figure a

1 Introduction

Linear dynamical systems with inputs are a powerful formalism for modeling the behavior of systems in several disciplines such as robotics, automotive, and feedback mechanical systems. The dynamics are given as linear differential equations and the sensor noise, input uncertainty, and modeling error make up the bounded input signals. For ensuring the safety of such systems, an engineer would simulate the system using different initial states and input signals, and check that each simulation trace is safe. While simulations are helpful in developing intuition about the system’s behavior, they might miss unsafe behaviors, as the space of valid input signals is vast.

In this paper, we present a technique to perform simulation-equivalent reachability and safety verification of linear systems with inputs. That is, given a linear system \(\dot{x}(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) \), where x(t) is the state of the system and u(t) is the input, we infer the system to be safe if and only if all the discrete time simulations from a given initial set and an input space are safe. We restrict our attention to input signals that are piecewise constant, where the value of the input signal u(t) is selected from a bounded set U every h time units. We consider piecewise constant input signals for two main reasons. First, the space of all input signals spans an infinite-dimensional space and hence is hard to analyze. To make the analysis tractable, we restrict ourselves to piecewise constant signals which can closely approximate continuous signals. Second, our approach is driven by the desire to produce concrete counterexamples if the system has an unsafe behavior. Counterexamples with input signals that are piecewise constant can be easily validated using numerical simulations.

A well-known technique for performing safety verification is to compute the reachable set, or its overapproximation. The reachable set includes all the states that can be reached by any trajectory of the linear system with a valid choice of inputs at each time instant. Typically, the reachable set is stored in data structures such as polyhedra [12], zonotopes [14], support functions [16], or Taylor models [8]. For linear systems, the effect of inputs can be exactly computed using the Minkowski sum operation [15]. While being theoretically elegant, a potential difficulty with this method is that Minkowski sum can greatly increase the complexity of the set representation, especially in high dimensions and after a large number of steps. This previously limited its application to reachability methods where Minkowski sum is efficient: zonotopes and support functions.

In this paper, we demonstrate that it is possible to efficiently perform the Minkowski sum operation using a recently-proposed generalized star representation and a linear programming (LP) formulation. The advantage of using the generalized star representation is that the reachable set of an n-dimensional linear system (without inputs) can be computed using only \(n+1\) numerical simulations [10], making it scalable and fast. The method is also highly accurate (assuming the input simulations are accurate). Furthermore, it is also capable of generating concrete counterexamples, which is generally not possible with other reachability approaches.

The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we define the notion of simulation-equivalent reachability and present a technique to compute it using the generalized star representation, Minkowski sum, and linear programming. Second, we present two optimizations which improve the speed and scalability of basic approach. The first optimization leverages a key property of Minkowski sum and decomposes the linear program that needs to be solved for verification. The second optimization uses the result of the LP at each step to warm-start the computation at the next time step. Third, we perform a thorough evaluation, examining the effect of each of the optimizations and comparing the approach versus existing reachability tools on large benchmark systems ranging from 9 to 10914 dimensions. The new approach successfully analyzes models over two orders of magnitude larger than the state-of-the-art tools, finds previously-unknown errors in the benchmark systems, and generates highly-accurate counter-example traces with complex input sequences that are externally validated to drive the system to an error state.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Problem Definition

A system consists of several continuous variables evolving in the space of \(\mathbb {R}^n\). States denoted as x and vectors denoted as v lie in \(\mathbb {R}^n\). A set of states \(S \subseteq \mathbb {R}^n\).

The set \(S_1 \oplus S_2 \mathrel {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\scriptscriptstyle \varDelta }}\{ x_1 + x_2 \,|\, x_1 \in S_1, x_2 \in S_2\}\) is defined to be the Minkowski sum of sets \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) , where \(x_1 + x_2\) is addition of n-dimensional points.

The behaviors of control systems with inputs are modeled with differential equations. In this work, we consider time-invariant affine systems with bounded inputs given as:

$$\begin{aligned} \dot{x}(t) = A x(t) + B u(t); \qquad u(t) \in U, \end{aligned}$$

where \(A\in \mathbb {R}^{n\times n}\) and \(B \in \mathbb {R}^{n \times m}\) are constant matrices, and \(U \subseteq \mathbb {R}^m\) is the set of possible inputs. We assume that the system has m inputs and hence the input function u(t) is given as \(u: \mathbb {R}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}^m\). Given a function u(t), a trajectory of the system in Eq. 1 starting from the initial state \(x_0\) can be defined as a function \(\xi (x_0,u,t)\) that is a solution to the differential equation, \(\frac{d}{dt}\xi (x_0,u,t) = A\xi (x_0,u,t) + Bu(t)\). If u(t) is an integrable function, the closed form expression to the unique solution to the differential equation is given as:

$$\begin{aligned} \xi (x_0, u, t) = e^{At}x_0 + \int _{0}^{t} e^{A(t-\tau )}Bu(\tau )d\tau . \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 1.
figure 1

The state reached at time t from \(x_0+\alpha _1 v_1+ \alpha _2 v_2\) is identical to \(\xi (x_0,t)+\alpha _1 (\xi (x_0+v_1,t)-\xi (x_0,t)) +\alpha _2 (\xi (x_0+v_2,t)-\xi (x_0,t))\).

