1 Introduction

Many applications work with an iterative algorithm \(\mathbf F \) and an initial state \(\mathbf x (0)\) where successive states are computed as

$$ \mathbf x (t+1) = \mathbf F (\mathbf x (t)) $$

until a fixed point \(\xi \) is reached at some time \(t'\) when \(\mathbf x (t') = \xi = \mathbf F (\xi )\). Here we assume that \(\mathbf x (t)\) represents an n-dimensional vector in some state space. If we rewrite \(\mathbf F \) as

$$ \mathbf F (\mathbf x ) = (\mathbf F _1(\mathbf x ),\ \dots ,\ \mathbf F _n(\mathbf x )), $$

then we can imagine that it may be possible to assign the computation of each \(\mathbf F _i\) to a distinct processor. This might be performed in parallel with shared memory or in a completely distributed manner. However, enforcing correctness using global synchronization mechanisms may incur performance penalties that negate the gains from the parallelization. Furthermore, global synchronization is infeasible for applications such as network routing.

This leads to the question: When can we use the \(\mathbf F _i\) to correctly implement an asynchronous version of \(\mathbf F \)-iteration? There are many answers to this question that depend on properties of the state space and the function \(\mathbf F \) – see the survey paper by Frommer & Syzld [9].

Many of the approaches discussed in [9] rely on the rich structure of vector spaces over continuous domains. However, our motivation arises from network routing protocols where the state space is comprised of discrete data. Happily, Üresin and Dubois [21] have developed a theory of asynchronous iterations over discrete state spaces. They prove that if \(\mathbf F \) is an Asynchronously Contracting Operator (ACO, see Sect. 3), then the associated asynchronous iteration will always converge to the correct fixed point. Their proof uses very weak assumptions about inter-process communication (indeed, in the case that the state space is finite they show that ACO is a necessary condition as well). These weak assumptions are a good model for the case of distributed routing protocols where messages can be delayed, lost, duplicated or reordered. Henceforth we will refer to Üresin and Dubois [21] as UD.

Proving that a given \(\mathbf F \) is an ACO can be dramatically simpler than reasoning directly about an asynchronous implementation. However, in many cases it still remains non-trivial and so UD also derive several sufficient conditions that imply the ACO condition. These conditions are typically easier to prove for many common iterative algorithms. For example, they provide sufficient conditions for special cases where the state space is a partial order and \(\mathbf F \) is order preserving.

In this paper we describe an Agda [3] formalization of the sufficient conditions and associated proofs from UD. This represents one part of a larger project in which we are developing formalized proofs of the asynchronous convergence for policy-rich distributed Bellman-Ford routing protocols (see [5]). This work required formalizing a new sufficient condition not found in UD, based on the ultrametric theory of Gurney [11]. During formalization it also became apparent that two of the other sufficient conditions in the original paper are incorrect. We provide a counter-example. In addition we suggest how to strengthen one of the sufficient conditions so that correctness is still guaranteed.

Many other applications of the results of UD can be found in the literature (for example, [4, 6, 7, 16]). The proofs in UD are mathematically rigorous in the traditional sense, but their definitions are somewhat informal and they occasionally claim the existence of objects without providing an explicit construction. In our opinion a formal verification of the results is therefore a useful exercise.

There have been other efforts to formalize asynchronous computation such as Meseguer and Ölveczky [17] for real-time systems and Henrio, Khan, and Kammüller [13, 14] for distributed languages. However, as far as we know our work is the first attempt to formalize the results of UD.

Our Agda development can be found on Github [1]. We hope that this will be a valuable resource for others interested in asynchronous iterations.

2 Preliminaries

In this section we introduce the components of the model of asynchronous computation that underpin UD’s results together with their Agda formalizations. Naturally, when formalizing mathematical proofs, there are concerns over steps that are considered trivial in the informal proof. We therefore highlight key features in the proof which are in practice significantly more complex than perhaps implied by the original reasoning.

