1 Introduction

Following calls from major national security and standardization agencies, the next cryptographic standards will have to be “post-quantum secure”, namely they will have to rely on computational problems that will (at least to the best of our knowledge) remain hard for quantum computers. Several directions are currently explored for post-quantum cryptography, including lattice-based cryptography, code-based cryptography, multivariate cryptography, hash-based cryptography and most recently cryptography based on isogeny problems. The latter are appealing for their mathematical elegance but also for the relatively small key sizes compared to other post-quantum candidates.

The interest in isogeny problems as potential cryptographic building blocks is relatively new, and there has therefore not been much cryptanalytic work on them. The most established isogeny problem is the endomorphism ring computation problem, which was already considered by Kohel in his PhD thesis [12]. In the supersingular case this problem is (heuristically at least) equivalent to the problem of computing an isogeny between two randomly chosen curves [15], and it remains exponential time even for quantum algorithms today.

The supersingular key exchange protocol of Jao-De Feo [11] and the encryption scheme and signature schemes that are derived from it [7, 9, 24] rely on variants of these problems, where special primes and relatively small degree isogenies are used. More importantly for this paper, the attacker is also provided with the image by the isogeny of a large torsion group, in addition to the origin and image curves. Although it was observed that this additional information could a priori make the problems easier, all security evaluations against passive attacks were based on a meet-in-the-middle strategy that makes no use at all of it.

1.1 Contributions

In this paper, we study the impact of revealing the images of torsion points on the hardness of isogeny problems. We provide new techniques to successively exploit this additional information and improve on the best previous attacks, namely meet-in-the-middle attacks (see Sect. 2). Among other results, these techniques lead to polynomial-time algorithms to compute isogenies between two curves \(E_0\) and \(E_1\) assuming

  1. 1.

    Some non scalar endomorphisms of \(E_0\) are known and/or are of small degree.

  2. 2.

    The images of \(N_2\) torsion points are revealed, where \(N_2\) is significantly larger than the degree of the isogeny \(N_1\).

So far our techniques do not invalidate the parameters proposed in the original protocol (where \(N_1\approx N_2\)). However, we describe two natural variants, which we call unbalanced variant and optimal degree variant, which can be attacked by our methods in plausible attack scenarios. We believe these generalizations are of independent interest, as they have some advantages over the original protocol when appropriate parameters are chosen.

Our main contribution in this paper is our new attack techniques. We illustrate their potential with the following results:

  1. 1.

    (Sect. 3.) A nearly square root speedup on the problem of computing an endomorphism of a supersingular elliptic curve of a certain degree, when provided with some torsion point images through this endomorphism.

  2. 2.

    (Sect. 4.4.) A polynomial time key recovery attack on our optimal degree variant, provided \(N_2>N_1^4\) and \(E_0\) is “special” (such special curves were suggested in previous implementations [4, 7] for efficiency reasons).

  3. 3.

    (Sect. 4.5.) A polynomial time key recovery attack on both variants, provided \(\log N_2=O(\log ^2 N_1) \) and \(E_0\) has a small degree non scalar endomorphism.

These attacks show that (at least some) isogeny problems are easier to solve when the images of torsion points through the isogeny are revealed. Some of these attacks require further assumptions on \(N_2\); we refer to the next sections for details. We provide a heuristic analysis for all these attacks. The heuristics used involve factorization patterns and other properties of integers of particular forms appearing in our algorithms, which we treat as random numbers of the same size. For the first two attacks these heuristics are very plausible, and we believe that they can either be proved or made unnecessary (though any of those options would require significant work). For the third attack they are still a priori plausible, but they may be very hard to prove or remove. Indeed the attack involves a recursive step, and a rigorous result would have to take into account correlations between successive steps. For this reason we additionally provide some experimental support for our third attack.

We believe the three attacks we develop here are only some examples of what our new techniques can achieve, and we leave further developments to further work.

1.2 Background Reading

We refer to the books of Silverman [18] and Vignéras [21] for background results on elliptic curves and quaternion algebras. Recent cryptographic constructions based on isogeny problems include [2, 7, 9, 11, 17, 23]. Computational aspects related to isogenies are covered in David Kohel’s PhD thesis [12] and more recently in [8, 9].

1.3 Complexity Model

Unless otherwise stated all complexity estimations in this paper use elementary bitwise operations as units. We use the standard “big O notation” to describe asymptotic complexities of algorithms. Recall that for any two functions \(f,g:\mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathbb {Z}_+\) we have \(f=O(g) \) if and only if there exists \(N\in \mathbb {N}\) and \(c\in \mathbb {Z}_+\) such that \(g(n)\ge cf(n)\) for any \(n\ge N\). We also use the “big O tilde notation” to hide any polylogarithmic factors in our complexity statements: namely for any two functions \(f,g:\mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathbb {Z}_+\) we have \(f=\tilde{O}(g) \) when there exists \(d\in \mathbb {Z}_+\) such that \(f=O(g\log ^dg) \). The security levels of the protocols studied in this paper are functions of one or several security parameters. When we refer to “polynomial time” complexity we mean complexity \(O(f) \), where f is a polynomial function of these security parameters.

1.4 Outline

In Sect. 2 we first describe the supersingular key exchange protocol of Jao-De Feo [11] and our two variants of this protocol, then we recall the most relevant cryptanalysis results on it. In Sect. 3 we describe faster algorithms to compute an endomorphism of a given supersingular elliptic curve, given the image of torsion points by this endomorphism. In Sect. 4 we turn to the problem of computing an isogeny between two supersingular elliptic curves given the images of torsion points by this isogeny, and we describe two attacks faster than the state-of-the-art meet-in-the-middle algorithm in this context. Finally, we summarize the impact of our techniques and results in Sect. 5, and we give perspectives for further work.

2 Supersingular Isogeny Key Exchange

2.1 Jao-De Feo’s Key Exchange

We recall the supersingular key exchange protocol of Jao-De Feo [11].

Setup. Let \(\ell _1,\ell _2\) be two small primes. Given a security parameter \(\lambda \), let \(e_1,e_2\) be the smallest integers such that \(\ell _1^{e_1},\ell _2^{e_2}\ge 2^{2\lambda }\) (or \(2^{3\lambda }\) for post-quantum security). Let f be the smallest integer such that \(p=\ell _1^{e_1}\ell _2^{e_2}f-1\) is prime. Let \(E_0\) be a supersingular elliptic curve over \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\). Let \(P_1,Q_1\) and \(P_2,Q_2\) be respectively bases of the \(\ell _1^{e_1}\) and \(\ell _2^{e_2}\) torsions on \(E_0\).

First round. Alice chooses a random cyclic subgroup of order \(\ell _1^{e_1}\), say \(G_1=\langle \alpha _1 P_1+\beta _1 Q_1\rangle \) with at least one of \(\alpha _1,\beta _1\) coprime to \(\ell _1\). She computes the corresponding isogeny \(\phi _1\) and image curve \(E_1\), as well as \(\phi _1(P_2)\) and \(\phi _1(Q_2)\). She sends \(E_1\), \(\phi _1(P_2)\) and \(\phi _1(Q_2)\) to Bob. Bob proceeds similarly, permuting the roles of \(\ell _1\) and \(\ell _2\).

Second round. Upon receiving \(E_2\), \(\phi _2(P_1)\) and \(\phi _2(Q_1)\), Alice computes \(G_1'=\langle \alpha _1\phi _2(P_1)+\beta _1\phi _2(Q_1)\rangle \), the corresponding isogeny \(\phi _1'\), the image curve \(E_{12}=E/\langle G_1,G_2\rangle \) and its j-invariant \(j_{12}\). Bob computes \(j_{21}=j_{12}\) similarly with the information sent by Alice. The shared secret is the value \(j_{12}=j_{21}\), or the result of applying some key derivation function to this value.

