1 Introduction

There has been a long line of work on minimizing the round complexity of protocols for secure two-party computation (see, e.g., [9, 19, 28, 29, 35] and references therein). In the present work we continue the study of this question, focusing on protocols in the “plain model,” which do not rely on any form of set-up, and where security is based on standard cryptographic assumptions.

We will start by addressing the case of computing functions that depend on the inputs of the two parties and deliver an output to one party. (The general case will be discussed later.) For such single-output functions, it is clear that two messages are necessary: the first by the “receiver” who receives the output and the second by the “sender.” The main question we ask is under what assumptions two messages are also sufficient. Two-message protocols, also referred to as “non-interactive secure computation” (NISC) protocols [1, 31], have the qualitative advantage of allowing one party to go offline (after sending its message) while waiting for the other party to respond.

For security against semi-honest parties, the situation is well understood: such general two-message protocols exist if a two-message oblivious transfer (OT) protocol with security against semi-honest parties exists [9, 41]. This assumption is also necessary, since OT is a simple special case of general secure computation.

The situation is far more complex when considering security against malicious parties. For protocols with black-box simulation, four messages are necessary and are also sufficient under standard assumptions [21, 35]. This can be improved to two messages by using standard setup assumptions such as a common reference string [9, 29, 31]. In the plain model, however, two-message protocols that satisfy the standard notion of security are known not to exist, even when allowing non-black-box simulation and even for the special of zero-knowledge [4, 23]. To get around this impossibility, Pass [39] suggested considering simulation whose running time is super-polynomial, but not necessarily unbounded, and realized two-message zero-knowledge in this model. General secure computation with super-polynomial simulation was first studied by Prabhakaran and Sahai [40] and by Barak and Sahai [6] in the context of concurrent security (with protocols requiring multiple rounds of interaction).

Secure computation with super-polynomial simulation is motivated by the fact that it captures the desirable security goals for the typical case of computing “non-cryptographic” functions, where even an unbounded simulator does not get a meaningful advantage. Moreover, using complexity leveraging, such protocols can be “as good” as standard protocols even for computing cryptographic functions, provided that the level of security of the primitives or other protocols with which they interact is sufficient to protect against an adversary with the same running time as the simulator. See Sect. 1.2 for further details.

The above discussion motivates the following question:

Under what assumptions can we construct two-message secure computation protocols with super-polynomial simulation in the plain model?

A natural first step is to study the above question for the special case of zero-knowledge, which captures functions that take input from only one party. Zero-knowledge protocols with unbounded simulation are equivalent to witness indistinguishable (WI) protocols. Two-message WI protocols for NP (also called private coin ZAPs) can be constructed from non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) protocols [?]. These were used in [39] to obtain 2-message zero-knowledge arguments with quasi-polynomial simulation. They were further used in [20] to obtain two-message blind signatures in the plain model, which can be viewed as another instance of general secure two-party computation.

While it is known that NIZK can be based on standard assumptions such as trapdoor permutations and bilinear maps [8, 10, 16, 26], there are several other well studied assumptions, such as the DDH assumption or even a strong assumption such as Witness Encryption [17], that are not known to imply NIZK or even 2-message WI arguments for NP. As far as we know, all non-trivial instances of 2-message protocols in the plain model appearing in the literature (even ones with unbounded simulation) require either NIZK or bilinear maps [25].

1.1 Our Contribution

We essentially settle the above question, showing that general two-message secure computation in the plain model with super-polynomial simulation is implied by any (sub-exponentially secure) “game-based” two-message OT protocol. Such a protocol is required to be secure with super-polynomial simulation against a malicious receiver, and is only required to satisfy indistinguishability-based security against the sender (i.e., the sender cannot distinguish between the two possible selection bits of the receiver). From here on, we refer to such an OT protocol as Weak OT. Weak OT protocols can be easily constructed from the DDH assumption [2, 38] (which is not known to imply NIZK) and are also known to follow from the Quadratic Residuosity Assumption and the \(N^{th}\) Residuosity Assumption (i.e., the security of the Paillier cryptosystem) [27].

The above result essentially settles our main question, since Weak OT can be viewed as the simplest analogue of two-message semi-honest OT for the case of security against malicious parties. As a corollary of our main result, Weak OT implies 3-message protocols with super-polynomial simulation in the plain model for functions that deliver outputs to both parties. This includes (multi-output) coin-tossing as an important special case. Motivated by the usefulness of Weak OT, we further study this primitive, obtaining several new positive and negative results.

We now give a more detailed account of our results.

  1. 1.

    We start by studying the Weak OT primitive described above (and formally defined in Sect. 2) and explore the feasibility of using it for secure computation with super-polynomial simulation. We show that Weak OT protocols may not even be secure with unbounded simulation. We demonstrate this by constructing a protocol (only a slight modification of the protocol in [2, 38]) that achieves the game based notion but suffers from a real attack. Concretely, we show a malicious sender strategy for this protocol such that even a single instance of execution of the protocol with the malicious sender would suffer from the attack. This is counter-intuitive because in a single instance of OT, any probabilistic mapping from the receiver’s input to its output can be realized by a malicious sender in the ideal model, and so simulation seems easy. However, in our attack, the receiver’s output becomes a value that cannot be known to the sender. This attack not only violates the intuitive notion of correctness and security, but it provably cannot be simulated even by an unbounded simulator. This impossibility result shows that proving security using a super-polynomial simulator, which is the setting in the rest of our work, is non-trivial and interesting.

  2. 2.

    Based on any (sub-exponentially secure) Weak OT, we construct a secure protocol for two-message zero knowledge argument of knowledge with quasi-polynomial simulation in the plain model. This implies the first such protocols, and even the first 2-message WI protocols, under assumptions that are not known to imply NIZK. More precisely, we prove the following:

    Theorem 1. Assuming the existence of sub-exponentially secure Weak OT, there exist two-message zero knowledge arguments (with argument of knowledge) for NP in the plain model with quasi-polynomial simulation.

    In particular, we get the following new corollary:

    Theorem 2. Two-message witness indistinguishable arguments for NP can be based on the sub-exponentially hard Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption.

  3. 3.

    Using a variant of the “GMW paradigm” [22], we extend the above result to the case of general secure computation. Concretely, we prove the following theorem:

    Theorem 3. Two Message Secure Computation protocols with quasi-polynomial simulation in the plain model for general single-output functionalities can be based on any sub-exponentially secure Weak OT.

    As a corollary, we get the first general 2-message protocols in the plain model.

    Corollary 1. Two Message Secure Computation protocols with quasi-polynomial simulation for general single-output functionalities can be based on any of the following sub-exponentially hard assumptions: (1) Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption; (2) Quadratic Residuosity Assumption; (3) \(N^{th}\) Residuosity Assumption.

    While such protocols are not very hard to obtain from previous two-message zero-knowledge protocols with super-polynomial simulation, we are not aware of such a result in the literature. Moreover, the DDH-based construction crucially depends on our new construction of 2-message zero-knowledge protocols.

    Secure two-message protocols for single-output functionalities imply secure three-message protocols for two-output functionalities. Concretely, we get the following corollary.

    Corollary 2. Three-message secure protocols with quasi-polynomial simulation for general two-output functionalities (satisfying “security with abort”) can be based on sub-exponentially secure Weak OT, and in particular on sub-exponential DDH.

    A particularly useful special case is that of (multi-bit) coin-tossing where neither party has any input and both parties get a uniformly random string as output. Here quasi-polynomial simulation seems enough for all natural applications. Despite the large body of work on coin-tossing, we are not aware of any previous multi-bit coin-tossing protocol in the plain model that provides a meaningful notion of security (even a game-based notion) with only 3 messages under standard assumptions. Our coin-tossing result should be compared with the 5-message protocol from [35] (which is optimal for standard black-box simulation) and a recent 4-message protocol from [28] which is secure with inverse-polynomial simulation error.

  4. 4.

    To further expand the class of assumptions on which we can base our general protocols, we provide new constructions of Weak OT satisfying the game based notion.

