
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

The Web of Data and the Linked Open Data Cloud have grown considerably over the last years and are continuing to grow steadily. Following the statistics of LODStats,Footnote 1 several thousands of RDF datasets can already be found online. With the growth of the number of datasets available as well as the growth of their size comes the problem of effectively detecting not only the links between the datasets (as studied in previous works [12]) but also of determining the datasets with which a novel dataset should be linked. A naive approach to linking these datasets would choose two datasets and check, whether they can be linked with each other. Such an approach would need \(\mathcal O(n^2)\) pairwise comparisons of datasets to find possible candidates of linking, which is clearly impracticable. Addressing the problem of finding relevant datasets for linking is however of crucial importance to facilitate the integration of novel datasets into the Linked Data Clouds as well as the discovery of relevant data sources in enterprise Linked Data [12].

In this paper, we study the search for similar datasets given an input dataset. In this context, we define two datasets as being similar if they cover the same topics and should thus be linked to each other. In particular, we aim to elucidate the question whether topic modelling (in particular LDA [3]) can be used to improve the search of similar datasets. To address this research question, we present different approaches pertaining to how datasets can be modelled for dataset search. We then compare these different modelling possibilities against the state of the art. Our findings are implemented into Tapioca, a search engine that takes a description of a dataset and searches for topically similar datasets that could be candidates for link discovery. Our engine learns topics of datasets by analysing their ontologies and uses these topics to map datasets to domains in a fuzzy manner. Based on this representation, Tapioca can compare the topic vector of an input dataset to datasets in its index so as to suggest topically similar datasets, which are assumed to be good candidates for linking. Note that we do not study the link discovery problem herein and address exclusively the search for data for linking under the assumption that datasets should be linked if they describe similar topics.

Our contributions are thus as follows:

  • We present six combinations of approaches for modelling data in RDF datasets that can be used for dataset search.

  • We apply topic modelling to these combinations, compare them with state-of-the-art baselines and show that topic modelling does lead to significant improvements over several baseline methods.

  • We provide a gold standard for dataset search and make it available for future research on the topic.

The rest of this paper is structured as follows: In Sect. 2 we present other approaches related to our work. Section 3 introduces Latent Dirichlet Allocation—a model from the probabilistic topic modelling domain. In Sect. 4, our novel approach for a dataset search engine is presented and subsequently evaluated in Sect. 5. Section 6 concludes this paper. More information on Tapioca, the data we used for the evaluation and a demo can be found at

2 Related Work

Link discovery is a task of central importance when publishing Linked Data [12]. While a large number of approaches have been devised for discovering links between datasets, the task at hand is a precursor of link discovery and can be regarded as a similarity computation task. The usage of document similarities that are based on topic modelling is well known and have been widely studied in previous works, e.g., in [14]. Especially for information retrieval applications, topic modelling has been used for documents containing natural language. Buntime et al. [4] developed an information retrieval system that is based on an hierarchical topic modelling algorithm to retrieve documents topically related to a given query. Lu et al. [10] analysed the effect of topic modelling for information retrieval. Their results show that while its performance is not good for a keyword search, it has a good performance for clustering and classification tasks in which only a coarse matching is needed and training data is sparse. We think that the task of retrieving similar linked datasets matches this task description.

The Semantic Web is already used for information retrieval tasks. For example, Hogan et al. [8] as well as Tummarello et al. [15] published approaches for semantic web search engines retrieving single entities and consolidated information about them given a keyword query. One of the problems that have to be solved for this task is the consolidation of retrieved entities. Since inside different datasets a single entity could have different URIs, the workflow of such a search engine has to have a consolidation step identifying URIs mentioning the same entity. In both approaches two resources are assumed to mention the same entity if (1) they are connected by an owl:sameAs propertyFootnote 2 or (2) both resources have an OWL inverse functional property with the same value. The values of such inverse functional properties are typically assumed to be unique, e.g., an e-mail address. This problem is further studied in [7]. These approaches differ from our topical search engine, since they can’t be used to identify topical similar datasets for linkage, because the entities must have been already linked—directly or indirectly by inverse functional properties.