If u(t) is a constant function set to the value of \(u_0\), then we abuse notation and use \(\xi (x,u_0,t)\) to represent the trajectory. If the input is a constant 0, we drop the term u and denote the trajectory as \(\xi (x,t)\). For performing verification of linear systems, we leverage an important property often called the superposition principle. Given a state \(x_0 \in \mathbb {R}^n\) and vectors \(v_1, v_2, \ldots , v_n \in \mathbb {R}^n\), and \(\alpha _1, \alpha _2, \ldots , \alpha _n \in \mathbb {R}\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} \xi (x_0 + \sum _{i=1}^{n} \alpha _i v_i,t) = \xi (x_0,t) + \sum _{i=1}^{n} \alpha _i (\xi (x_0 + v_i,t)-\xi (x_0,t)). \end{aligned}$$

An illustration of the superposition principle in 2-d is shown in Fig. 1.

We refer to the dynamics without the input (\(\dot{x} = Ax\)) as the autonomous system and the system \(\dot{x} = Ax + B u(t)\) as the system with the inputs. As mentioned in the introduction, we restrict our attention to inputs that are piecewise constant. That is, the value of inputs are updated periodically with time period h. The inputs stay constant for the time duration \([k \times h, (k+1) \times h]\). A simulation of such a system records the state of the system at time instants that are multiples of h, the same as the period when the inputs get updated. A formal definition of such a simulation is given in Definition 1.

Definition 1

(Fixed-Step Simulation of a System with Inputs). Given an initial state \(x_0\), a sequence of input vectors u, and a time period h, the sequence \(\rho (x_0, u, h) = x_0 \xrightarrow {u_0} x_1 \xrightarrow {u_1} x_2 \xrightarrow {u_2} \ldots \), is a ( \(\varvec{x_0, u, h}\) )-simulation of a system in Eq. 1 if and only if all \(u_i \in U\), and for each \(x_{i+1}\) we have that \(x_{i+1}\) is the state of the trajectory starting from \(x_i\) when provided with constant input \(u_i\) for h time units, \(x_{i+1} = \xi (x_i, u_i, h)\). Bounded-time variants are called \((x_0, u, h, T)\)-simulations. We drop u to denote simulations where no input is provided.

For simulations, h is called the step size and T is called time bound. The set of states encountered by a \((x_0, u, h)\)-simulation is the set of states in \(\mathbb {R}^n\) at the multiples of the time step, \(\{x_0, x_1, \ldots \}\). Given a simulation \(\rho (x_0, h, T)\) as defined in Definition 1, we can use the closed-form solution in Eq. 2 and substitute u to obtain the relationship between \(x_{i}\) and \(x_{i+1}\),

$$\begin{aligned} x_{i+1} = e^{Ah}x_{i} + G(A,h)Bu_{i} \end{aligned}$$

where \(G(A,h) = \sum _{i=0}^{\infty } \frac{1}{(i+1)!} A^i h^{i+1}\).

Definition 2

(Simulation-Equivalent Reachable Set). Given an initial set \(\varTheta \) and time step h, the simulation-equivalent reachable set is the set of all states that can be encountered by any \((x_0, u, h)\)-simulation starting from any \(x_0 \in \varTheta \), for any valid sequence of input vectors u. This can also be extended to a time-bounded version.

We define the system to be safe if and only if the simulation-equivalent reachable set and the unsafe set \(\varDelta \) are disjoint. In this paper, the initial set \(\varTheta \), the space of allowed inputs U, and the unsafe set \(\varDelta \) are bounded polyhedra (sets of linear constraints).

2.2 Generalized Star Sets and Reachable Set Computation

Definition 3

(Generalized Star Set). A generalized star set (or generalized star, or simply star) \(\varTheta \) is a tuple \(\langle c,V,P \rangle \) where \(c \in \mathbb {R}^n\) is the center, \(V = \{v_1,v_2,\ldots , v_m\}\) is a set of m vectors in \(\mathbb {R}^n\) called the basis vectors, and \(P: \mathbb {R}^m \rightarrow \{\top , \bot \}\) is a predicate. The basis vectors are arranged to form the star’s \(n \times m\) basis matrix. The set of states represented by the star is given as

$$\begin{aligned}{}[\![\varTheta ]\!] = \{ x\,|\, x = c + \varSigma _{i=1}^m \alpha _i v_i \text{ such } \text{ that } P(\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _m) = \top \}. \end{aligned}$$

Sometimes we will refer to both the tuple \(\varTheta \) and the set of states \([\![\varTheta ]\!]\) as \(\varTheta \). In this work, we restrict the predicates to be a conjunction of linear constraints, \(P(\alpha ) \mathrel {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\scriptscriptstyle \varDelta }}C \alpha \le d\) where, for p linear constraints, \(C \in \mathbb {R}^{p \times m}\), \(\alpha \) is the vector of m-variables i.e., \(\alpha = [\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _m]^T\), and \(d \in \mathbb {R}^{p\times 1}\).

