
1 Introduction

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a common disorder that impacts 1 in 68 children in the US [1]. Evidence suggests that early detection and intervention is critical to optimal treatment for ASD [2, 3]. Given the resource limitations in the healthcare system, technology-assisted approaches are being considered as potential intervention platforms due to their flexibility, controllability, duplicability, and cost effectiveness [49].

Previous work has examined technological interventions for older children with ASD. Feil-Seifer et al. [10] and Greczek et al. [11] proposed graded cueing mechanism for teaching imitation skills to children with ASD. Zheng et al. [12] studied adaptive gestures imitation training with fully autonomous robotic systems. Lahiri et al. [13], Wade et al. [8], and Herrera et al. [9] designed adaptive virtual reality response technologies for children with ASD in terms of conversation, a driving game, and symbolic game playing, respectively. While most of the existing technology-assisted intervention platforms target preschool or school-aged children, very few systems [14, 15] have been designed for potential applications to infants and toddlers, an age when the brain is still considered quite malleable. Robust systems capable of addressing meaningful core skill deficits during this time of neuroplasticity and prior to the full manifestation of ASD impairments could therefore have powerful impacts on children’s long-term development.

We present a computer-assisted intervention system ultimately designed for use with infants and toddlers at risk for ASD. This system will address early social communication and social orienting skills, specifically response to name (RTN). Many children with ASD fail to orient to their names when called, nor do they share other core social attention bids with their caregivers as infants. These early orienting deficits often result in numerous lost social learning opportunities. The ultimate goal of the RTN protocol is to have the child successfully respond to caregiver’s attempts to garner attention by calling his/her name from a variety of locations within the learning environment. The novel learning environment consists of:

  • A spatially distributed name prompting system;

  • A wide range attention detection system;

  • An attractor that can help shift the child’s gaze from the current location to the target location;

  • A feedback mechanism to encourage the child. The integrated system works autonomously, and provides numerous practice sessions.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the system design. Section 3 presents the experimental setup. The experimental results are discussed in Sect. 4, and Sect. 5 draws conclusions about this work.

2 System Design

2.1 System Architecture

The proposed system was integrated as shown in Fig. 1. A supervisory controller (SC) controls the global execution logic. SC initializes the prompting sub-system and activates the name prompting or attractors as needed. It simultaneously receives the participant’s gaze response from the attention tracking sub-system as feedback to make future decisions.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Global system structure

Figure 2 shows the experiment room layout. Five monitors in the name prompting sub-system covered a large range of the room to generate name calling prompts and provide attention attractors. The participant’s attention was tracked by the 4 cameras in the Attention tracking Sub-system. If the child did not look at the target monitor, then a bouncing ball appeared in a monitor closest to his/her gaze direction and bounced towards the target monitor. If the participant still looked away, then special motion and sound effects were added to the bouncing ball to enhance the attractor’s effect. If the participant looked at the target screen (target hit) during this procedure, then a reward video was displayed with a firework animation. We hypothesized that the attractor would reorient the participant towards the name calling location since children with ASD were shown to be attracted to inanimate objects. Such repeated practice and reward could teach children to develop an association between their names being called and looking towards the person, which may eventually lead to the development of RTN skills.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Experiment room layout

2.2 Name Prompting Sub-System

As shown in Fig. 2, the name prompting system consisted of 5 monitors positioned in a half circle. The participant was seated in the chair in the center of the circle. The center of Monitor1 to the center of Monitor5 created a view of 180° in yaw angle from the perspective of the participant. The radius of the monitor circle was 110 cm and the length of the monitor was 70 cm, so the display region was about 34° across for each monitor. The origin of the whole system was the center of the monitor half circle with a height of 120 cm. The X, Y, and Z axes in Fig. 1 are marked with the half-transparent wide arrows. Z axis points up. When the participant was seated in the chair, the head of the participant was on the origin of the system. Each monitor was 43 cm in height, and the participant’s eye was around the lower edge of the monitor. Each monitor was linked with a speaker. The five speakers behind the five monitors were driven by the 5.1 surround sound speaker system to provide stereo sound effect. All the visual and audio displays were programed with the Unity [16] game engine. The displays included: (1) a prerecorded name calling video from an experienced therapist; (2) a bouncing ball as the attention attractor, with different sound and motion effects; (3) a reward video and animation; (4) welcome and instruction videos; and (5) warm-up cartoon videos. Those displays on each monitor were controlled individually as a client by the supervisory controller.

