1 Introduction

With the accelerating convergence between high performance computing (HPC) and a new generation of Big Data technologies, high-end supercomputers are increasingly being leveraged for processing the unprecedented amount of data scientific simulations and sensor networks produce [4]. Consequently, the high-performance computing community has been heavily focusing on how to provide the appropriate execution environment for Big Data workloads on large scale HPC systems.

A motivating example, as well as our case study in this paper, is SCALE-LETKF [23], a complex weather forecasting application that is being developed at RIKEN. With the next generation Japanese flagship supercomputer (post-K) as its primary target platform, SCALE-LETKF is intended to provide high-resolution, real-time weather forecasting of severe guerrilla rainstorms in Japan. Similar to other operational weather forecasting applications, the SCALE-LETKF mainly consist of two components developed separately: a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model and a data assimilation system. The NWP model used here is the SCALE-LES (Scalable Computing for Advanced Library and Environment-LES [7]), which simulate the time evolution of the weather-related atmosphere and land/sea surfaces based on physical equations (hereafter “Simulation”). Meanwhile, the data assimilation method used here is the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF [6]), which assimilate observation data taken from the real world into the simulated state to produce a better initial condition for the model (hereafter “Assimilation”). The two components run in a cyclic way: after the simulation finishes, the data assimilation starts taking the results from the simulation as its input data, and after the data assimilation finishes, the simulation of the next cycle follows, depending on the results from the data assimilation.

Both the simulation (SCALE) and data assimilation (LETKF) components in the current workflow rely on netCDF for I/O operations using the parallel file system. netCDF is a self-describing, portable, scalable, appendable and shareable file format, which is widely used to exchange array-oriented scientific data, such as grids and time-series [1]. Historically, the decision for file based data exchange was mainly driven by the fact that these models are being developed and maintained by independent research entities and it’s been strongly desired not to modify either of the component models purely for the purpose of building a coupled forecasting system.

The prediction of guerrilla heavy rains, however, is a strictly time constrained procedure, and we identified that file I/O based data transfer between the two components is one of the hindering factors for acquiring the needed realtimeness. A large number of coupling tools, targeting effective integration of separately developed models or applications, have been proposed [13, 14, 21], nevertheless, all of them require numerous modifications to the applications.

Our main focus in this paper is to provide an I/O arbitration framework that can enable high-performance, direct data exchange among workflow components which process large amounts of data and use netCDF for their underlying data format. Furthermore, we seek to provide a solution that retains the original netCDF API and requires only minimal changes to existing application code. Specifically, this paper makes the following contributions:

  • General I/O Arbitration Middleware. We propose a general I/O arbitration middleware, i.e., a software library that enables direct parallel data transfer among workflow components that utilize netCDF for their data representation. Our library is customizable through configuration files and requires only slight modifications to the source code of existing applications.

  • Support for Integration of Existing Models. Our middleware benefits the integration of existing, separately developed models for solving complicated problems. Individual models or applications are usually developed to tackle specific scientific issues and easy integration of existing models into complex workflows enables solving more intricate problems.

  • Accelerated Data Exchange in Coupled Systems. Compared to file based data exchanging the proposed middleware adopts communication pattern-based optimization to efficiently support direct data transfer. It shortens data exchange time among the components so that rigid time constraints of real-time applications can be satisfied.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Related work is described in Sect. 2. The design and implementation of the proposed middleware are explained in Sect. 3. Section 4 shows the evaluation methodology and discusses experimental results. At last, concluding remarks are given in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work

In weather forecasting and geoscientific systems, individual models usually deal with analyzing a single, specific phenomenon. On the other hand, a practical forecasting system takes various aspects into account, and thus it normally employs several models to achieve its final goal. This section introduces related work focusing on coupling existing models or applications, as well as on related work about conducting data transfer among the component models or applications in such systems.

