
1 Introduction

The Keccak hash function [4] was a submission to the SHA-3 competition [19] in 2008. After four years of evaluation, it was selected as the winner of the competition in 2012. In 2015, it was formally standardized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the U.S. (NIST) as Secure Hash Algorithm-3 [23]. The SHA-3 family contains four main instances of the Keccak hash function with fixed digest lengths, denoted by Keccak-d with \(d \in \{224,256,384,512\}\), and two eXtendable-Output Functions (XOFs) SHAKE128 and SHAKE256. To promote the analysis of the Keccak hash function, the Keccak designers proposed versions with lower security levels in the Keccak Crunchy Crypto Collision and Pre-image Contest (the Keccak challenge for short) [2], for which the digest lengths are 80 and 160 bits for preimage and collision resistance, respectively. For clarity, these variants are denoted by Keccak \([r,c,n_r,d]\) with parameters \(r,c,n_r,d\) to be specified later.

Since the Keccak hash function was made public in 2008, it has attracted intensive cryptanalysis from the community [1, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 18, 21]. In this paper, we mainly focus on the collision resistance of Keccak hash function, in particular those collision attacks with practical complexities. In collision attacks, the aim is to find two distinct messages which lead to the same hash digest. Up to date, the best practical collision attacks against Keccak-224/256 is for 4 out of 24 rounds due to Dinur et al.’s work [10] in 2012. These 4-round collisions were found by combining a 1-round connector and a 3-round differential trail. The same authors gave practical collision attacks for 3-round Keccak-384/512, and theoretical collision attacks for 5/4-round Keccak-256/384 in [11] using internal differentials. Following the work of Dinur et al., Qiao et al. [21] further introduced 2-round connectors by adding a fully linearized round to the 1-round connectors, and gave practical collisions for 5-round SHAKE128 and two 5-round instances of the Keccak collision challenge, as well as collision attack against 5-round Keccak-224 with theoretical complexities. To the best of our knowledge, there exists neither practical collision attacks against 5-round Keccak-224/256/384/512, nor solution for any 6-round instances of the Keccak collision challenge.

Our Contributions. We develop techniques of non-full linearizaion for the Keccak Sbox, upon which two major applications are found. Firstly, improved 2-round connectors are constructed and actual collisions are consequently found for 5-round Keccak-224. Secondly, we extend the connectors to 3 rounds, and apply it to Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160] — a 6-round instance of the Keccak collision challenge, which leads to the first 6-round real collision of Keccak.

These results are obtained by combining a differential trail and a connector which links the initial state of Keccak and the input of the trail. Our work benefits from two observations on linearization of the Keccak Sbox, which are necessary for building connectors for more than one round. One is to linearize part (not all) of the output bits of a non-active Sbox, at most 2 binary linear equations over the input bits are needed. The other is that, for an active Sbox whose entry in the differential distribution table (DDT) is 8, 4 out of 5 output bits are already linear when the input is chosen from the solution set. Note that to restrict the input to the solution set for such an Sbox, two linear equations of input bits are required, as noted by Dinur et al. in [10]. Therefore, for both non-active and active Sboxes, 2 or less equations can be used to linearize part of the output bits. In this paper, we call it non-full linearization. When all output bits of an Sbox need to be linearized, at least three equations of input bits are required as shown in [21]. So, the non-full linearization saves degrees of freedom on Sboxes where it is applicable. With this in mind, we apply techniques of non-full linearization to the first round permutation of Keccak-224, and successfully construct a 2-round connector with a much larger solution space, which brings the collision attack complexity against 5-round Keccak-224 from \(2^{101}\) down to practise. Applying techniques of non-full linearization to the second round, 3-round connectors are constructed for Keccak for the first time. Furthermore, adaptive constructions for connectors are proposed to save degrees of freedom, and applied to Keccak[1440,160,6,160]. In adaptive 3-round connectors, non-full linearization of the second round actually does not consume any degree of freedom, but rather it divides the solution space into subspaces of smaller sizes. This guarantees that sufficiently many message pairs that bypass the first three rounds can be generated such that a colliding pair following the latter 3-round differential trail can be found eventually.

Results obtained in this paper are listed in Table 1, compared with the best previous practical collision attacks and related theoretical attacks.

Table 1. Summary of our attacks and comparison with related works

Organization. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, a brief description of the Keccak family is given, followed by some notations to be used in this paper. The framework of our collision attacks is sketched in Sect. 3. We propose techniques of non-full linearization in Sect. 4. Section 5 presents GPU implementation of Keccak for searching differential trails and collisions. Sections 6 and 7 are applications to 5-round Keccak-224 and Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160], respectively. We conclude the paper in Sect. 8.

2 Description of Keccak

2.1 The Sponge Function

The sponge construction is a framework for constructing hash functions from permutations, as depicted in Fig. 1. The construction consists of three components: an underlying b-bit permutation f, a parameter r called rate and a padding rule. A hash function following this construction takes in a message M as input and outputs a digest of d bits. Given a message M, it is first padded and split into r-bit blocks. The b-bit state is initialized to be all zeros. The sponge construction then proceeds in two phases. In the absorbing phase, each message block is XORed into the first r bits of the state, followed by application of the permutation f. This process is repeated until all message blocks are processed. Then, the sponge construction switches to the squeezing phase. In this phase, each iteration returns the first r bits of the state as output and then applies the permutation f to the current state. This repeats until all d bits digest are obtained.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Sponge construction [3].

