
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Mobile cloud computing becomes more and more attracting in cloud-assisted networks. However, security risks of mobile computing may hinder its wide applications. Since data are outsourced to the cloud, it is required that data must be stored securely, while allowing legal access for authenticated users. Traditional encryption techniques supporting limited access control are not seamlessly applicable to mobile cloud computing. Public-Index Predicate Encryption (PIPE) is an emerging asymmetric encryption allowing fine-grained access control over encrypted data. In a PIPE system, the access control policy is described by a predicate. A ciphertext is associated with a ciphertext attribute, and a secret key is assigned to a key attribute. One can decrypt if and only if the ciphertext attribute specified in the ciphertext matches the key attribute in his/her secret key according to the pre-defined predicate.

PIPE is a general cryptographic concept capturing a wide range of cryptographic primitives, including Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) [5, 34], Revocation Encryption (RE) [23], Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) [33] in Key-Policy settings [15] and in Ciphertext-Policy settings [2]. PIPE is classified into two categories: Small Universe PIPE (SU-PIPE) and Large Universe PIPE (LU-PIPE). In SU-PIPE, the size of attribute is polynomially bounded in security parameter [9, 12, 15], which poses constraints in practice. LU-PIPE does not suffer from this constraint and its attribute space can be exponentially large [25, 31, 32]. This desirable feature makes many instances of LU-PIPE, e.g., (H)IBE [19, 20], ABE [39], become attractive to secure mobile cloud computing.

There are still hindrances for LU-PIPE to be widely deployed in mobile cloud computing. Most LU-PIPE schemes require time-consuming algebraic operations and encryption time grows with the number of ciphertext attributes. This may limit their efficiency. When the encryption is run on a mobile device, it may raise poor user experience with long latency and meanwhile, exhaust the battery quickly. Moreover, since LU-PIPE is usually suggested to secure data stored on untrusted but powerful servers, a strong security level, i.e., CCA2 security, is necessary for holding against powerful active attackers. Note that CCA2-secure LU-PIPE is less efficient than its CPA-secure counterpart. This further deteriorates the resource consumption and user experience.

Online/offline encryption may mitigate the efficiency problem. The encryption is split into offline and online phases. In the offline phase, an encryptor conducts the majority of the computation task on a high-end computer or when battery recharge before knowing the ciphertext attributes. In the online phase, the encryptor needs only few computations to fulfill the encryption when knowing the corresponding ciphertext attributes. In this way, it is feasible to implement LU-PIPE on resource-limited mobile devices with desirable user experience.

Several online/offline PIPE (OO-PIPE) schemes have been designed in an ad hoc way [10, 17, 18, 27, 29]. It is desirable to investigate generic OO-PIPE transformation from LU-PIPE. Theoretically, such a work allows a better understanding on LU-PIPE and online/offline mechanism. Practically, it enables one to instantly obtain OO-PIPE with better security and/or efficiency whenever an advantageous LU-PIPE scheme is available.

1.1 Our Contributions

We aim at proposing a framework for constructing OO-PIPE with CCA2 security. Our contribution includes the following aspects.

We start by identifying a useful property, i.e., attribute-malleability consisting of private malleability and public malleability, of many LU-PIPE schemes. The private malleability allows an encryptor to malleate a ciphertext associated with one ciphertext attribute to a ciphertext associated with any given ciphertext attribute at a very low cost. In contrast, the public malleability states that even through others may malleate a ciphertext associated with one ciphertext attribute to a ciphertext associated with some other ciphertext attribute, they cannot know (the key of) any matching key attribute.

We propose a generic CPA-secure OO-PIPE construction from attribute-malleable CPA-secure LU-PIPE. With private malleability, an encryptor prepares a ciphertext under a randomly chosen ciphertext attribute in the offline phase, and then replaces it with the target ciphertext attribute in the online phase. With public malleability, we show that the security of the resulting OO-PIPE can be tightly reduced to the CPA security of the underlying LU-PIPE.

We next propose a generic CCA2-secure OO-PIPE construction from any CPA-secure attribute-malleable LU-PIPE with public-verifiability. The public-verifiability states that there exists a public verification mechanism to verify whether the ciphertext has been honestly generated. This property enables one to establish a built-in LU-PIPE ciphertext validation check mechanism. We further exploit universally collision resistant Chameleon hash for ciphertext validation so that an encryptor can replace the randomly encrypted ciphertext attribute in the offline phase with the target ciphertext attribute in the online phase, while an attacker cannot make such malleation.

Technically, our constructions offer a novel application of Chameleon hash in encryption systems. Chameleon hash was previously used in (online/offline) signature applications [35]. It has been recently used as a security proof tool in constructing CCA2-secure KP-ABE [28]. We strengthen regular Chameleon hash with universal collision resistance and propose a generic universally collision resistant Chameleon hash from a regular Chameleon hash and a standard cryptographic hash. Our work illustrates the unique value of Chameleon hash in online/offline encryption cryptosystems, in contrast to its previous use in online/offline signatures.

1.2 Related Work

LU-PIPE. The simplest LU-PIPE is IBE that was theoretically introduced by Shamir [34] and practically constructed by Boneh and Franklin [5]. In 2005, Sahai and Waters [33] proposed Fuzzy IBE with a more expressive predicate. The concept of ABE, a versatile type of LU-PIPE, was also introduced in their work. Subsequently, two types of ABE, i.e., KP-ABE and CP-ABE, were respectively proposed by Goyal et al. [15] and Bethencourt et al. [2]. These schemes are proven secure in the selective security model. Fully secure ABE constructions were provided by Okamoto et al. [30, 31] and Lewko et al. [26]. They follow the dual system encryption methodology due to Waters [36] and Lewko et al. [24] to achieve fully security. Another kind of typical LU-PIPE systems, i.e., Revocation Encryption (RE), was introduced by Lewko, Sahai and Waters [23] in the selective and fully security model.

CCA2-Secure LU-PIPE. Many researches have devoted their efforts to the constructions of CCA2-secure LU-PIPE schemes. The Canetti-Halevi-Katz approach [8] is widely used for the CCA2 security transformation at the cost of one-time signatures. Their approach was first applied for converting CPA-secure IBE to CCA2-secure PKE, and converting CPA-secure Hierarchical IBE (HIBE) to CCA2-secure IBE. It was later used to obtain CCA2-secure KP-ABE from CPA-secure KP-ABE by Goyal et al. [15], and CCA2-secure CP-ABE from CPA-secure CP-ABE by Cheung et al. [2]. Yamada et al. [37] generalized this approach and introduced a generic framework to transform CPA-secure ABE to CCA2-secure ABE. Yamada et al. [38] further extended this approach into PE settings and showed that any CPA-secure PE scheme could be converted into a CCA2-secure one assuming that the underlying PE scheme is verifiable, i.e., all legitimate receivers of a ciphertext can obtain the same message upon decryption. All the above CCA2-secure PE constructions need one-time signatures. Boyen et al. [7] introduced a shrink approach to obtain CCA2-secure PKE from CPA-secure IBE using standard collision resistant hash functions, by exploiting the specific ciphertext structure of the underlying schemes [4]. Recently, Liu et al. [28] refined this technique in KP-ABE and proposed a direct CCA2-secure KP-ABE scheme from the Rouselakis-Waters KP-ABE [32].

