
1 Introduction

Oblivious RAM (ORAM), initially proposed by Goldreich and Ostrovsky [17, 18], is a powerful primitive that allows oblivious accesses to sensitive data, such that access patterns during the computation reveal no secret information. Since its original proposal [18], ORAM has been shown to be promising in various application settings including secure processors [11, 13, 14, 25, 30], cloud outsourced storage [19, 32, 33, 40] and secure multi-party computation [15, 16, 20, 22, 24, 37].

Although ORAM is broadly useful, it is inherently sequential and does not support parallelism. On the other hand, parallelism is universal in modern architectures such as cloud platforms and multi-core processors. Motivated by this apparent discrepancy, in a recent seminal work [3], Boyle et al. extended the ORAM notion to the parallel setting. Specifically, they defined Oblivious Parallel RAM (OPRAM), and demonstrated that any PRAM program can be simulated obliviously while incurring roughly \(O(\log ^4 N)\) blowup in running time when consuming the same number of CPUs as the PRAM where N is the total memory size. The result by Boyle et al. [3] was later improved by Chen et al. [7], who showed a logarithmic factor improvement, attaining \(O(\log ^3 N)\) overhead.

However, we still know of no OPRAM algorithm whose performance can “match” the state-of-the-art sequential counterparts [23, 35, 36]. In particular, in the sequential setting, it is known that computationally secure ORAMs can be constructed with \(O(\frac{\log ^2 N}{\log \log N})\) simulation overhead [23], and statistically secure ORAMs can be achieved with \(O(\log ^2 N)\) simulation overhead [36] — these results apply when assuming O(1) blocks of CPU private cache, and they hold for general block sizes, as long as the block is large enough to store its own address. Thus in comparison, state-of-the-art OPRAM schemes are at least a logarithmic factor slower. We thus ask the question:

Can we construct an OPRAM scheme whose asymptotical performance matches the best known sequential counterpart?

Our paper answers this question in the affirmative. To this end, we construct the Circuit OPRAM framework — under this framework we demonstrate both statistically and computationally secure ORAMs whose performance matches the best known ORAM schemes in these respective settings. Our main results are summarized in the following informal theorems.

Theorem 1

(Informal: statistically secure OPRAM). There exists a statistically secure OPRAM scheme that achieves \(O(\log ^2 N)\) simulation overhead for general block sizes and O(1) blocks of CPU cache.

Theorem 2

(Informal: computationally secure OPRAM). There exists a computationally secure OPRAM scheme that achieves \(O(\frac{\log ^2 N}{\log \log N})\) simulation overhead for general block sizes and O(1) blocks of CPU cache.

In both the above theorems, an OPRAM simulation overhead of \(\chi \) means the following: suppose that the original PRAM consumes m CPUs and computes a program in T time; then we can compile the PRAM into an OPRAM also consuming m CPUs, but completes in \(\chi \cdot T\) timeFootnote 1. Since an OPRAM scheme with \(\chi \) simulation overhead immediately implies an ORAM scheme with \(\chi \) simulation overheadFootnote 2 to — in some sense, our work provides a unifying framework under which we subsume all known results for statistically secure and computationally secure ORAMs and OPRAMs — and specifically for the case of OPRAM, we improve best known results by at least a logarithmic factor.

For generality, we describe our construction in a way that supports the case of varying number of CPUs, i.e., when the underlying PRAM consumes a different number of CPUs in different PRAM steps — this is a desirable property phrased in the original OPRAM work by Boyle et al. [3], although the subsequent work by Chen et al. [7] fails to achieve it.

Last but not the least, we show that when the block size is sufficiently large, our framework implies an OPRAM scheme with \(O(\log N)\) simulation overhead (when m is not too small) — also matching the best-known sequential ORAM result for large block sizes [36].

1.1 Technical Highlights

Obtaining an OPRAM as tight as its sequential counterpart turns out to be rather non-trivial. Part of the technical sophistication stems from the fact that we did not find any generic method that can blackbox-compile an efficient ORAM to an OPRAM scheme with matching overhead. As a result, our construction requires opening up and building atop the Circuit ORAM scheme [36] (which is a state-of-the-art ORAM scheme among others) in a non-blackbox mannerFootnote 3.

We follow the paradigm for constructing OPRAM schemes proposed by Boyle et al. [3] and Chen et al. [7]. On a high level, we leverage a tree-based ORAM scheme [31, 36] but truncate the tree at a level with m nodes, thus creating m disjoint subtrees. At this point, a simple approach that is taken by earlier works [7] is to have a single CPU in charge of each subtree. When a batch of m memory requests come in, each request will want to fetch data from a random subtree. By a simple balls-and-bins argument, while each subtree receives only O(1) requests in expectation, the most unlucky sub-tree will need to serve super-logarithmically many requests (to obtain a negligible failure probability). Thus the naive approach is to have each subtree’s CPU serve these super-logarithmically many requests sequentially. After fetching the m blocks, the OPRAM data structure must be maintained by remapping every fetched block to a random new subtree. Again, although each subtree gets assigned O(1) remapped blocks in expectation during this maintain stage, the most unlucky subtree can obtain super-logarithmically many blocks. For obliviousness, it is important that we hide from the adversary to which subtree each block gets remapped. Unfortunately this also means that we cannot disclose how many remapped blocks are received by each subtree — and thus previous works [7] adopt the simple approach of padding: even when a subtree may receive only 1 remapped block, it still must perform dummy operations to pretend that it receives superlogarithmically many blocks.

Thus, a primary reason that causes existing constructions [3, 7] to be inefficient is the discrepancy between the average-case contention and the worst-case contention associated with a subtree. In the above description, this discrepancy reflects in both the request phase and the maintain phase. In both phases, each subtree receives O(1) requests or blocks in expectation, but the worst-case can be superlogarithmic (assuming negligible failure probability).

Thus the core of the question is how to avoid the blowup resulting from the aforementioned average-case and worst-case discrepancy. We would like our scheme to incur a cost that reflects the average-case contention, not the worst-case. To achieve this, we need different techniques for the online request and offline maintain phases respectively:

  • For the request phase, it does not violate obliviousness to disclose how many requests are received by each subtree, and thus the nature of the problem is how to design an efficient parallel oblivious algorithm to serve all m requests in parallel with m CPUs, and avoid any subtree’s CPU having to process super-logarithmically many requests sequentially. As we will show in later sections, the core of the problem is how to design an efficient and oblivious parallel removal algorithm (referred to “simultaneous removal” in later sections) that removes fetched blocks from the tree-paths — this is challenging since several CPUs may read paths that overlap with one another, leading to possible write contention.

  • In the maintain phase, on the contrary, it would violate obliviousness to disclose how many remapped blocks are received by each subtree. Earlier schemes achieve this by pretending to reroute superlogarithmically many blocks to every subtree, thus always incurring the worst-case cost. Our idea is to redesign the underlying stochastic process to avoid this padding-related loss. To this end, we introduce a new technique called “lazy eviction”Footnote 4, where we do not route remapped blocks to their new subtrees immediately — instead, with every operation, each subtree has a budget for receiving only a constant number of remapped blocks; and the overflowing blocks that do not have a chance to be rerouted to their assigned subtrees will remain in a “pool” data structure whose size we shall bound with measure concentration techniques.

When we put these techniques together, we obtain on OPRAM scheme that induces a stochastic process that is somewhat involved to reason about. Analyzing this OPRAM-induced stochastic process and proving measure concentration results (e.g., bounds on pool and stash sizes) are non-trivial challenges that we have to overcome in this paper. Although we build on top of the Circuit ORAM scheme in a non-blackbox manner, we wish to maximally reuse the (somewhat involved) measure concentration results proven in the Circuit ORAM work [36] (albeit in a non-blackbox manner). Thus, when we design our Circuit OPRAM algorithm, we take care to ensure that the resulting randomized process is stochastically dominated by that of the underlying Circuit ORAM algorithm (in terms of overflows) — to this end, our algorithm tries to “imitate” the stochastic behavior of Circuit ORAM in several places, e.g., in selecting which remapped block gets priority to be rerouted back to its subtree. A rather technical part of our proof is to show that the resulting OPRAM scheme is indeed stochastically dominated by Circuit ORAM in terms of overflows.

1.2 Related Work

Closely related and independent works. Subsequent to our online technical report, Nayak and Katz [26] also released a technical report that claimed seemingly similar results. We stress that our construction is a \(\log N \cdot {\textsf {poly}} \log \log N\) factor more efficient than the work by Nayak and Katz — despite their paper’s title claiming to achieve \(O(\log ^2 N)\) overhead, their \(O(\log ^2 N)\) overhead did not account for the inter-CPU communication which is \(O(\log ^3 N {\textsf {poly}} \log \log N)\) in their scheme assuming O(1) CPU cache — more specifically, Nayak and Katz’s scheme does not improve the inter-CPU communication in comparison with Chen et al. [7] (whereas we improve by a super-logarithmic factor); but they adopt a variant of our simultaneous removal algorithm to improve the CPU-memory communication of Chen et al. [7].

In our paper, we adopt a more general and cleaner model than earlier and concurrent OPRAM works [3, 7, 26], in that we assume that all inter-CPU communication is routed through memory too. In this way, we use a single metric called simulation overhead to characterize both CPU-memory cost and inter-CPU communication. Using our metric, an OPRAM scheme with simulation overhead \(\chi \) means that both the CPU-memory cost and the inter-CPU communication have at most \(\chi \) blowup in comparison with the original PRAM.

Below we review the line of works on constructing ORAMs and OPRAMs.

Oblivious RAM (ORAM). Oblivious RAM (ORAM) was initially proposed by Goldreich and Ostrovsky [17, 18] who showed that any RAM program can be simulated obliviously incurring only \(O(\alpha \log ^3 N)\) runtime blowup, while achieving a security failure probability that is negligible in N. Numerous subsequent works [10, 19, 23, 28, 29, 31, 35, 36, 36,37,38,39,40] improved Goldreich and Ostrovsky’s seminal result in different application settings including cloud outsourcing, secure processor, and secure multi-party computation.

Most of these schemes follow one of two frameworks: the hierarchical framework, originally proposed by Goldreich and Ostrovsky [17, 18], or the tree-based framework proposed by Shi et al. [31]. To date, some of the (asymptotically) best schemes include the following: (1) Kushilevitz et al. [23] showed a computationally secure ORAM scheme with \(O(\log ^2 N/\log \log N)\) runtime blowup for general block sizes; and (2) Wang et al. construct Circuit ORAM [36], a statistically secure ORAM that achieves \({O}(\alpha \log ^2 N)\) runtime blowup for general block sizesFootnote 5 and \({O}(\alpha \log N)\) runtime blowup for large enough blocks. At the time of the writing, we are not aware of any approach that transforms a state-of-the-art hierarchical ORAM such as Kushilevitz et al. [23] into an OPRAM scheme with matching simulation overhead — even if this could be done, it still would not be clear how to match the best known ORAM results for the statistical security setting. Our work henceforth builds on top of the tree-based ORAM framework, and specifically, Circuit ORAM [36].

