
1 Introduction

Nowadays many post-quantum cryptographic schemes as fully homomorphic encryption and lattice-based signature schemes base their security on some lattice hard problems as the learning with errors (LWE) problem, short integer solution (SIS) and so on [9, 16, 18]. LWE problem was introduced by Regev in 2005, which comes from “learning parity with noise” by lifting the moduli value, and concreting the probability distribution of “error” [18]. As an average-case lattice problem, LWE problem is proved as hard as certain worst-case lattice problems such as GapSVP and SIVP [18], which allows to build many provably secure lattice-based cryptographic schemes. The hardness of LWE problem is related to three critical parameters: the length n of secret vector, the moduli q and the deviation \(\sigma \) of error vectors. Some theoretical analysis for the hardness of LWE are given as lattice-based attack [14, 15], and BKW type attack [11], but rarely concrete parameters based on experiments were published. However, for the practical application, it is indispensable to estimate the concrete parameters of LWE from sufficient experiments. In this work, we focus on the more practical lattice-based attack. At first, the LWE problem can be seen as a particular bounded distance decoding (BDD) instance on a q-ary lattice. For a given lattice and a target vector close to the lattice points in a reasonable bound, BDD is to find the closest lattice vector to the target.

There are two main methods to process the BDD instance. One is reducing the lattice basis first and search the secret vector by Babai’s NearestPlane [4] algorithm or its variants [14, 15]. Especially in [14], Liu and Nguyen intermingle the short error vector into an enumeration searching tree, which makes the attack more efficient. Another procedure is to reduce BDD to the unique-shortest vector problem (unique-SVP) by Kannan’s embedding technique [10]. This procedure increase one more lattice dimension by adding the target vector and a so-called embedding factor M into the new basis. By a proper parameter setting, the short error vector is usually a component of the shortest vector in the new lattice. So there is a big gap between the shortest vector and the second shortest vector in the new lattice, which makes a lattice reduction algorithm or a searching algorithm find the shortest one more efficiently. Since both methods call the SVP solver as subroutine, their complexity grow exponentially with the dimension increasing.

In order to assess the hardness of the LWE problem in practice, TU Darmstadt, in alliance with UC San Diego and TU published, a new platform “Darmstadt LWE Challenge” [5, 21]. LWE Challenge provides LWE samples by increasing hardness for researcher to test their solving algorithms.

In this work, we apply the embedding technique on LWE problem, using state-of-the-art progressive BKZ algorithm [2]. The LWE instances used in our experiments are sampled from Darmstadt LWE Challenge. From our experiments, we find that the algorithm can derive a better efficiency if the embedding factor M is closer to 1. We also give an preliminary analysis for the proper parameter as the dimension m of LWE samples should be used in the attack associate to the secret length n. Especially for \(n\ge 55\) and the fixed \(\sigma /q = 0.005\), our implemented embedding technique with progressive BKZ is more efficient than Xu et al.’s implementation of the enumeration algorithm in [21, 23]. Finally, we got the records of case (70, 0.005) in Darmstadt LWE Challenge, using our extrapolated setting of m, which took 32.73 single core hours.

Roadmap. Section 2 recalls the notations and background on lattice, LWE problem and BKZ reduction algorithms. We introduce Kannan’s embedding technique in Sect. 3. Our experimental results and preliminary analysis on the relevant parameters settings in Kannan’s embedding technique are shown in Sect. 4. Finally we give some conclusions in Sect. 5.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Lattice Theory

A lattice L is an infinite regular space expanded by a basis \(\mathbf B=\{\mathbf{b}_1,\dots ,\mathbf{b}_n\}\), where \(\mathbf{b}_i \) \( (i=1,\dots ,n)\) are a set of linearly independent row vectors in \(\mathbb {R}^m\) and n is the dimension of L. Note that even \(\mathbf B\) is matrix with row vectors, in this paper we use integral lattice for convenience we write the basis in a matrix form as \(\mathbf B=(\mathbf{b}_1,\dots ,\mathbf{b}_n) \in \mathbb Z^{n\times m}\), where we will declare the matrix with column vectors if it appears, as the matrix \(\mathbf A\) in LWE problem. The n-dimensional volume of L is denoted by vol(L), which is computed by the determinant of the basis B, i.e. vol(L) = det(B). The Euclidean norm of a vector \(\mathbf{v}\in \mathbb {R}^m\) is \(\Vert \mathbf{v}\Vert \). We denote by \(V_n(R)=R^n\cdot \frac{\pi ^{n/2}}{\varGamma (n/2+1)}\) the volume of n-dim Euclidean ball of radius R.