    The first construction is based on any high rate semi-honest secure OT which in turn can be reduced to any high rate additively homomorphic encryption. Concretely, we need a semi-honest one-out-of-two string-OT protocol in which the output length on a pair of strings of length \(\ell \) is smaller than \(c\ell \) for some constant \(c<2\). As a corollary, by instantiating the high rate homomorphic encryption scheme using a construction of Damgård and Jurik [14], we simplify the construction and analysis of Weak OT from the \(N^{th}\) Residuosity Assumption of Halevi and Kalai [27]. In particular, our construction only relies on the semantic security of the DJ cryptosystem and simple “syntactic” properties (homomorphism and ciphertext length) and does not involve smooth projective hash functions. This general new construction of Weak OT could potentially lead to basing our general protocols on other assumptions, such as lattice-based assumptions. The construction is presented in Sect. 6.

    Our second construction of Weak OT builds on Witness Encryption [17] and any injective one way function. This is described in Sect. 7. As a corollary, all of the results discussed above can also be based on WE (and injective one-way functions).

At the heart of our two-message secure computation protocols is a two-message protocol for zero-knowledge from sub-exponential security of game based OT. Note that this is contrast to the construction of Pass [39] who gave a construction based on NIZKs. Our alternative new construction avoids the use of NIZKs and is what enables our new results that provide constructions under alternative assumptions. This construction of zero-knowledge is provided in Sect. 4. The construction of two-message secure computation using this zero-knowledge protocol is provided in Sect. 5.

1.2 Discussion and Related Work

In this section we discuss the two key features of our protocols: super-polynomial simulation and security in the plain model, and survey some related work.

What good is super-polynomial simulation? Intuitively speaking, the notion of super-polynomial simulation (SPS) guarantees that the real world adversary does not learn anything more than an ideal world adversary running in super-polynomial time. So, what does the SPS ideal world adversary learn? For information theoretic functionalities (example, Yao’s millionaire problem), the running time of the ideal-world simulator does not affect security in any sense. In particular the computational power awarded to the ideal world adversary is useless for learning anything about the input of the honest party. It does not rule out the possibility that the adversary learns some super-polynomial function of its view but this is irrelevant for the task at hand. On the other hand, for cryptographic functionalities, the adversary’s ability to run in super-polynomial time is indeed problematic as it could potentially harm the security of the functionality itself. However, at an often small cost to efficiency, it is almost always possible to choose a higher security parameter for the cryptographic operations performed by the functionality such that meaningful security can be obtained (see e.g. [20] for the example of blind signatures). SPS is commonly used in cryptography. In fact, any zero knowledge protocol with super polynomial simulation is a witness indistinguishable protocol.

Relation to concurrently secure computation. The notion of concurrently secure super-polynomial simulation [6, 18, 40] and its variants [11] have been extensively studied in the literature. This notion is known to be impossible [5, 24, 37] to achieve with polynomial-time simulation. The notion of two-message secure computation that we study implies the notion of concurrently secure computation, in the restricted setting where the adversary is allowed to play as a sender or as a receiver across all concurrent sessions (the so-called “fixed-roles” setting). This improves on the round complexity of known solutions.

Recently, Dottling et al. [15] constructed two round two-party computation protocols for certain functionalities that is secure against semi-honest senders and malicious receivers. However, they consider a game-based security notion against a malicious receiver and this is incomparable to our setting.

Concurrent and subsequent work. Concurrent to our work, Jain et al. [34] construct protocols that are similar to our two-round protocols. While their focus is on polynomial time distinguisher-dependent simulation, we focus on super-polynomial simulation. Therefore, the only result in common between the two papers is two-round witness indistinguishability for NP from Weak OT. Our proof of WI is significantly simpler than theirs, because our analysis is via super-polynomial simulation. Our paper also contains additional results on Weak OT (both negative and positive) that simplify previous constructions and extend the set of assumptions on which both our and their round-optimal protocols can be based.

Subsequent to our work, Khurana and Sahai [36] use our two-message secure computation protocol crucially to build two-message non-malleable commitments with respect to commitment from sub-exponentially hard DDH.

Even though we have a straight line simulation, our protocol doesnt extend to the UC/concurrent setting because that requires non-malleability. A very recent follow-up work by Badrinarayanan et al. [3] achieves concurrent security in the MPC setting by building on our techniques (along with other techniques), using 3 rounds of simultaneous message exchange. Note that, in contrast, our protocols use only 2 rounds of unidirectional message exchange.

1.3 Technical Overview

The new 2-round SPS-Zero Knowledge protocol from 2-round Weak OT. The technical heart of our result is a new 2-round super-polynomial simulation secure zero knowledge protocol (SPS-ZK) from a 2-round weak OT. The weak OT protocol we use has statistical sender’s security but only T-chooser’s security. That is, the receiver’s choice bit is secure against all adversaries running in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)). Additionally, we will also use a T-time extractable commitment protocol. To ease the exposition, let’s allow the simulator to run in exponential time. Then, by running the protocol with an appropriately smaller security parameter, we can rely on just quasi-polynomial simulation.

The main idea behind the new zero knowledge protocol is to “squash” a parallelized version of Blum’s 3-round zero knowledge protocol for Hamiltonicity, by making use of the 2-round Weak OT protocol. Our technique applies more generally to parallelized \(\varSigma \)-protocols with “special soundness”, but here we will focus on Blum’s protocol for clarity. Recall that in Blum’s protocol, the prover generates an initial message \(\alpha \), and prepares two responses \(\gamma _0, \gamma _1\). The verifier then sends a random bit \(\beta \in \{0,1\}\), and the prover responds with \(\gamma _\beta \).

To squash this protocol to two rounds, we first have the verifier choose \(\beta \) at the start, and then use \(\beta \) as its input in the role of receiver in the Weak OT protocol. Note that this intuitively keeps \(\beta \) hidden from the prover. Then, the prover sends \(\alpha \) separately as part of its message, but also uses \(\gamma _0\) and \(\gamma _1\) as its inputs in the role of sender in the Weak OT protocol. Thus, the verifier learns only \(\alpha \) and \(\gamma _\beta \) and can then verify the original Blum proof. This protocol can be repeated in parallel to boost soundness. We will now discuss how to establish SPS zero knowledge and computational soundness separately.

Zero Knowledge: No rewinding allowed. First, observe that we can’t directly use the same proof strategy as in Blum’s protocol as we can not rewind the adversary here. In our protocol, since the verifier sends just one message, if we try rewinding the malicious verifier, it could just keep sending the same message over and over. Thus, there is nothing to be gained from rewinding.

To establish zero-knowledge, we will use complexity leveraging to construct a super-polynomial simulator running in time \(T_1\cdot \)poly(\(\lambda \)), where \(T_1 > T\), that can extract \(\beta \) from the verifier’s first message in the Weak OT protocol. Now that the simulator knows \(\beta \), simulation at first glance appears to be straightforward, since it needs to place a correct value only in \(\gamma _\beta \). This can be done by just invoking the zero knowledge simulator of Blum’s protocol. However, there is a subtle flaw in this argument due to the Weak OT protocol, as we discuss now in further detail.

Before we can see the flaw, we have to briefly discuss soundness. In order for soundness to hold, we need that the prover cannot somehow “malleate” the verifier’s first OT message into a successful second OT response by the prover. The way we will achieve such non-malleability is by adding a weak commitment that can be extracted in time \(T < T_1\). Recall that it is impossible for an adversary to take as input a \(T_1\)-strong commitment \(C_{T_1}(m)\), and produce a T-weak commitment \(C_T(m')\) in a way that causes \(m'\) to depend on m. This is easy to see: An adversary running in time T can anyway break \(C_T(m')\) and recover \(m'\). It could then use \(m'\) to predict m, thereby breaking the \(T_1\)-secure commitment \(C_{T_1}(m)\) – a contradiction to the stronger security of \(C_{T_1}\) since \(T_1 > T\).

In the case of zero knowledge, recall that our simulator runs in time \(T_1\cdot \)poly(\(\lambda \)), where \(T_1>T\). Note that the OT protocol does not have receiver’s security against adversaries running in time \(T_1\cdot \)poly(\(\lambda \)), since it needs to extract \(\beta \) from the first message of the weak OT. But then, it can anyway break the commitment scheme since \(T_1>T\). Therefore, now, in order for the commitment to be stronger than the OT, we need \(T_1<T\), whereas for proving soundness, we require that \(T_1>T\). (Since we require that the time taken to break the commitment is lesser than the time taken to break the chooser’s security in the OT protocol.) This a fundamental contradiction that suggests that perhaps our goal is impossible to achieve!