The search engine proposed in [15] has an additional consolidation step summarising properties that are assumed to describe the same fact. This summary is created by using the name of the property, i.e., the last part of its URI. Additionally, the authors wrote that they want to use the labels of the properties in a future release of their search engine. This usage of labels or names of properties to decide whether they stand for a similar fact overlaps with our approach to detect topically similar datasets based on the labels of their properties or classes.

Kunze and Auer [9] proposed a search engine for RDF datasets that is mainly based on filters that work similar to a faceted search. For ranking, the authors use a similarity function that comprises different aspects. One of these aspects is called topical aspect and is based on the vocabularies, that are used inside the different datasets. We will use this aspect as a baseline for comparison and explain it in more detail in Sect. 5.1.

Recently, Sleeman et al. [13] proposed an approach to use topic modelling with RDF data. While their work has a similar basis it differs in many ways since it aims at other use cases. Their approach generates a single document for every entity described in a dataset while our approach creates documents that describe a complete dataset. Thus, their documents are based on a different set of triples and on different textual data gathered from the dataset.

3 Latent Dirichlet Allocation

3.1 Overview

Our approach uses Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to identify the topics of RDF datasets. LDA is a generative model for the creation of natural language documents [3]. This process is based on probabilistic sampling rules [14] and the following assumptions [3]:

  • Every topic is defined as a distribution over words \(\phi \) with higher probabilities for words that are essential for the topic.

  • A document is a mixture of topics. Thus, it has a distribution over topics \(\theta \).

The generation of a corpus based on a given vocabulary as well as the hyper parameters \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) is defined as follows:

  1. 1.

    Create the set of topics T by sampling a distribution over words \(\phi \) for every topic t using a dirichlet distribution and a prior \(\beta \).

  2. 2.

    Create every single document d of the corpus using the following steps.

    1. (a)

      Create a distribution over topics using a dirichlet distribution and the prior \(\alpha \).

    2. (b)

      For every word w in the document, choose a topic that creates it by sampling a topic index z from \(\theta ^{(d)}\).

    3. (c)

      Sample a word from the \(\phi ^{(z)}\) distribution of the topic \(t_z\).

$$\begin{aligned} \phi ^{(z)} \sim Dir(\beta )\quad \theta ^{(d)} \sim Dir(\alpha )\quad z \sim Discrete(\theta ^{(d)})\quad w \sim Discrete(\phi ^{(z)}) \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 1.
figure 1

LDA in plate notation [14].

Figure 1 shows the generative model using plate notation and Eq. 1 contains the relations between the elements. It can be seen that only the word tokens w are observable. All other elements are hidden and have to be derived from the observed word tokens. Therefore, several inference algorithms have been developed that try to estimate all hidden distributions [3, 6]. In our work, we use an inference algorithm that is based on Gibbs sampling [6]. Additionally, we use hyper parameter optimisation to automatically determine \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) during inference [16]. The inference algorithm generates the topics as distributions over words and the document’s distribution over topics.

3.2 Number of Topics

An important parameter of LDA inference is the number of topics. If this number is too low, the topic model is not able to describe the complexity of the training data. If it is too high, one of the model’s main assumption, i.e., the orthogonality of the topics, will not hold anymore. Thus, picking a good number of topics has a high influence on the model’s performance. Unfortunately, there is no general applicable method to determine a good number of topics for a given corpus. In this section, we present two different methods that we will apply to our use case during the evaluation. Both methods suggest to determine topic models with different numbers of topics. After the generation, the single models are evaluated regarding their quality using different approaches [1, 6].