OO-PIPE. Online/offline cryptosystems were first proposed by Even et al. [11]. The goal of design is to have a very short response time after a pre-processing phase in which all expensive operations are pre-computed. They instantiated this technique in the context of digital signatures. The signing process is divided into online and offline phases. Most of the computation work is done in the offline phase without knowledge of the message to be signed. Once the message to be signed is given, the resulting signature can be quickly obtained in the online phase. Shamir and Tauman [35] showed how to use Chameleon hash functions to transform any digital signature scheme to an online/offline signature scheme. In the online phase, one only needs to find a Chameleon hash collision, which usually only requires several modular multiplications [22]. Guo et al. [17] considered online/offline variants of the Boneh-Boyen IBE [3] and the Gentry IBE [14], followed by the work of Liu et al. [27]. Subsequently, online/offline HIBE [29] and online/offline Identity-Based Key Encapsulation [10] were proposed. Hohenberger and Waters [18] proposed CPA-secure online/offline ABE schemes based on the Rouselakis-Waters ABE [32]. Most of the existing CCA2-secure OO-PIPE schemes employ the Canetti-Halevi-Katz approach [17, 29] with the help of one-time signatures. Chow et al. [10] presented a generic transformation to get CCA2-secure OO-IBE from any OO-IBE in the key encapsulation mechanism. Their transformation, inspired by the technique from Fujisaki and Okamoto [13], is actually very efficient, although one needs to model the output of the hash function as a random oracle.

2 Preliminaries

We write [ab] to denote the set \(\{a, a+1, \cdots , b\}\) containing consecutive integers, and [a] as shorthand for [1, a] if there is no ambiguity. For a set S, we use |S| to denote the number of elements in S. We use \(s_1, s_2, \cdots , s_n \overset{R}{\leftarrow } S\) for \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) to represent that \(s_i \overset{R}{\leftarrow } S\) for each \(i \in [n]\).

For a randomized algorithm \(\textsf {A}\), we denote \(y \leftarrow \textsf {A}(x; R)\) as the process of running the algorithm \(\textsf {A}\) on input x with randomness R to output y, where R is sampled from the space \(\mathcal {R}_{\textsf {A}}\), i.e., \(R \overset{R}{\leftarrow } \mathcal {R}_{\textsf {A}}\). We interchangeably use the notations \(y \leftarrow \textsf {A}(x)\) and \(y \leftarrow \textsf {A}(x; R)\), depending on whether we need emphasis on the randomness. We denote \(S[\textsf {A}(x)]\) as the range space of \(\textsf {A}\) with the input x.

2.1 Definition of LU-PIPE

We follow the LU-PIPE definition given by Yamada et al. [38]. We work in the Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) setting, where the ciphertext hides a symmetric session key key for encryption of regular digital contents. Let \({U} = \{0, 1\}^*\) be an attribute space and \(P_n = \{K_n \times E_n \rightarrow \{0, 1\} | n \in \mathbb {N}\}\) be a large universe predicate family, where n denotes the dimension of the predicate \(P_n\). Let \(K_n\) denote the “key attribute” space and \(E_n\) denote the “ciphertext attribute” space over U. A Large Universe Public-Index Predicate KEM (LU-PIP-KEM) for \(P_n\) consists of four polynomial time algorithms:

\((msk, pp) \leftarrow \textsf {Setup}(\lambda , n)\). Take as inputs a security parameter \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\) and a dimension n of the predicate \(P_n\). It outputs a master secret key msk and a public parameter pp.

\(sk_x \leftarrow \textsf {KeyGen}(pp, msk, x)\). Take as inputs the public parameter pp, the master secret key msk, and a key attribute \(x \in K_n\). It outputs a secret key \(sk_x\) associated with the key attribute x.

\((key, ct_y) \leftarrow \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y; R_y)\). Take as inputs the public parameter pp and a ciphertext attribute \(y \in E_n\). It outputs a session key key and a ciphertext \(ct_y\) associated with the ciphertext attribute y under the randomness \(R_y\).

\(key \leftarrow \textsf {Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x)\). Take as inputs the public parameter pp, a ciphertext \(ct_y\) associated with the ciphertext attribute \(y \in E_n\), and a secret key \(sk_x\) associated with the key attribute \(x \in K_n\). It outputs the session key key.

A LU-PIP-KEM scheme is correct if for all \((msk, pp) \leftarrow \textsf {Setup}(\lambda , n)\), all \(sk_x \leftarrow \textsf {KeyGen}(pp, msk, x)\) with \(x \in K_n\), and all \((key, ct_y) \leftarrow \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y, R_y)\) with \(y \in E_n\), it holds that if \(P_n(x, y) = 1\), then \(\textsf {Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x) = key\); else if \(P_n(x, y) = 0\), then \(\textsf {Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x) = \bot \).

The chosen plaintext security in LU-PIP-KEM is defined through a game played between an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) and a challenger \(\mathcal {C}\). Both of them take the security parameter \(\lambda \) and the dimension n of the predicate as input.

Setup. \(\mathcal {C}\) runs \(\textsf {Setup}\) to generate and give the public parameter pp to \(\mathcal {A}\).

Phase 1. \(\mathcal {A}\) adaptively submits secret key queries for the key attribute \(x \in K_n\). \(\mathcal {C}\) generates a secret key \(sk_x\) for x and returns it to \(\mathcal {A}\).

Challenge. \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a challenge ciphertext attribute \(y^* \in E_n\) on which it wishes to be challenged. The challenge ciphertext attribute \(y^*\) must satisfy that \(P_n(x, y^*) = 0\) for any x that \(\mathcal {A}\) has already queried for the secret key \(sk_x\). \(\mathcal {C}\) runs \(\textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y^*)\) to obtain \((key^*, ct^*)\). Then, it flips a random coin \(b \in \{0, 1\}\). If \(b = 0\), \(\mathcal {C}\) returns \((key^*, ct^*)\) to \(\mathcal {A}\). If \(b = 1\), it selects a random session key \(key_R^*\) and returns \((key_R^*, ct^*)\).

