
1 Introduction

Cloud computing is evolving in both public and private cloud networks [14]. A third option involves a hybrid or federated cloud [2, 16], drawing resources from both public and/or private clouds. The benefits include virtualization capabilities and outsourcing strategies. It is estimated that by 2016 the growth in cloud computing will consume the bulk of IT spend, whereby nearly half of all large enterprises will comprise hybrid cloud service deployments by end of 2017 [6].

However, exploiting cloud services poses great complexity. As development becomes increasingly distributed across multiple heterogeneous and evolving networks, it proves increasingly difficult to manage interoperable and portable cloud resource solutions. Moreover, cloud applications inherently possess varying resource requirements during different phases of their life-cycle [9, 14]. Consequently, designing effective cloud management solutions that cope with both heterogeneous and dynamic environments remains a deeply challenging problem.

Existing cloud management solutions typically rely on procedural programming (general-purpose or low-level scripting) languages [9, 10, 13, 14, 20]. Prominent examples include: Puppet, Juju, Docker and Amazon OpsWorks, [5]. This implies even DevOps (i.e. software and/or system engineers who design, develop, deploy and manage cloud applications) are forced to understand the different low-level cloud service APIs, command line syntax, Web interfaces, and procedural programming constructs - in order to create and maintain complex cloud configurations. Moreover, the problem intensifies with the increasing variety of cloud services, together with different resource requirements and constraints for each application. This inevitably leads to an inflexible and costly environment which adds considerable complexity, demands extensive programming effort, requires multiple and continuous patches, and perpetuates closed cloud solutions.

Drawing analogies from service representation (e.g. Web Service Description Language (WSDL)), and composition techniques (e.g. Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)), we are inspired to likewise support the abstract representation and orchestration of cloud resource by devising rich abstractions to reason about cloud resource requirements and their constraints. In this paper we therefore investigate how to effectively represent, organize and manipulate otherwise low-level, complex, cross-layer cloud resource descriptions into meaningful and higher-level segments. We believe this would greatly simplify the representation, manipulation as well as reuse of heterogeneous cloud resources. To enable this, we propose a methodology to support the automated translation of high-level resource requirements to underlying provider-specific resource and service calls. More specifically, this paper makes the following main contributions:

Domain-Specific Models to effectively represent, manage and share Cloud Resources. The ability to share and reuse cloud artifacts offer a powerful enhancement to DevOps’ productivity. However, as these artifacts are inherently low-level and heterogenous between different cloud platforms, sharing such artifacts are almost useless in practice. To address this, we propose Domain-specific Models (DSMs) for representing cloud resources and their management strategies as high-level entities. Based on the Entity-Relationship (ER) model, our proposed model features: a vocabulary and set of constructs for describing or representing both elementary (e.g. VMs, DBs, load balancers), and federated cloud resources (e.g. packaged virtual appliances); and their relationships (e.g. dependencies, configuration parameters, resource constraints). We architect this layer over existing cloud management platforms to harness interoperability capabilities. This means cloud resources could be easily combined to create higher-level virtual entities, called Federated cloud resources, thereby masking the complexity and heterogeneity from the underlying cloud services. For instance, by identifying common concepts among different tools, we can seamlessly merge those features for end-to-end configuration. For example, a VM deployed by Vagrant can be modified by another tool, such as Puppet with fine-grained configuration tasks (e.g., installing software within the VM) that are not supported by the initial tool. We assume one particular DevOps who is an expert of a particular cloud tool would specify the associated Domain-specific Model at the onset.

