \end{array} \right. $$

For \(1 \le {i}\le {|A|},\ 1\le {j}\le {|B|}\), we consider the number \(N_{A,B}(d)\) of pairs \((a_i,b_j)\) satisfying \(w_H(a_i \oplus b_j)\le {d}\) (the number of \(d\)-near-collisions): \(N_{A,B}(d)=\sum _{i=1}^{|A|}\sum _{j=1}^{|B|} \phi (w_H(a_i \oplus b_j)\le {d}).\) The expected value of \(N_{A,B}(d)\) of pairwise-independent random variables can be computed as \(E(N_{A,B}(d))=|A|\cdot |B| \cdot \frac{V(n,d)}{2^n}.\) Therefore, if we choose the size of \(A\) and \(B\) satisfying Eq. (1), the expected number of \(d\)-near-collisions pairs is at least 1.   \(\Box \)

If \(d=0\), then \(V(n,d)=1\) and Lemma 1 reduces to the common collision, otherwise the data required of finding a \(d\)-near-collision is much less than that of finding a complete collision. If \(|A|\cdot |B| =2^n / V(n,d) \), then the probability to find a \(d\)-near-collision is about \(50\,\%\). If \(|A|\cdot |B| =3\cdot 2^n / V(n,d)\), then the probability to find a \(d\)-near-collision is larger than \(98\,\%\).

2.1 Grain-v1

Grain-v1 is one of the 7 finalists selected in the final portfolio by the eSTREAM project. It is a bit-oriented stream cipher taking an 80-bit key and a 64-bit IV. The cipher consists of a pair of linked \(80\)-bit shift registers, one is linear feedback shift register (LFSR) and another is non-linear feedback shift register (NFSR), denoted as \(\{l_i,l_{i+1},\ldots ,l_{i+79}\}\) and \(\{n_i,n_{i+1},\ldots ,n_{i+79}\}\) respectively. The update function of the LFSR is \(l_{i+80}=l_{i+62}+l_{i+51}+l_{i+38}+l_{i+23}+l_{i+13}+l_{i}\) and the update function of the NFSR is

$$\begin{aligned} n_{i+80}&= l_i+n_{i+62}+n_{i+60}+n_{i+52}+n_{i+45}+n_{i+37}+n_{i+33}+n_{i+28}+n_{i+21} \\&+ n_{i+14}+n_{i+9}+n_{i}+n_{i+63}n_{i+60}+n_{i+37}n_{i+33}+n_{i+15}n_{i+9} \\&+ n_{i+60}n_{i+52}n_{i+45}+n_{i+33}n_{i+28}n_{i+21}+n_{i+63}n_{i+45}n_{i+28}n_{i+9}\\&+ n_{i+60}n_{i+52}n_{i+37}n_{i+33}+n_{i+63}n_{i+60}n_{i+21}n_{i+15}\\&+ n_{i+63}n_{i+60}n_{i+52}n_{i+45}n_{i+37}+n_{i+33}n_{i+28}n_{i+21}n_{i+15}n_{i+9} \\&+ n_{i+52}n_{i+45}n_{i+37}n_{i+33}n_{i+28}n_{i+21}. \end{aligned}$$

During keystream generation phase, shown in Fig. 1, the output bit \(z_i\) is filtered by a non-linear function \(h(x)\), which is balanced and correlation immune of the first order, defined as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} h(x)&= x_1+x_4+x_0x_3+x_2x_3+x_3x_4+x_0x_1x_2+x_0x_2x_3+x_0x_2x_4\\&+ x_1x_2x_4+x_2x_3x_4, \end{aligned}$$

where the variables \(x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3\) and \(x_4\) correspond to the tap positions \(l_{i+3}\), \(l_{i+25}\), \(l_{i+46}\), \(l_{i+64}\) and \(n_{i+63}\) respectively. The output function is taken as \(z_i= \sum _{k\in \mathcal {A}} n_{i+k}+h(l_{i+3},l_{i+25},l_{i+46},l_{i+64},n_{i+63}),\) where \(\mathcal {A}=\{1,2,4,10,31,43,56\}\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Keystream generation mode

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Initialization mode

Let the bits of the key be \(k_i\), \(0\le {i}\le {79}\) and the bits of the IV be \(IV_i\), \(0\le {i}\le {63}\). In the initialization phase, shown in Fig. 2, first load the NFSR with the key bits, \(n_i=k_i\), \(0\le {i}\le {79}\), then load the first \(64\) bits of the LFSR with the IV, \(s_i=IV_i\), \(0\le {i}\le {63}\). The remaining bits of the LFSR are filled with ones, i.e., \(s_i=1\), \(64\le {i}\le {79}\). Then the cipher is clocked \(160\) times without producing any keystream bit. Instead the output function is fed back and xored with the input, both to the LFSR and to the NFSR.

3 Some Key Observations

We start with some key observations used in our attacks. More technical descriptions of the various steps will be provided in the next sections.