2.3 Attention Tracking Sub-System

The attention direction, or the gaze, was computed from the head pose. As shown in Fig. 2, four cameras were embedded in the attention tracking system. Each camera was driven by the IntraFace [17] software, which computed the head pose using a supervised descent method [18]. While there are other algorithms [19, 20] on head pose estimation from a single camera, we chose this algorithm due to its robustness, high precision of detection, and real-time computation ability. Each camera’s detection range was around [-40°, 40°] in yaw, [-30°, 30°] in pitch and [-30°, 30°] in roll with respect to the camera frame. In other word, if the participant faced a camera within those ranges, the head pose was tractable. As the name prompting sub-system prompted from a much larger range than a single camera’s detection range, we applied an array of 4 cameras to expand the detection range as needed. By arranging the cameras along a half circle concentric with the monitor half circle, the participant’s frontal face could be captured by at least one of the cameras when he/she looked toward any of the monitors. The angle between the adjacent cameras’ optical axes was 45°, and all the cameras were calibrated to make their optical axes intersect at the origin of the global frame. All four cameras were set up at the same height of 120 cm and the transformation matrix R GC from the camera’s frame and global frame was computed. By arranging the cameras as in Fig. 2, each individual camera’s detection was transferred and seamlessly merged in the global frame. The actual detection range used for the system was [-17°, 197°] from the right to the left side in yaw, [-30°, 21°] from up to down in pitch and [-30°, 30°] from lower left to lower right in roll. This range covered the full display space.

If more than one camera detected the head pose at the same time, the result from the camera with the smallest detected yaw angle was chosen for transformation. A vector \( V_{face}^{camera} \), which represents the frontal face orientation in the camera frame was then transformed as \( V_{face}^{global} = R_{GC} V_{face}^{camera} \) in the global frame. We found that the participant’s sidewise gaze direction was usually larger than the sidewise head turn, therefore the horizontal component of the angle between \( V_{face}^{global} \) and the X axis was amplified by 120 % to approximate the gaze to the side. The ratio of 120 % was found to be reasonable with a small study with 3 adults. If the extended line from \( V_{face}^{global} \) crossed with the target monitor’s region, then a target hit was detected.

3 Experimental Setup

3.1 Task and Protocol

The flowchart for the user study is shown in Fig. 3. Each participant completed a single experimental session consisting of the following steps. First, a welcome video was played, followed by a fun video (Sesame Street) displayed on all five monitors, (one at a time). This helped participants understand that a video could be displayed on those positions. After 5 trials of RTN another fun video was shown to prevent the participants from getting bored. Another 5 trials followed the break and finally the whole experiments ended up with a “Good-bye” video.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Experimental procedure

The prompting levels of a RTN trial are listed in Table 1. The first level of prompt was a prerecorded name calling video displayed on the target monitor, where a therapist called the name of the participant twice. From prompt Level 2, a red bouncing ball appeared as the attention attractor. If the participant did not look at the target monitor within their name being called two times, the red ball started bouncing, starting at the direction of the participant’s gaze and moving towards the target monitor. At the same time, the name calling video display was repeated at the target monitor. If the participant still did not look at the target monitor, the prompt Level 3 was introduced. Level 3 was the same as Level 2, except that the red ball bounced at the participant’s gaze direction for 2 s before repeating the steps of Level 2. This initialized bouncing on the fixed position was designed to help the participant notice and focus on the attention attractor. If the participant still did not find the target monitor successfully, Level 4 was provided as the last level of prompting. Level 4 added a sound effect to the Level 3 prompts to make the bouncing ball more attractive. At any time during the 4 levels of prompts, if the participant looked at the target at any time, the prompting would be stopped and a reward video was displayed with a firework animation. The reward video was prerecorded by the same therapist in the name calling video saying, “Good job! You found me!” Even if the participant never looked at the target monitor, the rewards were still displayed for encouragement.