The protocol is summarized in the following commutative diagram:

figure a

This protocol can be broken if one can compute isogenies between two given curves. However we stress that the curves appearing in this protocol are closer to each other in the isogeny graphs than random curves would be: indeed for any fixed \(E_0\) there are only \((\ell _i+1)\ell _i^{e_i-1}\approx \sqrt{p}\) possible curves for \(E_1\), while there are roughly p / 12 supersingular j-invariants over \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\). This allows more efficient meet-in-the-middle attacks in complexity \(\tilde{O}(\root 4 \of {p}) \) instead of \(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{p}) \) for a generic curve pair. More importantly for this paper, some information on the isogenies is leaked by the protocol, as the image of a full torsion coprime with the isogeny degree is revealed. Finally, special primes are used to ensure that the \(\ell _i^{e_i}\) torsions are defined over \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\). For arbitrary p these torsions subgroups would be defined over large field extensions, resulting in an inefficient protocol.


Let \(N_1=\ell _1^{e_1}\). If the image of the \(N_1\) torsion by a degree \(N_1\) isogeny was revealed it would be straightforward to recompute the isogeny, as this image would be the kernel of the dual isogeny. More generally if \(N_1\) is not coprime with the degree then part of the isogeny can be recovered efficiently.

2.2 Unbalanced and Optimal Degree Variants

We now present two variants of the protocol, which we call unbalanced and optimal degree variants.

Unbalanced variant. In their paper Jao and De Feo suggested parameters such that \(\ell _1^{e_1}\approx \ell _2^{e_2}\). We suggest to generalize the setup to allow for unbalanced parameters \(\ell _2^{e_2}\gg \ell _1^{e_1}\) in some contexts. The size of \(\ell _i^{e_i}\) determines the security of the corresponding secret key \(G_i\) with respect to all previous attacks (see next subsection), while the size of p would influence efficiency. Jao and De Feo therefore chose \(\ell _1^{e_1}\approx \ell _2^{e_2}\) to provide the same security level on both Alice and Bob’s ephemeral keys. However in some contexts as in the public key encryption scheme [7] one secret key is static and it may therefore make sense to protect it more strongly. This is achieved by our unbalanced variant.

In the unbalanced variant, the setup procedure takes two security parameters \(\lambda _1\) and \(\lambda _2\) as input. For \(i=1,2\) it computes the smallest integer \(e_i\) such that \(\ell _i^{e_i},\ge 2^{2\lambda _i}\) (or \(2^{3\lambda _i}\) for post-quantum security), and then the smallest integer f such that \(p=\ell _1^{e_1}\ell _2^{e_2}f-1\) is prime. The rest of the protocol is as in Jao and De Feo.

Optimal degree variant. We now generalize the parameters such that the isogeny degrees are large enough to ensure uniform distribution of \(E_i\) among all curves on the isogeny graphs: we call the resultant protocol “optimal degree variant” for this reason. In addition, this variant allows for arbitrary primes p rather than the very special primes used by Jao and De Feo.

We recall that a number \(N=\prod p_i^{e_i}\) is B-powersmooth if for all i we have \(p_i^{e_i}<B\). In this paper we say that a number is powersmooth if it is B-powersmooth for some bound B that is polynomial in the security parameter.

For an arbitrary prime p, we replace \(\ell _1^{e_1}\) and \(\ell _2^{e_2}\) in the protocol by any powersmooth numbers \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) that are coprime to each other and of size about \(p^2\). Note that the \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) torsions are a priori not defined over \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\); however the powersmooth requirement ensures that they can be efficiently represented in a Chinese remainder manner (see [9]). On the other hand, the coprimality requirement ensures that the isogeny diagram commutes as in the original protocol. Finally, the condition \(N_i\approx p^2\) on the isogeny degrees guarantees that \(E_1\) and \(E_2\) are close to uniformly distributed [9], while for the original parameters and the unbalanced variant above we have \(N_1N_2\approx p\).

In the optimal degree variant, the setup procedure takes a security parameter \(\lambda \). It chooses a random prime p with \(2\lambda \) bits (or \(3\lambda \) bits for post-quantum security). Then \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) are chosen coprime to each other, such that both of them are powersmooth and have at least \(2\log p\) bits. Then for each maximal prime power \(\ell _j^{e_j}\) dividing either \(N_1\) or \(N_2\) we fix a basis for the \(\ell _j^{e_j}\) torsion. Note that this is defined over an extension field of degree at most \(2\ell _j^{e_j}\), which has a size polynomial in \(\lambda \).

If \(N_1=\prod p_j^{e_j}\) then in the first round Alice chooses for each j one cyclic subgroup \(G_{1j}=\langle \alpha _jP_j+\beta _jQ_j\rangle \) with at least one of \(\alpha _j,\beta _j\) coprime to \(p_j\). This implicitly defines a cyclic subgroup \(G_1\) of order \(N_1\) such that \(G_{1}=G_{1j}\bmod E_0[\ell _j^{e_j}]\). She computes the corresponding isogeny \(\phi _1\) as a composition of isogenies of prime degrees, the image curve \(E_1=E_0/G_1\), and the image by \(\phi _1\) of the \(\ell _j^{e_j}\) torsion basis points, for each \(\ell _j^{e_j}\) dividing \(N_2\). Alice sends \(E_1\) and all torsion point images to Bob. Note that although the torsion points and their images are defined over some field extensions, all isogenies computed are defined over \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\). Moreover the degree of any extension field involved is bounded by \(2\ell _j^{e_j}\) which is polynomial in the security parameter, so all elements can be efficiently represented and the computation runs in polynomial time. Bob proceeds similarly.

In the second round, Alice computes \(\phi _2(G_{1j})\) using the information sent by the other party (as in the original protocol), then she computes \(E_2/\phi _2(G_1)\) as above, and finally the j-invariant of this curve. Bob proceeds similarly.

A first implementation of this variant is given in [3]. Because it allows both for arbitrary primes and for “large enough” degree isogenies, the optimal degree variant can a priori be more secure than the original protocol. On the other hand, working over field extensions, even of moderate degrees, has a significant efficiency cost in practice. We leave a precise complexity estimation and a thorough comparison of this variant with the original protocol to further work.


Of course, one could also allow intermediate parameters where \(\gcd (N_1N_2,(p+1)^2)\) is a medium size factor of \((p+1)^2\) to ensure that the primes are not too special and at the same limit the size of the extension fields needed.

2.3 State-of-the Art on Cryptanalysis

We refer to [9] for a thorough discussion of existing cryptanalysis results, and only describe the most relevant work for this paper. With the exception of active attacks in [8, 10, 20], previous cryptanalysis results have ignored the additional information revealed in De Feo-Jao-Plût’s protocols. They therefore considered the following problem:

Problem 1

Let N be a positive integer, let p be a prime and let \(E_1,E_2\) be two supersingular elliptic curves defined over \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\), such that there exists an isogeny \(\phi \) of degree N such that \(E_2=E_1/\ker \phi \). Compute \(\phi \).


The most natural representation of \(\phi \) is some canonical representation as two elements of the function field \(E_1(x,y)\). In cryptographic contexts the degree of \(\phi \) is of exponential size so this representation is not efficient. However in these contexts the degree is often a smooth number so that the isogeny can be efficiently returned as a composition of rational maps.