Shortest Vector. There are at least two non-zero vectors with same minimal Euclidean norm but contrary sign in a lattice L: this norm is called the first minimum \(\lambda _1(L)\) of L. The shortest vector of L refers to one of the vectors whose norms are both \(\lambda _1(L)\). Similarly we denote by \(\lambda _2(L)\) the length of the second shortest vector, which is linearly independent of the first shortest vectors.

Orthogonalization. We denote by \(\mathbf B^*=(\mathbf{b}_1^*,\dots ,\mathbf{b}_n^*)\) the associated Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the given basis \({\mathbf B=(\mathbf{b}_1,\dots ,\mathbf{b}_n)}\). Here \(\mathbf{b}_{1}^{*} = \mathbf{b}_1\) and \(\mathbf{b}_{i}^{*} = \mathbf{b}_i - \sum _{j=1}^{i-1} \mu _{ij} \mathbf{b}_{j}^{*}\) for all \(2\le i \le n\) while \(\mu _{ij}= \frac{\langle \mathbf{b}_i,\mathbf{b}_{j}^{*}\rangle }{\Vert \mathbf{b}_{j}^{*}\Vert ^2} (1\le j<i \le n)\).

Hermite Factor. To estimate the performance of the algorithm on solving SVP, we usually use the Hermite factor which is defined in [8] as:

$$ \begin{aligned} \mathrm{HF}(\mathbf{b}_1,\dots ,\mathbf{b}_n)=\Vert \mathbf{b}_1\Vert /\mathrm{vol}(L)^{1/n}. \end{aligned} $$

So for a lattice of dimension n, we say the algorithm performs better if the Hermite factor of output is smaller. Also we usually use root Hermite factor convenient for analysis, which is denoted by:

$$\begin{aligned} \delta =\mathrm{rHF}(\mathbf{b}_1,\dots ,\mathbf{b}_n)=(\Vert \mathbf{b}_1\Vert /\mathrm{vol}(L)^{1/n})^{1/n} \end{aligned}$$

Note that our definition of rHF depending on the given bases and the output \((\mathbf b_1,\dots , \mathbf b_n)\) of the short vector from lattice algorithms.

Gaussian Heuristic. Given a n-dimensional lattice L and a continuous (and usually convex) set \(S \subset \mathbb {R}^n\), Then the Gaussian heuristic estimates that the number of points in \(S\cap L\) is approximately vol(S)/vol(L).

Particularly, taking S as the origin-centered ball of radius R, the number of lattice point is \(V_n(R) / \mathrm{vol}(L)\), which derives the length of shortest vector \(\lambda _1\) so that the volume of ball is equal to that of lattice:

$$\begin{aligned} \lambda _1(L) \approx \frac{(\varGamma (n/2+1) \mathrm{vol}(L))^{1/n}}{\sqrt{\pi }} \end{aligned}$$

This is the so-called Gaussian heuristic of a lattice, and we denote it by \(\mathrm {GH}(L)\). Here the gamma function \(\varGamma (s)\) is defined for \(s > 0\) by the integral \(\varGamma (s)=\int _0^\infty t^{s-1}\cdot e^{-t} dt\).

\(\gamma \)-unique SVP. It is called unique SVP problem, if for a given lattice L which satisfies \(\lambda _1(L)\ll \lambda _2(L)\), to find the shortest vector in L. And the \(\gamma \)-unique SVP problem is scaling the bound by a positive multiple as \(\gamma \lambda _1(L)<\lambda _2(L)\). The auxiliary condition can be seen as a promised gap between the lengths of the first shortest vector and the second shortest vector. It is known that if the gap is bigger, it is easier to find the shortest vector by a certain algorithm. We abbreviate the \(\gamma \)-unique SVP to \(\gamma \)-uSVP in this paper.