Definition 1

An iterative algorithm consists of an initial state \(\mathbf x (0)\) and an operator \(\mathbf F \) such that \(\forall t\in \mathbb {N},\ \mathbf x (t+1) = \mathbf F (\mathbf x (t))\).

We begin by formalizing the product state space \(S = S_1 \times \cdots \times S_n\). This is encoded by a -indexed family of s. The type is a function that takes i and returns the type of the i-th setoid. We can now formalize the iterative algorithm as follows:

figure a

Routing Example. We briefly outline how this work can be applied to reasoning about convergence of a very general class of internet routing protocols. Full details can be found in Daggitt et al. [5].

Routing problems can be formalized as a tuple \((R,\ \oplus ,\ E,\ \bar{0},\ \infty )\), where:

  • R is the set of routes,

  • \(\oplus : R \rightarrow R \rightarrow R\) is the choice operator, returning the preferred route,

  • E is a set of functions of the form \(R \rightarrow R\) representing generalized edge weights,

  • \(\bar{0}\) is the trivial route from a node to itself,

  • \(\infty \) is the invalid route.

A network configuration is represented as an \(n \times n\) adjacency matrix \(\mathbf A \) over E. The state space is made up of \(n \times n\) matrices \(\mathbf X \) over R. Matrix addition, \(\mathbf X \oplus \mathbf X '\), is just the pointwise application of \(\oplus \). The application of \(\mathbf A \) to state \(\mathbf X \) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} (\mathbf A (\mathbf X ))_{ij} = \left( \bigoplus _k \mathbf A _{ik}(\mathbf X _{kj}) \right) . \end{aligned}$$

That is, each node i choose the best extensions of the routes to j advertised by its neighbors. Finally, the iterative algorithm \(\mathbf F \) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf F (\mathbf X ) = \mathbf A (\mathbf X ) \oplus \mathbf I , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathbf I \) is the matrix defined as \(\mathbf I _{ii} = \bar{0}\), and \(\mathbf I _{ij} = \infty \) for \(i\not = j\). As explained in [5], an asynchronous version of \(\mathbf F \) provides a good model of Distributed Bellman-Ford (DBF) routing protocols. At each asynchronous iteration in the distributed setting, each node i will compute only the i-th row of \(\mathbf F (\mathbf X )\) from the rows communicated by its adjacent neighbors.

Shortest paths routing is probably the simplest example where \(\oplus = \min \) and E is the set of all \(f_w\) with \(f_w(r) = w + r\).

2.1 Schedules

Schedules determine the asynchronous behaviour; they dictate when nodes release new information and the timing of that information propagating to other nodes. Let I be the set of nodes participating in the asynchronous process.

Definition 2

A schedule \(\zeta \) is a pair of functions \(\alpha : \mathbb {N} \rightarrow \mathcal {P}(I)\) and \(\beta : \mathbb {N} \rightarrow I \rightarrow I \rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) which satisfy the following properties:  

A1 :

: \(\forall t\in \mathbb {N}, i,j\in I . \,\, \beta (t+1,i,j)\le t\)

A2 :

: \(\forall t\in \mathbb {N}, i\,\,\,\,\in I . \,\, \exists t'.\) \(t < t'\wedge i\in \alpha (t')\)

A3 :

: \(\forall t\in \mathbb {N}, i,j\in I . \,\, \exists t'.\) \(\forall t''.\) \(t' < t''\Rightarrow \beta (t'', i , j)\ne t\)


The activation function \(\alpha \) takes a time t and returns a subset of I containing the nodes that updated their value at time t. The data flow function \(\beta \) takes a time t and two nodes i and j and returns the time at which the data used by i at time t was generated by j.

Assumption A1 captures the notion of causality by ensuring that data can only be used after it was generated. A2 says that each node continues to activate indefinitely. Lastly, A3 says that the data generated at time t will only be used for a finite number of future updates.

Generalization 1

UD use a shared-memory model with all nodes communicating via shared memory, and so their definition of \(\beta \) takes only a single node i. However this model does not capture processes in which nodes communicate in a pairwise fashion without shared memory (e.g. internet routing). We have therefore augmented our definition of \(\beta \) to take two nodes, a source and destination. Their original definition can be recovered by providing a \(\beta \) function that is constant in its third argument.