When N is large enough any pair of elliptic curves are connected by an isogeny of degree N, and this problem is heuristically equivalent to the endomorphism ring computation problem [15]. In De Feo-Jao-Plût’s protocols, however, \(N=O(\sqrt{p}) \) is too small to ensure this, and as N is moreover smooth one can do a meet-in-the-middle attack with complexity \(\tilde{O}(\root 4 \of {p}) \) (respectively \(\tilde{O}(\root 6 \of {p}) \) with a quantum computer) even if the endomorphism ring computation problem remains of complexity \(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{p}) \) (respectively \(\tilde{O}(\root 3 \of {p}) \) with a quantum computer). We stress that the optimal degree variant we introduced above does not suffer from this problem, as the isogeny degrees are chosen large enough to ensure a uniform distribution of \(E_2\).

The following lemma generalizes the meet-in-the-middle strategy when the smoothness bound on N is not polynomial in \(\log p\).

Lemma 1

Assume \(N=N_1\cdot N_2\) where both \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) are B-smooth. Then the meet-in-the-middle strategy has a time and memory complexity \(\tilde{O}(B\max (N_1,N_2)) \), neglecting log factors.


The factorization of N can be obtained in subexponential time, which is negligible with respect to \(\max (N_1,N_2)\). Isogenies of prime degree can be computed in quasilinear time in the degree. The meet-in-the-middle strategy computes \(O(N_1) \) isogenies of degree \(N_1\) and \(O(N_2) \) isogenies of degree \(N_2\), each of them as a composition of isogenies of degrees at most B.    \(\square \)

The active attack presented in [8] runs \(O(\log p) \) executions of the key exchange protocol with the same party. Assuming this party uses a static secret key \(G_1\), the attacker provides them with incorrect values for \(\phi _2(P_1),\phi _2(Q_1)\), observes variations in the resulting shared key \(j(E_{12})\), and progressively deduces the key \(G_1\). The loop-abort fault attack developed in [10] is similar to this attack. A fault attack is also used in [20] to replace \(\phi _2(P_1)\) and \(\phi _2(Q_1)\) by points whose order is not coprime with the isogeny degree. Our goal in this paper is to show how to exploit the “torsion image” information revealed in De Feo-Jao-Plût’s protocols but using only passive attacks, namely for normal executions of the protocols.

3 Computing an Endomorphism from Additional Information

From a computational number theory point of view, computing endomorphisms of a curve is a somewhat more natural task than computing isogenies between two curves. At the same time, there are strong relations between the two problems (see [9, 15]). In this section we define an “endomorphism computation” counterpart to De Feo-Jao-Plût’s isogeny problem, and we show how leaking the image of torsion points helps in solving this problem.

3.1 Endomorphism Computation Problem with Additional Information

We consider the following problem:

Problem 2

Let p be a prime and let E be a supersingular elliptic curve defined over \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\). Let \(\phi \) be a non scalar endomorphism of E with smooth degree \(N_1\). Let \(N_2\) be a smooth integer with \(\gcd (N_1,N_2)=1\), and let PQ be a basis of \(E[N_2]\). Let R be a subring of \({{\mathrm{End}}}(E)\) that is either easy to compute, or given. Given E, P, Q, \(\phi (P)\), \(\phi (Q)\), \(\deg \phi \), R, compute \(\phi \).


This problem is similar to the problem appearing in De Feo-Jao-Plût protocols, with the additional requirement \(E_1=E_2\).


When no endomorphism subring is explicitly given one can take for R the subring of scalar multiplications, which we will denote \(R=\mathbb {Z}\).


If we do not use the additional information the best algorithm for this problem will be a meet-in-the-middle approach: compute all isogenies of degree approximately \(\sqrt{N_1}\) from E and search for a collision. As \(N_1\) is smooth the cost for each isogeny is polynomial, resulting in an algorithm with roughly \(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{N_1}) \) complexity.

3.2 General Strategy

Our general strategy is summarized in Algorithm 1.

figure b

From what is given in the problem we can compute the image of \(\phi \) on any point in \(E[N_2]\). Let \(\theta _1,\theta _2\in R\) be known endomorphisms of E, to which we associate another endomorphism

$$\psi :=\theta _1\phi +\theta _2.$$

Of course we do not know \(\phi \) so far, but since we know \(\theta _1,\theta _2\), and the action of \(\phi \) on \(E[N_2]\) we can nevertheless evaluate \(\psi \) on any point of \(E[N_2]\).

Let us now assume that the maps \(\theta _1,\theta _2\) are chosen such that \(\deg \psi =N_1'N_2\) for some \(N_1'\in \mathbb {Z}\). An algorithm to achieve that together with an additional smoothness condition on \(N_1'\) will be described in the next subsection for the case \(R=\mathbb {Z}\). The endomorphism \(\psi \) can then be written as a composition of two isogenies

$$\psi =\psi _{N_1'}\psi _{N_2}$$

with \(\psi _{N_1'}\) and \(\psi _{N_2}\) respectively of degrees \(N_1'\) and \(N_2\).

By computing \(\psi \) on a basis of \(E[N_2]\) and solving some discrete logarithm problems in \(E[N_2]\) we deduce the kernel of \(\psi _{N_2}\) and then deduce \(\psi _{N_2}\) itself. This is efficient since \(N_2\) is smooth by assumption.

At this point, the map \(\psi _{N_1'}\) is an isogeny of degree \(N_1'\) between two known j-invariants, namely the curve image of \(\psi _{N_2}\) and the original curve E. We recover this isogeny using the meet-in-the-middle approach analyzed in Lemma 1. The efficiency of this step depends on the factorization of \(N_1'\).

At this point, we have computed the map \(\psi \) as a composition \(\psi =\psi _{N_1'}\psi _{N_2}\). We deduce an expression for \(\phi \), namely \(\theta _1^{-1}(\psi _{N_1'}\psi _{N_2}-\theta _2)\), and assuming \(\gcd (\deg \theta _1,N_1)=1\) we evaluate this map on the \(N_1\) torsion to identify \(\ker \phi \), from which we recompute a more canonical description of \(\phi \). This is efficient as \(N_1\) is smooth.


We do not use the additional information to compute \(\psi _{N_1'}\). Note that part of the \(N_2\) torsion is annihilated by \(\psi _{N_2}\), so we only know \(\psi _{N_1'}\) and its dual on one cyclic subgroup of the respective \(N_2\) torsions.


There is no gain in generality in considering maps of the form \(\psi :=\theta _1\phi \theta _3+\theta _2\) for \(\theta _1,\theta _2,\theta _3\in R\). Indeed we have \(\theta _1\phi \theta _3+\theta _2=\hat{\phi }\hat{\theta }_1\theta _3+\theta _2+{{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\theta _1\phi )\theta _3\). Taking conjugates we obtain an element \(\hat{\psi }=\hat{\theta }_3\theta _1\phi + \hat{\theta }_2+{{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\theta _1\phi )\hat{\theta }_3\in R\phi +R\) with the same norm. Similarly, there is no gain in generality in using powers of \(\phi \) since \(\phi ^2=-({{\mathrm{Tr}}}\phi )\phi -\deg \phi \).

3.3 Attack When \(R=\mathbb {Z}\)

We first consider the most generic case where the only known endomorphisms of E are scalar multiplications. We define

$$\psi =\psi _{a,b}=a\phi +b$$

for \(a,b\in \mathbb {Z}\), which has degree

$$\deg \psi _{a,b}=a^2\deg \phi +b^2+ab{{\mathrm{Tr}}}\phi = \left( b+a\frac{{{\mathrm{Tr}}}\phi }{2}\right) ^2 + a^2\left( \deg \phi -\left( \frac{{{\mathrm{Tr}}}\phi }{2}\right) ^2\right) .$$

Our goal is to find ab such that \(\deg \psi _{a,b}=N_1'N_2\), where \(N_1'\) is as small and as smooth as possible.

Parameter Restriction. The attack we describe below requires two assumptions on the parameters.

  1. 1.

    We require \(N_2>2\sqrt{N_1}\).

  2. 2.