2.2 The Learning With Errors Problem [18]

There are four parameters in LWE problem: the number of samples \(m\in \mathbb Z\), the length \(n\in \mathbb Z\) of secret vector, modulo \(q\in \mathbb Z\) and the standard deviation \(\sigma \in {\mathbb R}_{>0}\) for the discrete Gaussian distribution (denoted by \(D_\sigma \)) on \(\mathbb Z\). Uniformly sample a matrix \(\mathbf{A}\in {\mathbb Z}_q^{m\times n}\) and a secret vector \(\mathbf{s}\in {\mathbb Z}_q^n\), and randomly sample a relatively small perturbation vector \(\mathbf{e}\in {\mathbb Z}_q^m\) from Gaussian distribution \(D_\sigma \). The LWE distribution \(\varPsi \) is constructed by pairs \(({\mathbf A}, {\mathbf b\equiv {\mathbf {As+e}}}\ (\mathrm {mod} \ q))\in (\mathbb Z_q^{m\times n}, \mathbb Z_q^m)\) sampled as above. The search LWE problem is for a given pair \(({\mathbf A}, {\mathbf b})\) sampled from LWE distribution \(\varPsi \), to compute the pair \((\mathbf s,e)\).

2.2.1 Darmstadt LWE Challenge

In 2016, TU Darmstadt, in alliance with UC San Diego and TU Eindhoven published a platform for the concrete parameter analysis of LWE problem [5, 21]. In Darmstadt LWE Challenge, the organizers merge the two parameters \(\sigma \) and q into the relative error size \(\alpha \), such that \(\alpha =\sigma /q\). n is the length of secret vector and q is the minimum prime number bigger than \(n^2\). For each case of length n, they offer the sampled n column vectors in basis \(\mathbf A'\in \mathbb Z_q^{n^2\times n}\), and one column target vector \(\mathbf b'\in \mathbb Z_q^{n^2}\). The length n and the relative error size \(\alpha \) are arithmetic sequences from 40 and 0.005, with common differences of 5 and 0.005 respectively. To adapt the current lattice algorithms used in the attack algorithm, we should randomly sample \(m\ll n^2\) entries of the column vectors in the original basis \(\mathbf A'\in \mathbb Z_q^{n^2\times n}\) and ample from the target vector \(\mathbf b'\in \mathbb Z_q^{n^2}\) respectively, as from \((\mathbf A', \mathbf b')\in (\mathbb Z_q^{n^2\times n}, \mathbb Z_q^{n^2})\) in Darmstadt LWE Challenge to our instance \((\mathbf A, \mathbf b)\in (\mathbb Z_q^{m\times n}, \mathbb Z_q^{m})\). This is called sublattice attack, and we will discuss how to choose a suitable m in Sect. 3.4.

2.2.2 Bounded Distance Decoding

In a Euclidean space spanned by a lattice L, there is a target vector \(\mathbf w \in \mathbb R^m\) which is guaranteed to be within a distance \(r\le \alpha \lambda _1(L)\) where \(\alpha >0\). The bounded distance decoding (BDD) output a vector \(\mathbf b\in L\) such that \(\Vert \mathbf {w-b}\Vert \le r\).

2.2.3 q-ary Lattice

A lattice \(L\subset \mathbb Z^m\) is a q-ary lattice if \(q\mathbb Z^m \subset L\) for an integer q. Let \(\mathbf A \in \mathbb Z_q^{m\times n}\) (\(m>n\)) be a matrix with column vectors, we define the following m-dimensional q-ary lattice.

$$ L_{(\mathbf A, q)} = \{{\mathbf y}\in \mathbb Z_q^m | {\mathbf y} \equiv \mathbf {Ax} \ (\mathrm {mod} \ q) \ \mathrm {for\ some}\ \mathbf x\in \mathbb Z^n\} $$