This definition is slightly more general than the one used in existing work [10], where stars were restricted to having no more than n basis vectors. This generalization is important when computing the input effects as a star. Any set given as a conjunction of linear constraints in the standard basis can be immediately converted to the star representation by taking the center as the origin, the n basis vectors as the standard orthonormal basis vectors, and the predicate as the original conjunction linear condition with each \(x_i\) replaced by \(\alpha _i\). Thus, we can assume the set of initial states \(\varTheta \) is given as a star.

Reachable Set Computation With Stars. Due to the superposition principle, simulations can be used to accurately compute the time-bounded simulation-equivalent reachable set for an autonomous (no-input) linear system from any initial set \(\varTheta \) [6, 10]. For an n dimensional system, only \(n+1\) simulations are necessary. The algorithm, described more fully in Appendix A, takes as input an initial set \(\varTheta \), a simulation time step h, and time bound \(k\times h\), and returns a tuple \(\langle \varTheta _1, \varTheta _2 ,\ldots , \varTheta _k \rangle \), where the sets of states that all the simulations starting from \(\varTheta \) can encounter at time instances \(i \times h\) is given as \(\varTheta _i\).

In brief, the algorithm first generates a discrete time simulation \(\rho _0 = s_0[0]\), \(s_0[1], \ldots , s_0[k]\) of the system from the origin at each time step. Then, n simulations are performed from the state which is unit distance along each orthonormal vector from the origin, \(\rho _j = s_j[0], s_j[1], \ldots , s_j[k]\). Finally, the reachable set at each time instant \(i\times h\) is returned as a star \(\varTheta _i = \langle c_i, V_i, P \rangle \) where \(c_i = \rho _0[i]\), \(V_i = \{v_1, v_2, \ldots , v_n\}\) where \(v_j = \rho _j[i] - \rho _0[i]\), and P is the same predicate as in the initial set \(\varTheta \). This accuracy of this approach is dependent on the errors in the \(n+1\) input simulations, which in practice can often be made arbitrarily small.

Given an unsafe set \(\varDelta \) as a conjunction of linear constraints, discrete-time safety verification can be performed by checking if the intersection of each \(\varTheta _i \cap \varDelta \) is nonempty where \(\varTheta _i\) is the reachable set at time instant \(i\times h\). This can be done by solving for the feasibility of a linear program which encodes (1) the relationship between the standard orthonormal basis and the star’s basis (given by the basis matrix), (2) the linear constraints on the star’s basis variables \(\alpha \) from the star’s predicate, and (3) the linear conditions on the standard basis variables from the unsafe states \(\varDelta \). An example reachable set computation using this algorithm, and the associated LP formulation, is provided in Appendix B.

If the LP is feasible, then there exists a point in the star that is unsafe. Further, the trace from the initial states to the unsafe states can be produced by taking the basis point from the feasible solution (\(\alpha = [\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _n]^T\)) and multiplying it by the basis matrix the star in every preceding time step. This will give a sequence of points (one for every multiple of the time step) in the standard basis, starting from the initial set up to a point in the unsafe states.

2.3 Reachability of Linear Systems with Inputs

The reachable set of a linear system with inputs can be exactly written as the Minkowski sum of two sets, the first accounting for the autonomous system (no-input) and the second accounting for the effect of inputs [17]. From Eq. 4, this relationship is expressed as \(\varTheta _{i+1} = e^{Ah}\varTheta _i \oplus G(A,h)BU.\) Here, the \(e^{Ah}\varTheta _i\) represents the evolution of the autonomous system and G(Ah)BU represents the effect of inputs for the time duration h. Representing \(\mathcal{U}= G(A,h)BU\) and expanding the above equation, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \varTheta _{i+1} = e^{A(i+1)h}\varTheta \oplus e^{A(i)h}\mathcal{U}\oplus e^{A(i-1)h}\mathcal{U}\oplus \ldots \oplus e^{Ah}\mathcal{U}\oplus \mathcal{U}. \end{aligned}$$

Here \(e^{A(i+1)h}\varTheta \) is the set reached by the autonomous system and the rest of the summation represents the accumulated effects of the inputs.

The performance of the algorithm based on Eq. 5 critically depends on the efficiency of the Minkowski sum operation of the set representation that is used. In particular, representations such as polytopes were dismissed because of the high complexity associated with computing their Minkowski sum [17], driving researchers to instead use zonotopes and support functions.

3 Reachability of Linear Systems with Inputs Using Stars

In this section, we first present the basic approach for adapting Eq. 5 for use with generalized stars. We then present two optimizations which greatly improve the efficiency of the approach when used for safety verification.

