1 Introduction

Programming efficient concurrent implementations of atomic collections, e.g., stacks and queues, is error prone. To minimize synchronization overhead between concurrent method invocations, implementors avoid blocking operations like lock acquisition, allowing methods to execute concurrently. However, concurrency risks unintended inter-operation interference, and risks conformance to atomic reference implementations. Conformance is formally captured by (observational) refinement, which assures that all behaviors of programs using these efficient implementations would also be possible were the atomic reference implementations used instead.

Observational refinement can be formalized as a trace inclusion problem, and the latter can itself be reduced to an invariant checking problem, but this requires in general introducing history and prophecy variables [1]. Alternatively, verifying refinement requires in general establishing a forward simulation and a backward simulation [21]. While simulations are natural concepts, backward reasoning, corresponding to the use of prophecy variables, is in general hard and complex for programs manipulating data structures. Therefore, a crucial issue is to understand the limits of forward reasoning in establishing refinement. More precisely, an important question is to determine for which concurrent abstract data structures, and for which classes of implementations, it is possible to carry out a refinement proof using only forward simulations.

To get rid of backward simulations (or prophecy variables) while preserving completeness w.r.t. refinement, it is necessary to have reference implementations that are deterministic. Interestingly, determinism allows also to simplify the forward simulation checking problem. Indeed, in this case, this problem can be reduced to an invariant checking problem. Basically, the simulation relation can be seen as an invariant of the system composed of the two compared programs. Therefore, existing methods and tools for invariant checking can be leveraged in this context.

But, in order to determine precisely what is meant by determinism, an important point is to fix the alphabet of observable events along computations. Typically, to reason about refinement between two library implementations, the only observable events are the calls and returns corresponding to the method invocations along computations. This means that only the external interface of the library is considered to compare behaviors, and nothing else from the implementations is exposed. Unfortunately, it can be shown that in this case, it is impossible to have deterministic atomic reference implementations for common data structures such as stacks and queues (see, e.g., [24]). Then, an important question is what is the necessary amount of information that should be exposed by the implementations to overcome this problem?

One approach addressing this question is based on linearizability [18] and its correspondence with refinement [7, 12]. Linearizability of a computation (of some implementation) means that each of the method invocations can be seen as happening at some point, called linearization point, occurring somewhere between the call and return events of that invocation. The obtained sequence of linearization points along the computation should define a sequence of operations that is possible in the atomic reference implementation. Proving the existence of such sequences of linearization points, for all the computations of a concurrent library, is a complex problem [3, 5, 14]. However, proving linearizability becomes less complex when linearization points are fixed for each method, i.e., associated with the execution of a designated statement in its source code [5]. In this case, we can consider that libraries expose in addition to calls and returns, events signaling linearization points. By extending this way the alphabet of observable events, it becomes straightforward to define deterministic atomic reference implementations. Therefore, proving linearizability can be carried out using forward simulations when linearization points are fixed, e.g., [2, 4, 27, 28]. Unfortunately, this approach is not applicable to efficient implementations such as the LCRQ queue [22] (based on the principle of the Herlihy and Wing queue [18]), and the Time-Stamped Stack [10]. The proofs of linearizability of these implementations are highly nontrivial, very involved, and hard to read, understand and automatize. Therefore, the crucial question we address is what is precisely the kind of information that is necessary to expose in order to obtain deterministic atomic reference implementations for such data structures, allowing to derive simple and natural linearizability proofs for such complex implementations, based on forward simulations, that are amenable to automation?

We observe that the main difficulty in reasoning about these implementations is that, linearization points of enqueue/push operations occurring along some given computation, depend in general on the linearization points of dequeue/pop operations that occur arbitrarily far in the future. Therefore, since linearization points for enqueue/push operations cannot be determined in advance, the information that could be fixed and exposed can concern only the dequeue/pop operations.

One first idea is to consider that linearization points are fixed for dequeue/pop methods and only for these methods. We show that under the assumption that implementations expose linearizations points for these methods, it is possible to define deterministic atomic reference implementations for both queues and stacks. We show that this is indeed useful by providing a simple proof of the Herlihy and Wing queue (based on establishing a forward simulation) that can be carried out as an invariant checking proof.

However, in the case of Time-Stamped Stack, fixing linearization points of pop operations is actually too restrictive. Nevertheless, we show that our approach can be generalized to handle this case. The key idea is to reason about what we call commit points, and that correspond roughly speaking to the last point a method accesses to the shared data structure during its execution. We prove that by exposing commit points (instead of linearization points) for pop methods, we can still provide deterministic reference implementations. We show that using this approach leads to a quite simple proof of the Time-Stamped Stack, based on forward simulations.

2 Preliminaries

We formalize several abstraction relations between libraries using a simple yet universal model of computation, namely labeled transition systems (LTS). This model captures shared-memory programs with an arbitrary number of threads, abstracting away the details of any particular programming language irrelevant to our development.

A labeled transition system (LTS) \(A=(Q,\Sigma , s_0, \updelta )\) over the possibly-infinite alphabet \(\Sigma \) is a possibly-infinite set Q of states with initial state \(s_0 \in Q\), and a transition relation \(\updelta \subseteq Q \times \Sigma \times Q\). The ith symbol of a sequence \(\uptau \in \Sigma ^*\) is denoted \(\uptau _i\), and \(\upvarepsilon \) denotes the empty sequence. An execution of A is an alternating sequence of states and transition labels (also called actions) \(\rho = s_0, e_0,s_1\ldots e_{k-1},s_k\) for some \(k>0\) such that \(\updelta (s_i, e_i, s_{i+1})\) for each i such that \(0\le i<k\). We write \(s_i\xrightarrow {e_i\ldots e_{j-1}}_A s_j\) as shorthand for the subsequence \(s_i,e_i,\ldots ,s_{j-1},e_{j-1},s_j\) of \(\rho \), for any \(0\le i\le j <k\) (in particular \(s_i\xrightarrow {\upvarepsilon }s_i\)). The projection \(\uptau |\Gamma \) of a sequence \(\uptau \) is the maximum subsequence of \(\uptau \) over alphabet \(\Gamma \). This notation is extended to sets of sequences as usual. A trace of A is the projection \(\rho | \Sigma \) of an execution \(\rho \) of A. The set of executions, resp., traces, of an LTS A is denoted by E(A), resp., Tr(A). An LTS is deterministic if for any state s and any sequence \(\uptau \in \Sigma ^*\), there is at most one state \(s'\) such that \(s\xrightarrow {\uptau }s'\). More generally, for an alphabet \(\Gamma \subseteq \Sigma \), an LTS is \(\Gamma \) -deterministic if for any state s and any sequence \(\uptau \in \Gamma ^*\), there is at most one state \(s'\) such that \(s\xrightarrow {\uptau '}s'\) and \(\uptau \) is a subsequence of \(\uptau '\).

