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1 Introduction

A stack layout of a graph G consists of a total order \(\sigma \) of V(G) and a partition of E(G) into sets (called stacks) such that no two edges in the same stack cross; that is, there are no edges vw and xy in a single stack with \(v<_\sigma x<_\sigma w<_\sigma y\). The minimum number of stacks in a stack layout of G is the stack-number of G. Stack layouts, first defined by Ollmann [22], are ubiquitous structures with a variety of applications (see [17] for a survey). A stack layout is also called a book embedding and stack-number is also called book thickness and page number. The stack-number is known to be bounded for planar graphs [24], bounded genus graphs [20] and, most generally, all proper minor-closed graph families [4, 5].

The purpose of this note is to bring the study of the stack-number beyond the proper minor-closed graph families. Layered separators are a key tool for proving our results. They have already led to progress on long-standing open problems related to 3D graph drawings [11, 15] and nonrepetitive graph colourings [13]. A layering \(\{V_0,\dots ,V_p\}\) of a graph G is a partition of V(G) into layers \(V_i\) such that, for each \(e\in E(G)\), there is an i such that the endpoints of e are both in \(V_i\) or one in \(V_i\) and one in \(V_{i+1}\). A graph G has a layered \(\ell \)-separator for a fixed layering \(\{V_0,\dots ,V_p\}\) if, for every subgraph \(G'\) of G, there exists a set \(S\subseteq V(G')\) with at most \(\ell \) vertices in each layer (i.e., \(V_i\cap S\le \ell \), for \(i=0,\dots ,p\)) such that each connected component of \(G'-S\) has at most \(|V(G')|/2\) vertices. Our main technical contribution is the following theorem.

Theorem 1

Every n-vertex graph that has a layered \(\ell \)-separator has stack-number at most \(5\ell \cdot \log _2 n\).

We discuss the implications of Theorem 1 for two well-known non-minor-closed classes of graphs. A graph is (gk)-planar if it can be drawn on a surface of Euler genus at most g with at most k crossings per edge. Then (0, 0)-planar graphs are planar graphs, whose stack-number is at most 4 [24]. Further, (0, k)-planar graphs are k-planar graphs [23]; Bekos et al. [3] have recently proved that 1-planar graphs have bounded stack-number (see Alam et al. [1] for an improved constant). The family of (gk)-planar graphs is not closed under taking minorsFootnote 1 even for \(g=0\), \(k=1\); thus the result of Blankenship and Oporowski [4, 5], stating that proper minor-closed graph families have bounded stack-number, does not apply to (gk)-planar graphs. Dujmović et al. [12] showed that (gk)-planar graphs have layered \((4g+6)(k+1)\)-separatorsFootnote 2. This and our Theorem 1 imply the following corollary. For all \(g\ge 0\) and \(k\ge 2\), the previously best known bound was \(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})\), following from the \(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{m})\) bound for m-edge graphs [21].

Corollary 1

For any fixed g and k, every n-vertex (gk)-planar graph has stack-number \(\mathcal {O}(\log n)\).

A (gd)-map graph G is defined as follows. Embed a graph H on a surface of Euler genus g and label some of its faces as “nations” so that any vertex of H is incident to at most d nations; then the vertices of G are the faces of H labeled as nations and the edges of G connect nations that share a vertex of H. The (0, d)-map graphs are the well-known d-map graphs [6,7,8,9, 18]. The (g, 3)-map graphs are the graphs of Euler genus at most g [8], thus they are closed under taking minors. However, for every \(g\ge 0\) and \(d\ge 4\), the (gd)-map graphs are not closed under taking minors [12], thus the result of Blankenship and Oporowski [4, 5] does not apply to them. The (gd)-map graphs have layered \((2g+3)(2d+1)\)-separators [12]. This and our Theorem 1 imply the following corollary. For all \(g\ge 0\) and \(d\ge 4\), the best previously known bound was \(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})\) [21].

Corollary 2

For any fixed g and d, every n-vertex (gd)-map graph has stack-number \(\mathcal {O}(\log n)\).