3.1 Basic Approach

Recall that the expression for the reachable set given in Eq. 5 is

$$\begin{aligned} \varTheta _{i} = e^{A i\times h}\varTheta \oplus e^{A(i-1)\times h}\mathcal{U}\oplus e^{A(i-2)\times h}\mathcal{U}\oplus \ldots \oplus e^{Ah}\mathcal{U}\oplus \mathcal{U}. \end{aligned}$$

where \(e^{Ai\times h}\varTheta \) is the reachable set of the autonomous system and the remainder of the terms characterize the effect of inputs. Consider the \(j^{th}\) term in the remainder, namely, \(e^{A (j-1)\times h}\mathcal{U}\). This term is exactly same as the reachable set of states starting from an initial set \(\mathcal{U}\) after \((j-1)\times h\) time units, and evolving according to the autonomous dynamics \(\dot{x} = Ax\).

Furthermore, the set \(\mathcal{U}= G(A,h)BU\) can be represented as a star \(\langle c,V,P \rangle \) with m basis vectors, for an n-dimensional system with m inputs. This is done by taking the origin as the center c, the set G(Ah)B as the star’s \(n \times m\) basis matrix V, and using the linear constraints U as the predicate P, replacing each input \(u_i\) with \(\alpha _i\). With this, a simulation-based algorithm for computing the reachable set with inputs is given in Algorithm 1, which makes use of the AutonomousReach function that is the autonomous (no-input) reachability technique described in Sect. 2.2.

Algorithm 1, which we refer to as the Basic approach, computes the reachable set of the autonomous part for initial set \(\varTheta \) in line 1 and the effect of the input \(\mathcal{U}\) in line 2. The simulation-based AutonomousReach computation avoids the need to compute and multiply by matrix exponential at every iteration. The variable S in the loop from lines 4 to 7 computes the Minkowski sum of \(\mathcal{U}_i \oplus \mathcal{U}_{i-1} \oplus \ldots \oplus \mathcal{U}_1 \oplus \mathcal{U}_0\). The correctness of this algorithm follows from the expression for the reachable set given in Eq. 5. Note that although the computations of the \(\mathcal{U}_i\) sets can be thought of as using an independent call to AutonomousReach, they can be computed more efficiently by reusing to simulations used to compute the \(\varTheta _i\) sets. Finally, Algorithm 1 needs to perform Minkowski sum with stars, for which we propose the following approach:

figure b

Minkowski Sum with Stars. Given two stars \(\varTheta =\langle c,V,P \rangle \) with m basis vectors and \(\varTheta '=\langle c',V',P' \rangle \) with \(m'\) basis vectors, their Minkowski is a new star \(\overline{\varTheta }=\langle \overline{c},\overline{V},\overline{P} \rangle \) with \(m + m'\) basis vectors and (i) \(\overline{c} = c+c'\), (ii) \(\overline{V}\) is the list of \(m + m'\) vectors produced by joining the list of basis vectors of \(\varTheta \) and \(\varTheta '\), (iii) \(\overline{P}(\overline{\alpha }) = P(\alpha _m) \wedge P'(\alpha _{m'})\). Here \(\alpha _m \in \mathbb {R}^{m}\) denotes the variables in \(\varTheta \), \(\alpha _{m'} \in \mathbb {R}^{m'}\) denotes the variables for \(\varTheta '\), and \(\overline{\alpha } \in \mathbb {R}^{m + m'}\) denotes the variables for \(\overline{\varTheta }\) (with appropriate variable renaming).

Notice that both the number of variables in the star and the number of constraints grow with each Minkowski sum operation. In an LP formulation of these constraints, this would mean that both the number of columns and the number of rows grows at each step in the algorithm. However, even though the constraint matrix is growing in size, the number of non-zero entries added to the matrix at each step is constant, so, for LP solvers that use a sparse matrix representation, this may not be as bad as it first appears.

Example 1

(Harmonic Oscillator with Inputs). Consider a system with dynamics \(\dot{x} = y + u_1\), \(\dot{y}=-x + u_2\), where \(u_1, u_2\) are inputs in the range \([-0.5, 0.5]\) that can vary at each time step, and the initial states are \(x=[-6,-5]\), \(y=[0,1]\). A plot of the simulation-equivalent reachable states of this system is shown in Fig. 2 (left). The trajectories of this system generally rotate clockwise over time, although can move towards or away from the origin depending on the values of the inputs. The LP constraints which define the reachable states at time \(\frac{\pi }{2}\) are given in Fig. 2 (right). Simulations are used to determine the values of the autonomous star’s basis matrix (the red encircled values in the matrix). At each time step, the input-free basis matrix gets updated exactly as in the case where there were no inputs. Rows 3–6 in the constraints come from the conditions on the initial states. Additionally, at each step, two columns are added to the LP in order to account for the effects of the two inputs in the model. Rows 7–10 are the conditions on the inputs from the first step, and rows 11–14 are from the second step. The blue dotted values are the each step’s input star’s basis matrix, \(\mathcal{U}= G(A,h)B\). The basis matrix of the combined star is the 2 by 6 matrix constructed by combining the matrices of the basis matrices from the autonomous star and each of the input-effect stars, each of which are 2 by 2. Notice that, at each step, both the number of rows and the number of columns in the LP constraints gets larger, although the number of non-zero entries added to the matrix is constant. To extract a counter-example trace to a reachable state, the LP would be solved in order to give specific assignments to each of the variables. The values of x and y would be the final position that is reachable, that could be, for example, minimized or maximized in the LP. Then, \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\) indicate the initial starting position, \(u_1'\) and \(u_2'\) are the inputs to apply at the first step, and \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) are the inputs to apply at the second step.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A plot of the simulation-equivalent reachable states for Example 1 using a \(\frac{\pi }{4}\) step size, and the associated linear constraints representing the set at time \(\frac{\pi }{2}\) (after two steps).