On the lower bound side, Goldreich and Ostrovsky [17, 18] demonstrated that any ORAM scheme (with constant CPU cache) must incur at least \(\varOmega (\log N)\) runtime blowup. This well-known lower bound was recently shown to be tight (under certain parameter ranges) by the authors of Circuit ORAM [36], who showed a matching upper bound for sufficiently large block sizes. Goldreich and Ostrovsky’s lower bound applies to OPRAM too since by our definition of simulation overhead, an OPRAM scheme with \(\chi \) simulation overhead implies an ORAM scheme with \(\chi \) simulation overhead. We note that while the Goldreich and Ostrovsky lower bound is quite general, it models each block as being opaque — recently, an elegant result by Boyle and Naor [4] discussed the possibility of proving a lower bound without this restriction. Specifically, they showed that proving a lower bound without the block opaqueness restriction is as hard as showing a superlinear lower bound on the sizes of certain sorting circuits. Further, the Goldreich-Ostrovsky lower bound is also known not to hold when the memory (i.e., ORAM server) is capable of performing computation [2, 10] — in this paper, we focus on the classical ORAM/OPRAM setting where the memory does not perform any computation besides storing and fetching data at the request of the CPU.

Oblivious Parallel RAM (OPRAM). Given that many modern computing architectures support parallelism, it is natural to extend ORAM to the parallel setting. As mentioned earlier, Boyle et al. [3] were the first to formulate the OPRAM problem, and they constructed an elegant scheme that achieves \({O}(\alpha \log ^4 N)\) blowup both in terms of total work and parallel runtime. Their result was later improved by Chen et al. [7] who were able to achieve \({O}(\alpha \log ^3 N)\) blowup both in terms of total work and parallel runtime under \(O(\log ^2 N)\) blocks of CPU cache. These results can easily be recast to the O(1) CPU cache setting by applying a standard trick that leverages oblivious sorting to perform eviction [36, 37]. We note that Chen et al. [7] actually considered CPU-memory communication and inter-CPU communication as two separate metrics, and their scheme achieves \({O}(\alpha \log ^2 N \log \log N)\) CPU-memory communication blowup, but \({O}(\alpha \log ^3 N)\) inter-CPU communication blowup. In this paper, we consider the more general PRAM model where all inter-CPU communication is implemented through CPU-memory communication. In this case, the two metrics coalesce into one (i.e., the maximum of the two).

Besides OPRAM schemes in the standard setting, Dachman-Soled et al. [9] considered a variation of the problem (which they refer to as “Oblivious Network RAM”) where each memory bank is assumed to be oblivious within itself, and the adversary can only observe which bank a request goes to. Additionally, Nayak et al. [27] show that for parallel computing models that are more restrictive than the generic PRAM (e.g., the popular GraphLab and MapReduce models), there exist efficient parallel oblivious algorithms that asymptotically outperform known generic OPRAM. Some of the algorithmic techniques employed by Nayak et al. [27] are similar in nature to those of Boyle et al. [3].

Subsequent work. In subsequent work, Chan et al. [5] consider a new model for OPRAM, where the OPRAM has access to more CPUs than the original PRAM. In that model, they characterize an OPRAM’s overhead using two metrics, total work blowup and parallel runtime blowup (the latter metric also referred to as depth blowup). Chan et al. show that any OPRAM scheme that treats block contents as opaque must incur at least \(\varOmega (\log m)\) depth blowup where m is the number of CPUs of the original PRAM. Further, they devise non-trivial algorithmic techniques that improves the depth of Circuit OPRAM (while preserving total work) by recruiting the help of logarithmically many more CPUs. Further, Chan et al. [5] show that their algorithm’s depth is tight in the parameter m when the block size is sufficiently large.

2 Informal Overview of Our Results

In this section, we take several intermediate steps to design a basic Circuit OPRAM construction. Specifically, we start out by reviewing the high-level idea introduced earlier by Chen et al. [7]. Then, we point out why their scheme suffers from an extra logarithmic blowup in performance in comparison with the best known sequential algorithm. Having made these observations, we describe our new techniques to avoid this blowup. For simplicity, in this section, we focus on describing the basic, statistically secure Circuit OPRAM algorithm with a fixed number of CPUs denoted m. In later formal sections, we will describe the full scheme supporting the case of varying m, and additional techniques that allow us to shave another \(\log \log N\) factor by leveraging a PRF to compress the storage of the random position maps. Like in earlier ORAM/OPRAM works [17,18,19, 31, 35, 36], we will assume that the number of blocks N is also the security parameter.

2.1 Background: Circuit ORAM

We review tree-based ORAMs [8, 31, 35, 36] originally proposed by Shi et al. [31]. We specifically focus on describing the Circuit ORAM algorithm [36] which we build upon.

We assume that memory is divided into atomic units called blocks. We first focus on describing the non-recursive version, in which the CPU stores in its local cache a position map henceforth denoted as \(\mathsf{posmap}\) that stores the position for every block.

Data structures. The memory is organized in the form of a binary tree, where every tree node is a bucket with a capacity of O(1) blocks. Buckets hold blocks, where each block is either dummy or real. Throughout the paper, we use the notation N to denote the total number of blocks. Without loss of generality, we assume that \(N = 2^L\) is a power of two. The ORAM binary tree thus has height L.

Besides the buckets, there is also a stash in memory that holds overflowing blocks. The stash is of size \(O(\alpha \log N)\), where \(\alpha = \omega (1)\) is a parameter related to the failure probability. Just like buckets, the stash may contain both real and dummy blocks. Henceforth, for convenience, we will often treat the stash as part of the root bucket.

Main path invariant. The main invariant of tree-based ORAMs is that every block is assigned to the path from the root to a randomly chosen leaf node. Hence, the path for each block is indicated by the leaf identifier or the position identifier, which is stored in the aforementioned position map \(\mathsf{posmap}\). A block with virtual address i must reside on the path indicated by \(\mathsf{posmap}[i]\).

Operations. We describe the procedures for reading or writing a block at virtual address i.

  • Read and remove. To read a block at virtual address i, the CPU looks up its assigned path indicated by \(\mathsf{posmap}[i]\), and reads this entire path. If the requested block is found at some location on the path, the CPU writes a dummy block back into the location. Otherwise, the CPU simply writes the original block back. In both cases, the block written back is re-encrypted such that the adversary cannot observe which block is removed.

  • Remap. Once a block at virtual address i is fetched, it is immediately assigned to a new path. To do this, a fresh random path identifier is chosen and \(\mathsf{posmap}[i]\) is modified accordingly. The block fetched is then written to the last location in the stash (the last location is guaranteed to be empty except with negligible probability at the end of each access). If this is a write operation, the block’s contents may be updated prior to writing it back to the stash.

  • Evict. Two paths (particularly, one to the left of the root and one to the right of the root) are chosen for eviction according to an appropriate data independent criterion. Specifically, for the remainder of the paper, we will assume that the paths are chosen based on the deterministic reverse lexicographical order algorithm adopted in earlier works [15, 36], the choice of eviction path is non-essential to the understanding of the algorithm (but matters to the stochastic analysis).

    For each path chosen (that includes the stash), the CPU performs an eviction procedure along this path. On a high level, eviction is a maintenance operation that aims to move blocks along tree paths towards the leaves — and importantly, in a way that respects the aforementioned path invariant. The purpose of eviction is to avoid overflow at any bucket.

    Specifically in Circuit ORAM, this eviction operation involves making two metadata scans of the eviction path followed by a single data block scan [36].

A useful property of Circuit ORAM’s eviction algorithm. For the majority of this paper, the reader need not know the details of the eviction algorithm. However, we point out a useful observation regarding Circuit ORAM’s eviction algorithm.

Fact 1

(Circuit ORAM eviction). Suppose Circuit ORAM’s eviction algorithm is run once on some path denoted \(\mathsf{path}[0..L]\), where by convention we use \(\mathsf{path}[0]\) to denote the root (together with the stash) and \(\mathsf{path}[L]\) is the leaf in the path. Then, for every height \(i \in \{1, \ldots , L\}\), it holds that at most one block moves from \(\mathsf{path}[0..i-1]\) to \(\mathsf{path}[i..L]\). Further, if a block did move from \(\mathsf{path}[0..i-1]\) to \(\mathsf{path}[i..L]\), then it must be the block that can be evicted the deepest along the eviction path (and if more than one such block exists, an arbitrary choice could be made).

Jumping ahead, we stress that Fact 1 is why later we can evict exactly 1 block to each subtree — in comparison, had we built on top of Path ORAM, we would not be able to achieve the same.

Recursion. So far, we have assumed that the CPU can store the entire position map \(\mathsf{posmap}\) in its local cache. This assumption can be removed using a standard recursion technique [31]. Specifically, instead of storing the position map in the CPU’s cache, we store it in a smaller ORAM in memory — and we repeat this process until the position map is of constant size.

As long as each block can store at least two position identifiers, each level of the recursion will reduce the size of the ORAM by a constant factor. Therefore, there are at most \(O(\log N)\) levels of recursion. Several tree-based ORAM schemes also describe additional tricks in parametrizing the recursion for larger block sizes [35, 36]. We will not describe these tricks in detail here, but later in the full version [6] we will recast these tricks in our OPRAM context and describe further optimizations for large block sizes.

Circuit ORAM performance. For general block sizes, Circuit ORAM achieves \(O(\alpha \log N)\) blowup (in terms of bandwidth and the number of accesses) in the non-recursive version, and \(O(\alpha \log ^2 N)\) blowup across all levels of recursion. The CPU needs to hold only O(1) blocks at any point in time.

2.2 Warmup: The CLT OPRAM Scheme

We outline the elegant approach by Chen et al. [7] which achieves \(O(\log ^3 N)\) simulation overhead. Although Chen et al. [7]’s construction builds on top of Path ORAM [35], we describe a (slightly improved) variant of their scheme [7] that builds atop Circuit ORAM instead, but in a way that captures the core ideas of Chen et al. [7].

Suppose we start with Circuit ORAM [36], a state-of-the-art tree-based ORAM. Circuit ORAM is sequential, i.e., supports only one access at a time — but we now would like to support m simultaneous accesses. Without loss of generality, we assume that \(m \le N\) throughout the paper. In our informal overview, we often assume that m is not too small for convenience (more precisely we assume that \(m > \omega (\log \log N)\) for our informal description), and we deal with the case of small m in later technical sections.

Challenge for parallel accesses: write conflicts. A strawman idea for constructing OPRAM is to have m CPUs perform m ORAM access operations simultaneously. Reads are easy to handle, since the m CPUs can read m paths simultaneously. The difficulty is due to write conflicts, which arise from the need for m CPUs to (1) each remove a block from its bucket if it is the requested one; and (2) to perform eviction after the reads. In particular, observe that the paths accessed by the m CPUs overlap, and therefore it may be possible that two or more CPUs will be writing the same location at the same time. It is obvious that if such write conflicts are resolved arbitrarily where an arbitrary CPU wins, we will not be able to maintain even correctness.