The first approach is the calculation of \(P(\mathbf {w}|T)\) proposed by Griffiths and Steyvers [6]. \(\mathbf {w}\) is the set of all tokens present inside the corpus while T is the set of topics of the model. Thus, this probability shows how likely it is that the model could generate the corpus on which it has been trained. Since this probability is intractable, Griffiths and Steyvers presented an approximation by calculating the harmonic mean of a set of \(P(\mathbf {w}|\mathbf {z},T)\) where \(\mathbf {z}\) are topic assignments that are sampled from the posterior \(P(\mathbf {z}|\mathbf {w},T)\).

The second approach has been proposed by Arun et al. [1] and is based on the observation that LDA can be regarded as a non-negative matrix factorisation. This factorisation takes the corpus Matrix M of order \(|D| \times |V|\) into two matrices \(M_1\) of order \(|D| \times |T|\) and \(M_2\) of order \(|T| \times |V|\) where D is the set of documents, V is the vocabulary and T is the set of topics. The proposed measure—which we will call \(\mathcal A\) throughout the paper—is based on the idea that the sum of assignments to the single topics have to be the same in both matrices. But since the rows of both matrices represent probability distributions and are thus normalised, these sums cannot be used directly. Hence, \(\mathcal A\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {A}(M_1,M_2)= KL(v_{1}||v_{2}) + KL(v_{2}||v_{1}) \end{aligned}$$

where KL is the Kullback-Leibler divergence, \(v_1\) is the distribution of singular values of \(M_1\), \(v_{2}= L \times M_2\) and L is a vector containing the lengths of the single documents. [1] predicts that with an increasing number of topics the values of \(\mathcal {A}\) will decrease until a certain point and start to increase from that point on. They argue that the lowest point inside this dip is created by the model with the best number of topics [1].

4 Our Approach

The goal of Tapioca is to detect topically similar datasets with the aim of supporting the link discovery process. Ergo, given a dataset D and a set of datasets \(\mathcal {U} = \{D_1, D_2, \ldots , D_n\}\), our aim is to is to rank the datasets by their likelihood of containing resources that should be linked to resources in D. The basic assumption behind our approach towards this goal is that datasets that should be linked should have similar topics. Hence, we adopt a topic-based modelling of the problem.

The Tapioca search engine comprises three major components:

  1. 1.

    An index that contains known datasets,

  2. 2.

    A way to formulate a query and

  3. 3.

    A method to calculate the similarity between a given query and the indexed datasets.

Of these three, the most challenging component is the definition of topical similarity between datasets. A definition of a similarity automatically results in requirements for the indexing and querying components. Therefore, we concentrate on this similarity calculation and present our new probabilistic topic-modelling-based approach. We will use the two example datasets esd-columbia-gorge and esd-south-coast to explain our approach. These examples are derived from real RDF datasets generated from open government data published by the State of Oregon. They contain contracts that have been concluded by different education service districts in 2013. The Listings 1.1 and 1.2 show two example entities of these datatsets.Footnote 3

An RDF dataset contains two types of information that are relevant for our purposes: The first ones are the instances that are described inside a dataset. However, instance data is not a good starting point for finding topically similarities between two datasets, since there would have to be at least one instance both datasets have in common. This would be like comparing the two example datasets, i.e., names, titles, keywords and numbers, but without knowing that the data comprises contract data. In such a case, we could only be sure that the two datasets are similar if we were able to find instances that occur in both datasets.

figure a
figure b

A much more promising approach is to look at the structure of the datasets. By doing so, we would know that both datasets contain a class and properties related to contracts. Following these assumptions, our approach is based on extracting this structural metadata from a dataset and transform it into a description of the topically content of the dataset.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The single steps of our approach. The upper part shows the index phase in which the topic model is generated while the lower part shows the handling of a query dataset.

Our approach is thus based on three different steps as can be seen in Fig. 2. At first, the metadata of every single dataset is extracted. In the second step, the metadata is used to create a document describing the dataset. In the last step, a topic model is created based on the documents of the datasets. The resulting topic model and distributions enable a similarity calculation between single datasets based on their topic distribution. Additionally, the topic model can be used to determine the topic distribution of documents derived from new, unseen datasets. Thus, our approach is able to handle user input containing datasets that where not known during model inference. The steps underlying Tapioca are explained in more detail in the following subsections.