3.1 State Recovery with Known State Difference

According to NFSR-LFSR combined structure of Grain, the internal states at two different time instants can be recovered in a reasonable time if we know the state difference. More precisely, during the keystream generation phase, we denote the LFSR state as \(L^{t_1}=(l_0^{t_1},l_1^{t_1},\ldots ,l_{79}^{t_1})\) at time \(t_1\) and \(L^{t_2}=(l_0^{t_2},l_1^{t_2},\ldots ,l_{79}^{t_2})\) at time \(t_2\) (\(0 \le {t_1} < t_2\)).

Suppose that we know the difference \(\varDelta L=(l_0^{t_1} \oplus l_0^{t_2},\ldots ,l_{79}^{t_1} \oplus l_{79}^{t_2})=(\varDelta l_0, \varDelta l_1,\ldots ,\varDelta l_{79})\) with the time interval \(\varDelta t=t_2-t_1\). Since the LFSR is clocked independently (never affected by the NFSR or the keystream bits) in the keystream generation phase of Grain, each \(l_i^{t_2}\) in \(L^{t_2}\) can thus be linearly expressed by the variables in \(L^{t_1}\):

$$ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} l_0^{t_2}=c_0^0l_0^{t_1}+c_1^0l_1^{t_1}+\cdots +c_{79}^0l_{79}^{t_1} \\ l_1^{t_2}=c_0^1l_0^{t_1}+c_1^1l_1^{t_1}+\cdots +c_{79}^1l_{79}^{t_1} \\ \qquad \vdots \\ l_{79}^{t_2}=c_0^{79}l_0^{t_1}+c_1^{79}l_1^{t_1}+\cdots +c_{79}^{79}l_{79}^{t_1}, \end{array} \right. $$

where \(c_i^j\), \(0\le {i,j}\le {79}\) can be pre-computed according to \(\varDelta t\) and the update function of the LFSR, not depending on \(t_1\) and \(t_2\). Combined with \(\varDelta L\), we can easily derive the following linear system.

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \varDelta l_0=l_0^{t_2} \oplus l_0^{t_1}=(c_0^0+1)l_0^{t_1}+c_1^0l_1^{t_1}+\cdots +c_{79}^0l_{79}^{t_1}\\ \varDelta l_1=l_1^{t_2} \oplus l_1^{t_1}=c_0^1l_0^{t_1}+(c_1^1+1)l_1^{t_1}+\cdots +c_{79}^1l_{79}^{t_1}\\ \qquad \vdots \\ \varDelta l_{79}=l_{79}^{t_2} \oplus l_{79}^{t_1}=c_0^{79}l_0^{t_1}+c_1^{79}l_1^{t_1}+\cdots +(c_{79}^{79}+1)l_{79}^{t_1} . \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Variables in \(L^{t_1}\) can then be determined by solving (2), which means that we can obtain the internal state of LFSR at \(t_1\). The time complexity of this step is upper bounded by \(T_{L}\approx 2^{18.9}\) basic operations [19]. Suppose one basic operation needs one CPU cycle, then according to Appendix C that one tick of Grain needs \(2^{10.4}\) CPU clock cycles, hence \(T_L=2^{18.9} /2^{10.4}= 2^{8.5}\) cipher ticks in software.

The next step is to recover the NFSR state at \(t_1\). This process can be found in Appendix A. The time complexity of this phase is upper bounded by \(T_{N}=2^{20.3}\) cipher ticks. The key can then be easily recovered by the running internal state at \(t_1\) backward. To sum up, given the internal state difference with the time interval, the time complexity to retrieve the internal state is \(T_{K}=T_{L}+T_{N}=2^{20.3}\) cipher ticks.

3.2 The Distribution of the Keystream Segment Differences

The second observation is that the distribution of keystream segment differences (KSDs) is heavily biased, given a specific internal state differential (ISD). For instance, we choose \(d=4\), \(l=16\), \(I_{\varDelta s_1}=\{9,31,39,69\}\) Footnote 5, \(I_{\varDelta s_2}=\{99,121,134,149\}\) Footnote 6, \(I_{\varDelta s_3}=\{29,64,101,147\}\) Footnote 7 and \(I_{\varDelta s_4}=\{20,26,53,141\}\) Footnote 8. Then we randomly choose \(10^4\) internal states, calculate the companion states by adding \(\varDelta s_1\), \(\varDelta s_2\), \(\varDelta s_3\), \(\varDelta s_4\) and generate the corresponding KSDs for \(\varDelta s_1\), \(\varDelta s_2\), \(\varDelta s_3\) and \(\varDelta s_4\) in Table 2.

Table 2. The distribution of KSDs

From Table 2, there are only \(2\) values of KSD, each occurred with proportion close to \(1/2\) for \(\varDelta s_1\) and \(\varDelta s_4\) respectively. There are \(4\) values of KSD with varying proportions for \(\varDelta s_2\) and \(\varDelta s_3\) respectively, e.g., if the ISD is \(\varDelta s_2\), then \(38.3\,\%\) KSDs are 0x2000. We also test other ISDs with different \(d\) and \(l\), the results are similar to Table 2.