Subtree partitioning to reduce write contention. Chen et al.’s core idea is to remove buckets from smaller heights of the Circuit ORAM tree, and start at a height with m buckets. In this way, we can view the Circuit ORAM tree as m disjoint subtrees — write contentions can only occur inside each subtree but not across different subtrees.

Now since there are m CPUs in the original PRAM, each batch contains m memory access requests — without loss of generality, we will assume that all of these m requests are distinct — had it not been the case, it is easy to apply the conflict resolution algorithm of Boyle et al. [3] to suppress duplicates, and then rely on oblivious routing to route fetched results back to all m requesting CPUs.

Each of these m requests will look for its block in a random subtree independently. By the Chernoff bound, each subtree receives \(O(\alpha \log N)\) requests with all but \(\mathsf {negl}(N)\) probability where \(\alpha = \omega (1)\) is any super-constant function. Chen et al.’s algorithm proceeds as follows, where performance metrics are without recursion.

  1. 1.

    Fetch. A designated CPU per subtree performs the read phase of these \(O(\alpha \log N)\) requests sequentially, which involves reading up to \(O(\alpha \log N)\) paths in the tree. Since each path is \(O(\log N)\) in length, this incurs \(O(\alpha \log ^2 N)\) parallel steps.

  2. 2.

    Route. Obliviously route the fetch results to the requesting CPUs. This incurs \(O(\log m)\) parallel steps with m CPUs.

  3. 3.

    Remap. Assign each fetched block to a random new subtree and a random leaf within that subtree. Similarly, each subtree receives \(\mu = O(\alpha \log N)\) blocks with all but \(\mathsf {negl}(N)\) probability. Now, adopt an oblivious routing procedure to route exactly \(\mu \) blocks back to each subtree, such that each tree receives blocks destined for itself together with padded dummy blocks. This incurs \(O(\alpha \log m \log N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs.

  4. 4.

    Evict. Each subtree CPU sequentially performs \(\mu = O(\alpha \log N)\) evictions for its own subtree. This incurs \(O(\alpha \log ^2 N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs.

Note that to make the above scheme work, Chen et al. [7] must assume that each subtree CPU additionally stores an \(O(\alpha \log N)\)-sized stash that holds all overflowing blocks that are destined for the particular subtree — we will get rid of this CPU cache, such that each CPU only needs O(1) blocks of transient storage and does not need any permanent storage.

Recursive version. The above performance metrics assumed that all CPUs get to store, read, and update a shared position map for free. To remove this assumption, we can employ the standard recursion technique of the tree-based ORAM framework [31] to store this position map. We stress that when applying recursion, we must perform conflict resolution at each recursion level to ensure that all non-dummy requests have distinct addresses at each recursion level. The position identifiers fetched at a position map level will be obliviously routed to the fetch CPUs at the next recursion level.

Assuming that each block has size at least \(\varOmega (\log N)\) bits, there can be up to \(\log N\) levels of recursion. Therefore, Chen et al.’s OPRAM scheme incurs \(O(\alpha \log ^3 N)\) simulation overhead using the same number of CPUs as the original PRAM.

2.3 Our Construction: Intuition

Why the CLT OPRAM is inefficient. First, we need to observe why the CLT OPRAM [7] is inefficient. There are two fundamental reasons why the CLT OPRAM scheme suffers from an extra \(\log N\) factor in overhead.

  1. 1.

    During the fetch phase, a single CPU per subtree acts sequentially to fetch all requests that belong to the subtree. Although on average, each subtree receives O(1) requests, in the worst case a subtree may receive up to \(\alpha \log N\) requests (to obtain \(\mathsf {negl}(N)\) security failure). Since serving each request involves reading a tree path of \(\log N\) in length and then removing the block fetched from the path, serving all \(\alpha \log N\) requests sequentially with a single CPU would then require \(O(\alpha \log ^2 N)\) time — over all \(O(\log N)\) recursion levels, the blowup would then be \(O(\alpha \log ^3 N)\).

  2. 2.

    Similarly, during the eviction phase, a single CPU is in charge of performing all evictions a subtree receives. Although on average, each subtree receives O(1) evictions, in the worst case a subtree may receive up to \(\alpha \log N\) evictions (to obtain \(\mathsf {negl}(N)\) security failure). Similarly, to serve all \(\alpha \log N\) evictions with a single CPU would require \(O(\alpha \log ^2 N)\) time — and after recursion, the blowup would be \(O(\alpha \log ^3 N)\).

Therefore, the crux is how to improve the efficiency of the above two steps. To this end, we need to introduce a few new ideas described below.

Simultaneous removal. Reading data from the m subtrees can be split into two steps: (1) reading m paths to search for the m blocks requested; and (2) removing the m fetched blocks. Reading m paths can be parallelized trivially by having m CPUs each read a path — note that it is safe to reveal how many requests go to each subtree. Therefore, the crux is how to in parallel remove the m fetched blocks from the respective tree paths. The challenge here is that the tree paths may intersect — recall that each subtree may receive up to \(\alpha \log N\) requests in the worst-case, and therefore the simultaneous removal algorithm must handle potential write conflicts.

We detail our new simultaneous removal algorithm in Sect. 7.1.

Lazy eviction. The eviction stage is more tricky. Unlike the fetch phase where it is safe to reveal which requests go to which subtrees, here it must be kept secret from the adversary how many evictions each subtree receives. At first sight, it would seem like it is necessary to pad the number of evictions per subtree to \(\alpha \log N\) to hide the actual number of evictions each subtree receives.

Our idea is to perform eviction lazily. We perform only a single (possibly dummy) eviction per subtree for each batch of m requests — for technical reasons we will have 2m subtrees in total instead of m subtrees, since this makes evictions on average faster than the rate of access. In particular, if there exists one or more blocks wanting to be evicted to a subtree, a real eviction takes place; otherwise, a dummy eviction takes place for the corresponding subtree.

Obviously, such lazy eviction would mean that some elements will be left over and cannot be evicted back into the subtrees. Therefore, we introduce a new data structure called a pool to store the leftover blocks that fail to be evicted. Later, we will prove that the pool size is upper bounded by \(O(m + \alpha \log N)\) except with \(\mathsf {negl}(N)\) probability.

Due to the introduction of the pool, when a batch of requests come, we will need to serve these requests not only from the subtrees, but also from the pool as well — serving requests from the pool can be done in parallel through a standard building block called oblivious routing [3].

Selection of eviction candidates and pool occupancy. Recall that during the eviction stage, we would like to perform a single eviction per subtree. This would require an oblivious algorithm to select eviction candidates from the pool and route these candidates to the respective subtrees. Intuitively, if multiple blocks in the pool are destined for a given subtree, we should select one that has a maximum chance of being evicted, since this can hopefully give us a tight bound on the leftover blocks in the pool. As a result, suppose that a certain path denoted \(\mathsf {path} \) is being evicted for a certain subtree, we will select a block in the pool that is deepest with respect to \(\mathsf {path} \) for this subtree — as defined in the Circuit ORAM [36] work, this means that this block can legally reside in a deepest height (i.e., closest to the leaf) in \(\mathsf {path} \).

It turns out that using this eviction candidate selection strategy, we can view the union of the subtrees and the pool logically as a big Circuit ORAM tree — where the subtrees represent heights \(\log _2(2m)\) or higher; and the pool represents smaller heights below \(\log _2 (2m)\) as well as the stash of Circuit ORAM. At this moment, it would seem like bounding on the pool occupancy would directly translate to bounding blocks remaining in the smaller heights of Circuit ORAM — although there is one additional subtlety: in Circuit ORAM, we perform one access followed by one eviction, whereas here we perform a batch of m accesses followed by a batch of m evictions. To handle this difference, we prove a stochastic domination result, showing that such batched eviction can only reduce the number of blocks in height \(\log _2(2m)\) or smaller than non-batched — in this way, we can reuse Circuit ORAM’s stochastic analysis for bounding the pool size.

2.4 Putting it Altogether

Putting the above ideas together would expose a few more subtleties. We give a high-level overview of our basic construction below.

A pool and 2m subtrees: reduce write contention by partitioning. Following the approach of Chen et al. [7], we reduce write contention by partitioning the Circuit ORAM into 2m subtreesFootnote 6. However, on top of Chen et al. [7], we additionally introduce the notion of a pool, a data structure that we will utilize to amortize evictions across time.

We restructure a standard Circuit ORAM tree in the following manner. First, we consider a height with 2m buckets, which gives us 2m disjoint subtrees. All buckets from smaller heights, including the Circuit ORAM’s stash, contain at most \(O(m + \alpha \log N)\) blocks — we will simply store these \(O(m + \alpha \log N)\) blocks in an unstructured fashion in memory, henceforth referred to as a pool.

Fetch. Given a batch of m memory requests, henceforth without loss of generality, we assume that the m requests are for distinct addresses. This is because we can adopt the conflict resolution algorithm by Boyle et al. [3] to suppress duplicates, and after data has been fetched, rely on oblivious routing to send fetched data to all request CPUs.

Now, we look up the requested blocks in two places, both the pool and the subtrees:

  • Subtree lookup: Suppose that the position labels of the m requests have been retrieved (we will later show how to achieve this through a standard recursion technique) — this defines m random paths in the 2m subtrees. We can now have m fetch CPUs each read a path to look for a desired block. All fetched blocks are merged into the central pool. Notice that at this moment, the pool size has grown by a constant factor, but later in a cleanup step, we will compress the pool back to its original size. Also, at this moment, we have not removed the requested blocks from the subtrees yet, and we will remove them later in the maintain phase.

  • Pool lookup: At this moment, all requested blocks must be in the pool. Assuming that m is not too small, we can now rely on oblivious routing to route blocks back to each requesting CPU — and this can be completed in \(O(\log N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs. We will treat the case of small m separately later in the paper.

Maintain. In the maintain phase, we must (1) remove all blocks fetched from the paths read; and (2) perform eviction on each subtree.

  • Efficient simultaneous removals. After reading each subtree, we need to remove up to \(\mu := O(\alpha \log N)\) blocks that are fetched. Such removal operations can lead to write contention when done in parallel: since the paths read by different CPUs overlap, up to \(\mu : = O(\alpha \log N)\) CPUs may try to write to the same location in the subtree.

    Therefore, we propose a new oblivious parallel algorithm for efficient simultaneous removal. Our algorithm allows removal of the m fetched blocks across all trees in \(O(\log N)\) time using m CPUs. We defer the detailed description of this simultaneous removal algorithm to Sect. 7.