Phase 2. Phase 1 is repeated with a restriction that \(\mathcal {A}\) cannot submit secret key queries for \(x \in K_n\) with \(P_n(x, y^*) = 1\).

Guess. Finally, \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a guess \(b' \in \{0, 1\}\) and wins in the game if \(b = b'\).

The advantage of \(\mathcal {A}\) in attacking the LU-PIP-KEM system with security parameter \(\lambda \) is defined as \(Adv_{\mathcal {A}}^{\text {LU-PIP-KEM}}(\lambda ) = \left| {\Pr [b' = b] - \frac{1}{2}} \right| \).

Definition 1

A LU-PIP-KEM system is CPA-secure if for any polynomial time adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), the advantage of winning the above game is a negligible function \(\epsilon \) in \(\lambda \), i.e., \(Adv_{\mathcal {A}}^{\text {LU-PIP-KEM}}(\lambda ) < \epsilon \).

A weaker security notion called selective security can be defined in the above game with an extra Init phase in which \(\mathcal {A}\) must commit to the challenge ciphertext attribute \(y^* \in E_n\) before Setup.

We next review the notion of OR-compatibility for a predicate. A predicate \(P_n\) is said to have OR-compatibility if for two ciphertext attributes, the predicate is able to capture the presence of one or the other. This property was first introduced by Yamada et al. [38]. They commented that OR-compatibility is commonly achieved in many concrete LU-PIPE schemes [2, 15, 21].

Definition 2

A predicate \(P_n = \{K_n \times E_n \rightarrow \{0, 1\}|n \in \mathbb {N}\}\) is said to have OR-compatibility if for all \(d \in \mathbb {N}\), there exists a map \(OR: E_n \times E_d \rightarrow E_{n+d}\) and two attribute extension maps \(EN: K_n \rightarrow K_{n + d}\), \(ED: K_{d} \rightarrow K_{n+d}\) such that for all \(x_1 \in K_n\), \(x_2 \in K_d\), \(y_1 \in E_n\), \(y_2 \in E_d\),

$$\begin{aligned} {P_{n + d}}(EN({x_1}),OR({y_1},{y_2}))&= {P_n}({x_1},{y_1}), \\ {P_{n + d}}(ED({x_2}),OR({y_1},{y_2}))&= {P_d}({x_2},{y_2}). \\ \end{aligned}$$

2.2 Definition of Public-Verifiability

We review the public-verifiability of a LU-PIP-KEM scheme. This property was first defined in the IBE setting [16] and then be extended to FE settings by Yamada et al. [37]. Intuitively, a LU-PIP-KEM has public-verifiability if there exists a public verification mechanism to verify whether a given ciphertext is honestly generated. As remarked by Abdalla et al. [1], any encryption schemes with public-verifiability cannot be anonymous (or known as Private Index Predicate Encryption [6]). Hence, public-verifiability can only be achieved in PIPE, which is also the focus of this paper.

To define public-verifiability, we introduce a polynomial time algorithm \(\textsf {Verify}\).

\(0 \text { or } 1 \leftarrow \textsf {Verify}(pp, ct_y, y)\). Take as inputs the public parameter pp and a ciphertext \(ct_y \in \{0, 1\}^*\) under a ciphertext attribute \(y \in E_n\). It outputs 0 or 1.

\(\textsf {Verify}\) needs to satisfy that for all \((key, ct_y) \in S[\textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y, R_y)]\), it holds that \(\textsf {Verify}(pp, ct_y, y) = 1\), while for all \((key, ct_y) \notin S[\textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y, R_y)]\), it must have that \(\textsf {Verify}(pp, ct_y, y) = 0\) except with a negligible probability.

Definition 3

A LU-PIP-KEM scheme is said to have public-verifiability if there exists an algorithm \(\textsf {Verify}\) in the LU-PIP-KEM scheme satisfying the completeness requirement defined above.

3 Modelling OO-PIPE

We formally define OO-PIPE in the KEM setting. An OO-PIP-KEM scheme consists of five polynomial time algorithms OO.Setup, OO.KeyGen, OO.OffEncrypt, OO.OnEncrypt and OO.Decrypt. The definitions of OO.Setup and OO.KeyGen are identical to those of LU-PIP-KEM systems shown in Sect. 2.1. The others are defined as follows.

\(ict \leftarrow \textsf {OO.OffEncrypt}(pp)\). Only take as input the public parameter pp and outputs an intermediate ciphertext ict.

\((key, ct_y) \leftarrow \textsf {OO.OnEncrypt}(pp, y, ict)\). Take as inputs the public parameter pp, a target ciphertext attribute \(y \in E_n\), and an intermediate ciphertext ict. It outputs a session key key and a ciphertext \(ct_y\) associated with y.

\(key \leftarrow \textsf {OO.Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x)\). Take as inputs the public parameter pp, a ciphertext \(ct_y\) associated with the ciphertext attribute \(y \in E_n\), and a secret key \(sk_x\) associated with the key attribute \(x \in K_n\). It outputs the session key key.

The correctness requires that for all \((msk, pp) \leftarrow \textsf {OO.Setup}(\lambda , n)\), all \(x \in K_n\), all \(sk_x \leftarrow \textsf {OO.KeyGen}(pp, msk, x)\), all \(ict \leftarrow \textsf {OO.OffEncrypt}(pp)\), all \(y \in E_n\), and all \((key, ct_y) \leftarrow \textsf {OO.OnEncrypt}(pp, y, ict)\), if \(P_n(x, y) = 1\), then we have that \(\textsf {OO.Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x) = key\); else if \(P_n(x, y) = 0\), then we have that \(\textsf {OO.Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x) = \bot \) except with a negligible probability.

We next define chosen ciphertext security in OO-PIP-KEM. The security model is similarly defined through a game played between an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) and a challenger \(\mathcal {C}\), both of which are given the parameter \(\lambda \) and the dimension n of the predicate as inputs.

Setup. \(\mathcal {C}\) runs \(\textsf {OO.Setup}\) to generate public parameter pp and sends it to \(\mathcal {A}\).

Phase 1. \(\mathcal {A}\) adaptively issues queries:

  • Secret Key Query. \(\mathcal {A}\) submits a key attribute \(x \in K_n\) to \(\mathcal {C}\). \(\mathcal {C}\) generates and gives a secret key \(sk_x\) for x to \(\mathcal {A}\).