A “dual” concept to that of stack layouts are queue layouts. A queue layout of a graph G consists of a total order \(\sigma \) of V(G) and a partition of E(G) into sets (called queues), such that no two edges in the same queue nest; that is, there are no edges vw and xy in a single queue with \(v<_\sigma x<_\sigma y<_\sigma w\). If \(v<_\sigma x<_\sigma y<_\sigma w\) we say that xy nests inside vw. The minimum number of queues in a queue layout of G is called the queue-number of G. Queue layouts, like stack layouts, have been extensively studied. In particular, it is a long standing open problem to determine if planar graphs have bounded queue-number. Logarithmic upper bounds have been obtained via layered separators [2, 11]. In particular, a result similar to Theorem 1 is known for the queue-number: Every n-vertex graph that has layered \(\ell \)-separators has queue-number \(\mathcal {O}(\ell \log n)\) [11]; this bound was refined to \(3\ell \cdot \log _3(2n + 1)-1\) by Bannister et al. [2]. These results were established via a connection with the track-number of a graph [14]. Together with the fact that planar graphs have layered 2-separators [13, 19], these results imply an \(\mathcal {O}(\log n)\) bound for the queue-number of planar graphs, improving on a earlier result by Di Battista et al. [10]. The polylog bound on the queue-number of planar graphs extends to all proper minor-closed families of graphs [15, 16]. Our approach to prove Theorem 1 also gives a new proof of the following result (without using track layouts). We include it for completeness.

Theorem 2

Every n-vertex graph that has a layered \(\ell \)-separator has queue-number at most \(3\ell \cdot \log _2 n\).

2 Proofs of Theorems 1 and 2

Let G be a graph and \(L=\{V_0,\dots ,V_p\}\) be a layering of G such that G admits a layered \(\ell \)-separator for layering L. Each edge of G is either an intra-layer edge, that is, an edge between two vertices in a set \(V_i\), or an inter-layer edge, that is, an edge between a vertex in a set \(V_i\) and a vertex in a set \(V_{i+1}\).

A total order on a set of vertices \(R\subseteq V(G)\) is a vertex ordering of R. The stack layout construction computes a vertex ordering \(\sigma ^s\) of V(G) satisfying the layer-by-layer invariant, which is defined as follows: For \(0\le i < p\), the vertices in \(V_i\) precede the vertices in \(V_{i+1}\) in \(\sigma ^s\). Analogously, the queue layout construction computes a vertex ordering \(\sigma ^q\) of V(G) satisfying the layer-by-layer invariant.

Let S be a layered \(\ell \)-separator for G with respect to L. Let \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\) be the graphs induced by the vertices in the connected components of \(G-S\) (the vertices of S do not belong to any graph \(G_j\)). These graphs are labeled \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\) arbitrarily. Recall that, by the definition of a layered \(\ell \)-separator for G, we have \(|V(G_j)|\le n/2\), for each \(1\le j\le k\). Let \(S_i=S\cap V_i\) and let \(\rho _i\) be an arbitrary vertex ordering of \(S_i\), for \(i=0,\dots ,p\).

Both the stack and the queue layout constructions recursively construct vertex orderings of \(V(G_j)\) satisfying the layer-by-layer invariant, for \(j=1,\dots ,k\). Let \(\sigma ^s_j\) be the vertex ordering of \(V(G_j)\) computed by the stack layout construction; we also denote by \(\sigma ^s_{j,i}\) the restriction of \(\sigma ^s_j\) to the vertices in layer \(V_i\). Note that \(\sigma ^s_j=\sigma ^s_{j,1},\sigma ^s_{j,2},\dots ,\sigma ^s_{j,p}\) by the layer-by-layer invariant. Vertex orderings \(\sigma ^q_j\) and \(\sigma ^q_{j,i}\) are defined analogously for the queue layout construction.

We now show how to combine the recursively constructed vertex orderings to obtain a vertex ordering of V(G). The way this combination is performed differs for the stack layout construction and the queue layout construction.

Stack Layout Construction. Vertex ordering \(\sigma ^s\) is defined as (refer to Fig. 1)

$$\begin{aligned}&\rho _0,\sigma ^s_{1,0},\sigma ^s_{2,0},\dots ,\sigma ^s_{k-1,0},\sigma ^s_{k,0},\rho _1,\sigma ^s_{k,1},\sigma ^s_{k-1,1},\dots ,\sigma ^s_{2,1},\sigma ^s_{1,1},\\&\rho _2,\sigma ^s_{1,2},\sigma ^s_{2,2},\dots ,\sigma ^s_{k-1,2},\sigma ^s_{k,2},\rho _3,\sigma ^s_{k,3},\sigma ^s_{k-1,3},\dots ,\sigma ^s_{2,3},\sigma ^s_{1,3},\dots . \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 1.
figure 1

Illustration for the stack layout construction. Edges incident to vertices in S are black and thick. Edges in graphs \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\) are represented by gray regions.