2.1 Libraries

Programs interact with libraries by calling named library methods, which receive arguments and yield return values upon completion. We fix arbitrary sets \(\mathbb {M}\) and \(\mathbb {V}\) of method names and argument/return values. We fix an arbitrary set \(\mathbb {O}\) of operation identifiers, and for given sets \(\mathbb {M}\) and \(\mathbb {V}\) of methods and values, we fix the sets

$$\begin{aligned}&C = {\{ inv(m,d,k) : m \in \mathbb {M}, d \in \mathbb {V}, k \in \mathbb {O} \}} \text { and } R = {\{ ret(m,d,k) : m \in \mathbb {M}, d \in \mathbb {V}, k \in \mathbb {O} \}} \end{aligned}$$

of call actions and return actions; each call action inv(mdk) combines a method \(m \in \mathbb {M}\) and value \(d \in \mathbb {V}\) with an operation identifier \(k \in \mathbb {O}\). Operation identifiers are used to pair call and return actions. We may omit the second field from a call/return action for methods that have no arguments or return values. For notational convenience, we take \(\mathbb {O}=\mathbb {N}\) for the rest of the paper.

A library is an LTS over alphabet \(\Sigma \) such that \(C \cup R\subseteq \Sigma \). We assume that the traces of a library satisfy standard well-formedness properties, e.g., return actions correspond to previous call actions. Given a standard library description as a set of methods, the LTS represents the executions of its most general client (that calls an arbitrary set of methods with an arbitrary set of threads in an unbounded loop). The states of this LTS consist of the shared state of the library together with the local state of each thread. The transitions correspond to statements in the methods’ bodies, or call and return actions. An operation k is called completed in a trace \(\uptau \) when ret(mdk) occurs in \(\uptau \), for some m and d. Otherwise, it is called pending.

The projection of a library trace over \(C\cup R\) is called a history. The set of histories of a library L is denoted by H(L). Since libraries only dictate methods executions between their respective calls and returns, for any history they admit, they must also admit histories with weaker inter-operation ordering, in which calls may happen earlier, and/or returns later. A history \(h_1\) is weaker than a history \(h_2\), written \(h_1 \sqsubseteq h_2\), iff there exists a history \(h_1'\) obtained from \(h_1\) by appending return actions, and deleting call actions, s.t.: \(h_2\) is a permutation of \(h_1'\) that preserves the order between return and call actions, i.e., if a given return action occurs before a given call action in \(h_1'\), then the same holds in \(h_2\).

A library L is called atomic when there exists a set S of sequential histories such that H(L) contains every weakening of a history in S. Atomic libraries are often considered as specifications for concurrent objects. Libraries can be made atomic by guarding their methods bodies with global lock acquisitions.

A library L is called a queue implementation when \(\mathbb {M}=\{enq,deq\}\) (enq is the method that enqueues a value and deq is the method removing a value) and \(\mathbb {V}=\mathbb {N}\cup \{\mathtt{EMPTY}\}\) where EMPTY is the value returned by deq when the queue is empty. Similarly, a library L is called a stack implementation when \(\mathbb {M}=\{push,pop\}\) and \(\mathbb {V}=\mathbb {N}\cup \{\mathtt{EMPTY}\}\). For queue and stack implementations, we assume that the same value is never added twice, i.e., for every trace \(\uptau \) of such a library and every two call actions \(inv(m,d_1,k_1)\) and \(inv(m,d_2,k_2)\) where \(m\in \{enq,push\}\) we have that \(d_1\ne d_2\). As shown in several works [2, 6], this assumption is without loss of generality for libraries that are data independent, i.e., their behaviors are not influenced by the values added to the collection. All the queue and stack implementations that we are aware of are data independent. On a technical note, this assumption is used to define (\(\Gamma \)-)deterministic abstract implementations of stacks and queues in Sects. 4 and 5.

2.2 Refinement and Linearizability

Conformance of a library \(L_1\) to a specification given as an “abstract” library \(L_2\) is formally captured by (observational) refinement. Informally, we say \(L_1\) refines \(L_2\) iff every computation of every program using \(L_1\) would also be possible were \(L_2\) used instead. We assume that a program can interact with the library only through call and return actions, and thus refinement can be defined as history set inclusion. Refinement is equivalent to the linearizability criterion [18] when \(L_2\) is an atomic library [7, 12].

Definition 1

A library \(L_1\) refines another library \(L_2\) iff \(H(L_1) \subseteq H(L_2)\).

Linearizability [18] requires that every history of a concurrent library \(L_1\) can be “linearized” to a sequential history admitted by a library \(L_2\) used as a specification. Formally, a sequential history \(h_2\) with only complete operations is called a linearization of a history \(h_1\) when \(h_1 \sqsubseteq h_2\). A history \(h_1\) is linearizable w.r.t. a library \(L_2\) iff there exists a linearization \(h_2\) of \(h_1\) such that \(h_2 \in H(L_2)\). A library \(L_1\) is linearizable w.r.t. \(L_2\), written \(L_1 \sqsubseteq L_2\), iff each history \(h_1 \in H(L_1)\) is linearizable w.r.t. \(L_2\).

Theorem 1

[7, 12]. Let \(L_1\) and \(L_2\) be two libraries, such that \(L_2\) is atomic. Then, \(L_1 \sqsubseteq L_2\) iff \(L_1\) refines \(L_2\).

In the rest of the paper, we discuss methods for proving refinement (and thus, linearizability) focusing mainly on queue and stack implementations.

3 Refinement Proofs

Library refinement is an instance of a more general notion of refinement between LTSs, which for some alphabet \(\Gamma \) of observable actions is defined as the inclusion of sets of traces projected on \(\Gamma \). Library refinement corresponds to the case \(\Gamma =C\cup R\). Typically, \(\Gamma \)-refinement between two LTSs \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) is proved using simulation relations which roughly, require that \(A_2\) can mimic every step of \(A_1\) using a (possibly empty) sequence of steps. Mainly, there are two kinds of simulation relations, forward or backward, depending on whether the preservation of steps is proved starting from a similar state forward or backward. It has been shown that \(\Gamma \)-refinement is equivalent to the existence of backward simulations, modulo the addition of history variables that record events in the implementation, and to the existence of forward simulations provided that the right-hand side LTS, \(A_2\), is \(\Gamma \)-deterministic [1, 21]. We focus on proofs based on forward simulations because they are easier to automatize.

In general, forward simulations are not a complete proof method for library refinement because libraries are not \(C\cup R\)-deterministic (the same sequence of call/return actions can lead to different states depending on the interleaving of the internal actions). However, there are classes of atomic libraries, e.g., libraries with “fixed linearization points” (defined later in this section), for which it is possible to identify a larger alphabet \(\Gamma \) of observable actions (including call/return actions), and implementations that are \(\Gamma \)-deterministic. For queues and stacks, Sects. 4 and 5 define other such classes of implementations that cover all the implementations that we are aware of.