Generalization 2

UD assumed that all nodes are active initially (i.e. \(\alpha (0)=I\)), which is unlikely to be true in a distributed context. Fortunately this assumption turns out to be unnecessary.

We formalize schedules in Agda as a dependent . The number of nodes in the computation is passed as a parameter and the nodes themselves are represented by the type. The three properties are named , and respectively.

figure b

In the definition we use \(\mathbb {T}\) as an alias for \(\mathbb {N}\) to help semantically differentiate between times and other natural numbers. It would also be possible to implicitly capture by changing the return type of to instead of . However, it turns out that in practice when using we nearly always want a regular time, and therefore each call to would require a conversion to . We thus decide to keep as an explicit field of .

Another choice made when designing the formalisation of and was to replace the conditions such as \(\forall y.\ x\le y\implies P(y)\) with \(\forall y.\ P(x+y)\). This removes the need to pass around proof terms, and consequently often makes using these properties easier to use. This same technique is used throughout the rest of our library.

An asynchronously iteration can be constructed by combining an iterative algorithm with a schedule.

Definition 3

An asynchronous iteration over a schedule \(\mathscr {S} = (\alpha ,\ \beta )\), an initial state \(\mathbf x (0)\), and an operator \(\mathbf F \), is denoted as \((\mathbf F ,\ \mathbf x (0),\ \mathscr {S})\) such that \(\forall t\in \mathbb {N}, i\in I\)

We formalize this in Agda as follows:

figure c

Those unfamiliar with Agda may wonder why the argument is necessary. While we can see that this function will terminate as each recursive call goes from time t to time \(\beta (t,\ i,\ j)\) which is strictly smaller due to , the Agda termination checker cannot detect this without help. is a data-type found in the Agda standard library that helps the termination checker by providing an argument to the function that always becomes structurally smaller with each recursive call. Using the proof that the natural numbers are well-founded, this complexity is hidden from the user in the main function:

figure d

3 Convergence Theorem

UD define a class of \(\mathbf F \)s called Asynchronously Contracting Operators (ACOs). They then prove that if an operator is an ACO, then it will converge to the correct fixed point for all possible schedules.

Definition 4

An operator \(\mathbf F \) is an asynchronously contracting operator (ACO) on a subset D(0) of the state space \(S = S_0 \times S_1 \times \dots \times S_{n-1}\) iff there exists a sequence of sets D(K) such that

  1. (i)

    \(\forall K\in \mathbb {N}.\) \(D(K) = D_0(K) \times D_1(K) \times \dots \times D_{n-1}(K)\)

  2. (ii)

    \(\exists \mathbf {\xi }\in S.\ \exists T\in \mathbb {N}.\ \forall K\in \mathbb {N}.\)

    $$\begin{aligned} K<T&\Rightarrow D(K+1)\subseteq D(K) \\ K\ge T&\Rightarrow D(K)=\{ \mathbf {\xi }\} \end{aligned}$$
  3. (iii)

    \(\forall K\in \mathbb {N}.\) \(\mathbf x \in D(K)\Rightarrow \mathbf F (\mathbf x )\in D(K+1)\)

The sequence D(K) can be seen as a form of approximation for the process with each iteration providing a higher accuracy. Each set contains the possible states at a moment in time. D(0) contains many possible states as the algorithm has just begun, and each set in the sequence removes some incorrect states. This occurs until \(D(T)=\{ \mathbf {\xi }\}\) when the converged state has been found.

Generalization 3

The definition of ACO in UD used the clause \(K<T \Rightarrow D(K+1)\subset D(K)\), where we have relaxed this to \(K<T \Rightarrow D(K+1)\subseteq D(K)\). This relaxation is also found in the survey by Frommer and Szyld [9].

The definition of an ACO is captured in the following record type:

figure e

The variable represents the universe level of the family of sets , while the universe level of is inferred automatically (). The sets themselves are implemented as a double-indexed family of predicates over .