In many cases, there exists some impossible KSDs when \(d\) and \(l\) are fixed. To illustrate this, given \(1\le {d}\le {4}, l \in \{8,16,24,32\}\), we enumerated each \(\varDelta s \in B_d\) and count the number of \(Q(n,d,l)\) for all the possible ISDs in \(B_d\). The results show that there exists some impossible differences for most of \((d,l)\) pairs. Thus the value of \(Q(n,d,l)\) can be estimated as \(2^{l-\gamma }\) where \(2^{\gamma }\) is the number of impossible differences, e.g., for \((d,l)=(3,24)\), \(\gamma =4.7\). Even for the possible differences, the distribution is non-uniform, which causes some entropy leakage as well. These features can be further utilized to enhance our attack.

3.3 Complexity of the Brute Force Attack

The third observation is that the complexity of brute force attack is higher than \(2^{80}\) ticks and such an attack can only be mounted for each fixed IV, while our attack can be applied to the scenario with arbitrary IVs.

As a baseline, we analyzed the time complexity of the brute force attack on Grain. Given a known fixed IV and a \(80\)-bit keystream segment \(w\), generated by (\(K\), IV) pair, the goal is to recover \(K\) using the exhaustive search strategy.

For each enumerated \(k_i\), \(1\le {i}\le {2^{80}-1}\), the attacker first needs to proceed the initialization phase which needs \(160\) ticks. During the keystream generation phase, once a keystream bit is generated, the attacker compares it to the corresponding bit in \(w\). If they are equal, the attacker continue to generate the next keystream bit and do the comparison. If not, the attacker search another key and repeat the previous steps. If each keystream bit is treated as a random independent variable, then for each \(k_i\), the probability that the attacker need to generate \(l\) (\(1\le {l}\le {80}\)) bits keystream is \(1\) for \(l=1\) and \(2^{-(l-1)}\) for \(l>1\), which means that the previous \(l-1\) bits are equal to the counter bits in \(w\). Let \(N_w\) be the expected number of bits needed to generate for each enumerated key, which is \(N_w=\sum _{l=1}^{80} l\cdot P_l=\sum _{l=1}^{80} l\cdot 2^{-(l-1)} \approx 4.\) Then, the total time complexity is \((2^{80}-1)\cdot (160+4) \approx 2^{87.4}\) cipher ticks.

4 The General Attack Model

In this section, we will give a general description of our attack model. From Sect. 3.1, it is easy to recover the internal state by utilizing the known ISD and the time interval, thus the main concern is to retrieve the ISD derived from the two \(d\)-near-collision internal states. Our attack consists of two phases, i.e., an off-line stage only performed once followed by an on-line stage.

4.1 Off-line Stage

In the off-line stage, some well structured differential tables are pre-computed. Given \(l\) and \(d\), we enumerated the \(V(n,d)\) different ISDs in \(B_d\) and generate their corresponding KSDs with proportions. In total, \(Q(n,d,l)\) different tables will be constructed and indexed with KSD. The ISDs with the proportions, which will generate the indexed KSD, will be stored in each KSD table. For example, following Table 2 in Sect. 3.2, \(\varDelta s_2\) together with the proportion \(12.9\,\%\) will be stored in one line of table-0x0000 and \(\varDelta s_4\) together with the proportion \(52.0\,\%\) will also be saved in another line of table-0x0000. The table structure can be illustrated as follows.

$$ \begin{array}{lll} \mathrm{table}-\mathtt{{0x0000}} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \varDelta s_4 \ \ 52.0\,\% \\ \varDelta s_2 \ \ 12.9\,\%\\ \qquad \vdots \end{array}\right. \ \ \mathrm{{table}}-\mathtt{{0x0001}} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \varDelta s_2 \ \ 13.8\,\% \\ \varDelta s_3 \ \ 13.2\,\%\\ \qquad \vdots \end{array} \right. \ \ \qquad ... \\ \\ \mathrm{table}-\mathtt{{0x0080}} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \varDelta s_4 \ \ 48.0\,\% \\ \qquad \vdots \end{array} \right. \qquad ... \\ \end{array} $$

The total number of tables is \(Q(n,d,l)\) and the average number of rows in each table is \(R(n,d,l)\). Due to the non-uniform distribution of the KSDs for a fixed ISD, we only consider at most \(100\) KSDs whose proportions are the first \(100\) largest among all the KSDs, then each ISD will be stored in at most \(100\) different KSD tables. Hence \(R(n,d,l)\) is upper bounded by \(100\cdot V(n,d)/Q(n,d,l)\). The memory requirement is thus \(M_1=Q(n,d,l)\cdot R(n,d,l)=V(n,d)\cdot 2^{6.6}\) entries, each containing \(n+\delta \) bits where \(\delta \) is used to store the proportion and \(\delta =7\) bitsFootnote 9. We sort each table with respect to the values of those proportions so that the ISD with the maximum proportion will appear in the first row. All the tables will be sorted with respect to their KSD indexes. Let \(N\) be the sampling number of the random internal states when determining the projection from ISD to KSD, then we have \(P=2\cdot N\cdot V(n,d) \cdot l\) cipher ticks.