4.1 Metadata Extraction

Our approach for finding topical similarities between datasets is based on the metadata of these datasets and the RDF and OWL semanticsFootnote 4 which underlie the Linked Data Web. The metadata comprises the classes and properties used or defined inside a dataset. To every URI of a class or property a frequency count c is assigned, i.e., the number of entities of an extracted class or the number of triples of an extracted property. If a dataset contains metadata, i.e., triples with elements of the VOID Vocabulary, these information are extracted as well. After the extraction, classes and properties of the well-known vocabularies RDF, RDFS, OWL, SKOS and VOID are removed because these vocabularies do not contain any information about the topic of a dataset. Table 1 contains the URIs that would have been extracted from the two example datasets. Note, that the table does not contain the rdf:type property, because it has been removed as part of the RDF vocabulary.

Table 1. Example URIs extracted from the two example datasets.

4.2 Document Generation

The generation of a document describing a certain dataset is based on the metadata extracted from this dataset. First, URIs and their frequency counts c are selected from the metadata. After that, the labels of the URIs are retrieved. The last step comprises the generation of the document corresponding to the dataset at hand by filtering stop words and determining the frequency of the single words.

There are three different possibilities to use the URIs contained in the metadata of a dataset, leading to three different variants V. Variant \(V_{C}\) uses only the class URIs of the dataset, while \(V_{P}\) uses its property URIs. \(V_{CP}\) uses both URI types—classes and properties. Depending on the variant, the URIs and their counts are selected for the next step.

The labels of each of the selected URIs are retrieved and tokenized. This label retrieval is based on the list of URIs that have been identified as label containing properties by Ell et al. [5]. If there are no labels available, the vocabulary part of the URI is removed and the remaining part is used as label. If this generated label is written in camel case or contains symbols like underscores, it is split into multiple words. The derived words inherit the counts c of their URI. If more than one URI created the same word, their counts are summed up.

After generating a list of words all stop words are removedFootnote 5. After that the words are inserted into the document based on their frequency counts. Since LDA uses the bag-of-words assumption only the frequency of the words matters while their order makes no difference. However, using the extracted counts directly could result in large documents, because a dataset can contain millions of triples. Therefore, we tested two different variants to reduce the counts c to a manageable frequency f of a word inside the document. The first variant \(V_{{\cdot }U}\) inserts every word only once, therewith creating a list of unique words with \(f=1\). The second variant \(V_{{\cdot }L}\) uses the logarithm of the counts leading to \(f= r(log(c) + 1)\) where r is the rounding function which results the next integer value.

Thus, the whole document generation has six different variants—the product of three different URI selections and two different word frequency definitions. Throughout this paper we will use their abbreviations – \(V_{CU}\), \(V_{PU}\) and \(V_{CPU}\) for the variants that are using lists of unique words as well as \(V_{CL}\), \(V_{PL}\) and \(V_{CPL}\) for the logarithm based variants.

At the end of the Document Generation every dataset is represented by a single document. With the variant \(V_{CPU}\), the following two documents would have been created for the two example datasets.

$$\begin{aligned}&{\textit{contract type subcontract esd name award title contractor}}\\&\qquad {\textit{original start amendment date value amendments}}\\\\&{\textit{contract esd name award title type contractor information}}\\&\qquad \qquad \qquad {\textit{start date expiration amount}} \end{aligned}$$

4.3 Topic Model Inference

At this stage of our approach, there is a corpus containing a single document for every dataset. This corpus is used to generate a topic model using the LDA inference algorithm of the Mallet library [11]. The model comprises a distribution over topics for every document of the corpus (\(\theta ^{(d)}\)) and a distribution over words for every topic of the model (\(\phi ^{(t)}\)). The second type of distribution allows the inference of a \(\theta \) distribution for a new document not contained inside the training corpus.

