
1 Introduction

Recently, microservice architectural style has become an essential element for the development of applications deployed on the cloud or for those adopting the DevOps practices [5, 10]. In this style, an application consists of a set of small services which are independently deployable. Usually, each microservice can only manage its own data [10, 12]. These services communicate through lightweight mechanisms and they are deployed using containers such as Docker [12,13,14].

For the cloud, microservices facilitate the reconfiguration of an application according to the changes that may occur at runtime [3]. These changes can be related to cloud resources (e.g. resource allocation, etc.), quality of service (e.g. scalability guarantees, etc.) or any other event (e.g. failure, etc.). For DevOps, microservices facilitate a continuous integration, delivery and deployment tasks [5].

Besides the adoption of microservice architectural style for the development of new applications, the migration of existing monolithic ones to this style allows them to benefit from all the above-mentioned advantages. The migration process consists of three steps: (1) comprehension of the existing system (i.e. reverse engineering), (2) identification of microservices and (3) packaging them.

Different works have proposed strategies to achieve this migration [4, 8, 9, 11]. Some of these approaches propose limited and ad-hoc heuristics for identifying microservices. Indeed, they do not consider the data autonomy of microservices [4, 8] or they focus on measuring internal coupling and cohesion of microservices and not their external coupling [4, 11]. Finally, some others require, in addition to the source code, the use of other artifacts [8, 11] that can be unavailable.

In this paper, we tackle these limitations by proposing an automatic approach to identify microservices from OO source code. Unlike existing approaches, ours considers the specificity of microservices. It is based on a quality function that measures the functional validity of a microservice and its data autonomy.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines related works. Section 3 presents the proposed approach for identifying microservices. Section 4 evaluates our proposal. Finally, Sect. 5 concludes the paper.

2 Related Works

An attempt at providing a structured approach to identify microservices from monolith is Service Cutter [8]. Service Cutter uses artifacts and documents related to the software engineering process to build a graph representation which is decomposed through graph cutting. The limitation of Service Cutter is that the used artifacts and documents can be unavailable or not up to date.

Levcovitz et al. [9] proposed an approach to identify microservices from monolithic enterprise applications. The approach consists of grouping each user interface with the business functionality it calls and the database tables used by this functionality in a microservice. Therefore, the main limitation of this approach is that it is based on a restrictive hypothesis about the architecture of the monolith to be decomposed (i.e. MVC architecture).

Mazlami et al. [11] proposed a formal model to extract microservices from monoliths. More precisely, the authors used three formal coupling strategies and embed those in a graph-based clustering algorithm. In this approach, some coupling strategies depend on the change history of the code. Thus, if it is unavailable or consists of a limited number of commits, the approach is unusable.

Baresi et al. [4] proposed an approach to identify microservices from an OpenAPI specification. The identification process consists of matching the terms in the specifications against a reference vocabulary to suggest possible decompositions. The limitation of this approach is relying on well-defined interfaces that provide meaningful names. Moreover, database partitioning was not handled.

In conclusion, the existing works suffer from considerable limitations in terms of the restrictions associated with the used artifacts, the exploited information, and the partitioning measures on which they are based.

3 Microservices Identification from OO Source Code

Our microservices identification approach is based on four principles: (1) It considers OO software, (2) It exploits, mainly, the source code to identify microservices, (3) It defines a function that measures the quality of a microservice. (4) It exploits the information concerning the relations between the entities of the code and the information related to the persistent data manipulated in this code.

3.1 From Microservices Characteristics Description to Characteristics Evaluation

Characteristics of Microservices: Lewis and Fowler [10] define microservices as small services, communicating with lightweight mechanisms. These services are independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. They may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies. Newman [12] considers microservices as small, autonomous services that work together. Pujals [13] defines microservices as autonomous lightweight processes, created and deployed with relatively small effort and ceremony.

Based on these definitions and others [14], we identified microservice’s main characteristics: (1) Small and focused on one function: a microservice is typically responsible for a simple business functionality. (2) Autonomous: microservices are separate entities. They communicate via network calls and each one manages its own database. (3) Technology neutral: with a system composed of a set of microservices, each one can use different technologies. (4) Automatically deployed: if the number of microservices increases, automatic deployment is required.

The above characteristics can be classified into two categories: (1) those related to the structure and behavior of microservices and (2) others related to the microservice development platform. Therefore, to measure the quality of candidate microservices, only the characteristics that define microservice structure and behavior are selected: small and focused on one function and autonomous.