It is the linear code generated by the columns of \(\mathbf A\) mod q with \(\mathrm{vol}(L_{(\mathbf A, q)})\ge q^{m-n}\). \(\mathrm{vol}(L_{(\mathbf A, q)}) = q^{m-n}\) when the columns of \(\mathbf A\) are linearly independent over \(\mathbb Z_q\). We can construct the basis \(\mathbf B\) of q-ary \(L_{(\mathbf A, q)}\) as follows. \(L = \{\mathbf y \in \mathbb Z_q^m | \mathbf y\equiv \mathbf {Ax}\ (\mathrm {mod}\ q),\,\mathbf x\in \mathbb Z^n\}\) as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf B = \left( \frac{\mathbf A^T}{q\mathbf I_m}\right) \in \mathbb Z^{(m+n)\times m}, \end{aligned}$$

Then eliminate the linearly dependent vectors by an elementary transformation. In this work, we reduce this basis to a square matrix with Hermite Normal Form, see next paragraph.

2.2.4 Hermite Normal Form

The Hermite Normal Form (HNF) of a basis \(\mathbf B\) satisfies: (1) \(\mathbf B\) is lower triangular; (2) the diagonal entries are positive; (3) any entry below the diagonal is a non-negative number strictly less than the diagonal entry in its column. In this work, we use the HNF module in Victor Shoup’s NTL library [17], which uses the Domich et al.’s algorithm [7]. Particularly, a q-ary lattice \(L_{(\mathbf A, q)}\) has this form for some matrix \(A'_{n\times (m-n)}\in \mathbb Z_q^{n\times (m-n)}\).

$$ \mathbf B_\mathrm{HNF} = \left( \begin{array}{cc} q\mathbf I_{m-n} &{} \mathbf 0 \\ A'_{n\times (m-n)} &{} \mathbf I_n \end{array} \right) \in \mathbb Z^{(m+n)\times m}. $$

2.3 BKZ Reduction Algorithms

The lattice reduction algorithms can make the given basis vectors “better”: relatively more orthogonal to each other with relatively smaller lengths than the given ones. Schnorr and Euchner [20] proposed the BKZ reduction algorithm, which processes the LLL reduction [12] and the enumeration algorithm iteratively with a fixed blocksize. Here the enumeration algorithm is an exhaustive point search algorithm. Refer to [20] for more details about enumeration. The root Hermite Factor of Schnorr and Euchner’s BKZ was considered limited by 1.01 according to Gama and Nguyen [8]. Chen and Nguyen improved the BKZ algorithm called BKZ 2.0, by inviting “extreme pruning” enumeration in subroutine [6]. The root Hermite Factor of BKZ 2.0 break through the 1.01 limit with a reasonably big blocksize. In 2016, Aono et al. proposed a practical progressive BKZ algorithm [2]. The progressive BKZ algorithm invites some technique from BKZ 2.0. While the significant improvement is that they propose a sharp simulator based on the Geometric Series Assumption (GSA) [19], to estimate the runtime for a fixed blocksize \(\beta \). Then the current local BKZ-\(\beta \) reduction is terminated after this runtime, and increase the blocksize to a simulated optimal larger one or just increase the blocksize step by step, until deriving the expected reduced basis. This progressive BKZ algorithm is shown about 50 times faster than BKZ 2.0 in [2]. Moreover, they also published their progressive BKZ source code in [3]. In this work, we will use the progressive BKZ algorithm to reduce the q-ary lattice bases in solving the LWE problem.

3 Overview of Embedding Technique for Solving LWE Problem

In this section, we recall Kannan’s embedding technique [10], and introduce the parameter settings in our experiments.

3.1 From LWE to BDD

The LWE problem can be reduced to BDD case as follows.

Input: a lattice \(L = \{\mathbf v \in \mathbb Z_q^m | \mathbf v\equiv \mathbf {As}\ (\mathrm {mod}\ q),\,\mathbf s\in \mathbb Z_n\}\) and a target vector \(\mathbf t\) with bounded distance \(\Vert \mathbf e \Vert \).

Output: a vector \(\mathbf v\in L\) close to \(\mathbf t\), and get \(\mathbf s\) from \(\mathbf v\equiv \mathbf {As}\) if succeeded.