In our simple example, there might be three topics. While the words subcontract, original, amendment, amendments and value are marked with the first topic, the second topic could contain the words information, expiration and amount. The third topic contains the remaining words.

4.4 Similarity Calculation

The similarity of two datasets \(d_1\) and \(d_2\) is defined as the similarity of their topic distributions \(\theta ^{(d_1)}\) and \(\theta ^{(d_2)}\). Since the topic distributions can be seen as vectors, we are using the cosine similarity of these vectors [14]Footnote 6.

$$\begin{aligned} sim(d_1,d_2)=\frac{\theta ^{(d_1)}\cdot \theta ^{(d_2)}}{\left| \theta ^{(d_1)}\right| \times \left| \theta ^{(d_2)}\right| } \end{aligned}$$

The esd-columbia-gorge document of our example would have \(\theta =\{\frac{5}{14},0,\frac{9}{14}\}\) while the esd-south-coast document has \(\theta =\{0,\frac{3}{12},\frac{9}{12}\}\). Thus, the similarity of our example datasets would be 0.829.

5 Evaluation

The aim of our evaluation was threefold. In the first experiment, we focused on the evaluation of the different possible combinations of the features for topic modelling against several baselines. In our second experiment, we evaluated the two approaches for detecting the best number of topics presented in Sect. 3.2 to test whether they can be applied to dataset search. In the third experiment, we repeated the first two experiments at a larger scale to show that our approach works with larger data as well.

The dataset used for the evaluation is based on RDF datasets that have been indexed by LODStats. We removed those datasets that had no English description or not at least one class URI or one property URI of a vocabulary, that is not filtered out by our approach. The remaining evaluation dataset contained 1680 RDF datasets with 776 213 346 triples.

5.1 Baselines

We compare our approach with three baselines from the field of Information Retrieval as well as the Semantic Web. The first baseline is tf-idf [2] for which we extracted the metadata and generate a document for every dataset as described in Sects. 4.1 and 4.2. Let D be the set of known documents and V the vocabulary containing all known words w. Let tf(dw) be the number of times the word w occurs inside the document d and let \(D_w\) be the set of documents that contain w at least once. Then, a vector can be generated for every document d by calculating a tf-idf value for every word w using

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{tf-idf}}\left( d,w \right) = tf(d, w) * idf(d, w)\quad \text {with}\quad idf(d, w) = \log \frac{\left| D \right| }{\left| D_w \right| }. \end{aligned}$$

Since tf-idf uses term frequencies and an instantiation of the single words is not needed, we used the pure frequencies instead of the logarithm or unique variant. After generating a vector for every document, the cosine similarity can be calculated.

The second baseline is the topical aspect \(\left( BL_T \right) \) used by Kunze and Auer [9] as part of their RDF search engine described in Sect. 2. The main idea of this topical aspect is to identify topically similar datasets based on the vocabularies that are used inside the datasets, i.e., the datasets contain URIs of the same vocabularies. Let D be the set of all known datasets and \(d_1, d_2 \in D\). Let V be the union of the vocabularies used in \(d_1\) or \(d_2\) and let \(D_v\) be the set of all known datasets that are using the vocabulary v. Than, the \(BL_T\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} BL_T\left( d_1, d_2 \right) = \sum _{v \in V} w(v)g(d_1,v)g(d_2,v)\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \text {with} \quad w(v) =-\log q(v)\quad \text {and}\quad q(v)&=\frac{\left| D_v \right| }{\left| D \right| }, \end{aligned}$$

where g(dv) is a function that returns 1 if the vocabulary v is used inside the dataset d or 0 otherwise. The weighting function w(v) is inspired by the idf term of the tf-idf function. Thus, the more datasets are using the vocabulary, the less important it is for the topical similarity and the lower its weighting [9].

