This booklet is divided into two main parts. First, the structure and basic principles of ISO 9001:2015 are presented. Chapter 3 also explains the main features of the certification process.

The second part then focuses on the actual content of the standards at chapter level. All chapters of the standards, including the important requirements necessary for day-to-day operations, are explained briefly and comprehensibly. For the sake of simplicity, the text is structured analogously to the structure of ISO 9001 from Chap. 4. Wherever applicable, this procedure was applied up to the enumeration level.

For copyright reasons, it was not possible to print the original text of the standard. In this respect, this book is only a supplement, but not an alternative to the actual ISO 9001:2015 text.

In the course of the standard, “appropriate” conditions are often demanded, whereby this term is usually too nebulous and not very specific for the layman. Appropriate means

  • according to customer requirements,

  • according to industry standards (e.g. recognized by other standards and industry-typical procedures),

  • according to Good Workmenship (generally usual work execution),

  • the requirements for on-time and conform performance of work.