The vertex ordering \(\sigma ^s\) satisfies the layer-by-layer invariant, given that vertex ordering \(\sigma ^s_j\) does, for \(j=1,\dots ,k\). Then Theorem 1 is implied by the following.

Lemma 1

G has a stack layout with \(5\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) stacks with vertex ordering \(\sigma ^s\).


We use distinct sets of stacks for the intra- and the inter-layer edges.

Stacks for the intra-layer edges. We assign each intra-layer edge uv with \(u\in S\) or \(v\in S\) to one of \(\ell \) stacks \(P_1,\dots ,P_\ell \) as follows. Since uv is an intra-layer edge, \(\{u,v\}\subseteq V_i\), for some \(0\le i\le p\). Assume w.l.o.g. that \(u<_{\sigma ^s}v\). Then \(u\in S\) and let it be x-th vertex in \(\rho _i\) (recall that \(\rho _i\) contains at most \(\ell \) vertices). Assign uv to \(P_x\). The only intra-layer edges that are not yet assigned to stacks belong to graphs \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\). The assignment of these edges to stacks is the one computed recursively; however, we use the same set of stacks to assign the edges of all graphs \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\).

We now prove that no two intra-layer edges in the same stack cross. Let e and \(e'\) be two intra-layer edges of G and let both the endpoints of e be in \(V_i\) and both the endpoints of \(e'\) be in \(V_{i'}\). Assume w.l.o.g. that \(i\le i'\). If \(i<i'\), then, since \(\sigma ^s\) satisfies the layer-by-layer invariant, the endpoints of e precede those of \(e'\) in \(\sigma ^s\), hence e and \(e'\) do not cross. Suppose now that \(i=i'\). If e and \(e'\) are in some stack \(P_x\) for \(x\in \{1, \dots , \ell \}\), then they are both incident to the x-th vertex in \(\rho _i\), thus they do not cross. If e and \(e'\) are in some stack different from \(P_1,\dots ,P_\ell \), then \(e\in E(G_j)\) and \(e'\in E(G_{j'})\), for some \(j,j'\in \{1,\dots ,k\}\). If \(j=j'\), then e and \(e'\) do not cross by induction. Otherwise, both the endpoints of e precede both the endpoints of \(e'\) or vice versa, since the vertices in \(\sigma ^s_{\min \{j,j'\},i}\) precede those in \(\sigma ^s_{\max \{j,j'\},i}\) in \(\sigma ^s\) or vice versa, depending on whether i is even or odd; hence e and \(e'\) do not cross.

We now bound the number of stacks we use for the intra-layer edges of G; we claim that this number is at most \(\ell \cdot \log _2 n\). The proof is by induction on n; the base case \(n=1\) is trivial. For any subgraph H of G, let \(p_1(H)\) be the number of stacks we use for the intra-layer edges of H, and let \(p_1(n')=\max _H\{p_1(H)\}\) over all subgraphs H of G with \(n'\) vertices. As proved above, \(p_1(G)\le \ell + \max \{p_1(G_1),\dots ,p_1(G_k)\}\). Since each graph \(G_j\) has at most n / 2 vertices, we get that \(p_1(G)\le \ell + p_1(n/2)\). By induction \(p_1(G) \le \ell + \ell \cdot \log _2 (n/2) = \ell \cdot \log _2 n\).

Stacks for the inter-layer edges. We use distinct sets of stacks for the even inter-layer edges – connecting vertices on layers \(V_i\) and \(V_{i+1}\) with i even – and for the odd inter-layer edges – connecting vertices on layers \(V_i\) and \(V_{i+1}\) with i odd. We only describe how to assign the even inter-layer edges to \(2\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) stacks so that no two edges in the same stack cross; the assignment for the odd inter-layer edges is analogous.

We assign each even inter-layer edge uv with \(u\in S\) or \(v\in S\) to one of \(2\ell \) stacks \(P'_1,\dots ,P'_{2\ell }\) as follows. Since uv is an inter-layer edge, u and v respectively belong to layers \(V_i\) and \(V_{i+1}\), for some \(0\le i\le p-1\). If \(u\in S\), then u is the x-th vertex in \(\rho _i\), for some \(1\le x \le \ell \); assign edge uv to \(P'_x\). If \(u\notin S\), then \(v\in S\) is the y-th vertex in \(\rho _{i+1}\), for some \(1\le y \le \ell \); assign edge uv to \(P'_{\ell + y}\). The only even inter-layer edges that are not yet assigned to stacks belong to graphs \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\). The assignment of these edges to stacks is the one computed recursively; however, we use the same set of stacks to assign the edges of all graphs \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\).