    We also require that \(-D\) is a square modulo \(N_2\), where \(D=\deg \phi -\left( \frac{{{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\phi )}{2}\right) ^2\).

Note that in the Jao-De Feo key exchange protocol we have \(N_2\approx N_1\) so the first assumption does not look too strong. By Hensel’s lifting lemma the second condition is equivalent to \(-D\) being a square modulo every odd prime factor of \(N_2\) and congruent to 1 modulo 8 when 2 divides \(N_2\). If we consider the endomorphism \(\phi \) as fixed, this condition restricts \(N_2\) values as follows:

  • If \(N_2=\ell ^e\) is a prime power (as for Jao-De Feo’s parameters and the unbalanced variant), the second condition is satisfied if and only if \(-D\) is a quadratic residue modulo \(\ell \), and heuristically we expect this to occur for half of the primes \(\ell \).

  • In our optimal degree variant, \(N_2\) is a powersmooth number whose prime factors will be as small as possible. We can heuristically expect that about one half of these prime factors \(\ell _i\) will be such that \(-D\) is a quadratic residue modulo \(\ell _i\). There will therefore exist a factor \(N_2'\) of \(N_2\) such that \(N_2'\approx \sqrt{N_2}\) and \(-D\) is a quadratic residue modulo \(N_2'\). Moreover if \(N_2\approx N_1\) or bigger, we can use \(N_2'\) in the attack instead of \(N_2\), and still satisfy the first condition.

This suggests that the conditions above are relatively mild, in the sense that they are satisfied for a large set of parameters with the expected forms. In the remaining of this section we assume that both conditions above are satisfied.


Remember that from the additional information given in the problem we can compute the image of \(\phi \) on any point in \(E[N_2]\). Note that since \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) are coprime, \(\phi \) is a one-to-one map on \(E[N_2]\). From the relation \(\phi \hat{\phi }=[\deg \phi ]\) we can also compute the image of any point in \(E[N_2]\) by the dual map \(\hat{\phi }\). We can therefore also evaluate \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\phi )\) on \(E[N_2]\). By solving a discrete logarithm problem in \(E[N_2]\) we deduce \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\phi )\bmod N_2\). By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we also have \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\phi )\le 2\sqrt{\deg \phi }\) so under our first parameter restriction that \(N_2>2\sqrt{N_1}\) we actually recover \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\phi )\) exactly.

Let \(D=\deg \phi -\frac{1}{4}({{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\phi ))^2\) and let \(\tau \) such that \(\tau ^2=-D\bmod N_2\). Such a \(\tau \) exists under our second parameter restriction, and can be efficiently computed using Tonelli-Shanks algorithm and Hensel’s lifting lemma. Points (xy) in the lattice generated by the two vectors \((N_2,0)\) and \((\tau ,1)\) correspond to solutions of the equation \(x^2+Dy^2=0\bmod N_2\). We compute a reduced basis for the lattice, with respect to a weighted inner product norm where the second component is weighted by \(\sqrt{D}\). This can be done in polynomial time. Finally we let \(a:=y_0\), \(b=x_0-\frac{{{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\phi )}{2}y_0\) and \(N_1'=\frac{x_0^2+Dy_0^2}{N_2}\), where \((x_0,y_0)\) is a well-chosen short vector in the lattice.

To choose \((x_0,y_0)\) we proceed as follows. Using the short basis computed above we generate short vectors and compute the corresponding \(N_1'\) values, until we obtain \(N_1'\) such that the meet-in-the-middle strategy is efficient enough (see Lemma 1).

Complexity analysis.

We first analyze the expected norms of minimal lattice vectors.

Lemma 2

Under plausible heuristic assumptions, the shortest vectors in the lattice have norm \(N_1'N_2\) where \(N_1'\approx \sqrt{N_1}\).


Heuristically, a proportion about \(1/N_2\) pairs (xy) will satisfy the congruence \(x^2+Dy^2=0\bmod N_2\) so we expect \(xy\approx N_2\). We can also expect that minimal vectors (xy) in the lattice have their coefficients balanced such that \(x^2\approx Dy^2\approx N_1'N_2\). (If \(N_2^2<D\) then the smallest element will of course be \((N_2,0)\), however by our parameter restriction we have \(D\approx N_1<N_2^2\).) Combining all these approximations gives \((N_1'N_2)^2\approx x^2 Dy^2=D(xy)^2\approx DN_2^2,\) hence \(N_1'\approx \sqrt{D}\approx \sqrt{N_1}.\)    \(\square \)

By construction any lattice vector will have a norm divisible by \(N_2\). In our algorithm we generate random short vectors until the cofactor \(N_1'\) is smooth enough. To estimate the number of random trials needed, we (heuristically) approximate the smoothness probability of \(N_1'\) by the smoothness probability of a random number of the same size.

For any positive integers XY, let \(\pi (X,Y)\) be the proportion of integers smaller than X that are Y-smooth. For any positive integer X and any \(0\le \alpha \le 1\), let \(L_X(\alpha )=\exp ^{(\log X)^\alpha (\log \log X)^{1-\alpha }}\) be the subexponential function. We recall the following well-known fact [16]:

Lemma 3

For any \(0\le \alpha \le 1\) and any large enough X, we have \(\pi (X,L_X(\alpha ))\approx (L_{X}(1-\alpha ))^{-1}\).

We deduce the following result:

Proposition 1

Subject to the above parameter restrictions and under plausible heuristic assumptions, Problem 2 can be solved in time \(O(N_1^{1/4+\epsilon }) \) for any \(\epsilon >0\).


The algorithm and heuristic assumptions required have been described earlier in this section. The cost of the algorithm depends mostly on the smoothness bound required on lattice vectors, which decides both the cost of finding a suitable vector and the meet-in-the-middle cost needed to compute \(\psi _{N_1'}\).

Using a smoothness bound \(L_{N_1}(\alpha )\) for any \(0<\alpha <1\), the cost of finding a suitable vector in the lattice is bounded by \((L_{N_1}(1-\alpha ))^{-1}<<O(N_1^{1/4+\epsilon }) \), and the meet-in-the-middle computation has a cost \(\tilde{O}(N_1^{1/4}L_{N_1}(\alpha )) =O(N_1^{1/4+\epsilon }) \) by Lemma 1.   \(\square \)

By exploiting the images of torsion points, our algorithm provides a near-square root speedup for Problem 2 over the previous state-of-the-art algorithm.

Improvement when \(\gcd (D,N_2)\ne 1\). For any \(r | \gcd (D,N_2)\) there exist \(a,b\in \mathbb {Z}\) with \((a\phi +b)/r\in {{\mathrm{End}}}(E)\) and \(r\not \mid \gcd (a,b)\). Moreover we can normalize pairs of this form such that \(a=1\). We can identify the corresponding correct b by trying every possibility until \(\phi +b\) annihilates the r torsion. This has a cost O(r). Alternatively we can solve some discrete logarithm problems to find b in at most \(O(\sqrt{r})\) operations. In any case since \(N_2\) is smooth we can process small factors one at the time, and efficiently deduce \(\phi '\in \frac{1}{r}\mathbb {Z}[1,\phi ]\cap {{\mathrm{End}}}(E)\), with a new D value \(D'=D/\mathrm{gcd}(D,N_2)\). Moreover we can evaluate \(\phi '\) on the \(N_2/\mathrm{gcd}(D,N_2)\) torsion. Following the analysis above, we expect that this will reduce the complexity by a factor \(\sqrt{\gcd (D,N_2)}\).

3.4 Variants and Extensions

We could consider variants of Problem 2 where information is given on several endomorphisms of a single curve, and develop similar attacks.

A particular case of interest is the case of subfield curves, namely curves defined over \(\mathbb {F}_p\), when we can use \(R=\mathbb {Z}+\pi _p\mathbb {Z}\) where \(\pi _p:(x,y)\rightarrow (x^p,y^p)\).