3.2 Minkowski Sum Decomposition for Efficient Safety Verification

Algorithm 1 computes the reachable set \(\varOmega _i\) at each step [17] in line 5 based on Eq. 5 for safety verification with respect to an unsafe set \(\varDelta \). As noted in Sect. 3.1, the number of variables in \(\varOmega _i\) increases linearly with i and hence for high dimensional systems, checking whether \(\varOmega _i\,\cap \,\varDelta = \emptyset \) using linear programming becomes increasingly difficult. To improve the scalability of safety verification, we observe that it is not necessary to compute \(\varOmega _i\) in the star representation and then check for intersection with \(\varDelta \). Consider a specific case where \(\varDelta \) is defined as a half-space \(v \cdot x \ge a\). Checking safety of \(\varOmega _i\) with respect to \(\varDelta \) is equivalent to computing the maximum value of the cost function \(v \cdot x\) over the set \(\varOmega _i\) and checking if \(\max _{v \cdot x}(\varOmega _i) \ge a\). As \(\varOmega _i\) is a Minkowski sum of several sets, computing \(\max _{v \cdot x}(\varOmega _i)\) is equivalent to computing the maximum value of \(v \cdot x\) for each of the sets in the Minkowski sum and adding these maximum values. This property is described rigorously in Proposition 1. This observation was first made in [17] for zonotopes and the authors leverage this property to avoid computing Minkowski sum for safety verification. In this paper, we explicitly state the property for Minkowski sum of any two sets and any linear cost function and note that it is independent of the data structure used for representing the sets.

Proposition 1

If \(S = S_1 \oplus S_2\), then \(\max _v(S) = \max _v(S_1) + \max _v(S_2)\), where \(\max _v\) is defined as the maximum value of the cost function \(v\cdot x\), v is any n-dimensional vector and \(v\cdot x\) is the dot product.


Let \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) be states in \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) respectively which maximize the dot product. From the definition of Minkowski sum, \(p_1 + p_2 = p \in S\). Since p is in S, \(\max _v(S) \ge p \cdot v\), and therefore \(\max _v(S) \ge p \cdot v = p_1 \cdot v + p_2 \cdot v = \max _v(S_1) + \max _v(S_2)\).

For the other inequality, let q be the point in S which maximizes the dot product. By the definition of Minkowski sum, there exist two points \(q_1 \in S_1\) and \(q_2 \in S_2\) where \(q = q_1 + q_2\). Therefore, \(q \cdot v = q_1 \cdot v + q_2 \cdot v\). Notice now that \(\max _v(S_1) \ge q_1 \cdot v\) and \(\max _v(S_2) \ge q_2 \cdot v\), and so we can substitute to get \(\max _v(S) = q \cdot v \le \max _v(S_1) + \max _v(S_2)\).

Since both inequalities must hold, \(\max _v(S) = \max _v(S_1) + \max _v(S_2)\). \(\square \)

As \(\varOmega _i = \varTheta _i \oplus \mathcal{U}_{i-1} \oplus \mathcal{U}_{1} \oplus \mathcal{U}\) (Eq. 5), it follows from Proposition 1 that, for safety verification in the case of unsafe set \(\varDelta \mathrel {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\scriptscriptstyle \varDelta }}v\cdot x \ge a\), it suffices to compute \(\max _{v \cdot x} \mathcal{U}_j\) for all j and \(\max _{v \cdot x} \varTheta _i\); add these values; and compare the summation with a. In the general case, the unsafe states \(\varDelta \) may be a conjunction of half-planes, say \((v_1 \cdot x \ge a_1) \wedge (v_2 \cdot x \ge a_2) \wedge \ldots \wedge (v_l \cdot x \ge a_l)\). For such instances, if \(\varOmega _i \cap \varDelta \ne \emptyset \), it is a necessary condition that \(\forall j, \max _{v_j \cdot x}(\varOmega _i) \ge a_j\). Thus, we do not compute the full Minkowski sum representation of \(\varOmega _i\) until the above necessary condition is satisfied. Informally, we perform lazy computation of \(\varOmega _i\).