  • Decryption Query. \(\mathcal {A}\) submits a ciphertext \(ct_y\) with ciphertext attribute \(y \in E_n\) to \(\mathcal {C}\). \(\mathcal {C}\) constructs a key attribute \(x \in K_n\) with \(P_n(x, y) = 1\), and runs \(\textsf {OO.KeyGen}(pp, msk, x)\) to generate a secret key \(sk_x\). It then runs \(\textsf {OO.Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x)\) and returns the decryption result to \(\mathcal {A}\).

Challenge. \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a challenge ciphertext attribute \(y^* \in E_n\) on which it wishes to be challenged. The challenge ciphertext attribute \(y^*\) must satisfy that \(P_n(x, y^*) = 0\) for any x that \(\mathcal {A}\) queried for the secret key \(sk_x\). \(\mathcal {C}\) generates a session key \(key^*\) and a ciphertext \(ct^*\) under the challenge attribute \(y^*\). Then, it flips a random coin \(b \in \{0, 1\}\). If \(b = 0\), \(\mathcal {C}\) returns \((key^*, ct^*)\) to \(\mathcal {A}\). Otherwise, it randomly selects a session key \(key_R^*\) and returns \((key_R^*, ct^*)\) to \(\mathcal {A}\).

Phase 2. \(\mathcal {A}\) further adaptively issues the following two kinds of queries:

  • Secret Key Query for key attributes \(x \in K_n\) satisfying \(P_n(x, y^*) = 0\).

  • Decryption Query for the ciphertext \(ct_y\) with a constraint that \(ct_y \ne ct^*\).

\(\mathcal {C}\) responds the same as in Phase 1.

Guess. Finally, \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a guess \(b' \in \{0, 1\}\) and wins in the game if \(b = b'\).

The advantage of \(\mathcal {A}\) who issues \(q_S\) secret key queries and \(q_D\) decryption queries in attacking the OO-PIP-KEM system with security parameter \(\lambda \) is defined as \(Adv_{\mathcal {A}, q_S, q_D}^{\text {OO-PIP-KEM}}(\lambda ) = \left| {\Pr [b' = b] - \frac{1}{2}} \right| \).

Definition 4

An OO-PIP-KEM system is CCA2-secure if for any polynomial time adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) who makes a total of \(q_S\) secret key queries and \(q_D\) decryption queries, the advantage of winning the security game defined above is at most negligible function \(\epsilon \) in \(\lambda \), i.e., \(Adv_{\mathcal {A}, q_S, q_D}^{\text {OO-PIP-KEM}}(\lambda ) < \epsilon \).

The CPA security for OO-PIP-KEM system can also be defined as in the preceding game, with a constraint that \(\mathcal {A}\) is not allowed to issue decryption queries in Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Definition 5

An OO-PIP-KEM system is CPA-secure if for any polynomial time adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) who makes a total of \(q_S\) secret key queries and no decryption query, the advantage of winning the security game defined above is at most negligible function \(\epsilon \) in \(\lambda \), i.e., \(Adv_{\mathcal {A}, q_S, 0}^{\text {OO-PIP-KEM}}(\lambda ) < \epsilon \).

Similar to LU-PIP-KEM, the selective security of an OO-PIP-KEM system can be defined in the above game by adding an Init phase before Setup phase. \(\mathcal {A}\) must decide the challenge ciphertext attribute \(y^* \in E_n\) in the Init phase.

4 CPA-secure OO-PIP-KEM from LU-PIP-KEM

The major challenge in constructing OO-PIP-KEM is that in the offline phase, the encryptor cannot know the ciphertext attribute that a ciphertext will be associated with. We manage to overcome this challenge by identifying a useful property, i.e., attribute-malleability, in many LU-PIPE schemes. Coarsely speaking, a LU-PIP-KEM scheme has attribute-malleability if an encryptor can malleate a ciphertext \(ct_{ori}\) associated with an original ciphertext attribute \(y_{ori}\) to a new ciphertext \(ct_{new}\) associated with a new ciphertext attribute \(y_{new}\) with the same session key key. The ones who have the secret key \(sk_x\) with key attribute x satisfying \(P(x, y_{new}) = 1\) can also correctly decrypt \(ct_{new}\) to recover key.

The attribute-malleability enables an encryptor to prepare the ciphertext without knowing the associated ciphertext attribute. In the offline phase, the encryptor randomly chooses a ciphertext attribute \(y_{ori}\), and encapsulates a session key key under that ciphertext attribute to generate a ciphertext \(ct_{ori}\). When the target ciphertext attribute y is available to the encryptor in the online phase, he malleates the ciphertext \(ct_{ori}\) with the ciphertext attribute \(y_{ori}\) to a target ciphertext \(ct_y\) associated with the given ciphertext attribute y with the same session key key. In decryption, the receiver who has the secret key \(sk_x\) with the key attribute x satisfying \(P(x, y) = 1\) can decrypt the ciphertext \(ct_y\) and recover the session key key.

4.1 Definition of Attribute-Malleability

We first introduce three polynomial time algorithms, \(\textsf {PriMalleate}\), \(\textsf {PubMalleate}\), \(\textsf {Combine}\) in LU-PIP-KEM, and their necessary properties.

\(y_{mall} \leftarrow \textsf {PriMalleate}(y_{ori}, y_{new}, R_{ori})\). Take as inputs the original ciphertext attribute \(y_{ori} \in E_n\), a new ciphertext attribute \(y_{new}\), and the randomness \(R_{ori}\) used to run \((key, ct_{ori}) \leftarrow \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y_{ori}; R_{ori})\). It outputs a malleated ciphertext attribute \(y_{mall} \in E_n\).

\(\widetilde{ct}_{ori} \leftarrow \textsf {PubMalleate}(pp, \widetilde{ct}_{new}, \widetilde{y}_{mall})\). Take as inputs the public parameter pp, a ciphertext \(\widetilde{ct}_{new}\) associated with the new ciphertext attribute \(y_{new}\), and a malleated ciphertext attribute \(\widetilde{y}_{mall} \in E_n\). It outputs a ciphertext \(\widetilde{ct}_{ori} \in E_n\).

\(ct_{new} \leftarrow \textsf {Combine}(pp, ct_{ori}, y_{mall})\). Take as inputs the public parameter pp, a ciphertext \(ct_{ori}\) associated with the ciphertext attribute \(y_{ori}\), and the malleated ciphertext attribute \(y_{mall}\). It outputs a ciphertext \(ct_{new}\) associated with the given ciphertext attribute \(y_{new}\).

These algorithms need to meet the following requirements.