Evaluation of the “Focused on One Function” Characteristic: In our approach, a microservice M is viewed as a set of classes collaborating to provide one function. This collaboration can be determined from source code through the internal coupling, that represents the degree of direct and indirect dependencies between classes. Moreover, it can be determined by the number of volatile dataFootnote 1 whose use is shared by these classes. It reflects the internal cohesion. Thus, FOne (Eq. 1) evaluates the characteristic Focused on One Function.

$$\begin{aligned} FOne(M)= \frac{1}{2} \quad (InternalCoupling(M)+ InternalCohesion(M)) \end{aligned}$$

Evaluation of the Structural and Behavioral Autonomy of a Microservice: Microservices are separate entities. Thus, in order that a set of classes represents a microservices their dependencies on external classes should be minimal. This can be measured using external coupling (see Eq. 2).

$$\begin{aligned} FAutonomy(M)= ExternalCoupling(M) \end{aligned}$$

Evaluation of the Data Autonomy of a Microservice: A microservice can be completely data autonomous if it does not require any data from other microservices. In order that a microservice require less external data, its classes need to manipulate the same data. Thus, FData (Eq. 3) is based on measuring data dependencies between the classes of the microservice (FIntra), and their data dependencies with classes not belonging to the microservice (FInter).

$$\begin{aligned} FData(M)= \frac{1}{2} \quad (FIntra(M)- FInter(M)) \end{aligned}$$

The FIntra (resp. FInter) function applied on a microservice M represents the ratio between the number of data shared between its classes (resp. with other classes) and the total number of data manipulated in the microservice.

Global Evaluation of a Microservice: The global evaluation (Eq. 4) of a microservices depends on the evaluation of its characteristics.

$$\begin{aligned} FMicro(M)= \frac{1}{n} \quad (\alpha FOne(M)- \beta FAutonomy(M)+ \gamma FData (M)) \end{aligned}$$

Where M is a microservice, \(\alpha \), \(\beta \) and \(\gamma \) are coefficient weights determined by software architect and \(n= \alpha +\beta +\gamma \). By default, the value of each term is 1.

3.2 Evaluation of Microservice Characteristics Based on Metrics

Internal Coupling: Internal coupling evaluates the degree of direct and indirect dependencies between classes. The more two classes use each other’s methods the more they are coupled. Hence, the internal coupling is measured as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} InternalCoupling(M)= \frac{\sum CouplingPair(P)}{NbPossiblePairs} \end{aligned}$$

Where P = (Cl1,Cl2) is a pair of classes of the microservice M, NbPossiblePairs is the number of possible pairs of classes in M, whereas CouplingPair is:

$$\begin{aligned} CouplingPair(Cl1, Cl2)= \frac{NbCalls (Cl1, Cl2) + NbCalls (Cl2, Cl1)}{TotalNbCalls} \end{aligned}$$

Where NbCalls(Cl1,Cl2) is the number of calls of the methods of Cl1 by those of Cl2 and TotalNbCalls is the number of method calls in the application. Indeed, measuring internal coupling using Eq. 5 takes into account the frequency of calls. However, it does not promote clusters in which all the classes are coupled. For this reason, we introduced the sum of the standard deviations between the coupling values in the evaluation of the internal coupling (Eq. 7).

$$\begin{aligned} InternalCoupling(M)= \frac{\sum CouplingPair(P)- SumStandardDev}{NbPossiblePairs} \end{aligned}$$

External Coupling: External coupling evaluates the degree of direct and indirect dependencies of the classes belonging to a candidate microservices on external classes. It is measured similarly to internal coupling, with only one difference which is the set of used pairs. To measure external coupling, each pair consists of two classes such that exactly one of them belong to the microservice.

Internal Cohesion: Internal cohesion evaluates the strength of interactions between classes. Usually, two classes are more interactive if their methods work on the same attributes. Thus, internal cohesion is measured as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} InternalCohesion(M)= \frac{NbDirectConnect}{NbPossibleConnect} \end{aligned}$$

Where NbPossibleConnect is the possible number of connections between the methods of the classes belonging to the microservice M, whereas NbDirectConnect is the number of connections between these methods. Two methods m1 and m2 are directly connected if they both access the same attribute or the call trees starting at m1 and m2 access the same attributes. Because our aim is to measure the cohesion between the classes of the microservices, the connections between the methods of the same class are not considered. Note that, this internal cohesion measurement metric is a variation of the metric TCC (Tight Class Cohesion) proposed by Bieman and Kang [7].