  • Selection of eviction candidates and pool-to-subtree routing. At this moment, we will select exactly one eviction candidate from the pool for each subtree. If there exists one or more blocks in the pool to be evicted to a certain subtree, then the deepest block with respect to the current eviction path will be chosen (as mentioned later, eviction paths are chosen using a standard deterministic order lexicographical ordering mechanism [15, 36]). Otherwise, a dummy block will be chosen for this subtree. Roughly speaking, using the above criterion as a preference rule, we can rely on oblivious routing to route the selected eviction candidate from the pool to each subtree. This can be accomplished in \(O(\log N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs assuming that m is not too small — we defer the treatment of small m to later parts of the paper. The details of this algorithm will be spelled out in the full version [6].

  • Eviction. We then perform eviction over one tree path for every subtree where the eviction path is selected using the standard deterministic lexicographically order algorithm — since the details of eviction path selection are non-essential to the understanding of our Circuit OPRAM, we refer the reader to earlier works for a detailed exposition [15, 36]. At the end of this step, each subtree will output an eviction leftover block: the leftover block is dummy if the chosen eviction candidate was successfully evicted into the subtree (or if the eviction candidate was dummy to start with); otherwise the leftover block is the original eviction candidate. All these eviction leftovers will be merged back into the central pool.

  • Pool cleanup. Notice that in the process of serving a batch of requests, the pool size has grown — however, blocks that have entered the pool may be dummy. In particular, we shall prove that the pool’s occupancy will never exceed \(c \cdot m + \alpha \log N\) for an appropriate constant c except with \(\mathsf {negl}(N)\) probability. Therefore, at the end of the maintain phase, we must compress the pool back to \(c \cdot m + \alpha \log N\). Such compression can easily be achieved through oblivious sorting in \(O(\log N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs, assuming that m is not too small. We defer the special treatment of small m to later parts of the paper.

Recursion and performance. So far, we have assumed that a position map can be stored and accessed by the CPUs for free. We can remove this assumption through a standard recursion technique [3, 31]. Note that we need to perform conflict resolution at all levels of recursion, and perform oblivious routing to route the fetched position identifiers to the fetch CPUs at the next recursion level. When we count all \(O(\log N)\) recursion levels, the above basic construction achieves \(O(\log ^2 N)\) blowup when m is not too small — we defer the special-case treatment of small m to later parts of the paper.

2.5 Extensions

Improve performance asymptotically with PRFs. In the full version [6], we will describe additional techniques that allow us to improve the OPRAM’s blowup to \(O(\frac{\log ^2 N}{\log \log N})\) assuming the usage of a pseudo-random function (PRF) — of course, the resulting scheme would then only have computational security rather than statistical security. To this end, we rely on an elegant technique first proposed by Fletcher et al. [12] that effectively “compresses” position labels by relying on a PRF to compute the blocks’ leaf identifiers from “compressed counters”. Fletcher et al.’s technique was designed for tree-based ORAMs — as we show later in the paper, we need to make some adaptations to their algorithm to make it work with OPRAMs.

Varying number of CPUs. Our overview earlier assumes that the original PRAM always has the same number of CPUs in every time step, i.e., all batches of memory requests have the same size. We can further extend our scheme for the case when the number of PRAM CPUs varies over time. Below we briefly describe the idea while leaving details to Sect. 7. Without loss of generality, henceforth we assume that in every time step, the number of requests in a batch m is always a power of 2 — if not, we can simply round it to the nearest power of 2 incurring only O(1) penalty in performance.

Suppose that the OPRAM scheme currently maintains \(2 \widehat{m}\) subtrees, but the incoming batch has \(m > \widehat{m}\) number of requests. In this case, we will immediately adjust the number of subtrees to 2m. This can be done simply by merging more heights of the tree into the pool.

The more difficult case is when the incoming batch contains less than \(m < \widehat{m}\) requests. In this case, we need to decrease the number of subtrees. In the extreme case when m drops from \(\sqrt{N}\) to 1, it will be too expensive to reconstruct up to \(\varTheta (\log N)\) heights of the ORAM tree.

Instead, we argue in Sect. 3.2 that without loss of generality, we may assume that if m decreases, it may only decrease by a factor of 2. Hence, every time we just need to halve the number of subtrees — and to achieve this we only need to reconstruct one extra height of the big ORAM tree, which can be achieved through oblivious sorting in \(O(\log \widehat{m})\) parallel steps with \(O(\widehat{m})\) CPUs.

Results for large block sizes. Finally, we note that when the block size is \(N^\epsilon \) for any constant \(0< \epsilon < 1\), Circuit OPRAM achieves \(O(\log N)\) simulation overhead when \(m \ge \alpha \log \log N\). In light of Goldreich and Ostrovsky’s \(\varOmega (\log N)\) lower bound [17, 18], Circuit OPRAM is therefore asymptotically optimal under large block sizes.

2.6 Paper Organization

The remainder of the paper will formally present the ideas described in this section and describe additional results including

  1. 1.

    How to support the case when the number of CPUs varies over time (Sects. 5, 6, 7, and details in [6]);

  2. 2.

    Algorithmic details for the case of small m (Sects. 5, 6, 7, and details in [6]);

  3. 3.

    Additional techniques to improve the overhead of the scheme by a \(\log \log N\) factor assuming the existence of PRFs and achieving computational (rather than statistical) security in full version [6];

  4. 4.

    Detailed proofs (in full version [6]) where the security proof is somewhat straightforward but the most technically involved part is to prove that Circuit OPRAM’s stochastic process is dominated by that of Circuit ORAM such that we can leverage Circuit ORAM’s stochastic analysis [36] for bounding the pool and stash sizes of Circuit OPRAM; and

  5. 5.

    Interpretations of our results under larger block sizes and other relevant metrics in full version [6].

3 Preliminaries

3.1 Parallel Random-Access Machines

A parallel random-access machine (PRAM) consists of a set of CPUs and a shared memory denoted \({\mathsf {mem}} \) indexed by the address space \([N] := \{1,2, \ldots , N\}\). In this paper, we refer to each memory word also as a block, and we use B to denote the bit-length of each block.

We support a more general PRAM model where the number of CPUs in each time step may vary. Specifically, in each step \(t \in [T]\), we use \(m_t\) to denote the number of CPUs. In each step, each CPU executes a next instruction circuit denoted \(\varPi \), updates its CPU state; and further, CPUs interact with memory through request instructions \(\varvec{I}^{(t)} := (I^{(t)}_i: i \in [m_t])\). Specifically, at time step t, CPU i’s instruction is of the form \(I^{(t)}_i := (\mathsf {op}, {\mathsf {addr}}, {\mathsf {data}})\), where the operation is \(\mathsf {op} \in \{{\mathsf {read}}, {\mathsf {write}} \}\) performed on the virtual memory block with address \({\mathsf {addr}} \) and block value \({\mathsf {data}} \in \{0,1\}^B \cup \{\bot \}\). If \(\mathsf {op} = {\mathsf {read}} \), then we have \({\mathsf {data}} = \bot \) and the CPU issuing the instruction should receive the content of block \({\mathsf {mem}} [{\mathsf {addr}} ]\) at the initial state of step t. If \(\mathsf {op} = {\mathsf {write}} \), then we have \({\mathsf {data}} \ne \bot \); in this case, the CPU still receives the initial state of \({\mathsf {mem}} [{\mathsf {addr}} ]\) in this step, and at the end of step t, the content of virtual memory \({\mathsf {mem}} [{\mathsf {addr}} ]\) should be updated to \({\mathsf {data}} \).

Write conflict resolution. By definition, multiple \(\mathsf {read}\) operations can be executed concurrently with other operations even if they visit the same address. However, if multiple concurrent \(\mathsf {write}\) operations visit the same address, a conflict resolution rule will be necessary for our PRAM be well-defined. In this paper, we assume the following just like earlier OPRAM works [3, 7]:

  • The original PRAM supports concurrent reads and concurrent writes (CRCW) with an arbitrary, parametrizable rule for write conflict resolution. In other words, there exists some priority rule to determine which \(\mathsf {write}\) operation takes effect if there are multiple concurrent writes in some time step t.

  • The compiled, oblivious PRAM (defined below) is a “concurrent read, exclusive write” PRAM (CREW). In other words, the design of our OPRAM construction must ensure that there are no concurrent writes at any time.

We note that a CRCW-PRAM with a parametrizable conflict resolution rule is among the most powerful CRCW-PRAM model, whereas CREW is a much weaker model. Our results are stronger if we allow the underlying PRAM to be more powerful but the our compiled OPRAM uses a weaker PRAM model. For a detailed explanation on how stronger PRAM models can emulate weaker ones, we refer the reader to the work by Hagerup [21].

CPU-to-CPU communication. In the remainder of the paper, we sometimes describe our algorithms using CPU-to-CPU communication. For our OPRAM algorithm to be oblivious, the inter-CPU communication pattern must be oblivious too. We stress that such inter-CPU communication can be emulated using shared memory reads and writes. Therefore, when we express our performance metrics, we assume that all inter-CPU communication is implemented with shared memory reads and writes. In this sense, our performance metrics already account for any inter-CPU communication, and there is no need to have separate metrics that characterize inter-CPU communication. In contrast, Chen et al. [7] defines separate metrics for inter-CPU communication.

Additional assumptions and notations. Henceforth, we assume that each CPU can only store O(1) memory blocks. Further, we assume for simplicity that the runtime of the PRAM, and the number of CPUs activated in each time step are fixed a priori and publicly known parameters. Therefore, we can consider a PRAM to be a tuple

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf{PRAM} := (\varPi , N, T, \ (m_t : t \in [T])), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varPi \) denotes the next instruction circuit, N denotes the total memory size (in terms of number of blocks), T denotes the PRAM’s total runtime, and \(m_t\) denotes the number of CPUs to be activated in each time step \(t \in [T]\). Henceforth, we refer to the vector \((m_1, \ldots , m_T)\) as the \(\mathsf{PRAM}\)’s activation schedule as defined by Boyle et al. [3].

Without loss of generality, we assume that \(N \ge m_t\) for all t. Otherwise, if some \(m_t > N\), we can adopt a trivial parallel oblivious algorithm (through a combination of conflict resolution and oblivious multicast) to serve the batch of \(m_t\) requests in \(O(\log m_t)\) parallel time with \(m_t\) CPUs.

3.2 Oblivious Parallel Random-Access Machines

Randomized PRAM. A randomized PRAM is a special PRAM where the CPUs are allowed to generate private, random numbers. For simplicity, we assume that a randomized PRAM has a priori known, deterministic runtime, and that the CPU activation pattern in each time step is also fixed a priori and publicly known.