We fix this by exploiting the special structure of our protocol: Recall our observation that a cheating verifier, which is without loss of generality deterministic, if rewound, would just keep sending the same first message. Now, we want to exploit this fact to keep \(T_1 > T\) as needed by soundness, and argue zero knowledge in a different way: The simulation strategy itself is the same as before. That is, the simulator runs in time \(T_1\cdot \)poly(\(\lambda \)) and extracts \(\beta \) from the first message of the weak OT. It then invokes the simulator of Blum’s protocol and produces the prover’s message. This second phase runs in polynomial time. Now, let’s consider the reduction that breaks the commitment scheme by interacting with the malicious PPT verifier. The reduction, given the commitment to be broken as an external challenge, includes it as part of the prover’s message (more specifically, includes it as a commitment to \(\gamma _{1-\beta }\) in the string \(\alpha \)). Now, based on the PPT verifier’s guess it breaks the commitment. The only stage in the reduction that runs in super-polynomial time is when it breaks the initial message of the verifier to extract \(\beta \). Therefore, let’s consider the malicious verifier with the “best possible” initial message and fix this message. The value \(\beta ^*\) extracted from this can just be given as auxiliary input (non-uniform advice) to the reduction! So, now, the reduction is a non-uniform PPT machine. Therefore, if the PPT reduction can now break the commitment scheme, we will achieve a contradiction. Note that the auxiliary input is also given to the external challenger of the commitment scheme.

Soundness. To establish soundness of the protocol, we in fact prove a stronger property: that our protocol is an argument of knowledge. (We will anyway need this later when we construct the two message secure computation protocol for any general functionality). We will construct an extractor, that, running in super-polynomial time \(T\cdot \)poly(\(\lambda \)), can extract out \(\gamma _0\) and \(\gamma _1\) from the prover’s initial message by running the commitment extractor. Blum’s protocol is designed so that \(\alpha \), \(\gamma _0\), and \(\gamma _1\) together yield knowledge of the Hamiltonian cycle in the original graph and hence the extractor learns the witness. We will then show that if the extractor fails, but the malicious prover succeeds in giving a correct proof, we can use this prover to break the T-chooser’s security of the OT protocol by using the external OT challenge in the verifier’s first message against this malicious prover. Several challenges arise when trying to establish soundness. We discuss them now.

Recall that the aim is to show that if the malicious prover succeeds in giving a valid proof but the extractor fails, then the reduction will break the T-chooser’s security of the OT protocol. Note that the reduction can run in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)). The idea here was that the reduction interacts with the malicious prover and embeds the external OT challenge (of the OT receiver) in one of the indices as part of the verifier’s first message. After checking that the proof is valid, the reduction can extract both \(\gamma _0\) and \(\gamma _1\) from \(\alpha \) by running the T-time commitment extractor and then run the \(\mathsf {BlumExt}\) to obtain the choice bit of the OT challenge. However, there is a subtle issue here that in order to check that the proof is valid, the reduction needs to run the third stage OT algorithm to recover \(\gamma _\beta \). But, since it did not generate the first OT message, the reduction does not have the associated state that was used in that generation and hence cannot validate the proof (the state output by the first OT algorithm will be needed as input for the third stage).

We fix this by using a simple combinatorial argument. We consider a new verifier strategy where the verifier checks the proof at all indices except one and this choice is not revealed to the prover. It can be easily seen that the success probability of the malicious prover is as much, if not more, against this new verifier as well. Now, the reduction no longer needs to verify the proof at the index where the OT challenge was embedded. Also, if the malicious prover has to produce a valid proof, with probability close to 1, it still needs to produce a valid proof at every index since it can guess the missed out index with very small probability. Therefore, the Blum extraction would still work correctly on the embedded index and the reduction can break the OT receiver’s security.

Two message secure computation. Given any weak OT protocol and the two message secure zero knowledge protocol from above, we compile them together using Yao’s garbled circuits construction to produce a two message secure computation protocol for any general functionality. In fact, we don’t need the full power of the zero knowledge protocol from above. In this construction, we will only need the weaker notion of witness indistinguishability(WI) which is anyway implied by SPS zero knowledge.

Consider a sender with input x and a receiver with input y and let the function they’re computing be f. In the first round, the receiver, using each bit of his input, computes the first message of the weak OT protocol and sends this across. In addition, he also initiates a WI protocol with the sender and sends the first message of the verifier. Finally, he also sends the output of a one way function \(\mathsf {OWF}\) that is not invertible in time T.poly\((\lambda )\) (but is invertible in time \(T_1\).poly(\(\lambda \)) where \(T_1>T\)). Looking ahead, this value will help the simulator against a cheating receiver to generate a proof using the trapdoor statement. In response, the sender computes a garbled circuit that has his input hardwired into it and then runs the OT algorithm using the garbled keys as his input to the OT. Also, he computes a commitment \(c_1\) to his input and another commitment \(c_2\) to 0 which will prove to be useful for the simulator. He then computes a WI proof that he computed the commitment \(c_1\) correctly, ran the OT algorithm correctly and computed the garbled circuit correctly. It is easy to see that the receiver, after checking the validity of the proof, can recover the garbled keys corresponding to his input using the OT and evaluate the garbled circuit to obtain the output of the function. The trapdoor statement in the WI proof will basically say that the prover knows the pre-image to the output of the \(\mathsf {OWF}\) and the commitment \(c_2\) is a commitment to this pre-image. Notice that we don’t need the full expressiveness of the zero knowledge property. It is enough to have just witness indistinguishability and the simulator against a malicious receiver, just extracts the pre-image of the one-way function \(\mathsf {OWF}\) and uses the trapdoor statement to prove that the pre-image is correct.

Similar to the proof of the zero knowledge protocol, the key tool in order to prove security is complexity leveraging. The main obstacle we face is very similar to the one faced in the case of the zero knowledge protocol. In particular, for proving security against a malicious receiver, we will need to break the chooser’s security of the OT protocol and then reduce the security of our protocol to the hiding of the commitment scheme. Therefore, we will need \(T_1<T\). However, to prove security against a malicious sender, we will require that \(T<T_1\), following a similar argument as in the case of the soundness of the zero knowledge protocol. As in the case of our zero knowledge protocol, we fix this issue by considering an intermediate hybrid where non-uniform advice can provide key information embedded in the malicious receiver’s fixed first message. This advice allows us to consider experiments that do not incur the running time needed to actually extract the information that was present in the first message of the receiver.

2 Preliminaries

Let \(\lambda \) denote the security parameter. We say that a function is negligible in the security parameter \(\lambda \), if it is asymptotically smaller than the inverse of any fixed polynomial. Otherwise, the function is said to be non-negligible in \(\lambda \). We say that an event happens with overwhelming probability if it happens with a probability \(p(\lambda ) = 1-\nu (\lambda )\) where \(\nu (\lambda )\) is a negligible function of \(\lambda \). In this section, we define the primitives studied in this paper. We will start by defining a weaker indistinguishability based notion for oblivious transfer and then subsequently describe the simulation based notion for general functionalities.

We write \(y = A(x;r)\) when the algorithm A on input x and randomness r, outputs y. We write \(y \leftarrow A(x)\) for the process of picking r at random and setting \(y = A(x;r)\). We also write \(y \leftarrow S\) for sampling y uniformly at random from the set S. Some more primitives are defined in the full version.

Weak OT. In this paper, we consider a 1-out-of-2 Oblivious Transfer protocol (similar to [2, 27, 38]) where one party, the sender, has input composed of two strings \((M_0, M_1)\) and the input of the second party, the chooser, is a bit c. The chooser should learn \(M_{c}\) and nothing regarding \(M_{1-c}\) while the sender should gain no information about c. We give a definition for the setting where the sender is protected information theoretically while the chooser is protected only computationally.

Definition 1

(Weak OT). The chooser runs the algorithm \(\mathsf {OT}_1\) which takes \(1^\lambda \) and a choice bit \(c \in \{0,1\}\) as input and outputs \((\mathsf {ot}_1, state)\). Chooser then sends \(\mathsf {ot}_1\) to the sender, who obtains \(\mathsf {ot}_2\) by evaluating \(\mathsf {OT}_2(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {ot}_1, M_0, M_1)\), where \(M_0\) and \(M_1\) (such that \(M_0, M_1 \in \{0,1\}^{\lambda }\)) are its inputs. The sender then sends \(\mathsf {ot}_2\) to the chooser who obtains \(M_c\) by evaluating \(\mathsf {OT}_3(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {ot}_2, state)\).