Additionally, all the \(\mathcal{U}_j\)’s appearing in Minkowski sum formulation of \(\varOmega _i\) also appear in \(\varOmega _{i+1}\). Therefore, we keep a running sum of the maximum values for each \(\mathcal{U}_j\) for all the linear functions and check the necessary conditions for all \(\varOmega _i\). Only after checking the necessary conditions, we computing the Minkowski sum and formulate the linear program for checking \(\varOmega _i \cap \varDelta = \emptyset \). We refer to this approach, shown in Algorithm 2, as the Decomp method.

figure c

The algorithm starts by extracting each constraint hyperplane’s normal direction and value in lines 1 and 2. Lines 9 and 10 compute the maximum over all the normal directions in the sets \(\varTheta _i\) and \(\mathcal{U}_i\). The tuple \(\mu \) accumulates the maximum over all inputs up to the current iteration, whereas \(\lambda \) is recomputed at each step based on the autonomous system’s current generalized star. Only if all the linear constraints can exceed their constraint’s value (the check on line 11), will the full LP be formulated and checked on line 12.

3.3 Optimizing with Warm-Start Linear Programming

In this section, we briefly outline the core principle behind warm-start optimization and explain why it is effective in safety verification using generalized stars. Consider a linear program given as maximize \(c^T y\), Subject to: \(Hy \le g\) where \(y \in \mathbb {R}^m\). To solve this LP, we use a two-phase simplex algorithm [18]. First, the algorithm finds a feasible solution and second, it traverses the vertices of the polytope defined by the set of linear conditions in the m-dimensional space to reach the optimal solution. Finding the feasible solution is performed using slack variables and the traversal among feasible solutions is done by relaxing and changing the set of active constraints. The time taken for the simplex algorithm to terminate is directly proportional to the time taken to find a feasible solution and the number of steps in the traversal from the feasible solution to the optimal solution.

The warm-start optimization allows the user (perhaps using a solution to an earlier linear program) to explicitly specify the initial set of active constraints. Internally, the slack variable associated with these constraints are assigned to be 0. This can speed-up the running time of simplex in two ways. If the set of active constraints gives a feasible solution, then the first phase of simplex terminates without any further computation. Second, if the user-provided active constraints correspond to a feasible solution is close to the optimal solution, the steps needed during the second phase are reduced.

Similar to [6], we have used warm-start optimization in this paper for improving the efficiency of safety verification. Warm-start optimization works in this context because we use the generalized star representation for sets. Consider two consecutive reachable sets of the autonomous system \(\varTheta _i = \langle c_i, V_i, P \rangle \) and \(\varTheta _{i+1} = \langle c_{i+1}, V_{i+1}, P \rangle \) represented as generalized stars. Consider solving a linear program for maximizing a cost function \(v \cdot x\) over \(\varTheta _i\) and \(\varTheta _{i+1}\). These two stars differ in the value of the center and the set of basis vectors, but the predicate remains unchanged. Moreover, if we choose have small time-steps, the difference between the values of center and basis vectors is also small. Therefore, the set of active constraints in the predicate P is often identical for the optimal solutions. Even in the cases where the active constraints are not identical, the corresponding vertices are often close, reducing the work needed.

In this paper, we feed the active constraints of the first linear program i.e., maximizing \(v \cdot x\) over \(\varTheta _i\) as a warm-start to the second linear program, i.e., maximizing \(v \cdot x\) over \(\varTheta _{i+1}\). We apply the same principle for the input stars \(\mathcal{U}_{i}\) and \(\mathcal{U}_{i+1}\). Hence, the warm-start optimization can also be used together with the Minkowski sum decomposition optimization.

4 Evaluation

We encoded the techniques developed in this paper into a tool named Hylaa (HYbrid Linear Automata Analyzer). Using this tool, we first evaluate the effects of each of the proposed optimizations on the runtime of reachability computation. Then, we evaluate the overall approach on a benchmark set of systems ranging from 9 to 10914 coupled continuous variables. All of the measurements are run on a desktop computer running Ubuntu 16.04 x 64 with an Intel i7-3930K processor (6 cores, 12 threads) running at 3.5 GHz with 24 GB RAM.

4.1 Optimization Evaluation

We examine the effects of each of our proposed optimizations for computing reachability for linear-time invariant systems with inputs. We compare the Basic algorithm from Sect. 3.1, against the Decomp approach described in Sect. 3.2. The Warm method is the enhancement of the Basic approach with warm-start optimization as described in Sect. 3.3, and Hylaa is the approach used in our tool, which uses both Minkowski sum decomposition and LP warm-start. For reference, we also include measurements for the no-input system (NoInput), which could be considered a lower-bound for the simulation-based methods if the time to handle the inputs could be eliminated completely. Finally, we compared the approach with both optimizations (Hylaa) with other state-of-the-art tools which handle time-varying inputs. We used the support function scenario in the SpaceEx [13] tool (SpaceEx), and the linear ODE mode with Taylor model order 1 (fastest speed) in the Flow* [8] tool (Flow*).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The performance of the generalized star and linear programming approach for reachability computation (Basic), is improved by the warm-start linear programming optimization (Warm), but not as much as when the Minkowski sum decomposition optimization is used (Decomp). Combining both optimizations works even better (Hylaa). The reachability time for the system without inputs (NoInput) is a lower bound.