Integration mechanisms for individual models. The intricate global climate problems motivate researchers from different scientific disciplines to integrate existing multi-physics computation models or applications for exhaustive modeling by using a software framework or a coupled system [17]. The Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT) [13] is a library providing routines and datatypes for creating a coupled system, and it is mainly used in Community Climate System Model (CCSM) [14]. Hereafter, S. Valcke et al. [8] have summarized major coupling technologies used in Earth System Modeling, and their paper shows common features of the existing coupling approaches including the functionality to communicate and re-grid data.

The OASIS coupler is another related study (the latest version is OASIS3), which is able to process synchronized exchanges of coupling information generated by different components in a climate system, and the coupler mediates communication among the components [16]. But, the OASIS coupler has its own interface, and is not a solution for general cases. C. Armstrong et al. [15] have designed an approach to separate the code of models from the coupling infrastructure, but it does not provide coupling functions such as data transfer. However, it enables users to choose the underlying coupling functions from other couplers, such as the OASIS coupler. Besides, there are numerous existing middlewares for coupling specific models, such as ESMF [9], and C-Coupler1 [10], which adopt similar integration schemes to the above mentioned solutions, but unfortunately they also require application modifications.

Moreover, G. Waston et al. [19] proposed the scheme to use parallel coupling tool for effectively integrating the existing programming and performance tools, to benefit the development of parallel applications. Dorier et al. [22] have summarized several tools developed by themselves, which can flexibly couple simulations with visualization packages or analysis workflows.

Data transfer approaches in coupling or other large-scale systems. Many integrated approaches employ file-based I/O to exchange data, since the data stored on the global file system can be easily accessed by all participating components [8]. It is worth mentioning the MCT framework again, which also enables data transfer among different components via MPI communication [18] rather than file based I/O. For instance, the CCSM4 system is a single executable implementation, which includes a top-level driver and components integrated via standard init/run/finalise interfaces by leveraging MCT [11]. From a functionality view point, the MCT tool might be the most similar approach to our work, but it requires to compile all individual models or applications together to generate a single executable binary file. The combined binary ensures that all processes can share the same MPI intra-communicator to communicate with each other through MPI function calls. However, this prerequisite is not easy to meet, because it is difficult to combine a large number of separately developed components due to possible collisions on global variables and function names.

However, since all MPI processes share the same MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator in MCT, local broadcast operations within a specific (individual) model becomes visible to all other processes belonging to other components. To overcome this limitation, P.A. Browne and S. Wilson [17] have proposed a very similar mechanism for coupling two specified models for the purpose of data assimilation, through a different use of the Message Passing Interface. In their solution, although two models are still compiled together to generate a single MPI job, they split the MPI communicator to enable local MPI communication within individual components. However, this solution implies that the source codes of all involved models have to be modified for enabling usage of split MPI communicators for local communication.

In addition, for supporting flexible communication patterns and better communication efficiency of I/O data transfer, the Adaptable I/O System (ADIOS) framework has been proposed [5]. Similarly to the OASIS coupler, the users have to modify the models or applications to use ADIOS’s specific interfaces. C. Zhang et al. have proposed and implemented a butterfly implementation of data transfer and then developed an adaptive data transfer library for the coupled systems [12]. F. Zhang et al. presented a distributed data sharing and task execution framework to minimize inter-application data exchange [20]. In summary, existing works fail to provide a general framework to integrate separately developed models or applications into a coupled system (so that direct parallel data transfer among all component models could be supported) without modifying the source codes of individual components. To the contrary, our I/O middleware intends to offer a universal communication framework to accelerate data transfer among components in coupled systems in order to meet strict time constraints. Additionally, our framework requires only minimal modifications to existing application codes.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The communication pattern of one cycle in the SCALE-LETKF system utilizing file I/O (a.) or direct data transfer (b.) methods.