Connectors for automated translation of DSM-based models into native resource artifacts. Connectors accomplish the magic behind the scenes. As mentioned, there are a large variety of resource representation languages (e.g. procedural, activity based and declarative); as well as several different types of tools/APIs to manage/orchestrate these resources; that all may need to adapt to different environments (i.e., public, private and federated). This three-fold level of heterogeneity make cloud resource management a tedious task. We therefore propose the notion of Connectors, which provide a high-level interface (i.e. API) for DevOps to deploy, configure and manage cloud resources. As mentioned, the proposed Domain-Specific Model could be used to represent resource configuration using high-level entities and relationships. Behind the scenes, connectors are thereby able to: (a) translate these high-level descriptions into their native format (e.g., files, shell code snippets); and (b) interpret what are the required management operations and transform them into low-level API calls. For example, to create an Image using Docker’s Remote API, traditionally DevOps would need to be skilled in the tool’s communication protocolFootnote 1. This is alleviated using our proposed approach. In addition, Connectors may include basic events that are to be monitored by periodically querying for data using low-level APIs. DevOps are thus empowered to write automated management processes such as Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules and workflows over the operations exposed by the Connectors. We assume Connectors are implemented by DevOps, who have expertise in programming and knowledge on the particular cloud tool.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, we investigate in the context of example scenarios, specific limitations amongst existing cloud management techniques. In Sect. 3, we present our proposed system architecture. In Sect. 4, we elucidate our domain-specific model, with a case-study on Docker. In Sect. 5, we discuss our implementation, while in Sect. 6 we present our implementation and evaluation. In Sect. 7, we examine related work, and conclude with remarks and a discussion of future work.

2 Limitations in Current Cloud Management Solutions

As mentioned, current cloud management solutions rely on low-level script-based languages. For example, Ubuntu Juju employs CharmsFootnote 2; and similarly Docker employs Dockerfiles Footnote 3). Charms and Dockerfiles are a collection of configuration attributes and executable scripts that configure, install and start an application. Inevitably constructs of these scripts typically include basic commands (e.g., RUN, COPY, CMD), which provide little or no abstraction for DevOps to identify the main attributes and relationships of the constituent cloud resources.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

(a) Components and Relationships of a Node.js Web application Stack; (b) List of available cloud Configuration and Management Interfaces

Scenario 1. Consider describing composite cloud resources: A Web Application stack, with a Node.js application engine and MySQL database. DevOps could describe attributes (e.g. memory, size) of these resources, as well as their relationship (e.g. app engine stores data in database), using Dockerfiles. Docker provides either a RESTful or CLI interface to interpret Dockerfiles in order to build, deploy, monitor and control necessary resources known as Containers on a given Virtual Machine (VM) (refer to Fig. 1(a)). However, as Docker does not support configuring and deploying VMsFootnote 4, another cloud management tool would be needed, such as AWS-EC2 CLI or Rackspace CLI. This therefore forces DevOps to employ multiple tools to automate end-to-end management tasks.

Moreover, considering that every cloud management tool employs their own resource description models, management capabilities and interfaces – the challenges described above only increases several-fold. For example, Fig. 1(b) lists the variety of heterogeneous configuration and management interfaces exposed by different tools. Consequently, these ad-hoc scripts introduce hard-coded dependencies among resources that are orchestrated by different tools. Reusing knowledge artifacts, which include such ad-hoc scripts is not scalable as DevOps are required to manually analyze those knowledge artifacts in order to apply cross-domain relationships among resources within a composite cloud solution.

Scenario 2. This time consider the case of federated cloud resource management. For example, VMs deployed and managed amongst two different cloud services, such as AWS and Backspace. If additional VMs would want to be added (in order to improve reliability and handle increasing demands of the Web application), DevOps would need to implement additional orchestration scripts that monitor the application load and deploy the Web application in either AWS or Rackspace based on a certain load-balancing algorithm. However, both AWS and Rackspace employ different formats of access credentials and management interfaces to deploy VMs.

Overall the level of heterogeneity amongst current cloud solutions entails great complexity when exploiting cloud services. More specifically, with existing cloud delivery models, developing a new cloud-based solution generally leads to uncontrollable fragmentation across the use of different cloud languages and tools (e.g., Puppet, Chef, Juju, Docker, SmartFrog, AWS OpsWorks) [4, 5, 7, 8]. This makes it very difficult to develop interoperable and portable cloud solutions. It also degrades performance as applications cannot be partitioned or migrated easily into another cloud platform when demand cycles increase.