For evaluation, we use the harmonic oscillator with input system, as described in Example 1. Recall that the full LP grows at each step both in terms of the number of columns and the number of rows. The unsafe condition used is \(x + y \ge 100\), which is never reached but must be checked at each step.

We varied the number of steps in the problem by changing the step size and keeping the time bound fixed at \(2 \pi \). We then measured the runtime for each of the methods, recording 10 measurements in each case. Figure 3 shows the results with both the average runtime (lines), and the runtime ranges over all 10 runs (slight shaded regions around each line). Each optimization is shown to improve the performance of the method, with Minkowski sum decomposition having a larger effect on this example compared with warm-start LP. The fully optimized approach (Hylaa) is not too far from the lower bound computed by ignoring the inputs in the system (NoInput). In the tool comparison shown in Fig. 4, the approach is shown to be comparable to the other reachability tools, and outperforms both SpaceEx and Flow* when the model has a large number of steps.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The performance of our optimized generalized star representation reachability approach (Hylaa) is compared to state-of-the art tools which use support functions (SpaceEx) and Taylor Models (Flow*) as the state set representation. As the number of steps gets larger, our approach surpasses the other tools on this example.

4.2 High-Dimensional Benchmark Evaluation

We evaluated the proposed approach using a benchmark suite for reachability problems for large-scale linear systems [20]. This consists of nine reachability benchmarks for linear systems with inputs of various sizes, taken from “diverse fields such as civil engineering and robotics.” For each benchmark, we also considered a variant with a weakened or strengthened unsafe condition, so that each system would have both a safe and an unsafe case. For all the systems, we used a step size of 0.005 and the original time bound of 20. The results are shown in Table 1.

Our Hylaa tool was able to successfully verify or disprove invariant safety conditions for all of the models, including the MNA5 model, which has 10914 dimensions. To the best of our knowledge, this is significantly (about two orders of magnitude) larger than any system that has been verified without using any type of abstraction methods to reduce the system’s dimensionality.

We also attempted to run SpaceEx (0.9.8f) and Flow* (2.0.0) on the benchmark modelsFootnote 1. With Flow*, in order to successfully run the Motor (9 dimensions) benchmark, we needed to use a smaller step size (0.0002), and set the Taylor Model order parameter to 20. For SpaceEx, we used the support function scenario which only requires a step size parameter. In the Motor (9 dimensions) benchmark, however, this required us to halve the step size to 0.0025 in order for SpaceEx to be able to prove the unsafe error states were not reachable with the original safety condition. Consistent with the earlier analysis [20], SpaceEx’s computation only succeeded for the Motor (9 dimensions) and Building (49 dimensions) benchmarks.

We also ran the benchmarks toggling the different optimizations, and could show cases where warm-start greatly improves performance, and even outperforms Decomp. In the Beam model, for instance, Warm completes the safe case in about 4 min, whereas Decomp takes 12 min (using both optimizations takes about 1.4 min).

Table 1. Benchmark results. Stars (*) indicate original specifications.

One important difference to keep in mind is that SpaceEx and Flow* overapproximate reachability at all times, which is slightly different than simulation-equivalent reachability computed by Hylaa. Unlike Hylaa, they may catch error cases that occur between time steps. The cost of this is that there may also be false-positives; they do not produce counterexample traces when a system is deemed unsafe. For example, choosing too small of a Taylor Model order or too large of a time step in Flow* can easily result in all states, \([-\infty , \infty ]\), to be computed as potentially reachable for all variables, which is not useful.

Another important concern is the accuracy of result. Since the proposed approach uses numerical simulations that may not be exact as well as floating-point computations and a floating-point LP solver, there may be errors that accumulate in the computation. To address the issue of accuracy, we examine the counterexamples produced when the error condition is reachable.

Upon finding that an unsafe error state is reachable, Hylaa uses the approach described in Example 1 to determine the initial point and inputs to use at each step in order to reach the unsafe state. It creates a Python script using this start point and inputs to perform a simulation with high accuracy parameters in order to try to reproduce the counterexample error trace. We perform this check for each of the benchmark systems where an error state is found, and compute the \(l_2\)-norm of the difference between the expected final point given by Hylaa and the post-analysis high-accuracy simulation point. The values in the CE Error column in Table 1 indicate that the counterexamples are highly-accurate on all the models, both in terms of absolute and relative error.