  • Perfect correctness. For every choice bit \(c \in \{0,1\}\) of the chooser and input messages \(M_0\) and \(M_1\) of the sender we require that, if \((\mathsf {ot}_1,state) \leftarrow \mathsf {OT}_1(1^\lambda ,c)\), \(\mathsf {ot}_2 \leftarrow \mathsf {OT}_2(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {ot}_1, M_0, M_1)\), then \(\mathsf {OT}_3(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {ot}_2,state) = M_c\) with probability 1. We speak of statistical correctness if this probability is overwhelming in \(\lambda \).

  • Chooser’s security. We require that for every non-uniform polynomial-time adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), \(|\mathrm {Pr} [\mathcal {A}(\mathsf {OT}_1(1^\lambda ,0)) = 1] -\mathrm {Pr} [\mathcal {A}(\mathsf {OT}_1(1^\lambda ,1)) = 1]|\) is negligible in \(\lambda \).

    We speak of T-chooser’s security if the above condition holds against all non-uniform adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\) running in time \(T\cdot \mathsf {poly} (\lambda )\).

  • Statistical sender’s security. We define an unboundedFootnote 1 time extractor \(\mathsf {OTExt}\) such that \(\mathsf {OTExt}\) on any input \(\mathsf {ot}_1\) outputs 0 if there exists some random coins such that \(\mathsf {OT}_1(1^\lambda ,0)\) outputs \(\mathsf {ot}_1\), and 1 otherwise.

    Then for any value of \(\mathsf {ot}_1\), and any \(K_0,K_1,L_0,L_1\) with \(K_{\mathsf {OTExt}(\mathsf {ot}_1)}=L_{\mathsf {OTExt}(\mathsf {ot}_1)}\), we have that \(\mathsf {OT}_2(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {ot}_1,K_0,K_1)\) and \(\mathsf {OT}_2(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {ot}_1,L_0,L_1)\) are statistically indistinguishable. We speak of computational sender’s security if for all non-uniform polynomial time adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\) we have that \(|\mathrm {Pr} [\mathcal {A}(\mathsf {OT}_2(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {ot}_1,K_0,K_1))= 1] - \mathrm {Pr} [\mathcal {A}(\mathsf {OT}_2(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {ot}_1,L_0,L_1)) = 1]|\) is negligible in \(\lambda \).

T-secure Weak OT. Finally, we define T-secure Weak OT to be a Weak OT protocol with T-chooser’s security. Note that we can claim that any Weak OT protocol with chooser’s security based on a set of assumptions \(\varUpsilon \), is also a T-secure Weak OT protocol if each assumption in \(\varUpsilon \) is additionally assumed to be secure against all non-uniform adversaries running in time \(T\cdot \mathsf {poly} (\lambda )\). Note that this additionally relies on the fact that the security reduction for proving chooser’s security of the underlying protocol is tight up to a multiplicative polynomial factor, in the security parameter.

Naor-Pinkas and Aiello et al. [2, 38] provided a construction of a Weak OT protocol based on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. Subsequently, Halevi and Kalai [27] provided an instantiation based on any smooth projective hash function. Further, note that the above definition is not a simulation-based definition but rather an indistinguishability-based one. Although it is a meaningful notion and is sufficient for some applications, it is still weaker than the simulation-based (described next) notion.

Two Message Secure Computation via super-polynomial simulation. The simulation-based definition compares the “real world,” where the parties (the sender and the receiver) execute the protocol, to an “ideal world,” where no message is exchanged between the parties; rather, there is a trusted party that takes an input from both parties, computes the output of the functionality on these inputs, and sends the corresponding output to each party. Loosely speaking, the simulation (resp., super-polynomial simulation)-based definition asserts that for every efficient adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) (controlling either the sender or the receiver) in the real world there exists an efficient (resp., super-polynomial) simulator \(\mathcal {S}\), controlling the same party in the “ideal world,” so that the outputs of the parties in the ideal world are computationally indistinguishable from their outputs in the real world. In particular, the simulator \(\mathcal {S}\) needs to simulate the view of the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) in a computationally indistinguishable manner.

Next, we formally define a Two Message Secure Computation protocol \(\langle S,R\rangle \), between a sender S with input x and a receiver R with input y. The receiver should learn f(xy) and nothing elseFootnote 2 while the sender should gain no information about y. More formally we will define this notion by comparing a two-round realization in the real-world with an ideal world scenario.

Real World. A Two Message Secure Computation protocol \(\langle S,R\rangle \) is defined by three probabilistic algorithms \((\textsf {NISC}_1,\textsf {NISC}_2,\textsf {NISC}_3)\) as follows. The receiver runs the algorithm \(\textsf {NISC}_1\) which takes the receiver’s input \(y \in \{0,1\}^{\lambda }\) as input and outputs \((\textsf {nisc}_1, state)\). The receiver then sends \(\textsf {nisc}_1\) to the sender, who obtains \(\textsf {nisc}_2\) by evaluating \(\textsf {NISC}_2(\textsf {nisc}_1, x)\), where \(x\in \{0,1\}^{\lambda }\) is the sender’s input.Footnote 3 The sender then sends \(\textsf {nisc}_2\) to the receiver who obtains f(xy) by evaluating \(\textsf {NISC}_3(\textsf {nisc}_2, state)\).

At the onset of the computation the real world adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) corrupting either the sender S or the receiver R, receives some auxiliary information z. Next, the computation proceeds as described above where the honest party sends messages as prescribed by the protocol and the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) sends arbitrary messages on behalf on the corrupted party. At the end of the computation the uncorrupted party outputs whatever is specified in the protocol. The corrupted party outputs any arbitrary PPT function of the view of \(\mathcal {A}\). The overall output of the real-world experiment consists of all the values output by all parties at the end of the protocol, and this random variable is denoted by \(\mathsf {REAL}_{\mathcal {A}}^{\langle S,R\rangle }(1^k,x, y, z)\). Let \(\mathsf {REAL}_{\mathcal {A}}^{\langle S,R\rangle }\) denote the ensemble \(\{\mathsf {REAL}_{\mathcal {A}}^{\langle S,R\rangle }(1^k,x,y, z)\}_{k \in \mathbb {N},x,y \in \{0,1\}^\lambda , z\in \{0,1\}^*}\).

Ideal World. In the ideal world experiment, the sender S and the receiver R interact with a trusted party for computing a function \(f: \{0,1\}^\lambda \times \{0,1\}^\lambda \rightarrow \{0,1\}^\lambda \). The ideal world computation in presence of the ideal world adversary \(\mathcal {S}\) corrupting either the sender S or the receiver R, and an (incorruptible) trusted party \(\mathcal {F}\), proceeds as follows. First, as in the real-life model, \(\mathcal {S}\) gets auxiliary information z. Next, the ideal world adversary \(\mathcal {S}\) generates any arbitrary input on behalf of the corrupted party, which it sends to the trusted party \(\mathcal {F}\). The honest party sends its input to the trusted party \(\mathcal {F}\). At this point the ideal functionality evaluates the output and sends it to the receiver. The honest receiver outputs this value. The adversarial receiver \(\mathcal {S}\) outputs an arbitrary value. Note that \(\mathcal {S}\) is allowed to run in super-polynomial time. In this work, we will focus by default on simulators running in quasi-polynomial time - i.e. \(n^{\mathsf {poly} (\log (n))}\) where n is the security parameter. (See Definition 6 in [39] for a definition of quasi-polynomial simulation in the context of zero-knowledge protocols.)

The ideal world output consists of all the values output by all parties at the end of the protocol. We denote this random variable by \(\mathsf {IDEAL}_{\mathcal {S}}^{\mathcal {F}}(1^k,x, y, z)\) and \(\mathsf {IDEAL}_{\mathcal {S}}^{\mathcal {F}}\) denotes the ensemble \(\{\mathsf {IDEAL}_{\mathcal {S}}^{\mathcal {F}}(1^k,x,y, z)\}_{k \in \mathbb {N},x,y \in \{0,1\}^\lambda , z\in \{0,1\}^*}\).

Equivalence of Computations. Informally, we require that executing a protocol \(\langle S,R\rangle \) in the real world roughly emulates the ideal process for evaluating f.