Statistical and computational indistinguishability. Given two ensembles of distributions \(\{X_N\}\) and \(\{Y_N\}\) (parameterized with N), we use the notation \(\{X_N\} \overset{\epsilon (N)}{\equiv } \{Y_N\}\) to mean that for any (possibly computationally unbounded) adversary \({\mathcal {A}} \),

$$\begin{aligned} \left| \Pr [{\mathcal {A}} (x) = 1 \, | x {\overset{\$}{\leftarrow }} X_N] - \Pr [{\mathcal {A}} (y) = 1 \, | y {\overset{\$}{\leftarrow }} Y_N] \right| \le \epsilon (N). \end{aligned}$$

We use the notation \(\{X_N\} \overset{\epsilon (N)}{\equiv _\mathsf{c}} \{Y_N\}\) to mean that for any non-uniform \({\text {p.p.t.}}\) adversary \({\mathcal {A}} \),

$$\begin{aligned} \left| \Pr [{\mathcal {A}} (1^N, x) = 1 \, | x {\overset{\$}{\leftarrow }} X_N] - \Pr [{\mathcal {A}} (1^N, y) = 1 \, | y {\overset{\$}{\leftarrow }} Y_N] \right| \le \epsilon (N). \end{aligned}$$

Oblivious PRAM (OPRAM). A randomized \(\mathsf{PRAM}\) parametrized with total memory size N is said to be statistically oblivious, iff there exists a negligible function \(\epsilon (\cdot )\) such that for any inputs \(x_0, x_1 \in \{0, 1\}^*\),

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf{Addresses}(\mathsf{PRAM}, x_0) \overset{\epsilon (N)}{\equiv } \mathsf{Addresses}(\mathsf{PRAM}, x_1), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathsf{Addresses}(\mathsf{PRAM}, x)\) denotes the joint distribution of memory accesses made by \(\mathsf{PRAM}\) upon input x. More specifically, for each time step \(t \in [T]\), \(\mathsf{Addresses}(\mathsf{PRAM}, x)\) includes the memory addresses requested by the set of active CPUs \(S_t\) in time step t along with their CPU identifiers, as well as whether each memory request is a read or write operation.

Similarly, a randomized \(\mathsf{PRAM}\) parametrized with total memory size N is said to be computationally oblivious, iff there exists a negligible function \(\epsilon (\cdot )\) such that for any inputs \(x_0, x_1 \in \{0, 1\}^*\),

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf{Addresses}(\mathsf{PRAM}, x_0) \overset{\epsilon (N)}{\equiv _\mathsf{c}} \mathsf{Addresses}(\mathsf{PRAM}, x_1) \end{aligned}$$

Note the only difference from statistical security is that here the access patterns only need to be indistinguishable to computationally bounded adversaries. Henceforth we often use the notation \(\mathsf{OPRAM}\) to denote a PRAM that satisfies obliviousness.

In this paper, following the convention of most existing ORAM and OPRAM works [17, 18, 23, 35, 36], we will require that the security failure probability be negligible in the N, i.e., the PRAM’s total memory size.

Oblivious simulation and performance measures. We say that a given \(\mathsf{OPRAM}\) simulates a \(\mathsf{PRAM}\) if for every input \(x \in \{0, 1\}^*\), \(\Pr [\mathsf{OPRAM}(x) = \mathsf{PRAM}(x)] = 1\) where the probability is taken over the randomness consumed by the OPRAM — in other words, we require that the \(\mathsf{OPRAM}\) and \(\mathsf{PRAM}\) output the same outcome on any input x.

Like in prior works on OPRAM [3, 7], in this paper, we consider activation-preserving oblivious simulation of PRAM. Specifically, let \((m_1, \ldots , m_T)\) be the original PRAM’s activation schedule, we require that the corresponding OPRAM’s activation schedule to be

$$\begin{aligned} (m_1)_{i = 1}^\chi , (m_2)_{i = 1}^\chi , \ldots , (m_T)_{i = 1}^\chi , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\chi \) is said to be the OPRAM’s simulation overhead (also referred to as blowup). In other words, henceforth in the paper, we will simulate the i-th step of the PRAM using \(m_i\) CPUs — the same number as the original PRAM. Without loss of generality, we will often assume \(O(m_i)\) CPUs are available, since we can always use one CPU to simulate O(1) CPUs with only constant blowup. As a special case, when the number of CPUs is fixed for the PRAM, i.e., \(m_i = m\) for any \(i \in [T]\), an oblivious simulation overhead of \(\chi \) means that the OPRAM needs to run in \(\chi \cdot T\) steps consuming m CPUs (same as the original PRAM) where T is the runtime of the original PRAM.

An oblivious simulation overhead of \(\chi \) also implies the OPRAM’s CPU-to-memory bandwidth overhead is a factor of \(\chi \) more than the original PRAM. Since our model simulates all inter-CPU communication with memory-to-CPU communication, an OPRAM with simulation overhead \(\chi \) under our model immediately implies that the inter-CPU communication is bounded by \(\chi \) too. In this sense, our metrics are stronger than those adopted in earlier work [7] which treated CPU-to-memory communication and inter-CPU communication separately — this makes our upper bound results more general.

Assumption on varying number of CPUs. Without loss of generality, henceforth in the paper we may assume that in the original PRAM, the number of CPUs in adjacent steps can increase arbitrarily, but may only decrease by a factor of 2. In other words, we may assume that for any \(i \in [T-1]\), \(m_{i + 1} \ge \frac{m_i}{2}\). This assumption is without loss of generality, since it is not hard to see that any PRAM where the number of CPUs can vary arbitrarily can be simulated by a PRAM where the number of CPUs can decrease by at most \(\frac{1}{2}\) in adjacent steps — and such simulation preserves the PRAM’s total work and parallel runtime asymptotically. Such a simulation is straightforward: if the original PRAM consumes more CPUs than the simulated PRAM in the next step, then the simulated PRAM immediately increases the number of CPUs to a matching number. If the original PRAM’s consumes fewer CPUs than the simulated PRAM in the next step, the simulated PRAM decreases its CPUs by at most a factor of 2 each time (and if there are more CPUs in the simulation than needed by the PRAM, the additional CPUs simply idle and perform dummy work).

4 Building Blocks

We now describe some standard or new building blocks that we use.

Oblivious sort. Parallel oblivious sort solves the following problem. The input is an array denoted \(\mathsf{arr}\) containing n elements and a total ordering over all elements. The output is a sorted array \(\mathsf{arr}'\) that is constructed obliviously. Parallel oblivious sorting can be achieved in a straightforward way through sorting networks [1], by using O(n) CPUs and consuming \(O(n \log n)\) total work and \(O(\log n)\) parallel steps.

Oblivious conflict resolution. Oblivious conflict resolution solves the following problem: given a list of memory requests of the form \(\mathsf{In} := \{(\mathsf {op} _i, {\mathsf {addr}} _i, {\mathsf {data}} _i)\}_{i \in [m]}\), output a new list of requests denoted \(\mathsf{Out}\) also of length m, such that the following holds:

  • Every non-dummy entry in \(\mathsf{Out}\) appears in \(\mathsf{In}\);

  • Every address \({\mathsf {addr}} \) that appears in \(\mathsf{In}\) appears exactly once in \(\mathsf{Out}\). Further, if multiple entries in \(\mathsf{In}\) have the address \({\mathsf {addr}} \), the following priority rule is applied to select an entry: (1) writes are preferred over reads; and (2) if there are multiple writes, a parametrizable function \(\mathsf{priority}\) is used to select an entry.

We will use the standard parallel oblivious conflict resolution algorithm described by Boyle et al. [3], which can accomplish the above in \(O(m \log m)\) total work and \(O(\log m)\) parallel steps. More specifically, Boyle et al.’s conflict resolution algorithm relies on a constant number of oblivious sorts and oblivious aggregation.

Oblivious aggregation for a sorted array. Given an array \(\mathsf{Inp} := \{(k_i, v_i)\}_{i \in [n]}\) of (key, value) pairs sorted in increasing order of the keys, we call all elements with the same key a group. We say that index \(i \in [n]\) is a representative of its group if it is the leftmost element of its group. Let \(\mathsf{Aggr}\) be a commutative and associative aggregation function and we assume that its output range can be described by O(1) number of blocks. The goal of oblivious aggregation is to output the following array:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf{Outp}_i := {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mathsf{Aggr}\left( \{v \, : \, (k, v) \in \mathsf{Inp} \text { and } k = k_i\} \right) , &{} \text {if { i} is a representative;} \\ \bot , &{} \text {o.w.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Boyle et al. [3] and Nayak et al. [27] show that oblivious aggregation for a sorted array of length n can be accomplished in \(O(\log n)\) parallel time consuming n CPUs.

When the input array has a maximum group size of k, we show that oblivious aggregation can be accomplished in \(O(\log k)\) parallel steps consuming \(O(\frac{n}{\log k})\) CPUs. We defer the detailed description of the algorithm to the full version [6].

Oblivious routing. Oblivious routing solves the following problem. Suppose n source CPUs each holds a data block with a distinct key (or a dummy block). Further, n destination CPUs each holds a key and requests a data block identified by its key. An oblivious routing algorithm routes the requested data block to the destination CPU in an oblivious manner. Boyle et al. [3] showed that through a combination of oblivious sorts and oblivious aggregation, oblivious routing can be achieved in \(O(n \log n)\) total work and \(O(\log n)\) parallel runtime.

In this paper, we sometimes also need a variant of the oblivious routing algorithm, a source CPU gets informed in the end whether its block is successfully routed to one or more destination CPUs. We elaborate how to modify Boyle et al. [3]’s oblivious routing building block to accomplish this.

Oblivious bin packing. Oblivious bin packing is the following primitive. We are given B bins each of capacity Z, and an input array of possibly dummy elements where each real element is tagged with a destined bin number and priority value. We wish to maximally pack each bin with elements destined for the bin — if there are more than Z elements destined for a bin, the Z elements with the highest priority should be chosen. Let n be the size of the input array, In the end, the algorithm outputs an array of size \(B\cdot Z\) denoting the packed bins and an array of size n denoting the remaining elements — both padded with dummies.

Let \(\widehat{n} := \max (n, B\cdot Z)\). We devise an algorithm for performing such oblivious bin packing in \(O(\log \widehat{n})\) parallel steps consuming \(\widehat{n}\) CPUs. The details of this algorithm and a more formal definition of oblivious bin packing are deferred to the full version [6].

5 Our Basic OPRAM Construction

We now describe our basic OPRAM construction.

5.1 Notations

Addresses in each recursion level. Recall that we reviewed the Circuit ORAM construction earlier. Here we define some notations for expressing recursion levels, including given each logical memory request, which metadata blocks to fetch from each recursion level.

In the presentation below, we assume that each position map block can store the position labels of \(\gamma \) blocks at the next recursion level, i.e., the branching factor is denoted by \(\gamma \). Given a logical address \({\mathsf {addr}} \) of a data block, we say that its level-d prefix (denoted \({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }\)) is the d most significant characters of \({\mathsf {addr}} \) when expressed in base-\(\gamma \) format. Specifically, a block at address \({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }\) in recursion level d will store the position labels for the \(\gamma \) blocks at addresses \(\{({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle } || j) \, : \, j \in [\gamma ]\}\) in recursion level \(d+1\); we say that the level-\((d+1)\) address \(({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle } || j)\) is the jth child of the level-d address \({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }\). For the special case \(\gamma = 2\), we sometimes refer to the level-\((d+1)\) addresses \(({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle } || 0)\) and \(({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle } || 1)\) as the left child and the right child respectively of the level-d address \({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }\).