Let \(A_1=(Q_1,\Sigma , s_0^1, \updelta _1)\) and \(A_2=(Q_2,\Sigma , s_0^2, \updelta _2)\) be two LTSs over \(\Sigma _1\) and \(\Sigma _2\), respectively, and \(\Gamma \) an alphabet, such that \(\Gamma \subseteq \Sigma _1\cap \Sigma _2\).

Definition 2

The LTS \(A_1\) \(\Gamma \) -refines \(A_2\) iff \(Tr(A_1) | \Gamma \subseteq Tr(A_2) | \Gamma \).

The notion of \(\Gamma \)-refinement instantiated to libraries (i.e., to LTSs defining libraries) implies the notion of refinement in Definition 1 for every \(\Gamma \) such that \(C\cup R \subseteq \Gamma \).

We define a notion of forward simulation that can be used to prove \(\Gamma \)-refinement

Definition 3

A relation \(F \subseteq Q_{1} \times Q_{2}\) is called a \(\Gamma \) -forward simulation from \(A_1\) to \(A_2\) iff \(F(s_0^1,s_0^2)\) and:

  • For all \(s,s'\in Q_1\), \(\gamma \in \Gamma \), and \(u\in Q_2\), such that \((s,\gamma ,s') \in \updelta _1\) and F(su), we have that there exists \(u'\in Q_2\) such that \(F(s',u')\) and \(u \xrightarrow {\upsigma } u'\) where \(\upsigma _i=\gamma \), for some i, and \(\upsigma _j\in \Sigma _2\setminus \Gamma \), for all \(j\ne i\).

  • For all \(s,s'\in Q_1\), \(e \in \Sigma _1\setminus \Gamma \), and \(u\in Q_2\), such that \((s,e,s') \in \updelta _1\) and F(su), we have that there exists \(u'\in Q_2\) such that \(F(s',u')\) and \(u \xrightarrow {\sigma } u'\) where \(\sigma \in (\Sigma _2\setminus \Gamma )^*\).

A \(\Gamma \)-forward simulation states that every step of \(A_1\) is simulated by a sequence of steps of \(A_2\). To imply \(\Gamma \)-refinement, every step of \(A_1\) labeled by an observable action \(\gamma \in \Gamma \) should be simulated by a sequence of steps of \(A_2\) where exactly one transition is labeled by \(\gamma \) and all the other transitions are labeled by non-observable actions. The dual notion of backward simulation where steps are simulated backwards can be defined similarly.

The following shows the soundness and the completeness of \(\Gamma \)-forward simulations (when \(A_2\) is \(\Gamma \)-deterministic). It is an instantiation of previous results [1, 21].

Theorem 2

If there is a \(\Gamma \)-forward simulation from \(A_1\) to \(A_2\), then \(A_1\) \(\Gamma \)-refines \(A_2\). Also, if \(A_1\) \(\Gamma \)-refines \(A_2\) and \(A_2\) is \(\Gamma \)-deterministic, then there is a \(\Gamma \)-forward simulation from \(A_1\) to \(A_2\).

The linearization of a concurrent history can be also defined in terms of linearization points. Informally, a linearization point of an operation in an execution is a point in time where the operation is conceptually effectuated; given the linearization points of each operation, the linearization of a concurrent history is the sequential history which takes operations in the order of their linearization points. For some libraries, the linearization points of all the invocations of a method m correspond to the execution of a fixed statement in m’s body. For instance, when method bodies are guarded with a global-lock acquisition, the linearization point of every method invocation corresponds to the execution of the body. When the linearization points are fixed, we assume that the library is an LTS over an alphabet that includes actions lin(mdk) with \(m\in \mathbb {M}\), \(d\in \mathbb {V}\) and \(k\in \mathbb {O}\), representing the linearization point of the operation k returning value d. Let Lin denote the set of such actions. The projection of a library trace over \(C\cup R\cup Lin\) is called an extended history. A trace or extended history is called Lin-complete when every completed operation has a linearization point, i.e., each return action ret(mdk) is preceded by an action lin(mdk). A library L over alphabet \(\Sigma \) is called with fixed linearization points iff \(C\cup R\cup Lin\subseteq \Sigma \) and every trace \(\uptau \in Tr(L)\) is Lin-complete.

Proving the correctness of an implementation \(L_1\) of a concurrent object such as a queue or a stack with fixed linearization points reduces to proving that \(L_1\) is a \((C\cup R\cup Lin)\)-refinement of an abstract implementation \(L_2\) of the same object where method bodies are guarded with a global-lock acquisition. As a direct consequence of Theorem 2, since the abstract implementation is \((C\cup R\cup Lin)\)-deterministic, proving \((C\cup R\cup Lin)\)-refinement is equivalent to finding a \((C\cup R\cup Lin)\)-forward simulation from \(L_1\) to \(L_2\).

Sections 4 and 5 extend this result to queue and stack implementations where the linearization point of the methods adding values to the collection is not fixed.

4 Queues with Fixed Dequeue Linearization Points

The classical abstract queue implementation, denoted \(AbsQ_0\), maintains a sequence of enqueued values; dequeues return the oldest non-dequeued value, at the time of their linearization points, or EMPTY. Some implementations, like the queue of Herlihy and Wing [18], denoted hwq and listed in Fig. 1, are not forward-simulated by \(AbsQ_0\), even though they refine \(AbsQ_0\), since the order in which their enqueues are linearized to form \(AbsQ_0\)s sequence is not determined until later, when their values are dequeued.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The Herlihy and Wing Queue [18].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Forward simulation with AbsQ. Lines depict operations, and circles depict call, return, and linearization point actions.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The AbsQ implementation; each rule \(\upalpha \)(_, k) implicitly begins with assert loc(k) = \(\upalpha \) and ends with the appropriate loc(k): = \(\upbeta \).

In this section we develop an abstract queue implementation, denoted AbsQ, which maintains a partial order of enqueues, rather than a linear sequence. Since AbsQ does not force refining implementations to eagerly pick among linearizations of their enqueues, it forward-simulates many more queue implementations. In fact, AbsQ forward-simulates all queue implementations of which we are aware that are not forward-simulated by \(AbsQ_0\), including hwq, The Baskets Queue [19], The Linked Concurrent Ring Queue (lcrq) [22], and The Time-Stamped Queue [10].

4.1 Enqueue Methods with Non-Fixed Linearization Points

We describe \( HWQ \) where the linearization points of the enqueue methods are not fixed. The shared state consists of an array items storing the values in the queue and a counter back storing the index of the first unused position in items. Initially, all the positions in the array are null and back is 0. An enqueue method starts by reserving a position in items (i stores the index of this position and back is incremented so the same position cannot be used by other enqueues) and then, stores the argument x at this position. The dequeue method traverses the array items starting from the beginning and atomically swaps null with the encountered value. If the value is not null, then the dequeue returns that value. If it reaches the end of the array, then it restarts.