3 Next-Generation Cloud Resource Management: Architecture Overview

The next-generation in cloud resource management with require ease of interoperability - enhanced productivity with a viable opportunity for reuse. The limitations mentioned above is an immense setback. To overcome this, we propose a layered architecture (see Fig. 2) that enables: (a) Domain-Specific Models (DSM) (for high-level representation and management models of cloud resources; and (b) Connectors (to automate translation of these high-level DSMs into low level resource descriptions and management scrips.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

System Overview

Domain-Specific Models layer consists of three sub-layers: (i) Tool-specific resource layer; (ii) Federated resource layer; and (iii) Task-specific resource layer. All sub-layers consist of a collection of DSMs. Starting from bottom-up, the tool-specific resource layer include DSMs that represents cloud resource entities (e.g., resource descriptions, management rules) and relationships among those entities of a ‘particular’ cloud tool. For example, Docker DSM describe linked entities that are provided specifically by the Docker engine. Tool-specific Domain-specific Models can also be combined to create higher-level DSMs that represent federated cloud resources, which may be managed by two or more existing cloud tools. For example, a customer relationship management application of an organization, which is deployed in a public cloud service (e.g., AWS), may access a client information database server, which is managed within the organization’s private cloud infrastructure (e.g., VMWare). Finally, the task-specific resource layer represent “splices” of the fundamental DSM that are reformulated to specific types of categories. For example, DSMs for the Database Community may include models that facilitate key-value storages, relational databases and graph databases. The extended goals of DSMs are also to abstract unwanted heterogeneous notations in order to simplify for the end-developer. DSMs can thus be customized to further accommodate this.

Connectors layer, are essentially the glue between the high-level DSM model and underlying cloud tool – it serves to abstract an otherwise complex and heterogenous interface into a simplistic and interoperable one. Connectors assume a DSM has been defined for a particular cloud tool. As we will describe in the next section, a particular DSM has both a description model and actionable management model. Connectors utilize both these models to auto translate high-level calls into low-level actions. We have observed every cloud tool supports three basic operations: deploy, control (or reconfigure) and undeploy. Accordingly, we have built Connectors to function with the following interface:

init(resource_model): Translates a high-level resource DSM-based “description model” into its native script, (e.g. files, shell code) and returns a unique-ID.

deploy(resource_model): The runtime selects a particular connector implementation that can deploy the inputted resource configuration model. The connector implements runs the tool-specific deploy command.

control(resource_ID, actions): Actions are also described using the high-level DSM-based “management model”. The connector implementation maps this into low-level API calls to apply over the inputted resource_ID.

undeploy(resource_ID): The runtime detects the appropriate Connector and calls the undeploy operation over the specified resource.

Additionally, connectors are also vital for enabling dynamic control. As we will describe in the next section, our “management model” also support events (e.g., connection failure to VM), and DevOps may annotate resource configurations with simple rules that trigger actions upon particular events.

4 Extracting Domain-Specific Models

As mentioned, we have adopted the Entity-Relationship (ER) notation to represent Domain-Specific Models. The process of building DSMs for a particular tool involves analyzing existing knowledge sources (e.g. language specifications, user documentations, forums and resource description repositories) to understand key entities for describing resources. We assume at least one domain expert would contribute this for a particular, which may then be reused multiple times by other DevOps. Next, we extracted relationships between the entities by understanding how entities are associated when describing composite cloud resources. Similarly, we extracted what actions and events are provided by these tools, such as for manipulating the given resource. These events and actions allow DevOps to annotate resource descriptions with ECA rules.

In essence, our embryonic data-model consists of the following elements:

  1. 1.

    Resource Description Model: It describes cloud resources in terms of relevant entities (and their attributes), as well as their interconnection of relationships. For example, a VM entity may include CPU, memory and storage as attributes.

  2. 2.

