It was noted that chemical formulae of 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole (BT) unit in Schemes 19, 20 and Figures 48, 49 was represented incorrectly. The correct versions of Schemes 19, 20 and Figures 48, 49 are shown below.

Scheme 19
figure 66_56

Synthesis routes to PSiF-DHTBT10 and PSiF-BT10 copolymers

Fig. 48
figure 67_56

Structures of PCPDTBT, PSiFDBT, and PSBTBT copolymers

Scheme 20
figure 68_56

Synthesis route of the polymer PSBTBT

Fig. 49
figure 69_56

Structures of DTS-BT copolymers P1, P2, P3, and P4 [228]