
1 Introduction

1.1 Our Overall Goal

A. Computational literacy for all. The current era is characterized by ubiquitous computational devices. As such devices proliferate, they also become more sophisticated, containing multiple processors and/or cores. Indeed, we employ parallel and distributed computing (PDC) when we drive cars, use household appliances, go shopping, .... It is now widely recognized (cf. [15]) that all undergraduate students—all the more so those who aspire to a career in a computation-related field—must achieve a level of computational literacy adequate to succeed in our computing-rich society—and such literacy must encompass PDC and its enabling technologies. The thesis of this essay is that the Cellular ANTomaton (CAnt) computation model [18]—obtained by deploying a team of mobile finite-state machines (the model’s “Ants”) atop a cellular automaton (CA)—has traits that recommend it as a conceptual platform for introducing early undergraduate students to a broad range of sophisticated notions relating to PDC. We support this thesis by discussing three sophisticated PDC concepts that CAnts render accessible to early students. With more space, we could easily expand this list.

CAnt s provide a single perspicuous platform for many core PDC concepts. Thereby, students need not master a range of platforms as they strive to master a variety of core concepts.

B. What is computational literacy? We define “computational literacy” via three main features. For a core concept as defined in, e.g., [15], we expect a student to provide a:

  1. 1.

    precise definition—to a degree of rigor commensurate with the student’s level;

  2. 2.

    rudimentary implementation—on a “reasonably simplified” computing platform;

  3. 3.

    rudimentary analysis of an implementation on a “reasonably simplified” platform.

“Reasonable simplifications” include, e.g., assuming that a key constant is a power of 2 or a perfect square or assuming that CAnts’ constituent agentsFootnote 1 act (perfectly) synchronously, rather than only approximately synchronously (cf. [5, 22]).

1.2 Illustrating CAnt-Pedagogy via Some “Core” Concepts

A. The illustrative core concepts. We defend our pedagogical thesis by discussing “reasonably simplified” versions of three core PDC concepts. We chose these concepts because they invoke different strengths and features of the CAnt model.

  1. 1.

    Synchronization. The Firing Squad Synchronization Protocol (FSSP)—see [8, 13]—allows the agents of arbitrarily large CAnts to initiate a process at the same step. A “reasonably simplified” FSSP should be accessible to early students.

    Enrichment opportunity #1. A more advanced discussion could also address synchronicityhow to control clock skew [5, 22] so that agents in neighboring cells “hear” temporally proximate clock signals almost simultaneously.

  2. 2.

    Scalability. For many problems, one can craft a single algorithm that works on CAnts having arbitrarily many agents.

  3. 3.

    Symmetry breaking (leader election). Initiating concurrent procedures is more challenging for distributed agents than for parallel ones. CAnts admit a simple, efficient “leader-election” protocol for their (distributed) Ants.

With more space we could easily expand this list. As but two examples, the mesh structure underlying CAs and CAnts provides access to the following important topics. (a) The observation that many genres of computation can be orchestrated as waves of data that pass though an array of identical computing agents spawned the elegant notion of systolic array: a highly structured form of data flow [11]. This topic has since advanced along several fronts [1, 16]. (b) The advent of massively parallel computers via fragile VLSI-based technology heightened awareness of the importance of fault tolerance. Elegant and effective schemes have been developed for tolerating both faults and failures in mesh-based systems; cf. [7, 10]. The details within the five just-cited sources are too sophisticated for beginning students, but the underlying ideas are readily accessible.

B. Our goal. We strive to help instructors appeal to a range of students, from the nonspecialist to the aspiring professional, as they teach our illustrative PDC-related concepts.

  • Striving to serve the entire target range of students, we discuss synchronization in Sect. 3 via a verbally described synchronization algorithm, together with a small simulation of the algorithm and a simplified timing analysis.

  • We discuss scalability in Sect. 4 via two examples. One is treated via an elementary verbally described algorithm. The other accompanies a verbally described algorithm with a program in pseudo-code and a proof of validity.

  • We discuss symmetry breaking/leader election in Sect. 5 via a verbally described algorithm accompanied by a proof of validity and timing analysis.

1.3 Platforms for Implementing PDC Concepts

Implementing concepts helps students assimilate often-subtle details. The following tools provide quite distinct “programming” styles for simulating CAnts.

  • NETLOGO [14] employs a rather general agent-based approach.

  • CARPET [21] specifies Agents via case-statement programs.

