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TXT-tool 4.386-1.1: State-of-the-Art Overview on Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction in Slovenia

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This paper is a state-of-the-art review of the present status of the Slovenian national legislation and procedures for the hazard and risk assessment of landslides (including rock falls and debris flows). The relevant governing act is the 2002 Waters Act that foresees several legislation documents to be accepted by the ministry in charge of waters in Slovenia. Thanks to the European Flood Directive, procedures have already been regulated in the field of floods, but have still to be regulated in the field of other water-related natural hazards and geo-hazards, such as landslides. In the last decade, several methodologies and different hazard maps have been prepared, but no legal acts (such as decrees, regulations, recommendations or similar acts, let alone standards) have been accepted so far on their basis. Generally, state legislation in the sectors of spatial planning and water management in the form of acts is up-to-date in Slovenia, but much more should be done for its direct implementation for a modern landslide disaster risk reduction.

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The overview presented in this paper was prepared within the framework of the European Alpine Space project START_it_up (State-of-the-Art in Risk Management Technology: Implementation and Trial for Usability in Engineering Practice and Policy), financed by the European Commission. Some of the Slovenian legislation documentation (especially acts) is made available in English in the new database called “Risk Technology Platform and Database” that is a web portal for hazard engineers and risk managers, offering them selected norms, standards and best practices ( The authors would like to thank Ivan Stanič for comments on spatial planning issues.

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Mikoš, M., Čarman, M., Papež, J., Jež, J. (2018). TXT-tool 4.386-1.1: State-of-the-Art Overview on Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction in Slovenia. In: Sassa, K., Tiwari, B., Liu, KF., McSaveney, M., Strom, A., Setiawan, H. (eds) Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tools . Springer, Cham.

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