4.2 On-line Stage

Now we discuss how to obtain the ISD by utilizing the pre-computed tables and the truncated keystreams. Let the length of the keystream segment be \(\hat{l}=l+\beta \), where \(\beta \) is the length of the keystream suffix used for verification. The on-line stage contains the following steps:

Step 1.:

We randomly collect two keystream segments sets \(A\) and \(B\), each element \(a_i \in A\), \(b_j \in B\) of which is \(\hat{l}\)-bit. Let \(a_i^{[l]}\) and \(b_j^{[l]}\) denote the first \(l\) bits of the keystream segments and the time instants for each \(a_i^{[l]}\) and \(b_j^{[l]}\) are also recorded. Let \(s_i^{A}\) and \(s_j^{B}\) be the internal states corresponding to \(a_i^{[l]}\) and \(b_j^{[l]}\) respectively, from Lemma 1, in order to assure that there exists at least one pair \((s_i^{A},s_j^{B})\) so that \(s_i^{A} \oplus s_j^{B} \in B_d\), it is required that \(|A|\cdot |B| \ge {2^n/V(n,d)}\).

Step 2.:

We sort \(A\) and \(B\) with respect to the value of the first \(l\) bits and divide \(A\), \(B\) into \(m\) different groups \(G_1^{A},G_2^{A},\ldots ,G_m^{A}\) and \(G_1^{B},G_2^{B},\ldots ,G_m^{B}\) respectively. The keysream segments in \(A\) (\(B\)) with the same \(a_i^{[l]}\) (\(b_j^{[l]}\)) will be put into the same group with the index \(a_i^{[l]}\) (\(b_j^{[l]}\)). The size of each group can be estimated as \(|G_i^{A}|=|A|/2^l,\ |G_i^{B}|=|B|/2^l, \ 1\le {i}\le {m}\). Note that if \(|A|\ge {2^l}\), then \(m=2^l\). If \(|A|<2^l\), then there may be some empty groups and we define \(m=|A|\). The sorting time is \(T_1=|A|\cdot \log {|A|}+|B|\cdot \log {|B|}\) comparisons.

Step 3.:

Now we need to identify the candidate \((s_i^{A}, s_j^{B})\) pairs that is \(d\)-near-collision. Denote the \(Q(n,d,l)\) different KSDs in the off-line stage by \(W=\{w_1,w_2,\ldots ,w_{Q(n,d,l)}\}\) where each \(w_k, \ 1\le {k}\le {Q(n,d,l)}\) is of \(l\)-bit lengths. For each \(w_k \in W\), we need to find all the pairs \((a_i^{[l]},b_j^{[l]})\) satisfying \(a_i^{[l]} \oplus b_j^{[l]}=w_k\). There are two strategies to achieve this goal:

Strategy I.:

For each \(w_k \in W\), we xor it to each group index of \(G_i^A\) in \(A\) and get \(A^{*}\). If there is one group \(G_i^{A^{*}}\) with the group index same as the index of another group \(G_i^{B}\) in \(B\), then we get \(a_p^{[l]} \oplus b_q^{[l]}=w_k\) for any \(1\le {p}\le {|G_i^{A^{*}}|}\) and \(1\le {q}\le {|G_i^{B}|}\), for if we xor \(w_k\) to each \(a_p^{[l]} \in G_j^{A^{*}}\) and get \(a_p^{[l]^*}=a_p^{[l]} \oplus w_k\), then any \((a_p^{[l]^*},b_q^{[l]})\) pair is a match satisfying \(a_p^{[l]^*}=a_p^{[l]} \oplus w_k=b_q^{[l]}\), see Fig. 3. The time complexity is \(T_2^I=Q(n,d,l)\cdot m \cdot \log {m}\) comparisons.

Strategy II.:

For each \(G_i^A \) in \( A\), we xor its index to each index of \(G_j^B\) in \(B\) (get \(B^*\)) and search a match in the sorted \(W=\{w_1,w_2,\ldots ,w_{Q(n,d,l)}\}\). If a match \(w_k \in W\) is found, then we have \((a_p^{[l]},b_q^{[l]})\) satisfying \(a_p^{[l]}\oplus b_q^{[l]}=w_k\) with \(a_p^{[l]} \in G_i^A, b_q^{[l]}\in G_j^B\), see Fig. 4. The time complexity is \(T_2^{II}=m\cdot m \cdot \log {Q(n,d,l)}\) comparisons.

The time complexity of Step 3 is \(T_2=min\{T_2^I,T_2^{II}\}\).