In 2016, Xu et al.’s group solved some instances of LWE Challenge by reducing LWE to BDD and using Liu-Nguyen’s adapted enumeration algorithm, which can solve BDD directly with a considerable success probability. In this work we focus on solving BDD by embedding technique: further reduce BDD to unique-SVP [10]. The embedding attack is shown in Algorithm 1. We will elaborate on the algorithm as follows.

figure a

3.2 Solving LWE via the Embedding Technique

Preprocessing. To solve a given LWE instance, it does not need to use all given samples. For instance, the Darmstadt LWE Challenge supplies the original basis \(\mathbf A'\in \mathbb Z_q^{n^2\times n}\) for each problem case, thus, a naive construction of matrices in Algorithm 1 requires a lattice reduction of a large number of matrices even for small LWE dimensions. Hence, we can choose m (\(m\ll n^2\)) vectors as a parameter to optimize the computational time, as from \((\mathbf A', \mathbf b')\in (\mathbb Z_q^{n^2\times n}, \mathbb Z_q^{n^2})\) to \((\mathbf A, \mathbf b)\in (\mathbb Z_q^{m\times n}, \mathbb Z_q^{m})\). We will discuss the way to compute the optimal m in Sect. 3.4. Also during the random sampling, we should check the independency of vectors to make sure: (1) the correctness of the attack algorithm; (2) the volume of derived q-ary lattice is \(q^{m-n}\), which will be used in Sect. 3.4. We give explanations for each step in Algorithm 1.

  • Step 1. We follow the method in Sect. 2.2.3 to construct and compute the HNF basis \(\mathbf B_\mathrm{HNF}\) of q-ary lattice \(L_{(\mathbf A, q)}=\{\mathbf {v}\in \mathbb Z^m \ | \ \mathbf {v \equiv Ax}\ (\mathrm {mod}\ q), \mathbf x\!\in \!\mathbb Z^n\}\).

  • Step 2. This step is the key point of embedding technique: expand the q-ary basis \(\mathbf B_\mathrm{HNF}\in \mathbb Z^{m\times n}\) by one dimension, and embed the target vector \(\mathbf b\) and one embedding factor M into the new basis \(\mathbf B'\in \mathbb Z^{(m+1)\times (m+1)}\).

  • Step 3. At this step, we process the new basis \(\mathbf B'\) by lattice algorithms. After the reduction, we get the error vector \(\mathbf e\) from the output shortest vector \(\mathbf w\), since \(\mathbf {e=b-Bu}\) and \(\mathbf w=\mathbf B'(\frac{\mathbf u}{1})=(\frac{\mathbf e}{M})\) for some \(\mathbf u\in \mathbb Z_q^m\). In our work, we use the progressive BKZ reduction in this step [2].

  • Step 4. Simply get the secret vector \(\mathbf s\) by Gauss elimination.

In the following, we explain four discussion points of the algorithm.

  1. (1)

    In the embedding procedure of Step 3, if the output vector \(\mathbf w\) of the lattice algorithm satisfies

    $$\begin{aligned} \Vert \mathbf w\Vert \le \sqrt{\Vert \mathbf e\Vert ^2+M^2}\approx \left( \frac{\sqrt{2m}\sigma }{(Mq^{m-n})^{1/{(m+1)}}}\right) ^{1/{(m+1)}}, \end{aligned}$$

    here \(\Vert \mathbf e\Vert \approx \sqrt{m}\sigma \), then the answer is correct with high probility.

  2. (2)

    There is a gap between the shortest vector and the linearly independent second shortest vector in \(L'(\mathbf B')\), namely we have to solve a unique-SVP in this lattice. The size of embedding factor M can affect the gap in some sense and we will discuss it in Sect. 3.3.

  3. (3)

    Since we do not know the exact value of \(\Vert \mathbf e\Vert \), we can not terminate by condition (1). \(\Vert \mathbf w\Vert \le \sqrt{\Vert \mathbf e\Vert ^2+M^2}\) is the condition for a reduction or point searching algorithm to terminate in Step 4. However, during the update of lattice reduction of basis \((\mathbf b_1,\dots ,\mathbf b_n)\) in our progressive BKZ, we found that the root Hermite factor \(\delta \) suddenly drop to a very small value from value around 1. We can set the algorithm to terminate when \(\delta <0.7\) for convenience.