2.2 The Keccak Hash Function

The Keccak hash function follows the sponge construction. The underlying permutation of Keccak is chosen from a set of seven Keccak-f permutations, denoted by Keccak-f[b], where \(b\in \{25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600\}\) is the width of the permutation in bits. The default Keccak employs Keccak-f[1600]. The 1600-bit state can be viewed as a 3-dimensional \(5\times 5 \times 64\) array of bits, denoted as A[5][5][64]. Let \(0\le i,j<5,\) and \(0\le k<64\), A[i][j][k] represents one bit of the state at position (ijk). Defined by the designers of Keccak, \(A[*][j][k]\) is called a row, \(A[i][*][k]\) is a column, and \(A[i][j][*]\) is a lane.

The Keccak-f[1600] permutation has 24 rounds, each of which consists of five mappings \(R=\iota \circ \chi \circ \pi \circ \rho \circ \theta \).

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \theta :&~~A[i][j][k]\leftarrow A[i][j][k]+\sum _{j'=0}^4 A[i-1][j'][k]+\sum _{j'=0}^4 A[i+1][j'][k-1]\\ \rho :&~~A[i][j][k]\leftarrow A[i][j][(k+T(i,j)){\%}64], \text {where } T(i,j) \text { is a predefined constant}\\ \pi :&~~A[i][j][k]\leftarrow A[i'][j'][k], \text {where }\begin{pmatrix} i\\ j \end{pmatrix} =\begin{pmatrix} 0&{}1\\ 2&{}3 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} i'\\ j' \end{pmatrix} .\\ \chi :&~~A[i][j][k]\leftarrow A[i][j][k]+((A[i+1][j][k]+1)\cdot A[i+2][j][k]),\\ \iota :&~~A\leftarrow A+RC_{i_r},\text {where}~RC_{i_r}~\text {is the round constants for}~i_r{-}\text {th round}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Here, ‘\(+\)’ denotes XOR and ‘\(\cdot \)’ denotes logic AND. As \(\iota \) plays no essential role in our attacks, we will ignore it in the rest of the paper unless otherwise stated.

2.3 Instances of Keccak and SHA-3

There are four instances Keccak-d of the Keccak sponge function, where c is chosen to be 2d and \(d\in \{224,256,384,512\}\). To promote cryptanalysis against Keccak, the Keccak design team also proposed versions with lower security levels in the Keccak challenge, where \(b \in \{1600,800,400,200\}\), \((d= 80, c=160)\) for preimage challenge and \((d=160,c=160)\) for collision challenge. In this paper, we follow the designers’ notation Keccak \([r,c,n_r,d]\) for the instances in the challenge, where r is the rate, \(c=b-r\) is the capacity, d is the digest size, and \(n_r\) is the number of rounds the underlying permutation Keccak-f is reduced to.

The Keccak hash function uses the multi-rate padding rule which appends to the original message M a single bit 1 followed by the minimum number of bits 0 and a single bit 1 such that the length of the resulted message is a multiple of the block length r. Namely, the padded message \(\overline{M}\) is \(M \Vert 10^*1\).

The SHA-3 standard adopts the four Keccak instances with digest lengths 224, 256, 384, and 512. The only difference is the padding rule. In SHA-3 standard, the message is appended ‘01’ first. After that, the multi-rate padding is applied. In this paper, we only fucus on collision attacks against 5-round Keccak-224 and Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160].

2.4 Notations

In this paper, only one-block padded messages are considered for collision attacks, i.e., we choose message M such that \(\overline{M}=M||10^*1\) is one block. According to the multi-rate padding rule, the minimal number of padded bits is 2 while the minimal number of fixed padding bit p is 1. The first three mappings \(\theta , \pi , \rho \) of the round function are linear, and we denote their composition by \(L \triangleq \pi \circ \rho \circ \theta \). The nonlinear layer \(\chi \) applying to each row is called an Sbox, denoted by \(S(\cdot )\). The differential distribution table (DDT) is a 2-dimensional \(32\times 32\) array, where all differences are calculated with respect to bitwise XOR. \(\delta _{in}\) and \(\delta _{out}\) are used to denote the input and output difference of an Sbox. Then DDT (\(\delta _{in},\delta _{out}\)) is the size of the solution set \(\{x~|~S(x)+S(x+\delta _{in})=\delta _{out}\}\). Let \(AS(\alpha )\) denote the number of active Sboxes in the state \(\alpha \).

3 The Collision Attack Framework

This section gives an overview of the framework of our collision attacks, and describes our motivations after a brief review of previous works.

In our attacks, as well as two previous related works [10, 21], an \(n_{r_1}\)-round connector and a high probability \(n_{r_2}\)-round differential trail are combined to find collisions for (\(n_{r_1}+n_{r_2}\))-round Keccak. Here, an \(n_{r_1}\)-round connector is defined as a certain procedure which produces message pairs \((\overline{M}_1, \overline{M}_2)\) satisfying three requirements.

  1. (1)

    The last (\(c+p\))-bit difference of the initial state is zeros;

  2. (2)

    The last (\(c+p\))-bit value of the initial state is fixed;

  3. (3)

    The output difference after \(n_{r_1}\) rounds should be fixed and equal to the input difference of the differential trail.

Given an \(n_{r_2}\)-round differential, there are two stages of our (\(n_{r_1}+n_{r_2}\))-round attack, as illustrated in Fig. 2 below:

  • Connecting stage. Construct an \(n_{r_1}\)-round connector and get a subspace of messages bypassing the first \(n_{r_1}\) rounds.