Step 4.:

From the previous steps, if we choose Strategy I in step 3, then for each \(w_i\), there are at most \(C_{w_i}=2^l \cdot |G_j^{A}| \cdot |G_j^{B}|=|A|\cdot |B|/2^l\) matches, thus the total number of matches is at most \(C=C_{w_i}\cdot Q(n,d,l)=Q(n,d,l)\cdot |A|\cdot |B|/2^l=|A|\cdot |B|\) (Strategy II get at most C=\(|A|\cdot |B|\) matches), among which there are many pseudo-collisions Footnote 10. This step is to filter out these pseudo-collisions and find the real one. Precisely, for each pair \((a_p^{[l]},b_q^{[l]})\), we look for the table with the index \(a_p^{[l]} \oplus b_q^{[l]}=w_i\), read the corresponding ISD list \(B_d^{w_i}\) and for each \(\varDelta s \in B_d^{w_i}\), we can derive the internal state by using the method described in Sect. 3.1. Finally, we can easily verify the correctness of the state by running the cipher forward and compare the generated keystream with those \(\beta \) bits collected in \(A\) and \(B\). The average size of the table is \(R(n,d,l)=100\cdot V(n,d)/Q(n,d,l)\). The time complexity is \(T_3=C\cdot R(n,d,l)\cdot T_K=|A|\cdot |B|\cdot V(n,d) \cdot 2^{6.6} \cdot T_K /2^l\) cipher ticksFootnote 11 (for strategy II, \(T_3=|A|\cdot |B|\cdot V(n,d) \cdot 2^{6.6} \cdot T_K /Q(n,d,l)\)).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Strategy I

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Strategy II

Table 3. The attack complexity with various \(l\)

The total online complexity of the on-line state is thus \(T=T_1+T_2+T_3\) and the memory complexity is \(M_{2}=|A|+|B|\) entries, each containing \(\hat{l}\) bits.

4.3 Complexity Analysis

The unit of the time complexity is one tick of Grain. It is obvious that \(Q(n,d,l)\) is upper bounded by \(2^{l}\) and \(R(n,d,l)\) is upper bounded by \(100\cdot V(n,d)/Q(n,d,l)\). The pre-computation time is \(P=2\cdot N \cdot V(n,d) \cdot l\). The data complexity is \(D=|A|+|B|\) \(\hat{l}\)-bit keystream segments and the memory requirement is \(M=M_1+M_2= V(n,d)\cdot 2^{6.6}+|A|+|B|\) entries.

The time complexity in Step 2 is \(T_1=|A|\cdot \log {|A|}+|B|\cdot \log {|B|}\) comparisons. Suppose each comparison is done in one CPU cycle. Since one tick of Grain needs \(\varOmega =2^{10.4}\) CPU clock cycles (see Appendix C for details), \(T_1=(|A|\cdot \log {|A|}+|B|\cdot \log {|B|})/\varOmega \) cipher ticks. Similarly, the time complexity in Step 3 is \(T_2=min\{Q(n,d,l)\cdot m \cdot \log {m}/\varOmega , \ m^2 \cdot \log {Q(n,d,l)}/\varOmega \}\) ticks.

For Grain \(n=160\) and \(d=16\), then \(V(n,d)\approx 2^{72}\). If we choose \(|A|=|B|=\sqrt{3}*2^{n/2}/\sqrt{V(n,d)} \approx 2^{44.8}\) and the sample size \(N=2^{16}\), then the data complexity is thus \(D=|A|+|B|=2^{45.8}\), the memory requirement is \(M=2^{78.6}\) \(167\)-bit entries and the time complexity of pre-computation is \(P=2^{89}\cdot l\). The complexities varying with \(l\) are shown in Table 3. From Table 3, our attack has a rather uniform complexity tradeoff. Besides, from \(|A|\cdot |B|=3\cdot 2^n /V(n,d)\), the estimated success probability is about \(98\,\%\). We name this basic attack as NCA-1.0. However, the pre-computation complexity \(P=2^{95.7}\) exceeds the brute force attack complexity of \(2^{87.4}\). In the following sections, we will propose some enhanced attacks.

5 Improvement I

The first improvement is designated by combining the sampling resistance property of Grain with NCA-1.0. Biryukov and Shamir proposed the concept of sampling resistance in [5], named BSW-sampling. It can be used to obtain larger choices of tradeoff parameters on the Biryukov-Shamir tradeoff curve.

5.1 Sampling Resistance of Grain

The main idea is to find an efficient way to generate and enumerate special states, from which some subsequent generated keystream bits have a fixed pattern (e.g., a string of zeros). If the length of the fixed pattern is \(k\), then the sampling resistance of the cipher is \(R=2^{-k}\). In [6], it was proved that the sampling resistance of Grain is \(2^{-21}\) by guess and determine strategy. We use a simple method to derive the sampling resistance of Grain which has lower complexity than the guess and determine strategy in [6]. Here comes our Lemma 2, proved in Appendix B.