When E is defined over \(\mathbb {F}_p\) one can compute the full endomorphism ring in expected time \(\tilde{O}(p^{1/4}) \) using the techniques of Delfs and Galbraith [6].

Under the (reasonable) parameter restriction that \(N_2>2\sqrt{N_1}\) we can compute \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}\phi \) as above, and substitute \(\phi \) by \(\phi '=\phi -\frac{{{\mathrm{Tr}}}\phi }{2}\) in the problem so that \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}\phi '=0\). Let \(\varDelta :=\deg \phi '=N_1-\frac{1}{4}({{\mathrm{Tr}}}\phi )^2\). We can consider an endomorphism of the form

$$\psi =(a\phi '+b)\pi _p + c\phi '+d,$$

with degree

$$\begin{aligned} \deg \psi= & {} (a^2\varDelta +b^2)p+(c^2\varDelta +d^2) + {{\mathrm{Tr}}}\left( (a\phi '+b)\pi _p(-c\phi '+d)\right) \\= & {} (a^2\varDelta +b^2)p+(c^2\varDelta +d^2) + (ad-bc){{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\phi '\pi _p). \end{aligned}$$

If \(N_2>2\sqrt{N_1p}\) we can evaluate \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\pi _p\phi ')\). We are then left with finding \(a,b,c,d,N_1'\in \mathbb {Z}\) such that \(\deg \psi =N_1'N_2\) and moreover \(N_1'\) is both small and smooth such that the meet-in-the-middle strategy (Lemma 1) is efficient.

Note that for the minimal solution we expect \(a^2pN_1\approx b^2N_1\approx c^2p\approx d^2\approx N_1'N_2\) and \(abcd\approx N_2\), hence \(d^4\approx N_2N_1p\) and \(N_1'\approx N_1^{1/2}p^{1/2}N_2^{-1/2}\). This means that if \(N_2\approx N_1p\) we can expect a solution with \(N_1'=O(1) \).


The discussion in this section provides a reduction from an isogeny problem to a Diophantine equation problem, arguably a step forward in the cryptanalysis. We leave the construction of an efficient (classical or quantum) algorithm to solve this Diophantine equation to further work.


Efficient solutions for quaternary quadratic form equations exist over the rationals [5, 19]; however we are not aware of any efficient algorithm that would return integer solutions.

4 Attacks on (Variants of) the Key Exchange Protocol

We now turn to isogeny problems with additional information, as in De Feo-Jao-Plût’s protocols.

4.1 Problem Statement

In this section we consider the following problem.

Problem 3

Let p be a prime. Let \(N_1,N_2\in \mathbb {Z}\) be coprime. Let \(E_0\) be a supersingular elliptic curve over \(\mathbb {F}_{p^2}\). Let \(\phi _1:E_0\rightarrow E_1\) be an isogeny of degree \(N_1\). Let \(R_0,R_1\) be subrings of \({{\mathrm{End}}}(E_0)\), \({{\mathrm{End}}}(E_1)\) respectively. Given \(N_1\), \(E_1\), \(R_0\), \(R_1\) and the image of \(\phi _1\) on the whole \(N_2\) torsion, compute \(\phi _1\).


The most generic case for this problem is \(R_0=R_1=\mathbb {Z}\), namely only the scalar multiplications are known (and do not need to be explicitly given). If \(E_0\) is defined over \(\mathbb {F}_p\) we can take \(R_0=\mathbb {Z}[\pi _p]\) where \(\pi _p\) is the Frobenius. In some previous implementation works [4, 7] it was suggested for efficiency reasons to use special curves in the key exchange protocol, such as a curve with j-invariant \(j=1728\). In this case we have \(R_0={{\mathrm{End}}}(E_0)\), and moreover \(R_0\) contains some non scalar elements of small degrees.

4.2 Attack Model and General Strategy

We provide algorithms that use the additional information provided by the image of torsion points to solve Problem 3 with dramatic speedups compared to the basic meet-in-the-middle strategy.

All our attacks assume that the subring of endomorphisms \(R_0\) contains more than the scalar multiplications. They are particularly efficient when special curves \(E_0\) are used, such as in [4, 7].

Another current limitation of our attacks is that they require \(N_2\) significantly larger than \(N_1\). This condition could plausibly be met in practice (should this paper not have warned against them!) in the following scenarios:

  • In the unbalanced variant of the original protocol. We recall that this variant could a priori have been used when one party uses a static key and the other party uses an ephemeral key, as is the case for example in the public key encryption scheme.

  • In the optimal degree variant of the protocol, a server might have used a static key and published the images of a very large torsion group \(E_0[N_2]\), for example to allow connections with a wide range of clients using different sets of parameters.

Our basic strategy is as follows. For any known endomorphism \(\theta \in {{\mathrm{End}}}(E_0)\) we can consider the endomorphism \(\phi =\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1\in {{\mathrm{End}}}(E_1)\). Moreover if \(\theta \) is non scalar then \(\phi \) is also non scalar. Using our knowledge of how \(\phi _1\) acts on the \(N_2\) torsion we can also evaluate \(\phi \) on the \(N_2\) torsion, and hence apply the techniques from the previous section. Once we have an expression for \(\phi \) we can use it to evaluate \(\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1\) on the \(N_1\) torsion. Since \(N_1\) is smooth an easy discrete logarithm computation gives generators for \(\ker (\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1)\cap E_1[N_1]\). The latest group contains \(\ker \hat{\phi }_1\) as a cyclic subgroup of order \(N_1\). When it is cyclic we directly recover \(\ker \hat{\phi }_1\) and deduce \(\phi _1\); in Sect. 4.3 below we show how to do it in the general case.


Our resolution strategy requires that \(R_0\) contains more than the scalar multiplications, as otherwise \(\phi \) is just a scalar multiplication.

In Sects. 4.4 and 4.5 below we give two examples of attacks that can be developed using our techniques.

  • The first attack assumes that \(E_0\) is defined over \(\mathbb {F}_p\), and moreover that \(E_0\) has a small degree endomorphism \(\iota \) such that \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\iota )={{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\iota \pi _p)=0\). This is the case for example if \(j(E_0)=1728\). Currently the attack applies only to our optimal degree variant. For well-chosen values of \(N_2\) larger than \(N_1^4\) the attack recovers the secret key \(G_1\) in polynomial time.

  • The second attack only requires that \(E_0\) has a small degree endomorphism, but on the other hand it needs \(\log N_2=O(\log ^2N_1) \) to recover the secret key \(G_1\) in polynomial time. This attack deviates from the basic strategy explained above and it instead uses some recursive step. We provide a heuristic analysis and some experimental support for this attack for both the unbalanced and the optimal degree variants.

Both attacks are heuristic, as their analysis makes unproven assumptions on factorization properties of certain numbers. We leave a better analysis, further variants and improvements to further work.

4.3 Recovering \(\phi _1\) from \(\ker (\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1)\)

In the strategy outlined above we need to recover \(\phi _1\) from \(\ker (\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1)\). Here we give a method to do this and we show that the method is efficient. For simplicity we assume without loss of generality that \(\deg \theta \) is coprime with \(N_1\).