    Resource Management Model: It allows to specify cloud management operations, particularly to configure, deploy, monitor and control cloud resources. This model consists of two sub-models:

    1. (a)

      Action Model: It specifies available actions (e.g., deploy, configure, migrate) to manage cloud resources. It is expressed a set of entities with relevant attributes that express required input and output parameters.

    2. (b)

      Event Model: It expresses events related to the lifecycle of cloud resources in terms of entities with necessary attributes that describe events [14]. It should be noted that, the issues of event detection while important, are complementary to the research issues addressed in our work and thus outside the scope of this paper.

The benefit of the model, as stated earlier, is that DSMs enables DevOps to work with a high-level design that captures cloud resources as entities and relationships. Concrete cloud configurations can be described based on the DSM. Additionally, DSMs provide a lightweight documentation approach. In contrast with existing script-based approaches, complex resource configurations are often only documented separately in form of ad-hoc Wikis that quickly gets outdates unless continuously maintained. Additionally, our ER-based model inherently supports machine-readable syntax, which can be consumed by software like Connectors to automatically generate cloud resource descriptions, deployment and management scripts.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Domain-specific Model for Docker

4.1 Docker Case-Study

We built DSMs for a diverse range of tools and languages, including: Docker, Juju and TOSCA. Due to space constraints, we have chosen Docker as a case-study to illustrate in this paper (see Fig. 3). Docker is an open-source and emerging industry standard. (Example of other models have been published onlineFootnote 5

By analyzing the provided specificationsFootnote 6 \(^,\) Footnote 7, we identified six key resource description entity types: (1) Container, (2) Image, (3) Application, (4) Registry, (5) Hosting-Machine and (6) Cluster (refer to Fig. 3).

The central entity: Container represents a virtualized software container where DevOps may deploy an application. Deployment knowledge of the application and its dependencies is represented via the entity, Image. Such knowledge is either represented using one monolithic Image instance or a set of Image instances. In other words, the Image possesses deployment knowledge required to instantiate a Container. An Application represents a logical entity that includes a collection of related Containers. Each Container constitutes a component of the Application. The entity Registry represents a repository of Images where DevOps organize, curate and share resource deployment knowledge. The entity Hosting-Machine represents the location where a Container is hosted (e.g., VM or physical machine). A Cluster represents a set of Hosting Machines. This reduces the overhead of dynamically managing multiple machines. For example, the Cluster may automatically decide which Hosting Machine will be chosen to deploy the given container based on an optimization algorithm [15].

We then derive the attributes that characterize each entity; and the relationships amongst them. For example, the relationship between Hosting-Machine and Container is Deployment. The Containment relationship defines the hierarchical organization of entities. For example, a Containment relationships exist between a Container and its related Application; and between a Hosting-Machine and its related Cluster. Similarly, we derive all other relevant relationships.

Next we extract actions. For example, create, start, stop, pause and delete to manipulate Containers. As well as all other actions that Docker offers.

We then extract basic events that are supportedFootnote 8. Such as: @Created, @Started, @Stopped, @Paused, @Running and @Killed, to detect the runtime state of Containers.

We then specify additional events that are not directly supported by the tool, but are required by the Connector for resource management. For example, we may specify a periodic event that includes memory usage data of a particular Container. In addition, we may specify composite events based on previously extracted events using an existing event-pattern specification language (e.g., Esper EPL). For example, we may specify a composite event, which gets triggered if the memory usage of a Container exceeds 95 % and then the Container is killed, to identify Containers that get crashed due to the shortage of available memory.

5 Implementation

Curating DSMs and Connectors. Our design is based on crowd-driven incremental contributions, whereby domain experts of a particular tool collectively participate in curating (i.e. creating and/or updating) DSMs. In our current implementation, we serialize entities and relationships using JSON-Schema. DSMs therefore produce high-level cloud resource schemas that enforce constraints over entity attributes (e.g. datatype, optionality); and relationships (e.g. cardinality). Additionally, actions and events of DSMs may also be defined. Complex or customizable events are also supported using Esper EPL Footnote 9.