  • Private Malleability. For all \((key, ct_{ori}) \leftarrow \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y_{ori}; R_{ori})\) with a randomly chosen ciphertext attribute \(y_{ori} \overset{R}{\leftarrow } E_n\) and all ciphertext attribute \(y_{new} \in E_n\), if \(y_{mall}\) is output by \(y_{mall} \leftarrow \textsf {PriMalleate}(y_{ori}, y_{new}, R_{ori})\), and \(ct_{new}\) is generated as \(ct_{new} \leftarrow \textsf {Combine}(pp, ct_{ori}, y_{mall})\), then we have \((key, ct_{new}) = \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y_{new}; R_{ori})\).

  • Public Malleability. For all \((key, \widetilde{ct}_{new}) \leftarrow \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y_{new}; R_{new})\) with a ciphertext attribute \(y_{new} \in E_n\) and randomly chosen \(\widetilde{y}_{mall} \overset{R}{\leftarrow } E_n\), if \(\widetilde{ct}_{ori} \leftarrow \textsf {PubMalleate}(pp, \widetilde{ct}_{new}, \widetilde{y}_{mall})\), then \(({key}, \widetilde{ct}_{ori}) = \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, \widetilde{y}_{ori}; R_{new})\). Also, \(\widetilde{ct}_{new} = \textsf {Combine}(pp, \widetilde{ct}_{ori}, \widetilde{y}_{mall})\).

  • Efficiency. Running \(y_{mall} \leftarrow \textsf {PriMalleate}(y_{ori}, y_{new}, R_{ori})\) for all \(y_{ori}, y_{new} \in E_n\) is more efficient than running \((key, ct_{new}) \leftarrow \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y_{new}; R_{new})\).

Definition 6

We say a LU-PIP-KEM scheme has attribute-malleability if there exist polynomial time algorithms \(\textsf {PriMalleate}\), \(\textsf {PubMalleate}\) and \(\textsf {Combine}\) satisfying private malleability, public malleability and efficiency defined above.

4.2 Generic Transformation

We now describe our transformation. Let \(\varPi ' = (\textsf {Setup}, \textsf {KeyGen}, \textsf {Encrypt}, \textsf {Decrypt})\) be a CPA-secure LU-PIP-KEM scheme for predicate \(P_n\) over the attribute universe \(U = \{0, 1\}^*\) that has attribute-malleability defined in Definition 6. We can construct a CPA-secure OO-PIP-KEM scheme \(\varPi = \)(\(\textsf {OO.Setup}\), \(\textsf {OO.KeyGen}\), \(\textsf {OO.OffEncrypt}\), \(\textsf {OO.OnEncrypt}\), \(\textsf {OO.Decrypt}\)) for the same predicate \(P_n\) as follows.

\(\textsf {OO.Setup}(\lambda , n)\). The setup algorithm imply invokes \((msk, pp) \leftarrow \textsf {Setup}(\lambda , n)\) and outputs the master secret key and the public parameter as (mskpp).

\(\textsf {OO.KeyGen}(pp, msk, x)\). Given a key attribute \(x \in K_n\), the key generation algorithm simply calls \(sk_x \leftarrow \textsf {KeyGen}(pp, msk, x)\) and outputs the secret key \(sk_x\).

\(\textsf {OO.OffEncrypt}(pp)\). The offline encryption algorithm will generate a ciphertext under a randomly chosen ciphertext attribute and treat it as an intermediate ciphertext. In detail, it randomly chooses \(y_{ori} \overset{R}{\leftarrow } E_n\). Then, it runs \((key, ct_{ori}) \leftarrow \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y_{ori}; R_{ori})\) with randomly chosen randomness \(R_{ori}\) to obtain a session key and a ciphertext associated with the original ciphertext attribute \(y_{ori}\). The intermediate ciphertext is \(ict = \left( key, y_{ori}, ct_{ori}, R_{ori}\right) \).

\(\textsf {OO.OnEncrypt}(pp, y, ict)\). When knowing the target ciphertext attribute \(y \in E_n\), the online encryption algorithm first runs \(y_{mall} \leftarrow \textsf {PriMalleate}(y_{ori}, y, R_{ori})\) to obtain a malleated ciphertext attribute \(y_{mall} \in E_n\). The session key key is unchange. The ciphertext associated with the ciphertext attribute y is \(ct_y = \left( ct_{ori}, y_{mall}\right) \). Note that the online encryption procedure only involves operations for running algorithm \(\textsf {PriMalleate}\).

\(\textsf {OO.Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x)\). If \(P_n(x, y) = 0\), then the key attribute x does not satisfy the predicate \(P_n\) for the ciphertext attribute y and the decryption algorithm simply outputs \(\bot \). Otherwise, it first parses \(ct_y\) as \(\left( ct_{ori}, y_{mall}\right) \). Then, it runs \(ct_y \leftarrow \textsf {Combine}(pp, ct_{ori}, y_{mall})\) and gets a ciphertext \(ct_y\) associated with the ciphertext attribute y. It runs \(key \leftarrow \textsf {Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x)\) to recover the session key key.

Correctness. Due to the \(private~malleability \), for the session key and the ciphertext generated by calling \((key, ct_{ori}) \leftarrow \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, y_{ori}; R_{ori})\) in OO.OffEncrypt with the randomly chosen \(y_{ori} \overset{R}{\leftarrow } E_n\) and for \(y_{mall} \leftarrow \textsf {PriMalleate}(y_{ori}, y, R_{ori})\), we get a LU-PIP-KEM ciphertext associated with the ciphertext attribute y by running \(ct_y \leftarrow \textsf {Combine}(pp, ct_{ori}, y_{mall})\) in the decryption algorithm. Therefore, if a secret key associated with key attribute \(x \in K_n\) satisfies \(P_n(x, y) = 1\), then the decryption algorithm can correctly recover the session key by running \(key \leftarrow \textsf {Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x)\).

Performance. Only operations for running \(\textsf {PriMalleate}\) are required in the online encryption procedure, whereas in the original LU-PIP-KEM, the encryption procedure involves running algorithm \(\textsf {Encrypt}\). With the efficiency requirement, for all \(y_{new} \in E_n\), running \(\textsf {PriMalleate}\) is more efficient than running \(\textsf {Encrypt}\). Therefore, the efficiency of the online encryption procedure is improved.

4.3 Security Analysis

The CPA security of our OO-PIP-KEM relies on the CPA security of the underlying LU-PIP-KEM. The major obstacle in the security proof is how to convert the challenge LU-PIP-KEM ciphertext into a challenge OO-PIP-KEM ciphertext in the Challenge phase. We overcome this obstacle by exploiting the public malleability implied by attribute-malleability.