  4. (4)

    There is a trade-off between the attack efficiency and success rate, depending on the dimension m of \(L_{(\mathbf A, q)}(\mathbf A\in \mathbb Z_q^{m\times n})\) and the embedding factor M of the sampled LWE instances in the embedding algorithm. In this work, our goal is from experiments to get a preliminary analysis of the affect of m and M on the runtime for solving Darmstadt LWE Challenge instances.

3.3 How to Choose M at Step 2

The size of \(\Vert \mathbf e\Vert \) and M intuitively affect the gap of the shortest and the second shortest vector in the unique-SVP of \(L(\mathbf B')\in \mathbb Z^{(m+1)\times (m+1)}\), since the reduction output is \(\mathbf w=(\frac{\mathbf e}{M})\). For the entries of error vector \(\mathbf e\) are randomly and linearly independently sampled from the discrete Gaussian distribution \(D_\sigma \), then \(\Vert \mathbf e\Vert ^2\) subject to \(\sigma ^2\times \chi ^2\), where \(\chi \) means chi distribution. So \(\Vert \mathbf e\Vert ^2\) has expectation of \(m\sigma ^2\) and we can estimate \(\Vert \mathbf e\Vert \approx \sqrt{m}\sigma \). Lyubashevsky and Micciancio [13] suggest that the choice for the embedding factor \(M\in \mathbb N\) is \(\Vert \mathbf e\Vert \). If M is bigger, then there is a lower chance to solve LWE problems, since the gap in unique-SVP will become smaller. However, if M is too small, there may exist a vector \(\mathbf v\in L(\mathbf B')\) such that \(\Vert \mathbf v + c\cdot (\frac{\mathbf b}{M})\Vert <\Vert \mathbf w\Vert =\Vert (\frac{\mathbf e}{M})\Vert \) where \(c\in \mathbb Z\), according to [1]. In our experiments we observe the runtime of attack using increasing M from 1.

3.4 How to Choose m

In this part, we follow the analysis proposed by Micciancio and Regev [16]. With a small Gaussian standard deviation \(\sigma \), the error vector \(\mathbf e\) is much shorter than the second shortest vector in the lattice \(L'\), and the latter one can be assumed as the shortest vector in lattice L. According to the Gaussian heuristic, the length of the shortest vector in an m dimensional lattice is \(\lambda _1(L) \approx \frac{(\varGamma (m/2+1) \mathrm{vol}(L))^{1/m}}{\sqrt{\pi }}\), approximately \(\sqrt{\frac{m}{2\pi e}}q^{(m-n)/m}\). So we can get \(\lambda _2(L') \approx \lambda _1(L) \approx \sqrt{\frac{m}{2\pi e}}q^{(m-n)/m}\). In our experiments, we get the result that the attack is more efficient if the embedding factor M is closer to 1 (see Sect. 4.1). We set \(M=1\) here and assume \(\lambda _1(L') \approx \Vert \frac{\mathbf e}{M}\Vert \approx \sqrt{m}\sigma \), for the Gaussian sampled \(\mathbf e\) has length around \(\sqrt{m}\sigma \). So we want to enlarge the following gap in unique-SVP for an efficient attack:

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma (m)=\frac{\lambda _2(L')}{\lambda _1(L')}\approx \frac{\sqrt{\frac{m}{2\pi e}}q^{(m-n)/m}}{\sqrt{m}\sigma } \end{aligned}$$

We need \(\sigma \ll q^{\frac{m-n}{m}}\). What’s more, for a lattice reduction algorithm with a root Hermite factor \(\delta \), the gap should satisfies \(\gamma (m)>c\delta ^m\) for a proper value c. The constant c is unknown, so we can maximize \(q^{(m-n)/m}/\delta ^m\), to get the optimal sub-dimension m of LWE sample instances is

$$\begin{aligned} m=\sqrt{n\log _2(q)/\log _2(\delta )}. \end{aligned}$$

This can properly enlarge the gap in \(\gamma \)-unique SVP transformed from BDD, within a reduction algorithm’s capability estimated by the root Hermite factor \(\delta =\mathrm {rHF}(\mathbf{b}_1,\dots ,\mathbf{b}_n)=(\Vert \mathbf{b}_1\Vert /\mathrm{vol}(L)^{1/n})^{1/n}\).