Similarly, experts may also contribute Connectors, by providing the necessary business logic for each specified operations that make up the connector interface. Earlier at Sect. 3, we defined a generic programmable interface for DevOps to implement connectors, this include four mandatory operations. Additionally, a Connector may have any number of operations that implement the actions specified in the relevant DSM. For example, Docker defines a createContainer method, which: (i) accepts the name of an Image; (ii) prepare the Hosting-Machine to deploy a Container; and (iii) invoke docker run command in the Docker CLIFootnote 10 along with an Image. A snippet of a connector interface is shown at Fig. 4.

Once both the DSM and Connector/s are registered, DevOps are then able to create cloud resources and moreover, implement management processes/rules based on the simplicity offered by the high-level DSM.

User-Interface. Our current implementation provides a Command-Line Interface (CLI), as well as a prototypical Graphical User Interface (GUI). Our GUI includes DSM Editor that enables curators to graphically specify the structure of entities, relationships, actions and events when describing a DSM. We reuse Java-script library named JSON Schema Based Editor Footnote 11 for the generation and verification of JSON schemas.

The CLI can also accomplish DSM specifications albeit programmatically. In addition, the CLI enables DevOp to invoke operations. For example, calling the init and deployContainer actions in order to deploy a Container within the Docker runtime (refer to Code 1.1). Behind the scenes an appropriate connector is selected, which fires the action call. DevOps are required to first locate the DSM, as shown at Listing 1.1.

figure a

Automated Translation into Native Artifacts. Figure 4 provides an illustrative overview. The translation logic utilizes both the preregistered DSM and Connector/s. A DevOp may then describe a resource configuration: in this example, a MySQL and Node.js Web application (based on Scenario 1 we described in Sect. 2). Subsequently, a Dockerfile and file is automatically generated for each resource. Note: The files shown in Fig. 4 are for illustrative purposes only. For larger print, readers are directed to our online (See footnote 5).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Automated translation of high-level models into native artifacts

Similarly, the file is generated based on a sequence of commands, which: (a) reads the Dockerfile; (b) generates a concrete Image; (c) uploads the generated Image to a specified Registry (i.e., Registry-1); and (d) creates a concrete Container from the concrete Image in a specified Hosting-Machine (i.e., HostingMachine-1). The file may also include commands to instantiate relationships (e.g. Links and Volumes) between dependent concrete Containers. The transformation logic extracts the required input data for these commands from attributes that were defined in Docker’s DSM.

In addition, management scripts such as event/action rules are also auto-translated into low-level API calls. For example, a management rule, that creates new Containers to handle increasing load is depicted at the bottom of Fig. 4. The generated file depicts a sequence of API calls which: (a) logs-in to a particular Hosting-Machine; (b) creates an Image (if it doesn’t already exist); and (c) creates and starts a Container.

Storage. We utilize a JSON Object Store; a GitFootnote 12 repository to store and share DSMs and their objects as JSON files. Related cloud resource descriptions are organized into separate folders within the repository. The JSON Object Store allows keeping multiple versions of JSON files and trigger events when certain modifications (e.g., store, update, delete cloud resource descriptions) occur. These features are very useful to dynamically reconfigure cloud resources and roll-back to a previous stable configuration if an error occurs.

Event Management System. We detect and process lower-level monitoring events (e.g., (re)starting, CPU and memory usage) from different cloud services (e.g., Docker, AWS), and thereby generate higher-level events for DevOps. Events to be collected are defined as part of the DSM. We support both Pull and PuSH -based detection. We use Fluentd Footnote 13 to perform polling and extract JSON-based events. For example, events related to state changes of Containers as per Docker’s DSM. For extracting PuSH-based events, we leverage Apache CamelFootnote 14. For specifying, processing and generating high-level events we use Esper EPL. High-level events enable defining events based on a series of low-level events. For example, Esper may trigger an event named CPULoad-High for a particular Application in Docker if the CPU usage of each Container of the Application is over 95 %, (as illustrated in Fig. 4). We also implement a Java-based event publishing channel for consumers (such as the Rule Processor) to subscribe.