Definition 2

Let f be any polynomial time computable function on two inputs and let \(\langle S,R\rangle \) be a protocol between a sender S and a receiver R. We say that \(\langle S,R\rangle \) two-message securely evaluates f if for every PPT real world adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) there exists an ideal world adversary \(\mathcal {S}\), such that \(\mathsf {REAL}_{\mathcal {A}}^{\langle S,R\rangle } {\mathop {\approx }\limits ^{c}} \mathsf {IDEAL}_{\mathcal {S}}^\mathcal {F}\).

Stricter Simulation. As described above the ideal world adversary is allowed to execute in super-polynomial time. We will consider a stricter notion of simulation under which a simulator is allowed to execute in super-polynomial time prior to its interaction with the ideal functionality. The simulator is subsequently restricted to be polynomial time. We discuss this more formally in the full version.

In the full version, we define the notion of Two Message Secure Computation for two specific functionalities, namely, zero-knowledge and Parallel OT.

3 Difficulties in Constructing Two Message Secure Computation Protocols

Goldreich and Oren [23] showed that it is impossible to construct 2-round zero-knowledge arguments for languages outside BPP. As explained in [13], this result extends in a straightforward manner to show the impossibility of constructing 2-round T-zero-knowledgeFootnote 4 arguments for T-hard languages, that are sound against cheating provers running in time \(T\cdot \mathsf {poly} (\lambda )\). More recent works [12, 13] gave a black-box impossibility result ruling out 2-round zero-knowledge sound against polynomial-time cheating provers (based on T-hard falsifiable assumptions). Note that since Two Message Secure Computation for OT implies 2-round zero-knowledge arguments we can obtain analogous impossibility results for Two Message Secure Computation for OT. It is also interesting to note that the positive result for Two Message Secure Computation for OT obtained in this paper assume that the underlying assumption is \(T'\)-hard for \(T'\) that is strictly more than the running time of the distinguisher. Thus, these results are essentially tight.

The aforementioned impossibility result only rules out black-box reductions to falsifiable assumptions. As a starting point, based on the premise that known instances of Weak OT protocols such as [2, 27, 38] are not known to be susceptible to any attacks in the simulation setting, one may conjecture that that in fact all Weak OT protocols can be proven secure under a simulation based definition when unbounded simulation is allowed and we are willing to make strong (possibly non-falsifiable) assumptions.

In fact, it is argued in [27] (Sect. 3) that any Weak OT protocol provides simulation-based security in the standard sense for the case of a malicious sender, assuming that the simulator is allowed to reset the sender. This is argued as follows. The simulator (who does not know the choice bit of the actual receiver) simulates the (honest) receiver first with choice bit \(b = 0\), and then it resets the sender and simulates the honest receiver with choice bit \(b = 1\). This way the simulator extracts both messages \(M_0\) and \(M_1\) from the corrupted sender. It then gives \((M_0, M_1)\) to the trusted party. Then the simulator uses the view of the cheating sender in the first execution (with the choice-bit \(b = 0\)). They argue that this view is indistinguishable from the “real world” view based on the receiver’s security of the Weak OT protocol, and from the fact that the sender does not receive any output from the trusted party. On the other hand, they argue that Weak OT does not give standard simulation-based guarantee in the case that the receiver is corrupted, because a malicious receiver is not guaranteed to “know its own choice bit b,” and therefore the simulator does not know which input bit to send to the trusted party. However, they point out that this does guarantee an exponential time simulation of the receiver’s view of the interaction.

Note that the argument from [27] is only applicable when the view of a cheating sender or the view of a cheating receiver is considered by itself. We show that if (as per standard definitions) joint distributions of the outputs of both parties are considered, then proving simulation based security for a Weak OT protocol even when unbounded simulation is allowed is very problematic. We demonstrate this by constructing a protocol that can be proved to be Weak OT under reasonable assumptions but suffers for a real attack under a simulation based definition. In particular, we show a malicious sender strategy such that even a single instance of execution of the protocol with a malicious sender can not be simulated by any unbounded simulator.

The protocol that we construct is only a slight modification of known protocols [2, 38] and highlights at the very least, the obstacles that we face even in proving security of specific protocols. We start by recalling the ElGamal encryption scheme abstractly. Let G be a multiplicative subgroup of \(Z_q^*\) of order p, where p and q are primes and p is of length \(\lambda \) that divides \(q-1\). Let g be the generator of this group G. The public key for ElGamal encryption is generated by sampling \(x\leftarrow Z_p^*\) and setting the public key to be (pqgh) where \(h = g^x\). The encryption procedure Enc((pqgh), m) is defined follows: Choose \(r\in \mathbb {Z}_p^*\) and output \((g^r, m \cdot h^{r})\). The decryption procedure Dec((uv), x) outputs \(\frac{v}{u^x}\). Let \(e(\cdot )\) be some invertible encoding function mapping \(Z_p\) to G. Then circular security of ElGamal implies that the encryption scheme remains semantically secure even when an encryption of e(x) is given to the adversary. In particular semantic security is preserved when Enc((pqgh), e(x)) is included in the public key. As pointed out in [?], it is unlikely that it would follow from the DDH assumption.

Lemma 1

Assuming that ElGamal is circularly secure, there exists a Weak OT protocol and a real world cheating sender \(S^*\) strategy for this protocol such that it can not be simulated by any (unbounded) ideal world simulator.


We will start by giving the protocol. The protocol used in our counter example is very similar to the DDH based Weak OT protocols from [2, 38]. The only difference being that our protocol includes an encryption E of e(a) along with its first message. This value is not used by the protocol itself but however will be useful for the malicious sender that we will construct.

  1. 1.

    \((\mathsf {ot}_1, state) \leftarrow \mathsf {OT}_1(c)\): Sample \(a, b \leftarrow \mathbb {Z}_p\). Compute \(x:= g^a\), \(y := g^b\), \(z := g^{ab+c}\) and \(E= (g^r, e(a)\cdot g^{br})\). The output \(\mathsf {ot}_1\) is then the tuple (xyzE).

  2. 2.

    \(\mathsf {ot}_2 \leftarrow \mathsf {OT}_2(\mathsf {ot}_1, M_0, M_1)\): sample \(t_0, s_0, t_1, s_1 \leftarrow \mathbb {Z}_p\). For each \(i \in \{0,1\}\), compute \(w_i:= x^{s_i} g^{t_i}\) and \(u_i := \left( z\cdot g^{-i}\right) ^{s_i} y^{t_i} M_i\). The output \(\mathsf {ot}_2\) is then the tuple \((w_0, u_0, w_1, u_1)\).

  3. 3.

    \(\mathsf {OT}_3(\mathsf {ot}_2, state)\): Compute \(M_c\) as \(u_{c} \cdot w_{c}^{-b}\).

The above protocol is a Weak OT protocol. The argument follows directly from the proof of [2, 38] except that in our case the chooser’s security will be based on the circular security of ElGamal.

We will now provide an attack that specifies a particular cheating strategy for a malicious sender (in a single instance of execution of the protocol) that can not be simulated by any unbounded simulator. In particular we will provide an efficient malicious sender strategy such that for every unbounded simulator we have that the joint distributions of the sender’s view and the receiver’s output in the real world and the ideal world are efficiently distinguishable.

Our cheating sender proceeds as follows: On receiving the message (xyzE) it proceeds by setting \(\mathsf {ot}_2\) to be the tuple (EE). On receiving this message R, regardless of the value of b, outputs e(a). Note that in the real world the joint distribution of the view of the sender and the output of the honest receiver ((xyzE), e(a)) is sufficient for the distinguisher to efficiently compute the input of the honest receiver. The distinguisher computes the honest receiver’s input c as follows:

  • Given : (xyzEa)

  • Compute \(g^{ab}\) as \(y^a\). (since \(y=g^b\))

  • Then, compute c as \(\frac{z}{g^{ab}}\) (since \(z=g^{ab+c}\)).

However no unbounded simulator can simulate this distribution in the ideal world.

The protocol used in describing the above attack is a simple modification of the Naor-Pinkas/Aiello-Ishai-Reingold protocol where the honest receiver with its first message includes an encryption of the secret key. It is reasonable to assume that ElGamal is indeed circularly secure. Furthermore if it was possible to efficiently obtain an encryption of the secret key given the public key then the counterexample presented above would extend to the Naor-Pinkas/Aiello-Ishai-Reingold protocol. We do not believe that such a procedure exists. But it seems likely that the existence of such a procedure that efficiently concocts an encryption of the secret key can not be ruled out under the DDH assumption alone. Based on this conjecture we can claim that Naor-Pinkas/Aiello-Ishai-Reingold protocol can not be proved secure with an unbounded simulator under the DDH assumption. We stress that we do not make any of these speculative assumptions elsewhere in the paper. We use them here just to possibly explain obstacles in coming up with proofs for known protocols under reasonable assumptions.