Let \(G:=\ker (\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1)\cap E_1[N_1]\). Clearly \(\ker \hat{\phi }_1\) is a cyclic subgroup of order \(N_1\) in G. When G is cyclic this immediately gives \(\ker \hat{\phi }_1\). When G is not cyclic, let \(M|N_1\) be the largest integer such that \(E_1[M]\subset G\). The isogeny \(\phi _1:E_0\rightarrow E_1\) can be decomposed as an isogeny \(\phi _M\) of degree M from \(E_0\) to a curve \(E_M\), and a second isogeny of degree \(N_1/M\) from \(E_M\) to \(E_1\). We denote by \(\phi _{N_1/M}\) the dual of this second isogeny, namely \(\phi _{N_1/M}:E_1\rightarrow E_M\) and \(\phi _1=\hat{\phi }_{N_1/M}\phi _M\). This is represented in the picture below:

figure c

Clearly, recovering \(\phi _M\) and \(\phi _{N_1/M}\), or equivalently their kernels, is sufficient to recover \(\phi _1\). The second isogeny \(\phi _{N_1/M}\) is the easiest one to recover:

Lemma 4

We have \(\ker \phi _{N_1/M}=M\left( \ker (\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1)\cap E_1[N_1]\right) \).


Clearly \(\ker \phi _{N_1/M}=M\ker \hat{\phi }_1\). The later is a cyclic subgroup of \(M\left( \ker (\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1)\cap E_1[N_1]\right) \) of order \(N_1/M\). By our definition of M, the group \(M\left( \ker (\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1)\cap E_1[N_1]\right) \) is cyclic, hence equal to \(M\ker \hat{\phi }_1\) as well.   \(\square \)

We now focus on \(\phi _M\), and we first identify a property that its kernel must satisfy:

Lemma 5

We have \(\theta (\ker \phi _M)=\ker \phi _M\).


Equivalently, we want to prove \(\theta ^{-1}(\ker \phi _M)=\ker \phi _M\). We have \(\ker \phi _M=\ker \phi _1\cap E_0[M]=\hat{\phi }_1(E_1[M])\) and similarly \(\theta ^{-1}(\ker \phi _M)=\theta ^{-1}(\ker \phi _1)\cap E_0[M]=\ker (\phi _1\theta )\cap E_0[M],\) so we can rephrase the lemma as \( \hat{\phi }_1(E_1[M])=\ker (\phi _1\theta )\cap E_0[M]\).

Since \( \hat{\phi }_1(E_1[N_1])\) is cyclic, so is \( \hat{\phi }_1(E_1[M])\). Therefore \(E_1[M]\subset \ker (\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1)\cap E_1[M]\) if and only if \(\hat{\phi }_1(E_1[M])\subset \ker \phi _1\theta \).

By the definition of M we have \(E_1[M]\subset \ker (\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1)\cap E_1[M]\) so \(\hat{\phi }_1(E_1[M])\subset \ker \phi _1\theta \). Moreover M is the largest such integer and \( \hat{\phi }_1(E_1[M])\) is cyclic, so the equality holds.   \(\square \)

As we know the endomorphism \(\theta \), we can evaluate its action on the M torsion and identify potential candidates for \(\ker \phi _M\).

Lemma 6

Let k be the number of distinct prime factors of M. Then there are at most \(2^k\) cyclic subgroups H of order M in \(E_0[M]\) such that \(\theta (H)=H\).


Let \(\{P,Q\}\) be a basis for \(E_0[M]\), and let \(\alpha ,\beta \) be integers such that \(\ker \phi _M=\langle \alpha P+\beta Q\rangle \). We have \(\gcd (\alpha ,\beta ,M)=1\).

The action of \(\theta \) on \(E_0[M]\) can be described by a matrix \(m=\left( {\begin{matrix}a&{}b\\ c&{}d\end{matrix}}\right) \in GL(2,\mathbb {Z}_M)\) such that \(\theta (P)=aP+bQ\) and \(\theta (Q)=cP+dQ\). Moreover we have \(\det (m)=ad-bc=\deg \theta \bmod M\) and \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}(m)=a+d={{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\theta )\bmod M\).

The condition \(\theta (\ker \phi _M)=\ker \phi _M\) from Lemma 5 now becomes

$$\langle \alpha P+\beta Q\rangle =\langle (a\alpha +c\beta )P + (b\alpha +d\beta )Q\rangle $$

or equivalently

$$(a\alpha +c\beta )\beta =(b\alpha +d\beta )\alpha \bmod M,$$


$$c\beta ^2+(a-d)\alpha \beta -b\alpha ^2=0\bmod M.$$

The latest has solutions if and only the discriminant

$$(a-d)^2-4bc=({{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\theta ))^2-4\deg \theta \bmod M$$

is a quadratic residue, and this is the case by assumption. Clearly there are at most two solutions modulo any prime \(\ell |M\), and by Hensel’s lifting lemma a solution modulo a prime \(\ell |M\) determines a unique solution modulo any power of \(\ell \) dividing M.   \(\square \)

We remark that when \(N_1\) is smooth, our proof implicitly provides an efficient algorithm to identify all the candidate kernels. When \(N_1\) is a prime power then k is at most one, and we are done. Our last lemma shows that for powersmooth numbers, the expected value of k is small enough to allow a polynomial time exhaustive search of all candidate kernels.

Lemma 7

Let \(N_1\) be a powersmooth number. Assume \(\phi _1\) be chosen uniformly at random among all isogenies of degree \(N_1\) from \(E_0\). Then the expected value of k is bounded by \(2\log \log N_1\).


Clearly the number of distinct prime factors of \(N_1\) is smaller than \(\log _2 N_1\). In the proof of the previous lemma we showed that for every prime \(\ell \) dividing \(M|N_1\), there are at most two candidate cyclic subgroups \(H_\ell \) such that \(\theta (H_\ell )=H_\ell \). We can therefore bound the expected value of k by

$$E[k]\le \sum _{\begin{array}{c} \ell |N_1, \ell \text { prime}\\ \ell \le \log N_1 \end{array}}\frac{2}{\ell +1} <\sum _{\ell \le \log N_1}\frac{2}{\ell } \approx 2\int _{1}^{\log N_1}\frac{1}{\ell }\approx 2\log \log N_1.$$

   \(\square \)

4.4 Attack When \(E_0\) Is Special

In this section we focus on the optimal degree variant of the protocol. We assume \(E_0\) is defined over \(\mathbb {F}_p\), so that \({{\mathrm{End}}}(E_0)\) contains the Frobenius endomorphism \(\pi _p:(x,y)\rightarrow (x^p,y^p)\). Moreover we assume \({{\mathrm{End}}}(E_0)\) contains some non scalar element \(\iota \) with small norm q such that \({{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\iota ) = {{\mathrm{Tr}}}(\iota \pi _p)=0\). (Maximal orders with minimal such \(\iota \) were called special in [13].) Then clearly the attacker knows \(\pi _p\) and they can efficiently compute \(\iota \) by testing all isogenies of small degree. We consider an endomorphism of \(E_1\) defined by

$$\phi =\phi _1(a\iota \pi _p+b\pi _p+c\iota )\hat{\phi }_1+d,$$

with degree

$$\deg \phi =N_1^2pqa^2+N_1^2pb^2+N_1^2qc^2+d^2.$$


There is no gain of generality in allowing scalar components in \(R_0\): indeed \(\phi _1\mathbb {Z}\hat{\phi }_1=N_1\mathbb {Z}\subset R_1\).

Similarly as before, our goal is now to find tuples of integers (abcd) such that \(\deg \phi =N_1'N_2\) and \(N_1'\) is small. We first discuss some elementary properties of the solutions.

Lemma 8

Let (abcd) defining \(\phi \) as above, with \(\deg \phi =N_1'N_2\) for some \(N_1'\). Then

  • \(N_1'N_2\) is a square modulo \(N_1^2\);

  • except for “exceptional” parameters, \(N_1'N_2\) is not much smaller than \(N_1^4\);

  • except for “exceptional” parameters, \(N_1\) is not much smaller than p.