Lemma 2

Given the value of \(139\) particular state bits of Grain and the first \(21\) keystream bits produced from that state, another \(21\) internal state bits can be deduced directly.

The \(139\) particular state bits contained \(60\) bits of the NFSR state and 79 bits of the LFSR state. From Lemma 2, the sampling resistance of Grain is \(R=2^{-21}\). Thus, we define a restricted one-way function \(\tau :\{0,1\}^{139} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{139}\) by choosing a prefix of \(0^{21}\).

  1. 1.

    For each \(139\)-bit input value \(x\), the remaining \(21\)-bit internal state can be determined by Lemma 2 and the prefix of \(0^{21}\).

  2. 2.

    Run the cipher forward for \(160\) ticks, generate an \(160\)-bit segment \(0^{21}||y\) and output \(y\).

Now, the searching space is reduced to a special subset of the internal states.

5.2 Complexity Analysis Based on Sampling Resistance

Now, the goal is to recover the \(n^*=139\) bits ISD which contains \(60\) NFSR state bits and \(79\) LFSR state bits, instead of the \(n=160\) bits ISD. Note that if we observe \(l\)-bit keystream from the output \(y\) of \(\tau \), we need additional \(42\) ticks, \(21\) ticks to compute the remaining \(21\)-bit internal state and \(21\) ticks to generate the prefix keystream. The pre-computation time complexity is thus \(P^*=2\cdot N \cdot V(n^*,d) \cdot (l+42)\) ticks. In the on-line stage, we need to collect those keystream segments with the prefix pattern \(0^{21}\), which can ensure that the corresponding internal state existed in the reduced searching space. Hence, the data complexity is \(D=(|A|+|B|)\cdot 2^{21}\). Given \(d=13\), then \(V(n^*,d)\approx 2^{59.3}\) and \(|A|=|B|=\sqrt{3}\cdot 2^{n^*/2}/\sqrt{V(n^*,d)} \approx 2^{40}\). Thus, the data complexity is \(D=(|A|+|B|)\cdot 2^{21}=2^{62}\), the memory complexity is \(M=V(n^*,d)\cdot 2^{6.6}+|A|+|B|=2^{65.9}\) entries, each containing \(n^*+\delta \) bits instead of \(n+\delta \) bits. The pre-computation time is \(P^*=2\cdot N \cdot V(n^*,d) \cdot (l+42)=2^{76.3}\cdot (l+42)\). The time complexities with various \(l\) are summarized in Table 4. From Table 4, compared to NCA-1.0, our improved attack reduces \(P\) by a factor of \(2^{12.3}\) and it saves \(10\)-bit storage for each entry in \(A\) and \(B\). All the complexities are under the brute force attack complexity of \(2^{87.4}\). We name this combined attack as NCA-2.0.

Table 4. The attack complexities with various \(l\) based on sampling resistance

6 Improvement II

The second improvement is based on NCA-2.0 by utilizing the non-uniform distribution of KSDs among all the tables.

6.1 Special Tables

As we have observed in Sect. 3.2, the distribution of the table size for each \((d,l)\) are non-uniform. For \((d,l)=(4,16)\), there are altogether \(Q(160,4,16)=2^{15.5}\) tables among which some tables like table-0x0000, table-0x0008, table-0x0004 contains \(10\) times more rows than those like table-0x0012 and table-0x0048. Table-0x0000 contains the most rows among all the tables. Furthermore, most tables like table-0xfe00, table-0xfd68 and table-0xfad1 only contain a single row. Those tables with low Hamming weight indexes contains most of the ISD. The distributions among other \((d,l)\) pairs are similar.

For each \((d,l)\) pair that \(1\le {d}\le {4}, l \in \{8,16,24,32\}\), we found that the tables with low Hamming weight indexes satisfying \(w_H(\text{ KSD })\le {3}\) contain about \(80\,\%\) of all the \(V(n,d)\) different ISDs. We call these tables special tables. In general, we make the following assumption which is verified in random experiments.

Assumption 1

On average, the special tables can cover \(50\,\%\) of all the \(V(n^*,d)\) different ISDs, when \(d\) and \(l\) becomes larger.

The assumption indicates that in the off-line stage, we only need to construct those special tables.

6.2 Complexity Analysis Based on Special Tables

All the complexities remain unchanged except \(T_2=min\{l^3\cdot m \cdot \log {m}, \ m^2 \cdot \log {l^3}\}\). In NCA-2.0, \(n^*=139\), then given \(d=10\), \(V(n^*,d)\approx 2^{49}\). If we choose \(|A|=|B|=\sqrt{3}\cdot 2^{n^*/2}/\sqrt{V(n^*,d)} \approx 2^{45.8}\) and the sample size \(N=2^{16}\), then the pre-computation time complexity is \(P^*=2^{66}\cdot (l+42)\) and the data complexity is \(D=(|A|+|B|)\cdot 2^{21}=2^{67.8}\) entriesFootnote 12, each containing \(\hat{l}\) bits. The memory complexity is \(M=V(n,d)\cdot 2^{6.6}+|A|+|B|=2^{55.6}\) entries, each containing \(n^*+\delta =146\) bits. The time complexities with various \(l\) are summarized in Table 5. From it, we can obtain an attack of \(T=2^{71.4}\), \(M=2^{62.8}\) and \(D=2^{67.8}\) with the pre-computation complexity \(P=2^{73.1}\). We name this enhanced attack as NCA-3.0.