The last baseline is using Apache LuceneFootnote 7. The generated documents are indexed using the standard analysis of Lucene, i.e., the documents are tokenized, the tokens are transformed into their lower-cased form and Lucene’s stop word filter is applied. For every dataset, its document is used to generate a weighted boolean query containing the words of the documents and their counts as weights. This query is used to retrieve similar documents from the index together with Lucene’s similarity score for them.

5.2 Experiment I

For the first experiment, we randomly selected 100 RDF datasets to generate a gold standard. Two researchers independently determined topically similar datasets. For solving this task, they got the description of those datasets as well as the possibility to take a deeper look inside the data itself. The ratings of both researchers were compared and showed an inter-rater agreement of 97.58 %. Cases in which the ratings differed were discussed to compile a final rating. With this approach 86 dataset pairs could be identify as topically similar.Footnote 8 Table 2 shows the features of the corpora that have been created by the different variants of our approach based on these 100 datasets (3 659 152 triples).

For all six approaches presented above, we calculated the similarities of every dataset to every other dataset using the leave-one-out method: One dataset was used as query while the topic model was trained using the other 99 datasets of the gold standard. The result of this step was a ranked and scored list of corresponding datasets for each of the datasets in our gold standard. We then searched for a similarity threshold that led to a maximal F1-score over all datasets. For every variation of our approach, we run experiments in the range of [2, 200] topics. Since the F1-score of the variant \(V_{AL}\) was still rising near 200 topics, we further increased the number of topics for this variant until 500.Footnote 9

Table 2. Features of the corpora generated by the different variants.
Fig. 3.
figure 3

The F1-scores of the three unique word based variants.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The F1-scores of the three logarithm based variants.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The F1-scores of \(V_{AL}\) for different numbers of topics in the range [2, 500].

The best F1-scores that were achieved by the different variants and the different baselines are shown in Table 3. Based on this data, our approach clearly outperforms all baselines if the document generation is based only on properties and logarithmic counts. Moreover, our approach performs much better with logarithmic counts than with unique word frequencies. In Fig. 3, we also see that with varying numbers of topics \(V_{AU}\) and \(V_{CU}\) stay at a low level. Only \(V_{PU}\) achieves competitive F1-scores. We think that this has two causes. First, the unique-based variants do not assign a weight to the labels regarding the importance that a class or a property has inside a dataset. Secondly, it has already been shown that LDA does not perform well on short documents in which many different words appear rarely, e.g., messages of short messaging services [17].

Table 3. Best F1-scores achieved by the different variants and the baselines. In the most left column, there are the results for the variants \(V_{CL}\), \(V_{PL}\) and \(V_{AL}\) while the results of \(V_{CU}\), \(V_{PU}\) and \(V_{AU}\) are in the second most left column.

Regarding the URIs used for the document creation, it can be seen that all approaches show a poor performance if they are only based on classes. These variants are only able to find similar datasets if the similarity is very obvious, e.g., different eagle-iFootnote 10 datasets that are using the same vocabularies. Additionally, they have the drawback, that only 88 out of the 100 datasets define or use classes which makes them unable to calculate similarities for 12 datasets.

Another observation of the experiment is that \(BL_T\) does not perform well. Thus, the assumption that topically similar datasets are using the same vocabularies does not hold in reality. One core reason might be that many of the datasets we consider have been generated automatically from tables or CSV files. Every generated dataset has an own, generated vocabulary URI like the two example datasets in Sect. 4.

The Figs. 3, 4 and 5 show the influence of the number of topics on the models performance. For \(V_{PL}\), \(V_{AL}\) and \(V_{PU}\), there is a range of numbers of topics in which the F1-score is maximised. Models with too few topics have a much worse performance while—especially for \(V_{PL}\) and \(V_{AL}\)—the performance deterioration caused by too many topics is rather small. Thus, we can summarise that finding a good number of topics is important for our approach. However, in case an exact number cannot be determined, a high number of topics should be preferred.