The linearization points of the enqueues are not fixed, they depend on dequeues executing in the future. Consider the following trace with two concurrent enqueues (\(\mathtt{i}(k)\) represents the value of i in operation k): inv(enqx, 1), inv(enqy, 2), \(\mathtt{i}(1) = {\texttt {bck++}}\), \(\mathtt{i}(2) = {\texttt {bck++}}\), \(\mathtt{items[i(}2\mathtt{)]} = y\). Assuming that the linearization point corresponds to the assignment of i, the history of this trace should be linearized to inv(enqx, 1), ret(enq, 1), inv(enqy, 2), ret(enq, 2). However, a dequeue executing until completion after this trace will return y (only position 1 is filled in the array items) which is not consistent with this linearization. On the other hand, assuming that enqueues should be linearized at the assignment of items[i] and extending the trace with \(\mathtt{items[i(}1\mathtt{)]} = x\) and a completed dequeue that in this case returns x, leads to the incorrect linearization: inv(enqy, 2), ret(enq, 2), inv(enqx, 1), ret(enq, 1), inv(deq, 3), ret(deqx, 3).

The dequeue method has a fixed linearization point which corresponds to an execution of swap returning a non-null value. This action alone contributes to the effect of that value being removed from the queue. Every concurrent history can be linearized to a sequential history where dequeues occur in the order of their linearization points in the concurrent history. This claim is formally proved in Sect. 4.3.

Since the linearization points of the enqueues are determined by future dequeue invocations, there exists no forward simulation from \( HWQ \) to \(AbsQ_0\). In the following, we describe the abstract implementation AbsQ for which such a forward simulation does exist.

4.2 Abstract Queue Implementation

Informally, AbsQ records the set of enqueue operations, whose argument has not yet been removed by a matching dequeue operation. In addition, it records the happens-before order between those enqueue operations: this is a partial order ordering an enqueue \(k_1\) before another enqueue \(k_2\) iff \(k_1\) returned before \(k_2\) was invoked. The linearization point of a dequeue can either remove a minimal enqueue k (w.r.t. the happens-before stored in the state) and fix the return value to the value d added by k, or fix the return value to \(\mathtt{EMPTY}\) provided that the current state stores only pending enqueues (intuitively, the dequeue overlaps with all the enqueue operations stored in the current state and it can be linearized before all of them).

Figure 2 pictures two executions of AbsQ for two extended histories (that include dequeue linearization points). The state of AbsQ after each action is pictured as a graph below the action. The nodes of this graph represent enqueue operations and the edges happens-before constraints. Each node is labeled by a value (the argument of the enqueue) and a flag PEND or COMP showing whether the operation is pending or completed. For instance, in the case of the first history, the dequeue linearization point lin(deqy, 3) is enabled because the current happens-before contains a minimal enqueue operation with argument y. Note that a linearization point lin(deqx, 3) is also enabled at this state.

We define AbsQ with the abstract state machine given in Fig. 3 which defines an LTS over the alphabet \(C\cup R\cup Lin(deq)\). The state of AbsQ consists of several updatable functions: loc indicates the abstract control point of a given operation; arg and ret indicate the argument or return value of a given operation, respectively; present indicates whether a given enqueue operation has yet to be removed, and pending indicates whether it has yet to complete; before indicates the happens-before order between operations. Initially, loc(k) = inv for all k, and present(k1) = pending(k1) = before(k1,k2) = false for all k1, k2. Each rule determines the next state of AbsQ for the corresponding action. For instance, the lin(deq,v,k) rule updates the state of AbsQ for the linearization action of a dequeue operation with identifier k returning value v: when v = EMPTY then AbsQ insists via an assertion that any still-present enqueue must still be pending; otherwise, when \(\mathtt{v \ne k}\) then AbsQ insists that a corresponding enqueue is present, and that it is minimal in the happens-before order, before marking that enqueue as not present. Updates to the loc function, implicit in Fig. 3, ensure that the invocation, linearization-point, and return actions of each operation occur in the correct order.

The following result states that the library AbsQ has exactly the same set of histories as the standard abstract library \(AbsQ_0\).

Theorem 3

AbsQ is a refinement of \(AbsQ_0\) and vice-versa.

A trace of a queue implementation is called Lin(deq)-complete when every completed dequeue has a linearization point, i.e., each return action ret(deqdk) is preceded by an action lin(deqdk). A queue implementation L over alphabet \(\Sigma \), such that \(C\cup R\cup Lin(deq)\subseteq \Sigma \), is called with fixed dequeue linearization points when every trace \(\uptau \in Tr(L)\) is Lin(deq)-complete.

The following result shows that \(C\cup R\cup Lin(deq)\)-forward simulations are a sound and complete proof method for showing the correctness of a queue implementation with fixed dequeue linearization points (up to the correctness of the linearization points). It is obtained from Theorem 3 and Theorem 2 using the fact that the alphabet of AbsQ is exactly \(C\cup R\cup Lin(deq)\) and AbsQ is deterministic. The determinism of AbsQ relies on the assumption that every value is added at most once. Without this assumption, AbsQ may reach a state with two enqueues adding the same value being both minimal in the happens-before. A transition corresponding to the linearization point of a dequeue from this state can remove any of these two enqueues leading to two different states. Therefore, AbsQ becomes non-deterministic. Note that this is independent of the fact that AbsQ manipulates operation identifiers.

Corollary 1

A queue implementation L with fixed dequeue linearization points is a \(C\cup R\cup Lin(deq)\)-refinement of \(AbsQ_0\) iff there exists a \(C\cup R\cup Lin(deq)\)-forward simulation from L to AbsQ.

4.3 A Correctness Proof for Herlihy and Wing Queue

We describe a forward simulation \(F_1\) from \( HWQ \) to AbsQ. The description of \( HWQ \) in Fig. 1 defines an LTS whose states contain the shared array \(\mathtt{items}\) and the shared counter \(\mathtt{back}\) together with a valuation for the local variables \(\mathtt{i}\), \(\mathtt{x}\), and \(\mathtt{range}\), and the control location of each operation. A transition is either a call or a return action, or a statement in one of the two methods \(\mathtt{enq}\) or \(\mathtt{deq}\).