We prove that no two even inter-layer edges in the same stack cross. Let e and \(e'\) be two even inter-layer edges of G. Let \(V_i\) and \(V_{i+1}\) be the layers containing the endpoints of e. Let \(V_{i'}\) and \(V_{i'+1}\) be the layers containing the endpoints of \(e'\). Assume w.l.o.g. that \(i\le i'\). If \(i<i'\), then \(i+1<i'\), given that both i and \(i'\) are even. Then, since \(\sigma ^s\) satisfies the layer-by-layer invariant, both the endpoints of e precede both the endpoints of \(e'\), thus e and \(e'\) do not cross. Suppose now that \(i=i'\). If e and \(e'\) are in some stack \(P'_h\) for \(h\in \{1, \dots , 2\ell \}\), then e and \(e'\) are both incident either to the h-th vertex of \(\rho _i\) or to the \((h-\ell )\)-th vertex of \(\rho _{i+1}\), hence they do not cross. If e and \(e'\) are in some stack different from \(P'_1,\dots ,P'_{2\ell }\), then \(e\in E(G_j)\) and \(e'\in E(G_{j'})\), for \(j,j'\in \{1,\dots ,k\}\). If \(j=j'\), then e and \(e'\) do not cross by induction. Otherwise, \(j\not = j'\) and then e nests inside \(e'\) or vice versa, since the vertices in \(\sigma ^s_{\min \{j,j'\},i}\) precede those in \(\sigma ^s_{\max \{j,j'\},i}\) and the vertices in \(\sigma ^s_{\max \{j,j'\},i+1}\) precede those in \(\sigma ^s_{\min \{j,j'\},i+1}\) in \(\sigma ^s\); hence e and \(e'\) do not cross.

We now bound the number of stacks we use for the even inter-layer edges of G; we claim that this number is at most \(2\ell \cdot \log _2 n\). The proof is by induction on n; the base case \(n=1\) is trivial. For any subgraph H of G, let \(p_2(H)\) be the number of stacks we use for the even inter-layer edges of H, and let \(p_2(n')=\max _H\{p_2(H)\}\) over all subgraphs H of G with \(n'\) vertices. As proved above, \(p_2(G)\le 2\ell + \max \{p_2(G_1),\dots ,p_2(G_k)\}\). Since each graph \(G_j\) has at most n / 2 vertices, we get that \(p_2(G)\le 2\ell + p_2(n/2)\). By induction \(p_2(G) \le 2\ell + 2\ell \cdot \log _2 (n/2) = 2\ell \cdot \log _2 n\).

The described stack layout uses \(\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) stacks for the intra-layer edges, \(2\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) stacks for the even inter-layer edges, and \(2\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) stacks for the odd inter-layer edges, thus \(5\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) stacks in total. This concludes the proof.   \(\square \)

Queue Layout Construction. Vertex ordering \(\sigma ^q\) is defined as (refer to Fig. 2) \(\rho _0,\sigma ^q_{1,0},\sigma ^q_{2,0},\dots ,\sigma ^q_{k,0},\rho _1,\sigma ^q_{1,1},\sigma ^q_{2,1},\dots ,\sigma ^q_{k,1},\dots ,\rho _p,\sigma ^q_{1,p},\sigma ^q_{2,p},\dots ,\sigma ^q_{k,p}\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Illustration for the queue layout construction.

The vertex ordering \(\sigma ^q\) satisfies the layer-by-layer invariant, given that vertex ordering \(\sigma ^q_j\) does, for \(j=1,\dots ,k\). Then Theorem 2 is implied by the following.

Lemma 2

G has a queue layout with \(3\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) queues with vertex ordering \(\sigma ^q\).


We use distinct sets of queues for the intra- and the inter-layer edges.

Queues for the intra-layer edges. We assign each intra-layer edge uv with \(u\in S\) or \(v\in S\) to one of \(\ell \) queues \(Q_1,\dots ,Q_\ell \) as follows. Since uv is an intra-layer edge, \(\{u,v\}\subseteq V_i\), for some \(0\le i\le p\). Assume w.l.o.g. that \(u<_{\sigma ^q} v\). Then \(u\in S\) and let it be the x-th vertex of \(\rho _i\). Assign uv to \(Q_x\). The only intra-layer edges that are not yet assigned to queues belong to graphs \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\). The assignment of these edges to queues is the one computed recursively; however, we use the same set of queues to assign the edges of all graphs \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\).