Table 5. The attack complexity on Grain with various \(l\) based on special tables

7 Simulations and Results

In this section, we validate our attacks by simulating a reduced version of Grain v1 stream cipher. We first give a brief description of the reduced version and then verify the Assumption 1 under various parameters. Finally, we apply NCA-2.0 and NCA-3.0 to the reduced cipher.

7.1 Reduced Version

The reduced version of Grain v1 cipher consists of an LFSR of \(32\) bits and an NFSR of \(32\) bits. \(f'(x)=1+x^{2}+x^{7}+x^{16}+x^{32}\) is a primitive polynomial of degree \(32\). The update function of LFSR is defined as \(l'_{i+32}=l'_{i+30}+l'_{i+25}+l'_{i+16}+l'_{i}\). The feedback polynomial of the NFSR, \(g'(x)\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} g'(x)&= 1+x^{7}+x^{9}+x^{17}+x^{24}+x^{32}+x^{7}x^{9}+x^{17}x^{24} \\&+ x^{7}x^{9}x^{17}+x^{9}x^{17}x^{24}+x^{7}x^{9}x^{17}x^{24}, \\ \end{aligned}$$

which is a balanced function of degree \(4\). Similar to Grain, the update function of NFSR with the bit \(l'_{i}\) masked to the input is

$$\begin{aligned} n'_{i+32}&= l'_{i}+n'_{i+25}+n'_{i+23}+n'_{i+15}+n'_{i+8}+n'_{i}+n'_{i+25}n'_{i+23}+n'_{i+15}n'_{i+8} \\&+ n'_{i+25}n'_{i+23}n'_{i+15}+n'_{i+23}n'_{i+15}n'_{i+8}+n'_{i+25}n'_{i+23}n'_{i+15}n'_{i+8}. \\ \end{aligned}$$

We use the same non-linear filter function \(h(x)\) as in Grain v1 and take the output function as \(z'_i= \sum _{k\in \mathcal {A'}} n'_{i+k}+h(l'_{i+3},l'_{i+11},l'_{i+21},l'_{i+25},n'_{i+24}),\) where \(\mathcal {A}=\{1,4,10,21\}\). The key initialization is similar to Grain-v1. First, load the NFSR with the \(32\)-bit key, then load the first \(24\) bits of LFSR with the \(24\)-bit IV. The remaining bits of the LFSR are filled with ones. Then the cipher is clocked \(64\) times without producing any keystream. Instead the output function is feedback and xored with the input, both to the LFSR and to the NFSR. The actual complexity of the brute force attack on the reduced version is \(2^{38.1}\) cipher ticks. By using the same strategy in Appendix B, given the value of \(53\) particular state bits of the reduced Grain (including \(32\) bits LFSR and \(21\) bits NFSR) and the first \(11\) keystream bits produced from that state, another \(11\) internal state bits can be deduced directly. Then the sampling resistance is \(R'=2^{-11}\).

7.2 Verification of Assumption 1

Recall that the special tables are those with low Hamming weight indexes satisfying \(w_H(\text{ KSD })\le {3}\). We first verify Assumption 1 in a random experiment. More precisely, we randomly chose \(10^4\) ISDs in \(B_d\) and generate their corresponding KSDs with the proportions. For each ISD, \(N\) random internal states were generated to determine the projection from ISD to KSD. Only those KSDs satisfying \(w_H(\text{ KSD })\le {3}\) will be recorded and their corresponding ISDs will be stored in a text file named with KSD. Similar to the process of the off-line stage, we only consider at most \(\eta \) KSDs whose proportions are the first \(\eta \) largest among all the KSDs. Finally, we count the number of different ISDs in these special tables. For the reduced version of Grain, the length of the internal state is \(n=53\) and we set \(d=4\), \(N=2^{12}\). thus we randomly chose \(10^4\) ISDs, each of which has Hamming weight at most \(4\). The number of different ISDs in the special tables under various \(l\) and \(\eta \) are summarized in the following Table. From it, we can see that when \(\eta =50\) and \(l=32\), the special tables can cover more than \(90\,\%\) of all the ISDs, which corroborate our theoretical assumption very well. Under this configuration, we will apply NCA-2.0 and NCA-3.0 to the reduced version in the following section.