An \( HWQ \) state s is related by \(F_1\) to AbsQ states t where the predicate \(\mathsf {present}\) is true for all the enqueues in s whose argument is stored in the array \(\mathtt{items}\), and all the pending enqueues that have not yet written to the array \(\mathtt{items}\) (and only for these enqueues). We refer to such enqueues in s as \(\mathsf {present}\) enqueues. Also, \(\mathsf {pending}(k)\) is \(\mathtt{true}\) in t whenever k is a pending enqueue in s, \(\mathsf {arg}(k)=d\) in t whenever the argument of the enqueue k in s is d, and for every dequeue operation k such that \(\mathtt{x}(k)=d\ne \mathtt{null}\), we have that \(\mathtt{y}(k)=d\) (recall that \(\mathtt{y}\) is a local variable of the dequeue method in AbsQ). The order relation \(\mathsf {before}\) in t satisfies the following constraints:

  1. (a)

    pending enqueues are maximal, i.e., for every two \(\mathsf {present}\) enqueues k and \(k'\) such that \(k'\) is \(\mathsf {pending}\), we have that \(\lnot \mathsf {before}(k',k)\),

  2. (b)

    \(\mathsf {before}\) is consistent with the order in which positions of \(\mathtt{items}\) have been reserved, i.e., for every two present enqueues k and \(k'\) such that \(\mathtt{i}(k) < \mathtt{i}(k')\), we have that \(\lnot \mathsf {before}(k',k)\),

  3. (c)

    if the position i reserved by an enqueue k has been “observed” by a non-linearized dequeue that in the current array traversal may “observe” a later position j reserved by another enqueue \(k'\), then k can’t be ordered before \(k'\), i.e., for every two present enqueues k and \(k'\), and a dequeue \(k_d\), such that

    $$\begin{aligned} \mathtt{canRemove}(k_d,k') \wedge (\mathtt{i}(k) < \mathtt{i}(k_d) \vee (\mathtt{i}(k)=\mathtt{i}(k_d) \wedge \mathtt{afterSwapNull}(k_d))) \end{aligned}$$

    we have that \(\lnot \mathsf {before}(k,k')\). The predicate \(\mathtt{canRemove}(k_d,k')\) holds when \(k_d\) visited a null item in items and the position \(i(k')\) reserved by \(k'\) is in the range of \((k_d)\) i.e., \((\mathtt{x}(k_d) = \mathtt{null} \wedge \mathtt{i}(k_d) < \mathtt{i}(k') \le \mathtt{range}(k_d)) \vee (\mathtt{i}(k_d) = \mathtt{i}(k') \wedge \mathtt{beforeSwap}(k_d) \wedge \mathtt{items}[\mathtt{i}(k')] != \mathtt{null})\). The predicate \(\mathtt{afterSwapNull}(k_d)\) (resp., \(\mathtt{beforeSwap}(k_d)\)) holds when the dequeue \(k_d\) is at the control point after a \(\mathtt{swap}\) returning \(\mathtt{null}\) (resp., before a \(\mathtt{swap}\)).

The constraints on \(\mathsf {before}\) ensure that a present enqueue whose argument is about to be removed by a dequeue operation is minimal. Thus, let \(k'\) be a present enqueue that inserted its argument to \(\mathtt{items}\), and \(k_d\) a pending dequeue such that \(\mathtt{canRemove}(k_d, k')\) holds and \(k_d\) is just before its swap action at the reserved position of \(k'\) i.e., \(\mathtt{i}(k_d) = \mathtt{i}(k')\). Another pending enqueue k cannot be ordered before \(k'\) since pending enqueues are maximal by (a) Regarding the completed and present enqueues k, we consider two cases: \(i(k) > i(k')\) and \(i(k) < i(k')\). For the former case, the constraint (b) ensures \(\lnot \mathsf {before}(k,k')\) and for the latter case the constraint (c) ensures \(\lnot \mathsf {before}(k,k')\). Consequently, \(k'\) is a minimal element w.r.t. \(\mathsf {before}\) just before \(k_d\) removes its argument.

Next, we show that \(F_1\) is indeed a \(C\cup R\cup Lin(deq)\)-forward simulation. Let s and t be states of \( HWQ \) and AbsQ, respectively, such that \((s,t)\in F_1\). We omit discussing the trivial case of transitions labeled by call and return actions which are simulated by similar transitions of AbsQ.

We show that each internal step of an enqueue or dequeue, except a swap returning a non-null value in dequeue (which represents its linearization point), is simulated by an empty sequence of AbsQ transitions, i.e., for every state \(s'\) obtained through one of these steps, if \((s,t)\in F_1\), then \((s',t)\in F_1\) for each AbsQ state t. Essentially, this consists in proving the following property, called monotonicity: the set of possible \(\mathsf {before}\) relations associated by \(F_1\) to \(s'\) doesn’t exclude any order \(\mathsf {before}\) associated to s.

Concerning enqueue rules, let \(s'\) be the state obtained from s when a pending enqueue k reserves an array position. This enqueue must be maximal in both t and any state \(t'\) related to \(s'\) (since it’s pending). Moreover, there is no dequeue that can “observe” this position before restarting the array traversal. Therefore, item (c) in the definition of \(F_1\) doesn’t constrain the order between k and some other enqueue neither in s nor in \(s'\). Since this transition doesn’t affect the constraints on the order between enqueues different from k (their local variables remain unchanged), monotonicity holds. This property is trivially satisfied by the second step of enqueue which doesn’t affect i.

To prove monotonicity in the case of dequeue internal steps different from its linearization point, it is important to track the non-trivial instantiations of item (c) in the definition of \(\mathsf {before}\) over the two states s and \(s'\), i.e., the triples \((k,k',k_d)\) for which (1) holds. Instantiations that are enabled only in \(s'\) may in principle lead to a violation of monotonicity (since they restrict the orders \(\mathsf {before}\) associated to \(s'\)). For the two steps that begin an array traversal, i.e., reading the index of the last used position and setting i to 0, there exist no such new instantiations in \(s'\) because the value of i is either not set or 0. The same is true for the increment of i in a dequeue \(k_d\) since the predicate \(\mathtt{afterSwapNull}(k_d)\) holds in state s. The execution of swap returning null in a dequeue \(k_d\) enables new instantiations \((k,k',k_d)\) in \(s'\), thus adding potentially new constraints \(\lnot \mathsf {before}(k,k')\). We show that these instantiations are however vacuous because k must be pending in s and thus maximal in every order \(\mathsf {before}\) associated by \(F_1\) to s. Let k and \(k'\) be two enqueues such that together with the dequeue \(k_d\) they satisfy the property (1) in \(s'\) but not in s. We write \(\mathtt{i}_s(k)\) for the value of the variable i of operation k in state s. We have that \(\mathtt{i}_{s'}(k) = \mathtt{i}_{s'}(k_d) \le \mathtt{i}_{s'}(k')\) and \(\mathtt{items}[\mathtt{i}_{s'}(k_d)]=\mathtt{null}\). The latter implies that the enqueue k didn’t execute the second statement (since the position it reserved is still null) and it is pending in \(s'\). The step that swaps the null item does not modify anything except the control point of \(k_d\) that makes \(\mathtt{afterSwapNull}(k_d)\) true in \(s'\). Hence, \(i_s(k) = i_s(k_d)\le i_s(k')\) and \(\mathtt{items}[i_s(k_d)] = \mathtt{null}\) is also true. Therefore, k is pending in s and maximal. Hence, \(\mathsf {before}(k,k')\) is not true in both s and \(s'\).