Rule Processor. We also support automation capabilities via simple reactive rules. For example, DevOps may specify if @Stopped then #notify, which implies if some resource has stopped, perform some notification action. We greatly simplify the definition of by reusing our previous work [3], where we adopted a “knowledge-based” approach, which means APIs and their constituents (i.e. operations, input/output types) of the orchestration tools are loaded in a knowledge-base. This makes it possible to write high-level rule definitions and translate into concrete actions. At Fig. 4, we showed a simple rule. The listen-to construct specifies events to detect; the trigger construct specifies what actions to invoke; and the map construct describes the required input parameters for the invocation.

6 Evaluation

We conducted a user-study to evaluate the following hypotheses: H, the Domain-Specific Model approach is more efficient to accurately configure and deploy cloud resources. We measured efficiency as the time taken to complete the tasks and the number of lines-of-code excluding whitespace; whereas accuracy was determined by deploying each cloud resource description and checking whether the resultant deployment complied with the initial deployment specification.

Participant Selection and Grouping. Participants were sourced with diverse levels of technical expertise. For the sake of analysis, we classified a total of 14 participants into 2 main groups: (I) Experts (8 participants) with sophisticated understanding of cloud orchestration tools with 2–8 years of experience. And (II) Generalists (6 participants) who have average knowledge of cloud orchestration tool for day-to-day requirements, with around 1–5 years of experience.

Use-Case. We asked participants to configure and deploy the following scenario: A platform that requires an AWS-EC2 VM where a Docker Container resides within. The container includes RedmineFootnote 15, a project management service, and a Git clientFootnote 16. The Redmine service is intended to: (i) extract commits from a specified source repository in GitHub via the Git client; and (ii) link them with relevant bug reports. In addition an AWS-S3 bucket (i.e. key-value store), which acts as a software distribution repository, is required.

Experimental Setup. Prior to the experiment, participants attended an individual training session, where our tool was explained via a hands-on presentation. We also explained them the use-case scenario. For quantitative comparison purposes, we conducted the same experiment against two third-party tools: Docker and Juju. Only a total of 8 and 5 out of 14 DevOps participated in the Docker and Juju based experiments respectively. This was due to some DevOps not having expertise and confidence to use those tools. In addition, a total of 7 participants implemented the same deployment specification using Shell scripts to estimate an upper bound of the test results.

6.1 Experiment Results and Analysis

Evaluation of H. The hypothesis H was evaluated based on the time taken and number of lines-of-code. Alternatively, we sought to disprove the null hypothesis H \(_0\). The hypothesis was examined by conducting a t-test with a probability threshold of 5 %, and assuming unequal variance.

As shown in Fig. 5, it was pleasantly surprising that even generalists demonstrated a significant increase in efficiency (i.e. reduction in time and lines-of-code). More specifically, the time taken to complete the task was reduced by 31 % in comparison to there other approaches. Similarly, the number of lines-of-code was reduced by 37.2 %. Participants reported that they much rather preferred an entity-relationship (ER) based abstraction for describing resources, as opposed to script-based languages that are provided by otherwise widely adopted cloud management tools, such as Docker and JuJu. DevOps confirmed this greatly helped improve their configuration and deployment time.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Results (Time, grouped by expertise); t-test Results; and Lines-of-Code

On the other hand, our approach assumes that appropriate Domain-Specific Models and Connectors have been defined and registered. This does incur additional costs to implement, however we argue this is typically a one-off for the benefit of many. Once registered, countless DevOps would benefit over many occasions. Moreover, our knowledge-driven approach implies knowledge (such as high-level representations of cloud resource configurations) can be incrementally shared and collectively reused, which significantly improve productivity to implement federated management spanning across multiple cloud services.