  • Brute-force searching stage. Find a colliding pair following the \(n_{r_2}\)-round differential trail from the subspace by brute force.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Overview of (\(n_{r_1}+n_{r_2}\))-round collision attacks

We use \(\chi _i\) to represent the nonlinear layer \(\chi \) at round i. Then the first \(n_{r_1}\) rounds of \({\textsc {Keccak}} \) can be denoted as

$$\chi _{n_{r_1}-1}\circ L\circ \cdots \circ \chi _0\circ L.$$

For the differential trail, we denote the differences before and after i-th round by \(\alpha _{i}\) and \(\alpha _{i+1}\), respectively. Let \(\beta _i = L(\alpha _i)\), then an \(n_{r_2}\)-round differential trail starting from the \(n_{r_1}\)-th round is of the following form

$$\alpha _{n_{r_1}}\xrightarrow {L}\beta _{n_{r_1}}\xrightarrow {\chi }\alpha _{n_{r_1}+1}\xrightarrow {L}\cdots \alpha _{n_{r_1}+n_{r_2}-1}\xrightarrow {L}\beta _{n_{r_1}+n_{r_2}-1}\xrightarrow {\chi }\alpha _{n_{r_1}+n_{r_2}}.$$

For the sake of simplicity, a differential trail can also be represented with only \(\beta _i\)’s or \(\alpha _i\)’s. Additionally, let the weight \(w_i = -\mathrm {log}_2\mathrm {Pr}(\beta _i\rightarrow \alpha _{i+1})\). For the last round, since only the Sboxes related to the digest matter, we denote the weight and difference for those Sboxes as \(w_{n_{r_1}+n_{r_2}-1}^d\) and \(\alpha _{n_{r_1}+n_{r_2}}^d\), respectively.

3.1 Dinur et al.’s One-Round Connector

In [10], collisions of 4-round Keccak-224 and Keccak-256 are found by combining 1-round connectors and 3-round differential trails. The 1-round connector is implemented by a procedure called target difference algorithm which converts the construction of a 1-round connector to solving a system of linear equations. An important property used in the target difference algorithm is as follow.

Property 1

 [10] Given a pair of input and output difference \((\delta _{in},\delta _{out})\) of a Keccak Sbox such that \(\mathtt{DDT} (\delta _{in},\delta _{out})\ne 0\), the set of values \(V = \{v~|~S(v)+S(v+\delta _{in})=\delta _{out}\}\) forms an affine subspace.

Note that, any i-dimensional affine subspace of \(\{0,1\}^5\) can be deduced from \((5-i)\) linear equations. Now, given an output difference of the first round (or the input difference of a 3-round differential trail), the target difference algorithm proceeds in two phases by adding certain linear equations.

  1. 1.

    Choose a subspace of input differences for each active Sbox which are required to be consistent with the (\(c+p\))-bit initial difference. As noted in [10], for any non-zero output difference of a Keccak Sbox, the set of possible input differences include at least five 2-dimensional affine subspaces.

  2. 2.

    Choose a subspace of input values for each active Sbox which are required to be consistent with the (\(c+p\))-bit initial value by selecting an input difference from the difference subspace obtained in the previous phase.

Once a consistent system of linear equations is obtained after processing all active Sboxes, a 1-round connector succeeds and the first round now can be fulfilled automatically if messages are chosen from the solution space of the system.

3.2 Qiao et al.’s Two-Round Connector

In [21], 5-round collisions are found by combining 2-round connectors and 3-round differential trails. These 5-round collisions directly benefit from the 2-round connectors in which the first round is fully linearized. It was noted in [21] that affine subspaces of dimension up to 2 could be found such that the Sbox can be linearized.

Any affine subspace of dimension 2 requires 3 linear equations to be defined. Therefore, at least \(\frac{b}{5}\times 3\) degrees of freedom are needed to linearize one full round. Note that the total number of available degrees of freedom is at most \(b-(c+p)\). Hence, when the capacity is relatively small, i.e., \(c < \frac{2b}{5}\) (omitting the small p), linearization of one full round is possible. Once the first round is linearized, the constraints (linear equations over the values) for the Sbox in the first round and in the second round can be united to construct 2-round connectors.

However, linearizing a full round consumes too many degrees of freedom, which leads to very small message subspaces or even makes the 2-round connector fail. To save degrees of freedom, differential trails which impose least possible conditions to the 2-round connector are more desirable. To this end, a dedicated search strategy was used [21] to find suitable differential trails of up to 4 rounds.

3.3 Directions for Improvements

It can be seen that both Dinur et al.’s original 1-round connectors and Qiao et al.’s 2-round connectors are constructed by processing a system of linear equations. A side effect of these methods, especially linearizing a full round, is a quick reduction of freedom degrees. On the other hand, connectors are possible only when there are sufficient degrees of freedom. Furthermore, the message space returned by the connector needs to be large enough, otherwise no collision can be found. For example, in the collision attack of 5-round Keccak-224 from [21], a 2-round connector was constructed successfully, however the obtained message space has a dimension of only 2 which is far from being sufficient to find a colliding pair following the 3-round differential trail.

In [21], a 2-round connector was also constructed successfully for Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160], and returned a subspace with large enough messages that bypass the first two rounds. However, the complexity of the brute-force stage is \(2^{70.24}\), which leaves the attack against Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160] impractical.

In order to find practical collisions for both 5-round Keccak-224 and Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160], these remaining problems in the previous work need be solved. There are two directions to this end. The first is to save degrees of freedom and to consume only when necessary. The second is to spend more effort in faster implementations of Keccak, for finding differential trails which impose less conditions to the connector, as well as speeding up the brute-force stage.

These are our starting point of this paper. The next four sections elaborate on our effort in these two directions which finally results in practical collisions on 5-round Keccak-224 and Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160].

4 Non-full Sbox Linearization

In this section, techniques of non-full linearization are proposed to save degrees of freedom. For convenience, we introduce the techniques in the context of 2-round connectors, even though they can be applied to 3-round connectors or potentially connectors of even more rounds.