Consider the structural model of component 1R (Russian Service Module) of the International Space Station (ISS model, 271 dimensions). The high-accuracy simulation of the counterexample trace found this system is shown in Fig. 5. Here, the final point in the post-analysis simulation and the Hylaa’s predicted final point differ, in terms of \(l_2\)-norm, by around \(10^{-5}\). The figure shows the state of the output value (top) and the values of the three inputs at each point in time, computed by Hylaa. This is an extremely complicated set of inputs that would be difficult to find using random simulations.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Hylaa found a counterexample trace in the ISS model, generating a very specific set of inputs to use at each point in time. The post-verification analysis (external, high-accuracy simulation) confirms that the found violation is a true violation of the system.

We attempted to use a falsification tool on this system to try find the violation. A falsification tool [3, 9, 19] performs stochastic optimization to minimize the difference between simulation runs and the violation region. We ran S-Taliro [3] on this system for 2000 simulations, which took 4.5 hours, but it did not find a violation.

Exhaustive testing for this case would require checking simulations from each of the corner points of the initial states (270 of the dimensions can be in an initial interval range), multiplied by 8 combinations of choices of the 3 inputs at each of the 2742 steps before a counterexample was found (Hylaa found the counterexample at time 13.71). This would be \(2^{270} \cdot 8^{2742} = 3.5 \cdot 10^{2557}\) individual simulations, an unfathomably large number.

In communications with the benchmark authors, the original safety specifications for all the models were chosen based on simulations of the system while holding the inputs constant. For some of the benchmarks, Hylaa was able to find cases where the original safety specification was violated. For example, in the ISS model, the shown error trace in Fig. 5 violates the original specification. This was a bit unexpected, but possible since we are considering inputs which can vary over time. When we kept the inputs constant in the ISS model, no violation was found. In other systems, for example the Beam model, the counterexample trace Hylaa finds has the same input values at every time step. This shows the incompleteness (and danger) of pure simulation-based analysis, where the safety specification was derived based on a finite set of simulations that did not include the violation. As far as we are aware, the generalized star reachability approach is the first to find violations in the benchmark’s original safety conditions, as well as the first approach to verify systems of this size.

5 Related Work

Early work on handling inputs for linear systems was done for the purpose of creating abstractions that overapproximate behaviors of systems with nonlinear dynamics [4]. In this approach, a bound on the input is used to bloat a ball to account for the effect of any possible input. While sound, such an approach does not give a tight result and could not be used to generate concrete traces. Later, a formulation was given which explicitly used the Minkowski sum operation [15], along with a reachability algorithm based on zonotopes, which is a set representation that can efficiently compute both linear transformation and Minkowski sum. This allowed for more precise tracking of the reachable set of states, although the complexity of the zonotopes grew quadratically with the number of discrete time steps performed, so a reduction step was used to limit the expansion of the order of the zonotopes, leading to overapproximation. An important improvement removed this overapproximation by using two zonotopes, one to track the time-invariant system and one to track the effects of inputs [17]. The two zonotopes could be combined at any specific time step in the computation to perform operations on the reachable set at that time instant such as guard checks, but the time-elapse operation was done on the two zonotopes separately. A similar approach was applied for a support functions representation rather than zonotopes [16], which also allows for efficient Minkowski sum. The methods proposed in this paper also use this general approach, using the generalized star set data structure rather than zonotopes. The difficulty with this is that generalized star sets are similar to polytopes specified using hyperplane constraints, and the number of hyperplanes necessary to represent the Minkowski sum can become extremely large in high dimensions [11, 21]. For systems with nonlinear dynamics, a different method using Taylor models can be used for the time-elapse operation, with inputs given as bounded time-varying uncertainties [7]. This method essentially replaces time-varying parameters by their interval enclosure at every integration step.

Building on the time-elapse operation, a hybrid automaton reachability algorithm needs to perform intersections with guard sets. For zonotopes, this can be done by performing conversions to/from polytopes [2, 15], although this process may introduce overapproximation error. For support functions, this can be done by converting to/from template polyhedra [13]. In non-linear reachability computation with Taylor models, guard intersections can leverage domain-contraction and range-overapproximation (converting to other representations such as polytopes) [8]. Although not explored in this work, we believe this operation can be done using generalized star sets, without conversions that may introduce error.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we described a new approach for computing reachability for linear systems with inputs, using a generalized star set representation and linear programming. Our approach is simulation-equivalent, which means that we can detect an unsafe state is reachable if and only if a fixed-step simulation exists to the unsafe states. Furthermore, upon reaching an unsafe state, a counter-example trace is generated for the system designer to use.

The proposed method has unprecedented scalability. On the tested benchmarks, we successfully analyzed a system with 10914 dimensions, whereas the current state-of-the-art tools did not succeed on any model larger than 48 dimensions. Such large models frequently arise by discretizing partial differential equations (PDEs). For example, a \(100 \times 100\) grid over a PDE model results in a 10,000 dimensional model. Thus, we believe the proposed approach opens the door to the computer-aided verification of PDE models with ranges of possible initial conditions, inputs, and uncertainties.