Table 1. Name Prompting Levels

3.2 Participants

The participants for the user study consisted of 5 typically developing (TD) children with the average age of 1.38 years and 5 children with ASD with an average age of 2.26 years. The children were recruited from a research registry of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. Children with ASD had confirmed diagnoses by a clinician based on DSM-IV-TR [21] criteria. They met the spectrum cut-off on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) [22], and had existing data regarding cognitive abilities (Intelligent Quotient, or IQ) in the registry. Parents of participants in both groups completed the Social Responsiveness Scale– Second Edition (SRS-2) to index current ASD symptoms. The study was approved by the Vanderbilt University Institutional Review Board. The characteristics of the participants are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Participant Characteristics

The age range of the participants with ASD in this study was consistent with the age that many young children are able to be reliably diagnosed [23]. Therefore, this group provided the data regarding practicality of the proposed system for early intervention for children with ASD. Given that research has highlighted the importance of early screening and intervention for ASD in children, particularly those in high risk groups (such as infant siblings) [3], we recruited the TD group with an average age lower than the typical age of ASD diagnosis to test its use with younger infants. Note that since the TD group was younger than the group with ASD, the results from each group were not directly comparable due to developmental differences. Instead, the results of each group were analyzed separately.

4 Experimental Results

All participants successfully completed all parts of the experiment. Their parents, the supervisory therapist as well as the engineers qualitatively noted that the participants were engaged in the tasks and seemed to enjoy the procedures. We investigated 2 important aspects of the participants’ responses:

  • The prompt level that the participants needed to hit the target. This signified how well the participant performed in the RTN tasks.

  • How long the participants took from the start of the name calling until they looked at the target monitor.

4.1 Results of Participants with ASD

All participants with ASD eventually hit the target across all trials. 41 target hits were on prompt Level 1 and 9 target hits were on prompt Level 2. Table 3 lists the mean and standard deviation of the target hit prompt level and the time spent from the start of the name prompting to the target hit. On average, this group needed a prompt level of 1.18 to hit the target. The average time spent to hit the target was 1.85 s. Given that one name calling period from the name prompt video was around 2 s, we can see that the participants with ASD generally responded to their names the first time it was called.

Table 3. Results of Participants with ASD

4.2 Results of TD Participants

The TD participants hit the target in 49 trials in the whole experiment. 40 target hits were on prompt Level 1 and 9 target hits were on prompt Level 2. Table 4 lists the average and standard deviation of the target hit prompt level and the time spent from the start of the name prompting to the target hit of TD group. We can see that on average, this group needed a prompt level of 1.26 to hit the target. The average time spent to hit the target was 2.87 s. Overall, TD participants responded to their names on the second call.

Table 4. Results of TD participants

5 Discussion and Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed a computer-assisted system to help infants and toddlers with, and at risk of, ASD learn response to name skills. The system consisted of a name prompting sub-system and an attention tracking sub-system. The name prompting sub-system covered a wide range (over 180° yaw angle) in space to simulate a free and natural name calling environment. To detect the participant’s response within this broad environment, we formed a closed loop system by introducing a wide range attention tracking sub-system that collaborated with the name prompting system.

The proposed system prompted name calling in a reinforced pattern and with an assistive attention attractor. During the name prompting training trials, if the participants could not respond to their names being called at a low prompting level, a higher prompting level was introduced with a red bouncing ball attractor to help shift the participant’s gaze toward the target.

A user study was conducted to test the effectiveness of the proposed system on toddlers with ASD and infants. This allowed us to test the system on children with existing diagnoses as well as children who could be considered at risk of later diagnosis. The experimental results showed that the system and task protocol were well tolerated by the participants. They showed engagement during the intervention and performed well in response to name calling. Meanwhile, we found that the participants mainly utilized prompt Level 1 and Level 2. This revealed that the difficulty level of the name calling stimuli can be increased to scaffold the learning procedure and take advantage of advanced attention attractors. Based on these preliminary results, we will further investigate the children’s response to more difficult name calling stimuli, such as audio only prompts from different directions. Furthermore, we will study the effect of the advanced attention attractor (Level 3 and Level 4) in the upgraded prompting environment.