When obtaining the challenge LU-PIP-KEM session key \(\widetilde{key}^*\) and ciphertext \(\widetilde{ct}^*\) associated with the challenge ciphertext attribute \(y^*\) from the LU-PIP-KEM challenger, we randomly choose a malleated ciphertext attribute \(\widetilde{y}^*_{mall} \in E_n\) and calls \(\widetilde{ct}^*_{ori} \leftarrow \textsf {PubMalleate}(pp, \widetilde{ct}^*, \widetilde{y}^*_{mall})\) to obtain a ciphertext \(\widetilde{ct}^*_{ori}\). We then construct the challenge OO-PIP-KEM ciphertext as \(ct^* = (\widetilde{ct}^*_{ori}, \widetilde{y}^*_{mall})\).

  • Since \(\widetilde{ct}^*_{ori} \leftarrow \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, \widetilde{y}^*_{ori})\), \(\widetilde{ct}^*_{ori}\) is a LU-PIP-KEM ciphertext.

  • Since \(\widetilde{ct}^* = \textsf {Combine}(pp, \widetilde{ct}^*_{ori}, \widetilde{y}^*_{mall})\), \(\widetilde{ct}^*\) is associated with \(y^*\).

Therefore, \(ct^*\) is a well-formed challenge OO-PIP-KEM ciphertext for the ciphertext attribute \(y^*\) due to the public malleability. In this way, the challenge ciphertext simulation in the Challenge phase goes through. The formal proof is shown in the full version of the paper.

Theorem 1

If the underlying LU-PIP-KEM for predicate \(P_n\) is CPA-secure and attribute-malleable, then the proposed OO-PIP-KEM scheme is CPA-secure for the same predicate \(P_n\).

5 CCA2-secure OO-PIP-KEM from LU-PIP-KEM

5.1 Universally Collision Resistant Chameleon Hash Function

Collision Resistant Chameleon Hash. A Chameleon hash [22] has a hash key chk and a trapdoor td. Anyone knowing the hash key chk can efficiently compute the hash value for any given input. There also exists an efficient algorithm for the holder of the trapdoor td to find collisions for every given input. However, it is impossible for others unaware of td to compute collisions for any given input, except with a negligible probability.

A Chameleon hash function [22] family \(\textsf {CH}\) with hash value space \(\mathcal {H}\) consists of three polynomial time algorithms \(\textsf {CHGen}\), \(\textsf {CHash}\) and \(\textsf {Coll}\) defined as follows.

\((chk, td) \leftarrow \textsf {CHGen}(\lambda )\). Take the security parameter \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\) as input, and outputs a Chameleon hash key/trapdoor pair (chktd).

\(H \leftarrow \textsf {CHash}(chk, m, r)\). Take as inputs the Chameleon hash key chk, a message m, and an auxiliary random parameter r. It outputs the hash value \(H \in \mathcal {H}\) for the given message m.

\(r' \leftarrow \textsf {Coll}(td, m, r, m')\). Take as inputs the Chameleon hash trapdoor td, a message m with its auxiliary random parameter r for previously calculating the hash value H, and another message \(m' \ne m\). It outputs another auxiliary random parameter \(r'\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf {CHash}(chk, m, r) = \textsf {CHash}(chk, m', r') = H \end{aligned}$$

A Chameleon hash function should satisfy the collision resistance requirement, i.e., given the Chameleon hash key chk as input, no efficient algorithm can find two pairs \((m, r) \ne (m', r')\) such that \(\textsf {CHash}(chk, m, r) = \textsf {CHash}(chk, m', r')\) except with a negligible probability.

Universally Collision Resistant Chameleon Hash. Our construction exploits Chameleon hash with universal collision resistance. A Chameleon hash function family is universal collision resistant if even though the attacker is allowed to choose the Chameleon hash key chk, it remains hard to find a hash collision for any given input. Roughly speaking, the hash value H can be only computed using the fixed Chameleon hash key chk.

We denote such a Chameleon hash family as UCH consisting of algorithms \(\textsf {UCHGen}\), \(\textsf {UCHash}\), \(\textsf {UColl}\). Formally, UCH is universally collision resistant if, given only a description of the Chameleon hash function family, no efficient algorithm can find two tuples \((chk, m, r) \ne (chk', m', r')\) such that \(\textsf {UCHash}(chk, m, r) = \textsf {UCHash}(chk', m', r')\) except with a negligible probability.

Generic Construction of UCH. We can construct universally collision resistant Chameleon hash functions based on any regular Chameleon hash and a standard cryptographic hash \(\textsf {Hash}: \{0, 1\}^* \rightarrow \mathcal {H}\). The construction is as follows.

\(\textsf {UCHGen}(\lambda )\). The hash key/trapdoor pair is \((chk, td) \leftarrow \textsf {CHGen}(\lambda )\).

\(\textsf {UCHash}(chk, m, r)\). The hash value is \(H = \textsf {Hash}(\textsf {CHash}(chk, m, r) \Vert chk)\).

\(\textsf {UColl}(td, m, r, m')\). Directly output \(r' \leftarrow \textsf {Coll}(td, m, r, m')\).

One with the trapdoor td can still find collisions for any given input since

$$\begin{aligned} H&= \textsf {UCHash}(chk, m, r) = \textsf {Hash}(\textsf {CHash}(chk, m, r) \Vert chk) \\ ~~~&= \textsf {Hash}(\textsf {CHash}(chk, m', r') \Vert chk) = \textsf {UCHash}(chk, m', r') \end{aligned}$$

Without td, any polynomial time algorithm cannot find two tuples \((chk, m, r) \ne (chk', m', r')\) with \(H = \textsf {UCHash}(chk, m, r) = \textsf {UCHash}(chk', m', r')\). Otherwise,

$$\begin{aligned} ~~~&\textsf {UCHash}(chk, m, r) = \textsf {Hash}(\textsf {CHash}(chk, m, r) \Vert chk) \\ =&\textsf {UCHash}(chk', m', r') = \textsf {Hash}(\textsf {CHash}(chk', m', r') \Vert chk') \end{aligned}$$

which implies that we find a collision for either \(\textsf {Hash}\) or CH, contradicting to their security notion.