4 Experimental Results and Analysis

In this section, we give the details in our experiments on solving LWE problems using embedding technique (Algorithm 1). All the cases are taken from Darmstadt LWE Challenge [21]. In our experiments, we just observe the hardness of small dimensions from 40 to 60, with the same \(\alpha =0.005\). As a preparing work, we take \(\delta \) in the range \([1.010, 1.011, \dots , 1.025]\) and randomly sample \(m=\sqrt{n\log _2(q)/\log _2\delta }\) vector entries for \(\mathbf A \in \mathbb Z_q^{m\times n}\) in each LWE case. For each case with parameters \((n, \delta )\), we sample 20 different bases. The progressive BKZ algorithm and its open source code of version 1.1 are used in the Step 3 of Algorithm 1. Our implementation using C language and NTL on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70 GHz with 24 cores (over-clocked to 3.5 GHz and hyper-threaded to 48 threads). Xu et al. were using parallel implementation technique and the specifications of hardware are 3.60 GHz Intel Core i7 processor with eight cores and a cluster consisting of 20 c4.8xlarge instances, each equipped by 36 cores (hyper-threaded to 72 threads) [23]. The time unit in the following sections are all single thread seconds.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Runtime for cases \((n, \alpha )\) with fixed bases and increasing embedding factor M.

4.1 Efficiency by Changing M

As we discussed in Sect. 3.3, in the Step 2 of Algorithm 1, the embedding factor M in basis \(\mathbf B'\in \mathbb Z^{(m+1)\times (m+1)}\) affect the size of gap in the unique-SVP of \(L({B'})\). In this section we will observe what size of M is better for an efficient embedding technique. The fixed dimension m of \(L_{(\mathbf A, q)}\) is referred to Sect. 4.2, and the embedding factor M is from 1 to around 55. For each case of parameters \(n=40,45,50,55\) with fixed \(\alpha =0.005\), we sample a same basis \(\mathbf A\in \mathbb Z^{m\times n}\) from Darmstadt LWE Challenge respectively. Figure 1 shows the runtime of Algorithm 1 for each case with increasing sequence of embedding factor M. We can observe that with growing M, the runtime of Algorithm 1 is gradually increasing. So it is more efficient to solve LWE problem with the embedding factor M closer to 1.

4.2 Optimal Choice of m for Each \((n,\alpha )\)

According to the Eqs. (2) and (3) in Sect. 3.4, the dimension m of q-ary lattice \(L_{(\mathbf A, q)}\) in Step 3 also affects the efficiency of Algorithm 1. A larger dimension m will lead the root Hermite Factor smaller, which makes the lattice algorithm inefficient. While a smaller m will reduce the gap of unique-SVP and make the problem harder to solve. In this section, we observe the affect of size m on the efficiency of Algorithm 1.

Table 1. Experimental runtime for each \((n, \alpha \,=\,0.005)\) cases with parameter \(\delta \) in range \([1.01, 1.011, \dots , 1.025]\).

At first for each case of \((n, \alpha =0.005)\), we fix the embedding factor as \(M=1\). We take \(\delta \) in the range \([1.010, 1.011, \dots , 1.025]\) and for each \(\delta \) calculate \(m=\sqrt{n\log _2(q)/\log _2\delta }\). We did the experiments for \(n=40,45,50,55,60,65\). Note that for case of \((n=40,\alpha =0.005)\), since the runtime are close to each other, we ignore it here. We calculate the average runtime for each \(\delta \) by around 20 random samples of \(\mathbf A\in \mathbb Z_q^{m\times n}\). In Table 1 the “Average BKZ Runtime” shows the minimum of average runtime for each \(\delta \). Further, the “Minimum BKZ Runtime” is the minimum data for the relevant \(\delta \) and m.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The runtime for embedding technique on Darmstadt LWE Challenge of \((n,\alpha =0.005)\) cases: the stars and the full curve denote our average and it fitting of the experimental runtime for the optimal m respectively; the dot line is fitting of the smallest runtime for each optimal m case, which is heuristically seen as the lower bound in our work; the red crosses are Xu et al.’s records at the LWE Challenge website; the hollow circles are our experimental results for \((n,\alpha )=(70,0.005)\). (Color figure online)