The following theorem is the main sufficient condition proved in UD.

Theorem 1

If \(\mathbf {F}\) is an ACO on a set D(0), then for all schedules \(\mathscr {S}\), any asynchronous iteration \(\mathbf {x}{(k)}=(\mathbf {F},\mathbf {x}(0),\mathscr {S})\) with \(\mathbf {x}(0)\in D(0)\), converges to the unique fixed point \(\mathbf {\xi }\) of \(\mathbf {F}\) in D(0).

In order to prove this theorem, UD consider the concept of a pseudo-periodic schedule. It is then proved that every schedule (Definition 2) is in fact pseudo-periodic, which greatly simplifies reasoning about schedules. This is perhaps the least rigorous aspect of the work of UD, as they state this without proof.

Definition 5

A schedule \(\mathscr {S} = (\alpha , \beta )\) is pseudo-periodic if there exists an increasing function \(\varphi : \mathbb {N} \rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) such that:

  1. (i)

    \(\varphi (0)=0\)

  2. (ii)

    \(\forall K\in \mathbb {N}, i\in I.\) \(\exists t\in \mathbb {N}.\) \(i\in \alpha (t) \wedge \varphi (K)\le t<\varphi (K+1)\)

  3. (iii)

    \(\forall K, t\in \mathbb {N}, i, j \in I.\) \(t\ge \varphi (K+1)\implies \beta (t,i,j) \ge \tau _i(K)\ge \varphi (K)\)

where \(\tau _i(K)\) is the earliest time after \(\varphi (K)\) that element i is updated.

The intuition behind \(\varphi \) is that by time \(\varphi (K+1)\) every node is guaranteed to be using data generated at least as recently as \(\varphi (K)\). Hence the interval \((\varphi (K),\varphi (K+1)]\) is known as the \(k^{th}\) pseudo-period.

We formalize the pseudo-periodic property in Agda as follows:

figure f

Note that this represents a simplification of UD’s definition. We worked backwards from the proof of Theorem 1 and identified only those properties required. This simplification may have to change if we extend our library to include UD’s proof that the ACO condition is also necessary (in the case of finite state spaces).

UD assert that for any schedule there exist an infinite number of possible functions \(\varphi \), but they do not provide any explicit constructions. This is one area where we had initial concerns when planning our proof strategy in Agda.

We start by defining , which takes a time t and a node index i and returns the first time after t for which that i is active.

figure g

We then define , which returns the first time after t such that all nodes have activated since t.

figure h

We then need to define three auxiliary functions: returns a time after which i does not use the data generated by j at time t.

figure i

returns a time after which i only uses data generated by j after time t.

figure j

returns a time after which i only uses data generated after time t.

figure k

Using these we can define the function that returns a time after which all nodes only use data generated after time t.

figure l

Finally, we construct \(\varphi \) as follows:

figure m

Therefore we find a time t such that all nodes have been activated after \(\varphi (K)\) and then \(\varphi (K+1)\) is defined as the time after which all data used was generated after t. The function \(\tau \) (as defined in property (iii) of pseudo-periodic schedules) is simply a special call to .

figure n

We now prove that and satisfy the properties required to be pseudo-periodic as given in Definition 5. The property is relatively simple, given that proofs that the various functions are increasing:

figure o

The second property says that is always active and it can be satisfied by using properties of :

figure p

The third property can be easily proved using the fact that is increasing:

figure q

The final property states that at all points during a pseudo-period, no nodes use information generated in a previous pseudo-period. This is the most complex of the four properties to prove.

figure r

As previously mentioned the construction of \(\varphi \) is not discussed in UD. Nevertheless, filling this gap required significant effort in our Agda development.

The proof of Theorem 1 requires an additional fact about the functions \(\tau _i\): for each K, once all i have been updated after some time t, then \(\mathbf x (t) \in D(K)\).

Lemma 1

\(\forall t,\ K\in \mathbb {N},\ i\in I.\ \tau _i(K)\le \ t\implies \mathbf x _i(t)\in D_i(K)\).