Example 1

We give an example for \(\gamma = 2\), i.e., when each position map block can store exactly two position labels. Imagine that one of the memory requests among the batch of m requests asks for the logical address \((0101100)_2\) in binary format. For this request,

  • A fetch CPU at recursion level 0 will look for the level-0 address \((0*)\), and the fetched block will contain the position labels for the level-1 addresses \((00*)\) and \((01*)\); and a corresponding fetch CPU at recursion level 1 will receive the position label for the level-1 address \((01*)\).

  • A fetch CPU at recursion level 1 will look for the level-1 address \((01*)\), and the fetched block will contain the position labels for the level-2 addresses \((010*)\) and \((011*)\); and a corresponding fetch CPU at the next recursion level is to receive the position label for \((010*)\);

  • This goes on until the final recursion level is reached. Except for the final recursion level which stores actual data blocks, all other recursion levels store position map blocks.

Here we focused on what happens for fetching one logical address \((0101100)_2\) — but keep in mind that there are m such addresses in a batch and thus the above process is repeated m times in parallel.

Notations for varying number of CPUs. For simplicity, below we use m (omitting the subscript t) to denote the number of CPUs of the present PRAM step; we use the notation \(\widehat{m}\) to denote the number of CPUs in the previous PRAM step. Without loss of generality, we also assume that both m and \(\widehat{m}\) are powers of 2, since if not, we can always round it to the nearest power of 2 while incurring only a constant factor blowup. Recall that due to our bounded change assumption on the number of CPUs, we may also assume without loss of generality that \(m \ge \frac{\widehat{m}}{2}\). Therefore, if \(m < \widehat{m}\) it must be the case that \(m := \frac{\widehat{m}}{2}\).

Our OPRAM scheme will try to maintain the following invariant: at the end of a PRAM step with m CPUs, the OPRAM data structure will have exactly 2m disjoint subtrees. Henceforth, we assume that at the beginning of the PRAM step we are concerned about, there are exactly \(2 \widehat{m}\) disjoint subtrees since \(\widehat{m}\) denotes the number of CPUs in the previous PRAM step.

Parameter \(\alpha \). Throughout the description, we use \(\alpha = \omega (1)\) to denote an appropriately small super constant function in N such that the failure probability is at most \(\frac{1}{N^{\varTheta (\alpha )}}\), i.e., negligible in N.

5.2 Data Structures

Subtrees and overflowing pool. For each of the recursion levels, we maintain a binary tree structure as in Circuit ORAM [36]. We refer the reader to Sect. 2.1 for a review of the Circuit ORAM algorithm. However, instead of having a complete tree, our OPRAM scheme truncates the tree at height \(\ell := \log _2 (2 m)\) containing 2m buckets. In this way, we can view the tree data structure as 2m disjoint subtrees.

In the Circuit ORAM algorithm, all buckets with heights smaller than \(\ell \) contain at most \(O(m + \alpha \log N)\) blocks. In our OPRAM scheme, these blocks are treated as overflowing blocks, and they are held in an overflowing data structure called a pool as described below.

Position map. As in Circuit ORAM (see Sect. 2.1), each address \({\mathsf {addr}} \) is associated with a random path in one of the subtrees, and the path is identified by a leaf node. We use a position map \(\mathsf{posmap}[{\mathsf {addr}} ]\) to store the position identifier for address \({\mathsf {addr}} \).

Our main path invariant states that a block with address \({\mathsf {addr}} \) must reside on the path to the leaf \(\mathsf{posmap}[{\mathsf {addr}} ]\) in one of the subtrees, or reside in the overflowing pool. When block \({\mathsf {addr}} \) is accessed (via \(\mathsf {read}\) or \(\mathsf {write}\)), its position \(\mathsf{posmap}[{\mathsf {addr}} ]\) will be updated to a new leaf chosen uniformly and independently at random. As in previous works [31, 35, 36], the position map is stored in a smaller OPRAM recursively. We use the notation \(\mathsf{pos}\text {-}\mathsf{OPRAM}\text {s}\) to denote all recursion levels for storing the position map, and we use \(\mathsf{data}\text {-}\mathsf{OPRAM}\) to denote the top recursion level for storing data blocks.

5.3 Overview of One Simulated PRAM Step

To serve each batch of memory requests, a set of CPUs interact with memory in two synchronized phases: in the fetch phase, the request CPUs receive the contents of the requested blocks; in the second maintain phase, the CPUs collaborate to maintain the data structure to be ready for the next PRAM step. The description below can be regarded as an expanded version of Sect. 2.4. In particular, we now spell out what happens if \(m_t\) varies over time. Further, it turns out that for OPRAM, the recursion is somewhat more complicated than ORAM, we also spell out all the details of the recursion — this choice is made also partly in anticipation of the additional computational security techniques described later in the full version [6] where it is somewhat important to not treat the recursion as a blackbox like most earlier tree-based ORAM/OPRAM works [3, 7, 8, 35, 36]. Our algorithm below employs several subroutines the details of which will be expanded in Sects. 6 and 7 respectively.

Fetch phase. The fetch phase has an array of m addresses as input denoted \(({\mathsf {addr}} _1, \ldots , {\mathsf {addr}} _{m})\). Recall that at the beginning of the fetch phase, each recursion level has \(2 \widehat{m}\) disjoint subtrees, where \(\widehat{m}\) is the number of active CPUs in the previous PRAM step.

  1. (i)

    Preparation: all recursion levels in parallel. For all recursion levels \(d := 0, 1, \ldots , D\) in parallel, perform the following:

    • Generate level-d prefix addresses. Write down the level-d prefixes of all m requests addresses \(({\mathsf {addr}} _1, \ldots , {\mathsf {addr}} _{m})\). Clearly, this step can be accomplished in O(1) parallel step with m CPUs.

    • Conflict resolution. Given a list of m possibly dummy level-d addresses denoted \(({\mathsf {addr}} _1^{\langle d \rangle }, \ldots , {\mathsf {addr}} _{m}^{\langle d \rangle })\), we run an instance of the oblivious conflict resolution algorithm to suppress duplicate requests (and pad the resulting array with dummies). This step can be accomplished in \(O(\log m)\) parallel steps with m CPUs.

    • Discover which children addresses are needed by the next recursion level. Let \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d \rangle } := \{{\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }_i\}_{i \in [m]}\) denote the list of level-d addresses after conflict resolution. Each of these m level-d addresses has \(\gamma \) children addresses in the next recursion level. By jointly examining \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d \rangle } \) and \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d + 1 \rangle } \), recursion level d learns for each non-dummy \({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }_i \in \mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d \rangle }\), which of its children are needed for the next recursion level (see Sect. 6.1 for details of this subroutine). At the end of this step, each of the m level-d addresses receives a bit vector containing \(\gamma \) bits, indicating whether each child address is needed by the next recursion level. As mentioned in Sect. 6.1, this can be accomplished through O(1) number of oblivious sorts. Therefore, it takes m CPUs \(O(\log m)\) steps to complete.

    • Choose fresh position labels for the next recursion level. For any child that is needed, recursion level d chooses a new position label for the next recursion level. For recursion level d, the result of this step is a new position array

      $$\begin{aligned} \{{\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }_i, (\mathsf{npos}_j : j \in [\gamma ]) \}_{i \in [m]} \end{aligned}$$

      where \(\mathsf{npos}_j\) is a fresh random label in level \(d+1\) if \({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }_i||j\) is needed in the next recursion level, otherwise \(\mathsf{npos}_j := \bot \). Later in our algorithm, each recursion level d will inform the next recursion level \(d+1\) of the chosen new position labels.

      This step can be accomplished in \(O(\gamma )\) steps with m CPUs — for our statistically secure OPRAM scheme, we shall assume \(\gamma = O(1)\).

    • Pool lookup. We have m CPUs each of which now seeks to fetch the level-d block at address \({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }\). The m CPUs first tries to fetch the desired blocks inside the central pool; and at the end, the fetched blocks will be marked as dummy in the pool.

      If \({m} \ge \alpha \log \log N\), then we rely on an instance of the oblivious routing algorithm, such that each of these m CPUs will attempt to receive the desired block from the pool. If \({m} < \alpha \log \log N\), oblivious routing is too expensive, instead we invoke a special-case algorithm for small m to accomplish this in \(O(\alpha \log N)\) steps with m CPUs.

      We defer the details of the algorithm to Sect. 6.

  2. (ii)

    Fetch: level by level. Now, for each recursion level, m CPUs will each look for a block in one of the subtrees. This step must be performed sequentially one recursion level at a time since each recursion level must receive the position labels from the previous level before looking for blocks in the subtrees.

    For each recursion level \(d = 0, 1, \ldots , D\) in sequential order, we perform the following:

    • Receive position labels from previous recursion level. Unless \(d =0\) in which case the position labels can be fetched in O(1) parallel step, each of the m level-d addresses will receive a pair of position labels from the previous recursion level denoted \(({\mathsf {pos}}, \mathsf{npos})\), where \({\mathsf {pos}} \) represents the tree path to look for the desired block, and \(\mathsf{npos}\) denotes a freshly chosen label to be assigned to the block after the fetch is complete. This can be accomplished through an instance of oblivious routing consuming \(O(\log m)\) parallel steps with m CPUs.

    • Subtree lookup. Now, each of the m CPUs receives an instruction of the form \(({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }, {\mathsf {pos}})\) that could be possibly dummy. Each CPU will now read a tree path leading to the leaf node numbered \({\mathsf {pos}} \), in search of the block with logical address \({\mathsf {addr}} ^{\langle d \rangle }\) (but without removing the block). If found, the CPU will remember the location where the block is found — and this information will later be useful for the simultaneous removal step that is part of the maintain phase. If a CPU receives a dummy instruction, it simply scans through a randomly chosen path in a random subtree.

      At this moment, each of the m CPUs has fetched the desired block either from the pool or the tree path (or the CPU has fetched dummy if it received a dummy instruction to start with). The fetched position labels (as well as the new position labels chosen for the next recursion level) are ready to be routed to the next recursion level.

  3. (iii)

    Oblivious multicast: once per batch of requests. Finally, when the \(\mathsf{data}\text {-}\mathsf{OPRAM} \) has fetched all requested blocks, we rely on a standard oblivious routing algorithm (see Sect. 4) to route the resulting blocks to the request CPUs. This step takes \(O(\log m)\) parallel time with m CPUs.