4.1 Two Observations

In the construction of a 2-round connector, there are two systems of linear equations, \(E_M\) and \(E_z\), which are generated using Property 1. \(E_M\) is over the input value x of the nonlinear layer \(\chi _0\) of the first round, while \(E_z\) is over the input value z of the nonlinear layer \(\chi _1\) of the second round. In order to unite these two systems of linear equations to get a 2-round connector, the nonlinear layer \(\chi _0\) between them should be linearized. However, the question is whether all Sboxes of \(\chi _0\) must be fully linearized? We show below that the answer is no.

Let the output value of \(\chi _0\) be y. Then \(E_z\) can be re-expressed over y as \(E_y\) since \(L\cdot (y+RC_0)=z\), where \(RC_0\) is the round constant for the first round. Due to the diffusion of L, \(E_y\) is usually denser than \(E_z\). Let \(u=(u_0, u_1,\cdots ,u_{b-1})\) be a flag vector where \(u_i = 1\) \((0\le i< b)\) if \(y_i\) is involved in \(E_y\), otherwise \(u_i=0\). Let \(U=(U_0,U_1,\cdots ,U_{\frac{b}{5}-1})\) where \(U_i=u_{5i}u_{5i+1}u_{5i+2}u_{5i+3}u_{5i+4}\), \(0\le i< \frac{b}{5}\). According to the definition, \(0\le U_i < 2^5\). For the i-th Sbox of \(\chi _0\), if \(U_i\) is not zero, a.k.a. some bits of the corresponding Sbox are involved in the equation system, this Sbox should be linearized for the union of the two systems of equations. Note that, it requires at least 3 equations to fully linearize an Sbox. However, the aim of linearization is to unite the two systems of linear equations, which does not necessarily require a full linearization of all Sboxes.

With this intuition in mind, below we show two observations of the Keccak Sbox which explain the background for the non-full linearization.

Observation 1

For a non-active Keccak Sbox, when \(U_i\ne 31\),

  1. a.

    if \(U_i=0\), it does not require any linearization;

  2. b.

    if \(U_i\in \{{\texttt {01, 02, 04, 08, 10, 03, 06, 0C, 11, 18}}\}\) (numbers in typerwritter font are hexadecimals), at least 1 equation should be added to \(E_M\) to linearize the output bit(s) of the Sbox marked by \(U_i\);

  3. c.

    otherwise, at least 2 equations should be added to \(E_M\) to linearize the output bits of the Sbox marked by \(U_i\).

This observation comes from the algebraic relation between the input and output of \(\chi \). Suppose the 5-bit input of the Sbox is \(x_0x_1x_2x_3x_4\) and the 5-bit output \(y_0y_1y_2y_3y_4\). Then the algebraic normal forms of the Sbox are as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} y_{0}&=x_{0} + (x_{1}+1)\cdot x_{2},\\ y_{1}&=x_{1} + (x_{2}+1)\cdot x_{3},\\ y_{2}&=x_{2} + (x_{3}+1)\cdot x_{4},\\ y_{3}&=x_{3} + (x_{4}+1)\cdot x_{0},\\ y_{4}&=x_{4} + (x_{0}+1)\cdot x_{1}. \end{aligned}$$

Take \(U_i=\mathtt {01}\) as an example. It indicates that \(y_0\) should be linearized. As can be seen, the only nonlinear term in the expression of \(y_0\) is \(x_1\cdot x_2\). Fixing the value of either \(x_1\) or \(x_2\) makes \(y_0\) linear. Without loss of generality, assume the value of \(x_1\) is fixed to be 0 or 1. When \(x_1=0\), we have \(y_0=x_0+x_2\); otherwise \(y_0=x_0\). When \(U_i=\mathtt {0F}\), it maps to 4 output bits \(y_0, y_1, y_2, y_3\) and they should be linearized. We can fix the value of two bits \(x_2\) and \(x_4\) only. Once \(x_2\) and \(x_4\) are fixed, the nonlinear terms in the algebraic form of all \(y_0, y_1, y_2, y_3\) will disappear. Other cases work similarly. If \(U_i=\mathtt {1F}\), a full linearization is required by fixing the value of any three input bits which are not cyclically continuous, e.g., \((x_0, x_2, x_4)\).

For the nonlinear layer \(\chi _0\) of the first round, most Sboxes are active and many of them have a \(\mathtt{DDT} \) value of 8. As noted in [21], to fully linearize those Sboxes with \(\mathtt{DDT} \) of 8, three equations should be added to \(E_M\) for each of them. However, Observation 2 shows that two equations may be enough, and thus 1 bit degree of freedom could be saved.

Observation 2

For a 5-bit input difference \(\delta _{in}\) and a 5-bit output difference \(\delta _{out}\) such that \(\mathtt{DDT} (\delta _{in},\delta _{out})= 8\), 4 out of 5 output bits are already linear if the input is chosen from the solution set \(V=\{x~|~\mathtt{S}(x)+\mathtt{S}(x+\delta _{in})=\delta _{out}\}\).

Take \(\mathtt{DDT} (\mathtt {01,01})= 8\) as an example (see Table 6 of [21]). The solution set is \(V=\{{\texttt {10,11,14,15,18,19, 1C,1D}}\}\). We rewrite these solutions in 5-bit stings where the right most bit is the LSB as follows.