5.3 Experiment II

Based on the results of the first experiment, we evaluated whether the two approaches for determining a good number of topics presented in Sect. 3.2 are useful in the present use case. Thus, for the topic range [2,200] we generated topic models using all documents of the gold standard datasets that have been generated by the \(V_{PL}\) variant of our approach. For every number of topics we generated five models, calculated \(P(\mathbf {w}|T)\) as well as \(\mathcal A\) and determined the average values of these five runs.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Average \(\log (P(\mathbf {w}|T))\) calculated on the gold standard corpus of the \(V_{PL}\) variant.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Average values of \(\mathcal A\) calculated on the gold standard corpus of the \(V_{PL}\) variant.

Table 4. Best F1-scores achieved by Tapioca and the baselines for the complete LODStats corpus.
Fig. 8.
figure 8

The F1-scores of \(V_{PL}\) calculated on the complete LODStats corpus for different numbers of topics.

Figure 6 shows the average logarithm of \(P(\mathbf {w}|T)\) and reveals that the probability increases steadily with an increasing number of topics. Thus, this method would recommend a much higher number of topics than the 61 topics with which the \(V_{PL}\) variant performed best. The average value of \(\mathcal A\) is shown in Fig. 7. The curve shows a dip as described by Arun et al. [1]. But the minimum value of this dip has been achieved by models with 11 topics with which \(V_{PL}\) has only an F1-score of 0.21.

From this experiment, we can summarise that none of these approaches seems to be appropriate to determine a good number of topics for our use case. Therefore, we have to fall back on a simple alternative that we will present during the third experiment.

5.4 Experiment III

To evaluate whether our approach can handle a larger number of datasets, we repeated the first two experiments but trained the model on the complete LODStats dataset. In detail, this means that for every dataset of the gold standard, we removed it from the set of all 1 680 LODStats datasets. We trained the variant \(V_{PL}\) of our approach on the 1 679 remaining datasets and calculated the similarity between the removed dataset and the other 99 datasets contained in the model. After that we compared the similarities with the gold standard and searched the similarity threshold that maximised the F1-score. Using the \(V_{PL}\) document creation, the 1 680 documents of the complete LODStats dataset comprise 175 080 tokens of 5 816 different words.

Figure 8 shows the F1-score achieved by \(V_{PL}\). The maximum F1-score of 0.538 was achieved by a model with 284 topics. The results in Table 4 show that even with a much larger input our approach is able to achieve an F1-score that is higher than the scores of the baselines and comparable to the score achieved in the first experiment.

We repeated the calculation of \(P(\mathbf {w}|T)\) and \(\mathcal A\) for the complete LODStats corpus (for the sake of space, we do not show the resulting figures since they are similar to the results of the second experiment). While the average value of \(P(\mathbf {w}|T)\) increases steadily with a larger number of topics, the minimum of the average value of \(\mathcal A\) is at 33 where the F1-score is only 0.336. But since the gold standard is part of the dataset our search engine indexes, we can use it as a pragmatic way to determine a good number of topics. This pragmatic method assumes that a good topic model that has been trained on the datasets of the gold standard and additional datasets should give a high F1-score if it is compared to the gold standard. Thus, in practice we shall train multiple models with different numbers of topics on the same large dataset that comprises the gold standard datasets and use the model that achieves the highest F1-score compared to the gold standard.

6 Conclusion

The aim of this work was to present Tapioca—a search engine that tackles the problem of finding topically similar linked datasets inside the LOD cloud. With this search engine we address the gap between creating an RDF dataset and linking it to other datasets. Our evaluation shows that our approach is better than several baselines and performs well on a large number of datasets. We could identify different parts of a datasets metadata and show that the properties are most important for determining the datasets topic. Additionally, we created a gold standard for this task that can be downloaded from the projects web pageFootnote 11.

The most challenging future task is the search for a good number of topics that can be used to generate the topic model and that is not bound to the gold standard created by us. Besides this, another challenge is the handling of classes and properties that only have labels in foreign languages instead of English. Additionally, we want to increase the search engine’s usability, including a tool with which a user can extract the metadata from its own dataset easily.