5.2 Basic Idea

The public-verifiability in LU-PIPE allows a ciphertext verification mechanism, i.e., testing whether the ciphertext is honestly generated with the assigned ciphertext attribute. We can leverage such a built-in verification mechanism to construct OO-PIPE with CCA2 security. Precisely, we add an on-the-fly verification attribute \(y_v\) in the ciphertext. We split the attribute universe U into two parts: one is the regular attribute universe \(\mathcal {U}\), and another is the verification attribute universe \(\mathcal {V}\) for the verification attributes. The verification attribute \(y_v \in \mathcal {V}\) is only used for ciphertext verification. In encryption, the encryptor hashes the components of a ciphertext, and treats the result as the ciphertext attribute \(y_v\) to encrypt again. In the decryption procedure, the receiver computes the hash result again, and verifies whether the ciphertext is encrypted under the assigned ciphertext attribute, and under the hash ciphertext attribute \(y_v\) using the ciphertext verification mechanism.

Similar built-in verification has been used by Boyen et al. [7]. However, one may encounter an obstacle when directly employing their technique. The online/offline mechanism implies ciphertext forgery in the sense that a ciphertext with an ciphertext attribute can be efficiently malleated to a target ciphertext with a genuine ciphertext attribute, while any efficient ciphertext forgery must be prevented in CCA2 security. A plausible solution is to follow the technique proposed by Liu et al. [28] by replacing the regular hash to a Chameleon hash function. With the help of hash collision algorithm \(\textsf {Coll}\) in the Chameleon hash function, it is possible to malleate the ciphertext with an ciphertext attribute to a target ciphertext with the genuine ciphertext attribute, while remaining the verification terms unchange. However, for invoking hash collision algorithm, all encryptors must know the trapdoor of the target Chameleon hash key bounded in the public parameter, which obviously implies security problem.

To circumvent this obstacle, we use a “dynamic” universally collision resistant Chameleon hash to replace the regular Chameleon hash for each ciphertext. In offline encryption, the encryptor generates a Chameleon hash key/trapdoor pair (chktd), chooses a random ciphertext attribute \(y_{ori}\), and calculates the intermediate ciphertext components for \(y_{ori}\) and the temporary hash value \(y_v\). When learning the genuine ciphertext attribute in the online phase, the encryptor replaces the random ciphertext attribute with the genuine one, while leveraging \(\textsf {UCHash}\) with the trapdoor td to remain \(y_v\) unchange. The cost is an additional Chameleon hash key chk in the ciphertext. In the online phase, the encryptor will run \(\textsf {UColl}\), which is efficient in some Chameleon hash instantiations based on discrete log [22]. In this way, the online encryption cost keeps low.

5.3 Generic Transformation

Let \(\varPi '\) be a CPA-secure LU-PIP-KEM scheme consisting of four algorithms Setup, KeyGen, Encrypt, Decrypt for predicate \(P_n\) over the attribute universe \(U = \{0, 1\}^*\). Suppose that the predicate \(P_n\) has OR-compatibility defined in Definition 2, \(\varPi '\) has \(attribute-malleability \) defined in Definition 6, and \(\varPi '\) has \(public-verificability \) defined in Definition 3. We below construct a CCA2-secure OO-PIP-KEM scheme \(\varPi \) including the algorithms CCA.Setup, CCA.KeyGen, CCA.OffEncrypt, CCA.OnEncrypt, CCA.Decrypt for the same predicate \(P_{n}\) over the regular attribute universe \(\mathcal {U}\) and the verification attribute universe \(\mathcal {V}\) with \(|\mathcal {U}| = |\mathcal {V}|\), \(\mathcal {U} \cap \mathcal {V} = \emptyset \) and \(\mathcal {U} \cup \mathcal {V} = U\).

\(\textsf {CCA.Setup}(\lambda , n)\). The setup algorithm runs \((msk, pp) \leftarrow \textsf {Setup}(\lambda , n+d)\). Then, it chooses a secure UCH function \(\textsf {UCH}: \{0, 1\}^* \rightarrow E_d\) with an auxiliary parameter universe \(\mathcal {R}\). The system restricts that \(E_d\) is over \(\mathcal {V}\). The master secret key is msk. The public parameter is published as \((pp, \textsf {UCH}, \mathcal {R})\).

\(\textsf {CCA.KeyGen}(pp, msk, x)\). Given the key attribute \(x \in K_n\), the algorithm first extends x to \(EN(x) \in K_{n+d}\) using the map EN. Then, it runs \(sk_{EN(x)} \leftarrow \textsf {KeyGen}(pp, msk, EN(x))\) and outputs the secret key \(sk_x = sk_{EN(x)}\).

\(\textsf {CCA.OffEncrypt}(pp)\). The offline encryption algorithm first randomly chooses an original ciphertext attribute \(y_{ori} \overset{R}{\leftarrow } E_{n}\). Then, it runs \((chk, td) \leftarrow \textsf {UCHGen}(\lambda )\). It next picks a random \(r' \overset{R}{\leftarrow } \mathcal {R}\), and calculates an on-the-fly verification attribute \(y_{v} = \textsf {UCHash}\left( chk, y_{ori}, r'\right) \). It uses map OR to obtain the ciphertext attribute \(OR(y_{ori}, y_v) \in E_{n+d}\) and runs \((key, ct_{ori}) \leftarrow \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, OR(y_{ori}, y_v);R_{ori})\) with randomness \(R_{ori}\) to generate the session key and the ciphertext. The intermediate ciphertext is \(ict = (key, y_{ori}, y_{v}, ct_{ori}, R_{ori}, chk, td, r')\).

\(\textsf {CCA.OnEncrypt}(pp, y, ict)\). Once the target ciphertext attribute \(y \in E_n\) is available, the online encryption algorithm extends the ciphertext attribute \(y \in E_n\) to \(OR(y, y_{v})\) and obtains a malleated ciphertext attribute \(y_{mall} \in E_{n+d}\) by running \(y_{mall} \leftarrow \textsf {PriMalleate}(OR(y_{ori}, y_v), OR(y, y_{v}), R_{ori})\). It next runs \(r \leftarrow \textsf {UColl}(td, y_{ori}, r', ct_{ori} \Vert y_{mall})\). The session key is key, while the ciphertext \(ct_{y}\) associated with the ciphertext attribute y is \(ct_y = (ct_{ori}, y_{mall}, chk, r)\). Note that the online encryption algorithm only needs invocations of \(\textsf {PriMalleate}\) and \(\textsf {UColl}\).