It is easy to see for the values from this set, \(x_1=0\) and \(x_4=1\) always hold, making \(y_0,y_2,y_3,y_4\) linear since their algebraic forms could be rewritten as

$$\begin{aligned} y_{0}&=x_{0} + x_{2},\\ y_{1}&=(x_{2}+1)\cdot x_{3},\\ y_{2}&=x_{2} + x_{3}+1,\\ y_{3}&=x_{3},\\ y_{4}&=1. \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, if the only nonlinear bit \(y_1\) is not involved in \(E_y\), these two equations \(x_1=0\) and \(x_4=1\) are enough for the union. Note that, given the input difference and the output difference, these two equations are used to restrict the input value from \(\{0,1\}^5\) to the solution set and have already been included in \(E_M\).

4.2 How to Choose \(\beta _1\)

In both previous works [10, 21], those \(\beta _1\)s are chosen such that all Sboxes of \(\alpha _1=L^{-1}(\beta _1)\) are active. This is reasonable since a fully active \(\alpha _1\) makes it easy to find a \(\beta _0\) that is compatible with \(\alpha _1\) and (\(c+p\))-bit zero initial difference. Additionally, if full linearization is applied to every Sbox of \(\chi _0\), non-active Sboxes have no advantage over active Sboxes in saving degree of freedoms.

Now non-full linearizations are to be applied. The observations in this section demonstrate that for an Sbox less than 3 equations may be enough for the union. It is likely that non-active Sboxes have advantage over active Sboxes. To extensively exploit the non-full linearization for a larger solution space, it is better to have more non-active Sboxes. Moreover, it is interesting to note that once \(\beta _1\) is chosen, we can not only calculate the number of non-active Sboxes \(\#nonact\) of the first round, but also the number of non-active Sboxes which require only 1 or 2 equations for the union. Those non-active Sboxes which require only 1 equation for the union are more interesting. Let the number of them be \(\#save\). Large \(\#nonact\) and \(\#save\) probably lead to large message subspaces that bypass the first two rounds. However, too many non-active Sboxes will slow down the 2-round connector finding program. This problem will be further discussed when techniques of non-full linearization are applied to concrete instances in latter sections.

5 GPU Implementation of Keccak

In this section, techniques for GPU implementation of Keccak are introduced to improve our computing capacity over CPU implementations. While one could expect a speed of order \(2^{21}\) Keccak-f evaluations per second on a single CPU core, we show in this section this number could increase to \(2^{29}\) per second on NVIDIA GeForce GTX1070 graphic card. The significant speedup will benefit us in two usages: searching for differential trails among larger spaces and bruteforce search of collisions from differential trails with lower probability.

5.1 Overview of the GPU and CUDA

GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit) are intended to process the computer graphics and image originally. With more transistors for data processing, a GPU usually consists of thousands of smaller but efficient ALUs (Arithmetic Logic Unit), which can be used to process parallel tasks efficiently. So GPU computing is widely used to accelerate compute-intensive applications nowadays. From the view of hardware architecture, a GPU is comprised of several SMs (Streaming Multiprocessors), which determine the parallelization capability of GPU. In Maxwell architecture, each SM owns 128 SPs (streaming processors) — the basic processing units. Warp is the basic execution unit in SM and each warp consists of 32 threads. All threads in a warp execute the same instructions at the same time. Each thread will be mapped into a SP when it is executed.

CUDA is a general purpose parallel computing architecture and programming model that is used in Nvidia GPUs [20]. One of programming interfaces of CUDA is CUDA C/C++ which is based on standard C/C++. Here, we mainly focus CUDA C++.

5.2 Existing Implementations and Our Implementations

Guillaume Sevestre [22] implemented Keccak in a tree hash mode, the nature of which allows each thread to run a copy of Keccak. Unfortunately, there are no implementation details given. In [8], Pierre-Louis Gayrel et al. implemented Keccak-f[1600] with 25 threads that calculate all 25 lanes in parallel in a warp and these threads cooperate via shared memory. One disadvantage of this strategy is bank conflict — concurrent access to shared memory of the same bank by threads from the same warp will be forced to be sequential. Besides, there are two open-source softwares providing GPU implementations of Keccak: ccminer (ref. and hashcat (ref. in CUDA and OpenCL, respectively.

Having learnt from the existing works and codes, we implemented Keccak following two different strategies: one thread for one Keccak or one warp for one Keccak. From experimental results, we find that one thread for one Keccak gives a better number of Keccak-f evaluations per second. So we adopt this strategy in this paper. More detailed techniques of implementation optimization are introduced in Appendix A.1.

5.3 Benchmark

With all the optimization techniques in mind, we implemented Keccak-f[1600] in CUDA, and have it tested on NVIDIA GeForce GTX1070 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 graphics cards. The hardware specifications of GTX1070 and GTX970 are given in Table 5 of Appendix A.2.

Table 2. Benchmark of our Keccak implementations in CUDA

Table 2 lists the performance. Keccak-f[1600]v1 and Keccak-f[1600]v2 are our implementations used to search for differential trails and to find real collisions in the bruteforce stage, respectively. The difference between the two versions is: Keccak-f[1600]v1 copies all digests into global memory, and Keccak-f[1600]v2 only copies the digest into global memory when the resulted digest equals to a given digest value. Both versions did not include the data transfer time. It can be seen that GTX1070 can be \(2^8\) times faster than a CPU core. The source codes of these two versions are available freely via

5.4 Search for Differential Trails

We follow the strategies proposed in [21] for searching differential trails. Specifically, special differences (explained more in Appendix B) before \(\chi \) of the third round \(\beta _3\) are first generated by KeccakTools [6], and then extended one-round forward to check the validity for d-bit collisions. For those \(\beta _3\)s which are possible for collision, we extend them one round backward, and calculate the number of active Sbox AS in the extended round. A trail with small AS is desirable for connectors.

