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Epiphyte Vegetation

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Ecology of Central European Forests


One important life form was largely overlooked in the previous chapters on forest vegetation, namely the algae, lichens and bryophytes that colonise living trees and dead wood as epiphytes. These generally inconspicuous mosaics of cryptogams have often been ignored in classical forest vegetation studies, but have been gaining attention as early and sensitive indicators of air pollution or naturalness of forests since about the 1960s. Moreover, cryptogams often represent a large proportion of the flora of forests, in many cases outnumbering vascular plants in terms of species numbers. For example, it is estimated that central European beech forests are colonised by about 215 vascular plant species classified as ‘true’ forest species (Schmidt et al. 2003, 2011), equivalent to c. 7.2 % of the vascular flora. However, c. 190 bryophyte and c. 280 lichen species inhabit beech forests, i.e. c. 17 % of the respective flora. Thus, about two thirds of the beech forest flora (estimated at c. 685 plant species) are lichens and bryophytes. Epiphytes also can play an important role in nutrient cycling within forest ecosystems by influencing the amount and chemical composition of stemflow water, increasing fog interception in mountain forests and contributing to the fixation of CO2 and N2 by the forest vegetation.

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  • 13 April 2018

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Leuschner, C., Ellenberg, H. (2017). Epiphyte Vegetation. In: Ecology of Central European Forests. Springer, Cham.

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