  • MATLAB ® processes array-structured data using declarative programming.

Additionally, certain systolic computations can be specified perspicuously; cf. [1, 16].

Several well-developed tools enable students to craft implementations of core concepts and experiment with them.

1.4 A (Very) Brief History of CAs and CAnts

CAs have been studied since at least the 1960s [13] and continue to be of interest to this day [6, 8]. They provide an attractive alternative to other formal models of computers [23], combining mathematical simplicity with levels of efficiency that make them feasible candidates for many real computational tasks. Indeed, CAs are remarkably efficient for a broad range of tasks that require the tight coordination of many simple agents [2, 3, 8, 13]. In [2], CAs implement an ant-inspired clustering algorithm; in [3], they support an ant-inspired algorithm for a genre of flow problem. In [12], a CA-like model greedily preplans a route for a single robot to a single goal, by having the goal broadcast its position. Several recent CA-based robotics-motivated studies appear in [20]. CAnts are introduced in [18], and algorithms are developed for some robotics-inspired problems. In contrast to CAnts, the models in the preceding sources support algorithms that are: \(\bullet \) fully synchronous (there is a single clock that is “heard” by all agents); \(\bullet \) centrally controlled (there is a central planner); \(\bullet \) not scalable (the central planner knows and exploits the size of the system). Some models are centrally programmable, using systems such as CARPET [21]; their global name spaces preclude scalability. CAs have also been used for rather general suites of parallel-computing applications in [21] and related sources. Algorithms for (bio-inspired) pattern matching appear in [9] for one-dimensional CAs and in [19] for (two-dimensional) CAnts.

2 A Technical Introduction to CAs and CAnts

2.1 Overview of the Models

A cellular automaton (CA) is obtained by placing a copy of a single finite-state machine (FSM) at each cell of a square mesh. A Cellular ANTomaton (CAnt) is obtained by deploying a team of mobile FSMs (Ants) atop a CA, at most one Ant per cell. Each FSM communicates at each step with the FSMs within cells that are adjacent along the eight compass directions (ESESSWWNWNNE); it also communicates with an Ant that resides in its cell. Ants communicate with their host FSM and with any Ants that reside in adjacent cells. FSMs detect when the mesh-cell they reside in is on an edge or at a corner; thereby, a CAnt can ensure that Ants never “fall off” the mesh. The preceding informal definition will suffice for many styles of early introductory course. For other styles, one could add detail and formalism, as found in, e.g., [17, 18].

Enrichment Opportunity #2. One can distinguish Ants as physical devices (say, robots) or as virtual algorithmic devices (which can simplify subprocessing). In the former case, one could discuss inter-cellular message-transmission speeds: the electronic propagation of signals vs. the electro-mechanical movement of Ants.

2.2 Pedagogically Useful Details

A. (Orthant) Meshes. We enable teaching opportunities by building the world of CAs and CAnts atop the (infinite) 2-dimensional orthant mesh Footnote 2, whose cells are labeled by all nonnegative integer-pairs, \(\{ \langle i,j \rangle \ | \ i, j \ge 0 \}\). Each mesh-cell \(\langle i,j \rangle \) has \({\le }8\) types of neighbors (or, adjacencies), corresponding to the 8 compass directions; see Fig. 1(left).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A “prefix” of: (left) a mesh \(\mathcal M_n\); (center) a cellular automaton [CA] whose cells contain copies of an FSM F; (right) a Cellular ANTomaton [CAnt] with three Ants.

B. Finite-State Machines. As their name suggests, finite-state machines (FSMs) were historically viewed as abstract machines (such as, say, elevators) whose behavior could be described and analyzed by characterizing “states” in which all “interesting” actions occurred. Myriad texts (e.g., [17]) adopt this view of FSMs. When teaching introductory computer science courses, though, students may be more receptive to viewing (and experimenting with) FSMs specified as programs of case statements, of the form indicated in Fig. 2.Footnote 3 One can simulate the operation of the FSM specified by such a program by iteratively cycling through the specified conditions until one finds one that applies.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A finite-state machine (FSM) F specified via a program of case statements.

C. CA s and CAnt s. One turns a mesh \(\mathcal M\) into a CA \(\mathcal C\) as follows.

  • \(\bullet \) Populate \(\mathcal M\)’s cells with copies of a single FSM F, one per cell (Fig. 1 (center)); we refer to the FSM at cell \(\langle i,j \rangle \) as F \(^{\langle i,j \rangle }\).

