
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

The print and online versions of the book contain some errors, and the corrections to these versions are given below:

  • Page 188, Theorem 12.1: Lines 1 to 5 end with: “3pt”. Please eliminate 3pt in all these instances.

  • Page 191 in the line immediately before “Much in the same vein . . ”: replace Φ Γ with \(\varPhi _{{\varGamma }^{\otimes }}\).

  • Page 299 in the line immediately afer (14.1): Replace ‘where f ∈ C 1(E) and x ∈ E is namely’ with ‘where f ∈ C 1(E) and x ∈ E are chosen so that the right side makes sense, namely’.

  • Page 314, line 3: Put a blank space after ‘satisfy’.

  • Page 341, Reference [76]: Replace “in preparation” with “Springer, 2015”.