Finally, we show that the linearization point of a dequeue k of \( HWQ \), i.e., an execution of swap returning a non-null value d, from state s and leading to a state \(s'\) is simulated by a transition labeled by lin(deqdk) of AbsQ from state t. By the definition of \( HWQ \), there is a unique enqueue \(k_e\) which filled the position updated by k, i.e., \(\mathtt{i}_s(k_e)=i_s(k)\) and \(\mathtt{x}_{s'}(k)=\mathtt{x}_s(k_e)\).

We show that \(k_e\) is minimal in the order \(\mathsf {before}\) of t which implies that \(k_e\) could be chosen by lin(deqdk) step applied on t. As explained previously, instantiating item (c) in the definition of \(\mathsf {before}\) with \(k'=k_e\) and \(k_d=k\), and instantiating item (b) with \(k=k_e\), we ensure the minimality of \(k_e\). Moreover, the state \(t'\) obtained from t through a lin(deqdk) transition is related to \(s'\) because the value added by \(k_e\) is not anymore present in items and \(\mathsf {present}(k_e)\) doesn’t hold in \(t'\).

5 Stacks with Fixed Pop Commit Points

The abstract implementation in Sect. 4 can be adapted to stacks, the main modification being that the linearization point lin(popdk) with \(d\ne \mathtt{EMPTY}\) is enabled when k is added by a push which is maximal in the happens-before order stored in the state. However, there are stack implementations, e.g., Time-Stamped Stack [10] (\( TSS \), for short), which cannot be proved correct using forward simulations to this abstract implementation because the linearization points of the pop operations are not fixed. Exploiting particular properties of the stack semantics, we refine the ideas used in AbsQ and define a new abstract implementation for stacks, denoted as AbsS, which is able to simulate such implementations. Forward simulations to AbsS are complete for proving the correctness of stack implementations provided that the point in time where the return value of a pop operation is determined, called commit point, corresponds to a fixed statement in the pop method.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The time-stamped stack [10].

5.1 Pop Methods with Fixed Commit Points

We explain the meaning of the commit points on a simplified version of the Time-Stamped Stack [10] (\( TSS \), for short) given in Fig. 4. This implementation maintains an array of singly-linked lists, one for each thread, where list nodes contain a data value (field data), a timestamp (field ts), the next pointer (field next), and a Boolean flag indicating whether the node represents a value removed from the stack (field taken). Initially, each list contains a sentinel dummy node pointing to itself with timestamp \(-1\) and the flag taken set to false.

Pushing a value to the stack proceeds in several steps: adding a node with maximal timestamp in the list associated to the thread executing the push (given by the special variable myTID), asking for a new timestamp (given by the shared variable TS), and updating the timestamp of the added node. Popping a value from the stack consists in traversing all the lists, finding the first element which doesn’t represent a removed value (i.e., taken is false) in each list, and selecting the element with the maximal timestamp. A compare-and-swap (CAS) is used to set the taken flag of this element to true. The procedure restarts if the CAS fails.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

An execution of \( TSS \). An operation is pictured by a line delimited by two circles denoting the call and respectively, the return action. Pop operations with identifier k and removing value d are labeled pop(dk). Their representation includes another circle that stands for a successful CAS which is their commit point. The library state after an execution prefix delimited at the right by a dotted line is pictured in the bottom part (the picture immediately to the left of the dotted line). A pair (dt) represents a list node with \(\mathtt{data}=d\) and \(\mathtt{ts}=t\), and \(\mathtt{i}(1)\) denotes the value of i in the pop with identifier 1. We omit the nodes where the field taken is true.

The push operations don’t have a fixed linearization point because adding a node to a list and updating its timestamp are not executed in a single atomic step. The nodes can be added in an order which is not consistent with the order between the timestamps assigned later in the execution. Also, the value added by a push that just added an element to a list can be popped before the value added by a completed push (since it has a maximal timestamp). The same holds for pop operations: The only reasonable choice for a linearization point is a successful CAS (that results in updating the field taken). Figure 5 pictures an execution showing that this action doesn’t correspond to a linearization point, i.e., an execution for which the pop operations in every correct linearization are not ordered according to the order between successful CASs. In every correct linearization of that execution, the pop operation removing x is ordered before the one removing z although they perform a successful CAS in the opposite order.

An interesting property of the successful CASs in pop operations is that they fix the return value, i.e., the return value is youngest->data where youngest is the node updated by the CAS. We call such actions commit points. More generally, commit points are actions that access shared variables, from which every control-flow path leads to the return control point and contains no more accesses to the shared memory (i.e., after a commit point, the return value is computed using only local variables).

When the commit points of pop operations are fixed to particular implementation actions (e.g., a successful CAS) we assume that the library is an LTS over an alphabet that contains actions com(popdk) with \(d\in \mathbb {V}\) and \(k\in \mathbb {O}\) (denoting the commit point of the pop with identifier k and returning d). Let Com(pop) be the set of such actions.

5.2 Abstract Stack Implementation

We define an abstract stack AbsS over alphabet \(C\cup R\cup Com(pop)\) that essentially, similarly to AbsQ, maintains the happens-before order of the pushes whose value has not yet been removed by a matching pop. Pop operations are treated differently since the commit points are not necessarily linearization points. Intuitively, a pop can be linearized before its commit point. Each pop operation starts by taking a snapshot of the completed push operations which are maximal in the happens-before, more precisely, which don’t happen before another completed push operation. Also, the library maintains the set of push operations overlapping with each pop operation. The commit point com(popdk) with \(d\ne \mathtt{EMPTY}\) is enabled if either d was added by one of the push operations in the initial snapshot, or by a push happening earlier when arguments of pushes from the initial snapshot have been removed, or by one of the push operations that overlaps with pop k. The commit point \(com(pop,\mathtt{EMPTY},k)\) is enabled if all the values added by push operations happening before k have been removed. The effect of the commit points is explained below through examples.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Simulating stack histories with AbsS.