    \(\bullet \) Endow FSMs with bidirectional communication channels to FSMs in neighboring cells and to resident Ants (when they exist).

  • \(\bullet \) Deploy \(c \ge 0\) Ants on \(\mathcal M\), at most one Ant per cell.

    \(\bullet \) Endow each Ant \(\mathcal A\) with bidirectional communication channels to Ants in neighboring cells and to the FSM in the cell that \(\mathcal A\) is standing on.

  • Endow FSMs and Ants with sensors: FSMs sense a resident Ant; FSMs and Ants sense mesh-edges, obstacles, and goal-objects (when relevant).

At each step: each copy of F polls the states of FSMs in neighboring cells and of any Ant that resides on F’s cell; each Ant \(\mathcal A\) polls the state of the FSM in its current cell plus the states of Ants on neighboring cells. Based on these polls, FSMs and Ants performs actions such as sending signals (an FSM may, e.g., tell its resident Ant to move). FSMs and Ants then change state—and the cycle repeats.

3 Synchronization

Synchronization in parallel/distributed systems seems at first blush to be an advanced topic that requires substantial background. In fact, for CAs and CAnts, the topic can be taught with varying levels of rigor to students having varying levels of preparation.

3.1 FSSP: The Firing Squad Synchronization Problem

We describe an algorithm for synchronizing Agents within CAnts, in a way that can “unfold” through a series of courses in the CS/CE curriculum, from a CS0-type course (e.g., “Computer Literacy”) through a course in algorithm design/analysis.

  • The motivation for and definition of the colorfully named Firing Squad Synchronization Problem (FSSP, for short) should be accessible to students even in a CS0-level course. This can whet students’ appetites for more advanced courses by exposing them to a problem that is both interesting and non-“programmy.”

  • The solution to the FSSP sketched here should be accessible to students in any course that introduces recursion (as an algorithmic control structure). Students can observe a sophisticated recursion within a “reasonably simplified” framework, solving a problem that some students will initially doubt can even be solved.

  • Our “simplified” analysis of the FSSP should be accessible to students whose algorithmic preparation includes the Master Theorem for Linear Recurrences [4].

The FSSP can be specified informally as follows. Start with n identical autonomous Agents standing (physically or logically) contiguously along row 0 of a mesh. Each Agent can communicate only with its immediate neighbors. (The two end Agents have one neighbor each; all others have two neighbors, one on each side.) The initially dormant Agents must enter an active state at the exact same step when told to do so by the leftmost (“leader”) Agent. The Agents’ only tool for accomplishing the task is their limited ability to intercommunicate.

Solutions to the one-dimensional FSSP (the version just described) have been known since at least 1962 [13]. Easily, any solution requires at least \(2n-2\) steps, just so a message can reach the farthest Agent and this Agent can respond to the leader. There exist solutions that use only this number of steps—in fact, using only 1-bit inter-Agent messages [8]. Surprisingly, any solution to the one-dimensional FSSP can be converted to a solution for any k-dimensional FSSP that operates in exactly the same number of steps. (Note: This is actually a readily accessible exercise for even early students.)

3.2 A Simplified Solution to the FSSP

We sketch a recursive algorithm for the FSSP that operates in roughly 3n steps instead of the optimal \(2n-2\) steps. We then provide a “simplified” analysis that avoids floors and ceilings. This algorithm and analysis should be accessible to students at many levels. Beginning students should “get the basic idea”; students who have the basics of recursion and linear recurrences should understand the “simplified” details; really clever students should be able to build on this setting to obtain an improved solution.

A. A simple recursive solution. The solution has each Agent send messages of two types to its neighbors. These messages do not individually instigate actions; it is the co-arrival of messages of distinct types that triggers actions, as will become clear. Our verbal sketch ignores certain details that complicate the “end game” of the FSSP; these details do appear (beginning at step 15) in our illustration of the process in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The FSP synchronization protocol illustrated for seven Agents

  1. 1.

    The initial stage. The leader Agent, in the figure) initiates the process by sending two messages, \(m_1\) (\(\bullet \) in the figure) and \(m_2\) (\(\circ \) in the figure), to its eastward neighbor. Message \(m_1\) is sent immediately; message \(m_2\) is sent at step 3.

  • Message \(m_1\) travels at the rate of one Agent per step. It is relayed from each receiving Agent to its eastward neighbor until it reaches the end of the line of Agents, at which point it begins to travel westward at the same rate. (On this return trip, each receiving Agent relays \(m_1\) to its westward neighbor.)