Note that all extensions should be traversed. Given a \(\beta _3\), suppose there are \(C_1\) possible one-round forward extensions and \(C_2\) one round backward extensions. These two numbers are determined by the active Sboxes of \(\beta _3\). If the number of active Sboxes is AS, then roughly \(C_1= 4^{AS}\) and \(C_2=9^{AS}\) according to the DDT referred from Table 6 in [21]. In the search for 3-round trails of Keccak-224, \(C_2\) is the dominant time complexity, while for 4-round trails of Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160], we start from (\(\beta _3,\beta _4\)) generated by KeccakTools, and \(C_1\) is almost as large as \(C_2\).

With the help of the GPU implementation, the \(\beta _3\)s generated by KeccakTools where \(C_2\le 2^{35}\) are traversed for finding differential trails for Keccak-224 with AS as small as possible, and (\(\beta _3,\beta _4\)) where \(C_1\le 3^{36}\) are explored for finding 4-round trails for Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160] with \(w_3+w_4+w_5^d\) as small as possible. As a comparison, the search for differential trails in [21] only covers \(\beta _3\) and (\(\beta _3,\beta _4\)) with \(C_1,C_2\) being less than \(2^{30}\). In summary, the best 3-round differential trail we obtained for Keccak-224 has \(AS=81\), and the best 4-round differential trail for Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160] holds with \(w_3+w_4+w_5^d = 52\). These two trails are used in our collision attacks in the following two sections respectively. More details of the searching algorithm are given in Appendix B.

6 Application to 5-Round Keccak-224

In this section, techniques for non-full linearization are applied to 5-round Keccak-224. Firstly, the best 3-round differential trail we found for Keccak-224 is described. With this differential trail, an improved 2-round connector using non-full linearizations is constructed and it outputs sufficient message pairs among which collisions of 5-round Keccak-224 are found with real examples.

6.1 3-Round Differential Trail

The information of the best 3-round differential trail we obtain is listed in Table 3 and the trail itself is displayed in Table 7. Specifically, the weight of \(\chi _1\) is 187. Once the 2-round connector succeeds and outputs an sufficiently large message space, the complexity for searching a collision is \(2^{48}\) and can be reduced to \(2^{45.62}\) if multiple trails of last two rounds are taken into account. In brief, this trail imposes 187 equations to the 2-round connector and requires a solution space of size at least \(2^{45.62}\). As shown in the table, our trail is better than the one used in [21] which imposes a bit more equations to the 2-round connector.

Table 3. Differential trails for collision attacks against Keccak-224.

6.2 Improved 2-Round Connector

In order to extensively exploit the non-full linearization, large \(\#nonact\) and \(\#save\) would be beneficial. However, too many non-active Sboxes may make it difficult or impossible to find \(\beta _0\)s that are compatible with the (\(c+p\))-bit zero initial difference, and further make it difficult for the 2-round connector to succeed. To find a balance, values for \(\#nonact\) and \(\#save\) are heuristically explored. Finally, we set \(10<\#nonact\le 30\) and \(\#save\ge 16\).

Our improved 2-round connector is given as follows and the steps are visualized in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Visualized 2-round connector.

The 2-Round Connector for Keccak-224.

Inputs: 449-bit fixed initial value, \(\alpha _2\), two bound variables \(bnd_1, bnd_2\).

Outputs: Difference \(\varDelta \), a subspace of messages.

  1. 1.

    Randomly choose a possible input difference \(\beta _1\) of \(\chi _1\) according to \(\alpha _2\) such that the differential \(\beta _1\rightarrow \alpha _2\) has the best probability. Calculate \(\alpha _1 = L^{-1}(\beta _1)\) and \(\#nonact\) of \(\alpha _1\). Construct a system of linear equations \(E_z\) over the values of the second \(\chi \) using Property 1. Derive \(E_y\) from \(E_z\) using \(L, RC_0\). Calculate U and \(\#save\). If \(10<\#nonact\le 30\) and \(\#save\ge 16\), go to Step 2, otherwise repeat this step.

  2. 2.

    Launch Dinur et al.’s target difference algorithm with \(\beta _1\) and 449-bit fixed initial value. Once the algorithm succeeds, the input differences for the first two rounds are fixed and a system of linear equations \(E_M\) over the input x of \(\chi _0\) that defines a subspace is obtained, and move to Step 3. If this step fails \(bnd_1\) times, go to Step 1, otherwise repeat this step.

  3. 3.

    Partially linearize the first round according to Observations 1 and 2 by adding equations to \(E_M\). Once succeed, a smaller subspace defined by the updated \(E_M\) and the corresponding partial linear mapping of the first \(\chi \) is obtained, and move to Step 4, otherwise repeat this step.

  4. 4.

    Unite \(E_M\) and \(E_y\) using the partial linear mapping of \(\chi _0\). Once a consistent system is obtained, go to Step 5. If this step fails \(bnd_2\) times, go to Step 1, otherwise go to Step 3.

  5. 5.

    A 2-round connector is constructed successfully. Check the size of the solution space of the resulted equation system. If the size of the solution space is less than \(2^{46}\), go to Step 1; otherwise output difference \(\varDelta \) and the solution space.

6.3 Experiments and Results

Our 2-round connector succeeds in 15 core hours. The obtained subspace of messages has a size of \(2^{55}\), larger than the required size of \(2^{46}\). The number of non-active Sboxes of \(\chi _0\) is 29 and \(\#save=16\). Among the non-active Sboxes, no Sbox has \(U_i=0\), and seven Sboxes require 2 equations for the union. Among the 105 active Sboxes with \(\mathtt{DDT} \) entry 8, 26 of them are exempted from adding an extra equation to \(E_M\). These results confirm that the non-full linearization does save some degrees of freedom and both observations contribute to a larger message subspace that bypasses the first two rounds.