In UD Lemma 1 is proved by a fairly easy induction on K. However, in Agda the construction, called , turned out to be more difficult. Several smaller lemmas were required, the biggest of which is that the asynchronous iteration remains within D(0), the proof of which is called .

figure s

We now construct the final proof of convergence. To do this we must construct a time after which the result of the asynchronous iteration is always equal to the fixed point. UD prove that \(\varphi (T+1)\), where T is from the ACO, is the convergence time. This is because each pseudo-period, every node is updated at least once and a total of T updates must occur before convergence. In the Agda, we first extract and from . We then prove Theorem 1 as follows.

figure t

4 The Library

UD show that being an ACO is a sufficient (and sometimes a necessary) condition for convergence. However in practice, constructing the sets D(K) can still be a non-trivial exercise. Therefore, an extensive array of sufficient (but often not necessary) conditions have been constructed that in practice can be simpler and more intuitive to apply. These conditions are nearly always a reduction back to ACOs.

In this section we discuss three different proposed sufficient conditions. The first two are from UD and the third is a modified version of a new sufficient condition found in a recent paper by Gurney [11] (which was essential for the results described in Daggitt et al. [5]). During the formalization process, we discovered counterexamples to the two conditions from UD.

4.1 Synchronous Iteration Conditions

The first set of sufficient conditions makes use of the synchronous iteration of the algorithm, which UD refer to as \(\mathbf y (t)\), as opposed to the asynchronous iteration \(\mathbf x (t)\). The conditions involve the existence of partial orderings, \(\preceq _i\), over each \(S_i\), which are lifted to the partial order \(\preceq \) over S in the usual point-wise manner. UD then make the following claim (Proposition 3 in UD):

Claim 1

An operator F has a fixed-point \(\xi \) to which every asynchronous iteration converges for every starting state y\((0)\in D(0)\) if:

  1. (i)

    \(\forall {{\varvec{a}}}\in D(0).\ \mathbf F ({{\varvec{a}}})\in D(0)\)

  2. (ii)

    \(\forall {{\varvec{a}}},{{\varvec{b}}}\in D(0).\ {{\varvec{a}}}\preceq {{\varvec{b}}}\implies \mathbf F ({{\varvec{a}}})\preceq \mathbf F ({{\varvec{b}}})\)

  3. (iii)

    \(\forall K\in \mathbb {N}.\ {\varvec{y}}(K+1)\preceq {\varvec{y}}(K)\)

  4. (iv)

    The sequence \(\{{\varvec{y}}(K)\}\) converges.

They attempt to prove this by first showing a reduction from these conditions to an ACO and then using Theorem 1 to obtain the required result.

However this claim is not true. While the asynchronous iteration does converge from every starting state in D(0), it does not necessarily converges to the same fixed point. The flaw in the original proof is that \(\mathbf UD \) tacitly assume that the set D(0) for the ACO they construct is the same as the original D(0) specified in the conditions above. However the only elements that are provably in the ACO’s D(0) is the set \(\{{\varvec{y}}(t) \mid t \in \mathbb {N}\}\). We now present a counter-example to the claim.

Consider the degenerate asynchronous environment that contains only a single node (i.e. \(I = \{ 0 \}\)) and let \(\mathbf F \) be the identity function (i.e. \(\mathbf F (a) = a\)). Let \(D(0) = \{ x , y \}\) where the only relationships in the partial order are \(x \preceq x\) and \(y \preceq y\). Clearly (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) all trivially hold as \(\mathbf F \) is the identity function. However x and y are both fixed points, and which fixed point is reached depends on whether the iteration starts at x or y. Hence Claim 1 cannot be true.

We can strengthen the conditions by changing requirement (iv) to “There exists a \(\xi \) such that for all y(0) the sequence \(\{{\varvec{y}}(K)\}\) converges to \(\xi \)”. The library formalises these conditions in Agda as:

figure u

The reduction of these conditions to an ACO runs as follows. The sequence of sets D required by the definition of an ACO are defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} D(K)=\{ \mathbf x \mid \xi \preceq \mathbf x \preceq \mathbf y (K)\wedge \mathbf x \in D_{0}\} \end{aligned}$$

which is directly translated in Agda as:

figure v

The field can be proven using and is a consequence of and . is the same for both and .