\(\textsf {CCA.Decrypt}(pp, ct_y, y, sk_x, x)\). The decryption algorithm recovers the on-the-fly verification attribute \(y_{v} = \textsf {UCHash}\left( chk, ct_{ori} \Vert y_{mall}, r\right) \). Then, it runs \(ct_y \leftarrow \textsf {Combine}(pp, ct_{ori}, y_{mall})\) to rebuild the ciphertext \(ct_y\) with the ciphertext attribute \(OR(y, y_{v})\). One can verify whether the ciphertext is legitimate by testing

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf {Verify}\left( pp, ct_y, OR(y, y_{v})\right) \overset{?}{=} 1 \end{aligned}$$

The property of Chameleon hash ensures \(y_{v} = \textsf {UCHash}\left( chk, ct_{ori} \Vert y_{mall}, r\right) = \textsf {UCHash}\left( chk, y_{ori}, r'\right) \) and the on-the-fly verification attribute remains the same in the online encryption procedure. If \(\textsf {Verify}\) outputs 0, the ciphertext is invalid and the decryption algorithm simply outputs \(\bot \). Otherwise, the decryption algorithm runs \(key \leftarrow \textsf {Decrypt}(pp, ct_{y}, OR(y, y_{v}), sk_x, EN(x))\) to recover key.

Correctness. If the ciphertext \(ct_y\) is honestly generated by the encryptor with the ciphertext attribute y, then \((key, ct_y) = \textsf {Encrypt}(pp, OR(y, y_{v}))\) for \(ct_y \leftarrow \textsf {Combine}(pp, ct_{ori}, y_{mall})\), where \(y_{v}\) can be correctly obtained by invoking \(y_{v} = \textsf {UCHash}\left( chk, ct_{ori} \Vert y_{mall}, r\right) \). Hence, we have that \(\textsf {Verify}(pp, ct_y, OR(y, y_{v})) = 1\). The decryption can be done using \(sk_{x} = sk_{EN(x)}\) for \(P_{n+d}\left( EN(x), OR(y, y_{v})\right) = P_{n}(x, y) = 1\). The session key can be correctly recovered with

$$\begin{aligned} key = \textsf {Decrypt}(pp, ct_{y}, OR(y, y_{v}), sk_x, EN(x)). \end{aligned}$$

Performance. Comparing with OO-PIP-KEM, operations for running \(\textsf {UColl}\) are additionally required in the online encryption of our CCA2-secure OO-PIP-KEM construction. By properly applying Chameleon hash functions with rather efficient algorithm \(\textsf {Coll}\) [22], and by our construction shown in Sect. 5.1, \(\textsf {UColl}\) is also efficient. Therefore, the online encryption algorithm remains efficient. The additional communication cost is the extra ciphertext components chk, r, both of which have constant size in all existing Chameleon hash instantiations.

5.4 Security Analysis

Our OO-PIP-KEM is CCA2-secure if the underlying LU-PIP-KEM is CPA-secure. The obstacle in the CCA2 security proof is how to respond the decryption queries for ciphertexts associated with the challenge ciphertext attributes \(y^*\).

We overcome this obstacle by using the extended key attribute \(x_d \in K_d\) and the extended verification attribute \(y_v \in E_d\). In the Challenge phase, the challenge attribute for the LU-PIP-KEM challenger is extended to \(OR(y^*, y_v^*)\). When the adversary issues a decryption query for a ciphertext \(ct_y\) associated with a ciphertext attribute \(OR(y^*, y_v)\), where \(y_v\) is its verification ciphertext attribute corresponding to \(ct_y\), we first run \(\textsf {Verify}\) to check the validity of the ciphertext. The public-verifiability ensures that \(\textsf {Verify}\) outputs 1 if and only if the ciphertext is honestly generated. Then, we construct a key attribute \(x_v \in E_d\) such that \(P(x_v, y_v) = 1\), and issues the secret key associated with \(ED(x_v) \in K_{n+d}\) to the LU-PIP-KEM challenger. On one hand, the OR-compatibility ensures \(P_{n+d}(ED(x_v), OR(y^*, y_v)) = P_d(x_v, y_v)\) so that we can use this secret key to decrypt the ciphertext. On the other hand, the universal collision resistance of \(\textsf {UCH}\) implies \(y_v \ne y_v^*\) except with a negligible probability. Hence, we have \(P(ED(x_v), OR(y^*, y_v^*)) = P_d(x_v, y_v^*) = 0\), and the secret key query is valid to the LU-PIP-KEM challenger. The decryption query is perfectly responded.

The universal collision resistance of UCH is crucial for the security proof. Although \(chk^*\) in the challenge ciphertext is chosen by the encryptor, and \(y_v^*\) is generated honestly, if the Chameleon hash only hash collision resistance property, it is possible for the adversary to replace \(chk^*\) to others of its choice, while remaining \(y_v^*\) unchange. In detail, if the Chameleon hash is only collision resistant, after obtaining the challenge ciphertext \(ct^* = (\widetilde{ct}_{ori}^*, \widetilde{y}_{mall}^*, chk^*, r^*)\), the adversary can replace \(chk^*\) with a hash key \(chk'_{\mathcal {A}}\) of its own choice, for which it knows its trapdoor \(td'_{\mathcal {A}}\) in order to construct a ciphertext \(ct' = (\widetilde{ct}_{ori}', \widetilde{y}_{mall}', chk_{\mathcal {A}}', r_{\mathcal {A}}')\), where \((chk^*, r^*) \ne (chk'_{\mathcal {A}}, r_{\mathcal {A}}')\) but \(y_v' = y_v^*\). In this case, the decryption oracle would be stuck. The universal collision resistance of the Chameleon hash family prevents the adversary from such attacks since the hash key \(chk^*\) is fixed into the hash value and can be verified by the decryption oracle. The formal security proof is shown in the full version of the paper.

Theorem 2

The proposed OO-PIP-KEM is CCA2-secure if the underlying CPA-secure LU-PIP-KEM has the properties of attribute-malleability, public-verifiability and OR-compatibility.

6 Instantiations

Our OO-PIP-KEM transformations can apply to existing LU-PIPE schemes, including OO-IBE schemes proposed by Guo et al. [17], and OO-ABE schemes proposed by Hohenberger and Waters [18]. In addition, one can illustratively instantiate a new OO-PIP-KEM scheme by applying our transformation to a LU-PIP-KEM scheme. In 2010, Lewko, Sahai and Waters proposed a revocation encryption (RE) scheme [23]. The ciphertext is associated with an identity set of revoked users. Users who are not in the revoked set can decrypt. It can be shown that their RE satisfies attribute-malleability and public-verifiability. Hence, one can obtain an OO-RE scheme in the KEM setting by following our generic transformation.

7 Conclusion

We provided a general framework for constructing CCA2-secure OO-PIPE. We proposed a generic transformation from attribute-malleable LU-PIP-KEM to OO-PIP-KEM with CPA security. We further transformed CPA-secure LU-PIP-KEM to CCA2-secure OO-PIP-KEM at the cost of a Chameleon hash, assuming the underlying LU-PIP-KEM has attribute-malleability and public-verifiability.