  • Message \(m_2\) travels at the rate of one Agent every third step. It also is relayed from each receiving Agent to its eastward neighbor.

At some point, messages \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) meet, i.e., arrive simultaneously, at some Agent \(\mathcal A_i\). At this point, \(\mathcal A_i\) becomes a subleader ( in the figure).

  1. 2.

    The inductive stage. Every newly anointed subleader recursively initiates the described process simultaneously and independently into the half-line of Agents to its left and into the half-line of Agents to its right. During these recursive invocations: (a) references to “left” and “right” are adjusted in the obvious way; (b) a (sub)leader encountered by a message in transit plays the same role as an end of the line.

  2. 3.

    Terminating the process. The process terminates when an Agent learns that both of its neighbors are subleaders—which will occur at the same step for all Agents. Figure 3 illustrates the sketched procedure for seven Agents. Note in Fig. 3 that the detailed algorithm suffers additional complication during the “end game” of a synchronization, to accommodate the (unknown) number n. To wit, from step 15 in the figure onward, we employ sub-subleaders (\(\widehat{\fbox {\,}}\) in the figure) to prevent a subleader from activating too soon. Note also that the rightmost Agent (\(\mathcal A_6\) in the figure) acts differently from other Agents. This does not mean that \(\mathcal A_6\) differs structurally, only that the absence of a righthand neighbor modifies its behavior—specifically, with respect to termination.

B. Analyzing the recursion. We verify that the process terminates for all Agents at the same step by showing that messages \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) meet during the initial stage at the midpoint of the line of Agents. (The analysis then recurses down to quarter-points, eighth-points, etc.) To see this: Say that \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) meet when t steps have passed since the initiation of the process. Ignoring floors and ceilings, during this time:

(a) message \(m_2\) travels t/3 steps eastward;

(b) message \(m_1\) travels n steps eastward then \(x = t-n\) steps westward.

Clearly, \(m_2\) has traveled from the leader to \(\mathcal A_{t/3}\), while \(m_1\) has traveled from the leader to \(\mathcal A_{n-x}\), where \(n-x = 2n-t\). But \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) meet at this time, so \(t/3 \ = \ 2n-t\) or, equivalently, \(t = {3 \over 2} n\). This analysis verifies the algorithm’s validity and also allows us to estimate the number of steps, T(n) needed to synchronize n Agents:

$$T(n) \ = \ {3 \over 2} n + T \left( {1 \over 2} n \right) \ = \ {3 \over 2} \left( 1 + {1 \over 2} + {1 \over 4} + \cdots \right) n \ = \ 3n - {3 \over 2}.$$

Our recursive procedure thus allows the n Agents to synchronize within 3n steps.

4 (Algorithmic) Scalability in CAnts

Our algorithm for the FSSP never refers to the number of Agents being synchronized; instead it uses the positions of the “leader” and the rightmost Agent as the delimiters of the messages that enable the synchronization. It is this feature—the fact that a single algorithm works for CAnt s of arbitrary sizes—that we identify as (algorithmic) scalability. Of course, there are other valuable notions of scalability in PDC, but ours has advantages: (a) It requires no background beyond basic definitions. (b) It can be accessible to beginning students. (c) It can engage the students by requiring some thought to achieve. We present two computational problems that illustrate these advantages.

4.1 Example #1: Scalably Creating Square Meshes from Orthant Meshes

“Natural” computational problems for a CAnt \(\mathcal C\) usually operate within a (finite) square mesh, rather than the semi-infinite orthant mesh. For many such problems—specifically those that supply an input to \(\mathcal C\) in the form of a length-n pattern \(\sigma _0 \cdots \sigma _{n-1}\) left-justified along mesh-row 0—the following simple—and scalable—process converts the orthant mesh to a square mesh that is “natural” for the problem. See Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Using an input pattern to delimit a square mesh from an orthant mesh: (left) measuring the square; (right) establishing the square mesh’s eastern and southern boundaries.

  1. 1.

    Simultaneously (via an FSP-synch, i.e., a synchronization using the FSSP):

  1. (a)

    \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) sends a southeasterly signal, which is propagated toward the southeast, i.e., toward cell \(\langle n-1,n-1 \rangle \);

  2. (b)

    \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,n-1 \rangle }\)—which knows its identity because its easterly neighbor contains no \(\sigma \)-symbol—sends a signal that is propagated southward (toward \(\langle n-1,n-1 \rangle \)). Because CAnts operate synchronously (one of our “reasonable simplifications”), the signals from \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) and \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,n-1 \rangle }\) arrive simultaneously at \(\langle n-1,n-1 \rangle \).