3 I/O Arbitrator Middleware

As we mentioned before, our target coupling system of SCALE-LETKF repeats a two-step cycle of simulation and data assimilation, performed by two separately developed models, i.e., SCALE and LETKF. The I/O communication of one cycle in the current SCALE-LETKF system is depicted in Fig. 1(a). As seen, the netCDF output data of the Simulation processes are first written to the global parallel file system, which in turn is read by the Assimilation processes. Note that SCALE consists of multiple simulation instances (denoted by Simulation 1 to n in the figure), which are called “ensemble” simulations and the simulation results are fed to the LETKF processes. Each ensemble member takes slightly different initial condition and outputs different results so the total I/O amount is roughly equal to the I/O amount of one member multiplied by the number of ensemble members. After computation, the ensemble model of SCALE generates a large amount of output data, written in netCDF format, which are all requested by the subsequent assimilation step of the same cycle. In brief, the output data generated by the simulation processes will be used by the corresponding assimilation processes, which indicates that I/O communication is performed between two separate groups of MPI processes.

To reduce the time needed for data transfer, we have been developing a novel I/O middleware to allow direct parallel data transfer between the two component models. Figure 1(b) illustrates the workflow of the system when the I/O middleware is utilized. As a result, in each cycle, the output data of simulation processes are directly forwarded to the assimilation processes, as well as the analyzed results generated by assimilation processes which can be directly transferred to the simulation processes in the next cycle. Specifically, the I/O middleware connects the two kinds of processes by using MPI communication [18], and consequently, it enables direct communication between the simulation processes and the assimilation processes.

Although only the SCALE-LETKF application is detailed in this paper, it is worth emphasizing that our proposed I/O middleware is a general solution for coupled Big Data processing applications on the top of netCDF. In order to handle a wide range of possible I/O patterns the middleware is customizable using configurations files. Different configurations enable deployment for applications with different properties, such as different number of component models, or different I/O communication patterns.

3.1 High Level Architecture

Figure 2 shows the software stack of the I/O arbitrator middleware, which is used to support direct parallel data transfer between simulation processes (SIM in the figure) and data assimilation processes (DA in the figure) in our case study. Except for the application layer itself, the netCDF, POSIX, and MPI layers are involved in the middleware. Briefly speaking, the mechanism of direct parallel data transfer is transparent to the applications.

As it is shown in the figure, communication is currently performed by using MPI, for which the following subsection will discuss the construction of the communication context between two kinds of processes.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Architectural overview of the middleware

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The internals of direct data transfer among workflow components

3.2 Establishing Communication

Because the simulation and data assimilation models are separately developed applications, and are executed as separate MPI jobs, they do not share the same MPI communicator. To overcome this problem, our prototype implementation currently utilizes the standard MPI intercommunicator family of routines to establish a communication context between the two types of jobs.

We provide an overview of the current MPI based implementation. At initialization time, the Assimilation process opens a port using MPI_Open_port(), and then publishes it by calling the MPI_Publish_name() feature. Subsequently, the Assimilation process calls MPI_Comm_accept(), to wait for the connection from the simulation processes. The Simulation processes, connect to the Assimilation processes through MPI_Comm_connect() once they successfully obtained the service name by using MPI_lookup_name(). As a result, processes of both components can communicate with each other by using standard MPI functions. Once the data transfer had taken place, the Simulation processes proactively disconnect and the Assimilation processes can unpublish their connection services with MPI_Unpublish_name().

3.3 Direct Data Transfer Mechanism

The parallel data transfer between the simulation processes and the assimilation processes is carried out when the communication context has been established. Figure 3 depicts the details of direct data transfer in the I/O middleware, where the interaction between two kinds of processes can be described as follows:

  1. 1.

    The Simulation process writes the output data to the file system through calling the nc_put_vara() function (i.e. an example write subroutine in the netCDF library). We assume that the Assimilation process will eventually read the contents of the same file, but the Assimilation process is blocked until the requested data is satisfied in Step 6.

  2. 2.

    The nc_put_vara() calls are intercepted by Library Hook offered by the middleware, and the write contents are cached in the designated Memory Buffer instead of flushing them to the global file system.