4 Zero-Knowledge from Weak OT

In the following two sections, we will prove that a secure realization of T-secure Weak OT protocol (Weak OT with T-chooser’s security), where T is an appropriate super-polynomial function in the security parameter, suffices for realizing Two Message Secure Computation for any functionality. We will provide this construction in two steps. First, in this section, we will show that a T-secure Weak OT protocol suffices for constructing a Two Message Secure Computation protocol for the zero-knowledge functionality. In the next section, we will show that zero-knowledge and Weak OT suffice for realizing Two Message Secure Computation for any functionality.

Before we describe the protocol, let’s list the primitives used. Let \(T,T_1\) be some super-polynomial functions in the security parameter \(\lambda \) with \(T<T_1\).


  • \((\mathsf {OT}_1,\mathsf {OT}_2,\mathsf {OT}_3)\) be functions corresponding to a T-secure Weak OT protocol. That is, it is secure against all adversaries running in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)), but can be broken by adversaries running in time \(T_1\).poly(\(\lambda \)).

  • \(\mathcal {C}= (\mathsf {Com},\mathsf {Open})\) be a non-interactive T-extractable commitment scheme with non-uniform hiding. (see the full version for definition).

The construction of the protocol appears in Fig. 1.

Notation for (Modified) Blum’s Hamiltonicity Protocol.

  • The distribution \(\mathcal {D}(\cdot ,\cdot )\) on input x and witness w generates \((\alpha ,\gamma ^0,\gamma ^1)\) as follows. Sample \((a, b^0, b^1)\) such that a is the first message of Blum’s Hamiltonicity protocol (instantiated with commitment \(\mathcal {C}\)) and \(b^0\) and \(b^1\) are the response on challenges 0 and 1 respectively. Let \(\alpha = (a,c^0,c^1)\) where \(c^0 =\mathsf {Com}(b^0;r^0)\) and \(c^1 = \mathsf {Com}(b^1;r^1)\) and let \(\gamma ^0 = (b^0,r^0)\) and \(\gamma ^1 = (b^1,r^1)\).

  • Let \(\mathcal {V}_{Blum}\) be the (modified) verification algorithm for the Blum’s Hamiltonicity protocol. More specifically, \(\mathcal {V}_{Blum}\) on input \((x,\alpha , \beta , \gamma )\) outputs 1 if it the underlying transcript is an accepting transcript of the Blum’s Hamiltonicity protocol.

  • \(\mathcal {S}_{Blum}\) on input \((x, \beta )\) generates a simulated accepting transcript \((\alpha ,\beta ,\gamma ^0,\gamma ^1)\) such that it is computationally indistinguishable from a real transcript.

  • Finally, we will also use the extractor for Blum’s Hamiltonicity protocol, denoted by \(\mathsf {BlumExt}\). The extractor on input x, \(\alpha \), \(\gamma ^0\) and \(\gamma ^1\) outputs the Hamiltonian cycle in x or \((\bot ,\beta )\) such that for no value of \(\gamma \), \(\mathcal {V}_{Blum}(x,\alpha ,1-\beta , \gamma )=1\). The extractor \(\mathsf {BlumExt}\) runs in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Two message secure computation for zero-knowledge

Lemma 2

Assuming that \((\mathsf {OT}_1,\mathsf {OT}_2,\mathsf {OT}_3)\) is a \(2^{\lambda ^\epsilon }\)-secure Weak OT protocol and \(\mathcal {C}= (\mathsf {Com},\mathsf {Open})\) is a \(2^{\lambda ^\epsilon }\)-extractable and non-uniformly hiding non-interactiveFootnote 5 commitment scheme for some constant \(0< \epsilon < 1\), we have that the protocol \(\pi _{ZK}\) described in Fig. 1 with the parameters described above is a two message zero-knowledge argument for NP with quasi-polynomial simulation.

This lemma immediately implies the following theorem.

Theorem 4

Two round protocols for the zero-knowledge functionality with quasi-polynomial simulation can be based on sub-exponentially hard Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption.

4.1 Security Proof

The correctness of the scheme follows from the correctness of Blum’s Hamiltonicity protocol. We will now give proofs for the simulation of the prover (argument of knowledge) and of the verifier (zero-knowledge).

Remark: In the security proofs in this section and the next, the simulator will run in time \(T_1\cdot \mathsf {poly} (\lambda )\). Notice that when we instantiate the primitives, \(T = 2^{\lambda ^\epsilon }\) and \(T_1 = 2^\lambda \). This corresponds to an exponential time simulator whereas we require the simulator to only run in quasi-polynomial time. We will use the standard trick of using a smaller security parameter to address this. Let \(\lambda = \log ^2(k)\). We will now use k as the security parameter in our protocols. Note that the assumptions are still sub-exponentially secure with respect to \(\lambda \). However, the simulator now runs in time \(2^{\log ^2(k)} = k^{\log (k)}\) which is quasi-polynomial in the security parameter k.

Argument of Knowledge. First, we note that arguing argument of knowledge also implicitly captures soundness of the protocol. In order to argue the argument of knowledge property, we need to construct an extractor \(\mathsf {Ext}\) with the following property: we require that for any PPT malicious prover \(\mathsf {P}^*\) such that \((\mathsf {zk}_{2}, x^*)\leftarrow \mathsf {P}^*(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {zk}_{1})\) and \(\mathsf {ZK}_{3}(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {zk}_{2},x^*, \mathsf {zkst}) = 1\) where \((\mathsf {zk}_{1},\mathsf {zkst})\leftarrow \mathsf {ZK}_{1}(1^\lambda )\) we have that the extractor algorithm \(\mathsf {Ext}\) running in time \(T\cdot \mathsf {poly} (\lambda )\) on input \((\mathsf {zk}_{2},x^*, \mathsf {zkst})\) outputs a Hamiltonian cycle in the graph \(x^*\). The extractor is described in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Extraction strategy against a malicious prover

Now we will argue that this extraction procedure described above successfully extracts a cycle in \(x^*\) with overwhelming probability. We will prove this by reaching a contradiction. Lets assume that there exists a PPT cheating prover \(\mathsf {P}^*\) such that it succeeds in generating accepting proofs even though the extraction of the witness fails. More formally, lets \(\mathsf {P}^*\) be a PPT adversary such that, \(\epsilon = \mathrm {Pr} [\mathsf {ZK}_{3}(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {zk}_{2},x^*, \mathsf {zkst}) = 1 \bigwedge \mathsf {Ext}(\mathsf {zk}_{2},x^*, \mathsf {zkst}) = \bot : (\mathsf {zk}_{1},\mathsf {zkst})\leftarrow \mathsf {ZK}_{1}(1^\lambda ), (\mathsf {zk}_{2}, x^*)\leftarrow \mathsf {P}^*(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {zk}_{1})]\) is non-negligible.

Then we will use such an adversarial prover \(P^*\) and construct an adversary contradicting T-chooser’s security of the Weak OT protocol. We proceed with the following hybrids:

  • \(H_0\): This is the real game with the guarantee that \(\epsilon \) is non-negligible.

  • \(H_1\): Recall than in \(H_0\) \(\mathsf {ZK}_{3}\) outputs 1 only if \(\mathcal {V}_{Blum}(x,\alpha _i, \beta _i, \gamma _i^{\beta _i}) = 1\) for every \(i \in [\lambda ]\). In \(H_1\) we modify \(\mathsf {ZK}_{3}\) and denote it by \(\mathsf {ZK}_{3}'\). \(\mathsf {ZK}_{3}'\) samples a random subset \(S\subset [\lambda ]\) such that \(|S| = (\lambda -1)\) and check \(\mathcal {V}_{Blum}(x,\alpha _i, \beta _i, \gamma _i^{\beta _i}) = 1\) for all \(i \in S\) (as opposed to all \(i \in [\lambda ]\)). We have that, \(\mathrm {Pr} [\mathsf {ZK}_{3}'(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {zk}_{2},x^*, \mathsf {zkst}) = 1 \bigwedge \mathsf {Ext}(\mathsf {zk}_{2},x^*, \mathsf {zkst}) = \bot : (\mathsf {zk}_{1},\mathsf {zkst})\leftarrow \mathsf {ZK}_{1}(1^\lambda ), (\mathsf {zk}_{2}, x^*)\leftarrow P^*(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {zk}_{1})]\) is at least \(\epsilon \).