We have \(d^2=N_1'N_2\bmod N_1^2\). For any \(N_1'\) this defines d modulo \(N_1^2\) up to sign, hence except for exceptional parameters \(d^2\) will not be much smaller than \(N_1^4\). We then have

$$pqa^2+pb^2+qc^2=\frac{N_1'N_2-d^2}{N_1^2}\approx N_1^2,$$

and the value of c is defined modulo p up to sign (assuming such a value exists). Except for exceptional parameters \(c^2\) will not be much smaller than \(p^2\), hence \(N_1\) will not be much smaller than p.   \(\square \)

Parameter restriction. Recall that in this section we focus on the optimal degree variant, hence \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) are powersmooth numbers. From now on, we assume that \(N_1>p\), that \(N_2\approx N_1^4\) and that \(N_2\) is a square modulo \(N_1^2\). This ensures that all the conditions identified in Lemma 8 are satisfied provided \(N_1'\) is a square modulo \(N_1^2\).

Note that we can always ensure that a powersmooth number \(N_2\) is also a square modulo \(N_1^2\) by dividing and/or multiplying it by a well-chosen small prime. In the first case we will have to work with a slightly smaller \(N_2\) value in our attack, and in the second case we will have to perform some small guess on the images of the full \(N_2\) torsion.

Algorithm. We now describe an algorithm that computes a tuple (abcd) that can be used in our attack. We first attempt to find a solution with \(N_1'=1\), and when this fails we successively increase \(N_1'\) to the next square. For a given \(N_1'\), the value of d is determined modulo \(N_1^2\) up to the sign. We try possible values of d until we find one such that \(q\cdot \frac{N_1'N_2-d^2}{N_1^2}\) is a square modulo p. At this point we try random values for c satisfying the congruence condition, until the equation


has a solution, which we compute with Cornacchia’s algorithm. This algorithm is detailed below in Algorithm 2.

figure d

The complexity of this algorithm is analyzed in the following lemma.

Lemma 9

Let all parameters be restricted as above. Under plausible heuristic assumptions Algorithm 2 terminates in polynomial time.


Computing quadratic residues (Step 5), modular square roots (Steps 3 and 12) and Cornacchia’s algorithm (Step 17) all run in polynomial time.

Heuristically, the quadratic residuosity condition in Step 5 will be satisfied for every other value of d, so the algorithm will reach Step 12 with a very small value of \(N_1'\). Consequently in Step 4 we expect \(m=\frac{N_1'N_2-d^2}{N_1^2}\approx N_1^2\) and in Step 13 we expect \(m/p\approx N_1^2/p>p\). In Step 15 we expect \(n=\frac{N_1'N_2-d^2-c^2N_1^2q}{N_1^2p}\approx \frac{N_1'N_2}{N_1^2p}\approx \frac{N_1'N_1^2}{p}> N_1'p\approx p\).

As long as \(\log N_1=O(\log p) \), the expected number of random trials on c until n is prime is therefore \(\log n\approx O(\log p) \). Moreover by Dirichlet’s density theorem the density of primes represented by the norm form \(a^2q+b^2\) is \(1/2H(q)>\sqrt{q}/2\) where \(H(q)<\sqrt{q}\) is the class number of \(\mathbb {Q}[\sqrt{-q}]\). Finally under the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis we have \(q=O((\log p)^2) \) [1]. This shows that a polynomial number (in the security parameter \(\lambda \)) of values r must be tested in Step 13 until a suitable one is found. Since the expected size of m / p is bigger than p, the algorithm is expected to terminate in polynomial time with a solution.   \(\square \)

We deduce the following:

Proposition 2

Let \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) be powersmooth numbers as in our optimal degree variant of Jao-De Feo’s protocol. Assume moreover that \(N_1>p\), that \(N_2\approx N_1^4\) and that \(N_2\) is a square modulo \(N_1^2\). Then under plausible heuristic assumptions Problem 3 can be solved in polynomial time when the initial curve \(E_0\) has j invariant \(j=1728\), or more generally when the curve is “special” in the sense of [13].


In the original and unbalanced variants of the protocol we have \(N_1N_2< p\) so \(N_1'>N_1^2p/N_2>N_1\), unless \(a=b=0\). In the next section we provide an attack that works in this setting.

4.5 Attack When \(R_0=\mathbb {Z}+\theta \mathbb {Z}\) (with \(\deg \theta \) Small) and \(R_1=\mathbb {Z}\)

An algorithm to recover \(\phi \) using only the scalar multiplications of \(E_1\) and the image of \(\phi \) on the \(N_2\) torsion was described in Sect. 3.3. However this in combination with our basic strategy above does not a priori provide any speedup on the straighforward meet-in-the-middle approach. Indeed we have \(\deg \phi =N_1^2\deg \theta \approx N_1^2\) in the most favorable case (when \(\deg \theta =1\)) so by the analysis of Sect. 3.3 we expect to have at best \(N_1'\approx \sqrt{D}\approx \sqrt{\deg \phi }\approx N_1\). We therefore modify the basic strategy.

Modified Strategy. We adapt the techniques of Sect. 3.3 to reduce Problem 3 to another instance of itself with smaller parameters \(N_1'<N_1/2\) and \(N_2'\) some factor of \(N_2\). After repeating this reduction step \(O(\log N_1) \) times we end up with an instance of Problem 3 where \(N_1\) is sufficiently small that it can be solved in polynomial time with a meet-in-the-middle approach.

Parameter Restriction. We will require that \({{\mathrm{End}}}(E_0)\) has some non scalar element \(\theta \) of small degree (which does not need to be explicitly given, as it can then be computed efficiently by trying all isogenies of this degree). This is for example the case in Costello et al.’s implementation [4] where \(j=1728\). In our reduction we will also require \(N_2/N_2'>2N_1\varDelta _\theta \) where \(\varDelta _\theta =\deg \theta -\frac{1}{4}{{\mathrm{Tr}}}^2\theta \). This implies that we will need to start with parameters such that \(\log N_2\) is at least \(O(\log ^2N_1) \). Note that in the original De Feo-Jao-Plût protocols we had \(N_1\approx N_2\).

Reduction Step. We fix some \(\theta \in {{\mathrm{End}}}(E_0)\) with small norm q, and let \(D_\theta :=\deg \theta -\frac{1}{4}{{\mathrm{Tr}}}^2\theta \). Then we choose some factor \(\tilde{N}_2\) of \(N_2\) such that \(\tilde{N}_2>KN_1q\) for some \(K>1\), and \(-D_\theta \) is a square modulo \(\tilde{N}_2\). We proceed as in Sect. 3.3 to compute a, b and \(N_1'\) such that \(\deg (a\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1+b)=N_1'\tilde{N}_2\) and \(N_1'\) is as small as possible. Namely, we choose \(\tau \) such that \(\tau ^2=-D_\theta \bmod \tilde{N}_2\), then we compute a short vector in a two-dimensional lattice generated by two vectors \((\tilde{N}_2,0)\) and \((\tau ,1)\) with a weighted norm \(||(x,y)||=(x^2+D_\theta y^2)^{1/2}\), and we deduce a, b and \(N_1'\). If \(N_1'>N_1/2\) we start again with a new square root of \(-D_\theta \) modulo \(\tilde{N}_2\), or with a new \(\tilde{N}_2\) value.

If \(N_1'<N_1/2\) we define \(\phi _{N_1'},\phi _{\tilde{N}_2}\) two (still unknown) isogenies of degrees \(N_1'\) and \(\tilde{N}_2\) such that \(a\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1+b=\phi _{N_1'}\phi _{\tilde{N}_2}\). We evaluate \(a\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1+b\) on the \(\tilde{N}_2\) torsion to identify the \(\tilde{N}_2\) part of the kernel of \(a\phi _1\theta \hat{\phi }_1+b\), then the corresponding isogeny. We evaluate this isogeny on the \(N_2'=N_2/\tilde{N}_2\) torsion, and deduce the action of \(\phi _{N_1'}\) on the \(N_2'\) torsion. We then apply the reduction step recursively to compute some representation of \(\phi _{N_1'}\). Finally, we evaluate \((\phi _{N_1'}\phi _{\tilde{N}_2}-b)/a\) on the \(N_1\) torsion to identify \(\ker \hat{\phi }_1\), and from there we compute a more canonical expression for \(\phi \).