Figure 6 pictures two executions of AbsS for two extended histories (that include pop commit points). For readability, we give the state of AbsS only after several execution prefixes delimited at the right by a dotted line. We focus on pop operations – the effect of push calls and returns is similar to enqueue calls and returns in AbsQ. Let us first consider the history on the top part. The first state we give is reached after the call of pop with identifier 3. This shows the effect of a pop invocation: the greatest completed pushes according to the current happens-before (here, the push with identifier 1) are marked as \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(3)\), and the pending pushes are marked as \(\mathsf {overlap}(3)\). As a side remark, any other push operation that starts after pop 3 would be also marked as \(\mathsf {overlap}(3)\). The commit point com(popx, 3) (pictured with a red circle) is enabled because x was added by a push marked as \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(3)\). The effect of the commit point is that push 1 is removed from the state (the execution on the bottom shows a more complicated case). For the second pop, the commit point com(popy, 4) is enabled because y was added by a push marked as \(\mathsf {overlap}(4)\). The execution on the bottom shows an example where the marking \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(k)\) for some pop k is updated at commit points. The pushes 3 and 4 are marked as \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(5)\) and \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(6)\) when the pops 5 and 6 start. Then, com(popt, 5) is enabled since t was added by push(t, 4) which is marked as \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(5)\). Besides removing push(t, 4), the commit point produces a state where a pop committing later, e.g., pop 6, can remove y which was added by a predecessor of push(t, 4) in the happens-before (y could become the top of the stack when t is removed). This history is valid because push(y, 2) can be linearized after push(x, 1) and push(z, 3). Thus, push 2, a predecessor of the push which is removed, is marked as \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(6)\). Push 1 which is also a predecessor of the removed push is not marked as \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(6)\) because it happens before another push, i.e., push 3, which is already marked as \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(6)\) (the value added by push 3 should be removed before the value added by push 1 could become the top of the stack).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

The AbsS implementation; each rule \(\upalpha \)(_, k) implicitly begins with assert loc(k) = \(\upalpha \) and ends with the appropriate loc(k): = \(\upbeta \); and before\(_1\) denotes the transitive reduction of before.

The description of AbsS as an abstract state machine is given in Fig. 7. Compared to AbsQ, the state contains two more updatable functions \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}\) and \(\mathsf {overlap}\). For each pop operation k, \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(k)\) records the set of completed push operations which were maximal in the happens-before (defined by \(\mathsf {before}\)) when pop k was invoked, or happening earlier provided that the values of all the pushes happening later than one of these maximal ones and before pop k have been removed. Also, \(\mathsf {overlap}(k)\) contains the push operations overlapping with a pop k. Initially, loc(k) = inv for all k, present(k1) = pending(k1) = before(k1,k2) = false, and maxAtInvoc(k1) = overlap(k1) = \(\emptyset \), for all k1, k2. The rules for actions of push methods are similar to those for enqueues in AbsQ, except that every newly invoked push operation k is added to the set \(\mathsf {overlap}(\) k1) for all pop operations k1 (since k overlaps with all the currently pending pops). The rule inv(pop,k), marking the invocation of a pop, sets \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(\) k) and \(\mathsf {overlap}(\) k) as explained above. The rule com(pop,EMPTY,k) is enabled when the set \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(\) k) is empty (otherwise, there would be push operations happening before pop k which makes the return value EMPTY incorrect). Also, com(pop,y,k) with y \(\ne \) EMPTY is enabled when y was added by a push k1 which belongs to \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(\mathtt{k})\cup \mathsf {overlap}(\mathtt{k})\). This rule may also update \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}\)(k2) for other pending pops k2. More precisely, whenever \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}\)(k2) contains the push k1, the latter is replaced by the immediate predecessors of k1 (according to \(\mathsf {before}\)) that are followed exclusively by pushes overlapping with k2.

The abstract state machine in Fig. 7 defines an LTS over the alphabet \(C\cup R\cup Com(pop)\). Let \(AbsS_0\) be the standard abstract implementation of a stack where elements are stored in a sequence, push and pop operations adding and removing an element from the beginning of the sequence in one atomic step, respectively. For \(\mathbb {M}=\{push,pop\}\), the alphabet of \(AbsS_0\) is \(C\cup R\cup Lin\). The following result states that the library AbsS has exactly the same set of histories as \(AbsS_0\).

Theorem 4

AbsS is a refinement of \(AbsS_0\) and vice-versa.

A trace of a stack implementation is called Com(pop)-complete when every completed pop has a commit point, i.e., each return ret(popdk) is preceded by an action com(popdk). A stack implementation L over \(\Sigma \), such that \(C\cup R\cup Com(pop)\subseteq \Sigma \), is called with fixed pop commit points when every trace \(\uptau \in Tr(L)\) is Com(pop)-complete.

As a consequence of Theorem 2, \(C\cup R\cup Com(pop)\)-forward simulations are a sound and complete proof method for showing the correctness of a stack implementation with fixed pop commit points (up to the correctness of the commit points).

Corollary 2

A stack L with fixed pop commit points is a \(C\cup R\cup Com(pop)\)-refinement of AbsS iff there is a \(C\cup R\cup Com(pop)\)-forward simulation from L to AbsS.

Linearization points can also be seen as commit points and thus the following holds.

Corollary 3

A stack implementation L with fixed pop linearization points where transition labels lin(popdk) are substituted with com(popdk) is a \(C\cup R\cup Com(pop)\)-refinement of \(AbsS_0\) iff there is a \(C\cup R\cup Com(pop)\)-forward simulation from L to AbsS.

5.3 A Correctness Proof for Time-Stamped Stack

We describe a forward simulation \(F_2\) from \( TSS \) to AbsS, which is similar to the one from \( HWQ \) to AbsQ for the components of an AbsS state which exist also in AbsQ (i.e., different from \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}\) and \(\mathsf {overlap}\)).

Thus, a \( TSS \) state s is related by \(F_2\) to AbsS states t where \(\mathsf {present}(k)\) is true for every push operation k in s such that k has not yet added a node to pools or its node is still present in pools (i.e., the node created by the push has taken set to false). Also, \(\mathsf {pending}(k)\) is true in t iff k is pending in s.

To describe the constraints on the order relation \(\mathsf {before}\) and the sets \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}\) and \(\mathsf {overlap}\) in t, we consider the following notations: \(\mathtt{ts}_s(k)\), resp., \(\mathtt{TID}_s(k)\), denotes the timestamp of the node created by the push k in state s (the ts field of this node), resp., the id of the thread executing k. By an abuse of terminology, we call \(\mathtt{ts}_s(k)\) the timestamp of k in state s. Also, \(k \leadsto _s k'\) when intuitively, a traversal of pools would encounter the node created by k before the one created by \(k'\). More precisely, \(k \leadsto _s k'\) when \(\mathtt{TID}_s(k) < \mathtt{TID}_s(k')\), or \(\mathtt{TID}_s(k) = \mathtt{TID}_s(k')\) and the node created by \(k'\) is reachable from the one created by k in the list pointed to by \(\mathtt{pools}[\mathtt{TID}_s(k)]\).

The order relation \(\mathsf {before}\) satisfies the following: (1) pending pushes are maximal, (2) \(\mathsf {before}\) is consistent with the order between node timestamps, i.e., \(\mathtt{ts}_s(k) \le \mathtt{ts}_s(k')\) implies \(\lnot \mathsf {before}(k',k)\), and (3) \(\mathsf {before}\) includes the order between pushes executed in the same thread, i.e., \(\mathtt{TID}_s(k) = \mathtt{TID}_s(k')\) and \(\mathtt{ts}_s(k) < \mathtt{ts}_s(k')\) implies \(\mathsf {before}(k, k')\).