  3. 3.

    The buffered data is forwarded from the Simulation node to the destination node, i.e. the Assimilation process, by calling the MPI_Send() routine.

  4. 4.

    The Assimilation process responds an ACK message, when it has received the data sent by the Simulation process, through calling MPI_Recv(). Consequently, the data is cached in the designated memory buffer for satisfying potential future read requests.

  5. 5.

    According to the parameters offered by the nc_get_vara() function (i.e. an example read subroutine in the netCDF library), which was blocked because the required data were not yet available, the specified piece of data will be picked up by Library Hook from Memory Buffer.

  6. 6.

    The Assimilation process resumes its execution after it received the data from Library Hook.

Both Simulation and Assimilation processes are able to exchange their data through direct data transfer. Specifically, all nc_put_vara() requests will be fulfilled when the contents have been buffered in the memory, and all cached data are eventually sent to the destination process. On the other side, all nc_get_vara() requests will be satisfied with the data buffered in the memory, which was initially received from the source process.

3.4 Implementation for SCALE-LETKF

To demonstrate the effectiveness of direct parallel data transfer between the simulation and assimilation processes in SCALE-LETKF, we have developed a proof-of-concept implementation of the proposed I/O middleware. Besides, since data is exchanged between each SCALE process and the corresponding LETKF process in netCDF format, we have made slight modifications to the netCDF library itself (using ver., so that it complies with the proposed I/O middleware to enable direct data transfer in an application transparent fashion.

4 Evaluation

This section first describes the experimental setup and experimental methodology for evaluating the proposed I/O middleware. It then presents experimental results and provides the relevant discussion. At last, we summarize the key points of our direct parallel data transfer approach.

4.1 Experimental Setup

Evaluation experiments to assess the advantages of the SCALE-LETKF system equipped with our current prototype middleware were conducted on the K computer [2]. The K computer is Japan’s flagship supercomputer sporting 88,128 compute nodes (8 CPU cores each), with peak performance more than 10 petaFLOPS. The K computer took the first place of TOP 500 in 2011, and as of June 2015, it is ranked as the fourth fastest machine of the world [3].

As for the input data used in our experiments, we employ real world observations to test the efficiency of SCALE-LETKF when equipped with the proposed I/O middleware. In all experiments each MPI process was allocated to one compute node, and we logged the results related to I/O operations during the execution. Three real world test cases for regional weather analysis were used. In each measurement, SCALE is composed of up to 100 ensemble instances. Test Case 1 and Test Case 2 have 4 processes in each ensemble instance, but there are 48 processes in each ensemble instance of Test Case 3. LETKF consists of only one instance, but it contains the same number of processes as all SCALE instances in total. Note that every MPI process is allocated onto one computing node, and openMP is used to explicitly direct multi-threaded parallelism.

Table 1. Total Amount of Transferred Data in the Case Study.

Table 1 summarizes the size of transferred data for the cases having different number of ensemble instances. Note that in our current execution model, each application instance corresponds to a separate MPI job.

4.2 Experimental Results

The main limitation of our current proof-of-concept I/O middleware is that we can run only one cycle of the SCALE-LETKF system. In other words, each SCALE process generates output data after simulation, which will be read by the corresponding LETKF process as input for assimilation.

Communication Time for Transferring Data. While running the selected two test cases, we first measured the communication time for transferring data between SCALE and LETKF, as the function of increasing the number of ensemble instances from 10 to 100. Figure 4 shows the time required for transferring the data from SCALE to LETKF. The horizontal axis represents the number of ensemble instances and the vertical axis shows the time required for data transmission. As the experimental results imply, the communication time for transferring data between the two components remains essentially unchanged, even with the growing number of involved processes, which is due to the pair-wise communication pattern of the SCALE-LETKF system.

Another interesting observation is that while data size between Test Case 1 and Test Case 2 differ by a factor of two, transfer time is only increased by approximately \(50\,\%\). We believe this is due to the communication protocol that attains higher bandwidth with the increased data size.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Communication time needed for transferring data from SCALE to LETKF.