From now we will analyze the experimental data in Table 1. We extrapolated the data by curve fitting technique in Fig. 2. The stars are the minimum of Average Runtime in each \((n,\alpha )\) cases as showed in Table 1. Here we get the quadratic function of the average runtime and n with three decimal precision:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{FittingLog}_2\mathrm{(Average\,\, Runtime)} = 0.0153n^2 - 1.17n + 27.6, \end{aligned}$$

and plot it in Fig. 2. And the fitting of optimal m and n is the linear function

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{Optimal}(m) = \ulcorner 4.82n -98.7\lrcorner . \end{aligned}$$

Here the mark \(\ulcorner \dots \lrcorner \) means taking a rounding number.

Moreover, we also illustrate the minimum runtime (seen as the lower bound heuristically) in all \((n,\alpha =0.005)\) cases with parameter m from Eq. (4).

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{FittingLog}_2\mathrm{(Lower\,\, Bound)} = 0.00584n^2 - 0.208n + 2.21 \end{aligned}$$

and we plot the fitting line in Fig. 2. Note that we take the quadratic formulas for the estimation in 4 and 6 since the state-of-the-art extreme pruning enumeration runs in \(2^{O(n^2)-0.5n}\) as the subroutine of progressive BKZ.

Furthermore, in Table 2, we estimate the necessary dimension m and the relevant runtime by embedding technique on solving LWE Challenge cases \( n\ge 75,\sigma =0.005\),using progressive BKZ algorithm. Our estimation depending on the fitting function (4) and (5).

Table 2. Estimation of effective m and runtime on solving\((n\ge 75,\sigma \,=\,0.005)\) in the LWE Challenge.

Moreover, from Fig. 2 we can see that Xu et al.’s LWE Challenge records of \(\alpha = 0.005\) stopped at \(n=65\) for the overwhelming runtime and low success probability [22]. Our implemented embedding technique with progressive BKZ can solve the LWE Challenge instances more efficiently than Xu et al.’s enumeration implementation for \(n\ge 55\).

For the cases of \((n=70,\alpha =0.005)\), we compute the extrapolated \(m\approx 239\) (relevant \(\delta =1.010\)) from function (5). Then we use \(\delta =\)1.010, 1.011, 1.012, 1.013 and there are just two Darmstadt LWE Challenge cases with \(\delta =1.011,1.012\) are successfully solved by \(m=233,\ 223\) in time \(2^{16.8},\ 2^{18.2}\) s respectively. and we plot it in Fig. 2, which are lying between the two fitting curves and close to the runtime of estimated \(\mathrm{FittingLog_2(Lower\ Bound)}\).

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we studied the algorithm to solve LWE problem using Kannan’s embedding technique. Especially we randomly sampled LWE instances from Darmstadt LWE Challenge and applied the progressive BKZ algorithm to reduce the embedded bases. From our experiments of fixed relative error size \(\alpha = \sigma /q = 0.005\), we observed that the algorithm has a more efficient trend if the embedding factor M is closer to 1. We also illustrated the relation of the dimension m of the q-ary lattice \(L_{(\mathbf A, q)}\) in LWE instance, the length n of secret vector \(\mathbf s\), and the runtime of the algorithm. Furthermore, Xu et al.’s LWE Challenge records of \(\alpha = 0.005\) stopped at \(n=55\) for the overwhelming runtime, while our experimental results show that for \(n\ge 55\), the embedding technique with progressive BKZ can solve the LWE Challenge instances more efficiently than Xu et al.’s implementation of Liu-Nguyen’s enumeration algorithm. Finally our LWE Challenge record of \((n,\alpha )=(70,0.005)\) cases succeeded in \(2^{16.8}\) s (32.73 single core hours), which also lies in the bounds of our fitting curves.