3.3 Clustering Process

To identify microservices from OO code, classes are grouped based on their dependencies. Hence, a hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm [1] is used. We consider our function to measure the quality of a microservice as the similarity function used in the algorithm. Thus, the classes that maximize the value of the quality function are grouped together. More details can be found in [1].

4 Experimentation and Validation

4.1 Research Questions and Data Collection

To validate our approach we conducted an experiment to answer the following research questions: RQ1: does the proposed approach produce an adequate decomposition of an OO application into microservices? RQ2: is the definition of the quality function, without considering data autonomy, adequate? RQ3: does the evaluation of data autonomy enhance the quality of microservices?

To answer these questions, we have experimented on three OO applications of different sizes: small (FindSportMatesFootnote 2), average (SpringBlogFootnote 3) and relatively large (InventoryManagementSystemFootnote 4). Table 1 provides some metrics on them.

Table 1. Applications metrics
Table 2. Microservice extraction results

4.2 Experimental Protocol

The answers to the research questions are based on a tool developed in Java. To answer RQ1, we used our tool to identify microservices. Then, we compared them to those identified manually. The protocol for answering RQ2 is similar to the one used for RQ1 with one difference: we set our tool to identify microservices based on a function related to the characteristics “focused on one function” and “structural and behavioral autonomy”. To answer RQ3, we compare the precision and recall values related to the answers of RQ1 and RQ2.

4.3 Direct Results

The source code of each of the previous applications was partitioned into a set of clusters. Table 2 shows the results obtained based on the entire quality function (FMicro) and on a quality function without the data autonomy part (FSem).

To evaluate the microservices obtained by our approach, we compare them with those identified manually. Thus, we classify the microservices obtained manually in three categories: (1) Those that exactly match the ones identified by our approach. The microservices identified by our approach and are classified in this category are considered excellent. (2) Those that can be obtained by a simple composition/decomposition of the microservices identified by our approach. The microservices identified by our approach of this category are considered good. (3) Those that are neither in the first nor in the second categories. The microservices identified by our approach that are classified in this category are considered bad.

The classification results are described in Table 3 and expressed in term of precision and recall in Table 4. Precision (resp. recall) assesses the ratio between the number of good and excellent microservices to the total number of the classified ones (resp. the number of the manually identified ones).

4.4 Answers to Research Questions

The precision values obtained based on FMicro are greater than 83%. This shows that a large part of the manually identified microservices are identified by our approach. The recall values obtained based on FMicro are also greater than 75%. This means that a large part of the microservices identified by our approach are those identified manually. Thus, we answer RQ1 as follows: our approach allows obtaining an adequate decomposition of an OO application into microservices.

Table 3. Microservice classification results
Table 4. Precision and recall measurement

In addition, similarly to FMicro, the precision values obtained based on the partial quality function FSem, are between 80% and 100%.

The interpretation of the recall values for FSem is the same as FMicro while considering that the recall values are either equal to or lower than those obtained by relying on FMicro. Based on these values, the answer to RQ2 is the definition of the quality function, without considering data autonomy, is adequate.

The precision and recall values obtained based on FSem are equal to or less than those obtained based on FMicro. The values that are equal are related to applications that do not manipulate many persistent data. Thus, the answer to RQ3 is the evaluation of data autonomy enhance the quality of microservices.

4.5 Threats to Validity

Threats to Internal Validity: Our approach may be affected by two internal threats. Firstly, each class belongs to only one microservice. However, in some applications, some classes may participate in several functionalities. Nevertheless, this generally concerns only certain classes that the architect can duplicate. Secondly, we rely on a hierarchical clustering algorithm. This algorithm allows obtaining values of the quality function close to optimal ones.

Threats to External Validity: There are two external threats. Firstly, the quality of the OO source code can impact the identification. Secondly, the matching between the microservices obtained by our approach and those obtained manually can vary according to the granularity of the manually identified ones.

5 Conclusion

We presented, in this paper, an approach for the identification of microservices by an analysis of OO source code. This approach is based on both the evaluation of microservice quality, using a quality function, and an algorithm for grouping classes according to the value of this quality. The conducted experimentation shows the relevance of the obtained microservices using our approach compared to those identified manually. However, the results need to be consolidated by experimentations on very large applications. Moreover, inspired by existing works [2, 6], we will propose an approach to package the identified microservices and deploy them on the cloud while taking into account the dynamic reconfiguration.