After the 2-round connector succeeds, from the message space returned by the connector, a brute-force search is needed to find a colliding message pair which follows the differential trail in latter 3 rounds. The brute-force search is implemented in CUDA and the search is done on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX1070 graphic card. The first collision is found in 21 min, which corresponds to \(2^{39.90}\) message pair evaluations in the brute-force stageFootnote 1. The actual complexity is smaller than expected by a non-negligible factor. This may be due to the possibility that there are some other differential trails missing from our collision probability calculation, or we might be just lucky. We give one instance of collision in Table 6.

7 Applications to Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160]

In this section, 3-round connectors are firstly introduced to attack more rounds of Keccak practically. Since one more round is covered by the connector, hence one less round needs to be fulfilled probabilistically in the bruteforce stage, resulting in lower complexities for the bruteforce search stage. This idea leads to a practical attack against Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160]. In the following, the differential trail used in our attack is described first, and details of 3-round connectors and experiments are given afterwards.

7.1 4-Round Differential Trail

Four-round differential trails are searched and used in the attack against Keccak [1440, 160, 6, 160]. The first round of the trail is covered by the connector. Namely, \(\beta _2\rightarrow \alpha _3\) is included as the last round of 3-round connector. Thus the weight of the last three rounds, namely \(w_3+w_4+w_5^d\), determines the time complexity for the brute-force searching stage. To make the attack practical, \(w_3+w_4+w_5^d\) should be as small as possible. So in the search for differential trails for Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160], our major goal is to find a 4-round trail with minimal \(w_3+w_4+w_5^d\), which is different from the goal of searching trails for 5-round Keccak-224. The best 4-round trail we obtained using GPU is listed in Table 4. The exact differential trail is shown in Table 9. The time complexity for the brute-force stage is \(2^{52}\) which can be reduced to \(2^{51.14}\) if we consider multiple trails starting from the same \(\beta _4\). The weight of the third round is 25, indicating 25 linear equations of this round should be added to the whole equation system by surmounting the barrier of \(\chi _1\).

Table 4. Differential trails for collision attacks against Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160].

7.2 Adaptive 3-Round Connector

To construct 3-round connectors, a 2-round connectors is constructed first. Here, full linearizations are applied to \(\chi _0\) in the first round, since almost all (\(1595\sim 1600\)) output bits of \(\chi _0\) are involved in the equation system of latter two rounds due to the diffusion of the linear layer L. Suppose the resulted equation system of the 2-round connector over the first two rounds is \(E_M\). Then equations for the third round are added to \(E_M\) adaptively to get 3-round connectors.

Note that, the first three rounds of Keccak permutation is represented as

$$\chi _2\circ L\circ \chi _1\circ L\circ \chi _0\circ L$$

by omitting the \(\iota \). Let the input and output of \(\chi _0\) be x and y, the input and output of \(\chi _1\) be z and \(y'\), and the input of \(\chi _2\) be \(z'\), as shown in Fig. 4. Suppose the system of equations \(E_M\) returned by the 2-round connector is

$$\begin{aligned} A\cdot x = t_0. \end{aligned}$$

The full linear map of \(\chi _0\) is also returned and expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} L_{\chi _0}\cdot x + t_1 = y. \end{aligned}$$

That is to say, \(x=L_{\chi _0}^{-1}\cdot (y+t_1)\). Since \(z = L\cdot (y+RC_0)\), now \(E_M\) can be re-expressed over z as follow.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} A\cdot x&= A\cdot L_{\chi _0}^{-1}\cdot (y+t_1) \\&= A\cdot L_{\chi _0}^{-1}\cdot (L^{-1}\cdot z + RC_0 +t_1)\\&= t_0. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Let \(A'=A\cdot L_{\chi _0}^{-1}\cdot L^{-1}\) and \(t'_0 = t_0 + A\cdot L_{\chi _0}^{-1}\cdot ( RC_0 +t_1)\). Then an equivalent equation system \(E'_M\) of \(E_M\) is obtained as

$$\begin{aligned} A'\cdot z = t'_0. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 4.
figure 4

Visualized 3-round connector.

With \(E'_M\), equations of the third round, i.e., \(\chi _2\), now can be processed in the following way. Suppose the equation system \(E_{z'}\) constructed using Property 1 for \(\chi _2\) is

$$\begin{aligned} D\cdot z' = t_4. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(z' = L \cdot (y'+RC_1)\), then \(E_{z'}\) can be re-expressed as \(E_{y'}\) over \(y'\), i.e.,

$$\begin{aligned} D\cdot L\cdot (y'+RC_1) = t_4. \end{aligned}$$

Now to combine \(E'_M\) and \(E_{y'}\), a linear map between z and \(y'\) is needed. Suppose using techniques of non-full linearization a couple of equations \(E_z\),

$$\begin{aligned} B\cdot z = t_2 \end{aligned}$$

linearize \(y'\) as

$$\begin{aligned} L_{\chi _1}\cdot z + t_3 = y'. \end{aligned}$$

By stacking \(E'_M\) and \(E_z\), we get

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{bmatrix} A'&t'_0 \\ B&t_2 \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

Check the consistency of system (4). If it is consistent, then the linear map (3) is valid, otherwise it is not valid. If the linear map (3) is valid, the equation system (2) for the third round now can be united, since

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} D\cdot L\cdot (y'+RC_1)&= D\cdot L\cdot (L_{\chi _1}\cdot z + t_3+RC_1) \\&= t_4. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

If the consistency of the following system (5) holds, then the 3-round connector succeeds, and returns a subspace of z and \(\beta _1\).