The components \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}\) and \(\mathsf {overlap}\) satisfy the following constraints (their domain is the set of identifiers of pending pops):

  • Frontiers : By the definition of TSS, a pending pop p in s could, in the future, remove the value added by a push k which is maximal (w.r.t. \(\mathsf {before}\)) or a push k which is completed but followed only by pending pushes (in the order relation \(\mathsf {before}\)). Therefore, for all pop operations p which are pending in s, we have that \(k \in \mathsf {overlap}(p) \cup \mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(p)\), for every push k such that \(\mathsf {present}(k) \wedge (\mathsf {pending}(k) \vee (\forall k'. \mathsf {present}(k') \wedge \mathsf {before}(k,k') \rightarrow \mathsf {pending}(k'))\).

  • TraverseBefore : A pop p with \(\mathtt{youngest}(p)\ne \mathtt{null}\) that reached the node \(\mathtt{n}\) overlaps with every present push that created a node with a timestamp greater than \(\mathtt{youngest}(p)\mathtt{->ts}\) and which occurs in pools before the node n. Formally, if \(\mathtt{youngest}_s(p)= \mathtt{n}_s(k) \ne \mathtt{null}\), \(\mathtt{n}_s(p)=\mathtt{n}_s(k_1)\), \(k_2\leadsto _s k_1\), \(\mathsf {present}(k_2)\), and \(\mathtt{ts}_s(k_2) \ge \mathtt{ts}_s(k)\), then \(k_2\in \mathsf {overlap}(p)\), for each \(p, k_1, k_2\).

  • TraverseBeforeNull : A pop p with \(\mathtt{youngest}(p)=\mathtt{null}\) overlaps with every push that created a node which occurs in pools before the node reached by p, i.e., \(\mathtt{youngest}_s(p)=\mathtt{null}\), \(\mathtt{n}_s(p)=\mathtt{n}_s(k_1)\), \(k_2\leadsto _s k_1\), and \(\mathsf {present}(k_2)\) implies \(k_2\in \mathsf {overlap}(p)\), for each \(p, k_1, k_2\).

  • TraverseAfter : If the variable youngest of a pop p points to a node which is not taken, then this node was created by a push in \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(p)\cup \mathsf {overlap}(p)\) or the node currently reached by p is followed in pools by another node which was created by a push in \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(p)\cup \mathsf {overlap}(p)\). Formally, for each \(p, k_1,k_2\), if \(\mathtt{youngest}_s(p)=\mathtt{n}_s(k_1)\), , and \(\mathtt{n}_s(p)=\mathtt{n}_s(k_2)\), then one of the following holds:

    • \(k_1\in \mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(p)\cup \mathsf {overlap}(p)\), or

    • there exists a push \(k_3\) in s such that \(\mathsf {present}(k_3)\), \(k_3\in \mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(p)\cup \mathsf {overlap}(p)\), \(\mathtt{ts}_s(k_3) > \mathtt{ts}_s(k_1)\), and either \(k_2\leadsto _s k_3\) or \(\mathtt{n}_s(k_2)=\mathtt{n}_s(k_3)\) and p is at a control point before the assignment statement that changes the variable \(\mathtt{youngest}\).

The functions \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}\) and \(\mathsf {overlap}\) satisfy more constraints which can be seen as invariants of AbsS, e.g., \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(p)\) and \(\mathsf {overlap}(p)\) do not contain predecessors of pushes from \(\mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(p)\) (for each \(p, k_1, k_2\), \(\mathsf {before}(k_1, k_2)\) and \(k_2 \in \mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(p)\) implies \(k_1\not \in \mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(p)\cup \mathsf {overlap}(p)\)). They can be found in [8].

Note that \(F_2\) cannot satisfy the reverse of Frontiers, i.e., every push in \(\mathsf {overlap}(p) \cup \mathsf {maxAtInvoc}(p)\), for some p, is maximal or followed only by pending pushes (w.r.t., \(\mathsf {before}\)). This is because the linearization points of pop operations are not fixed and they can occur anywhere in between their invocation and commit points. Hence, any push operation which was maximal or followed only by pending pushes in the happens-before in between the invocation and the commit can be removed by a pop. And such a push may no longer satisfy the same properties in the state s.

Based on the values stored in \(youngest_s(p)\) and \(n_s(p)\), for some pop p, the other three constraints identify other push operations that overlap with p, or they were followed only by pending pushes when p was invoked. TraverseBefore and TraverseBeforeNull state that pushes which add new nodes to the pools seen by p in the past, are overlapping with p. TraverseAfter states that either the push adding the current youngest node \(youngest_s(p)\) is in \(\mathsf {overlap}_s(p) \cup \mathsf {maxAtInvoc}_s(p)\), or there is a node that p will visit in the future which is in \(\mathsf {overlap}_s(p) \cup \mathsf {maxAtInvoc}_s(p)\).

The proof that \(F_2\) is indeed a forward simulation from \( TSS \) to AbsS follows the same lines as the one given for the Herlihy and Wing Queue. It can be found in [8].

6 Related Work

Many techniques for linearizability verification, e.g., [2, 4, 27, 28], are based on forward simulation arguments, and typically only work for libraries where the linearization point of every invocation of a method m is fixed to a particular statement in the code of m. The works in [9, 11, 25, 29] deal with external linearization points where the action of an operation k can be the linearization point of a concurrently executing operation \(k'\). We say that the linearization point of \(k'\) is external. This situation arises in read-only methods like the contains method of an optimistic set [23], libraries based on the elimination back-off scheme, e.g., [15], or flat combining [13, 16]. In these implementations, an operation can do an update on the shared state that becomes the linearization point of a concurrent read-only method (e.g., a contains returning true may be linearized when an add method adds a new value to the shared state) or an operation may update the data structure on behalf of other concurrently executing operations (whose updates are published in the shared state). In all these cases, every linearization point can still be associated syntactically to a statement in the code of a method and doesn’t depend on operations executed in the future (unlike \( HWQ \) and \( TSS \)). However, identifying the set of operations for which such a statement is a linearization point can only be done by looking at the whole program state (the local states of all the active operations). This poses a problem in the context of compositional reasoning (where auxiliary variables are required), but still admits a forward simulation argument. For manual proofs, such implementations with external linearization points can still be defined as LTSs that produce Lin-complete traces and thus still fall in the class of implementations for which forward simulations are enough for proving refinement. These proof methods are not complete and they are not able to deal with implementations like \( HWQ \) or \( TSS \).

There also exist linearizability proof techniques based on backward simulations or alternatively, prophecy variables, e.g., [20, 24, 26]. These works can deal with implementations where the linearization points are not fixed, but the proofs are conceptually more complex and less amenable to automation.

The works in [6, 17] propose reductions of linearizability to assertion checking where the idea is to define finite-state automata that recognize violations of concurrent queues and stacks. These automata are simple enough in the case of queues and there is a proof of \( HWQ \) based on this reduction [17]. However, in the case of stacks, the automata become much more complicated and we are not aware of a proof for an implementation such as \( TSS \) which is based on this reduction.