The proof that no two intra-layer edges in the same queue nest is the same as the proof no two intra-layer edges in the same stack cross in Lemma 1 (with the word “nest” replacing “cross” and with \(\sigma ^q\) replacing \(\sigma ^s\)). The proof that the number of queues we use for the intra-layer edges is at most \(\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) is also the same as the proof that the number of stacks we use for the intra-layer edges is at most \(\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) in Lemma 1.

Queues for the inter-layer edges. We assign each inter-layer edge uv with \(u\in S\) or \(v\in S\) to one of \(2\ell \) queues \(Q'_1,\dots ,Q'_{2\ell }\) as follows. Since uv is an inter-layer edge, u and v respectively belong to layers \(V_i\) and \(V_{i+1}\), for some \(0\le i\le p-1\). If \(u\in S\), then u is the x-th vertex in \(\rho _i\), for some \(1\le x \le \ell \); assign edge uv to \(Q'_x\). If \(u\notin S\), then \(v\in S\) is the y-th vertex in \(\rho _{i+1}\), for some \(1\le y \le \ell \); assign edge uv to \(Q'_{\ell + y}\). The only inter-layer edges that are not yet assigned to queues belong to graphs \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\). The assignment of these edges to queues is the one computed recursively; however, we use the same set of queues to assign the edges of all graphs \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\).

We prove that no two inter-layer edges e and \(e'\) in the same queue nest. Let \(V_i\) and \(V_{i+1}\) be the layers containing the endpoints of e. Let \(V_{i'}\) and \(V_{i'+1}\) be the layers containing the endpoints of \(e'\). Assume w.l.o.g. that \(i\le i'\). If \(i<i'\), then both endpoints of e precede the endpoint of \(e'\) in \(V_{i'+1}\) (hence \(e'\) is not nested inside e) and both endpoints of \(e'\) follow the endpoint of e in \(V_{i}\) (hence e is not nested inside \(e'\)), since \(\sigma ^q\) satisfies the layer-by-layer invariant; thus e and \(e'\) do not nest. Suppose now that \(i=i'\). If e and \(e'\) are in some queue \(Q'_h\) for \(h\in \{1, \dots , 2\ell \}\), then e and \(e'\) are both incident either to the h-th vertex of \(\rho _i\) or to the \((h-\ell )\)-th vertex of \(\rho _{i+1}\), hence they do not nest. If e and \(e'\) are in some queue different from \(Q'_1,\dots ,Q'_{2\ell }\), then \(e\in E(G_j)\) and \(e'\in E(G_{j'})\), for \(j,j'\in \{1,\dots ,k\}\). If \(j=j'\), then e and \(e'\) do not nest by induction. Otherwise, \(j\not = j'\) and then the endpoints of e alternate with those of \(e'\) in \(\sigma ^q\), since the vertices in \(\sigma ^q_{\min \{j,j'\},i}\) precede those in \(\sigma ^q_{\max \{j,j'\},i}\) and the vertices in \(\sigma ^q_{\min \{j,j'\},i+1}\) precede those in \(\sigma ^q_{\max \{j,j'\},i+1}\) in \(\sigma ^q\); hence e and \(e'\) do not nest.

We now bound the number of queues we use for the inter-layer edges of G; we claim that this number is at most \(2\ell \cdot \log _2 n\). The proof is by induction on n; the base case \(n=1\) is trivial. For any subgraph H of G, let q(H) be the number of queues we use for the inter-layer edges of H, and let \(q(n')=\max _H\{q(H)\}\) over all subgraphs H of G with \(n'\) vertices. As proved above, \(q(G)\le 2\ell + \max \{q(G_1),\dots ,q(G_k)\}\). Since each graph \(G_j\) has at most n / 2 vertices, we get that \(q(G)\le 2\ell + q(n/2)\). By induction \(q(G) \le 2\ell + 2\ell \cdot \log _2 (n/2) = 2\ell \cdot \log _2 n\).

Thus, the described queue layout uses \(\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) queues for the intra-layer edges and \(2\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) queues for the inter-layer edges, thus \(3\ell \cdot \log _2 n\) queues in total. This concludes the proof.   \(\square \)