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{bmatrix} A'&t'_0 \\ B&t_2 \\ D\cdot L\cdot L_{\chi _1}&t_4+D\cdot L\cdot (t_3+RC_1) \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}$$

Special Sboxes of \(\varvec{\chi }_{\mathbf{1}}\) . The 3-round connector for Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160] may not return a sufficiently large solution space due to a great consumption of degrees of freedom for linearizing \(\chi _1\), so multiple 3-round connectors are needed. Whether a 3-round connector succeeds or not depends on the consistency of (5). Note that, if (4) is consistent, (5) is consistent with high probability. However, (4) is consistent with a low probability. This is because \(E_{z'}\) has a few equations, while \(E_z\) has much more. Take Trail 2 as an example, \(E_z\) has 146 equations, while \(E_{z'}\) has only 25.

To make the 3-round connector succeed faster, \(E_z\) is scrutinized in depth. For an Sbox of \(\chi _1\) that should be linearized for uniting \(E_z\) with \(E'_M\), let the 5-bit input be \(z_0z_1z_2z_3z_4\) and the 5-bit output \(y'_0y'_1y'_2y'_3y'_4\). Suppose the value of \(z_0\) is to be fixed to partially linearize \(\chi _1\). There are two cases for \(z_0\). The first case is that the value of \(z_0\) has not been fixed in \(E'_M\). In this case both values (0 or 1) for \(z_0\) are valid for the linearization of \(\chi _1\). The other case is that \(z_0\) has already been fixed in \(E'_M\). Then only the value that is consistent with \(E'_M\) is valid for the linearization. For the latter case, this Sbox is defined to be a special Sbox. Our idea is to spot all special Sboxes of \(\chi _1\) and always choose the valid linearization for them. For the rest Sboxes, any linearization is valid. In this way, (4) is always consistent.

For Trail 2, 125 Sboxes of \(\chi _1\) require to be linearized. The number of special Sboxes is 19. So for the rest 106 Sboxes, any linearization is valid and can be used to successfully construct sufficiently many 3-round connectors.

Algorithm of Adaptive 3-Round Connectors. In adaptive 3-round connectors, full linearizations are applied to \(\chi _0\), while non-full linearizations are used for \(\chi _1\). Each time the algorithm outputs a subspace of messages by solving (5). More subspaces of messages can be obtained by replacing the linearization of \(\chi _1\) with an unused one.

The Adaptive 3-Round Connector

Inputs: 161-bit fixed initial value, \(\alpha _3,\beta _2\) and \(\alpha _2\)

Outputs: initial difference \(\varDelta \) and \(\beta _1\), multiple subspaces of messages.

  1. 1.

    Apply The 2-Round Connector using the 161-bit fixed initial value and \(\alpha _2\). When the 2-round connector succeeds, it returns \(E_M, \varDelta ,\beta _1\) and the linear map \((L_{\chi _0},t_1)\) with which the equivalent system \(E'_M\) can be derived.

  2. 2.

    Construct \(E_{z'}\) using \(\beta _2\) and \(\alpha _3\). Then deduce \(E_{y'}\) from \(E_{z'}\). Calculate \(U'\) for \(E_{y'}\). Now the bits of \(y'\) that need to be linearized are known. Spot special Sboxes by trying all linearizations for each Sbox whose output bits are marked by \(U'\). After that, a list of special Sboxes and a corresponding valid linearization are obtained. Initialize a list structure for all Sboxes of \(\chi _1\) that are marked by \(U'\). Each Sbox is a node on the list structure. For special Sboxes, the node has only one choice for the linearization, while for other Sboxes, the node contains multiple choices for the linearization.

  3. 3.

    Use the current linearization \((L_{\chi _0},t_3)\) to deduce a united equation system (5). If the system (5) is consistent, solve this system, return a solution space and \(\beta _1\) and go to Step 4; otherwise, shift the pointer of the list to the next linearization, go to Step 3.

  4. 4.

    Check whether more messages are needed or not. If yes, shift the pointer of the list to the next linearization, go to Step 3; otherwise, exit.

In brief, in 3-round adaptive connectors, the freedom degrees for linearizing the second round are reused and hence not consumed. Thus, multiple solution spaces can be generated successively if one is not enough.

7.3 Experiments and Results

The 3-round adaptive connector is applied to Trail 2 in our experiments. In the first step, the 2-round connector succeeds in 4.5 core hours and returns an \(E_M\) with 174 degrees of freedom. Every time Step 4 outputs a subspace of messages of size \(2^{32}\sim 2^{35}\) which bypass the first three rounds. In order to find one colliding pair, at least \(2^{51.14}\) pairs of messages are required. This could be achieved by repeating Step \(3\sim 4\) for \(2^{16.14}\sim 2^{19.14}\) times. By running our CUDA implementation on three NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 GPUs, the first collision is found in 112 h, which equals to \(2^{49.07}\) message pair evaluationsFootnote 2. An example of collision is given in Table 8.

8 Conclusions

In conclusion, we proposed two major types of techniques for saving degrees of freedom in constructing connectors: non-full linearizations and adaptive connectors. Techniques of non-full linearization avoid unnecessary consumption of degrees of freedom, and its application directly leads to practical collision attacks against 5-round Keccak-224. Adaptive connectors are constructed in an adaptive way that some degrees of freedom are reused, hence not consumed. By combining techniques of non-full linearization and adaptive connectors, 3-round connectors are constructed successfully, resulting in a practical collision attack against Keccak[1440, 160, 6, 160].

These two types of techniques significantly save degrees of freedom. Therefore, one potential future work is to apply these techniques to other Keccak instances which have a tighter budget of freedom degrees, such as Keccak[240, 160, 5, 160].