Routing Example. Classical routing theory [2] assumes that distributivity holds:

$$\begin{aligned} \forall e \in E: x, y \in S: e(x \oplus y) = e(x) \oplus e(y) \end{aligned}$$

and under this assumption one can prove that every entry of every routing table improves monotonically with each iteration when the protocol starts from the initial state \(\mathbf I \). Therefore for classical routing problems such as shortest-paths, it is relatively easy to construct an instance of .

4.2 Finite Conditions

Another set of sufficient conditions proposed by UD are applicable when the initial set D(0) is finite. Like Proposition 1, it requires that \(\mathbf F \) is monotonic and D(0) be closed over \(\mathbf F \). Instead of reasoning about the synchronous iteration of the operator, it adds an additional requirement that \(\mathbf F \) is non-expansive over D(0).

Claim 2

An operator F has a fixed-point \(\xi \) to which every asynchronous iteration converges for every starting state y\((0)\in D(0)\) if:

  1. (i)

    D(0) is finite

  2. (ii)

    \(\forall {{\varvec{a}}}\in D(0).\ {\varvec{F}}({{\varvec{a}}})\in D(0)\)

  3. (iii)

    \(\forall {{\varvec{a}}}\in D(0).\ {\varvec{F}}({{\varvec{a}}})\preceq {{\varvec{a}}}\)

  4. (iv)

    \(\forall {{\varvec{a}}},{{\varvec{b}}}\in D(0).\ {{\varvec{a}}}\preceq {{\varvec{b}}}\implies {\varvec{F}}({{\varvec{a}}})\preceq {\varvec{F}}({{\varvec{b}}})\)

UD’s attempted proof for Claim 2 is a reduction to the conditions for Claim 1. Like Claim 1, the conditions therefore guarantee convergence but not to a unique solution. Similarly the counterexample for Claim 1 is also a counterexample for Claim 2.

Unlike Claim 1, we do not have a proposed strengthening of Claim 2 which would guarantee the uniqueness of the fixed point. The reason is that the finiteness condition, while guaranteeing the existence of a fixed point when combined with the other conditions, does not help to prove uniqueness. Instead much stronger conditions would be required, for example the assumption of the existence of a metric space over the computation as discussed in the next subsection. Any such stronger conditions tend to make finiteness superfluous.

4.3 Ultrametrics

The notion of convergence has an intuitive interpretation in metric spaces. In such spaces, convergence is equivalent to every application of the operator \(\mathbf F \) moving you closer (in discrete steps) to the fixed point \(\xi \).

There already exist results of this type. For instance El Tarazi [8] shows that if there is a normed linear space over each the values at each node i, then convergence occurs if there exists a fixed point \(\mathbf x ^*\) and a \(\gamma \in (0, 1]\) such that:

$$\begin{aligned} || \mathbf F (\mathbf x ) - \mathbf x ^* || \leqslant \gamma || \mathbf x - \mathbf x ^* || \end{aligned}$$

However in many ways this is a very strong sufficient condition as the existence of a norm requires the existence of an additive operator on the space. For many processes, including our example of network routing, this may not be true.

Instead there is a more general result by Gurney [11] based on ultrametrics. An ultrametric [19] is a metric where the standard triangle inequality has been replaced by the strong triangle inequality. As far as we are aware, this result seems to have appeared only in [11]. The work proves that the ultrametric conditions not only imply the existence of an ACO but are actually equivalent to the existence of an ACO and therefore equivalent to saying the process converges. As with the theorems of UD we are primarily concerned with the usability of the theorems and therefore only prove the forwards direction.