Let \(R\subseteq [\lambda ]\backslash S\), be a set such that \(j \in R\) if \(\mathcal {V}_{Blum}(x,\alpha _j, \beta _j, \gamma _j^{\beta _j}) = 1\). Clearly, \(0 \le |R| \le 1\) since there is only one index not in S. Further, let E be the event such that \(|R|=1\). Now, its easy to see that the only way |R| could be 0 is if the malicious prover \(\mathsf {P}^*\) was able to guess S correctly. This can happen with probability at most \(\frac{1}{\lambda }\) (i.e. probability that \(\mathsf {P}^*\) correctly guesses which random index was not part of S). Therefore, \(\mathrm {Pr} [\lnot E] = \frac{1}{\lambda }\) and so, \(\mathrm {Pr} [E] = (1 - \frac{1}{\lambda })\). That is, probability that the other index not part of set S belongs to set R is at least \((1 - \frac{1}{\lambda })\).

Using this malicious prover \(\mathsf {P}^*\), we will construct an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) that contradicts the T-chooser’s security of the Weak OT protocol. Note that commitments can be broken in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)) but the chooser’s bit in the OT protocol is assumed to be secure against adversaries running in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)). The adversary \({\mathcal A} \) obtains an external challenge \(\mathsf {OT}_1(b)\) for a random \(b \in \{0,1\}\), and it needs to guess b. It does the following:

  • Invoke \(\mathsf {P}^*\) and embed the challenge in one of the random locations \(i^* \leftarrow [\lambda ]\). That is, as part of the first message of the verifier, for index \(i^*\), set the external challenge \(\mathsf {OT}_1(b)\) as \(\mathsf {ot}_{1,i^*}\) and \(state_{i^*} = i^*\). For all other indices \(i \in [\lambda ]\), choose a random bit \(\beta _i\) and compute \((\mathsf {ot}_{1,i},state_i) \leftarrow \mathsf {OT}_1(\beta _i)\).

  • Set \(\mathsf {zkst}:= \{state_i\}_{i \in [\lambda ]}\) and send \(\mathsf {zk}_{1} = \{\mathsf {ot}_{1,i}\}_{i \in [\lambda ]}\).

  • Obtain the message \(\mathsf {zk}_{2}\) from \(\mathsf {P}^*\) and run the algorithm \(\mathsf {ZK}_{3}'\) on input \((1^\lambda ,x^*,\mathsf {zk}_{2},\mathsf {zkst})\) using the random set S to be \([\lambda ]\backslash \{i^*\}\).

  • If the algorithm \(\mathsf {ZK}_{3}'\) outputs 0 then \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a random bit.

  • On the other hand if \(\mathsf {ZK}_{3}'\) outputs 1, similar to the extractor described above, \({\mathcal A} \) first runs \(\mathsf {ComExt}\) to extract \(\gamma _{i^*}^0\) and \(\gamma _{i^*}^1\). Then, it outputs \(b'\) where \((\bot ,b')\) is the output of \(\mathsf {BlumExt}\) on input \((\alpha ^*_i,\gamma _{i^*}^0,\gamma _{i^*}^1)\).


When \(\mathsf {ZK}_{3}'\) outputs 0 (which happens with probability \(1-\epsilon \)) then \(\mathcal {A}\)’s guess about b will be correct with probability at least \(\frac{1}{2}\). On the other hand when \(\mathsf {ZK}_{3}'\) outputs 1, we will have that with probability at least \((1-\frac{1}{\lambda })\) \(i^* \in R\) and hence \(b'\) where \((\bot ,b')\) is the output of \(\mathsf {BlumExt}\) on input \((\alpha ,\gamma _{i^*}^0,\gamma _{i^*}^1)\) will be the correct guess for b. Compiling together the two cases we have that \(\mathcal {A}\) guesses the bit b correctly with probability at least \((1-\epsilon ).1/2 + \epsilon (1-\frac{1}{\lambda }) = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\epsilon }{2} - \frac{\epsilon }{\lambda }\) which is non-negligible if \(\epsilon \) is non-negligible. This contradicts the T-chooser’s security of the OT protocol.

This completes the proof of argument of knowledge.

Zero-Knowledge. In order to show zero-knowledge (or simulating a malicious verifier \(\mathsf {V}^*\)) we need to construct a simulator \(\mathcal {S}\) satisfying Definition 2. Let’s consider a malicious verifier \(\mathsf {V}^*\) described using a pair of algorithms \((\mathsf {V}^*_1,\mathsf {V}^*_2)\). The simulation strategy is described in Fig. 3. Note that the simulator runs in time \(T_1.\)poly(\(\lambda \)).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Simulation strategy against a malicious verifier


The simulation strategy described in Fig. 3 is secure against a malicious verifier.


Using a series of hybrid arguments, we will show that the view of the malicious verifier in the ideal world is computationally indistinguishable from its view in the real world.

Let’s assume to the contrary that there exists a PPT malicious verifier \(\mathsf {V}^*=(\mathsf {V}^*_1,\mathsf {V}^*_2)\) that has a non negligible probability \(\epsilon \) of distinguishing its view in the real world from the ideal world. Let’s consider the “best possible” initial message of the verifier - i.e. the output of the algorithm \(\mathsf {V}^*_1\) that produces the highest distinguishing probability between the views in the real and ideal worlds. Let’s fix this message as the initial message \(\mathsf {zk}_{1}^*\) of the verifier. That is, consider \(\mathsf {V}^*_1\) to be a deterministic algorithm that takes as input the randomness used to output this best possible message.

Essentially, given any PPT malicious adversary \(\widehat{\mathsf {R}^*}\) that can distinguish the two views with non-negligible probability \(\epsilon \), we are transforming it into a new deterministic adversary \(\mathsf {R}^*\) such that the randomness used to produce this best possible initial message is hardwired inside it. Therefore, even \(\mathsf {R}^*\) can distinguish the two views with probability at least \(\epsilon \).

Using this malicious verifier, we can construct a non-uniform PPT adversary \({\mathcal A} \) that breaks either the hiding property of the commitment scheme or the sender’s security of the OT protocol. Note that the commitment scheme is secure against all PPT adversaries (it is only assumed to be broken by an adversary running in time T.poly(\(\lambda )\)) and the OT protocol in fact has statistical security and hence is secure against all PPT adversaries. Thus, this would lead to a contradiction. In our reduction, the non-uniform advice (or auxiliary input) given to the adversary \({\mathcal A} \) is the set of challenge bits \(\{\beta ^*_i\}_{i \in [\lambda ]}\) of the verifier \(\mathsf {V}^*_1 \) that was used to generate the fixed first message (observe that this is exactly what the simulator in the ideal world extracts in the first step by running the \(\mathsf {OTExt}\) algorithm). These challenge bits are also accessible to the second stage verifier \(\mathsf {V}^*_2\) as part of the state - \(\mathsf {zkst}\) that is output by \(\mathsf {V}^*_1\). We will now describe the reduction. \({\mathcal A} \) acts as the prover in its interaction with the malicious verifier \(\mathsf {V}^*\).

  1. 1.

    Hybrid 0: This is the real experiment where the message sent to the verifier \(\mathsf {zk}_{2}= \{\mathsf {ot}_{2,i}, \alpha _i\}_{i \in [\lambda ]}\) is computed using the algorithm \(\mathsf {ZK}_{2}(1^\lambda ,\mathsf {zk}_{1}^* ,x,w)\). Here, \(\alpha _i = (a_i,c_i^0,c_i^1)\) where \(c_i^0 =\mathsf {Com}(b_i^0;r_i^0)\), \(c_i^1 = \mathsf {Com}(b_i^1;r_i^1)\), \(\gamma _i^0 = (b_i^0,r_i^0)\) and \(\gamma _i^1 = (b_i^1,r_i^1)\). Also, \(\mathsf {ot}_{2,i} \leftarrow \mathsf {OT}_2(\mathsf {ot}_{1,i},\gamma _i^0, \gamma _i^1)\).

  2. 2.

    Hybrid 1: For each \(i \in \lambda \), compute \(\gamma _i^{(1-\beta ^*_i)} = (\bot , \bot )\).