  1. 2.

    When \(\mathcal A^{\langle n-1,n-1 \rangle }\) receives the signals from \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) and \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,n-1 \rangle }\), it simultaneously:

  1. (a)

    sends a message you are a bottom cell westward;

  2. (b)

    sends a message you are a right-edge cell northward;

  3. (c)

    initiates an FSP-synch among all cells to its northwest.

After this O(n)-step process:

  • the cells \(\{ \langle i,j \rangle \ | \ 0 \le i,j \le n-1 \}\), the copies of \(\mathcal A\) within these cells, and the Ants residing on these cells can function as an \(n \times n\) CAnt \(\mathcal C_n\);

  • the cells \(\{ \langle i,j \rangle \ | \ [0 \le i \le n-1], [j=n-1] \}\) function as the “right edge” of \(\mathcal C_n\);

  • the cells \(\{ \langle i,j \rangle \ | \ [i=n-1], [0 \le j \le n-1] \}\) function as the “bottom row” of \(\mathcal C_n\).

4.2 A Scalable Pattern-Reversing CAnt

The Pattern-Reversal Problem on an \(n \times n\) mesh begins with an n-symbol input pattern \(\varPi = \sigma _0 \cdots \sigma _{n-1}\) along row 0. The challenge is to design a CAnt \(\mathcal C\) that copies \(\varPi \) along row \(n-1\) in reversed order. Our CAnt \(\mathcal C\) employs n identical virtual Ants, \(\mathcal A_0, \ldots , \mathcal A_{n-1}\), with each \(\mathcal A_k\) deployed initially on cell \(\langle 0,k \rangle \). Figure 5 sketches a program that is shared by all Ants \(\mathcal A\). The sketch is easily expanded to a formal program as in Fig. 2that nowhere mentions the length n of pattern \(\varPi \).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

A sketch of a program for one of \(\mathcal C\)’s (identical) pattern-reversing Ants \(\mathcal A\), as it: (1) picks up the symbol in its initial cell c; (2) conveys the symbol, via a SW-then-SE path, to c’s “mirror” bottom-edge cell \(\overline{c}\); (3) deposits the conveyed symbol in cell \(\overline{c}\); (4) halts.

Figure 6 depicts the n-step (not counting the initiating FSP-synch) “multi-trajectory” for \(\mathcal C\) mandated by the program of Fig. 5. To validate \(\mathcal C\)’s solution, focus on an Ant \(\mathcal A_r\) that begins at a cell \(\langle 0,r \rangle \). When \(\mathcal A_r\) takes a southwesterly (resp., southeasterly) step, this adds \(\langle +1, -1 \rangle \) (resp., \(\langle +1, +1 \rangle \)) to \(\mathcal A_r\)’s current cell’s coordinates. It follows that, under the dogleg patterns of Fig. 6, \(\mathcal A_r\)’s trajectory consists of:

  1. 1.

    an r-step southwesterly walk from cell \(\langle 0,r \rangle \) to cell \(\langle r,0 \rangle \);

  2. 2.

    an \((n-r-1)\)-step southeasterly walk from cell \(\langle r,0 \rangle \) to cell \(\langle n-1, n-r-1 \rangle \).

The fact that cell \(\langle n-1, n-r-1 \rangle \) is the “mirror image” along row \(n-1\) of cell \(\langle 0,r \rangle \) completes the validation.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

CAnt \(\mathcal C\)’s trajectory as it copies the pattern along row 0 in reversed order along row \(n-1\).

5 Leader Election/Symmetry Breaking

A central challenge in distributed computing is coordinating the actions of identical autonomous agents. An important approach to meeting this challenge is to “elect” one of the agents as a “leader,” thereby “breaking” the “symmetry” caused by agents’ being indistinguishable. Many leader-election protocols have been invented, all requiring algorithmic sophistication. When the distributed agents are Ants within a CAnt \(\mathcal C\), the underlying CA affords us a rather simple, efficient leader-election protocol. In particular, \(\mathcal C\) selects as the “leader” the unique Ant (if any exist!) that is “closest” to the origin Agent, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\), in the following sense. For each Ant \(\mathcal A\), we count the number of cells \(\mathcal A\) needs to traverse in order to reach \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) via a path of northward moves (toward row 0) followed by a path of westward moves (toward column 0), under a regimen that gives a westward moving Ant priority over northward moving one. (The latter clause resolves ties when two Ants compete to enter the same row-0 cell.)