Definition 6

An ultrametric space \((S, \varGamma , d)\) is a set S, a totally ordered set \(\varGamma \) with a least element 0, and a function \(d : S \rightarrow S \rightarrow \varGamma \) such that:


M1 :

: \(d(x,y) = 0 \Leftrightarrow x = y\)

M2 :

: \(d(x,y) = d(y,x)\)

M3 :

: \(d(x,z) \leqslant \max (d(x,y), d(y,z))\)


Definition 7

A function \(f : S \rightarrow S\) is strictly contracting on orbits in an ultrametric space \((S, \varGamma , d)\) if:

$$\begin{aligned} x \ne f(x) \implies d(x, f(x)) > d(f(x), f(f(x))) \end{aligned}$$

i.e. the distance between iterations strictly decreases.

Definition 8

An operator \(f : S \rightarrow S\) is strictly contracting on a fixed point \(x^*\) in an ultrametric space \((S, \varGamma , d)\) if:

$$\begin{aligned} x \ne x^* \implies d(x^*, x) > d(x^*, f(x)) \end{aligned}$$

Theorem 2

(Gurney [11]). If there exists \((S_i, \varGamma , d_i)\), and we take \(S = \prod _i S_i\) and \(d(\mathbf x ,\mathbf y ) = \max _i d_i(\mathbf x _i,\mathbf y _i)\) then \(\mathbf F \) is an ACO if:

  1. 1.

    \(\varGamma \) is finite

  2. 2.

    \(\mathbf F \) is strictly contracting on orbits over \((S, \varGamma , d)\)

  3. 3.

    \(\mathbf F \) is strictly contracting on a fixed point over \((S, \varGamma , d)\)

  4. 4.

    S is non-empty

These conditions are constructed in Agda as:

figure w

Note that in our formalisation we currently assume \(\varGamma = \) for some n in order to simplify the theory. We plan to generalize this at some point.

Our Agda proof is very similar to the original proof by Gurney [11]. One of the key differences is that Gurney assumes that F is contracting where as we assume that F is strictly contracting on a fixed point. This is because in our use-case it is not possible to construct a contracting metric. The relationship between the two properties is not entirely clear, but the resulting proofs are very similar.

Routing Example. The Border Gateway Protocol [18] is used by all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to maintain connectivity in the global internet. As explained in [5], distributivity (Eq. 2) cannot be guaranteed in this setting primarily because of the competing interests of service providers and the very expressive policy languages needed to implement these interests in routing.

Consequently, a great deal of research has been directed at finding sufficient conditions that guarantee convergence for policy-rich protocols such as BGP (see for example [10, 20]). One reasonable condition is that the algebra be strictly increasing:

$$\begin{aligned} \forall e \in E: x \in S: x = x \oplus e(x) \ne e(x) \end{aligned}$$

This says that a route x must be strictly more preferred than any extension e(x).

However, now individual routing table entries are no longer guaranteed to improve monotonically, and so there is no natural ordering on the state space. Assuming Eq. 3, [5] show how to construct suitable ultrametrics \(d_i\) over the routing tables in such a way that they fulfill the properties required by Theorem 2. It is based on the observation that the worst routing table entry in the state will always improve after each iteration.

5 Conclusion

In this paper we have taken the mathematically rigorous yet informal proof of Üresin and Dubois’ theory regarding the convergence of asynchronous iterations [21] and formalized it constructively in Agda. After explicitly constructing the previously unspecified pseudo-periodic sequences and mildly weakening some assumptions, we have succeeded in formalizing the core theorem of the paper. However some of the auxiliary propositions proposed in the original paper turned out to be false. In our opinion this alone justifies the formalization process.

Furthermore, we have described our library of proofs and sufficient conditions for asynchronous convergence, including a recent, new ultrametric condition. We hope that the library of sufficient conditions will be a valuable resource for those wanting to formally verify the convergence of a wide range of asynchronous iterations. The library is available on Github [1].

We are primarily interested in proving convergence and therefore we have thus far only formalized the sufficient conditions from Üresin and Dubois and not their proof that the ACO condition is also necessary in the case of finite state spaces. This would be an interesting extension to our development. In addition it would be interesting to see if other related work such as [15, 22, 23], using different models, could be integrated into our formalization.