I/O Acceleration. For comparison, we recorded the time required for I/O operations between the SCALE and LETKF processes by using both actual file I/O operations and the mechanism of direct data transfer. Figures 5(a), (b) and (c) indicate the time required for carrying out I/O operations between the two types of processes utilizing file I/O and the proposed mechanism, respectively. Note that the I/O time shown by the proposed mechanisms includes the time needed for memory operations issued by both SCALE and LETKF processes, and the time required for transferring the data from SCALE to LETKF.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

I/O time contrasting file I/O and direct data transfer.

As the Figure depicts, the proposed mechanism can substantially reduce the time needed for I/O operations between SCALE and LETKF processes compared to the file I/O-based data transfer. For example, when the size of ensemble instances is 100 using the case of Test Case 3, the mechanism of direct data transfer can yield over \(30\times \) speedup on I/O operations, which in turn implies that more time can be devoted to perform simulation and data assimilation, and that the total execution time can be consequently decreased. Furthermore, the file-based data transfer may require significantly increased I/O time due to contention on the parallel file system. The case of Test Case 2 required \(34.1\,\%\) more time for conducting file I/O operations, compared with the case of Test Case 1, because the size of transmission data needed by the former case is two times of the size of transmission data of the latter one. In contrast, direct data transfer does not increase the transfer time significantly even for double size data.

Data Throughput. After verifying the proposed mechanism can indeed reduce the time needed for exchanging the data between SCALE and LETKF in our test cases, this section aims to measure the I/O data throughput while executing various test cases. Figures 6(a), (b) and (c) show the results about I/O data throughput reported by performing the tests with varying ensemble sizes, respectively. As seen, the proposed scheme of direct data transfer outperforms the scheme of file I/O-based data transfer, and it achieves from \(758.3\,\%\) to \(2933.3\,\%\) data rate improvements for the selected test cases. Particularly, improvements are getting remarkable while the ensemble size is getting larger that indicates more data are required to be processed.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

I/O data throughput utilizing file I/O and direct data transfer.

Another noticeable issue, implied by the figures, is the fact that the larger the amount of data is to be exchanged, the higher the benefits become by utilizing the direct data transfer method.

4.3 Summary

With respect to comparing direct data transfer and file I/O based data transfer, we emphasize the following two key observations. First, with increasing number of processes, direct data transfer yields better relative performance. Second, the more time reduction and higher data throughput can be achieved with the growing size of the involved data. In brief, we conclude that the proposed file I/O middleware is able to significantly reduce the time required by exchanging data between the component models in the SCALE-LETKF workflow system.

Furthermore, the implemented I/O middleware offers a general framework for inter-component data exchange in netCDF-based workflow systems, where individually developed applications are coupled together. By accelerating the execution of such systems, we believe our middleware, facilitated with the direct data transfer functionality, is particularly important for systems with rigorous time constraints.

5 Concluding Remarks

This paper has proposed a general I/O middleware for Big Data processing, coupled workflows that are comprised of multiple netCDF-based and individually developed components. Our framework enables direct parallel data transfer among component models in order to reduce data exchange time, which we applied to the SCALE-LETKF data assimilation based weather forecasting system.

Experimental results on the K computer using up to 4800 nodes have shown that the proposed mechanism can significantly reduce the time spent on I/O operations among SCALE and LETKF. This achievement is useful for real-time weather forecasting in SCALE-LETKF or similar applications, because the I/O time does not noticeably increase while the problem scale is getting larger. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the benefit of larger data throughput increases with the growing amount of data that is required to be processed.

Enabling asynchronous data transfer so that communication and computation can be efficiently overlapped is an important item on the list of our future work. Furthermore, with asynchronous data transmission we also intend to explore the usage of direct RDMA operations between individual components so that any unnecessary buffering can be eliminated during the data exchange.