5.1 The Leader-Election Process

(a) \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) initiates the process by simultaneously sending two messages:

  1. 1.

    an FSP-synch to start the process for any Ants that exist within \(\mathcal M_n\);

  2. 2.

    an eastward-bound message, no Ant yet.

    • This message is relayed along row 0 up to \(\mathcal M_n\)’s eastern edge, whence it is bounced back toward \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\).

    • If the message reaches an Agent \(\mathcal A\) that knows of an Ant—from receiving Ant-related messages—then \(\mathcal A\) “swallows” this message by not relaying it.

    Note that if \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) receives the bounced-back message, and it has not received an Ant-related message, then it knows that no Ant resides on \(\mathcal M_n\).

(b) When “activated” (via the FSP-synch), each cell that contains an Ant sends the message i have an Ant northward, toward row 0.

(c) While a row-0 Agent \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,k \rangle }\) is active:

  • The first time it receives the message i have an ant from its southern neighbor, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 1,k \rangle }\), it sends the message Ant in my column westward, toward cell \(\langle 0,0 \rangle \).

  • If it receives the message Ant in my column from its eastern neighbor, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,k+1 \rangle }\), then it relays that message westward, toward cell \(\langle 0,0 \rangle \).

In both cases, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,k \rangle }\) then becomes inactive.

(d) While a row-0 Agent \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,k \rangle }\) is inactive, it ignores all messages from its eastern and southern neighbors.

(e) \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) learns about the presence or absence of Ants in one of three ways.

  • If \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) receives the message no Ant yet from its eastern neighbor, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,1 \rangle }\), then it knows that no Ant resides on \(\mathcal M_n\). In response, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) broadcasts no Ants found eastward and southward.

  • \(\bullet \) If the first message that \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) receives is i have an Ant from its southern neighbor, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 1,0 \rangle }\), then a leader-Ant has been discovered.

    \(\bullet \) The first time \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) receives Ant in my column from its eastern neighbor, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,1 \rangle }\), it knows that a leader-Ant has been discovered.

When either occurs, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) broadcasts leader Ant found eastward and southward. It also transmits you are the leader in the direction from which it received the Ant-related message. This “congratulatory message” is relayed back to the originating Ant by intermediate Agents.

In parallel with its broadcast, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) initiates an FSP-synch to terminate the procedure.

(f) When row-0 Agent \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,k \rangle }\) receives leader Ant found from its western neighbor, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,k-1 \rangle }\), it relays the message eastward to \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,k+1 \rangle }\) and southward to \(\mathcal A^{\langle 1,k \rangle }\).

5.2 Analyzing the Leader-Election Process

A. Validation. The correctness of the process follows from the observations that: (a) If there is an Ant upon \(\mathcal M_n\), then \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) receives precisely one message i have an ant—and that comes from an Ant that is closest to \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\). Competing messages are swallowed by intervening Agents. The message no Ant yet tells \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) there is no resident Ant. Thus, the leader-election process always halts, with a closest leader Ant if one exists.

B. Timing. The leader-election process completes within 4n steps on an \(n \times n\) CAnt:

  • \(\exists \) Ant on \(\mathcal M_n\). Then \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) receives the message i have an ant within 2n steps.

  • \(\not \exists \) Ant on \(\mathcal M_n\). Then \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) receives the message no Ant yet within 2n steps.

Within an additional 2n steps, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) initiates an FSP-synch that both terminates the process and announces either the election of a leader or the absence of an Ant. In parallel, \(\mathcal A^{\langle 0,0 \rangle }\) sends a “congratulatory message” to the new leader.

6 Conclusion

Many PDC-related concepts that are quite sophisticated in general settings have rather simple versions within the Cellular ANTomaton (CAnt) model. An instructor can use CAnts to gently introduce such problems to students who have only basic knowledge about topics such as linear recurrences, asymptotics, and Agents. When a student encounters the sophisticated versions of the problems later, s/he has intuitions from the CAnt-based simplifications. Additionally, these intuitions can be strengthened using the many convenient tools such as NETLOGO [14], CARPET [21] and MATLAB ®. It would be exciting to try this approach with a range of classes, beginning even with CS0.