Table 6. Verification of Assumption 1

7.3 Simulations

In the off-line stage, we set \(\eta =50\), \(N=2^{12}\) and \(d=4\). The theoretical complexity with various \(l\) are given in the following table. The contents of a table will be stored in a text file named with the corresponding KSD. The pre-computation time under various keystream length \(l\) are summarized in the follow table. From Table 8, the table construction of NCA-2.0 takes more time than that of NCA-3.0, since NCA-3.0 only need to construct those special tables and the number of text files is much less than that of NCA-2.0, which indicates a lower cost of table look-up. In the on-line stage, we collected \(|A|=|B|=\sqrt{3}\cdot 2^{n^*/2}/\sqrt{V(n^*,d)}\approx 2^{18}\) keystream segments. We apply NCA-2.0 and NCA-3.0 to the reduced version of Grain respectively for \(140\) randomly generated (\(K\), IV) pairs. The average time for each attack and the experimental success probability are summarized in Table 9. For both NCA-2.0 and NCA-3.0, the experimental time is based on running an non-optimized C++ program on a \(1.83\) GHz CPU with \(2\) GB RAM and \(1\) TB harddisk. The success probability is given in the last column of Table 10. It is the proportion of the number of the correct internal state difference stored in the KSD tables.

Table 7. Theoretical complexity on reduced version of Grain
Table 8. Pre-computation time of NCA-2.0 and NCA-3.0
Table 9. The simulation results on reduced version of Grain

We also conducted an experiment to analyze all those randomly collected keystream segments in the on-line stage of NCA-3.0. We attempt to find all those keystream segment pairs satisfying \(w_H(\text{ KSD })\le {3}\) and \(w_H(\text{ ISD })\le {d}\), but get no results. We then repeat the experiment by increasing the maximum Hamming weight of the special indexes from \(3\) to \(5\), we finally get an average success rate of \(10\,\%\), i.e., \(1\) qualified keystream segment pair out of \(10\) simulations. These experimental results suggest that we can not ensure a very stable success probability of NCA-3.0 on the full version currently. It need to be refined further and we indeed get some improvements by reducing the complexity of recovering the NFSR given the LFSR and the state difference by a factor of about \(2^9\). We will provide the details in the upcoming papers.

From Table 9, we can also see that the experimental success probability of NCA-2.0 is lower than estimated in theory. The reason is that we choose a restricted value of \(\eta \) and \(N\). These two parameters directly influence the size and the number of the pre-computed tables, hence affect the success probability. How to theoretically derive the relationship between the success probability and these two parameters is our future work.

8 Further Explanations and Discussions

To link the reduced version results with the full version analysis, the following assumption is used in our analysis.

Assumption 2

The attack parameters in the full version analysis are chosen based on a linear extrapolation according to the state length ratio.

Precisely, the sampling size of \(N=2^{16}\) in the full version of our attack is chosen as follows. For the reduced version, we have a non-negligible success probability when \(N=2^{12}\). The proportion of the state length for the full version and the reduced version is \(160/64 \approx 3\). Similarly, the KSD length proportions are \(106/32 \approx 4\) and \(96/32=3\). This indicates that \(N=2^{12}\cdot 4=2^{14}\) is an appropriate choice for the full version. To further enhance the success probability, we choose the sampling size \(N=2^{16}\). The theoretical relationship between \(N\) and the success probability is not easy to determine analytically, but we will try to pursue this issue in our future work.

In our simulations, we also tested the time of one tick for the reduced version on our PC. One tick needs approximately \(2^9\) CPU clocks (about \(0.24*10^{-6}\) seconds to generate one keystream bit). When \(l=32\), the cost for NCA-2.0 is about 2 h and 12 min, which contains a number of I/O operations for table look-ups (access to hard disk). The size of the pre-computed tables is about 4 GB, which contains millions of txt files (This can be replaced by binary file, which is faster for read and write operations). These hard disk operations will add some burden to the running time our non-optimized C++ program. Therefore, there exist some gaps between the time complexity of Tables 7, 8 and 9. We will further optimized our experimental code in the future. We can actually improve the running time by loading all the tables into CPU memory before the on-line attack, then the I/O operation costs can be reduced in the on-line phase.

9 Conclusion

In this paper, we have proposed a key recovery attack, called near collision attack on Grain v1. Based on some key observations, we have presented the basic attack called NCA-1.0 and further enhance it to NCA-2.0 and NCA-3.0 by combining the sampling resistance of Grain v1 and the non-uniform distribution of the KSD table size respectively. Our attack has been verified on a reduced version of Grain v1. Under some assumption, an extrapolation of the results indicates an attack on the original Grain v1 for any fixed IV in \(2^{71.4}\) cipher ticks after the pre-computation of \(2^{73.1}\) ticks, given \(2^{62.8}\)-bit memory and \(2^{67.8}\) keystream bits, while the brute force attack can only be mounted for a fixed IV. Our attack is just a starting point for further analysis of Grain-like stream ciphers and hopefully it provides some new insights on the design of such compact stream ciphers.