Remark 1

Note that in the above exposition, we made explicit which steps can be parallelized across recursion levels and which steps must be performed sequentially across recursion levels — in particular, the level-to-level position label routing must be performed sequentially across recursion levels since the next recursion level must receive the position labels before learning which tree paths to traverse. Although this distinction may not be very useful in this paper, it will turn out to be important in a companion paper by Chan et al. [5], where the authors further parallelize the level-to-level routing algorithm. In particular, Chan et al. [5] introduce a new and better notion of an OPRAM’s “depth” by assuming that the OPRAM can consume more CPUs than the original PRAM. In this case, they show that an OPRAM’s depth can be made asymptotically smaller by further parallelizing Circuit OPRAM’s level-to-level routing algorithm.

Maintain phase. All of the following steps are performed in parallel across all recursion levels \(d = 0, 1, \ldots , D\):

  1. (i)

    Simultaneous removal of fetched blocks from subtrees. After each of the m CPUs fetches its desired block from m tree paths, they perform a simultaneous removal procedure to remove the fetched blocks from the tree paths. This step can be accomplished in \(O(\log N)\) parallel steps using m CPUs. We defer a detailed description of this new simultaneous removal subroutine in Sect. 7.1.

  2. (ii)

    Passing updated blocks to the pool. Each CPU updates the contents of the fetched block — if the block belongs to a position map level, the block’s content should now store the new position labels (for the next recursion level) chosen earlier in the preparation phase. Further, each block will be tagged with a new position label that indicates where the block can now reside in the current recursion level — this position label was received earlier from the previous recursion level during the fetch phase (recall that each recursion level chooses position labels for the next recursion level).

    The updated blocks are merged into the pool. The pool temporarily increases its capacity to hold these extra blocks, but the extra memory will be released at the end of the maintain phase during a cleanup operation.

  3. (iii)

    Increasing the number of subtrees if necessary. At this moment, if \(m > \widehat{m}\), i.e., if the number of CPUs has increased since the last PRAM step, then we increase the number of subtrees to 2m, and merge all smaller heights of the tree into the pool. If the number of CPUs has decreased (by a factor of 2) since the last PRAM step, we will handle this case later.

  4. (iv)

    Selection of eviction candidates. Following the deterministic, reverse-lexicographical order eviction strategy of Circuit ORAM [36], we choose the next 2m eviction paths (pretending that all subtrees are part of the same big ORAM tree). The 2m eviction paths will go through 2m subtrees henceforth referred to as evicting subtrees. If m has decreased (by a factor of 2) since the last PRAM step, then not all subtrees are evicting subtrees.

    We devise an eviction candidate selection algorithm that will output one (possibly dummy) block to evict for each evicting subtree, as well as the remainder of the pool (with these selected blocks removed). The block selected for each evicting subtree is based on the deepest criterion with respect to the current eviction path. When \({m} \ge \alpha \log \log N\), we rely on oblivious sorting to accomplish this in \(O(\log N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs. When \({m} < \alpha \log \log N\), oblivious sorting will be too expensive, so we rely on a different algorithm to accomplish this step in \(O(\alpha \log N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs. We defer a detailed description of the algorithm to Sect. 7.2.

  5. (v)

    Eviction into subtrees. In parallel, for each evicting subtree, the eviction algorithm of Circuit ORAM [36] is performed for the candidate block the subtree has received. The straightforward strategy takes \(O(\log N)\) parallel steps consuming m CPUs.

    After the eviction algorithm completes, if the candidate block fails to be evicted into the subtree, it will be returned to the pool; otherwise if the candidate block successfully evicts into the subtree, a dummy block is returned to the pool.

  6. (vi)

    Decreasing the number of subtrees if necessary. If \( m < \widehat{m}\), this means that the number of CPUs has decreased since the previous PRAM step. Also note that in this case, by assumption, it must be the case that \(m = \frac{\widehat{m}}{2}\). At this moment, we will halve the number of subtrees by reconstructing one more height of the big Circuit ORAM tree containing 2m buckets. Let Z be the bucket size of the ORAM tree. To reconstruct a height of size 2m, we must reconstruct 2m buckets each of size Z. This can be achieved by repeating the eviction candidate selection algorithm Z number of times (see Sect. 7.3 for details).

  7. (vii)

    Cleanup. Finally, since the pool size has grown in the above process, we perform a compression procedure to remove dummy blocks and compress the pool back to \(c \cdot m + \alpha \log N\) size. Probabilistic analysis (in full version [6]) shows that the pool occupancy is bounded by \(c \cdot m + \alpha \log N\) except with \(\mathsf {negl}(N)\) probability, and thus ensures that no real blocks are lost during this reconstruction with all but negligible probability.

    Again, if \(m \ge \alpha \log \log N\), this can be accomplished through a simple oblivious sort procedure in \(O(\log N)\) steps with m CPUs. Else if \(m < \alpha \log \log N\), we devise a different procedure to perform the pool cleanup that completes in \(O(\alpha \log N)\) parallel steps consuming m CPUs.

6 Details of the Fetch Phase

The outline of the fetch phase was described in Sect. 5. Almost all steps are self-explanatory as described in Sect. 5, and it remains to spell out only a couple subroutines of the preparation stage.

6.1 Discovering Which Children Addresses are Needed

Recall that during the preparation stage, for each recursion level, each conflict resolved address wants to learn which of its \(\gamma \) child addresses are needed by the next recursion level. Henceforth we assume that \(\gamma = O(\log N)\).

We can accomplish this task using the following algorithm. We use \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d \rangle }\) to denote an array of size m that contain the conflict resolved (possibly dummy) addresses for recursion level d.

For each recursion level \(d = 0, 1, \ldots , D-1\) in parallel:

  • Let X be the concatenation of \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d \rangle }\) and \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d+1 \rangle }\) where each element additionally carries a tag denoting whether it comes from \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d \rangle }\) or \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d+1 \rangle }\).

  • Oblivious sort X such that the addresses from \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d \rangle }\) always appear immediately before its up to \(\gamma \) children addresses that come from \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d+1 \rangle }\) — henceforth we say that these addresses share the same key. Let the resulting array be \(X'\).

  • Invoke an instance of the oblivious aggregation algorithm, such that each address in \(X'\) that comes from \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d \rangle }\) receives a (compacted) bit vector indicating whether each of its \(\gamma \) children is needed in the next recursion level. Notice that as long as \(\gamma := O(\log N)\), the resulting bit vector can be packed in a single block.

  • For each element of the resulting array in parallel, if the element comes from \(\mathsf{Addr}^{\langle d+1 \rangle }\), mark it as dummy. Let the resulting array be denoted Y.

  • Obliviously sort the resulting array Y such that all dummy elements are pushed to the end. Output Y[1 : m].

Clearly, the above algorithm can be completed in \(O(\log m)\) steps with m CPUs.

6.2 Fetching and Removing Blocks from the Pool

Recall that another step of the preparation stage is to look for desired blocks from the pool and then remove any fetched block from the pool (by marking it as dummy). To achieve this, we consider two cases — and recall that the pool size is upper bounded by \(O(m + \alpha \log N)\) except with negligible probability (due to our probabilistic analysis in the full version [6]).

  • Case 1: \(m \ge \alpha \log \log N\). In this case, we simply invoke an instance of the oblivious routing algorithm (particularly, the variant that removes routed elements from the source array) to accomplish this. This step can be completed in \(O(\log N)\) parallel steps consuming m CPUs for an appropriately small super-constant \(\alpha = \omega (1)\).

  • Case 2: \(m < \alpha \log \log N\). In this case, oblivious sorting would be too expensive. Therefore, we instead adopt the following algorithm. Recall that in this case, the pool size is dominated by \(O(\alpha \log N)\).

    • First, each of the m CPUs perform a linear scan of the pool to look for its desired block.

    • Next, all m CPUs perform a a pipelined linear scan of the pool. During the linear scan, each CPU marks its fetched block (if any) as dummy. To ensure no write conflicts, we require that CPU number i starts its scan in the i-th step, i.e., in a pipelined fashion.

    Clearly, the above algorithm can be accomplished in \(O(m + \alpha \log N)\) parallel steps consuming m CPUs.

6.3 Performance of the Fetch Phase

Taking into account the cost of all steps of the fetch phase, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 1

(Performance of the fetch phase). Suppose that the block size \(B = \varOmega (\log N)\). Then, to serve the batch of m requests, the fetch phase, over all \(O(\log N)\) levels of recursion, completes in \(O(\log ^2 N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs when \(m \ge \alpha \log \log N\); and in \(O(\alpha \log ^2 N)\) parallel steps when \(m < \alpha \log \log N\).

7 Details of the Maintain Phase

An overview of the maintain phase was provided in Sect. 5.3. It remains to spell out the details of various subroutines needed by the maintain phase.

7.1 Simultaneous Removal of Fetched Blocks from Subtrees

Problem definition. Suppose that there are m fetch paths for each batch of m memory requests. Simultaneous removal provides the following abstraction:

  • Inputs: Each of m CPUs has a tuple of the form \((\mathsf{pathid}_i, s_i)\) or \(\bot \). More specifically, \(\bot \) denotes nothing to remove, or else

    • \(\mathsf{pathid}_i\) denotes the leaf identifier of a random tree path containing \(O(\log N)\) slots. In particular, a tree path contains \(O(\log N)\) heights and each height contains O(1) slots; and

    • \(s_i\) denotes a slot in the tree path to remove a block from;

    Note that each tree path is random such that each disjoint subtree may receive at most \(\alpha \log N\) tree paths. Although the m paths, we are guaranteed that all the non-dummy inputs of the m CPUs must correspond to distinct slots, i.e., no two CPUs want to remove from the same slot.

  • Outputs: Each of the m CPUs outputs an array of length \(O(\log N)\), denoting for each slot on its path: (1) whether the CPU is the representative CPU; and (2) if so, whether the block in the slot needs removal. The outputs should maintain the following invariants: every slot on the m input paths has exactly one representative, and if some CPU wanted to remove the block in the slot, then the representative is informed of the removal instruction.

Note that given the above output, each CPU simply carry out the instruction for every physical slot it is representative for:

  • if the instruction is to remove, the CPU reads the block and writes dummy back;

  • if the instruction is not to remove, the CPU reads the block and writes the same block back;

  • if the CPU is not a representative for this physical slot, do nothing for this slot.

Simultaneous removal algorithm. We describe our simultaneous removal algorithm below. We note that since all the fetch paths are already observable by the adversary, it is okay for us to employ a non-oblivious propagation algorithm.

  • Sorting fetch paths. All m CPUs write down their input tuple, forming an array of size m. We now obliviously sort this array by their fetch path such that the leftmost fetch path appears first, where the other of the fetch paths are determined by the leaves they intersect. This step takes \(O(m \log m)\) total work and \(O(\log m)\) parallel steps.

  • Table creation. In parallel, fill out a table Q where each row corresponds to a slot in the tree, and each column corresponds to a fetch path (in sorted order from left to right). Specifically, \(Q[\ell ][i] = 1\) if the i-CPU wants to remove the block in slot \(\ell \) on its fetch path; else \(Q[\ell ][i] = 0\). It is not hard to see that this step can be completed in O(1) parallel steps with \(m \log N\) CPUs.