Complexity analysis. Our reduction procedure implicitly relies on the following informal assumption:

Assumption 1

Let \(K>1\) be a “small” constant, and suppose that \(D_\theta \) is “small”. The probability that a “random” powersmooth value \(\tilde{N}_2>KN_1q\) leads to \(N_1'<N_1/2\) is “large”.

Note that following the analysis of Lemma 2 we expect to find \(N_1'\) of size at most \(N_1\sqrt{D_\theta }\). Assumption 1 tells that with some probability on the choice of \(\tilde{N}_2\), we can find a value \(N_1'\) smaller than this bound by at least a (small) factor \(2\sqrt{D_\theta }\). This assumption seems very plausible. Using lattice terminology, the expectation on \(N_1'\) comes from the well-known Gaussian heuristic, and Assumption 1 tells that the proportion of lattices with small deviations from this heuristic is significant. In continued fraction terminology, Assumption 1 considers the proportion of values \(\tilde{N}_2\) such that some rational fraction approximation of \(\tau /N_1\) is a little bit better than what is guaranteed by the bounds, and tells that this proportion is significant. Finally, Assumption 1 receives further support from our experiments described below.

We deduce the following result:

Proposition 3

Let \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) be coprime smooth numbers, with \(\log N_2=O(\log ^2N_1) \). Then under plausible heuristic assumptions Problem 3 can be solved in polynomial time when the initial curve \(E_0\) has a small degree endomorphism.


All subroutines in our reduction procedure require at most polynomial time, and under Assumption 1 these steps will only be executed a polynomial number of times.


Suppose \(p=3\bmod 4\) and suppose \(j_0=1728\) as in Costello et al.’s implementation [4]. In this case there exists a non scalar endomorphism \(\iota \in {{\mathrm{End}}}(E_0)\) with norm 1 and trace 0. Any \(\theta \in {{\mathrm{End}}}(E_0)\) must either have a large norm or be of the form \(\theta =a\iota +b\) for two small \(a,b\in \mathbb {Z}\). In the last case we then have \(\varDelta _\theta =a^2\), so \(-\varDelta _\theta \) is a square modulo some prime r if and only if \(-1\) is a square modulo r. This implies that no prime factor r of \(N_2\) with \(r=3\bmod 4\) can be used in our attack. On the other hand, any prime factors with \(r=1\bmod 4\) can be used in the attack.

Experiments for the optimal degree variant. We wrote a small Magma program [22] to compute the successive pairs of parameters (ab) to use in our attack, and test the heuristic assumptions involved in our analysis (the code is available in the eprint version of this paper [14]). In our experiments we generate random p values, choose \(N_1\) powersmooth and then search for a coprime \(\tilde{N}_2>2qN_1\) leading to \(N_1'<N_1/2q\). We repeat this recursively until \(N_1'\) is small enough (smaller than some polylog bound in p). We used \(K=2\) in these experiments. For 80-bit security parameters our program gives the parameters of an attack in a few seconds. The full attack requires isogenies of degree at most about 36000.

Experiments for the unbalanced variant. We also ran attack experiments for the unbalanced protocol variant. In all experiments we took \(\ell _1=2\) and \(\ell _2=5\). We considered values of \(e_1\) between 20 and 100, and we searched for the minimal value of \(e_2\) such that the attack could reduce \(N_1\) to a value smaller than 100. Table 1 provides some successful attack parameters. In addition to \(e_1\) and \(e_2\) it shows the value \(\left\lceil \frac{e_2\log _25}{e_1^2}\right\rfloor \) (which seems close to a constant 1/2, as expected), the value K used for these parameters, and the number of reduction steps used. Our Magma code is provided in the eprint version of this paper [14].

Table 1. Some successful attack parameters against the unbalanced variant (\(\ell _1=2\) and \(\ell _2=5\))


The parameter K must be larger than 1 in our attack as \(N_1'>N_1^2q/\tilde{N_2}\) for any \(a\ne 0\). We experimentally observed that \(K=2\) was sufficient in the optimal degree variant to make \(N_1\) decrease by a factor 2 at each reduction step. The unbalanced variant leaves less flexibility in the parameter choice, so we did not impose a factor 2 decrease on \(N_1\) (and in fact we even allowed it to increase in some reduction steps). We observed that lower values of K were then sufficient. We have also observed experimentally that the value of K has some moderate impact on the overall performances of the attack (required size for \(N_2\), number of reduction steps). We leave a thorough investigation of optimal parameter choices for our attack to further work.


When \(N_2\) is too small to execute \(O(\log N_1) \) reduction steps, then we may replace the missing last reduction steps by a final meet-in-the-middle strategy. Depending on the final size of \(N_1'\) and on its largest prime factor this may still provide some exponential speedup over the basic meet-in-the-middle strategy. We note, however, that for the original parameters proposed by Jao and De Feo, at most one recursive step can be performed. In this case it might be possible to find some (exceptional) set of parameters that would improve the best attack by a few bits, but for most parameters we do not expect any savings.

Possible Extensions. One can vary \(R_0\) and \(R_1\) depending on the attack model, or consider variants of Problem 3 involving several isogenies, and derive similar attacks. We leave details to the reader and further work.

5 Impact and Perspectives

The techniques developed in this paper solve some isogeny problems using the images of certain torsion points by the isogenies. Such images are revealed in De Feo-Jao supersingular key exchange protocol as well as the public key encryption and signature scheme that derive from it (see [7, 24] and the first signature scheme of [9]). Until now all existing attacks against these protocols made no use at all of this auxiliary information.

At the moment our techniques do not apply to the parameters originally proposed in these protocols. However they apply on some natural variants of them, and they issue a warning that the auxiliary information might weaken isogeny problems. One could also fear that further developments of our techniques and particular attack models will be able to threaten the original protocol itself.

In anticipation of potential future improvements of our attacks, we recommend to avoid the use of special \(E_0\) in the protocols, as any (partial) knowledge of the endomorphism ring of \(E_0\) may a priori be useful to the attacker with our techniques. We stress, however, that the only known algorithm to avoid special curves for \(E_0\) consists in generating a special curve and then performing a random walk from there to obtain a truly random curve; depending on the context this procedure might still allow some form of backdoor attack. An algorithm that could generate a random supersingular j-invariant without performing a random walk from a curve with known endomorphism ring would be a handy tool for designing cryptosystems based on supersingular isogeny problems. Of course, the algorithm may come with additional insight on the underlying Mathematics, which might also help further cryptanalysis. We would like to encourage research in this direction.

We note that the hash function proposed by Charles-Goren-Lauter [2] can also be attacked when starting from a curve with known endomorphism ring. There is also a corresponding “backdoor collision attack”; however the attack is less powerful than above as it can be detected and any use of the backdoor will leak it. We refer to [15] for details of this attack.

The second signature scheme of [9] relies on the endomorphism ring computation problem for random curves, with no extra information leaked, and is not affected by our techniques. In contrast to the isogeny problem variants considered in this paper, we are not aware of any cryptanalysis result that affects the endomorphism ring computation problem, and we believe that cryptosystems based on this problem offer the strongest security guarantees in the area of isogeny-based cryptography. Of course, cryptanalysis research in this direction is also fairly scarce despite some early work by Kohel [12], and more cryptanalysis will be needed to gain confidence on their security.