Due to the vast number of alternative tools, and project-based constraints, a more exhaustive comparative experiment was outside the scope. However, given the notable differences in times (mean of 63, against 93, 72 and 101 min), we postulate it is unlikely to observe fundamental differences when comparing with any other tools similar to Docker or Juju. Accordingly, given our observations the likelihood of H \(_0\) (equal mean modeling time) was around 5 %. Therefore, we could safely reject these null hypotheses, and imply the truth of H.

7 Related Work and Concluding Remarks

Tools such as, Puppet, Chef, Juju, Docker, SmartFrog and AWS OpsWorks, as well as various research initiatives [4, 5, 7, 8, 19], all provide domain specific languages to represent and manage resources in a cloud environment. These languages are either template-based or model-driven [11].

Cloud Resource Representation and Management Languages. Template-based approaches (e.g., Open Virtualization Format) aggregate resources from a lower-level of the cloud stack and expose the package, along with some configurability options, to a higher-layer. Model-driven approaches (e.g., TOSCA [12]) define various models of the application at different levels of the cloud stack, and aim to automate the deployment of abstract pre-defined composite solutions on cloud infrastructure [9, 14]. Our approach proposes Domain-specific Models – a methodology to extract cloud resource management entities from such model-driven and template-based languages. In contrast, our approach invites an interoperable vocabulary to build elementary and federated cloud resources, as an abstract-layer over these “multiple and diverse languages”.

Enabling Federated Cloud Management. Federation of cloud resources implies building cross-provider solutions. For example, Hosting-Machine in Docker represents a VM where Containers are deployed, albeit the Docker run-time itself cannot provision VMs. JuJu on the other hand focuses on managing a set of VMs, and can provision these VMs. To support this, we require a middleware that either: (i) defines a unified cloud resource language; or (ii) provide a pluggable architecture that accepts and interprets different resource models. The former is clearly not feasible, would be costly and require existing tools to undergo major architectural changes or complex model transformations to conform to a new language provided by the middleware. We thus believe the latter approach provides a more pragmatic and adaptive solution that can be integrated amongst a set of already existing and prevalent tools. To solve this gap, we thus precisely propose the notion of Domain-specific models, to automate end-to-end deployment (e.g. Docker Containers on VMs which are provisioned by Juju).

Model-Driven Approach and Combating Heterogeneity. TOSCA is an open-standard for unified representation and orchestration of cloud resources [12]. Wettinger et al. proposes a model transformation technique that generates TOSCA-based descriptions from resource descriptions in Chef and Juju [18]. MODAClouds [1] is another approach to design and manage multi-cloud applications. It proposes four layers that incrementally transform functional and non-functional requirements of applications into tool-specific resource tasks. Konstantinous et al. [8] presents a description and deployment model that first models a resource as a provider-independent resource configuration, called “Virtual Solution Model”, and then another party can transform the provider-independent model to a provider-specific model called, “Virtual Deployment Model”. However, this approach only allows users to compose federated resource configurations from a single provider for a single deployment. In contrast, our approach considers the resource federation from multiple providers as a first class citizen.

Summary. The “cloud” plays an increasingly vital role in modern-computing technology. Accordingly, a vast variety of configuration and management tools have been proposed, albeit they differ with respect to representation language, as well as user-interface. Overall they assume a low-level and sophisticated programmatic approach. The paper provides an innovative approach for dealing with this: Firstly, in stead of competing with existing approaches, we embrace them by providing a “higher-level” and “interoperable” layer via the notion of Domain-specific Models. Such models can recompose to even higher-level models, in order to capture a particular use-case. Moreover, we encourage a knowledge-sharing paradigm unlike any other existing approach. We realized our approach via a pluggable architecture (i.e., Connectors) – a programmable interface that allows DevOps to deploy and manage high-level cloud resource representations. Behind the scenes, Connectors translate high-level models into native scripts. We evaluated our work with a user-study that yielded significantly promising results. We are therefore confident our work provides an innovative approach to a new way of cloud management. As future work, we plan to integrate a recommender system, and visual notations based on our previous work [17].