    Notice that since the m fetch paths may overlap, table Q may contain entries that correspond to the same physical slot. However, since the fetch paths were sorted from left to right, all entries corresponding to the same physical slot must appear in consecutive locations in the same row. Further, it is not hard to see that except with negligible probability, at most \(\alpha \log N\) entries in Q correspond to the same physical slot (since each disjoint subtree receives at most \(\alpha \log N\) fetch paths except with negligible probability).

    Henceforth we say that \(Q[\ell ][i]\) is a representative if \(Q[\ell ][i]\) is the first occurrence of a physical slot in the row \(Q[\ell ]\).

  • Oblivious aggregation. Now, for each row of the table Q, invoke an instance of the oblivious aggregation algorithm (for bounded-size groups) such that the representative of each group learns the OR of all entries belonging to the group. As mentioned above, since the group size is bounded by \(\alpha \log N\), we can complete such oblivious aggregation in \(O(\log \log N)\) parallel steps with \(\frac{m}{\log \log N}\) CPUs, or alternatively, in \(O(\log N)\) steps with \(\frac{m}{\log N}\) CPUs.

    Therefore, over all rows of the table Q, this step completes in \(O(\log N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs.

7.2 Evictions

Recall that in the sequential Circuit ORAM [36], whenever a fetched (and possibly updated) block is added to the root, two path evictions must be performed. The goal of Circuit OPRAM is to simulate the stochastic process of Circuit ORAM. However, since Circuit OPRAM does not maintain the tree structure for lower heights of the tree, we only need to partially simulate Circuit ORAM’s stochastic process for the O(m) disjoint subtrees that Circuit OPRAM does maintain. Our algorithms described below make use of certain non-blackbox properties of the Circuit ORAM algorithm [36]. In our description below, we will point out these crucial properties as the need arises, without re-explaining the entire Circuit ORAM construction [36].

Select 2m distinct eviction paths in 2m distinct subtrees. At this point, a batch of m requests have been made, and m possibly dummy blocks have been fetched, possibly update, and merged into the pool. As mentioned earlier, we now consider the pool as a flattened data structure containing all the smaller levels of the big Circuit ORAM tree as well as the stash. To simulate Circuit ORAM’s stochastic process, at this point we must perform 2m evictions on 2m distinct paths. We leverage Circuit ORAM’s deterministic, reverse-lexicographical order for determining the next 2m eviction paths. The specifics of the eviction path selection criterion is not important here, and the reader only needs to be aware that this selection criterion is fixed a priori and data independent. For more details on eviction path selection, we refer the reader to Circuit ORAM [36].

Fact 2

Observe that at this point, the number of disjoint subtrees is at least 2m. Due to Circuit ORAM’s eviction path selection criterion, all 2m eviction paths will not only be distinct, but also correspond to distinct subtrees — henceforth we refer to these subtrees as evicting subtrees. For the special case when m stays the same over time, all 2m subtrees are evicting subtrees, and exactly one path is evicted in each subtree.

Select 2 m eviction candidates. We will now leverage a special property of the Circuit ORAM’s eviction algorithm described earlier by Fact 1 such that we perform a “partial eviction” only on the subtrees maintained by our Circuit OPRAM. Recall that Fact 1 says the following:

  • For Circuit ORAM’s eviction algorithm, at most one block passes from \(\mathsf {path} [:i]\) to \(\mathsf {path} [i+1:]\) for each height i on the eviction path denoted \(\mathsf {path} \). In this case we also say that the block passes through the boundary between height i and height \(i+1\).

  • Moreover, if a block does pass through the boundary between height i and height \(i+1\), it must be the block that is deepest with respect to the eviction path, where \({ deepest}\) is a criterion defined by Circuit ORAM [36]. Intuitively, a block is deeper if it can reside in a bucket on the eviction path with higher height. The reader can refer to Circuit ORAM [36] for details.

Therefore, we only need to elect one candidate block from the pool for each of the 2m eviction paths on which we would like to perform eviction. We describe an algorithm for performing such selection based on two different cases:

  • Case 1: when \({m} > \alpha \log \log N\). We devise an algorithm based on a constant number of oblivious sorts. Since the pool contains \(O({m} + \alpha \log N)\) blocks, this algorithm completes in \(O(\log N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs.

    1. (a)

      In the beginning, each block in the pool is tagged with the block’s position identifier. Now, for each block in the pool in parallel, compute and tag the block with the additional metadata \((\mathsf{treeid}, \mathsf{priority})\) which will later be used as a sort key:

      • \(\mathsf{treeid}\) denotes the block’s destined subtree if the destined subtree is an evicting subtree, otherwise \(\mathsf{treeid} := \bot \). All dummy blocks have \(\mathsf{treeid} := \bot \).

      • \(\mathsf{priority}\) denotes the block’s eviction priority within the subtree. The block’s \(\mathsf{priority}\) value can be computed based on the block’s position identifier and the current eviction path (in the subtree identified by \(\mathsf{treeid}\)), a higher priority is assigned to blocks that can be reside deeper (i.e., closer to leaf) along the eviction path. The definition of deep is the same as in Circuit ORAM [36].

    2. (b)

      Now, invoke an instance of the oblivious bin-packing algorithm, where each evicting subtree can be regarded as a bin of capacity 1, and all the blocks are balls tagged with its destination bin. We wish to place one ball into each bin — if multiple balls are eligible for a bin, we prefer to place the ball with a higher priority value. The output of the algorithm is one (possibly dummy) eviction candidate for each evicting subtree, as well as the remainder of the pool minus those chosen blocks.

  • Case 2: when \({m} \le \alpha \log \log N\). In this case, the pool contains \(\varTheta (\alpha \log N)\) blocks, and performing oblivious sort will cause a total work of \(\varOmega (\log N \log \log N)\), which is too expensive if m is small. Instead, we perform the following, which can be accomplished in \(O(\alpha \log N)\) parallel steps with 2m CPUs — below we describe the algorithm assuming 2m CPUs, but clearly the algorithm also works with m CPUs since we can always have each CPU simulate O(1) CPUs.

    1. (a)

      Assign one CPU for each of the 2m eviction paths. Each CPU linearly scans through the pool and selects the deepest element with respect to the eviction path. If no element is eligible for the current eviction path, a dummy element is selected. Clearly, this incurs \(O(\alpha \log N)\) parallel steps. This step outputs an array of 2m elements selected for eviction for each of the 2m eviction paths. The rest of the algorithm will output the remainder of the pool.

    2. (b)

      In \(O(\alpha \log N + m)\) parallel steps, the 2m CPUs make a “pipelined linear scan”, where CPU i starts its linear scan in the i-th step (note that this avoids write conflicts). When each CPU is making a linear scan, if the (real) block is what the CPU has selected for eviction, replace it with dummy; otherwise, write the original block back.

    3. (c)

      Output the resulting pool.

Evictions. At this point, each of the 2m eviction paths has received one candidate block (which can be dummy). Hence, these 2m evictions can be carried out in parallel, each according to the (sequential) eviction algorithm of Circuit ORAM [36]. More specifically, we first expand the capacity of each eviction path by adding a bucket at the beginning of the path that holds the eviction candidate selected earlier; we call this the smallest bucket on the path. We then run Circuit ORAM’s (sequential) eviction algorithm on each of these 2m (expanded) paths in parallel.

At the end, the block in the smallest bucket on each eviction path is returned to the pool. Note that if the eviction candidate has been successfully evicted into the path, then the smallest block on the path would be dummy, and thus a dummy block is returned to the pool. Doing this according to Circuit ORAM’s eviction algorithm [36] takes \(O(\log N)\) parallel runtime with 2m CPUs.

In a final cleanup step described later, we suppress a subset of the dummy blocks in the pool such that the pool size will not keep growing.

7.3 Data Structure Cleanup

Adjusting the number of subtrees. If \(\widehat{m} > m\), i.e., the number of CPUs has decreased (by a factor of 2 according to our assumption) since the last PRAM step, we will halve the number of subtrees. This means that we must reconstruct one more height of the big Circuit ORAM tree.

Let \(Z = O(1)\) be the bucket size of the ORAM tree. To reconstruct a height of size 2m, we must reconstruct \(\widehat{m}\) buckets each of size Z. To achieve this, we invoke an instance of the oblivious bin packing algorithm, where we wish to pack 2m buckets each of capacity Z. If a block can legally reside in a bucket by Circuit ORAM’s path invariant, it is deemed eligible for a bucket. If more than Z blocks are eligible for a bucket, we break ties arbitrarily. Such oblivious bin packing can be completed in \(O(\log m)\) parallel steps with m CPUs.

Although the reconstructed height of the big ORAM tree may contain different blocks from the scenario had we maintained the whole tree from the start, in the full version [6], we will show that the difference is in our favor in the sense that it will not make the pool occupancy larger.

Compress the pool. During the simulation of this PRAM step, the pool size has enlarged by at most O(m). We now compress the pool size by removing a subset of the dummy blocks. There are two cases — recall also that the pool size is bounded by \(O(m + \alpha \log N)\) except with negligible probability which we shall formally prove in the full version [6]:

  • Case 1: \({m} \ge \alpha \log \log N\). In this case, we can perform such compression through a simple oblivious sort operation that move all dummy blocks to the end of the array representing the pool, and then truncating the array retaining only the first \(c \cdot m + \alpha \log N\) blocks for an appropriate constant c. This can be completed in \(O(\log N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs.

  • Case 2: \({m} < \alpha \log \log N\). In this case, oblivious sorting would be too expensive. Instead, we perform compression by conducting a pipelined, partial bubble sort. Let \(s = O(m + \alpha \log N)\) be the current pool size, and suppose that we need to compress the array back to \(s' := s - O(m)\) blocks. Recall that a normal bubble sort of s elements would make s bubbling passes over the array, where after the i-th pass, the largest i elements are at the end. Here we make only O(m) bubbling passes where each CPU is in charge of O(1) passes. The passes are performed in a pipelined fashion to avoid write conflicts. At the end of this partial bubble sort, the last \(s - s'\) blocks of the array may be removed.

    This is completed in \(O(m + \alpha \log N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs.

7.4 Performance of the Maintain Phase

Accounting for the cost of all of the above steps, we can easily derive the following lemma for the performance of the maintain phase.

Lemma 2

(Performance of the maintain phase). Suppose that the block size \(B = \varOmega (\log N)\). Then, to serve the batch of m requests, the maintain phase, over all \(O(\log N)\) levels of recursion, completes in \(O(\log ^2 N)\) parallel steps with m CPUs when \(m \ge \alpha \log \log N\); and in \(O(\alpha \log ^2 N)\) parallel steps when \(m < \alpha \log \log N\).

Deferred Materials

In the interest of space, we defer to our full online version [6] the following addtional contents: (1) detailed proofs, (2) further optimizations for small m, (3) how to reduce a \(\log \log \) factor relying on PRFs and achieving computational security, and (4) extensions for large block sizes and non-uniform block sizes.