  3. 3.

    Hybrid 2: For each \(i \in \lambda \), compute \(c_i^{(1-\beta ^*_i)} =\mathsf {Com}(\bot ;r_i^{(1-\beta ^*_i)})\). Observe that this is same as the ideal world experiment since the simulator would do exactly this: replace the entries corresponding to the positions not challenged by the verifier (i.e. positions \((1-\beta ^*_i)\)) using \(\bot \).

We defer the argument for the indistinguishability of the hybrids to the full version.

5 Two Message Secure Computation from Weak OT

In this section, we show that Weak OT together with two message witness indistinguishability gives an immediate construction of Two Message Secure Computation for the general functionality. This construction is obtained by compiling the Yao’s garbled circuit construction (see the full version for the definition) and Weak OT protocol with our zero-knowledge protocol. Note that the zero knowledge protocol from Sect. 4 already satisfies this requirement. (and gives a much stronger functionality).

Let’s consider two parties : the sender \(S\) with input x and the receiver \(R\) with input y that wish to securely compute any general function f. Before we describe the protocol, let’s list the primitives used. Let \(T,T_1\) be some super-polynomial functions in the security parameter \(\lambda \) with \(T<T_1\).


  • \((\mathsf {OT}_1,\mathsf {OT}_2,\mathsf {OT}_3)\) be functions corresponding to a T-secureWeak OT protocol. That is, its secure against all adversaries running in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)), but can be broken by adversaries running in time \(T_1\).poly(\(\lambda \)).

  • \((\mathsf {WI}_{1},\mathsf {WI}_{2},\mathsf {WI}_{3})\) be a two message secure computation protocol for the witness indistinguishability functionality. This protocol is secure against all adversaries running in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)), but can be broken by adversaries running in time \(T_1\).poly(\(\lambda \)).

  • \((\textsf {Garble}, \textsf {GCEval})\) be the algorithms corresponding to Yao’s garbled circuit construction that is secure against all adversaries running in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)), but can be broken by adversaries running in time \(T_1\).poly(\(\lambda \)).

  • \(\mathsf {com}\) be a commitment scheme that is extractable in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)).

  • let \(\mathsf {OWF}\) be a one-way function that is not invertible in time T.poly(\(\lambda \)) but can be inverted by an attacker \({\mathcal A} _{\mathsf {OWF}}\) running in time \(T_1\).poly(\(\lambda \)).

In Fig. 4 we describe the construction of our Two Message Secure Computation protocol. We will next prove its security.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Two message secure computation for a general function f

Lemma 3

If \((\mathsf {OT}_1,\mathsf {OT}_2,\mathsf {OT}_3)\) is a sub-exponentially secure Weak OT protocol, \((\mathsf {WI}_{1},\mathsf {WI}_{2},\mathsf {WI}_{3})\) is a sub-exponentially secure two message witness indistinguishable argument for NP and sub-exponentially secure one-way functions exist, the protocol presented in Fig. 4 with the parameters described above is a Two Message Secure Computation protocol with quasi-polynomial simulation for any general function.

This lemma immediately implies the following theorem.

Theorem 5

Two Message Secure Computation protocols with quasi-polynomial simulation for general functionalities can be based on any of the following sub-exponential assumptions: (1) Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption; (2) Quadratic Residuosity Assumption; (3) \(N^{th}\) Residuosity Assumption; or (4) Witness Encryption (together with one-to-one one-way functions).

We can easily transform the above protocol to a setting where both parties are required to receive outputs by adding an extra round. Now, for the special case of coin tossing, we get the following corollary:

Corollary 3

Three round secure coin tossing protocols with quasi-polynomial simulation can be based on any of the following sub-exponential assumptions: (1) Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption; (2) Quadratic Residuosity Assumption; (3) \(N^{th}\) Residuosity Assumption; or (4) Witness Encryption (together with one-to-one one-way functions).

In order to get better efficiency we can use the Two Message Secure Computation protocol in Fig. 4 and obtain a protocol (Parallel OT) for realizing the functionality that allows for \(\mathsf {poly} (\lambda )\)-parallel oblivious transfer invocations. We can then use this protocol in order to instantiate the protocols of Ishai et al. [31, 33].

We defer the proof to the full version.

6 Weak OT from High Rate Semi-honest OT

In this section, we first give a generic construction of two message Weak OT from any high rate two message semi-honest OT.


As defined earlier, let \(\lambda \) be the security parameter. Consider a sender \({\mathcal S} \) with inputs \({\mathsf m} _0,{\mathsf m} _1 \in \{0,1\}^n\) where \(n = \mathsf {poly} (\lambda )\) and a receiver \({\mathcal R} \) with choice bit \(\mathsf {b} \) who wish to run a Weak OT protocol. Let \(\mathsf {OT}^{sh}= (\mathsf {OT}^{sh}_1,\mathsf {OT}^{sh}_2,\mathsf {OT}^{sh}_3)\) be a two message semi-honest secure OT protocol with high rate c (\({>}0.5\)). The rate of the OT protocol is defined as the ratio of the size of one of the sender’s input strings to the size of the sender’s message. That is, \(\mathsf {rate} = \frac{|{\mathsf m} _0|}{| \mathsf {OT}^{sh}_2({\mathsf m} _0,{\mathsf m} _1,\mathsf {OT}^{sh}_1(\mathsf {b}))|}\). Let \(\mathsf {Ext}:\{\,0,1\,\}^{s} \times \{\,0,1\,\}^d \rightarrow \{\,0,1\,\}^n\) be a \((k,\epsilon )\) strong seeded randomness extractor (defined in the full version), where \(s =\frac{c}{2c-1}\cdot (n+2\) \(\log (1/\epsilon ))\), \(d = s\) and \(k = (n+2\) \(\log (1/\epsilon ))\) for any \(\epsilon = 2^{-\lambda }\). Recall that we know how to construct such a strong seeded extractor using the Leftover Hash Lemma [30]. We prove the following theorem.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Weak OT from semi-honest OT

Theorem 6

Assuming \(\mathsf {OT}^{sh}= (\mathsf {OT}^{sh}_1,\mathsf {OT}^{sh}_2,\mathsf {OT}^{sh}_3)\) is a high rate (\({>}0.5\)) two message semi-honest OT protocol, the protocol in Fig. 5 with the parameters described above is a Weak OT protocol.

We defer the proof to the full version.

6.1 Weak OT from High Rate Linear Homomorphic Encryption

In this section, we describe the construction of two message semi-honest OT from any linear homomorphic encryption as in [32]. Let \(\mathsf {LHE}=(\mathsf {Setup},\mathsf {Enc},\mathsf {Dec},\mathsf {Add},\mathsf {Const.Mul})\) be any linear homomorphic encryption scheme (defined in the full version). We prove the following theorem.

Theorem 7

Assuming \(\mathsf {LHE}\) is a high rate (\({>}0.5\)) linear homomorphic encryption scheme, the protocol in Fig. 6 is a high rate (\({>}0.5\)) two message semi-honest OT protocol.

We defer the proof to the full version.

Finally, as a corollary of the Theorems 6 and 7, we get a construction of Weak OT from any high rate linear homomorphic encryption scheme. Formally:

Fig. 6.
figure 6

\(\mathsf {OT}^{sh}\) from linear homomorphic encryption

Corollary 4

High rate (\({>}0.5\)) linear homomorphic encryption implies Weak OT.

6.2 Weak OT from \(N^{th}\) Residuosity Assumption

Finally, we instantiate the high rate linear homomorphic encryption scheme using a construction where the size of the ciphertext is \(\lambda \) more than the size of the plaintext. Such an encryption scheme can be built based on the \(\mathsf {N^{th}}\) Residuosity Assumption [14, 32]. As a result, we get the following corollary:

Corollary 5

The \(\mathsf {N^{th}}\) Residuosity Assumption implies Weak OT.

An earlier construction of Weak OTbased on the \(N^{th}\) Residuosity Assumption appeared in [27]. In that construction, they first construct Weak OT from any smooth projective hash function which is then instantiated based on the \(N^{th}\) Residuosity Assumption using a complex transformation. Our construction and analysis are arguably simpler.

7 Weak OT from Witness Encryption

We defer the details of this section to the full version. Formally, we show the following lemma:

Lemma 4

Assuming injective one-way functions exist and a non-uniform witness encryption scheme exists, there exists a secure Weak OT protocol.